The use of goose fat. Goose fat: what is the use and how to use

Every woman dreams of preserving her youth and beauty, but as the age increases, the skin begins to lose elasticity, its elasticity decreases, wrinkles and folds appear, sagging of the dermis, which cannot be hidden by decorative cosmetics. The modern market offers many options for expensive facial cosmetics, but our ancestors used various natural remedies for this purpose. Goose fat for the skin is of particular importance, as it brings incredible benefits to skin cells. In the past decades, it was this component that in most cases was the basis of various creams, ointments and other skin care products.

Useful properties of fat and its composition

Almost all fats of animal origin have a very rich composition, combining many components that are valuable for human health. But, according to many experts, it is goose fat that contains the largest list of valuable components, the concentration and ratio of which are in an ideal natural balance.

The composition of natural goose fat contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated acids, which effectively strengthen the immune system, normalize all the main metabolic processes, while accelerating the processes of tissue regeneration. The basis of geese fat is natural linoleic acid (omega-6), as well as oleic acid, while the mass contains a considerable amount of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, in particular, many representatives of the B group and vitamin C.

The action of each component of such fat brings significant benefits to the skin:

  • Oleic acid (omega-3) contributes to the activation of all cell renewal processes and rapid tissue repair.
  • Linoleic acid (omega-6) improves the protective functions of the dermis, restoring natural barriers, prevents the cells from losing valuable moisture, and restores their natural functions. The acid also has strong antioxidant properties.
  • B vitamins have a regulatory effect on the processes of intracellular metabolism, increasing blood flow, thereby increasing the supply of essential nutrients to cells. If there is a lack of vitamins of this group in the body, then itching of varying intensity, redness, and all symptoms of irritation appear on the surface of the dermis. In some cases, dermatitis may also appear.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol), which contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, stops the appearance of age-related changes in the layers of the dermis, increases the level of moisture and tissue elasticity. Tocopherol is necessary to effectively combat various types of wrinkles, to eliminate scars and marks after acne, to smooth out scars.
  • Sodium - helps maintain the correct balance of fluid in the cells of the dermis.
  • Zinc, which allows you to quickly normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminate inflammation, hyperemia, and also enhance the healing process of damage (recovery of injured cells).
  • Selenium, which allows not only to eliminate the symptoms of irritation, soothe tissues and increase skin elasticity, but also smooth wrinkles, giving the face a special velvety and tenderness.
  • Magnesium, which normalizes all metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis and inhibits the processes of tissue aging.

Get natural goose fat in the process of rendering the skin of the bird and the subcutaneous fat layer, as well as internal fat deposits. To do this, the washed raw materials are placed in a heat-resistant dish, put it in the oven for medium heating and periodically collect the melted fat with a spoon, preventing it from boiling.

Melted goose fat has an oily structure, in which many components interfere perfectly, which allows you to create various cosmetic preparations. When solidified, the substance becomes quite thick, but not solid.

Product selection and storage

Of course, not every person has his own farmstead and can independently grow geese and get natural fat, so many people buy the product in retail and pharmacy chains, as well as on the market. But here it is important to know the selection criteria in order to purchase a high-quality and natural product.

The color of good goose fat has a yellow, slightly golden hue. Its consistency should be homogeneous, without any inclusions or impurities. If there are darker areas in the fat structure, this indicates the spoilage of the product and its unsuitability for cosmetic purposes.

The smell of the product is also important. It should not be harsh and unpleasant, should not have bitterness and rancidity. The taste of high-quality fresh fat is neutral, without bitterness.

It is best to store the substance in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container, since in this case the fat does not lose its beneficial properties for a long time. Fat, cooked on their own, is poured, filtered into clean glass jars and covered with nylon lids. In the conditions of the refrigerator, the product is stored from 6 to 8 months. If you want to keep it for a longer period, you can put the finished strained fat in the freezer. In this case, it can be stored for a year.

An important point is that raw materials for goose fat in the freezer can be stored only for 3 months, since in the future it loses its beneficial properties. Heating fat in the oven significantly multiplies the amount of valuable components compared to the raw material.


There are many ways to use goose fat in home cosmetology. Fat can be eaten in its natural form, but in small quantities. In the right concentration, goose fat, when consumed internally, does not cause any harm to the figure, but at the same time it is of great benefit for maintaining beauty, freshness and youth. You can lubricate the skin with the product, applying it in its pure form without adding other components.

You can also mix the fat with a ready-made industrial cream, taking the components in equal amounts, while adding the product can even be added to creams intended for application to the area around the eyes. You can mix not in single portions, but in full jars of cosmetics, since such compositions are perfectly stored in the refrigerator. The use of creams enriched with fat helps to maintain the youthfulness of the dermis, giving a healthy glow to the face.

In order to moisturize the skin as much as possible and nourish it with valuable components, goose fat can be applied to the entire surface of the face, including the eyelids, in its pure form, carrying out the procedure in the evening, after washing. Fat is applied with massage movements, but quite plentifully, while after half an hour it is recommended to carefully remove its remnants with a soft cloth, without washing off until the morning. This method of care can be applied to the skin of the hands.

An important feature of this fat is that it can be used as a means of protection from the sun in the summer heat (it does not transmit ultraviolet rays), as well as in the winter cold, protecting the skin from chapping and frostbite.

Goose fat in cosmetology: recipes for the face

Goose fat can be used for the face in many ways, using it not only for care, but also for the treatment of certain diseases, rejuvenation and protection of the dermis.

To protect the face and different parts of the body in the summer heat and winter cold, it is required to lubricate them with natural goose fat before each exit to the street, approximately 2 hours before, rubbing into the skin with massage movements.

From acne, inflammation and purulent formations

The recipe was invented by Korean doctors, who claim that the use of the remedy allows you to get rid of inflammation in a very short time, while eliminating even large acne and boils.

To make the drug, you need to take 110 grams of fresh goose fat, pour Auba powder (20 grams) into it and mix thoroughly. The mixture must be applied to a cotton pad or napkin and applied in this form to problem areas, with lotions, changing them three times a day.

For the treatment of psoriasis

Such a remedy in its action surpasses many ointments of the hormonal category, which are often prescribed for exacerbation of psoriasis.

To make the substance, you need to take the dry root of the millennium, grind it into powder, then mix a full spoonful of the powder with goose fat (3 tablespoons). It is necessary to apply the mask on the affected areas, carrying out treatments regularly.

To nourish the dermis

The tool is great for dry-type dermis, the surface of which is characterized by frequent peeling.

To do this, you need to take goose fat (25 grams) and carefully grind it with camphor oil (2.5 grams). Apply to the face after cleansing, and after 20 minutes, remove the remaining substance with a soft cloth, rinsing the skin with cool water.

To soften the skin of the lips

To make a healing balm, you need to take rosehip or light-colored rose petals (20 pieces), grind them and rub them thoroughly with a spoonful of fresh fat. Apply every other day. If you use the tool on a regular basis, the skin of the lips will quickly acquire a beautiful color, become smooth, supple and moisturized.

Against wrinkles, including around the eyes

To make a mask, you need to melt a spoonful of fresh fat, add juice squeezed from half a lemon and pounded raw egg yolk into it until it hardens. After thorough kneading, the mass must be applied to the entire surface of the face and neck, leaving for 30 minutes, then remove its remnants with a soft cloth, soaking it in fresh milk. You can use cotton pads. You need to carry out the procedure twice a week.

As a rule, goose fat can be used by anyone, since the substance does not have side effects and any contraindications, but it is important to take into account certain points. For example, the fact that such products should not be applied just before going out, especially in hot weather, since the fat is rich in natural unsaturated fatty acids, which oxidize quickly enough upon contact with sunlight, which can harm the dermis.

Methods of application and recipes based on goose fat.

Goose fat is a fat of animal origin, obtained by rendering the connective and subcutaneous fat layer of geese. Due to the high content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fat is essential for the treatment of many diseases.

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications for women, men and children

There is no need to talk about the benefits of this product, because even our grandmothers used a remedy for the treatment of colds and skin ailments.

Medicinal properties of goose fat:

  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulator
  • Restores the skin
  • Has mild antibacterial properties
  • Improves the penetration of drugs into the skin
  • Helps warm the skin
  • Improves metabolism


  • High blood cholesterol
  • Outdoor use in hot weather
  • Open wounds with infection
  • allergic reactions
  • Pregnancy lactation
  • Children under 3 years old

How to properly melt internal goose fat for treatment at home?

Melting goose lard at home is very simple.


  • Wash and butcher the bird, cut off the yellow raw fat
  • Cut the raw material into small cubes and transfer to a thick-walled pan
  • Put on a small fire and drown for 4 hours
  • Don't forget to stir. After 3 hours, remove the cracklings and keep on fire for another 1 hour
  • Pour the finished product into jars and refrigerate

Recipes for the use of goose fat with milk, honey in folk medicine for colds, coughs for adults and children, during pregnancy

The remedy is often used in the treatment of SARS, cough, runny nose and sore throat in children. In addition, fat is used both for oral and external use.

Recipes for the use of goose lard for colds in babies and pregnant women:

  • Cough for children. Enter into a glass with warm milk 12 ml of fat and 10 ml of honey. Stir the substance, let the child drink before bedtime.
  • Compress for bronchitis. Mix goose lard with grated onion and lubricate the chest and back of the baby with the resulting composition. Wrap your baby in a towel and put him to bed.
  • With lemon during pregnancy. This remedy will help get rid of cough during pregnancy, the substance improves immunity. It is necessary to put a lemon in a container with water and cook for 20 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Enter 35 ml of goose fat and shake. Drink 30 ml before each meal.
  • With cocoa. Take equal amounts of fat, honey and cocoa powder and average. Enter a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of milk and drink three times a day. It can also be given to children.

Application for SARS

Recipes for the use of goose fat for a cold

Ointment with pepper from the common cold:

  • Melt 50 ml of lard and add a spoonful of red ground pepper
  • Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a clean jar
  • Store in the refrigerator, and at the first sign of a runny nose, lubricate the heels before going to bed
  • Don't forget to wear socks on top. It's a warming ointment.

Recipes for the use of goose fat for angina

Most often, with angina, goose lard is used to warm the throat and promote sputum discharge from the mucous membrane.


  • Melt 50 ml of goose fat in a water bath and add 10 g of beeswax
  • Stir the pasta and cook over a fire until smooth.
  • Lubricate the outer surface of the throat with the substance
  • Wrap your throat with a towel. Exercise before bed

use for angina

Recipes for the use of goose fat for pneumonia, bronchitis

Ointment for pneumonia and bronchitis:

  • Immerse 50 ml of goose lard in a container of boiling water and stir until liquid is obtained.
  • Enter 30 ml of alcohol and average
  • Lubricate the chest and back with the resulting product.
  • Wrap yourself in a warm scarf. Rubbing before bed

use for bronchitis

Goose fat for immunity: a recipe

To strengthen immunity, you should prepare a pasta according to the following recipe:

  • Mix in equal parts goose lard, bee nectar, cocoa powder
  • Add 15 g of aloe juice
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath
  • Take the substance inside 20 g twice a day, diluted with a small amount of warm milk

application for immunity

Goose fat for lymph nodes

Lymphodenitis is an inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, which occurs with tonsillitis and tonsillitis.


  • Mix 110 g honey and 110 g goose fat
  • Enter 90 g cocoa, 15 g aloe juice
  • Blend the paste and transfer to a jar
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. with one glass of hot milk

Goose fat for burns, and for sunburn

Ointment for burns:

  • Pour into a thick-walled saucepan 30 g of the main product
  • Pour in 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Average everything and simmer on fire for 3 minutes
  • Pour into a jar and lubricate burns 2 times a day

Goose fat and comfrey from thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis paste:

  • 5 parts chopped comfrey root, 1 part chestnut flowers, 1 part white acacia flowers - mix it all
  • moisten with alcohol and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • Enter 4 parts of goose fat and simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours
  • The ointment should be applied to the sore spot, covered with a linen napkin, and in the summer with burdock, and bandaged

from thrombophlebitis

Goose fat from erosion

The tool is widely used in gynecology. Fat helps rapid epithelialization of scars and erosions.


  • Melt a little product in a water bath
  • Dip a cotton swab in warm liquid
  • Tampons last all night
  • Remove the tampon in the morning, repeat 10 days

from erosion

Goose fat from hemorrhoids


  • Melt 3 parts of the substance in a saucepan with boiling water
  • Enter 1.5 parts of Kalanchoe juice. Pour into a jar
  • Lubricate the anal area in the morning and evening

Ointment based on goose fat and camphor oil: a folk recipe for joints

Instructions for preparing the product:

  • Melt 50 g of the product in a container with boiling water
  • Inject 10 drops of camphor oil into the liquid
  • Rub the resulting remedy on sore joints

folk recipe for joints

Goose fat for atopic dermatitis

For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, a therapeutic ointment is being prepared.


  • Pour 100 g of bacon into a metal bowl and let it melt
  • Enter 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Lubricate the affected areas

with atopic dermatitis

Goose fat in oncology

In a study by American scientists, it was found that duck fat is the strongest food biostimulant. It revitalizes the entire immune system, especially in moments of asthenic conditions, overwork, spring beriberi, prevention of seasonal influenza epidemics.

Instructions for use:

  • Take orally 10 ml of fat in the morning and evening
  • You can dissolve the product in a glass of warm milk
  • Enter some honey

in oncology

Goose fat for psoriasis

This is a serious disease that can be cured with goose fat.


  • Treat all wounds and peelings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • Lubricate these areas with melted fat
  • Wrap with cloth and leave overnight

from psoriasis

Goose fat for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles

In cosmetology, the product is used in the preparation of creams and masks.

Instructions for preparing the mask:

  • 1 fresh egg yolk mixed with fat (1 tsp)
  • Enter melted honey (1 tsp)
  • Apply the resulting mass under the eyes.
  • After 30 minutes, wash everything off with warm water and wipe with a decoction of chamomile.

for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles

How to make a cream with goose fat and propolis for the face?

This is a simple and affordable tool. It can help moisturize dry skin.


  • Mix in a saucepan 20 ml of lard and propolis
  • To make propolis rub well, freeze it
  • Add 50 ml base oil. Better take almond
  • Pour into a jar and store refrigerated
  • Use like regular cream

face cream with propolis

Goose fat for acne

This remedy is not used in the treatment of acne and pimples. Most often, acne appears due to increased secretion of sebum. Using lard, we further contribute to an increase in oily skin.

Goose fat masks for hair loss


  • Warm up some lard in a water bath
  • Dip your fingers in the warm liquid and rub the product into the roots.
  • The procedure is carried out on dirty hair 1 hour before washing.

face for acne

Goose fat for heels

It can be used to treat cracked heels.


  • Melt a little in a water bath
  • Soak your lower limbs in hot water
  • Wipe with a cloth and coat the cracks with

for heels

Goose fat for impregnating shoes

This tool helps to improve the condition of leather shoes, soften it.


  • Wash your shoes and dry them
  • Rub in and let it soak in
  • This treatment will keep the shoes from getting wet.

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

In order for the tool to be only useful, it should be properly stored. All animal fats go bad. Store the product in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. Take the required amount of the product with a dry and clean spoon.

store goose fat

As you can see, goose fat is a useful remedy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. This product will help improve skin condition.

VIDEO: Use of goose lard

Goose fat is a valuable product used in the preparation of culinary dishes, the manufacture of cosmetics, traditional and alternative medicine, and is used to treat many diseases.

Historical facts indicate that the goose was the first domesticated bird. Reliable historical facts about a special attitude towards it have come down to modern times: since the time of Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, geese have been mentioned as a special revered bird. Traditional medicine recipes that have come down to us are evidence of the successful use of goose fat as a medicine to relieve pain, treat respiratory diseases, wounds, preserve youthful skin, as an aphrodisiac to increase sexual attractiveness and strength.

The role of fats in the implementation of the vital processes of the body can not be overestimated. These are important organic components of almost all animal and plant tissues. They are predominantly a mixture of glycerol ester with fatty acids. For a living organism, they are a valuable source of vitamins, sterols, and phospholipids. The properties of goose fat combine all the best properties of this biologically important component of animal origin:

  • They carry out a plastic function: they are extremely important for building new cells of all biological tissues without exception.
  • They are a source of energy reserves, direct participants in a continuous chain of biochemical processes, providing metabolic reactions, vital activity and energy supply of body functions.
  • They are a depot of nutrients, water.
  • They perform protective, thermoregulatory functions.
  • They are the only source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized by the body, but are extremely important for the proper implementation of metabolism, homeostasis regulation, reproductive function, hormone production, normal functioning of the heart, liver, brain, endocrine glands.
  • The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids is to build cell membranes, regenerate connective tissue. They are necessary for the formation of the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber. They are able to form easily soluble compounds from harmful cholesterol, thereby regulating the permeability of the vascular bed, ensuring the elasticity of the vascular wall.

A distinctive feature of the finished product obtained from the goose, from other products of animal origin, is the fact that when heated and transferred from a solid state to a liquid, the melted substrate does not change its composition and healing qualities.


Here is a list of what goose fat is useful for, taking into account the biological effect it has on the body:

  • It contains a fairly large amount of almost all important vitamins for the body: groups B, PP, E, D, K.
  • The composition is rich in minerals due to the large number of micro and macro elements.
  • When using goose fat, the benefits of its biological action are due to the incoming polyunsaturated essential fatty acids: arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, myristic, omega-6 and 9.

The use of goose fat is justified due to:

  • The ability to have an immunostimulating effect on the body.
  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory action.
  • Wound healing, analgesic and warming effects when applied externally.
  • The ability to activate regeneration processes, helps to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of tissues.

For goose fat, medicinal properties and contraindications are due to the biologically active components of its composition.

Indications for use

Goose fat in folk medicine is used in the symptomatic treatment of the following diseases and conditions caused by:

  1. Cold, accompanied by dry cough, chest pain.
  2. For skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema.
  3. For the treatment of burns, frostbite.
  4. For stomach pains.
  5. As a cosmetic product that fights against the problems of skin aging, hair loss, changes in hair structure.
  6. With hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases.


Perhaps this is one of the few remedies that practically does not have strict contraindications for use. For goose fat, the use is limited only to:

  • The presence of individual intolerance.
  • Severe manifestations of liver failure.

Goose fat can be used externally with virtually no restrictions.

How to cook?

For home use, a purified, prepared product can be purchased at a pharmacy. For use, according to traditional medicine recipes, it is used only in melted form. Previously, a Russian stove was used for this purpose. It is absolutely not difficult to melt it at home on your own. How to melt goose fat?

The easiest way:

  • Cut into small pieces or minced poultry fat, place in a pre-heated thick-walled frying pan.
  • Fat should be melted over very low heat under a closed lid, stirring occasionally, removing the melted solid parts (greaves).
  • Properly melted product has a golden yellow color.
  • The finished product is poured into a glass jar, you can pre-strain it through gauze. Stored in the refrigerator.

The second way: melt in a water bath. Longer, more laborious process:

  • Pieces of fat are placed in a colander and in a container of the appropriate diameter (this is where the melted finished product will be collected).
  • The container is placed over boiling water, tightly closed with a lid.
  • Water for the steam bath should be added in a timely manner.
  • A glass container prepared in this way is filled with a therapeutic agent, stored after cooling in the refrigerator.

Storage conditions

The glass jar with the finished product should be tightly closed with a lid. It can keep its properties in the refrigerator for up to 8 months.

The finished product can be frozen without loss of healing properties during subsequent heating, the shelf life is up to 1 year.

For a cold

The use in folk medicine to relieve the symptoms of coughs and colds is a simple, affordable method of treating children and adults.

During the seasonal rise of colds, the product prepared in advance by the methods indicated above will become a wonderful medicine that helps not only in the treatment of coughs, reduced immunity, but also as a preventive measure against diseases.

  • A good therapeutic effect with a dry, debilitating cough is rubbing the chest, back with a clean product, without the addition of other means. The procedure is best performed before going to bed, after which it is recommended to wrap the patient, cover with a blanket. Goose fat for colds can be used to treat children.
  • In the treatment of adult patients, the composition for rubbing can be prepared by adding vodka, based on 50 g of the product, 2 tablespoons of vodka.
  • Rubbing the chest causes a pronounced thermal effect, which is why the main rule of such procedures is the absence of fever in the patient.
  • When coughing, it is recommended to use a natural home remedy inside on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon, or prepare a mixture by taking equal proportions of honey, lemon, cocoa or aloe juice. There are a sufficient number of options for preparing such mixtures.

A contraindication for the use of the described mixtures is the presence of an allergy to these components.

For eczema, dermatitis, burns

Treatment of skin diseases does not require practically any time costs, additional preparations: the affected areas of the skin are abundantly lubricated with a natural product without additives, covered with a gauze napkin from above. A goose fat compress prepared in this way changes twice a day.

For the treatment of eczema, a mixture with fir, camphor oil is used.

Treatment with goose fat is an affordable, very effective, safe way to deal with various ailments. However, it should not be forgotten that the described traditional medicine does not treat the cause of the disease, but is only a symptomatic auxiliary therapy.

Before using compresses, mixtures, ointments during illness, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Application in cooking

The product prepared by the described methods is widely used for cooking culinary dishes: stew, fry vegetables, meat on it, add to soups and decoctions. It turns out tasty and healthy.

Goose fat in cooking is added to the filling for pies, cutlets, cereals, casseroles. This is an excellent substitute for butter and any vegetable oil, recommended for those who follow diets.


Goose fat has been used in cosmetology since ancient times as a means of combating the aging process of the skin, with dry, weathered skin. From it it is enough just to prepare masks, mixtures that prevent hair loss. A natural product is more often used, it can be added to improve the composition in ready-made face and hand creams.

A home-made healing remedy prevents the appearance of brittle nails, helps to whiten the skin, and relieves joint pain.

Gynecological diseases

When mixed with a decoction of calendula flowers, applied to a swab. Applied topically for diseases of the cervix.

There is a popular belief that goose lard, mixed with aloe juice, honey and sea buckthorn oil, when used regularly, helps to cope with infertility.

Whatever traditional medicine recipes you use, you should remember that they do not replace etiotropic treatment. Before using any of them, you should consult your doctor.

Goose fat is one of the oldest remedies used by man. They were treated with pneumonia, joints, skin, they made healing potions from it to strengthen the body, it was added to cosmetics and much, much more.

Goose fat is a natural product obtained from the connective tissue of a goose and made by melting. This fat has always been very popular, easy to prepare and use, quite affordable, low in cholesterol and very effective in use.

Goose fat is used both in folk medicine and in traditional medicine. It is often used in cosmetology, it is added to ointments, creams, balms. It can be used both externally and internally, both in pure form and with the addition of other components.

Goose fat is also used for coughs and tuberculosis, for the treatment of joints and stomach, for frostbite and burns, for the treatment of blood vessels, wounds and ulcers, and even drinks from a hangover syndrome are made from it.

Composition of goose fat

Goose fat contains a large amount (70%) of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6, stearic, oleic, linoleic acid), which are sorely lacking in our diet. After all, a lack of fatty acids, especially Omega 3, can cause metabolic disorders and an increase in excess weight, dryness and fading, brittle nails and hair loss, indigestion and nervous exhaustion.

Goose fat is mostly monounsaturated and has a chemical structure similar to olive oil. The main advantage of goose fat is that it can withstand very high and low temperatures without changing its properties. That is why it is often used to protect the skin from sunlight and severe frost, from disease and skin flaking. It not only perfectly protects the skin, but also rejuvenates and nourishes it.

Also, goose fat contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP and others, which are responsible for antioxidant actions, strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E synthesizes collagen, protects cells from damage, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, and is also a powerful antioxidant.

Minerals: zinc, sodium, copper, selenium, magnesium, which are involved in the regulation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, normalize metabolic processes,

The benefits and uses of goose fat

Goose fat is currently used for prophylactic purposes, for the manufacture of cosmetics, to increase immunity, as a warming agent, for colds and SARS, as well as for skin disorders and defects (cracks, eczema, acne, acne, boils, inflammation, ulcers). and etc.).


Goose fat is a fairly strong cough remedy and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Goose fat works well for colds by rubbing. Since it has a warming effect, it is recommended to make compresses with a woolen scarf in case of fever, cough and inflammation of the bronchi.

Also, goose fat is a good prophylactic for colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. You can drink it with warm milk, it will not only warm the throat and lungs, but also strengthen the body as a whole.

Currently, there are many medicines for colds based on goose fat, both internal and external use.

When using pure goose fat at home, it is recommended to combine internal use with rubbing and compresses. Warming rubs help fight wet and dry coughs. To warm the body and improve blood circulation, it is recommended to rub goose fat with massage movements in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, chest, avoiding the heart area if possible. We insulate the lubricated areas with a woolen cloth (shawl, scarf), and let the body warm up well during the night.

When used internally, goose fat can be combined with milk, honey, aloe juice. This interaction has a softening and expectorant effect, improves respiratory function.

Goose fat has almost no contraindications, but for people with high cholesterol and overweight, it is better to refrain from using it.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

Goose fat is often recommended for the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. It well relieves swelling of the lower extremities, improves venous outflow, relieves inflammation of the veins, thins the blood, reduces itching and numbness of the lower extremities.

Goose fat is mixed with aloe juice (2: 1), placed in a cool place. After a few days, the ointment is ready for use. Apply this ointment to problem areas at night.

Treatment and improvement of the skin

In severe winter colds, the skin, lubricated with goose fat, remains soft and smooth, without chapping or cracking.

Goose fat has a powerful protective and healing effect. It was goose fat that was most often used by hunters and polar explorers from frostbite of the skin, liberally smearing their face and hands. Goose fat is also used at very high temperatures. The property of goose fat is that it is able to withstand very high and low temperatures while maintaining its beneficial properties. It also has a warming effect, so it is an unsurpassed remedy for hypothermia.

Goose fat is also used for various skin disorders and diseases: psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, ulcers, redness and irritation, urticaria, cuts and wounds, burns and frostbite, etc.

With psoriasis, you can make an ointment at home. 3 art. spoons of fat mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed soapwort. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the affected area. Such an ointment does not cause allergies, and the effect is much better than from pharmacy ointments.

Cosmetics with goose fat were used in ancient Egypt. On ancient manuscripts, descriptions of goose fat were often found as a miraculous healing agent.

Currently, more and more resort to the use of natural cosmetics. Since this cosmetics does not just hide skin aging or some defects, but it rejuvenates and restores the skin and hair in a natural way.

Due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, goose fat normalizes the metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and improves tissue regeneration. Also, goose fat is rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process, helps get rid of scars and scars, and increases the regenerative functions of cells. Vitamins of group B, moisturize the skin, improve the penetration of nutrients, regulate metabolic processes in the skin.

Goose fat to improve the appearance, you can take it inside. It brings great benefits for beauty and does not spoil the figure.

Goose fat has a tremendous effect in eliminating wrinkles. It is enough to add it to a face cream or masks, and the results will double.

Video how to make a face and hair mask at home.

Goose fat is just a godsend for chapped lips. To soften the lips, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of goose fat, 19-20 rosehip petals, grind it in a cup, then mix everything and apply the resulting composition to the lips.

The main indications for the treatment of goose fat

We will present all the indications for goose fat treatment.

  • colds, hypothermia,
  • tuberculosis,
  • pneumonia,
  • rheumatism and joint diseases,
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, dry skin, rashes,
  • wounds, burns, frostbite,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • haemorrhoids,

Main contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the use of goose fat. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components that make up goose fat.

A relative contraindication for internal use is pregnancy, lactation and children under 3 years of age. Also, it should not be taken in acute liver diseases.

What are the healing properties of goose fat and how can it be used in modern conditions?

Goose fat - medicinal properties

Among other animal fats, goose fat is considered the champion in terms of the content of nutrients and vitamins. It contains a huge amount of polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids - components that are severely lacking in the diet of a modern person. Women who follow diets and refuse to eat meat products, butter and other fats especially suffer from a deficiency of animal fats. Lack of omega-3 fatty acids and other fatty acids causes metabolic disorders in the body, dry skin, brittle nails and hair, digestive problems and nervous exhaustion. Goose fat contains most of the fatty acids necessary for the human body, it contains: omega-3 acid, oleic, palmitoleic, linoleic, linolenic, stearic, myristic and others.

In addition, goose fat contains: minerals: magnesium, sodium, selenium, zinc, copper; vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP and others.

Goose fat is a completely natural product that is obtained by rendering raw fat from the subcutaneous layer and connective tissues of the goose. Since ancient times, visceral goose fat has been used to treat a variety of diseases: from pneumonia to psoriasis and gynecological diseases. Vitamins and fatty acids contained in fat help strengthen the body, strengthen immunity, thanks to them goose fat has warming and wound healing properties. In ancient China, it was believed that goose fat was able to remove toxins from the body, and it also promoted the resorption of tumors and could be used to treat cancer.

The use of goose fat in folk medicine

Most often, goose fat is used to treat:

  • colds;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and so on;
  • wounds and burns;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gynecological diseases - cervical erosion and others;
  • haemorrhoids;

Goose fat is also used in cosmetology - to protect and nourish the skin, to stimulate hair growth and prevent baldness.


There are very few contraindications to the use of goose fat - this remedy is considered one of the safest among animal fats. The only strict contraindication for oral administration is individual intolerance to the components of goose fat, and relative contraindications for oral administration are pregnancy, lactation and children under 3 years of age. It is also not recommended to use it in acute and chronic liver diseases. Goose fat can be used externally for almost any condition and disease.

The use of goose fat

At home, goose fat can be prepared independently or bought ready-made at a pharmacy, store or market. Properly cooked and well-preserved goose fat should be yellowish-golden in color, without any impurities or unpleasant odor.

1. Goose fat when coughing. When coughing, goose fat can be used:

  • for rubbing - warm goose fat is mixed with melted wax in a ratio of 4: 1 and rubbed into the chest in front and behind, excluding the heart area. Such a compress is best done at bedtime, then give the patient a warm drink to drink and put to sleep under a warm blanket;
  • mix 500 g of goose down and 100 g of minced garlic, heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, spread the resulting mixture on the chest and back of the patient, tie it with a warm woolen cloth and leave overnight. Such a compress is done within 4-5 days.

2. In case of frostbite - lubricate the damaged area with melted goose fat 2-3 times a day, and make a goose fat compress at night.

3. For burns - for small burns, the skin is thickly smeared with goose fat and a bandage is applied on top. Fat on burns is changed 2 times a day, the bandage is not removed until healing;

4. With psoriasis - 3 tablespoons of goose fat are mixed with 1 tablespoon of crushed soapwort root. The resulting composition in its healing properties is not inferior to hormonal ointments and has no side effects. For the treatment of psoriasis, the affected areas of the skin are regularly lubricated with goose fat with soapwort.

5. For eczema - mix 2 parts of warm goose fat with 1 part of fir oil, mix thoroughly and the resulting mixture is densely applied to wet places and tied for the night or for several hours. The course of treatment of weeping eczema - days.

6. With tuberculosis - used to strengthen immunity and reduce inflammation in the lungs, for this they mix 100 g of goose fat, aloe juice, honey and cocoa powder. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and taken 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day with a glass of warm milk for several months.

7. For thrombophlebitis and other diseases of the lower extremities - mix 2 parts of goose fat and 1 part of Kalanchoe juice, insist for several days, store in a dark bowl and a cold place. The affected areas are lubricated at night for a long time.

8. In gynecology and for the treatment of hemorrhoids - mix 100 g of goose fat with 1 tbsp of dried calendula flowers, heat in a water bath for minutes, strain, use the rest to moisten gauze swabs. They are put daily at night for 10 days, in the treatment of gynecological diseases, the course of treatment is repeated twice more with ten-day breaks.

9. In cosmetology - to protect dry and delicate skin in cold weather, the cheeks and nose were smeared with melted goose fat. To prepare a nourishing mask, mix 50 g of goose fat with 5 g of camphor oil, mix and apply on the face for 20 minutes, blot excess fat with a napkin, then wash the face with warm water. Goose fat is used to restore dry and damaged hair, for this melted fat is rubbed into the scalp and left for a minute.



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Healing properties of goose fat.

Nowadays, many have already forgotten what it is, so it was not possible to buy it in a store. In the countries of the former USSR, it is not produced in production batches. And those people who grow geese with us always leave goose fat for their own use. In Europe, goose fat is the number 1 product, especially in France and the UK.

Since ancient times, in Russia, and in many other countries, goose fat has been used as a therapeutic and prophylactic (for colds, pneumonia, psoriasis, eczema, etc.), and as a cosmetic product. In cold and windy weather, goose fat is used instead of a cream to maintain healthy skin on the face and hands.

Goose fat, according to Koreans, helps to dissolve tumors. The collected goose fat was also used to treat skin diseases. There are many recipes for the treatment of various diseases, the basis for which is goose fat. A lot of information and publications about goose fat can be found on English and Russian websites and in books of ancient medicine.

In nutrition, goose fat has many advantages over other fats of animal origin. First of all, it is a purely monounsaturated fat. In fact, it is oleic acid - that is, its chemical structure is the same as that of olive oil, whose beneficial effects on health do not need to be proven.

Goose fat also has an advantage over all other fats, because it can withstand high temperatures (over 200 C) without changing its molecular structure.

Therefore, it is easily digested and, even when heated, does not adversely affect the cardiovascular system.

Goose fat does not contain cholesterol.

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications for women, men and children

Medicinal properties of goose fat:

  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulator
  • Restores the skin
  • Has mild antibacterial properties
  • Improves the penetration of drugs into the skin
  • Helps warm the skin
  • Improves metabolism
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Outdoor use in hot weather
  • Open wounds with infection
  • allergic reactions
  • Pregnancy lactation
  • Children under 3 years old

How to properly melt internal goose fat for treatment at home?

Melting goose lard at home is very simple.

  • Wash and butcher the bird, cut off the yellow raw fat
  • Cut the raw material into small cubes and transfer to a thick-walled pan
  • Put on a small fire and drown for 4 hours
  • Don't forget to stir. After 3 hours, remove the cracklings and keep on fire for another 1 hour
  • Pour the finished product into jars and refrigerate

How to melt lard

Recipes for the use of goose fat with milk, honey in folk medicine for colds, coughs for adults and children, during pregnancy

The remedy is often used in the treatment of SARS, cough, runny nose and sore throat in children. In addition, fat is used both for oral and external use.

Recipes for the use of goose lard for colds in babies and pregnant women:

  • Cough for children. Enter into a glass with warm milk 12 ml of fat and 10 ml of honey. Stir the substance, let the child drink before bedtime.
  • Compress for bronchitis. Mix goose lard with grated onion and lubricate the chest and back of the baby with the resulting composition. Wrap your baby in a towel and put him to bed.
  • With lemon during pregnancy. This remedy will help get rid of cough during pregnancy, the substance improves immunity. It is necessary to put a lemon in a container with water and cook for 20 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Enter 35 ml of goose fat and shake. Drink 30 ml before each meal.
  • With cocoa. Take equal amounts of fat, honey and cocoa powder and average. Enter a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of milk and drink three times a day. It can also be given to children.

Application for SARS

Recipes for the use of goose fat for a cold

Ointment with pepper from the common cold:

  • Melt 50 ml of lard and add a spoonful of red ground pepper
  • Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a clean jar
  • Store in the refrigerator, and at the first sign of a runny nose, lubricate the heels before going to bed
  • Don't forget to wear socks on top. It's a warming ointment.

Use for a cold

Recipes for the use of goose fat for angina

Most often, with angina, goose lard is used to warm the throat and promote sputum discharge from the mucous membrane.

  • Melt 50 ml of goose fat in a water bath and add 10 g of beeswax
  • Stir the pasta and cook over a fire until smooth.
  • Lubricate the outer surface of the throat with the substance
  • Wrap your throat with a towel. Exercise before bed

use for angina

Recipes for the use of goose fat for pneumonia, bronchitis

Ointment for pneumonia and bronchitis:

  • Immerse 50 ml of goose lard in a container of boiling water and stir until liquid is obtained.
  • Enter 30 ml of alcohol and average
  • Lubricate the chest and back with the resulting product.
  • Wrap yourself in a warm scarf. Rubbing before bed

use for bronchitis

Goose fat for immunity: a recipe

To strengthen immunity, you should prepare a pasta according to the following recipe:

  • Mix in equal parts goose lard, bee nectar, cocoa powder
  • Add 15 g of aloe juice
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath
  • Take the substance inside 20 g twice a day, diluted with a small amount of warm milk

application for immunity

Goose fat for lymph nodes

Lymphodenitis is an inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, which occurs with tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

  • Mix 110 g honey and 110 g goose fat
  • Enter 90 g cocoa, 15 g aloe juice
  • Blend the paste and transfer to a jar
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. with one glass of hot milk

Goose fat for burns, and for sunburn

  • Pour into a thick-walled saucepan 30 g of the main product
  • Pour in 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Average everything and simmer on fire for 3 minutes
  • Pour into a jar and lubricate burns 2 times a day

Goose fat and comfrey from thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis paste:

  • 5 parts chopped comfrey root, 1 part chestnut flowers, 1 part white acacia flowers - mix it all
  • moisten with alcohol and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • Enter 4 parts of goose fat and simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours
  • The ointment should be applied to the sore spot, covered with a linen napkin, and in the summer with burdock, and bandaged

Goose fat from erosion

The tool is widely used in gynecology. Fat helps rapid epithelialization of scars and erosions.

  • Melt a little product in a water bath
  • Dip a cotton swab in warm liquid
  • Tampons last all night
  • Remove the tampon in the morning, repeat 10 days

Goose fat from hemorrhoids

  • Melt 3 parts of the substance in a saucepan with boiling water
  • Enter 1.5 parts of Kalanchoe juice. Pour into a jar
  • Lubricate the anal area in the morning and evening

Ointment based on goose fat and camphor oil: a folk recipe for joints in

Instructions for preparing the product:

  • Melt 50 g of the product in a container with boiling water
  • Inject 10 drops of camphor oil into the liquid
  • Rub the resulting remedy on sore joints

folk recipe for joints

Goose fat for atopic dermatitis

For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, a therapeutic ointment is being prepared.

  • Pour 100 g of bacon into a metal bowl and let it melt
  • Enter 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Lubricate the affected areas

with atopic dermatitis

Goose fat in oncology

In a study by American scientists, it was found that duck fat is the strongest food biostimulant. It revitalizes the entire immune system, especially in moments of asthenic conditions, overwork, spring beriberi, prevention of seasonal influenza epidemics.

Instructions for use:

  • Take orally 10 ml of fat in the morning and evening
  • You can dissolve the product in a glass of warm milk
  • Enter some honey

Goose fat for psoriasis

This is a serious disease that can be cured with goose fat.

  • Treat all wounds and peelings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • Lubricate these areas with melted fat
  • Wrap with cloth and leave overnight

goose fat

In cosmetology, the product is used in the preparation of creams and masks.

Instructions for preparing the mask:

  • 1 fresh egg yolk mixed with fat (1 tsp)
  • Enter melted honey (1 tsp)

for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles

  • Use like regular cream

face cream with propolis

face for acne

Goose fat for heels

  • Wash your shoes and dry them

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

store goose fat

  • Apply the resulting mass under the eyes.
  • After 30 minutes, wash everything off with warm water and wipe with a decoction of chamomile.

for the face and skin around the eyes from wrinkles

How to make a cream with goose fat and propolis for the face?

This is a simple and affordable tool. It can help moisturize dry skin.

  • Mix in a saucepan 20 ml of lard and propolis
  • To make propolis rub well, freeze it
  • Add 50 ml base oil. Better take almond
  • Pour into a jar and store refrigerated
  • Use like regular cream

face cream with propolis

Goose fat for acne

This remedy is not used in the treatment of acne and pimples. Most often, acne appears due to increased secretion of sebum. Using lard, we further contribute to an increase in oily skin.

Goose fat masks for hair loss

  • Warm up some lard in a water bath
  • Dip your fingers in the warm liquid and rub the product into the roots.
  • The procedure is carried out on dirty hair 1 hour before washing.

face for acne

Goose fat for heels

It can be used to treat cracked heels.

  • Melt a little in a water bath
  • Soak your lower limbs in hot water
  • Wipe with a cloth and coat the cracks with

Goose fat for impregnating shoes

This tool helps to improve the condition of leather shoes, soften it.

  • Wash your shoes and dry them
  • Rub in and let it soak in
  • This treatment will keep the shoes from getting wet.

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

In order for the tool to be only useful, it should be properly stored. All animal fats go bad. Store the product in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. Take the required amount of the product with a dry and clean spoon.

store goose fat

As you can see, goose fat is a useful remedy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. This product will help improve skin condition.

Goose fat: medicinal properties, contraindications

Many fats of animal origin have a lot of healing properties, so they are actively used for medicinal purposes. One of them is goose fat, which contains many useful elements that help to cope with various diseases of the joints, skin, gastrointestinal tract.

What is useful goose fat? Compound

Poultry lard includes vitamins PP, E, D, B-groups, as well as a whole complex of polyunsaturated acids: oleic, stearic, arachidonic, myristic, omega-3 and 6. The product contains minerals: zinc, magnesium, selenium and others. It is completely natural, formed naturally, it does not contain harmful cholesterol.

Application in traditional medicine

Goose fat is quite easily absorbed by the body, accelerates the renewal of cellular structures, has immune-strengthening, anti-inflammatory, healing properties, effectively removes toxins, toxins, and harmful substances from the body. It has a wound-healing, warming, some antibacterial effect, warms the skin well, improves metabolism, stops the growth of tumors.

For therapeutic purposes, as a rule, melted lard is used. It can be used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, burns, frostbite, gynecological diseases. It helps relieve pain in the joints and muscles, stop the symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatism. The fatty product actively fights varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and helps reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Ointment for colds for children and adults

With colds based on lard, you can prepare a healing ointment. For this purpose you will need:

  • natural bee honey or propolis;
  • powder from cocoa beans;
  • aloe leaf juice, goose fat.

Place all the ingredients in a spacious container, warm over low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take the resulting composition 2 rubles / day, after dissolving a teaspoon of the mass in a glass of low-fat warm milk.

This recipe is used to treat the manifestations of a cold in children older than three years. The positive effect of the product is manifested the very next day.

Compress for cough

No less effective in the treatment of cough and other signs of acute respiratory infections are various compresses.

The first recipe: mix 100 grams of chopped garlic with 0.5 kg of goose lard, melt in a water bath. Spread the finished mixture on the sternum and back, cover with a woolen cloth and leave overnight. The total duration of treatment is 4-5 days.

The second recipe: mix bird lard with wax in a ratio of 4: 1. Spread on the chest, avoiding the pericardial region, and then give the patient a plentiful drink.

Rubbing with bronchitis, pneumonia

For bronchitis, mix goose fat in equal proportions with grated onion. Eat a teaspoon of the mass on an empty stomach (in the morning). In the evening, rub the chest, cover it with a warm cloth, and then drink a glass of hot milk with honey. With inflammation of the lungs, this ointment will help:

  • Place 50 grams of lard in boiling water and mix until a homogeneous liquid is obtained;
  • add 30 ml of alcohol / vodka to it, mix again;
  • lubricate the back, chest before going to bed.

The following remedy will help alleviate the symptomatic manifestations of other bronchopulmonary diseases: add 100 grams of propolis and a small amount of vodka to melted goose fat. The resulting composition insist for a week in a dark, cool place. Apply externally to the chest area.

Cream for face, anti-wrinkle, for hands

Lard has a positive effect on the skin of the hands and face. It promotes cell regeneration, softens, eliminates dryness, cracks, significantly reduces the total number and severity of wrinkles, corrects age-related pigmentation.

To protect the epidermis from exposure to low temperatures in winter, you should periodically use a cream mask prepared from 5 grams of camphor oil and 50 g of fat. This cream is smeared on the face and aged for about 20 minutes. After that, the excess is removed with a paper towel and a washing procedure is carried out. Handles will also acquire a beautiful, well-groomed appearance if you periodically lubricate them with goose fat.

Goose fat for burns and frostbite

Bird lard is the most effective remedy for thermal damage to the skin. To do this, it must be applied in a thick layer to the affected areas, and then covered with a clean bandage of gauze or bandage. The compress should be changed at least twice a day until the wounds are completely healed.

A mixture of 30 grams of the product, 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil, heated over low heat, copes with sunburn. She lubricates the burnt areas twice a day.

Treatment of psoriasis. Recipe

With this disease, an ointment has a pronounced therapeutic effect: 3 tbsp. combine bird's maltz with one tablespoon of crushed soapwort root, mix, apply to painful areas. The finished composition does not cause allergies, does not irritate the skin. It is advisable to prepare it immediately before use.

From chronic, poorly healing wounds, an ointment made from oak bark powder and lard will help. For manufacturing, you will need 115 grams of fat and 20 grams of oak bark. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, cover with cellophane on top and bandage. Keep the bandage on for 60 minutes.

For eczema, 2/3 teaspoon goose fat, mix with 1/3 fir oil. Use the finished composition for surface applications. Apply to desired areas several times a day. The duration of therapy is no more than three weeks.

A nourishing lip balm can be made from poultry visceral fat. To do this, it is mixed with rosehip leaves (15-20 pieces), garden roses. Grind all components until a porridge-like mass is formed. Lubricate lips for a week before going to bed. This will help get rid of dryness, cracks in the corners of the mouth, give the skin softness, elasticity.

Goose fat for hair

To restore strength and shine to weakened, damaged hair, this recipe will help:

  1. Warm up a small amount of the starting product in a water bath.
  2. Thoroughly rub the oily composition into the hair roots.
  3. Wrap your head with a towel, leave for half an hour.

Wash off the fat with a neutral shampoo, rinse the hair with a concentrated decoction of chamomile. For rinsing, water with the addition of lemon juice is also perfect.

Benefits for the joints. Reviews

The melted subcutaneous fat layer of the bird relieves pain in case of pain in the joints of various etiologies. Many Internet users respond positively to this recipe:

  • roll root and grind a small potato on a grater;
  • mix the ingredients in a ratio of one to one, add a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • apply to painful areas and hold for about two hours.

The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Although according to people's opinions, significant pain relief occurs after the first procedure.

Goose fat for men. How to use?

An animal product perfectly copes with such a male ailment as prostatitis. A mixture of lard, juice from crushed Kalanchoe leaves, garlic and bee honey will help get rid of this problem.

Reception mode: one tablespoon in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach. The total duration of the course is 30 days. But the first positive changes can be seen after two weeks.

How to melt goose fat correctly?

To prepare this product, collect interior, subcutaneous fat from the bird, cut it into small pieces, put in a cauldron or saucepan. Melt the fat in a water bath or low heat, without bringing it to a boil.

The whole procedure usually takes about an hour. Next, strain the mass through a fine sieve, a double layer of gauze, then pour into a glass container of the appropriate volume and cool to room temperature.

Cover the cooled mixture with parchment paper and place in the refrigerator. A well-prepared product is similar in consistency to butter, it is quite easy to combine with other components.

How to store goose fat? Timing

The rendered visceral fat of poultry should be stored in a dark, cool place (cellar, refrigerator). It is best to keep lard in a glass or ceramic, tightly closed container.

The container is thermally processed beforehand. In some cases, it is allowed to place it in the freezer. Subject to the conditions, such a product retains its unique properties for three years.

Contraindications and harm

In general, goose fat has practically no absolute contraindications. The internal use of lard is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women, babies under the age of three, as well as people who have serious problems with the liver and kidneys. You should not take goose fat with individual intolerance. There are also restrictions for outdoor use. Do not apply the product to the surface of the skin while simultaneously exposed to sunlight.

Medicines from lard are harmful only if used incorrectly. For example, products intended for skin application should not be taken orally and vice versa. It is best to heat ready-made drugs in the oven, microwave, in a water bath so that they do not lose their medicinal properties.

During the preparation of medicines at home, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, as well as the recommended dosage. Before using in children, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Do not forget that this product of animal origin has a high calorie content. Therefore, overweight people need to limit its internal consumption.



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