Xenia asks:

What is the chance of getting pregnant if you have sex without using a condom?

A single sexual intercourse without a condom rarely ends pregnancy. With regular unprotected sex for 1 month, the probability of pregnancy is on average 15-20%. If a couple has regular unprotected sex throughout the year, then the possibility of pregnancy increases significantly and amounts to 80-90%.

The likelihood of getting pregnant during sex without a condom largely depends on the day of the menstrual cycle and its regularity:

  • the highest probability of pregnancy is the middle of the cycle (14-15 days with a cycle of 28 days);

  • the least chance of pregnancy is the first days after menses and the last days of the cycle.

Olga asks:

Hello! I am 17 years old. I had sex without a condom, but the guy didn’t cum in me, but after sex, a transparent liquid leaked out of my vagina, what is it if the guy didn’t cum in me? somewhere on 06/07/14. Sexual intercourse was on 05/25. And what is the probability that I could get pregnant, how many percent? Thank you very much for the answer.

During sexual intercourse, mucus is produced in the vagina, which can be quite large. If there was no ejaculation in the vagina, then the probability of pregnancy is excluded, so there is no reason for concern. You can get additional information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. Additional information can also be found in the following section of our website: sexual relations

Artem asks:

Haven't seen the girl in a month. Upon her arrival, feelings flooded in and we had sex. There were no condoms. The act lasted 25-35 minutes. I didn't finish inside. What is the chance of getting pregnant?

In the absence of ejaculation in the vagina, the risk of pregnancy is practically excluded. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in a series of articles: sexual relations

Lena asks:

Hello, I am 20 years old, on the 8th day after the end of menstruation, I made love with a guy, naturally in a condom, after that my back and lower abdomen began to hurt a little, and immediately the next day, what could it be and what is the probability of pregnancy, Thanks.

If the sexual intercourse was protected, then the probability of pregnancy is excluded, so there is no cause for concern. Your symptoms may be associated with excessive worries, stress, inflammatory processes in the small pelvis, so I recommend that you personally visit your gynecologist for an examination and a smear. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in a series of articles: sexual relations. You can find additional information in the following section of our website: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Anna asks:

Hello, my last intercourse was 3 months ago (protected). Maybe a little grease got through the hands. After that I had 3 periods. The first time on June 18 is a little less than usual, and the second on July 10 and the third on August 12 as usual. I did tests 3, 5, 8 weeks after intercourse - negative, but on one a pale strip appeared and disappeared, but I immediately did a second test and there was 1 strip. Now I'm feeling a little nauseous, and there are signs of the approach of menstruation. can i be pregnant or is it self suggestion?

Pregnancy according to the data you provided is absolutely excluded, given the protected sexual intercourse, menstruation that comes after this repeatedly, so there is absolutely no reason for concern. An incorrect procedure for conducting a pregnancy test or an error in interpreting the results cannot be ruled out.

Julius asks:

Menstruation ended on September 8 (beginning 4), 22 was PA not protected, after 7 hours I drank postinor, according to the instructions. I am expecting my period on October 4th. There was no red discharge, but there is white with a slight yellow. What is the chance of B?

Considering that the emergency contraceptive Postinor was taken in a timely manner, there is no risk of unwanted pregnancy, so there is no reason to worry. As a rule, after taking this medication, spotting begins after 6 days, but in some cases they may be absent, so do not worry. We recommend continuing to use barrier methods of contraception.

Anya asks:

Hello! On the 27th I had unprotected sex, the guy didn’t finish inside. I should have my period, but I don’t have any. Why?

If there was an interrupted sexual intercourse, then the probability of pregnancy is practically excluded. We recommend that you do not worry, continue to use barrier methods of contraception and wait for the onset of the next menstruation. Delayed menstruation can be caused by stress, overwork, hormonal imbalance in the body, etc.

Anton asks:

Hello! the question is! There was a sexual intercourse with a girl at first without a condom, there was no ejaculation! Decided to wear a condom! and only then when he started to finish took out! that is, he finished in a condom before taking it out !! is there a chance that the girl will become pregnant!????

Anton comments:

Hello!!! Help me please! There was sexual intercourse! Protected but the condom fell off! didn't cum in the vagina! the condom was left inside! but there is no such certainty that it is still possible that something got inside !! Should I wait for pregnancy !! ??

masha asks:

Hello! 10 days ago I had unprotected intercourse, nothing got inside. On October 1, I was supposed to have my period. But they are not there. I did tests by Bona, they are negative. How can I cause menstruation? Or when can I expect my period?

In this situation, taking into account the fact that ejaculation in the vagina did not occur, the likelihood of pregnancy is excluded. In addition to the onset of pregnancy, a delay in menstruation can be caused by stress, anxiety, excessive worries, hormonal imbalance, a violation of the usual diet and lifestyle, and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. We recommend that you personally visit the attending gynecologist with a long delay in menstruation (more than 10 days). If necessary, the attending physician will prescribe additional tests for you (smear, blood test for sex hormones, ultrasound, etc.).

Marina asks:

And in what proportion should elecampane be brewed?

It all depends on what disease you intend to use this remedy for. Please indicate the purpose for which you plan to use it and we will advise you on the correct preparation of the decoction.

Marina asks:

Is it true that ascorbic acid can cause menstruation with a delay? If so, how much do you need to eat them per day to start these days ???

A large dose of ascorbic acid can provoke an early termination of pregnancy, but this drug is not used for this purpose and the dosage for such situations is not provided. If you need to terminate the pregnancy in the early stages, we recommend that you personally visit the attending gynecologist, who will give you appropriate recommendations.

katya asks:

How true are pregnancy tests for teens? Yesterday I drank 100 g of elecampane. How many days do you need to drink it and how many grams to induce menstruation? (I'm 15)

Pregnancy tests, as a rule, when carried out according to the instructions, are reliable and allow you to diagnose pregnancy in a timely manner. If the result is doubtful, we recommend taking a blood test for hCG. If you need to terminate the pregnancy, you should personally contact the attending gynecologist, who will direct you to terminate the pregnancy - by medication or by curettage of the uterine cavity. Do not self-medicate, as this is fraught with serious consequences. In addition, it should be borne in mind that elecampane in traditional medicine is not used to terminate a pregnancy.

Anna asks:

Hello. Yesterday, on the 26th day of the cycle (the cycle is approximately 28-30 days), I had PA, the first 5-7 minutes I was unprotected, then with a condom. after about 2-3 days there should be menstruation, for the second day the stomach hurts, as with PMS. I heard that in the process a lubricant is released, in which there may be spermatozoa. What are the chances of getting pregnant? I write down my cycles in a special program and measure BT, judging by the program and BT, on the 11-12th day there was a temperature jump from 36.6 to 36.4, then the temperature rose to 37. Yesterday it was 36.9, and this morning 37, 1 almost. What could cause such a jump in temperature? Thanks for the answer.

The probability of conception, taking into account protected intercourse and the phase of the menstrual cycle, is excluded, so there is no reason for concern. A jump in basal temperature can be associated not only with ovulation, but also with other factors of mental and physical health, in particular, an increase is possible after intercourse, against the background of stress, alcohol intake, lack of sleep, severe overwork, intestinal disorders, etc.

Yura asks:

On 10/09/14 I had sexual intercourse with a partner, and as a result I ended up in her vagina, what percentage is it for her to become pregnant?

The likelihood of pregnancy depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Please tell us the date of the beginning of the girl's menstrual cycle and the average duration of the menstrual cycle. Based on these data, we will be able to calculate the phase of ovulation and, accordingly, determine whether pregnancy could have occurred from 10/09/14.

Vladilen asks:

Could a girl get pregnant if I didn't cum inside her and was wearing a condom?

In this situation, the probability of pregnancy is absolutely excluded, given that the sexual intercourse was protected. There is no reason to worry in this situation. We recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception, and if you have a regular sexual life, consult a gynecologist regarding the selection of adequate contraception.

Tanya asks:

I lost my virginity with a guy, the sexual intercourse was not protected, but he didn’t finish in me, he said so and I didn’t feel what was the probability that I could get pregnant?

In the event that you are not sure whether there was an ejaculation in the vagina during intercourse or not, we recommend that you do a pregnancy test when you delay the next menstruation. You can also take a blood test for hCG 7-10 days after sexual intercourse, which will reliably and at the same time diagnose pregnancy in a timely manner.

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon! I had PA on the 11th day of the cycle, the average duration of the cycle was 28. They started having sex in a condom, but after the end of the act, the partner did not find it, as it turned out, apparently, he jumped off. So the ejaculation was in me. What are the chances of getting pregnant?

With a menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, the ovulation phase falls on days 11-19 of the cycle, so there is a chance of pregnancy. If you delay your next period, we recommend that you do a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG 7-10 days after unprotected intercourse, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

For many couples, it happens that a condom breaks during sex or passion surges so suddenly that contraceptives are not at hand. Or the man simply could not control himself, and the sperm ended up in the woman. In such a delicate situation, it is quite common for partners to experience a feeling of panic, especially if neither of them is ready for the birth of a child. What to do if a man finished in a girl?

Cum in a girl: what to do

In such a situation, immediate action must be taken. After the sperm was in the girl, you need to wipe off the excess with a towel or napkin. After that, the girl should go to the shower and thoroughly wash all traces of sperm in the vagina with a strong pressure of warm water. This will only help to get rid of those spermatozoa that did not have time to penetrate deeply.

In order to be calm, it is advisable to know your menstrual cycle, because there are practically safe days when fertilization is not physiologically possible. If, nevertheless, the thought still pulsates in my head, what should I do if the guy finished in me ?! It is worth turning to medical methods, and more specifically, to methods of emergency contraception. There are a lot of pills for this purpose, but not all of them are equally useful for the female body.

The most famous and widespread drug in Russia is postinor. In almost all forums, when asked what to do if you finished in you, you will be advised to take postinor, but think for yourself, these pills are extremely harmful to the hormonal and nervous systems of a woman, and in most countries it is generally prohibited for free sale.

Postinor has several safer alternatives - escapelle, ginepriston, zhenale. These drugs do not have such a strong effect on the hormonal system, but nevertheless, if you decide to use the method of emergency contraception, you must carefully read the instructions. The postcoital method of contraception can be used within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Therefore, you will have time to weigh all the pros and cons. These drugs have a high success rate, about 95%, which means that if you decide to take this step, then the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to almost zero. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice.

Even with the correct intake of the drug, there is a minimal chance that the fertilization of the egg will occur, therefore, with a delay in menstruation, it is recommended to do an express pregnancy test.

If you have a regular sex life, then you need to take care of more reliable methods of contraception. In addition, it is important that your partner understands that he finished in a girl, what to do next, you need to think together.

Questions. What to do if the guy finished? Folk emergency methods of contraception

The beginning of a sexual life for girls is always an exciting and crucial moment. After all, they are not always ready to become mothers. That is why, quite often, young girls are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the guy has not finished, i.e. ejaculation occurred outside the vagina. Let's try to understand this situation.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the partner has not finished?

It is worth saying that in sexology this phenomenon is called (PA). This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is quite actively used by young couples. The explanation for this fact is the simplicity, as well as the absence of the need to purchase additional ones. Indeed, quite often young people are simply embarrassed to buy condoms.

However, is this method of contraception so safe, is it possible to get pregnant without cumming inside? The answer is unequivocal, no. But, several facts must be taken into account.

Despite the fact that the lubricant that is released from the penis during intercourse does not contain germ cells, the likelihood of pregnancy after interrupted intercourse still exists. And here it all depends on the "professionalism" of the man.

Why is conception possible after PA?

Having figured out whether it is possible to get pregnant if the man has not finished, let's try to find out in which cases conception occurs after an interrupted act.

As a rule, within a year of using this method of contraception, a woman still becomes pregnant. And here the responsibility lies with the man. The thing is that not all males can possess themselves and remove the penis from the vagina in time, especially when reaching orgasm. That's why it turns out that during the next sexual intercourse, the partner removes the penis directly at the moment of ejaculation. In this case, a small amount of semen enters the vaginal cavity. It is worth saying that less than 1 ml of ejaculate, which contains millions of spermatozoa, is enough for fertilization.

Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant without cumming in a girl, doctors answer in the negative. However, we must not forget that the use of this method of protection implies a high level of self-control in a man, which comes with the experience of sexual activity.

Almost every woman had such a situation when a loved one during intercourse could not cope with himself and produced ejaculation inside. If you did not plan to give birth to a child, you should act quickly and competently, because there is a high probability of becoming pregnant.

There is a huge amount folk methods, which have become popular all over the world, but some of them can even be dangerous for your health. If you really want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, you have to take care of. You can buy hormonal pills and use them, but they have a strong enough effect, so many women turn to traditional medicine. Below are the most popular methods of emergency contraception, which have gained popularity among many girls and women.

Alternative methods of emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse

1. Take a shower. This is a fairly simple method, because you do not need to spend money on expensive drugs and visit a specialist. Just go to the shower and wash your private parts thoroughly. In order to enhance the effect, douching with a light decoction of chamomile. In this way, you will wash out all the secretions and sperm that got inside the vagina.

Avoid getting inside soap, because it destroys the natural microflora and can lead to various diseases. It is better to use boiled water, which must first be cooled.

Potassium permanganate solution for priming

2. Douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Many women resort to this method if a man has finished inside. In order to get rid of spermatozoa, it is necessary to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a small enema. Immediately after intercourse, inject a small amount of the solution into the vagina and wait a couple of minutes for the remedy to work.

Potassium permanganate is excellent in the fight against microbes and disinfects, it also kills a large number of spermatozoa, although it is impossible to speak of one hundred percent probability. With this solution, you can rinse the cavity well and get rid of natural secretions in which dirt and microbes accumulate.

3. Lemon juice or lemon wedge. Spermatozoa do not survive in an acidic environment, so using lemon juice is an effective method. You can insert a slice of lemon into the vagina immediately after intercourse, after kneading it well with your fingers, or you can moisten a cotton swab in lemon juice and use it. Do not forget that this method is quite dangerous, so you can not constantly use it. You need to consult with yours so that he can give you good advice.

Lemon juice has a detrimental effect not only on spermatozoa, but also on your mucous membrane, be careful.

4. hot tub. Spermatozoa die at high temperatures, so every woman can try the method, which has gained popularity all over the world. If it so happens that a man has finished, you should take care of an emergency method of contraception. A fairly safe method, because you will not even need to introduce decoctions or solutions into the vagina.

Just right away after intercourse take a hot bath at the most comfortable temperature for you. You need to lie in the water for at least 20 minutes so that the body warms up thoroughly and the spermatozoa die. This method has no contraindications, so you can safely resort to this method if you have trouble.

5. The use of a decoction of tansy. This herb has been popular for many years, but not all girls know that it has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa. Many even use it to terminate a pregnancy, but in this case, you need to drink the decoction every day, and this is dangerous for your health.

If you happen trouble, and you urgently need to prevent pregnancy, brew tansy and consume it immediately after intercourse. Do not get carried away with this drink, because it negatively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. In no case should you douche with tansy, because you can get burned.

6. Vitamin C. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, immediately after intercourse, one or two tablets of ascorbic acid should be inserted into the vagina. This remedy has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, so it is likely that you will not become pregnant.

During the day pill it is important to replace a couple of times in order to enhance the effect and reduce the percentage of the probability of pregnancy to zero. Also, immediately after intercourse, you can use a few tablets of ascorbic acid orally to raise the acidity in the body and kill the spermatozoa before conception occurs.

Remember that this must be done immediately after man cumshot, because you can miss the time and get pregnant. If you decide to prevent pregnancy by injecting pills inside, visit a gynecologist a couple of days later to have him examine you.

Well, at the end of the article, we cannot help but dwell on the need to monitor the parameters of menstruation - their frequency and the last day when they started. The release of the egg and ovary for fertilization normally always occurs on the 14-15th day from the onset of menstruation, that is, the appearance of the first discharge. This process is called ovulation and is discussed in the video at the end of this article.

The life span of spermatozoa in semen while in the vagina is 5 days (the issue is discussed in more detail).

Therefore, if less than 9 days have passed since the beginning of the last menstruation, then the risk of pregnancy due to the fact that the guy finished at the wrong time and in the wrong place is sharply reduced. If your cycle is regular, then subtract 14 days from its duration and get another figure that is critical in terms of pregnancy. For example, when menstruating every 28 days, you subtract 14 days and get that the 14th day from the start of your period is critical for you in terms of pregnancy. The egg retains the ability to fertilize for about 1 day, that is, after the 15th day from the start of menstruation, the risk of pregnancy is sharply reduced again.

The described knowledge is actively used by many couples, which allows them not to resort to various contraceptives during sexual activity.

Video of the mechanisms of the menstrual cycle.
Important to know for the calendar method of contraception

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