Technological map of the lesson. Technological map of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standards - a new type of summary Construction of a technological map of the lesson of the Federal State Educational Standard

Goals for the student:

Goals for the teacher:




Lesson type:

Lesson form:

Basic concepts, terms

New concepts:

Forms of control:


main ones:


Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activity

Methods, forms

Formed UUD

Planned result

Self-determination for activity

Updating knowledge

Setting a learning task

Solving a learning problem

Primary consolidation

Dynamic pause

Working on the material covered.

Independent work

Reflection. Grade


St. Petersburg State Clinical Institution "Children's sanatorium "Beryozka". School".

Technological lesson map

(In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)

Primary school teacher:

Panova Alevtina Petrovna.

Technological map of the lesson.

Essence federal state educational standards for general education (FSES) in their activity-based nature.

The main task is the development of the student’s personality.

Traditional representations of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities are outdated.Federal State Educational Standard determine real activities.
Tasks set
Federal State Educational Standard , require a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm. This means fundamental changes in the activities of teachers implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

The requirements for learning technologies have also changed. The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) provides significant opportunities to expand the educational framework in the teaching of specific OU subjects.

A new concept has appeared -technological lesson map.

A technological map is a new type of methodological product that ensures effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the primary education level in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson.

The technological map is intended for designing the educational process.

To fully and effectively use technological maps, you need to know a number of principles and provisions that will help you work with it.

Structure of the technological map:

The name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study;

Planned results (subject, personal, meta-subject);

Interdisciplinary connections and features of space organization (forms of work and resources);

Stages of studying the topic (at each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to practice the material and diagnostic tasks to test its understanding and assimilation);

Control task to check the achievement of planned results.

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;
  • systematically form universal learning activities among students;
  • plan your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;
  • in practice to implement interdisciplinary connections;
  • carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;
  • monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results;

Technological maps are developed by teachers of schools in St. Petersburg, working on the educational complex “Perspective” of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”, as part of an experiment designed for 4 years of study in primary school. The scientific management of the experimental activities is carried out by the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. Today, 12 schools in St. Petersburg and more than fifty teachers are taking part in innovative activities to master the new educational standard. Heads of educational institutions provided conditions for preparing teachers for innovative activities: training, experimental activities, participation in scientific and practical conferences, moral and material incentives.

Experimental teachers mastered innovative programs as part of advanced training:

  • "New educational standard of the second generation",
  • "Conditions for the formation of UUD (Universal Training Actions),
  • "Technology of work with information" and others.

Approbation of the latest developments showed the following results:

The level of students' motivation for learning activities is significantly increased;

There is a constructive communication between the student and the teacher;

Schoolchildren positively perceive and successfully use acquired knowledge and skills in intellectual and transformative activities within the framework of the topic being studied.

Technological maps are developed on the basis of the technology for the development of information-intellectual competence (TRIIC), which reveals general didactic principles and algorithms for organizing the educational process, providing conditions for the development of educational information and the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject skills of schoolchildren that meet the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard for educational outcomes.

At the first stage "Self-determination in activity» Stimulation of students’ interest in studying a specific topic is organized through a situational task, identifying missing knowledge and skills for its implementation in the context of the topic being studied. The result of this stage is the student’s self-determination, based on the desire to master educational material, on the awareness of the need to study it and set a personally significant goal for the activity.

At the second stage of “Educational and cognitive activity”, mastering the content of the educational topic necessary to complete a situational task is organized. This stage has content blocks, each of which includes a certain amount of educational information and is only part of the content of the entire topic. The number of blocks is determined by the teacher, taking into account the principles of necessity and sufficiency for

implementation of the set goal when studying a specific topic.

Each block represents a cycle of step-by-step implementation of educational tasks for mastering specific content and includes:

at step 1 - organizing students’ activities to master educational information at the level of “knowledge” - mastering individual terms, concepts, statements;

at step 2 - organizing students’ activities to master the same educational information at the level of “understanding”;

at step 3 - organizing students’ activities to master the same educational information at the “skill” level;

at step 4 - organizing the activities of students to present the result of mastering the same educational information of this block.

The diagnostic task in its nature corresponds to a “skill” task, but its goal is to establish the degree of mastery of the content block.

Educational tasks for “knowledge”, “understanding”, “skill” are formulated taking into account the requirements of logical and informational correctness. Consistent implementation of educational tasks creates conditions for mastering the content of the topic, the formation of skills to work with information that correspond to meta-subject (cognitive) skills. Successful completion of tasks serves as the basis for moving on to mastering the next content block. The result of this stage is the acquired knowledge and skills necessary to solve the situational task indicated at the first stage.

At the third stage of "Intellectual-transformative activity" to perform a situational task, students choose a level of performance (informative, improvisational, heuristic), a method of activity (individual or collective) and self-organize to perform a situational task. Self-organization includes: planning, implementation and presentation of a solution. The result of this stage is the execution and presentation of a situational task.

At the fourth stage of "Reflexive activity", the result obtained is correlated with the goal set and self-analysis and self-assessment of one's own activity in fulfilling a situational task within the framework of the topic under study is carried out. The result is the ability to analyze and evaluate the success of their activities.

Thus, the presented technology not only provides conditions for the formation of personal, meta-subject (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), but also the development of information and intellectual competence of younger students.

What basic points should the teacher take into account when preparing for the lesson in accordance with the requirementsFederal State Educational Standard ?

First of all, consider the stages of constructing a lesson:

1. We determine the topic of the educational material.

2. We define the didactic purpose of the topic.

3.Determine the type of lesson:

Approximate types of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • lesson on the initial presentation of new knowledge;
  • lesson in the formation of primary subject skills;
  • lesson on application of subject skills:
  • lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge:
  • review lesson; lesson of control of knowledge and skills;
  • correctional (lesson on correcting mistakes)
  • combined lesson;
  • educational excursion lesson:
  • lesson in solving practical, design and research problems;

4. We think over the structure of the lesson.

5. We think about the lesson provision (table).

6. We think about the selection of the content of educational material.

7. We determine the choice of teaching methods.

8. Selecting forms of organizing teaching activities

9. We think through the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities.

10. We reflect on the lesson.

Federal state standard requirement : formation of universal educational actions of students.

Organize the lesson according to thisrequirement A lesson flow chart may help.

The technological map of the lesson is a graphical display of the lesson scenario, a lesson plan, which contains the methods of individual work and the possibility of variable development of the lesson.

It describes the process of the activity, as well as all the operations of the activity and its components.

This technological map can clearly reflect the interaction between teacher and student in the lesson, planning activities at each stage of the lesson.

5. Lesson of control of knowledge and skills.

1) Self-determination for activity (organizational stage).

3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of development of students’ general educational skills. (Tasks in volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Control lessons can be written control lessons, lessons combining oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed

4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

6. Lesson on correcting knowledge, skills and abilities.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Results of diagnostics (monitoring) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual teaching methods.

4) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

5) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

7. Combined lesson.

1) Self-determination for activity (organizational stage).

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Solving a learning problem.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary consolidation

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

9) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

8. Lesson educational excursion.

  1. Report the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Updating basic knowledge.
  3. Perception of the features of excursion objects, primary awareness of the information contained in them;
  4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge;
  5. Independent work on data processing. Presentation of results with conclusions.

9. Lesson - research.

1. Statement of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

2.Updating basic knowledge.

3.Motivation. Actualization of ZUN and mental operations.

4. Operational and executive stage:

  • creating a problematic situation
  • statement of the research problem
  • definition of research topic
  • statement of the purpose of the study
  • hypothesizing
  • choice of method for solving a problem situation
  • study plan
  • discovering new knowledge, testing a hypothesis, conducting an experiment, making observations, creating motivation in the lesson for each child
  1. Reflection. Grade.

Literature: Federal State Educational Standard

The introduction of the latest standards in the education system led not only to adjustments to the curriculum, a new list of recommended teaching methods and techniques, but also significantly influenced the amount of necessary documentation that teachers are required to prepare. One of these innovations was the mandatory technological lesson map according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the preparation and use of which helps the teacher conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible, while spending a minimum of effort.

New type of notes

Technological map - a graphical version of the traditional outline plan. The main impetus for the use of the new format was the adoption of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The authors of the educational standard believe that the use of technological maps helps to work out all the stages of the lesson in as much detail as possible, which makes it easier to check and evaluate the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson.

Map structure

Teachers know that any abstract, regardless of the subject, has a single structure. The same principle underlies the graphic version. So, the technological map of the biology lesson of the Federal State Educational Standard has the same structure as for any other lesson in the humanities or the exact direction.

Any technological map begins with a heading, which is similar to the heading of an outline plan.

It is followed by a table that lists the main elements of the content, broken down into stages. After the table, you can also place additional materials - tests, problem solving, schemes or tables used in the lesson.

Main stages

In the technological maps, it is necessary to describe in detail the following stages of the lesson:

  1. Class organization.
  2. Checking homework.
  3. Updating knowledge.
  4. Familiarization with new material.
  5. Initial verification of what has been studied.
  6. Consolidation.
  7. Application of knowledge gained during the lesson in practice.
  8. Generalization and systematization.
  9. Homework.
  10. Summarizing.

Note that it is permissible to combine several stages into one to save time and increase work efficiency. In some cases, it is completely acceptable to omit some items. For example, the Federal State Educational Standard may not contain such stages as consolidating the material covered, checking what has been learned, etc. (especially if the lesson is dedicated to the study of poetry or the teacher has planned to devote all 45 minutes of time to watching a film adaptation of a novel or story).

At the same time, do not forget that, regardless of the type, the following stages remain mandatory:

  1. Preparing to study new material.
  2. Main stage.
  3. Summarizing.
  4. Reflection.

The technological map helps to determine in advance the form of organization of educational activities, that is, to plan which tasks will be completed by students individually, and which will be processed in pairs or small groups.

How to make a map?

When drawing up a technological map, you must:

  1. Indicate all operations and their components.
  2. Describe in detail the activities of students and teachers.

Such a detailed study of the lesson will help to identify in advance tasks and exercises that are ineffective or too difficult for children, and will help to calculate and distribute the material for each stage of the lesson as accurately as possible. Thanks to this, the teacher does not have to worry that the students will not have time to complete any assignments or, conversely, does not have to think about what to do if they complete the assignments much earlier than the bell rings from the lesson.

For example, you need to teach a math lesson. The technological map of the Federal State Educational Standard, compiled by you, will help you select the most interesting and really necessary tasks, choose in advance the form of organizing educational activities, and determine the type of test at the end of the lesson.

To create a truly useful map, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine the topic and its place among other topics in this section.
  2. Determine the type of lesson.
  3. Formulate a triune goal.
  4. Highlight the main stages of the lesson, based on the type and type of lesson.
  5. Formulate the purpose of each stage.
  6. Determine the expected results of each stage.
  7. Choose the most successful forms of work for implementation.
  8. Select the necessary material.
  9. For each stage, highlight the main type of work for students and teachers.

To create a lesson map, you need to prepare a template in advance and think about what the lesson map will look like. We will present a sample of the Federal State Educational Standard a little lower.

Teacher's activities according to the map

The main feature of the map is that the teacher must calculate in advance and indicate in it what exactly the teacher will do at this or that stage of the lesson. It doesn’t matter what subject you teach. The history lesson of the Federal State Educational Standard and the map of the geography lesson will be compiled according to one universal model.

The teacher’s activities can be identified using the following phrases:

  1. Checking student readiness.
  2. Articulating the topic and purpose.
  3. Raising the problem.
  4. Creating an emotional mood.
  5. Task formulation.
  6. Control of work performance.
  7. Handing out assignments.
  8. Organization of self-test.
  9. Keeping the conversation going.
  10. Assessment.
  11. Conducting a dictation.
  12. Story.
  13. Leading students to conclusions.

Student activities in class

You can plan student activities using the following formulations:

  1. Working with a notebook.

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Technological lesson map that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

A technological map is a new type of methodological product that ensures effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the primary education level in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard. Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson.

The structure of the technological map includes: - the name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study - the purpose of mastering the educational content - the planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject, information-intellectual competence and learning activities) - meta-subject connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources) - basic concepts of the topic - technology for studying the specified topic (at each stage of work the goal and predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to practice the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation) - control task to check the achievement of the planned results

The technological map will allow the teacher to: - implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard; -identify universal educational actions that are formed in the process of studying a specific topic, the entire educational course; -systematically form universal learning activities among students; - comprehend and design the sequence of work to master the topic from goal to final result; -determine the level of understanding of concepts at this stage and correlate it with further training (enter a specific lesson into the lesson system); -design your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;

The technological map will allow the teacher to: -free up time for creativity - the use of ready-made developments on topics frees the teacher from unproductive routine work, -identify opportunities for implementing interdisciplinary knowledge (establish connections and dependencies between subjects and learning outcomes); -implement meta-subject connections in practice and ensure coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process; - carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic. -solve organizational and methodological problems (substituting lessons, implementing the curriculum, etc.); -correlate the result with the purpose of learning after creating a product - a set of technological maps. -ensure improved quality of education.

The technological map will allow the school administration to monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.

The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of training, since: - the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result; -effective methods of working with information are used; - stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren are organized; - conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF THE LESSON Subject Class Lesson type Topic Goal Objectives Educational: Developmental: Educational: UUD Personal UUD: Regulatory UUD: Communicative UUD: Cognitive UUD: Planned results Subject: know... be able to... Personal: Meta-subject: Basic concepts Interdisciplinary connections Resources: basic and additional Forms lesson Technology

Technological map with the methodological structure of the lesson Didactic structure of the lesson Methodical structure of the lesson Signs of solving didactic problems Teaching methods Form of activity Methodological techniques and their content Teaching aids Methods of organizing activities Organizational moment Updating knowledge Communication of new material Reinforcing the learned material Summing up Homework

Technological map of the lesson Topic: Goals for the student 1. 2. 3. Goals for the teacher Educational Developmental Educational Type of lesson Lesson form Basic concepts, terms New concepts Forms of control Homework Lesson stage Teacher activity Student activity Methods, techniques, forms used Formed UUD Result of interaction (cooperation)

Technological map of the lesson Teacher: Subject: Topic of the lesson: Class: Objectives of the lesson: Date: Educational resources: Main stages of organizing educational activities Purpose of the stage Contents of pedagogical interaction Teacher's activities Students' activities cognitive communicative regulatory 1. Motivation of educational activities 2. Updating knowledge. Setting the goal of the lesson 3. Problematic explanation of the new material 4. Consolidation 5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Technological map of the lesson Teacher: Subject: Topic of the lesson: Class: Objectives of the lesson: Date: Educational resources: Main stages of organizing educational activities Purpose of the stage Contents of pedagogical interaction Teacher's activities Students' activities cognitive communicative regulatory 1. Setting educational tasks 2. Joint research of the problem 3. Modeling 4. Design of a new method of action 5. Transition to the stage of solving specific problems 6. Application of a general method of action to solve specific problems 7. Control at the stage of finishing the topic

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Instead of improving their professional skills or spending time with loved ones, teachers are forced to create educational technology maps every now and then. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that not everyone can work correctly, competently and quickly under the new Federal State Educational Standards. Creating a technological lesson map for teachers in the Russian Federation has long turned into, if not hard labor, then a rather serious burden.

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General: use of all components of teaching materials achievement of subject, meta-subject and personal results focus on the student’s activities Particular: type of presentation of material (table or abstracts) time coverage (lesson, topic) Technological map of the lesson - a generalized graphic expression of the lesson scenario, the basis for its design, means presentation of individual working methods. *an innovative tool for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard; * new type of methodological products.

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The technological map of the lesson is drawn up by the teacher in accordance with the work program of the training course, subject, discipline (module). The presence of a technological lesson map is mandatory for the work of a teacher in a general education institution. The technological map of the lesson can be drawn up in the form of a summary or a table in which the key blocks are recorded. The technological lesson map refers to local acts of a general education institution.

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Goal setting (what needs to be done, implemented); Instrumental (by what means it needs to be done, implemented); Organizational-activity (by what actions and operations this needs to be done, implemented). Topic of the lesson Purpose of the lesson Planned results Objectives of the lesson Type of lesson Teaching materials of the lesson Basic concepts of teaching learning Actions of students Actions of the teacher Diagnosis of results D/z

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Based on the features of the system-activity approach, a list of the main vertical columns of the map was determined: The number of horizontal columns in the table, of course, depends on the type of lesson that the teacher is designing. It is the type of lesson that determines the number of stages necessary for its implementation. Progress of the lesson (with recording the stage of the lesson) Activities of the teacher Activities of the student

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Organizational moment, goal setting and motivation for educational activities; Updating knowledge, UUD at the beginning of the lesson or during it as necessary; Primary perception and assimilation of new theoretical educational material (rules, concepts, algorithms...). Discovery of new knowledge and ways of acting; Application of theoretical principles in the conditions of performing exercises and solving problems (Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech); Independent creative use of developed skills and abilities (Self-work with self-test (inner speech); Dynamic pause; Generalization of what has been learned and its inclusion in the system of previously acquired knowledge and learning skills. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition: Reflection of activity Monitoring the process and the result of the educational activities of schoolchildren

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Name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study Purpose of mastering the educational content Planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject, information-intellectual competence and learning achievement) Meta-subject connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources) Forms of organization of training technology for studying the specified topic

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There are no uniform requirements for the preparation of technological maps; The teacher chooses the form that suits him best.

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TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF THE LESSON Subject Class Lesson type Topic Goal Objectives Educational: Developmental: Educational: UUD Personal UUD: Regulatory UUD: Communicative UUD: Cognitive UUD: Planned results Subject: know... be able to... Personal: Meta-subject: Basic concepts Interdisciplinary connections Resources: basic and additional Forms lesson Technology

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Technological map with the methodological structure of the lesson Didactic structure of the lesson Methodological structure of the lesson Signs of solving didactic problems Teaching methods Form of activity Methodological techniques and their content Teaching aids Methods of organizing activities Organizational moment Updating knowledge Communication of new material Reinforcing the learned material Summing up Homework

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Technological map of the lesson Topic: Goals for the student 1. 2. 3. Goals for the teacher Educational Developmental Educational Type of lesson Lesson form Basic concepts, terms New concepts Forms of control Homework Lesson stage Teacher activity Student activity Methods, techniques, forms used Formed UUD Result of interaction (cooperation)

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The main stages of organizing educational activities The purpose of the stage Contents of pedagogical interaction Teacher’s activities Students’ activities cognitive, communicative, regulatory 1. Motivation of educational activities 2. Updating of knowledge. Setting the goal of the lesson 3. Problematic explanation of the new material 4. Consolidation 5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

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The main stages of organizing educational activities The purpose of the stage Contents of pedagogical interaction Teacher's activities Students' activities cognitive communicative regulatory 1. Setting educational tasks 2. Joint research of the problem 3. Modeling 4. Designing a new method of action 5. Transition to the stage of solving particular problems 6. Application of a general method of action for solving particular problems 7. Control at the stage of finishing the topic

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Technological map of the lesson Brief description of the stages of the lesson of discovering new knowledge in TDM Lesson summary Teacher's activities Students' activities Formed UUD 1. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities. 2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action. 3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty. 4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty. 5. Implementation of the constructed project. 6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. 7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. 8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. 9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

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Option 1 (three-module technological map) Option 2 (four-module technological map) Lesson stage Teacher's activities Student's activities Actions to be performed Module 1 Cognitive Module 2 Communicative Module 3 Regulatory Actions to be performed Actions to be performed Actions to be performed Lesson stage Teacher's activities Students' activities Formed UUD Actions to be performed Module 1 Personal Module 2 Regulatory Module 3 Cognitive Module 4 Communication

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Option 3 (five-module technological map) two-level structure for mastering educational material (basic and advanced) Option 4 4-module map with an expanded communication module

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Traditional abstract Technological map Goal setting in accordance with the knowledge paradigm in accordance with the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard (three groups) The main method of description is explanatory and illustrative structural and logical; design Features of design by type of activity of the teacher by type of activity of the teacher and students Used teaching aids teacher and textbook as the main carriers of knowledge use of all components of teaching materials and modern resources Didactic approach interdisciplinary connections based on some elements of knowledge formation of a holistic picture of the world based on the real use of children’s life experience , knowledge from other subject areas, meta-subject knowledge Form of lesson description use of direct (conversation) or indirect speech of the teacher use of formulations, clear and concise description of the activity Teacher’s assessment of the results of learning as a whole by all participants - process, result, individual achievements

A lesson flow chart is a graphical way to design a lesson. Using a technological map, a teacher can plan results for a specific type of activity and control the process of achieving them at each stage of the lesson. Despite the convenience and growing popularity of this method of lesson planning, teachers face difficulties in constructing technology maps due to the lack of a uniform template.

How to make a technological map of the GEF lesson?

The concept of "technological map" came to education from industry. The technological map describes the manufacture, processing and production of products, production operations and equipment used.

In education, the technological map is considered as a way graphic design lesson- a table that allows the teacher to structure the lesson according to selected parameters:

  • stages and objectives of the lesson;
  • content of educational material;
  • methods and techniques for organizing students' educational activities;
  • the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

The technological map of the lesson includes elements of the outline: topic, goal, tasks, but still differs from it.

Differences between a technological map and a synopsis

Technological lesson map

Lesson summary

It is presented in the form of a table and describes the activities of the teacher and students at each stage of the lesson.

It is formatted as a script and describes the words, actions of the teacher and the expected responses of the students.

Characterizes the activities of students, indicating the UUDs formed during each educational action.

Indicates and describes the forms and methods used in the lesson.

Helps plan results for each type of activity and control the process of achieving them.

Only indicates the objectives of the lesson.

With the help of a technological map, the teacher looks at the educational material holistically and designs a lesson on mastering a specific topic within the entire course.

Benefits of the routing as a planning tool

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • determine universal learning actions that are formed when performing a specific learning action;
  • design a sequence of actions and operations to master the topic, leading to the intended result;
  • design pedagogical activities for a specific period;
  • implement interdisciplinary connections in practice;
  • ensure coordinated actions of participants in the pedagogical process;
  • diagnose the achievement of planned results at each stage of the lesson;
  • build the educational process as a project activity, where all stages are logical, interconnected and can be expanded within the subject.

Structure of the lesson flow chart

The technological map indicates:

  • subject;
  • the purpose of mastering educational material;
  • results planned to be achieved: personal, subject and meta-subject;
  • intersubject communications;
  • organization of the learning space: forms of work, resources and equipment;
  • basic concepts of the topic;
  • technology for studying this topic.

The lesson is built from several stages: organizational moment, updating knowledge, setting a learning task, and so on. The technological map at each stage of the lesson defines the goal and planned result, the activities of the teacher and students.

Difficulties in compiling a technological map of the lesson

Despite the advantages and growing popularity of this method of lesson design, teachers often encounter difficulties when drawing up a technological map. Professor of the Institute of Further Education at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Andrei Ioffe identifies seven mistakes that teachers make when constructing a technological map:

  1. Ten pages long.
  2. Arrangement of the entire content of the lesson as a table.
  3. Setting strict time limits.
  4. The abundance of columns.
  5. Reduction of reflection to summing up.
  6. The use of complex and incomprehensible expressions - “self-determination to activity.”
  7. Setting goals for the student and teacher, but not the goals of the lesson.

These errors are caused by the lack of uniform requirements for the preparation of technological lesson maps. Individual blocks and sections vary for individual teachers, and for each teacher in the technological maps of different lessons. Errors are also influenced by subjective factors: lack of knowledge, low teacher motivation, misunderstanding and rejection of new things.

Competent methodological support can provide assistance in the preparation of technological maps. At meetings of the school's methodological council, it is determined how to reflect subject, meta-subject and personal results, implementation and diagnosis of various types of UUD in lesson technology cards.

Examples of lesson charts

Sample technological map No. 1

  1. Teacher's name
  2. Class
  3. Item
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The purpose of the lesson
  6. Characteristics of the lesson stages

  1. Work of students in the lesson (activity and measure of employment are indicated)
  2. Differentiation and individualization of learning: was present or absent.
  3. The nature of students’ independent work: reproductive or productive.
  4. Assessing the achievement of lesson objectives.

Sample technological map No. 2

  1. Teacher's name
  2. Class
  3. Item
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The purpose of the lesson
  6. Objectives of the lesson: teaching, educational and developmental.
  7. Relevance of using ICT tools.
  8. Types of ICT tools used.
  9. Required equipment and software.
  10. Organizational structure of the lesson.

Sample technological map No. 3

  1. Teacher's name
  2. Class
  3. Item
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The place and role of the lesson in the topic being studied
  6. The purpose of the lesson
  7. Lesson structure.

Sample technological map No. 4

  1. Teacher's name
  2. Class
  3. Item
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The place and role of the lesson in the topic being studied
  6. The purpose of the lesson
  7. Lesson structure

What will change in the work of schools with the release of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Special Education? You can find out the answer to this question at the International design training seminar "Introduction of GEF SOO" , which will take place July 23-26. Come to our training seminar and you will receive all the necessary tools and recommendations for the transition to a new standard.



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