The best dry food for kittens. Which cat food is better: the right diet for a meowing pet

The most popular among cat owners is dry food. There are many reasons for this, despite the fact that the quality of such food is rather controversial. Which dry cat food is better to choose, what criteria should be taken into account when choosing food for a pet.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

This type of food for pets would not be so popular among the population without a number of significant advantages. Professionals and experienced users include:

  • Low cost.
  • Good preservation of the opened package.
  • Cleans the animal's teeth from plaque.
  • Has many varieties.
  • Availability.

For most owners, the primary factor in choosing cat food is cost. Not everyone is ready to spend substantial sums on cat food.

To ensure the normal diet of the animal, industrial feed is much better than feeding the same food that the owner consumes.

Therefore, the dry form option becomes an acceptable choice for the cat owner for a complete, balanced pet nutrition.

In addition, the absence of moisture in the pieces of food ensures reliable long-term preservation of the packaging. This type of food can be safely stored for several weeks without losing nutritional value.. And its firm consistency cleans and sharpens the teeth of cats well. With food "from the table" this is not possible.

Various companies are engaged in the production of feed, which have developed many options for a dry diet, depending on the components, breed of cats, age, financial capabilities of the owners. This provides a huge choice to consumers. And the ability to purchase dry food in any veterinary store, the Internet makes it the most affordable.

Another advantage of dry food, many believe that the animal can be left alone for several days without compromising feeding. This type of food helps out in situations where it is not possible to take it with you on a business trip or travel.

Two large bowls - with dry food and water - will provide the cat with food for several days.

Although veterinarians do not give a clear answer to the question of whether dry food is good for cats, the consumer has made his own choice.

The disadvantages of this type of nutrition experts include:

  • A large number of chemical additives that are present in the economy class.
  • Use in the production of low-quality raw materials.
  • Mandatory presence of water near the container with feed.
  • An animal's addiction to dry food is almost dependent on it.
  • The low energy value of such feed.

Dry food is the only type in the production of which various additives are actively used. These are flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives. Such food has a bright rich flavor. For a predatory animal, which is a cat, this aspect is very important. After prolonged feeding with such food, the cat gets used to it so much that it is difficult to transfer it to another diet later, and new food is introduced into the diet is very difficult. It's a kind of addiction (like a drug). In addition, preservatives that prevent the contents of the package from spoiling quickly are harmful to the health of the fluffy.

By itself, dry food requires additional moisture. The animal cannot fully digest food without drinking plenty of water.

In addition, to reduce the cost, manufacturers often use not meat, but cartilage, tendons, animal offal. This also affects digestion in a bad way. In addition, to saturate a cat, she needs to eat significantly more dry food than wet or canned food. This is due to the low calorie content of this type of food.


Veterinarians have created a classification of this type of feed. This allows the consumer to better navigate the wide variety of dry food. They are divided into feed class:

  • Holistic.
  • Super premium.
  • Premium.
  • Economy

When choosing the best dry cat food, you should make a choice in each category separately, since the best option of the economy class is significantly inferior in quality to the average food of the holistic or super premium class.


This class of dry food can be called elite. Companies involved in the production of animal nutrition use only quality products for this class of feed. Hence the high cost of this category. Not every cat owner can afford such dry food.

Among the components there are no chemical additives that harm the pet. Long-term preservation of such pieces is ensured by the absence of moisture in food.

Firms use natural meat, fish and vegetables as raw materials. Components are analyzed for compatibility of products with each other and are selected in such a way as to provide maximum benefit to the cat.

The composition of the food and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them is ideal for a pet. There is also a gradation by animal breeds.

So, the British and the Siamese cat have the opportunity to eat, based on the characteristics of genetics. This type of food is produced mainly by American and Canadian companies. This is the most expensive type among dry ones.

Top holistic dry cat food looks like this:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).
  • Gow (Canada).
  • Howe (Canada).
  • Power of Nature (Germany).
  • Innova Evo (USA).
  • Orijen (Canada).

All these companies deserve respect, as they produce high-quality food. To keep a beloved cat on this type of feeding, you need to have a lot of money. But those who can afford it speak positively of it. Cats love to eat this kind of food. At the same time, the animal is active, the coat is shiny, it does not climb, digestion is working normally.

Super premium

During production, quite decent quality is maintained, the selection of optimal components for the animal. Veterinarians respond positively to such nutrition.

It also does not contain chemical additives harmful to cats. The composition includes natural ingredients. The selection of nutrients is well accepted by the pet's body. This is natural meat of turkey, chicken, veal. From fish - tuna, sardines, seafood, as well as cereals, vegetables. European and American companies are engaged in the production of such feeds. Among the best companies in this class:

  • Almo Nature (Italy).
  • Test of the Wild (USA).
  • Nutra gold (USA).
  • First Chase (Canada).
  • Pronature Holistic (Canada).
  • Bosch Sanabel (Germany).
  • Leonardo (Germany).

Companies produce a variety of options for cat food. The owner has the ability to vary the taste of dry food. This allows you to make your pet's diet more varied and complete.

Veterinarians advise feeding your pet such a diet so that the owner does not worry about the health of the pet.

Premium class

These feeds occupy an intermediate position between expensive, high-quality and cheap economy class food. Among them, you can find quite decent samples, but, at the same time, there are brands of low quality. Some do not use natural meat, but cartilage, tendons. You can find low-quality cereals, or those that are poorly perceived by the cat's body. Often the popularity of this type of food is due to powerful advertising of the product.

When purchasing such food, you should carefully read the information that is indicated on the package. As a rule, such products are produced by the same companies as more expensive varieties. But more can be added to the rating of the listed companies. This will allow the consumer to expand the search circle and choose the dry cat food that is optimally adapted to the specific case.

  • Eukanuba (Canada).
  • Advance (Spain).
  • Bosita (Sweden).
  • Nutra Mix (USA).
  • Royal Canin (Russia, France, Poland).

No matter how good dry food is, it is impossible to feed it to a kitten under the age of 8 months.

This is due to the fact that the animal's body is just being formed, and it is difficult for him to perceive dry pieces. The baby's digestion is not ready to digest this type of food. When the kitten reaches the age of 8 months, the digestive organs are already fully formed and can cope with dry food without any problems.

Economy class

The most common type among cat owners. The main reason for its popularity is its low cost. In the production of this food class, meat is replaced by "components of animal origin". This makes such food the cheapest, but by no means the most useful. Vice versa.

Such cheap food can cause chronic diseases of the digestive system in cats, heart problems.

In order to compensate for the lack of natural meat, chemical components are added to the feed. They enhance the smell and taste of the product. The animal eats such food with pleasure. But there is a serious danger here. The high content of flavoring and aromatic additives makes the animal dependent on this type of food. It is better to feed the cat with more expensive natural food. This will keep your pet healthy for a long time. There are leaders among economy class meals.

  • Gourmet (France).
  • Friskes (Russia, France, Hungary).
  • Kitiket (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Whiskas (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Purina Van (Russia, Hungary, France).

These are brands familiar from advertising companies. Despite the fact that these are the cheapest feeds, there is a clear favorite among them. This is gourmet food. Its ingredients make this brand almost the same quality as more expensive premium foods.

When a kitten or an adult animal appears in the house, questions always arise: what to feed a pet, what kind of cat food is there and what is better to choose? What is the difference between cheap and expensive? How do certain foods affect the health of the animal? When choosing food, you should pay attention to the composition. For premium food, the meat content must be at least 20%, the super-premium category must not contain offal, holistics are the most natural food.

Feed economy class

The main disadvantage of the production of feed of this class is the use of low quality raw materials. Instead of meat, these cheap feeds contain organ meats, cellulose, cereals and plant proteins. Such nutrition, although it does not cause significant harm to the health of the cat, does not bring the desired benefit, since, for example, offal is partially digested. The advantage of such feeds is their low cost.


This is a Russian-made feed from the KlinVet company, belonging to the middle price category. This brand produces both dry and wet food for kittens, adult animals, as well as for cats and cats prone to urolithiasis. In the manufacture of Vaska's feed, only natural ingredients and high-quality additives are used, but it contains too high a percentage of cereals, which adversely affects the health of the animal. This feed is assigned 2 points out of 10.

Doctor Zoo

Wet food for cats, which is available in the form of canned food and is packaged in pouches. Each pouch is designed for one feeding, the serving size is calculated depending on the age of the animal. Developed canned food for kittens and adult cats. The choice is represented by a variety of flavors, such as: chicken, rabbit, salmon, turkey meat. This feed has good taste and nutritional qualities, but contains poor quality by-products. The stern was awarded 2 points out of 10.


This Russian-Danish economy-class feed contains a lot of cereals, animal products, as well as mineral supplements, vitamins and sunflower oil. In terms of percentage, meat products take 2nd place after vegetable components, which is not a positive thing, since cats are predators by nature. In general, the ingredients of the feed are quite well balanced, although this product cannot be called rich in terms of the content of nutrients in it. This food is also rated 2 out of 10.

Four-legged gourmet

This brand has been on the market for 10 years, and the technology and recipes were developed with the participation of veterinary nutritionists. In the manufacture of feed, the maximum amount of natural ingredients is used, which undergo strict control checks. Manufacturers have developed dry and liquid cat foods that are palatable to pets, match the physiological characteristics of animals and contain a variety of nutrients. The brand produces food for different groups of animals, the range is constantly updated. Korm received 4 points out of 10.


This is a French company food, produced in Hungary. The big disadvantage is that cereals are in the first place in the composition of the feed, and only 4% of meat products are in the second place. The composition of the feed also includes minerals, vitamins, vegetables and oils with fats. Darling contains preservatives and dyes in its composition, which is also a huge minus. The undoubted advantage is its low cost and widespread use. The food deserved 3 points out of 10.


This is an American company that produces food for pets, including cats. Diverse composition and attractive price are the main advantages of this food. It also does not contain artificial ingredients: flavors and dyes. Feed is preserved with vitamin E. A large percentage is meat products, natural chicken fat and minerals. The ability to choose the right type of feed from a wide range, as well as an adequate price, attracts potential buyers. The product received 4 points out of 10.

Dr. Alders

This is a German brand at an affordable price, using only quality raw materials for its products. The composition does not include harmful substances, such as transgenic and genetically modified products, dyes and flavor enhancers, which is very attractive to buyers. The food contains meat products and vegetables with a minimum of processing, which contributes to the preservation of useful components. The company produces liquid and dry food for cats of different age categories. However, the amount of meat is not enough to be called complete and provide the animal with all the necessary substances, so it gets 4 points out of 10.

Dr. Clauders

Food made in Germany. It does not contain pure meat in its composition, and to improve the taste, the manufacturer uses the liver, which can contain toxins. The undoubted advantage is the presence of chicken fat, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat of the cat. There are also ready-made vitamin supplements. Both dry and liquid feeds are produced with different flavors. This brand deserves 3 points out of 10 for its poor composition.


This food was developed by Nestle Purina Petcare. Produced for domestic cats, for sterilized cats, for kittens.

On sale there are dry and liquid feeds of this company. The advantages of dry are affordable price and high prevalence. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the low content of meat and meat products (no more than 6%), as well as the content of preservative components and various additives that improve taste. Canned food is better because they do not need to be washed down with a lot of water, they are presented in a wider range and are easy to find on store shelves. The disadvantages are the same as for dry species. Korm receives 3 points out of 10 possible.


Like all economy-class feeds, it does not provide the animal with all the necessary substances and nutrients, since it is based on plant components. There is very little meat and meat products, only about 4%. It also has high consumption rates. The advantages include low cost, prevalence and good taste. The attractive taste of the product is obtained due to the addition of various flavor enhancers and additives, for which the food was awarded 3 points out of 10.


As an economy class food, it contains a very small percentage of meat and organ meats and a lot of grain and vegetable components. Contained in the composition and various substances that are harmful to the body, for example, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings. The range of the brand is represented by food for all age groups of animals, as well as for sterilized cats. Dry and wet food is produced. Awarded 3 points out of 10.

Mon Ami

This is dry and liquid economy class food at a bargain price, which is produced in Denmark and Russia. It consists of dried meat and meat products, the amount of which, however, is not more than 4-6%. It contains brewer's yeast, vegetable oils, which has a good effect on the condition of the skin and its derivatives. Most of all in the composition of various products of plant origin, cereals, as well as vitamins and minerals. The product is rated 4 out of 10.


This food is on everyone's lips due to advertising. The manufacturer provides a wide range of products. There are foods for both kittens and adult cats in dry and liquid versions. One of the advantages is that the product is presented at a low price and is ready for use immediately. The downside is that, like any other economy class food, it contains very little meat products and a lot of plant components. With prolonged use, it can lead to urolithiasis. Receives 3 points out of 10 possible.

Premium feed

These feeds are made from environmentally friendly, carefully selected raw materials according to certain standards. The composition does not contain ballast substances and chemical additives. Premium feeds are balanced in terms of vitamin and mineral composition and have high nutritional properties, which reduces the volume of the portion eaten and saturates the animal.


This is a Spanish premium brand with the most diverse line of flavors and a series of food for kittens, adult animals, neutered cats, long-haired pets and senior cats and cats. The main plus is that, despite its availability, the feed contains more natural products, there are no dyes and other harmful additives. It contains beneficial antioxidants and vitamins. The brand has daily and preventive foods, for which it receives 6 points out of 10.


German company producing both dry and wet food. The composition is distinguished by its naturalness and a good balance of all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. There is a wide selection of foods for aging pets and kittens that are picky eaters, as well as hypoallergenic cat food. A diverse range of flavors will allow your pet to choose only what he really likes. Korm gets 6 points out of 10.


This is a Swedish company producing dry and canned food for healthy kittens and cats. Has no medical line. It contains only natural products, among which a large amount is meat and animal protein, there are no harmful substances. The manufacturer offers products for adults, pregnant animals and kittens. The composition is rich in taurine, a complex of vitamins and mineral supplements necessary for the life of a cat. A new complex has been released, designed to increase immunity in animals. The stern was awarded 7 points out of 10.


In addition to natural ingredients, the food has a wide range of products: for sterilized animals, domestic cats and cats, for long-haired breeds, for pregnant cats and kittens. If the question arises, what kind of cat food to choose so that it is of high quality and at a reasonable price, you should stop at Brit. The company provides dry options, jellies, canned food. Only natural meat is used for production. The product has really good taste qualities, and is additionally enriched with mineral additives, vitamins and microelements. Korm received 7 points out of 10.


The company has both a daily series of feeds and a veterinary series for different groups of animals. It contains only natural ingredients, has a good balance and high nutritional properties, which makes the portion eaten smaller. The range is not very wide and products are often not available in many pet stores, which can be attributed to the minuses. The downside is that it contains vegetable protein, so when choosing this brand, you need to consider how well your animal digests vegetable protein. The product gets 7 points out of 10.


This is a French brand that produces a huge range of feed. In addition to meat and animal proteins, they contain flaxseed, fructooligosaccharides, apple pectin, and brewer's yeast. All this has a beneficial effect on the body of a pet and provides it with everything necessary. The feed does not contain dyes, other chemical additives and GMOs. A big plus is the use in the production of organolisates, which are a complex of essential amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They strengthen the body of the animal, improve digestion, strengthen and improve the coat. The food deserves a 7 out of 10.


Brazilian-made feed, which contains natural meat, liver, meat meal, rice. It is a hypoallergenic product, it also contains vitamins, minerals, brewer's yeast, gluten. Harmful chemicals and other unnecessary additives are absent. It has a relatively low price, however, it is not very common on the shelves of pet stores, but it is easily purchased on the Internet. Korm received 7 points out of 10.

happy cat

The products are made in Germany and have a unique recipe. It is prepared from natural meat and vegetable ingredients and does not contain animal protein substitutes and chemical additives, dyes, preservatives and flavors. The range is represented by canned and dry food for everyday feeding, as well as for animals that have certain health problems. All products contain medicinal herbs that ensure the normal activity of the stomach and circulatory system. Grains and trace elements make up for the lack of nutrients. The shine of the coat is given by fatty acids. Korm received 7 points out of 10.


This brand provides a really wide selection of feed. There is a special line of products designed to combat obesity, for allergic animals, for cats and cats with problems with the cardiac and excretory systems. Feed for postoperative rehabilitation has been developed. Natural ingredients with a predominance of meat and proteins of animal origin, as well as essential amino acids and a vitamin complex that is part of the feed, provide the pet with all the necessary set of substances for a full life. It is easy to find on sale in specialized veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. Korm receives 7 points out of 10 possible.


Produced in the USA and has both liquid and dry versions, there is no medical line. The amount of proteins is normal, but they do not consist of pure meat, but of chicken offal and chicken. The food contains cornmeal, which is poorly digested and can cause allergies, but quickly saturates the cat. Sorghum, which is present in the composition, is also undesirable in a cat's diet. There are also very useful components, such as chicken fat, fish oil, vitamins, folic acid and the necessary taurine. The product is inexpensive and easy to find in pet stores. It also does not contain harmful additives. Awarded 5 points out of 10.


Hazardous chemicals are not used when creating feed, GMO products and raw materials remain of sufficient quality. The percentage of animal fats and meat is not so high, however, all the necessary substances are preserved, including fiber, vital taurine and vitamins. The food pleases with its adequate price. Of the minuses, one can single out a fairly large percentage of vegetable and grain raw materials, the use of dehydrated meat instead of fresh meat, as well as the use of harmful corn in the production. Awarded 6 points out of 10 possible.

Natural Choice

This is a Canadian-made feed, which is distinguished by a balanced and high-quality composition. One third of its content consists of animal protein, which is optimal for proper nutrition. The main share of meat falls on dietary poultry, fish and chicken fat, which contain amino acids necessary for the animal's body. Natural flavors are used to improve the pet's appetite. The line also includes options for allergic animals recommended by veterinarians for both the treatment and prevention of allergies. The food deserves 7 points out of 10 possible.

perfect fit

The main disadvantage is the lack of real meat, it is replaced with offal. Therefore, you should not expect much benefit from this feed. There are flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavors and other harmful additives in the composition, as well as too much corn. Most proteins are of plant origin, not animal origin. Products are produced for both adult animals and kittens in the form of canned food and dry food. Among the advantages are low cost and widespread use in pet stores. Deserves 5 points out of 10.

Royal Canin

This is a balanced premium food for cats, which will be a good replacement for natural nutrition. It contains essential nutrients, is well balanced and tastes great. However, among the disadvantages are the presence of flavor and odor enhancers, as well as preservatives. The medical line is of higher quality and has products for the prevention of dental diseases, which is rare among other companies that produce premium products. If the question arises, how to feed a British cat or a cat of other expensive breeds, you should stop at this brand. It has an adequate price, is distinguished by its availability in specialized stores. Preference should be given to European-made feed, as products manufactured in Russia are of lower quality. The food deserves 7 points out of 10 possible.

Super premium food

Super-premium feeds are distinguished by their optimal balance, using only natural meat and meat products, microelements, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids as raw materials, which are necessary for the full development and growth of cats and kittens. There are no harmful chemical additives in their composition, and plant components occupy a smaller part than meat ones.

1st Choice

This is a Canadian-made food line, which guarantees a strict quality assessment. In the manufacture of using only natural meat and meat products. The composition is perfectly balanced in terms of the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. Products have a high nutritional value, the cat is saturated in small portions. There is a safe food option for allergic animals. The manufacturer does not offer a wide range to choose from, and several undesirable components were found in the composition, such as poultry flour and cellulose. The food deserves 8 points out of 10 possible.

Arden Grange

An English-made food that has proven to be an excellent option for feeding domestic cats. It does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers or dyes, cheap and harmful ingredients. High quality natural products are used as raw materials according to the scheme: meat - rice - vegetables - vitamins - probiotics. Products are balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and animal proteins occupy the largest part. Cereals of low grades are also not used in the manufacture. An important component is beet pulp, which improves digestion. Flaxseed is rich in fatty acids. Cranberry pomace fights urolithiasis. Has excellent taste. Of the minuses, one can single out the presence of cellulose in the composition. Korm scored 8 points out of 10.


These are German-made feeds of good quality, made from products of natural animal and vegetable origin. They do not contain chemical harmful additives, which guarantees the absence of health problems in the animal. When feeding this product, mineral supplements are not needed. The protein ratio is ideal, as is the percentage of ash, the amount of vegetable protein is low. It is well absorbed and has excellent taste properties. A very big plus is the presence of flax seeds, fish oil, eggs, barley in the product. The food eliminates bad breath from the cat's mouth. The composition exceeds the amount of liver, maize and unwanted cellulose are present. Deserves 8 points out of 10.


Contains natural meat, necessary additives and vitamin complex. Protein and ash levels are optimal. The addition of fiber to the product ensures good digestion. The manufacturer provides a wide range of feeds depending on the age category of animals and breeds with different tastes. The palatability of the feed is at an average level, so the product is designed for less picky animals. Of the minuses, one can single out the presence of unwanted corn and cornmeal in the composition. Deserves 8 points out of 10 possible.

Profine Adult Cat

This is a French food that serves as a complete diet for animals. The product is made only from natural ingredients of plant and animal origin. The balance of ash and protein is ideal, and the percentage of fat is relatively low, which is also a definite plus. The quality of meat products is not bad, but chicken meat is used, which is not considered an ideal feeding option. Among the harmful ingredients used cornmeal and corn. Of the valuable additives - chicken fat and fish oil, which improve the quality of wool. The food is rich in vitamins, pectin, fatty acids and minerals. The product receives 7 points out of 10 possible.

ProNature Holistic

This is a good professional food, which is prepared from top-class meat products with the addition of berries, fiber, vegetables, vitamin supplements and essential fatty acids to prevent diseases and maintain the health of the animal. It has excellent taste qualities and is supplied to Russia without interruption, undergoing a thorough check. The amount of protein is perfectly balanced, but the amount of ash is not optimal. Beet pulp, which is part of the composition, prevents digestive problems. Only natural additives are used as flavors. Among the shortcomings are the use of cellulose and yeast. Receives 8 points out of 10.

Royal Canin

It is a good substitute for natural feed. It includes only natural products and the necessary components for the full life of a cat. The veterinary food line deserves special attention, they are perfectly balanced for each specific disease. Everyday feed is slightly lower quality. Royal Canin makes spider and dry food. The obvious advantages of the feed include financial availability, good quality, ubiquitous distribution and a wide selection of products. It is better to order European-made food, not Russian. The food deserves an 8 out of 10.

Korma holistic

Holistic Grade is the best choice for professional animal nutrition products. Such feed is used for breeding animals in nurseries. They do not include flavor or flavor enhancers or other undesirable chemical additives.


This is a well-known brand of Canadian-made cat food, which is distinguished by the highest quality of the components used in the manufacture. The line is not replete with a wide range. The manufacturer offers products for animals of different age groups, food for different breeds and age categories. The company does not have corrective veterinary nutrition. The composition of the feed does not contain vegetable and grain crops, chemical additives and various allergens. It has high nutritional properties and contains essential vitamins and minerals. There is an opinion among veterinarians that excess protein can lead to allergies and immobility in neutered animals, so he gets a 9 out of 10.

Almo Nature

This is European-made cat food, which has a rich assortment. Products are prepared only from natural meat products and their derivatives, it is fully balanced in terms of proteins, ash, fats and carbohydrates. The use of chemicals, various dyes and preservative artificial substances is excluded. Dry food is slightly inferior in quality to canned food. There is a separate category of treats, there is liquid food for cats, food for neutered and overweight animals, hypoallergenic food for sensitive animals. Deserves 9 points out of 10 possible.

ANF ​​holistic

This is a premium food made in the USA and the UK. Diets consist only of a mixture of natural products, mainly of animal origin, probiotics, vitamins, seaweed, which are rich in trace elements and minerals. The range is compiled taking into account the age and individual characteristics of animals. In the manufacture of the product, no chemical additives, flavors, various enhancers are used, which reduces its taste. The nutritional value is at the highest level, as is the balance of the feed in all respects. The product gets 10 out of 10.

chicken soup

The country of origin is the USA. The main disadvantage is the problem with its delivery to Russia. The ingredients are perfectly balanced, the animal that receives such nutrition does not need supplements. The required concentration of proteins eliminates the possibility of obesity and an increase in the concentration of sugar. The pet receives fats from salmon and poultry. Each variety of the line contains different types of meat and chicken meal. The absence of corn and soy is a definite plus. Among the cereals, rice and barley are used; fruits and root and tuber crops are present as a source of fiber. The food is produced for different age groups, but there is no line for veterinary purposes. Gets 9 points out of 10.

Eagle Pack Cat Canidae

This food is perfect for daily feeding of your pet. A wide range is represented by the following varieties: for lactating cats, normal and for kittens. The high level of ash and the absence of harmful additives impair the taste of these products. The composition does not contain harmful cereals, including corn and its flour. Instead, rice and potatoes are presented. The content of fish and chicken fat has a good effect on the skin and its derivatives. Beetroot improves digestion and stool, cranberries are used to prevent ICD (urolithiasis). Doubtful is the tomato mixture, as it can lead to allergies. Korm receives 9 points out of 10 possible.

Earthborn Holistic Holistic

The brand is owned by an American dry food company for pet cats. The products are developed by nutritionists and leading veterinary specialists and contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and minerals. The main ingredient is high quality natural meat. The absence of flavors, preservatives and dyes is a big advantage. The brand does not produce canned food, which is a minus. Korm gets 9 points out of 10.


This food is made from natural meat ingredients of the highest quality. Balanced and contains all essential and essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, brown rice. All this provides the pet with health and energy. Now the company produces non-grain feed. The products are free of allergens such as soy and corn. The manufacturer provides three types of food: for kittens and cats; with chicken and rice; for older animals and cats with increased body weight. The product receives 9 points out of 10 possible.

GO and NOW Natural

This is a good and fully balanced Canadian food. It is prepared from the highest quality ingredients, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the cat's body. The product prevents the development of many diseases, prolongs the life of the animal. In Russia, it is presented as non-grain, for cats and kittens with chicken and with four types of meat. It is similar in price to Royal Canin, but better quality. The downside is the lack of spiders and a veterinary line in the assortment. Products contain the optimal ratio of ash, proteins and carbohydrates. The absence of chemical additives and the presence of probiotics that improve digestion is a big plus. Korm gets 9 points out of 10.

Golden Eagle (N&D)

It is best suited for everyday feeding and is available in three types: for lactating animals and kittens, hypoallergenic cat food and regular food. Since the composition often lists only chicken and salmon or only chicken meal, these products are inferior to most of the holistic class. This minus is compensated by the absence of harmful cereals in the composition, such as corn. The feed contains all the components necessary for normal life: fats, beets, fiber. There are no preservatives or other chemical additives. Deserves 8 points out of 10.


This holistic food is one of the highest quality, and therefore expensive. When feeding a cat with this product, additional supplements and vitamins are not needed. Products are prepared from the best meat and vegetable products and include poultry or rabbit meat, vitamins, oils, fats, fiber. All the protein in this product is of animal origin only and reaches a fairly high level, which is good for active animals. Does not contain preservatives, allergens and other questionable substances. Flavors are present, but they are natural and will not cause addiction to the pet. Receives 10 points out of 10 possible.

Natural & Delicious

This is a good and balanced diet in all respects. The high content of natural meat products and meat, the low content of cereals is a definite plus. However, the manufacturer uses dehydrated meat. The ash content is a little high, which spoils the overall picture. The products do not contain any dyes, flavor enhancers and food additives. The range is available in a wide range of flavors and contains beneficial probiotics that improve digestion, as well as medicinal herbs, mineral supplements and vitamins. Korm receives 9 points out of 10 possible.


In the production of these products, natural ingredients are used; as a rule, one feed contains several types of meat. The content of carbohydrates is minimal, as part of a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. The level of animal proteins reaches 75%, carbohydrates up to 20%. The disadvantage of the company is the lack of canned and veterinary feed. Magnesium contained in the composition of the product, as well as a high amount of protein, contributes to the prevention of diseases of the urinary system. There is a special line of feed designed for castrated animals. Deserves 10 points out of 10.


This is a holistic food made in America. It contains the highest quality ingredients. The lion's share of the product is natural meat and proteins of animal origin. Each type includes 5 types of meat, potatoes, antioxidants, vitamin and mineral complex, tomatoes and cranberries. The feed is free from harmful grains, dietary fiber and other questionable ingredients, such as flavor enhancers and flavors that are harmful to the animal. The products meet all standards and provide the cat with all the necessary substances, keeping her healthy, so he gets 10 points out of 10 possible.

It is quite common for pet owners to feed their pets ready-made dry food or canned food. It is very convenient: cooking food for a cat takes almost no free time. In addition, high-quality feed is balanced, they include vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal development of the animal.

Today, the choice of feed in specialized stores is huge. It is not easy to understand this variety, especially if the word “holistic” is indicated on the package, which is unknown to many, and it is not clear what advantages or disadvantages this or that composition has. In this article, we will present you The rating of these products is made up of many publications devoted to the topic of keeping pets. We want to supplement the list with a description of the composition, the presence of useful substances and disadvantages, if any.

Feed features

The term "holistic" comes from the word "holism" (translated from Greek - "whole", "complete"). Holism, in turn, is an everyday philosophy, implying the idyll and unity of the surrounding world, the human soul and body. The principle of this philosophy was formed by Aristotle, and it sounds like this: "The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Which we present to you today are products that occupy a leading position in sales, reviews of specialists and pet owners. They are as close as possible to natural, natural conditions.

The Holistic Advantage

For the most part, holistic foods contain about 70% of selected meat or fish, there are products in which this figure reaches 95%. Such products are manufactured using a special technology based on minimal heat treatment. Thanks to this, many useful substances are retained in the finished compositions.

Feed-holistics is considered to be professional nutrition. They are ideal for feeding pedigreed, show and breeding animals, although many hobbyists have switched their pets to these foods. Holistics do not contain flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers. The product is preserved thanks to its natural preservatives - rosemary, vitamins E and C.

Features of the composition of the feed

We have already said that the basis of any holistic is natural meat or fish. These foods are a natural priority for cats. However, for the harmonious development of meat alone is not enough for them. When a wild cat, the ancestor of our pets, caught game, it first of all ate the contents of the intestines and stomach. It always contained at least a small amount of plant food, also necessary for the animal. Therefore, holistic feeds contain such important components as fruits, vegetables, healthy herbs, and berries. Lentils, peas or brown rice are added to some formulations. But their number is strictly dosed and does not exceed 10%.

The cost of holistics

Given all of the above, we can conclude that the arguments in favor of these feeds are really impressive. Therefore, it is only natural that they cost more than many advertised products. Their price ranges from 600 rubles for 400 grams to 7500 rubles for a large package of 7 kilograms.

But if we take into account the high level of digestibility of these feeds, which ensures the saturation of the animal with a smaller amount of the product, and calculate its consumption, then it will not be too expensive. A complete holistic food allows you to pay money for quality and natural ingredients. Therefore, when purchasing such compounds, do not be lazy to read the composition indicated on the package. Responsible feed manufacturers list all ingredients on their products.

Holistic food for cats: rating

There are many manufacturers of cat food these days. Some of them are widely advertised and well known to Russian animal lovers, others are less popular, although they produce a really high-quality product.

  • Orijen Cat.
  • Acana.
  • golden eagle.
  • Innova.
  • wellness.
  • Grandorf.
  • GO! natural holistic.

Orijen Cat

Orijen food from Canadian manufacturers belongs to the super premium class products and is distinguished by a high content of protein and vitamins necessary for the development, health and vigor of the animal. It consists of about 75% meat (or fish), chicken eggs.

Canadian herbs are a unique component. They, judging by the reviews of the owners, improve the digestion of animals, have a beneficial effect on their health. A useful and vitamin-rich composition makes Orijen food really high quality. Additionally, anchovies and salmon are added to it as a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6.


According to the owners, this holistic is actually a quality product. Animals eat it with pleasure, the condition of the coat noticeably improves, digestion improves. But at the same time, the food also has some disadvantages: high price, small selection of formulations, lack of canned food and wet options.

golden eagle

A product of American manufacturers, it is the first nutrigenome holistic food developed in collaboration with nutritionists, geneticists, renowned veterinarians. The company offers a wide range of feed for different age groups of animals, as well as therapeutic diets.

The food contains a large amount of meat, fresh vegetables and fruits and other high-quality sources of carbohydrates and minerals and trace elements important for the health of cats.


The food from the well-known Canadian company Champion Petfoods, which has been producing products for cat and dog nutrition for many years, is very popular among owners who are worried about the health of their pets. This is due to the quality of the ingredients used. A well-known manufacturer exercises the strictest control at all stages of production.

In addition, in Canada it is almost impossible to write on the packaging that the feed contains fresh meat, and put only corn and bone meal inside, which, unfortunately, Russian manufacturers often sin. Acana is a complete, balanced, no-supplement product for your cat. It contains no grains, allergens, chemical additives.

Cat food is the key to good pet health, and the choice of food is always relevant. Naturally, ideally, eating natural food will bring more nutrients, but then the owner has to constantly cook it. Since most modern people do not have time for this, dry cat food is a way out of the situation. What are the features of dry food? Is dry cat food harmful and which is the best? Read further in the article.

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Dry food features

When dry food enters the animal's stomach, it soaks and becomes larger, thus giving a feeling of fullness. It is also better for the cat's teeth than other types of food. When biting into small pieces, the cat's teeth are cleaned of plaque. Dry food has an advantage over other types - convenience, so cat food can lie in a bowl for a long time, while it does not spoil at all.

Dry food for kittens and fluffy adults of the Super Premium class is of high quality. In their composition, they do not contain any ballast components or ingredients of plant origin. If the owner feeds his pet with such food, then you should not worry about his health. You can also select a group of luxury feeds. Among the representatives of enterprises that produce such feeds are companies specializing only in animal feeds.

These are not large corporations that have a personal scientific base, conduct research in the field of the usefulness of one or another product for the four-legged organism. Today, the choice of pet food is limited only by the financial capabilities of its owner. Any food can cause allergies, or the food may simply not be to the liking of the animal. Therefore, it is best to introduce it into the diet of the animal gradually. We offer you to watch a cute video about how the cat eats.

Species rating

For kittens

NameDescriptionComposition and indicationsA photo
Innova Cat and KittenDry food class "holistic". It is one of the highest quality. Manufactured in the United States. It is produced by Natura pet Products.Contains protein at the level of 38 percent, contains chicken, turkey, potatoes, whole eggs, various vegetables. The feed contains components from 5 basic food groups, has a meat base for the intake of animal proteins. Important fats and oils are added to the feed to improve the condition of the kittens' fur and skin, to strengthen the immune system.
Orijen cat & KittenContains vitamin A, D3, E, B12, thiamine, choline, riboflavin, niacin and other trace elements. It contains sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, selenium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Indicated for kittens as a complete diet.
Felidae Cat and Kitten FormulaDry food class "holistic". Manufacturer СANIDAE Natural Pet Food Co, USA.Does not contain harmful preservatives, corn, soy and wheat. Brown rice in the product is a source of carbohydrates that is used to increase energy and health. Indicated for kittens as a daily diet. Contains: enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, chelated minerals and vitamins. Suitable for naughty kittens.
Acana GRASSLANDS CATFree from GMOs, corn, wheat, soy and gluten, palm oil, animal by-products, hormones, artificial flavors and preservatives. Animal products are used only from animals that are recognized as fit for human consumption. Very nutritious, suitable for daily feeding of a kitten.
Pro Plan JuniorContains raw fats, proteins, ash, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, linoleic acid. It has a combination of powerful antioxidants that are irreplaceable, as well as fatty acids and trace elements that strengthen the kitten's natural defenses.

For adult cats and cats

NameDescriptionComposition and indicationsA photo
Innova Evo CatHolistic food. It is one of the highest quality. Manufactured in the United States. It is produced by Natura pet Products.This food is recommended for active and healthy pets. Contains a fairly large amount of protein in its composition. All protein is of animal origin. The feed contains no ingredients that cause allergies in animals. Can be used by both longhair and shorthair cats. Flavors - natural, used to attract cats to food. Not addictive. Contains probiotics and enzymes to help four-legged pet's digestion.
OrijenDry food class "holistic". Champion Petfoods products. Produced in Canada.Contains nutritious animal proteins, suitable for both long-haired and short-haired pets. Contains vitamin A, D3, E, B12, thiamine, choline, riboflavin, niacin and other trace elements. Indicated as a basic diet for cats.
CanidaeHolistic class food. Produced in the United States of America.One hundred percent consists of natural products. Even people can eat it. Consists of chicken, turkey, fish and lamb, as well as white and brown rice. Natural supplements of balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 are included in the product. It is indicated both for healthy cats, as a complete daily diet, and for animals with skin and coat problems.
AcanaSuper premium food. Manufactured in Canada by Akana.A balanced, complete food made from fresh ingredients for cats of all breeds. Has 71% regional animal ingredients, 32% regional vegetables and fruits, grain free, includes 4 types of fresh protein. Indicated as a basic diet for cats.
Pro planPremium food. Produced by Purina, USA.The food is made from premium quality products: it has chicken, salmon, turkey or duck as a base component, which serves as an excellent source of protein. The composition of the feed does not contain preservatives and dyes. The balanced content of rice improves digestion. Indicated as a basic diet for cats.

Is there any harm from a dry menu: opinions of veterinarians

What kind of food to choose each owner decides for himself. However, in order to make the right decision in feeding, many pet owners are also interested in the reviews of veterinarians. According to many veterinarians, feeding cats dry food is beneficial. The thing is that the finished feed has a balanced composition. Long-haired or short-haired pets will not only be healthy, but the owner will also spend less money on dry food.

Also, such cat food is well stored and has a moderate consumption due to the low water content in the product. In the reviews, veterinarians also note disadvantages. So, dry food is not as appetizing as natural or canned food. But by adding water to it, it will become more attractive to the pet. The reviews also provide a recipe for such a process.

It is necessary to add 230 ml of water to 425 grams of dry food, the temperature of which does not exceed forty degrees.

Also in the reviews is another minus of dry feeding. It lies in the fact that such a meal contains only dry ingredients, which impair digestibility. In the manufacture of feed, meat meal and other components that have been processed are used. Violation of the drying regime, in turn, greatly reduces the amount of nutrients. However, among the dry cat food, there are those for the production of which various fresh meat ingredients are used.

Due to this, the feed pellets contain a greater amount of fats and proteins with a high biological value. Also, according to veterinarians, today there is no feed on the Russian market that would be perfectly balanced. Almost all of them contain a lot of carbohydrates, most of them have a high glycemic index. Many feeds, and even the super premium class, in their composition exceed the carbon norm by forty percent. In a pet, exceeding this norm can lead to undesirable fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and other health problems are not excluded.

Video "Raccoon steals food"

Did you know that not only cats love dry food? In the next video, you will see how a raccoon steals food from unsuspecting cats. Still would! Who would have thought that the insolent would have so much courage.

The beauty, health and good mood of our four-legged friends is the best reward for us, their owners. After all, it is not in vain that we spend so much time, effort and love to ensure that our pets delight us with their spontaneity and magnetism. Beautiful toys, comfortable clothes, fashionable leashes… all this is also important and interesting. However, the main thing is food!

A modern domestic cat should always be fed and happy!

How to choose what is right for your pet? And how much does it cost?

We offer you an updated review of the best cat food for 2019 from the most famous and most trusted brands in the world.

  1. Now Natural Holistic (Nau Natural Holistic), Canada - super-premium

Super premium cat food. Updated rating 2019

1. Innova EVO (Innova EVO), USA - holistic

Cat food "Innova EVO" produced by the American company "Natura Pet Products" can be called one of the best in the world. The prefix "holistic" means that this food uses food ingredients that can be used in human products.


  • - excellent quality and recommendations of veterinarians
  • - the presence of raw dietary proteins (meat)
  • - the presence of probiotics that improve digestion
  • - hypoallergenic
  • - increase the lifespan of the animal
  • - high energy value
  • - Helps prevent kidney stones


  • - more expensive than most other foods
  • - difficult to buy in a store, you need to search on the Internet (but in 2019 this food (especially dry) became more popular in Russia)

Cost in online stores- ranging from 23 to 35 dollars for a package of 12 cans. Can weight - 375 grams.

Dry food:

  • 400 g - from 250 r.
  • 1.5 kg - 870 rubles
  • 4 kg - 1960 r.

2. Acana (Akana), Canada - holistic

Any Acana cat food contains several meat items and at least three protein sources:

  • fresh fish,
  • whole eggs,
  • the meat of chickens that have grown up on the "free range".

This food is rich in such essential acids as EPA and DHA, Omega 3, vitamin B12, selenium and other useful substances. The composition of Acana feed contains a minimum of carbohydrates.

Acana foods are perfectly balanced and help cats reach their full potential and achieve excellent health, regardless of age and breed characteristics.


  • - increased concentration of natural proteins
  • - Minimum content of simple sugars and "empty" calories
  • - the presence of a variety of herbal ingredients
  • - no preservatives and dyes


  • - lack of a line of feed for specialized corrective and therapeutic nutrition (at the time of publication of this review)

Cost: from 360 to 4900 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

3. Almo Nature (Almo Natur), Italy - super-premium

Dry and "wet" food "Almo Nature" contain completely natural ingredients (up to 99% of fish or meat in whole pieces). During the manufacturing process, these products are checked for quality three times and subjected to minimal processing. As a result, the feed is harmonious in composition, nutritious, and has an excellent biological value. It preserves the natural smell of products and a maximum of useful properties. There are no GMOs, flavorings, preservatives, antibiotics in the entire line of feeds.


  • - natural ingredients
  • - no chemical impurities
  • - a wide range of canned and dry food
  • - convenient classification of feed is made with the help of colored stickers
  • - relatively low cost


  • - dry food of lower quality than "wet"

Price:canned food (wet food):

  • from 70 r - bank 0.07 kg
  • from 150 r - bank from 0.14 kg.

Dry food in 2019 is worth:

  • from 860 rubles - for a bag of 2 kg.
  • from 4430 r. for 12 kg.

4. Golden Eagle or Eagle Pack (Eagle Pack), USA - holistic

Eagle Pack (or Golden Eagle) cat food is a premium product available on the market in three varieties: Kitten Formula (for lactating cats and kittens), Adult Cat (with salmon and chicken for feeding normal cats), and Sensitive (hypoallergenic) . These types of food are great for feeding your cat, as they are perfectly balanced in terms of the level of beneficial microorganisms and the natural bacteria found in them.


  • - the optimal composition of ingredients that does not require adjustment with vitamin supplements
  • - the presence of natural animal proteins
  • - a balanced amount of digestive probiotics
  • - content of proprietary vitamins Lactohealth™, MicroHealth™, BioHealth™


  • - a narrow assortment (in 2019 - the assortment is unchanged)
  • - produced only in dry form (at the time of publication of this feed review)


  • 0.4 kg - 447 rubles
  • 2 kg - 1326 rubles
  • 4 kg - 2570 r.

5. 1st Choice Indoor (Fest Choice), Canada - Super Premium

1st Choice Indoor is a dry cat food made by Canadian company PLB International. A wide range of these products is designed for animals with different needs: ordinary pets, neutered, fastidious, hyperactive, etc.

The company's specialists have developed a balanced composition of the ingredients included in these feeds, which is ideal for cats at different stages of their lives and corresponds to their current physical condition.


  • - great nutrition and great taste
  • - high content of animal proteins
  • - the presence of rice - one of the best sources of carbohydrates
  • -presence of probiotics and prebiotics
  • - optimal concentration of vitamins
  • - balanced antioxidant formula
  • - Ability to reduce urine and stool odors


  • - lack of a wet food line (at the time of publication of the review)

Cost: from 280 to 5300 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

6. Now Natural Holistic (Nau Natural Holistic), Canada - super-premium

Now Natural Holistic is a 100% grain-free, super-premium cat food that contains boneless fresh meats, fruits and vegetables and is free of by-products and hormones. The list of ingredients of these feeds is extremely wide: fresh duck, turkey, salmon, rapeseed or coconut oil, spinach, cranberries, peas, blackberries, pumpkin pulp, alfalfa, carrots, lentils, brown algae. The feeling of product freshness is the main distinguishing feature of these feeds.


  • - no animal fats
  • - lack of low-quality proteins
  • - no BHT and BHA toxins
  • - optimal content of high-quality proteins
  • - the presence of a balanced vitamin formula
  • - great taste


  • - no wet food line
  • - higher average price position compared to some other feeds in this class

Cost: from 260 to 4500 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

7. Orijen Cat (Orijen Cat), Canada - holistic

Orijen Cat is a premium 100% natural, freeze-dried cat food that contains no preservatives and is top notch in taste and natural value. The content of meat in these feeds is at least 70%, and the remaining ingredients are herbs, fruits and vegetables. The optimal combination of all nutrients makes this food one of the best in the world.


  • - made exclusively from high quality natural products
  • - the maximum allowable meat content
  • - balanced vegetable vitamin formula
  • - the presence of Omega-3 - acids of marine origin, useful for wool and skin
  • - antioxidant properties
  • - prevalence in retail chains


  • - relatively high cost compared to other feeds of this level

Cost: from 320 to 12,000 rubles, depending on and from topacking weight.

8. Frank's Pro Gold (Franks Pro Gold), Holland - super-premium

Frank's Pro Gold is a perfectly balanced premium cat food free of grains, GMOs and soy additives. A distinctive feature of these feeds is an acceptable price and excellent quality. A wide range of these products allows you to choose the optimal diet for your pets, regardless of their age, physical condition and breed. Among the rich variety of tastes there are: fresh meat of lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, fish.


  • - affordable price level and high quality
  • - the presence of a line of special dietary feeds for diseases of the liver and heart, digestive system, kidney diseases, urinary system
  • - no gluten content
  • - the presence of preventive feed to strengthen teeth and bones
  • - special food for kittens and cats over 11 years old


  • - average level of quality among premium feeds

Cost: from 1110 to 3400 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

9. Arden Grange (Arden Grange), England - super-premium

Arden Grange is a super-premium cat food, little known in our country, but quite popular in Europe, which has proven itself from the best side. The key to the success of this feed is the perfect combination of such natural ingredients as meat, vegetables, rice, probiotics, mineral and vitamin complexes. Better than Arden Grange, only grain-free food can be considered, however, such food is much more expensive and not always suitable for the animal. Otherwise, it is a healthy and complete food for your pet.


  • - there are no attractants - substances with harmful chemical impurities that contribute to the cat's rapid addiction to a particular type of food (in fact, drugs)
  • - well-balanced composition of ingredients
  • - high quality components are used
  • - favorable price-quality ratio
  • - excellent taste qualities
  • - recommended for most cats


  • - the presence of cellulose - a substance that sometimes acts as a laxative and in rare cases causes allergies

Cost: from 412 to 5500 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

10. NERO GOLD (Nero Gold), Holland - super-premium

NERO GOLD is a complex of high-quality dry and "wet" super-premium cat food with a wide range of flavors: fish, turkey, chicken, lamb, meat cocktail and even venison. The range of NERO GOLD foods is designed for both ordinary adult cats and nursing, kittens, and elderly animals. It may contain rice, barley kernels, sweet potatoes, beet pulp, brewer's yeast, and other components rich in natural vitamins and useful for your pet.


  • - hypoallergenic
  • - only natural meat is used
  • - balanced vitamin formula, the presence of all useful minerals
  • - Affordable price compared to other feeds of the same class


  • - the percentage of meat is not indicated on the packaging
  • - hard to find in store (available online)

Cost: from 91 to 3500 rubles, depending on the type and weight of the package.

11. Eukanuba (Eukanuba), Canada - premium

Eukanuba is a premium dry food for cats, divided into two large groups: for daily feeding and therapeutic (veterinary).

The presence of all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the animal, as well as their excellent balance, is a guarantee that your pet will be healthy and happy. The therapeutic line of these feeds implies the presence of special ingredients in the composition, which are indicated for specific diseases.


  • - high quality of used components
  • - optimal granule size
  • - high energy value allows the cat to eat a relatively small amount, which contributes to savings
  • - has a positive effect on the coat, which is important for animals participating in exhibitions


  • - relatively high cost
  • - low content of natural meat in food for adult cats (only 20%)
  • - the presence of vegetable fats

Cost: from 410 to 5700 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

12. Hills (Hills), USA, Netherlands - premium

Hills is a premium quality daily and medicated cat food that has proven itself in many countries as a healthy and wholesome pet food. It is important to note that conventional Hills food is significantly inferior in quality to medicinal food, and therefore, after one or two weeks of feeding the animal with daily food, it is necessary to take tests for verification and find out how well this food is absorbed by his body. But in general, the food meets all the requirements for quality and the cats really like it.


  • - relatively low cost
  • - correct balance of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium
  • - a detailed indication of all ingredients on the package
  • - a wide range of medicinal feeds


  • - high content of vegetable proteins
  • - excessive concentration of carbohydrates
  • - can cause allergies
  • - sometimes enhances the smell of excrement

Cost: from 250 to 6000 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

13. Bozita (Bozita), Sweden - premium

Bozita is a premium wet (pouch) and dry cat food that is ideal for daily feeding of the cat, providing the body with the necessary energy, and also contains a maximum of vitamins and minerals for good health. You should know that Bozita food is recommended only for healthy cats and is contraindicated in animals that have chronic diseases.


  • - all components are subject to state control, which guarantees the absence of harmful substances
  • - in addition to fresh meat and fish, taurine, proteins, natural minerals are present
  • - no dyes
  • - excellent taste and pleasant smell
  • - a wide range of products
  • - affordable price


  • - the presence of cornmeal, which can sometimes provoke diarrhea
  • - insufficient amount of preventive supplements
  • - lack of medicinal feed

Cost: from 113 to 6100 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

14. Purina Pro Plan (purina Proplan), France - premium

Purina Pro Plan is a premium line of wet and dry cat food with the active participation of veterinarians and nutritionists. In all Purina products, beneficial microelements and vitamins are optimally concentrated, and there is also a balance of natural food components, which positively affects the functioning of the immune and digestive systems of the animal. The coat and skin of your pets will always shine with health. A variety of flavors of Purina food will not leave your cat indifferent.


  • - high quality raw materials
  • - reduces the formation of tartar by 40%
  • - the presence of special additives for the prevention of genitourinary diseases
  • - a wide range of
  • - optimal balance of minerals and vitamins
  • - the presence of medicinal feed


  • - the content of vegetable fats is exceeded
  • - Strong smell

Cost: from 260 to 4750 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

For a more detailed review of Purina Proplan with reviews from owners and veterinarians, read our article.

15. Royal Canin (Royal Canin), France - Premium

Royal Canin is a premium quality cat food from one of the world's largest manufacturers. These feeds are produced in the form of everyday food and medical food, taking into account the needs of each animal individually. Products from Royal Canin are distinguished by the presence in their composition of all the necessary components for the full life of cats. However, these feeds are not the best in their class, but in terms of price and quality, they are much more preferable than others.


  • - affordable price
  • - higher quality than economy class products
  • - an excellent solution for feeding sick animals
  • - availability in commercial establishments
  • - a wide range of


  • - the presence of chemical preservatives, dyes, odor enhancers
  • - increased content of vegetable proteins: gluten, soy, cereals
  • - low quality meat by-products

Cost: from 71 to 1300 rubles, depending on the weight of the package.

The feed review was prepared by Natalia Kuznetsova, a veterinarian.



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