Recipe for homemade kvass from black bread without. Black bread kvass recipe

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Since ancient times, kvass has been famous in Rus': it quenches thirst, increases appetite, and has a tonic effect.
Homemade kvass with a sweet and sour taste and aroma of fresh rye bread. Fragrant seasonings and spices give it a unique "bouquet" - mint, cinnamon, honey, horseradish, rowan berries, a sprig of black currant ...


We offer you 23 recipes for a wide variety of kvass - you will definitely like some of them, and in the summer it will become a regular guest on your table!


Recipe for traditional rusk kvass

1. Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden brown. Put in a saucepan, pour warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.

2. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured over again with water, insisted for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier.

3. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees.

4. Add sugar (for 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort.

5. Leave warm for 12 hours.

6. Ready kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.


Lemon mint kvass



Water - 3l


250 g rhubarb


Sugar 3 tbsp


Honey 7-8 tbsp.


two lemons,


Mint and currant leaves

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It is necessary to boil 3-4 liters of water, put in it 250 grams of rhubarb stalks cut into pieces. Cool the infusion to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, add three tablespoons of sugar, 7-8 tablespoons of honey, chopped zest and juice of two lemons, add mint and currant leaves. All this mixture must be stirred well in order to completely dissolve the sugar and honey, and leave to infuse for a day. After that, the drink must be filtered through a dense cloth, poured into dishes with tight-fitting lids and put in a cold place. After one to a week and a half, a fragrant soft drink is ready.


Kvass "Boyarsky"



1 kg stale rye bread,



1.3 sugars


60g yeast


1 tbsp wheat flour


Mint to taste

Prepare starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and put in a warm place. Pour dried mint with boiling water, leave to infuse. Cut the bread into slices, pour boiling water and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add sourdough, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour kvass into bottles, cork them well and store in the cold.


Kvass "Vegetable"

Kvass can also be made from vegetables. I make beet and carrot kvass. To do this, rub carrots (beets) on a coarse grater, which I add to water with sugar and bread sourdough, or yeast (for the first time). For 6 liters of raw water - 0.5..1 kg of carrots, a glass of sugar, 6-10 g of yeast (a tenth of a small pack). To insist, depending on the ambient temperature, 1-3 days. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a few raisins, cork, put in the refrigerator ... Be healthy!


Kvass "Bread"

On the 1st day - in 5 liters of warm, boiled water, add half of the black bread fried until black in the oven (it is better to have brown bread crumbs prepared in advance for the winter).

Add 3 cups of granulated sugar to warm water. Stir half a glass of warm water with granulated sugar and half a briquette of yeast.

1.5 - 2 days after fermentation, pour kvass into bottles and put in the refrigerator. In a day we drink Kvass!


Kvass "Russian"









Water-6l. (5l. for soaking crackers and 1l. for breeding yeast),



Cut the bread into slices and dry in an oven. Crush crackers into pieces and pour boiling water. After 6 - 8 hours, drain the liquid (it should be transparent, with a brown tint), put sugar and diluted yeast. Cover the dishes, after 12 hours pour the infusion into bottles, putting 2-3 raisins in each. Seal bottles tightly. The first day to keep kvass in a warm place, and then put in the cold. The most delicious kvass is 4-day aging.


Simple bread



4 slices of black bread, Borodino,


5-6 raisins,


1.5 cups of granulated sugar,


1 teaspoon of yeast.

Fry the bread in the oven, put in a 3-liter balloon, add 1.5 cups of granulated sugar, raisins and yeast and pour raw cold water, stir, cover loosely with a lid and let it brew for a day. Cool down. Kvass is ready!


Kvass "Birch"

Ingredients: birch sap, raisins.

Belarusian neighbors treated and shared the recipe: We take fresh birch sap, pour it into a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, throw 5-10 pieces of raisins into it, screw it tightly with a lid and put it in the cellar until summer. It turns out delicious.

P.S. Open very carefully!


Kvass "Apple"

Boil compote 4 liters of dried fruits (apples 200 grams), sugar to taste, let cool to 30 degrees, then add 5 grams of yeast (diluted in a plate until foam appears), insist overnight, strain and bottle, add a couple of raisins, put in the refrigerator.



malt extract, breadcrumbs, water, yeast, sugar.

3 loaves of crackers for 12 liters of clean cold water. After 6 hours, as the crackers stand and give the taste of rye bread, the wort is ready. Pass through gauze. Add dry yeast (per 12 liter - at the tip of one tablespoon) and sugar (per 12 liter 500 gr). mixing ingredients after 0.5 hours

Mix 0.5 tablespoon of malt extract. leave the composition for a day or two for fermentation. after a day and passing through gauze, pour 3 liters into jars and refrigerate until cool, you will get dark medicinal kvass. Bon appetit!


Kvass "Bread Gold"



Bread "Black" 1 loaf,


Water 6 liters,


Sugar 5 tbsp. lol.,


Dry yeast for baking 2 tbsp. spoons,


Raisins 50 gr.

1. Cooking sourdough:

Cut the black bread into slices and fry in the oven until a dark crust, after the crackers have cooled down (you can the next day) take two 3-liter balloons and fill the crackers equally, you get half a loaf per balloon. Pour in 1 tbsp. spoons (not with a slide) of yeast and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Fill each balloon with 15 pcs. unwashed black raisins and pour all this with water at room temperature (but not cold and not boiling water). Put the bottles (without covering them with a lid) in a dark, dry place and place a rag or tray under them, as during fermentation, water may spill onto the floor. After three days, you can strain the kvass through a fine sieve (do not throw away the bread from the cylinders, it will go to leaven) into the pan and add 6 tbsp. tablespoons sugar or to taste. Stir the kvass and pour it into dark one and a half bowls, where you throw three raisins in advance. Close the lid, keep one and a half cups with kvass at room temperature for 3 hours, then put in the refrigerator in a supine position. Kvass can be consumed immediately after it has cooled, but I advise you to keep it for another 2 days.

2. If you like kvass, then the second time we do without yeast.

We do everything the same as the first time, but instead of yeast, put two tablespoons of sourdough per 3 liters. Balon (the bread that was left from the first time) and keep it for two days. Bon appetit!



Simple homemade bread kvass without yeast

Ingredients: Black bread, sugar water

We take pieces of bread (one loaf), fry on gas over an open fire, so that the bread burns dumb, pour water (10 liters) and sugar (mute, to taste, I pour a glass). We put it in a warm place (in the sun, in the kitchen ...), after three days the first one is ready, then we drain it, add one more toasted bread to the plantings, a little sugar, again water, and insist. This can be done several times. Each next time it turns out tastier, it removes thirst very much, especially cold.

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Kvass "Russian"

Ingredients: Rye flour, rye bread, mint leaves sugar. water.

We brew rye flour with boiling water, let it rise for 3-4 hours. We boil water, put rye slices of bread, mint leaves, sugar (to taste) toasted in the oven. Let it cool to room temperature and put the sourdough starter there.

Kvass is infused for a day. Such kvass perfectly quenches thirst in the summer, like a wonderful drink, it can also be used to make okroshka in the summer heat. BON APPETIT!


Kvass from seaweed with eleutherococcus

Ingredients: Distilled or spring water, canned seaweed, eleutherococcus tincture, sugar, hibiscus, lemon.

In spring water at room temperature (3 l), add 1 tablespoon of hibiscus (dry) to infuse periodically shaking for 2 hours. Add 1/2 can of canned seaweed (kelp) and 150 grams of sugar. Insist in a dark place at room temperature for 2 days. Strain. Pour into bottles (1.5 liter) Throw 1 slice of lemon and 2 tablespoons of Eleutherococcus tincture for alcohol and a whisper of salt (preferably sea salt) into each. Put in the refrigerator for a day. The taste will surprise you!


Kvass "Dark"

Ingredients: Sugar - 1 kg., Citric acid - 10 gr., Yeast (better than ordinary bread) - 20 gr., Water - 10 liters, vanillin to taste (a teaspoon or less), a tablespoon of rice.

Sugar 250 gr. overcooked in a frying pan (it would be better to burn something) and poured along with the rest of the ingredients (750 gr. sugar, citric acid, yeast dissolved in warm water, vanillin, rice) with 10 liters of warm water. All this is fermented for 12 - 15 hours. Because of the content of caffeine In the drink - WELL INCLUDES :).



Ingredients: honey, water, sugar, hops, kefir, raisins.

In 2 liters of warm water, put 10 - 20 tablespoons of honey, pour a decoction of hop cones (not strained) - half a glass, put half a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of kefir. Pour some washed raisins and leave. When the raisins float, they are filtered and the mead is ready.

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Kvass "Light"

Ingredients: Rye bread, dry yeast, sugar, water.

Pour rye crackers or crusts of rye bread (1/5 of the volume of the container) with clean cold water. Add dry yeast (per 1 liter - at the tip of a knife) and sugar (per 1 liter 5 pieces). Close the container and turn over several times, mixing the ingredients. Then, without closing the lid tightly, so as not to impede the access of air, leave the composition for a day or two for fermentation.

Strain the fermented mixture and bottle it with the addition of 2 pieces of sugar for every 0.5 l (or to taste). Place the bottles in the refrigerator to cool. All. Drink and enjoy.


Kvass "Petrovsky"



1 l bread kvass,


25 g horseradish


2h. spoons of honey


4-5 edible ice cubes.

Dissolve honey in bread kvass. To make it dissolve better, kvass needs to be slightly warmed up. Then cut into it with small chips the previously peeled and washed horseradish root. Close kvass well and keep in the cold for 10-12 hours. After this period, strain it through cheesecloth. Serve kvass with edible ice cubes.


Kvass "Hemp"

Ingredients: Hemp dry, hop cones, hemp inflorescences, honey, cumin. Bread "Borodisky"

Put dry hemp in a pot of water (1 kilogram of hemp per 5 liters of water), heat the water, add 1300 gr. honey 150 gr. cumin, 300 g of hop cones and hemp inflorescences. warm it all up, but do not boil, then remove from heat, remove hemp and add chopped bread 700 gr. cool in the cold, then heat again to about 45 - 50 degrees Celsius, remove from heat and bottle through gauze, let it brew for about 5 days. Kvass is ready.


Kvass "Banana"

Ingredients: bananas, yeast, water.

Mix 2-3 kg of very soft (overripe) bananas in 5 liters of warm water, add yeast and leave in a warm place for a day. Remove the foam and carefully strain. Let stand and strain again. (And if you have the patience, then the third.) Pour into bottles, cork well, put in a cold place, and after 1 - 2 days it is ready.


Kvass "Bread with beets"

Ingredients: breadcrumbs, baked beets, sugar, yeast.

Dry breadcrumbs (1kg) to a dark color, bake beets (2pcs) in the oven to a state of crackers, a handful of raisins and pour everything with boiling water (10l), leave for 12 hours (you can also for a day). Strain kvass through cheesecloth, add 5g. yeast, 2 cups sugar and leave in a warm place for 8 hours. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.


Homemade bread kvass



Rusks rye 500g;


Yeast 40gr;


Sand sugar 200gr;


Raisins 50 gr;


Mint fresh shoots 5-10;


Black currant 3-4 leaves;


Water 4 l.

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven until a dark brown color is formed. Pour boiling water over crackers and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the wort through several layers of gauze, add sugar, yeast diluted in a glass of wort, mint, currant leaves and, covering the dishes with a clean cloth, let the kvass brew in a warm place for 10-12 hours.

When the wort has fermented well, it should be filtered again and bottled, each of which should contain a few raisins. Seal bottles well and refrigerate. After 3 days kvass is ready.


Fruit kvass from juices

In 10 liters of boiled hot water, add 1 liter of any fruit juice and 1 kg of sugar. When the water has cooled down enough, sprinkle the yeast on top of it. Then put kvass in a warm place for fermentation. After the start of active fermentation, pour the kvass into bottles and seal tightly. After 2-3 days, kvass will be ready for use.


Kvass "Orange"

Cut 500 g of oranges into thin slices and lightly crush with 500 g of sugar, then pour them with 10 liters of boiled water, add the juice of one lemon (or 1 g of citric acid diluted in 100 ml of water and another 400 g of sugar. Pour in the yeast. After a few hours, strain Through gauze, pour into bottles and cork tightly.Leave for a day at room temperature, then place in a cold place.After 1-2 days, kvass can be consumed.

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Do-it-yourself kvass will not only quench your thirst on a hot day, the drink is able to regulate the metabolism in the body. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nourishes with vitamins, minerals and cleanses of toxins. Rye kvass at home can be prepared in various ways, each of which has its own peculiarity. You can choose any of the recipes and try to make this drink with your own hands to your taste.

Recipe for kvass on rye bread

The traditional recipe for kvass on rye bread is one of the simplest and therefore very popular. It will take you no more than three days to prepare the drink and you will already be able to try natural kvass made by yourself. For 8 liters of water, you need to take one and a half glasses of sugar, a loaf of rye bread and a package of dry yeast - 50 gr.

The color and taste of the drink largely depends on the bread, so it must be slightly dried. Cut the bread into thin slices, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, 15-20 minutes will be enough, make sure that the breadcrumbs do not burn.

Heat water in a large enamel saucepan, add sugar to it and stir well. Bring water to a boil, add rye bread crumbs to it and remove from heat. The basis for kvass should cool down to 28-30 degrees.

After a few hours, when the water with bread is barely warm, add yeast to it and mix well again. Yeast should dissolve well in water.

Using the kvass recipe from rye bread, you can also take fresh pressed yeast, but before adding it to the water base, you will need to grind it well.

The resulting wort for homemade kvass should be covered with gauze or a towel and put in a warm place for fermentation. Delicate sweet and sour kvass will be ready in a day, but if you like a spicier taste, let it stand for another day or two.

When the drink is ready, it will be necessary to prepare glass jars with lids so that they can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator and a piece of gauze. The drink must be filtered through several layers of gauze and left in a cold place - whether the refrigerator is in the cellar. If desired, you can add a little sugar, but it should be noted that the strength of kvass increases from sweetness.

You can add a handful of raisins to cold kvass - white or black to taste, then the drink will acquire a subtle fruity aroma.

Do not pour out the sediment that remains during the filtering of the drink - on its basis it will be possible to prepare fresh kvass again.

Kvass on rye sourdough

At home, you can make wonderful kvass without yeast using sourdough.

To do this, you will need to take:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Rye bread - 2 slices
  • Sourdough - 0.5 l
  • Water - 1.5 l

Pour the sourdough into a two-liter jar or enameled pan, add chopped bread and sugar. The sourdough recipe for kvass is written below.

The liquid should have a strong odor and be quite cloudy. Stir sugar and bread into sourdough, add clean water almost to the brim. Water should be taken only boiled, brought to room temperature. Kvass on rye sourdough will be brighter and have a golden color if you add some dried crackers to it. The drink should stand warm for two days, after which it can be filtered and poured into more convenient dishes - jars or bottles. Carefully pour the kvass, leaving about one third of the drink at the bottom - this liquid will serve as a starter for the next time. It is enough to pour a little water into it, add a piece of fresh bread and put in a warm place. Secondary kvass is great for making cold soups.

Kvass sourdough recipe

This sourdough starter is perfect for a rye kvass recipe without yeast.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Rye bread - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

Boil water in a small saucepan, remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

Pour a teaspoon of sugar into warm water and mix well so that it dissolves completely. Mash a piece of rye bread and add to water with sugar. Pour the starter into a small glass tank and put in a warm place for two days. When a sharp smell appears and the liquid becomes cloudy, you can use it to make wonderful kvass.

Recipes for kvass on bread are not complicated, so that the drink really turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, you should follow certain rules. Kvass will be tasty and have a pleasant delicate taste if it is cooked in enameled or glassware.

Before making kvass from bread, it is best to cut it into small pieces and lightly dry it in the oven. You can store dry bread in a glass jar and use as desired.

Most recipes for homemade bread kvass do not specify the amount of sugar. This is due to the fact that you can prepare a drink not only for drinking, but also for making cold soups. For okroshka, it is better to use non-sweet kvass, but for drinking it will be possible to make it sweeter. Sugar is added to taste, so you can adjust the amount yourself. In addition, a large amount of sugar adds strength to kvass - it is better to add honey or fruit syrup to a drink for children.

Using the kvass recipe on black bread, you should pay attention to the fact that the drink is not peroxide. Since brown bread ferments intensively, put the wort at room temperature and monitor the process daily. Ready kvass should be stored in a cold place - in a cellar, on a balcony or in a refrigerator, so that the fermentation process does not continue.

When choosing a recipe for homemade kvass from bread, pay attention to the amount of ingredients. Don't cook more than you can use in a few days. In the event that large portions are indicated, reduce them in accordance with the proportions given in the recipe.

No matter what bread kvass recipe you like, you can always change it. Add your favorite spices, berries and fruits - don't be afraid to experiment and find your special ingredient to help you create your own unique signature drink.

Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

I offer an excellent recipe for kvass from black rye bread, which can be prepared with or without yeast. I have a recipe without yeast. You should know that kvass not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also restores strength, balances fluid and salt in the body, improves digestion, and also has a number of other benefits, which I will discuss below. Without wasting time, let's start making homemade kvass. The main ingredient of kvass is rye bread, namely rye bread, in which there is no yeast and all kinds of additives such as cumin, dill. Fermentation in such kvass occurs due to lactic acid bacteria, and not yeast. Let's try and enjoy!

Recipe for kvass from rye bread without yeast:

250 g black bread

180 g sugar (about 6 full tablespoons)

How to cook kvass from rye bread without yeast:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and dry it well in the oven to make croutons, but not burnt, otherwise the kvass will be bitter and burnt.

2. Pour crackers into a three-liter jar halfway.

3. Boil water, add 5 tablespoons of sugar, stir thoroughly, cool to 24 -30 degrees. Fill the crackers with this sweet water almost to the very top, leaving room for carbon dioxide. Also add raisins.

We leave the jar in a dark place at room temperature, covering it tightly with a thin cloth or gauze in two layers. You can secure the fabric with an elastic band around the neck. And you can also cover the jar with a metal lid (without rolling it, of course).

4. After 1-2 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the fermentation process will begin, the crackers will begin to move, moving up and down. Kvass will be ready in 3-4 days, it is necessary to try so as not to peroxide. This process may also depend on the quality of the raisins.

5. Drain homemade kvass, strain through layers of gauze, place in the refrigerator.

6. Crackers can not be thrown away, half left for the next sourdough. Then add a handful of fresh, raisins, 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Pour in water, cover with gauze, in the morning it will be ready!

If you will not cook kvass immediately, place the softened crackers in the refrigerator. then take it out, hold it in the room, add sugar, water and new kvass will be ready again.

  • To prepare kvass, use only glass, stainless or enameled containers.
  • Fry crackers without oil and additives.
  • Add sugar to taste. In the first portion a little more to start the fermentation process.
  • If there are no raisins, add more sugar. But raisins are desirable because they saturate kvass with carbon dioxide and give kvass a playful taste.
  • The saturation and color of kvass depends on the color of the crackers and the degree of their frying.
  • The readiness of kvass depends on the temperature in the room.

Homemade kvass from rye bread has excellent taste and useful properties.

Cook and enjoy!

There are drinks that were made in ancient times and do not stop making today. Honorary kvass became the hero of our article! We will tell about its benefits and the secrets of creation, we will provide popular recipes for this product.

Kvass kills pathogenic bacteria and improves bowel function

There are about 400 types of drink. It is not easy to find a person who does not like this refreshing liquid. In Rus', both tsars and poor people drank it. It was believed that she adds strength, improves digestion and quenches thirst well. Let's get to know our hero better.

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. The process, of course, drags on for several days, but most of this time the product is created by itself. Your business is small.

Consider how to cook kvass at home.

Cooking rules

  1. Use only natural bread. Without various additives.
  2. Use clean water. It is best to buy water in a bottle or draw from a well.
  3. Make sure that the croutons do not burn (they should be baked until golden brown), otherwise bitterness will be present.
  4. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, plastic or enamelled steel.
  5. Be sure to check the yeast for freshness.


  • Add raisins, they help the liquid ferment and fill it with bubbles.
  • Leaves of blackcurrant or mint will help to make the taste brighter.
  • If you are a lover of a sharp taste, leave the drink longer.
  • You can add your favorite berries, fruits or vegetables to it (the main thing is that they are combined). Do experiments.
  • Do not wash raisins.
  • Dry crackers without spices and oil.
  • Sugar releases carbon dioxide, which creates the soda effect.


After several days of fermentation (no more than four), be sure to place the drink in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the fermentation process will continue, and you will get full-fledged alcohol, and not what was originally planned. Do not forget to remove the leaven in time.

Keep the liquid for no more than a week, after this period it is not recommended to use it.

Useful properties of bread kvass

You can talk about the benefits of homemade bread kvass for a very long time. We list the main positive properties:

  1. treats dysbacteriosis;
  2. improves bowel function;
  3. strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system;
  4. improves metabolism in the body;
  5. removes unhealthy cells from the body;
  6. kills pathogenic bacteria;
  7. eliminates bad cholesterol;
  8. helps to treat glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts;
  9. fights gas and heartburn.

Kvass without yeast at home

This type of drink has its undeniable advantages. It does not have a specific taste, and it does not harm health. After all, no one will argue that yeast is not the most useful ingredient, and it is better if they are not present in this proven liquid. Consider how kvass is made without yeast at home.


  • black rye bread - half a loaf
  • 30 g unwashed raisins
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • two liters of purified water

Probably, someone will be surprised to read that raisins do not need to be washed. Therefore, it is worth leaving an explanation here: the so-called wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the raisins. They will help our product to start fermentation. They should not be washed off.

Step by step preparation:

  1. cut into small cubes of bread;
  2. put them on an ungreased baking sheet and dry at a temperature of 170 degrees for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant smell appears (do not fry, otherwise the liquid will turn out bitter);
  3. pour the prepared croutons with boiling water;
  4. add sugar and mix thoroughly;
  5. wait until the product has cooled down and pour in the raisins;
  6. pour into a fermentation jar, protect the neck with gauze so that insects do not climb there (the lid should not be covered);
  7. send the drink to a dark warm place;
  8. the appearance of foam is a sign of fermentation;
  9. three days after the onset of fermentation, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze and squeeze out the pulp;
  10. try the drink, and if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar (the liquid should taste slightly sweet);
  11. pour the liquid into the bottles and leave a few centimeters of free space in front of the lid;
  12. send for six hours in a warm dark place;
  13. then transfer to a cool place (refrigerator, cellar);
  14. after five hours, the drink can be consumed.

You will get a wonderful homemade bread kvass without yeast. Store it no more than five days in a cool place.

You can use the rest of the starter three more times. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Choose good bread! The quality and taste of the resulting drink depends on it.

Kvass from rye flour at home

Sometimes it is also called "village". It has a pretty simple cooking method.

Ingredients for kvass from rye flour at home:

  • 450 grams rye flour
  • three liters of purified water
  • eight unwashed raisins
  • 180 g sugar

Starter preparation

Kvass from rye flour saturates the body with vitamins and minerals

  1. pour a table into 250 g of flour. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  2. carefully pour in a small amount of hot water, stirring constantly
  3. bring to a homogeneous consistency (should look like thick sour cream)
  4. throw in raisins
  5. pour into a jar, then bandage with a gauze bandage
  6. leave for two to three days in a dark and warm place
  7. after a day, pull out the raisins
  8. when a sour smell, foam and hiss appear, the sourdough is ready

Preparation and fermentation of kvass wort

The first step is to update the starter. To do this, it is worth adding a dining room l. flour and two - sugar.

Mix everything. Put in a warm place.

Bring 2.5 liters of water to a boil. Pour two hundred grams of flour and one hundred grams of granulated sugar into a container.

Add hot water gradually (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). Then add some more water and stir. Add the rest of the water and then mix well again.

Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in something warm. When the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, add the previously prepared sourdough to the liquid. Mix, cover with a lid.

Send to a dark and warm room for six hours. Wait for the appearance of bubbles and foam.

Carbonation and exposure

  • Strain the drink through four layers of gauze and bottle. Leave a few centimeters free to cover. Close containers tightly.
  • Move the liquids to a cold place for several hours so that they are saturated with gas. Check bottle pressure periodically. If necessary, bleed the gas so that they do not burst.

Bread kvass at home


  • fresh yeast - 10 grams
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • rye bread - two handfuls
  • water - 400 ml

Kvass for a three-liter jar:

  • leaven
  • crackers - three handfuls
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • a handful of raisins


  1. prepare the necessary products
  2. dilute the yeast in a small amount of water and add sugar;
  3. cut the bread into small cubes (take a few pieces for sourdough, dry the rest in the oven);
  4. we put two handfuls of bread in a jar for sourdough and pour diluted yeast into it, fill it with water;
  5. we send the sourdough for a couple of days to a warm place;
  6. dry the bread in the oven until golden brown, mix occasionally;

    a) the required ingredients; b) cultivation of yeast; c) slicing bread d) adding bread and yeast to the sourdough; e) adding water to the sourdough; f) making crackers

  7. pour croutons into a three-liter jar;
  8. fill the jar with boiling water to the middle;
  9. add raisins and sugar;
  10. let cool to room temperature, then pour in the sourdough;

    a) sending crackers to a jar; b) pouring boiling water; c) adding raisins; d) pouring sugar; e) cooling; f) adding sourdough

  11. fill the remaining space with clean water;
  12. we send our liquid to ferment for a day in a warm, bright place;
  13. filter through gauze (we can reuse the remaining sourdough);
  14. pour kvass into a bottle and send it to the refrigerator for five hours;
  15. try!

a) pouring water b) infusion in heat; c) straining; d) kvass wort for reuse; e) pouring into a bottle and sending to the cold; f) ready drink

Kvass from oats at home: a recipe

It is the favorite drink of many. It has a wonderful aroma and taste. Do it better in combination with honey.

We will provide you with a recipe for kvass from oats and honey at home:

  • soak the oats for two hours;
  • then fill it with a liter of water with 30 g of sugar and drain after four days;
  • fill them with 1/3 of a three-liter jar;
  • pour in 1⁄2 cup honey;
  • add 7 raisins;
  • fill it with warm boiled water, leaving some free space;
  • stir the resulting mixture;
  • cover with gauze so that insects do not get inside, insist two or three days in warmth;
  • put in the refrigerator for 6 hours;
  • try it!
    Honey delicacy is excellent in treating a sore throat, only in this case you should drink it warm.

Beet kvass at home

Surprisingly, beet kvass also exists, and we will tell you how to cook it at home.


  • chop a large ripe beet and put in a container;
  • fill with 2 liters of water;
  • dissolve 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • add a crust of stale rye bread;
  • cover the neck with gauze and leave the drink to ferment in a warm place for several days;
  • then filter, bottle and send to the cellar or refrigerator.
    The drink can also be made from other vegetables. Experiment!

Kvass is one of the national drinks of Russia and Eastern Europe. Many studies have proven that kvass is good for digestion, detoxification, and is the most effective drink for refreshing yourself on a hot summer day.

In addition to the great taste, kvass has a wide range of useful and healing properties, it is one of the most nutritious and healthy drinks among all existing today. Kvass is a folk remedy for beriberi, since kvass contains many essential trace elements and vitamins, namely: lactic acid, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as amino acids (including essential ones).

If we talk about medicinal and healing properties, then recipes for kvass from black bread are famous for their content of vitamin B, and it is he who accelerates the healing process of wounds. The drink is usually made from wheat, rye, rye bread, barley or buckwheat bread.

Kvass is not considered an alcoholic drink, but drivers should remember that it has a very low alcohol content (from 0.7 to 2.2%). This result is achieved during the fermentation process. It takes two to three days to make real kvass. Sometimes kvass is called "bread drink".


This is a very old drink. It became especially popular in the 16th century, and was often served at royal and ducal balls. Nowadays, kvass recipes from black bread have not lost their popularity, and, as indicated in ancient recipes, this drink still consists of bread.

Tribute to traditions

If we talk about a simple recipe for kvass from black bread, then you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • 2 liters or 8 glasses of water:
  • 3 slices of classic black, dark or rye bread;
  • a handful of raisins or 1/4 cup;
  • 225 grams of sugar - 1 cup;
  • 1/2 st. spoons of dry yeast "Saf-moment";
  • some soda.

This is a traditional set of ingredients that is used in the kvass recipe from fresh black bread. Recently, culinary specialists often experiment with innovative products, and their latest achievement is beet kvass. This popular tonic drink is listed in the Nation's Cultural Heritage Book.

It is made simply: beets, water, salt and whey-based sourdough. The drink turns out slightly sour, earthy, and not quite like what we are used to buying in stores and kiosks.

There are more than a hundred recipes for kvass from black bread, yeast, water, additional fruits and sweets.

It is believed that yeast was invented quite recently, but our ancestors did just fine without them. The trouble is that it is very difficult for a modern user to start the fermentation process without commercial yeast.

Basics of kvass

Kvass is a lacto-fermented drink with a very low alcohol content. It used to be that the best kvass is the one made from rye or wheat sourdough. Honey and fruits give this drink a sweetness that counteracts the natural sourness. You can also use medicinal herbs to enhance the medicinal properties of this drink.

Kvass differs depending on the region of preparation, but it has always been present on the Russian table.

Bread is the head of everything

Rules for Russian families during the time of Ivan the Terrible: “Take four tablespoons of honey and strain, as honey may precipitate. Put it in a jar and ferment it using a regular soft loaf of bread, no extra yeast. When the fermentation process begins, transfer the contents to a large barrel.”

Later they began to use malt. It is a germinated grain that contains enzymes and bacteria. Malt reacts with other elements, bread, honey, flour or fruit, and the fermentation process starts. As soon as the process is started, the sprouted grains are crushed and added to the pot with kvass.

Recipe based on black bread

This kvass keeps in the refrigerator for up to a week. Every day in the refrigerator, the sweetness of the drink will decrease. The optimal taste is considered after only 1 day after preparation.

Ingredients needed for the kvass recipe from black bread:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 9 pieces of black, Borodino or rye bread. It is desirable that the bread be at least yesterday, you can crackers;
  • 1 handful of raisins;
  • 1.8 kg (4 cups) sugar;
  • 1.5 st. l. active dry yeast;
  • 3 large plastic bottles of mineral water.

This recipe for homemade black bread kvass is designed for several days of preparation. If you decide to use it, it is better to start in the evening.

Day 1

  1. Boil 10 liters of water.
  2. While the water is boiling, take two slices of bread and toast them in the oven or toaster until lightly browned. Toasted bread makes kvass darker.
  3. As soon as the water begins to boil, add a handful of raisins and toasted bread, cover and let it sit overnight or at least 8 hours. It is desirable that the drink was in a warm place.

Day 2

  1. Carefully remove the toasted bread and discard it.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix together 4 cups of sugar, optionally 1/2 tsp. citric acid and 1.5 tbsp. l. yeast, add this mixture to kvass. Thoroughly mix the contents of the saucepan.
  3. Cover the pot with this mixture with several layers of cheesecloth or bandage and leave in a warm place for another 6 hours, stirring every couple of hours.
  4. Discard raisins that float to the surface. Using a strainer or gauze, pour kvass into plastic bottles. Close them tightly with lids and leave overnight in the refrigerator. The next day after the bottles have completely cooled, the caps can be tightened. During cooling, kvass will actively release oxygen, and if the lids are immediately tightly screwed on, the bottles may burst.

Tip: It is best to store kvass in plastic soda bottles, as they are designed to store pressurized drinks. The recipe for kvass from black bread and raisins is considered a classic, thanks to its balanced taste, sweetness and bitterness at the same time.

Day 3

You can enjoy your drink.

Depending on what fruits you add to the kvass recipe from black bread with yeast, the taste of the finished drink will change. It can be apples, pears, plums, raspberries. The recipe for kvass from black bread and raisins will allow you to get a classic drink with a slight bitterness and a spicy aftertaste.

Recipe without yeast

One of the oldest known recipes for yeast-free black bread kvass is quite simple, and it's still easy to make at home today. A loaf of yesterday's rye bread is usually all that is needed for a proper yeast-free kvass recipe. It is poured with boiling water and left for 24 hours. During this time, the bread is saturated with water, after which sugar and sourdough are added. As soon as fermentation begins, kvass is bottled and left in the refrigerator. You can drink the drink after 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

One of the oldest known recipes for yeast-free black bread kvass is quite simple, and it's still easy to make at home today. A loaf of rye bread is usually all that is needed for a proper kvass recipe. Bread is poured with boiling water and left for 24 hours. During this time, the bread is saturated with water, after which sugar and sourdough are added. As soon as fermentation begins, kvass is bottled and left in the refrigerator. You can drink the drink after 2-3 days.

Recently, there is a recipe for making homemade kvass from black bread based on flour, which is used as a base ingredient. But a few slices of rye bread will give the finished drink an interesting aftertaste, which is impossible if kvass is made only on the basis of flour.


One of the other key components of kvass is lactobacilli. They add refreshing notes, astringency that complement the taste of rye bread. If you don't want to rely on the natural fermentation process, a combination of yeast and lactobacilli can be used. Also, to achieve a barely noticeable sourness, you can add a little lemon juice. The optimal proportion is 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of the finished drink.

When the basic recipe for kvass already seems boring, your favorite drink can be diversified with grains, hops, yeast, various herbs, spices, fruits and even vegetables. Here, "all means are good."

cabbage soup

Also, many will be surprised by the fact that in Rus' kvass was used to prepare the original national dish - cabbage soup.

In order to cook meat soup from fresh cabbage, you need to make sure that the following list of products is available:

  • Beef (pork is also possible, but it is more fatty) - 0.8 kg.
  • Potato - 300 g.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 peas.
  • Salt (coarse, rock) - 1 pinch.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Tomato puree - 100 grams.
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Kvass - 3 l.
  • Sunflower (necessarily refined) oil for frying meat - about 40 ml.

Further, the cooking process is very similar to the preparation of any soup. Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut and added to a saucepan with 0.5 liters. water. While the vegetables are stewed, the meat is fried. Next, the meat is added to the vegetables, and the whole mixture is stewed until tender. After seasonings are added, tomato puree and 3 liters of kvass. You can cook kvass for cabbage soup yourself in advance, or you can buy ready-made “Kvass for cabbage soup”, it is not so sweet.

Of the most unusual recipes, kvass from Jerusalem artichoke, beetroot, beet tops and greens can be noted.

Kvass with citric acid and chicory

  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Chicory - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.
  • Pressed yeast - 40 g.
  • Water - 5 liters.

Preparation: chicory must be dissolved in a glass of boiling water, wait for the sediment. Pour into a clean glass, leaving a sediment. Heat the rest of the water to a temperature of 40 ° C and dilute sugar and yeast in it.

Add the dissolved chicory to the yeast syrup. Stir and let stand in a warm place for 4-5 hours. Pour kvass into plastic bottles and enjoy the finished drink. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Kvass is an affordable drink that does not contain alcohol and has virtually no contraindications. On a hot summer day, it will become a joy for children and will replace modern lemonades with incomprehensible ingredients. The only restriction is that people with an open form of a stomach or duodenal ulcer are not recommended to drink the drink.



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