Basal Temperature Measurement Technique: Refreshing Skills. How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation with a conventional thermometer

Many planning couples want to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature. Building a graph will not take much time. If a woman cannot figure it out on her own, a specialist consultation is necessary. The doctor will explain how to dot the graph and how to decipher it.

This technique should not be taken lightly. It allows you to determine not only the day of ovulation, but also the presence of various pathological processes in the hormonal and reproductive system. For this reason, it is recommended to track fertility for three menstrual cycles. This will allow you to more accurately understand the possible reasons for the lack of pregnancy.

Before you understand how to build a system, you should know how it works. This technique was developed in 1953 in England. The active scientist Marshal revealed the relationship between temperature changes and hormonal substances.

The main influence on the increase in performance is exerted by progesterone. It causes a gradual rise in the graph in the second phase of the cycle. On the difference between the temperatures of the first and second phases, you can notice days that are accompanied by a decrease and a sharp jump in the curve. It is these days that are most favorable for a successful conception.

The change in basal temperature depends on the phase of the cycle. Each phase must have a specific duration. The first part of the menstrual cycle depends on the work of estrogen. This hormone begins to function actively the next day after the end of menstruation. The average for a healthy girl should not exceed 36.8 degrees. Measurement should be carried out daily to obtain a clearer clinical picture.

Estrogen causes preparatory processes in the uterus. The substance contributes to the appearance of the endometrium, which is necessary for the introduction of a fertilized egg. The endometrial layer also actively changes over time. The fabric is divided into three layers. The thickness of the layers should also increase. On days 10–12, the basal temperature chart shows a decrease in performance. The result of the obtained changes may differ by 0.5 degrees. This phenomenon occurs due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. This period indicates the onset of the ovulatory phase.

The normal ovulatory period begins with the appearance of luteinizing hormone in the bloodstream. The luteinizing substance is responsible for the rupture of the dominant follicle. The follicle grows on the surface of the ovary in almost every cycle. It is located at the site of the release of the egg under the shell of the organ. Follicle growth is observed under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. An increase in the volume of fluid filling the cavity of the follicle occurs when a luteinizing substance appears. The appearance of LH is accompanied by a drop in estrogen hormone. A dip appears on the chart. The norm of this period can be 2-3 days. If the fall is longer, there are certain problems in the work of the ovaries. A computer program that draws a graph of basal temperature, on the second day of sinking, draws an ovulation line. After ovulation, the patient should continue to measure BW and plot the result on the chart.

In this case, the work of the corpus luteum and the progesterone substance is monitored. Progesterone is involved in fixing the fetus in the uterus and its further development. This same technique allows the girl to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature.

The appearance of progesterone causes an increase in indicators on the graph. The difference between the ovulatory phase and the progesterone stage can reach 0.8 degrees. In a healthy woman, the increase in the curve in the table should occur no more than three days. If the increase in the line is slower, there are problems with the hormonal background.

It is recommended to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation when various problems with conception appear. The technique is recommended for the fair sex, who have problems such as:

  • prolonged absence of pregnancy;
  • infertility of unknown etiology;
  • irregular menstrual cycle.

The main reason for visiting a doctor is the long-term inability of the patient to become pregnant. It is possible to establish the reason for the lack of conception only with the help of a series of tests. During the examination, the girl is recommended to use this technique. It allows you to determine the presence of hormonal failure or various pathological processes in the reproductive system. Also, according to the schedule, the doctor can set the length of each phase of the menstrual cycle. This is necessary to determine the proper functioning of each hormone. The norm of the content of each hormone is prescribed in the laboratory form. After the examination, it is handed over to the patient.

Prolonged absence of pregnancy in apparently healthy parents is called infertility of unknown etiology. This problem is common in modern people. The reasons for this problem are varied. Pathology may appear due to the presence of hidden processes in the reproductive system, an unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of weak physical activity and other negative influences. At the same time, during the examination, the couple does not show any signs of disease. You can determine the cause of infertility of unclear etiology using a table indicating how ovulation proceeds according to the basal temperature chart. The presence of any hidden processes causes a jump in the curve. By the time of its appearance, the doctor can determine the cause of the pathology.

Measurement of basal temperature is also recommended for irregular menstrual cycles. The graph allows you to determine if the patient has ovulation, and when it happens. According to the table, a woman can determine the beginning of the fertile period. At this time, the couple may begin to plan a pregnancy or be heavily protected. Also, the gynecologist can determine the cause of the violation of the cycle and select the necessary treatment.

Often, planning couples resort to measuring basal temperature. By temperature fluctuations, the patient determines the approach of ovulation. The norm in this case is 13-16 days of the menstrual cycle. You can also use the schedule to plan for a specific gender of the baby. In this case, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle. To conceive a girl, you should have sex 3 days before ovulation. A boy, on the other hand, can be born to a couple whose sexual contact occurred on the day of the onset of ovulation.

The veracity of the methodology

As the English scientist found out, each phase has certain temperature indicators. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature should be lower by 0.5 degrees. On the day of ovulation, there is a decrease in indicators for 2-3 days. The progesterone stage is accompanied by a rise in the curve by a few tenths of a degree. This construction gives a clear picture of the two-phase menstrual cycle.

The phases of a healthy woman should be of approximately equal duration. Deviation is allowed for 2-3 days only in the duration of the estrogen period. An error can be observed due to an untimely increase in estrogen after menstruation.

The progesterone stage should not have an error. The prolongation of the phase can only be observed in the presence of elevated prolactin or pregnancy. The average length of the progesterone phase should be 2 weeks. If a phase is observed that has a duration of less than 11 days, the patient has a lack of the hormone - progesterone.

Thus, this technique allows you to accurately determine the presence of ovulation, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the causes of infertility.

Measurement Rules

To correctly determine what the basal temperature is during ovulation, certain rules must be followed. It is recommended to measure basal temperature according to the following rules:

  • correct use of the thermometer;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • observance of the time of measurement;
  • consideration of related factors.

These rules will help determine how to measure the basal temperature to determine the fertile period. Basal temperature should be measured with a separate mercury thermometer. The use of an electronic thermometer is not recommended. Such a device carries out further measurement after a signal to stop working. Experts advise an additional holding time of one minute. Otherwise, the result will be invalid. A mercury thermometer, on the other hand, measures for a longer time, but has an accurate result. Each measurement should be performed for at least five minutes. Basal body temperature rises slowly during ovulation. When entering the results, it is necessary to accurately determine the degrees to tenths.

The main rule is to reduce physical activity. Before the study, a woman must remain physically calm for at least four hours. This contributes to the setting of indicators at the same level. Due to this feature, experts recommend measuring in the morning. The thermometer must be put in a place located at arm's length. This arrangement will help the woman to carry out less movement. After the woman woke up, she should not make any movements. The thermometer should be placed rectally, orally, or vaginally. The most accurate is the measurement in the intestines. To do this, it is necessary to insert a thin part of the thermometer into the anus to a depth of 2 cm. When inserting a thermometer, do not make sudden movements. Basal temperature should be measured after 5-7 minutes. Only then can you get up.

If, before measuring, a woman had sexual contact or an unplanned trip to the toilet, the basal temperature for determining ovulation should not be taken into account. The next measurement is carried out 4 hours after physical rest.

All measurements must be taken at the same time. If the time changes, then the result is considered uninformative. The definition of ovulation will be incorrect. In order to comply with this rule, you must use an alarm clock. This will help you stay on time.

A common cause of jumps in the basal temperature chart is the use of alcohol-containing drinks. Alcohol adversely affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Under its influence, the activity of the pituitary gland decreases. The pituitary gland produces female sex hormones. For this reason, there is a decrease in the content of the hormone, the schedule falls.

Drug treatment of concomitant diseases also affects what the temperature should be. This is especially true for women with diabetes. Endocrine diseases are cured with medicines containing hormonal substances. Substances cause changes in the hormonal background. In this case, ovulation is not set according to the basal temperature chart. Also, this method should not be used by patients who are protected by oral contraceptives.

Impaired ovulation and basal temperature changes under the influence of prolonged stress. The presence of stress causes a change in the functioning of the pituitary gland. Against the background of stress, there is a decrease in the work of the sex glands. There is a hormonal imbalance. In this case, the schedule may also change.

Changes are also observed against the background of strong physical activity. Performing heavy exercises causes a strong tension in the muscular frame. Such loads are also not recommended for women who measure basal temperature during ovulation.

The presence of any of these factors should be noted in the graph. This contributes to its correct decoding. If the patient does not follow these recommendations, the schedule is considered incorrect.

What can the table show

Why do you need to know what the correct basal temperature should be? According to the schedule, it is possible to establish the presence of various ailments in a woman. The table of basal temperature during ovulation shows the presence of diseases such as:

  • hidden endometritis;
  • lack of estrogen or progesterone;
  • anovulatory cycle;
  • luteinization of the follicle.

Endometritis is a serious illness for many of the fair sex. In the presence of this disease, the patient is not able to become pregnant for a long time. This problem arises due to the presence of cells on the tissues of the uterus that are unusual for the endometrium. The disease can be cured. To do this, it is necessary to set a constant temperature increase in the first phase on the graph. The indicators of the second and first stages will be approximately equal. In this case, the occurrence of an auspicious day and pregnancy is impossible.

The lack of hormones is also easy to determine using basal body temperature. The hormone, which is in insufficient quantity in the body, affects the duration of the phase. If the first phase is shorter than the second, a lack of estrogen is detected. With a short second stage in the body, there is a lack of progesterone.

Anovulation is easily determined from the table. There is no temperature drop in the middle of the cycle. In this case, the doctor should identify the reasons for the lack of ovulation.

Luteinization of the follicle prevents the egg from leaving the ovary. The follicle degenerates into a cyst. In this case, after ovulation, the temperature rises gradually. The postovulatory period is more than three days.

The presence of problems with ovulation does not allow the couple to conceive. To determine the cause of the problem, you need the help of a specialist. A competent doctor advises girls to measure basal rates for three months to find the cause of infertility.

Among the methods that allow you to calculate the date necessary for conception, a worthy place is taken by measuring the temperature rectally. Let's consider the basic rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and a video with recommendations from specialists on how to draw up a schedule and read it correctly.

Features of measuring basal temperature

Ovulation is a short interval in the menstrual cycle, located approximately in the middle between two phases. She plays an important role in the birth of a baby, so women try to calculate this day in advance in order to get the planned conception at the expected time.

The main advantage of the basal method is that the woman herself can use it at home. Of course, it does not give a 100% result, but supplemented by some other option, for example, strip tests, it helps to clarify this situation.

Solving the problem of how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and which thermometer to use, it is worth consulting with experts. Opinions differ here. Part of the opinion is that it is better to use an electronic thermometer, since it will more accurately show fractions of a degree when lowering or increasing values. The second group argues that mercury thermometers are more reliable, because measurements must be carried out with one device, and electronic ones sometimes fail or break.

Measurement Rules

Before you measure the basal temperature to determine ovulation, reviews also confirm this, you need to know the rules for taking measurements so as not to get a distorted result. In particular:

  • measurement is carried out after 5-6 hours of normal sleep;
  • this is the first thing to do in the morning, without even leaving the bed;
  • no sudden movements can be made;
  • use the same thermometer.

All these basic principles, how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, and video advice from experts indicate the importance of complete calm of the body at this moment. Therefore, for example, even a thermometer is advised to be put on the bedside table in order to get it without getting up. And if it is mercury, then it’s even worth “shaking off” it in the evening.

Observing simple requirements, how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, the forum, as well as the advice of friends and acquaintances, may turn out to be less informative than your own calculation of the time favorable for fertilization.

All obtained measurements should be noted on the chart daily. At the end of the cycle, the points must be connected to form a curve. Having considered the received "peaks" and "bursts", the woman will be able to understand at what point the cell entered the genital tract.

What the basal temperature chart shows

Having learned the necessary rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, and feedback on this method, you should proceed to deciphering the resulting curve.

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature indicators do not change, they go smoothly and are approximately 36.8 ° C. Some decrease (by fractions of a degree) occurs 1-2 days before ovulation. This indicates the maximum concentration of estrogen in the blood of a woman. Again rising temperature says that the production of progesterone has begun. And this phenomenon occurs directly during the period of ovulation. The indicators gradually increase over 3 days and remain at such values ​​​​until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5 ° C), since the corpus luteum at this time produces a sufficient amount of progesterone, which is necessary for normal conception and the development of pregnancy.

Based on our experience and knowledge on the issue of how to correctly measure the basal temperature to determine ovulation, and the opinions of experts on the relevance and reliability of this method, we note that any fact in the form of stress, alcohol consumption or any medications can cause an error in the readings. Therefore, when taking a measurement, a woman should lead a calm lifestyle and all deviations caused by reasons known to her must be marked on the graph in order to get an actual result later.

Following the tips presented in the article, any woman can figure out how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, how to make a chart and how to understand what it shows.

We reviewed the basic principles and rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, videos and reviews from consumers and specialists. For completeness and reliability of the picture of the exit of the germ cell from the ovary, it is necessary to supplement this study with at least one more method. Perhaps a woman should listen to her feelings throughout the cycle or buy a test at a pharmacy so that the result is more convincing, observe the nature of the cervical mucus, listen to her feelings, or, finally, just do an ultrasound.

Basal body temperature is an indicator that reflects the true internal body temperature of the human body. Its performance varies depending on hormonal changes, muscle tension and other reactions of human systems.

Normally, the basal temperature is several values ​​\u200b\u200bhigher than the true one, which depends on the physical exertion that a person performs during the day. Therefore, in order to get as close as possible to reliable indicators, one of the rules for measuring basal temperature is to determine degrees immediately after morning awakening. This type of temperature is measured in the rectum (rectum).

Building a graph of basal temperature is necessary in order to evaluate several indicators, such as:

  • Hormonal background of a woman;
  • The presence of any hidden pathologies;
  • The onset of pregnancy;
  • Favorable days for sex that do not lead to unwanted pregnancy.

It should be noted that this technique is rather inaccurate and any result obtained requires medical confirmation. Concerning basal temperature charts during ovulation, their use as a contraceptive method is advisable only in cases where no other means are suitable for any reason.

There are not so many advantages of the method, and the main ones are:

  • Ease of use;
  • The absence of the effect of any drugs on the woman's body (if we are talking about contraception);
  • The ability to detect pathology or the onset of pregnancy in the early stages.

Among the disadvantages of plotting basal temperature charts are:

  1. The method is not predictive, that is, it displays the current state and does not allow predicting the future (for example, the basal temperature before ovulation does not hint at its imminent onset);
  2. The accuracy of the technique is too variable, since changes in the temperature curve can occur after few hours, and a couple of days after the start of the ovulatory period;
  3. If there is no ovulation, then there will be changes on the graph, but their accuracy is also low (the same applies to the functioning of the corpus luteum);
  4. Measurement of basal temperature during ovulation is advisable only in cases where the woman is completely healthy, otherwise the results are unreliable.

Whatever result the temperature graph shows, there is no guarantee of its veracity, since too many factors affect the reliability of the data obtained. First of all, an incorrect measurement of basal temperature completely negates the possibility of obtaining a true indicator.

How to take measurements correctly?

There are a number of factors that affect the temperature, which should be taken into account when measuring it:

  1. Physical activity. Any, even a minimal change in body position after waking up, can blur the results, therefore, when going to bed, the thermometer should be placed so that you can take it in the morning, practically without moving. Naturally, there can be no question of measuring basal temperature during the day or in the evening.
  2. Body position. Since basal temperature should be measured immediately after sleep, then you need to be in a horizontal position. You can not get out of bed, as well as sit on the bed. Any of the changes in body position will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which will cause the results to become incorrect.
  3. Dream. Sleep well before taking your basal temperature less than 4 hours. This will allow the body to relax as much as possible and slow down all processes so that the indicators during measurement are the most reliable.
  4. Sex. The interval between the last intercourse and temperature measurements should be at least 12 hours. To plot the basal temperature during pregnancy, it is best to abstain from sexual activity altogether.
  5. Breakfast. Eating before measuring basal temperature at home is strictly prohibited. Metabolism, which starts immediately after a meal, will stimulate an increase in temperature. So measurements need to be taken on an empty stomach.
  6. Medicines. There are a number of drugs that affect the results and significantly change the schedules. An important aspect in this case is a visit to the doctor, who will determine whether the resulting schedule is correct and what provoked changes in it. During the consultation, you need to say exactly all the medicines that you had to use during the measurements.
  7. Alcohol. A large amount of alcohol that was drunk on the eve of the measurement will cause a change in basal temperature and lead to false results.
  8. Travels. Climate change and comfort zones in general is a factor that significantly changes the hormonal background. And the imbalance of hormones will lead to incorrect temperature readings.
  9. Diseases. In order for the determination of ovulation by basal temperature to be reliable, attention should be paid to the general condition of the body. Any infections or inflammatory processes will provoke an increase in temperature, and the graphs will no longer be correct. Therefore, the temperature technique is suitable only for healthy women.

After making sure that all the above factors are taken into account, the woman can begin to measure the temperature. The tip of the thermometer is pre-lubricated with some kind of cream and inserted into the rectum for several centimeters. After 5-7 minutes, you need to get it and write down the result. During the measurement, try not to move.

Normal and correct schedule

The construction of the correct schedule can be done both on a regular notebook sheet in a box, and in an electronic version using programs. One of the axes should display temperatures from 36 degrees and reach slightly higher than the maximum recorded. Each division should be equal to one tenth of a degree. The second axis is an indicator of the days of the cycle. It is important to remember that one graph displays exactly the cycle ( 21 to 35 days normal), not a calendar month. Here each division equals one day. A normal schedule for a woman of childbearing age should meet the following criteria:

  • In the first half of the cycle, the indicators do not exceed 37 degrees, and in the second - vice versa. In this case, the graph takes the form of a "flying seagull".
  • The basal temperature during menstruation, starting from the first day, decreases from around 37 degrees to 36.5 by the last day. A spread of one to two tenths of a degree is not considered a deviation.
  • For about half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature stays at levels slightly above 37 degrees, which is associated with the intensive maturation of the egg (the exact number of days depends on the length of the cycle).
  • The basal temperature in the second phase ranges from 37 degrees to 37.5. This phase is called ovulatory and is the most favorable for pregnancy.
  • A few days before the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one, the temperature begins to decrease.
  • In a normal schedule, the basal temperature in the first phase should differ from the indicators in the second by no less than half a degree.

The above criteria are considered ideal and are quite rare. In addition, a number of changes are characteristic of the schedule of a pregnant woman.

Chart in early pregnancy

The rules for measuring temperature remain the same as for plotting. However, normal values ​​differ significantly. Criteria for normal basal temperature during pregnancy:

  • After the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, in which there is an increase in temperature, there is no decrease in it. Indicators continue to stay on the same numbers for a week or a little longer.
  • A week later, a characteristic and obligatory sign of pregnancy is a sharp decrease in temperature for just a day. This phenomenon is called implantation retraction. It is on this day that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus.
  • After the fall, the temperature rises again. Normal basal temperature during pregnancy is 37 degrees and above. It lasts for several weeks until the level of certain hormones in the woman's body decreases. As soon as the temperature began to drop, further plotting becomes pointless.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy is not an accurate technique, so additional research methods are needed. However, the temperature method is sufficient to suspect pregnancy or problems with it.

Of particular importance is the basal temperature during a missed pregnancy or with the threat of spontaneous abortion. In such cases, a woman should carefully monitor any drop in performance. As soon as the temperature drops strongly and quickly, you should immediately run to the doctor, since this phenomenon most likely indicates a drop in the level of the necessary hormones. Also, an additional criterion for panic is the presence of discharge with bloody impurities and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Deciphering the results

Measurement of basal temperature after menstruation and during the entire cycle can give unexpected jumps and completely different numbers that a woman expects. Such data may be the result of the influence of environmental factors or may be signs of any disturbances in the reproductive system. The main criteria indicating pathologies:

  • Increased basal temperature during menstruation may be a sign of an inflammatory process in the uterus or a hormonal imbalance (decrease in estrogen);
  • High temperatures in the middle of the cycle are the norm, but if they last longer than a few days, then it is better not to plan pregnancy in this month, as there have been some problems with the egg;
  • The duration of the second phase should be at least 12 days(depending on the duration of the cycle, at least two weeks), otherwise the egg does not have time to mature and fertilization becomes impossible;
  • A delay in menstruation, together with reduced temperature indicators, indicates a violation of the functioning of the ovaries;
  • If the temperature difference in the two phases does not reach half a degree, then you should think about, especially if this is repeated every cycle;
  • If any incomprehensible and short-term temperature increases were noticed during the construction of the graph, it means that external factors acted on those days or the rules for measuring basal temperature were violated;
  • It is also possible that there are no days when the graph reaches 37 degrees, which indicates the complete absence of ovulation (this condition may be a variant of the norm if it does not repeat every cycle).

Due to the fact that the basal temperature can change with the slightest impact, to determine more accurate results, you should make a chart over several months.

But even in this case, it is not always possible to establish the pattern of changes in the temperature curve.

An acceptable option would be to consult a doctor who will help decipher the data and prescribe additional examinations, if necessary. In any case, it is impossible to rely only on the results of the temperature method.

The concept of basal temperature is unequivocally familiar to women who have planned a pregnancy at least once. The method of its measurement is also used in the calendar method of contraception. Despite its not so high efficiency, many women are committed to just such protection. A gynecologist can help you figure out how basal temperature is measured and what to do with the results. After all, correct measurements and plotting can help determine favorable periods for conception, diagnose pregnancy, as well as some health problems.

Using the methodology in practice

Basal body temperature is considered to be in a period of complete rest after sleep. To obtain an extremely accurate result, the duration of the latter should exceed 6 hours. Since hormonal changes continuously occur in a woman's body, affecting the temperature values, the basal values ​​fluctuate from the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The study of basal temperature is considered the simplest test available even at home. It is based on the effect of progesterone on the thermoregulation of the body. The concentration of this hormone is constantly changing. For different phases of the cycle, the indicator will be different. It is a long-term increase in the amount of progesterone that allows you to quickly detect pregnancy.

The concept of how to measure basal temperature will be useful in the following cases:
when during the year attempts at conception were not crowned with success;
there is a suspicion of infertility of one of the partners;
signs of hormonal disorders;
use of the calendar method of contraception.

Also, the use of such a technique can be useful if:
there is a desire to increase the chances of getting pregnant;
different methods are used to plan the sex of the unborn child;
I want to better understand the processes taking place in the female body.

It is necessary to measure the basal temperature both to determine ovulation and its absence in the cycle. It is better to take measurements at least 3 periods in a row. Only in this way the forecast will be as accurate as possible.

For a reliable assessment of the results obtained, it is worth consulting with a specialist. It will help determine the most accurate date of ovulation and a favorable time for fertilization, identify the presence of violations in the secretion of hormones and prescribe treatment to correct the situation.

The principle of the method

For conception, the period of ovulation is considered the most favorable. At the end of it, a significant amount of progesterone is released into the body. This hormone affects thermoregulation and leads to a temperature jump of 0.5 ° C. The release occurs within a two-day period after ovulation has occurred.

The entire menstrual cycle is conditionally divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. In the normal state of the body, it occurs almost in the middle of the cycle. The period before ovulation is characterized by lower temperatures than after it. If there are no failures in the secretion of progesterone, then in the middle of the cycle there is an increase in temperature, which indicates the onset of ovulation.

The duration of the second phase is usually 14 days. Before the start of the next cycle, the temperature decreases again. If the temperature remains unchanged throughout the full cycle, we are talking about the absence of ovulation. This situation can lead to infertility.

To use the technique, it is the basal temperature that is needed. This is due to continuous fluctuations in temperature during the day. If a person is cold, it will go down; if it is hot, it will go up. Physical activity, clothing, stress and emotions, food, etc. also affect. It is almost impossible to make adequate measurements during the day, so the basal temperature should be examined only after sleep, lasting more than 6 hours, at rest.

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

Using a technique for diagnosing a woman's condition based on basal temperature data is very useful in many cases. But women do not always have an idea about the correct conduct of the study. Therefore, they get distorted results, which leads to unexpected consequences.

Since many factors can affect body temperature fluctuations, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:
1. It is necessary to make measurements only in one way. There are 3 options for measurements: in the vagina, oral cavity or rectum. The last method gives the most accurate results. But, whichever one is chosen, it should not be changed during the full cycle.
2. It is important to use one thermometer, in order to avoid the error of different instruments. It is better to give preference to the mercury version, but you can also use the electronic one.
3. The duration of each measurement should be from 5 minutes. This will allow you to get the most adequate result.
4. As mentioned earlier, measurements are taken in the morning, after sleep. You shouldn't get out of bed. It is best to limit movement as much as possible. If a woman works at night, then measurements can be taken after daytime sleep (more than 6 hours), but it is very difficult to judge their accuracy.
5. It is better to start the study from the first day of the new menstrual cycle, although it is possible from any. Do not stop measuring during menstruation.
6. The results are usually entered into a table, and then a graph is built on them. We will talk about the rules for its construction and use further.
7. An informative result is considered after 3 or more months of the study.

Any data obtained should not be subjected to self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Only an experienced specialist can accurately and correctly decipher the graph. In addition, an adequate result is considered only after a study for 3 or more cycles. Previously, it is quite difficult to accurately answer questions about the presence of ovulation or failures.

Data cannot be considered reliable and cannot be used for any purpose if:
measurements were made at different times, with different instruments, in different places;
a disease that provoked an increase in temperature was transferred (cold, SARS, bronchitis, influenza, etc.);
medicines were taken;
on the eve of the measurement, alcohol was consumed in large quantities;
there were long flights or transfers for a full cycle.

It does not make sense to use the method of studying changes in basal temperature during the period of taking hormonal contraceptives, which is associated with blocking ovulation with synthetic hormones.

Graphic study of ovulation

Knowing how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation allows you to determine its presence, identify possible disorders in the body, and predict the most suitable days for conception. The research technique itself is described above. But what to do with the received data? It is best to draw a graph of temperature. His testimony, among other things, allows you to determine the occurrence of pregnancy. Also, stable high temperatures may indicate the presence of signs of endometritis.

Such a schedule is an essential tool when planning a pregnancy. Sometimes, his data can also indicate anovulation, that is, not maturation of the egg. This situation happens to every woman, usually at least once a year. But the systemic nature of such a violation may indicate problems and the need to contact a specialist for appropriate treatment.

Each woman is individual, therefore, in the body, all processes occur in different ways. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of a new cycle. But it is correct to take daily measurements and, based on them, draw up your schedule. Only on it can one state the presence and date of ovulation.

How is the graphical reflection of the study formed?

Before building a graph for measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation, you need to enter the data obtained in a notebook in the morning. If there is no way to record, you can use the memory function (available on the electronic thermometer). Mercury also does not change value until it is shaken. You can write down a little later.

There is a situation when the value is between two digits. It is worth choosing the smaller one. If there are factors affecting the temperature, it is advisable to write them in a separate column. In the future, this information can be analyzed and the degree of influence determined. So the temperature on a certain day may seem too high. There can be many reasons for this: illness, alcohol, stress, poor sleep, etc. You need to make an appropriate note and take measurements the next day.

It is recommended to connect all normal values ​​with a simple line, and unusual values ​​with a dotted line. But no matter how the graph is drawn, deviations should be properly analyzed. If you have problems conceiving, this may help. Additionally, you can also keep a column of selections, where to enter their consistency, color, etc.

You can measure basal temperature to detect ovulation from the first day of the cycle, and from any other. It is recommended to build a schedule from its beginning and keep it until the next one. Next, build a new one. After taking measurements, put a dot over the desired value. The date is also marked.

Pregnancy detection using graphical analysis

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? Exactly the same as in the case of ovulation. There is only one method, but it allows you to determine the different processes and the state of the woman's body. Based on the graph, you can identify some signs that indicate the onset of pregnancy. Among them:
After ovulation, usually on the 7th day (maybe from 5 to 10), there is a one-day decrease in temperature by 0.3-0.5 ° C. This jump is explained by implantation retraction. At this point, the embryo is trying to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus. Sometimes this process is accompanied by 1-2 days of bleeding, which is more like a discharge of light brown or cream color.
The temperature in the second phase is approaching 37°C or higher.
Before the start of the proposed new cycle, instead of falling, the temperature begins to rise by another 0.2-0.3°C. According to the schedule, it looks like the third phase.
Lack of menstruation on time, and basal temperature continues to be steadily elevated for more than 16 days from the date of ovulation. Here you can use the test. There is a chance to see 2 stripes, although the period is still very short.

If the resulting schedule bears little resemblance to the schedule for pregnant women, do not be upset. There are times when it is impossible to detect the onset of pregnancy according to the schedule, but it is.

Measurement of basal temperature during pregnancy

Often, after conception, women stop recording basal temperature. Experts do not recommend doing this. It is during this period that its values ​​\u200b\u200bcan provide a lot of useful information. Knowing how to measure basal temperature during pregnancy, you can easily control the state of the body.

A clear sign of pregnancy is the persistence of elevated basal temperature for more than 16 days after ovulation. This pattern will continue until the moment of birth. A sharp decrease in temperature that occurred at 12-14 weeks indicates the need for immediate contact with a leading gynecologist. This is a bright signal of the threat of miscarriage. It is also necessary to sound the alarm with such jumps after 5 months. In the case of a missed pregnancy, the temperature will be below 37 ° C. And vice versa, its strong increase (more than 37.8 ° C) is already an indicator of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. It is important to immediately consult a doctor, as the health of the child is at risk.

When should you contact a specialist?

If, when analyzing the schedule, alarming signs are revealed, you should immediately consult a doctor. It can be:
1. Anovulatory cycles - low temperature throughout the entire period.
2. Hyperprolactinemia - elevated temperature throughout the entire period.
3. Insufficiency of the corpus luteum - the difference between the temperatures in the first and second phases is less than 0.4 ° C.
4. Hormonal problems - the slow pace of raising the temperature in the middle of the cycle.
5. The duration of the first phase exceeds 17 days or the second is less than 12 days.
6. Delays in menstruation in the absence of signs of pregnancy.
7. Non-standard cycles (duration exceeds 35 days or less than 21 days.

Thus, understanding how to measure basal temperature during pregnancy, to determine ovulation and pregnancy, is indispensable for planning it, with a calendar method of contraception. The graphic reflection of the study allows you to identify diseases in the case when it is not possible to undergo hormone tests every month, but there are prerequisites for violations. This technique is very important in the examination for infertility. Therefore, it is worth using such a simple, but functional and reliable way to assess the state of the body.

The most familiar way for us to measure temperature is in the armpit. But not everyone knows that this value does not characterize the true body temperature.

During the day, the human body is affected by many factors that can cause temporary temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the most informative body temperature at rest, which is otherwise called basal temperature. It is measured rectally (in the rectum).

During the menstrual cycle are cyclical and depend on the level of female sex hormones. If the daily measurement data is plotted on a graph, a defined curve will be obtained at the end of the cycle.

Based on the analysis of this curve, the doctor will be able to make an assumption about the patient's fertility or identify some hidden diseases.

But most importantly, basal temperature measurements are often taken to determine pregnancy.

Daily monitoring of basal temperature allows you to identify:

  • egg maturation;
  • favorable and unfavorable time for conception;
  • the time of the onset of menstruation;
  • hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle;
  • some gynecological diseases.

Indicative only if at least 3 menstrual cycles are conducted, and measurements are performed under certain conditions.

Which thermometer to choose: conditions for correct BT measurements

To measure basal temperature, you need to use a separate thermometer.

Best of all - ordinary mercury, since the data of other types of thermometers are less accurate.

It must be prepared in advance by putting it on the bedside table.

The thermometer should be placed in such a way that it can be taken in the morning without getting out of bed.

The data of the previous measurement must be reset in the evening, because in the morning this will entail unnecessary hand movements. This may adversely affect the accuracy of the measurement. The thermometer must be thoroughly cleaned after use.

Daily measurements should be taken using the same thermometer.

If for some reason the thermometer was replaced by another one, this should be noted in the table with the results.

Rules for taking measurements

In order to provide the doctor with reliable information, it is important to know how to correctly measure the basal temperature at home.

Any deviation from them can have an impact on what numbers a woman will eventually see on a thermometer. Even tenths of a degree matter, therefore, for accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to approach the measurement process as responsibly as possible.

With daily measurement of basal temperature, the following rules should be strictly followed:

  • the procedure is performed every morning at the same time (permissible error - no more than half an hour);
  • measurements begin on the first day of the menstrual cycle;
  • it is best to measure basal temperature with an ordinary thermometer;
  • the thermometer is inserted into the anus to a depth of 3-4 cm immediately after waking up;
  • you can not get out of bed, roll over, sit down or show other activity;
  • the body must be at rest for at least 6 hours before the start of the measurement;
  • the duration of the thermometer in the rectum is at least 5 minutes.

Basal temperature cannot be measured during the day or in the evening. In this case, the data will be uninformative.

The resulting value must be immediately entered in a special table. It should contain columns indicating the date, day of the cycle, temperature values, the nature of daily secretions (abundant, scarce, transparent, and so on).

Based on the data in the table, a graph of changes in basal temperature is built. On the horizontal axis of the graph, the days of the cycle are marked, on the vertical axis - the results of measurements.

It can be done manually - on a lined sheet of paper, or you can install a special application that will form the curve yourself.

Factors affecting the reliability of the results

An uncharacteristic fluctuation in basal temperature is possible in the following cases:

  • taking a significant dose of alcohol the day before;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives or an intrauterine device;
  • sexual intercourse less than 6 hours before the measurement;
  • taking medications (sedatives, sleeping pills, hormonal). For example, when taking or may be lower or, conversely, higher than normal. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • insufficient duration of night sleep (less than 6 hours);
  • flights, stress, unusual physical activity;
  • diseases (for influenza, any infections, etc.).

Any of these factors can cause measurement errors. Therefore, it is necessary to add the “Note” column to the table for entering the measurement results. It must record all the reasons that may affect the accuracy of measurements.

The basal temperature control method is available and safe, but not reliable enough due to possible measurement errors.

The control of the internal body temperature is one of the additional diagnostic methods, therefore, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the health of a woman and her ability to conceive only on the basis of an analysis of the graphs.

To make a correct diagnosis, additional tests and examinations should be prescribed.



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