Shuang hua bao in li west. Shuang Hua Bao, Shuang Huang Lian

If someone told me that the three herbs in the composition of the drug are capable of killing viruses, then I would never believe it, do not experience it personally. Until now, this remains a mystery to me, but still the effect, especially during initial use, was amazing.

I first came across this supplement in the summer of 2013. I had a severe cold, high temperature, a breakdown in strength, so that I could hardly move my legs, I lay more, it seemed that I "failed", weakly thinking.

Usually I treat myself, I don’t feel like going to the clinic, but here I had to call a doctor. By that time, I was already taking an antiviral agent, but there was no sense in it, although this medicine had helped before. The therapist prescribed an antibiotic, saying that ARVI gave a complication. But it so happened that on the same day, the Shuang Hua Bao elixir appeared at home from the Lee West company, which I already used and was very pleased with. It was because of this brand that I decided to postpone the antibiotic, taking the risk of taking the elixir. There were doubts, since it contained only Guttunia grass, forsythia fruits and the root of the Baikal skullcap. The inscription on the package promised antiviral activity, antibacterial properties.

It's not enough to say that I was surprised, I was very surprised that

Shuang Hua Bao elixir helped me a lot, the next day there was a tangible relief of my condition. I decided not to take an antibiotic, I continued to take only dietary supplements and I recovered, there were no complications. I felt as if I were not sick at all, although earlier after the illness I had weakness for some time.

Since then, we always have this remedy at home, just in case. There were also colds for me and my husband, the elixir definitely helped, but gradually I got used to it, there is no strong effect as before now. But still, I'll give him a five for the last effect.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review

Elixir Shuang Hua Bao (Shuang Hua Bao)

7. Does the seasonal use of drugs matter?

The main task of traditional Chinese medicine is the preservation and promotion of health. This is primarily due to prevention. "Disease is easier to prevent than to cure". Prevention begins with the selection of nutrition individually in accordance with the patient's condition, regulation of the regime of work and rest (physical activity), lifestyle, balancing the emotional state.

Unfortunately, not always a person can create ideal conditions for maintaining health, it is impossible to get all the necessary nutrients for the body from food. Therefore, it is necessary to take drugs that help strengthen and maintain health for a long time.

According to traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine, each organ corresponds to a certain season (Wu Xing system): the liver and gallbladder - spring, the heart and small intestine - summer, the spleen and stomach - the end of summer, the lungs and large intestine - autumn, the kidneys and urinary bubble - winter.

These are the seasons in which the relevant organs are vulnerable, weakened, when they need protection and support. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to take strengthening drugs that help the organs work according to the season and climatic features.

In addition to prevention, the seasonality of taking drugs is justified in case of seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases. For example, peptic ulcer - exacerbations are more common in spring and late summer. In Chinese medicine, peptic ulcer corresponds to the condition "the liver is in a state of excitement and does not control the stomach." It should: "calm the liver and feed the stomach." According to the Wu-sin cycle, the liver "suffers" in the spring, the stomach - at the end of summer. Here is the guide to action! Or, for example, allergies. Most often these are problems associated with the functioning of the liver. If you pay attention to the liver in early spring, then in the future, there will be fewer problems with allergies. This is especially true of allergic reactions associated with the beginning of the flowering of herbs and trees.

Taking drugs at the right time (season) - very effective, both for the prevention of various diseases, and for the prevention of exacerbations and the treatment of chronic diseases.

8. At what time of the day is it better to take drugs, and what is the relationship between taking drugs with food?

Simple drugs without a special purpose (for example, the Feng Wang Jiang Ginseng elixir, the Wei Ta Ming Wang elixir king vitamin) are taken 2-3 times a day in the morning and evening, or in the morning, afternoon and evening after 30-60 minutes . after meal.
Replenishing drugs(Qi, blood, Yin, Yang) are usually taken before meals for better absorption. For example, decoction "Laojan", "Laoli" and others.
Eliminating drugs take after meals. For example, boluses "Dragon bile", elixir "Chin Zhe Du" decoction from heat and poison. From the point of view of TCM, it is believed that food is “contaminated” energy, therefore, the “clean” replenishing energy of drugs should come before meals and not be neutralized by the energy of food.
Calming and sleeping pills Medicines are best taken 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are best taken before meals in order to stimulate the gastric mucosa and indirectly promote the excretory function of the bronchi, thereby thinning and removing sputum.
At poisoning or vomiting drugs are taken frequently and in small doses.
Specific medicines are taken as prescribed by a doctor. The time of maximum or minimum activity of the meridian is often used, since the reception at this time is more effective.

Daylight Savings Time must be taken into account! There are 3 approaches to taking medications:
1. Take during the maximum activity of the meridian.
2. Tone up (stimulate) - during the maximum activity of the meridian, sedate (calm down) - during the minimum activity.
3. If the drug is taken several times a day, then it is necessary during the maximum activity of the meridian and at any other time.

9. Is it right to start taking drugs with minimal dosages?

Very often one hears: “It is better to start taking drugs with minimal doses.” Moreover, many patients try to get a good effect from 1/32 - 1/16 of a pill, or from 1/10 of a bottle of an elixir. It is not right!

In China, on this occasion, doctors say with humor: “Chinese homeopathy was invented in Russia!”

Ready-made forms in the form of pills (6-9 grams), or in vials (10 milli) - this is exactly the normal single therapeutic dose of the drug. You can reduce the dose at the beginning of treatment, or taking into account the condition of the patient (debilitated patients), the constitution. The dose of the drug and the duration of administration is selected individually. But to reduce the therapeutic dose by 20-30 times is error.

10. How to take drugs correctly, should I drink decoctions, boluses, if yes, then with what?

All liquid forms of preparations are best taken warm or at room temperature. Not from the fridge! Although these are liquid forms, they should be washed down with boiled water.

Honey boluses of soft consistency must be chewed for a long time and must be washed down with boiled water. Pills, hard in consistency, powders are swallowed and also washed down with boiled water.

You need to pay attention to the description of the drugs. Some drugs have their own characteristics in the way they are taken. For example, (cough elixir) must be taken warm - the temperature is at least 37 degrees, the pills are washed down with salted water. There are Chinese medicines that are taken with milk, wine, or vinegar.

11. What drugs should not be taken by children under 12-14 years of age?

Drugs that stimulate rapid development, early puberty. These drugs include drugs that give a lot of Yang energy. These include drugs such as Bu Shen pills, White Phoenix pills, Royal Jelly with Ginseng elixir.

But it must be remembered that treatment is prescribed individually. There are also conditions in children where the use of these drugs is justified. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

12. What is the course of treatment for Shuang Hua Bao Elixir?

According to its characteristics, the drug is cold. The main indications are fever diseases (infections, high temperature, intoxication, inflammation). During the intake of cold preparations, such important organs as the spleen, stomach can be damaged by cold for a long time, which can cause loss of appetite, stomach pain, diarrhea, digestive disorders, and kidneys. This is especially true for people who are prone to cold, or who already have internal cold syndromes (pale face, cold extremities, fear of cold, etc.). Thus, the course of treatment with the Shuang Hua Bao elixir should not exceed 8-10 days.

13. What are the dosages for children?

Single dose:
Up to one year - 1 drop per month of life. For example, if a child is three months old - 3 drops 2-3 times a day, if a child is 11 months old - 11 drops 2-3 times a day. From one year to 3 years - LL from the adult dose. From 3 years to 6 years - 1/3 of the adult dose. From 6 years to 13 years -14 of the adult dose. From 14 years old - adult doses. This is the general scheme.
We need an individual approach!

If the child is weakened, the doses will be less. If the child is strong, physically ahead of his peers, you can increase the dose.

A natural antibiotic, one of the most common TCM preparations. It can be used as a monotherapy without combination with classical antibiotics for the treatment of most inflammatory diseases.

The action of the drug

It has not only antibacterial properties, but also antiviral activity; has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Acts on influenza viruses, other viruses that cause respiratory infections; tick-borne encephalitis viruses, mumps, herpes viruses; on staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, salmonella, proteus, etc.

Does not cause dysbacteriosis, has no side effects and age restrictions. In addition, if the drug is used in the acute phase of the disease, asthenic syndrome does not occur in the recovery period (weakness, decreased performance, sweating with little physical exertion).

Action according to traditional Chinese medicine

Purifies heat, neutralizes poison; tropen to the meridians of the lungs, stomach, large intestine.


  • heart guttuinia grass (Houttuynia cordata Thunb.);
  • fruits of forsythia suspended (Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl);
  • Baikal skullcap root (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi).


  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (in the period of exacerbation) caused by bacterial and viral infection;
  • in the complex treatment of dysbiosis of various origin and localization;
  • for the prevention of seasonal viral epidemics;
  • effective when applied topically (for example, intranasally) for rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, etc.


Adults: 10 ml 1 time per day with meals. If necessary - 10 ml (1 bottle) 3 to 6 times a day. The duration of the reception should be agreed with the doctor. Locally - for purulent skin diseases, infected wounds, rhinitis, adenoids, etc. - dilute in a ratio of 1:3.

There is a sediment, shake before use!

Release form:

10 bottles of 10 ml.

Client price (with Loyalty Card) 895 RUB

"Shuang Hua Bao". Natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent

It is a natural antibiotic, one of the most common preparations of traditional Chinese medicine. For the treatment of most inflammatory diseases, it can be used as monotherapy (without combination with other antibiotics).

It has not only antibacterial, but also antiviral properties, as well as anti-inflammatory action. Active against influenza viruses, tick-borne encephalitis, mumps, herpes. Also acts on staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, salmonella and other viruses.

Compound: heart-leaved guttunia (grass), hanging forsythia (fruits), Baikal skullcap (root).

Indications for use

Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (in the period of exacerbation) caused by bacterial and viral infection.

In the complex treatment of dysbiosis of various origin and localization.

For the prevention of seasonal viral epidemics.

Effective when applied topically (for example, intranasally) for rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, and the like.

Dosage and administration

Adults - 10 milliliters 1 time per day 40 minutes before meals (or during meals). If necessary - 10 ml 3 to 6 times a day. Coordinate the duration of admission with your doctor.

"Shuang Hua Bao" can also be applied topically: for purulent skin diseases, infected wounds, rhinitis, adenoids, and the like. Dilute in a ratio of 1:3.

There is a sediment, shake well before use.

Features of the drug: increases the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to synthetic antibiotics, without disturbing the mobile balance of the intestinal microflora. Does not cause dysbacteriosis, has no side effects and age restrictions.

The video is dedicated to the products of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the prevention and treatment of SARS

Release form: 10 bottles of 10 ml.

Storage conditions: in a dry, cool place.

Shelf life: 2 years.

Producer: Harbin food corporation "Greenspring". China, Harbin.

Stop cold. Elixirs "Shuang hua bao" and "Chin same du"

"Shuang Hua Bao". Natural antibiotic reviews

Average customer rating: () 4.67 out of 5 stars

  • Widely used in the postoperative period for the purpose of sanitation
    Anton 25 June 2017 13:56

    After resection of the nasal septum, a posterior tamponade with "Shuang hua bao" was performed, the tampons were left for 2.5 days (Friday to Monday). During this time, not only there were no bacterial complications, but the healing process began actively.

  • Use for inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs
    Olesya 25 June 2017 13:47

    Was diagnosed with purulent perforative otitis media (purulent fusion of the eardrum). The disease was accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication. She took "Shuang hua bao" orally 6 times a day, 5 ml each, into the ear canal 3 times a day introduced "Shuang hua bao" by turunda. On the 4th day there was a complete recovery.

  • The invaluable help of "Shuang hua bao"
    Anton June 25, 2017 01:37

    A family of 4 during the influenza epidemic used "Shuang hua bao" for prophylactic purposes: intranasal in the morning and evening, for children at a dilution of 1: 3, for adults without dilution. All family members used public transport services, visited children's groups and workplaces.
    The influenza epidemic bypassed us, despite the fact that the 8-year-old child was from the group of frequently and long-term ill children (FSI).


10 bottles of 10 ml.

Price: 1254 rubles.

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A unique natural antibiotic that is widely used in China in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. In most cases, it can be used as a monotherapy, but when combined with synthetic antibiotics, the elixir of SHB enhances their effect on pathogenic microflora.


heart guttuinia grass (Houttuynia cordata Thunb.);

fruits of forsythia suspended (Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl);

Baikal skullcap root (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)


"Shuang Hua Bao" - an antibiotic created by nature itself. Today by right the most widespread preparation of traditional medicine of China. It can be used alone without chemical antibiotics to cure many inflammatory diseases. "Shuang Hua Bao" has an effective effect on influenza viruses and other viruses that cause various respiratory infections. As well as viruses of mumps, tick-borne encephalitis, herpes virus igg, streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, various enterobacteria, proteas and others.

"Shuang Huang Bao" has no side effects, does not cause dysbacteriosis, is not endowed with age restrictions. If this elixir is used during the acute phase of the disease, then after a painful asthenic syndrome (weakness, decreased performance and sweating) does not occur. According to Chinese traditional medicine, "Shuang Hua Bao" neutralizes poison, cleanses heat, and has a tropic effect on the meridians of the stomach, lungs and large intestine.

Indications for use

acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (in the period of exacerbation) caused by bacterial and viral infection;

in the complex treatment of dysbiosis of various origin and localization;

for the prevention of seasonal viral epidemics; effective when applied topically (for example, intranasally) for rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, etc.


The drug is contraindicated in gastrointestinal disorders (digestion disorders with loose stools, flatulence), with individual intolerance to the components.


Adults: 10 ml 1 time per day with meals. If necessary - 10 ml (1 bottle) 3 to 6 times a day. The duration of the reception should be agreed with the doctor. Locally - for purulent skin diseases, infected wounds, rhinitis, adenoids, etc. - dilute in a ratio of 1:3.

There is a sediment, shake before use!

Release form

10 bottles of 10 ml.


Harbin Food Corporation "Greenspring", China, Harbin, Dongli district, st. Antuntoudao, 18.




2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs