Genital herpes: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment principles. How to treat genital herpes, medication and folk methods

Genital herpes belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections. It causes a lot of trouble to its "owners" - from uncomfortable sensations to severe psychological problems. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease have a number of features and require special attention of both the doctor and the patient.

What is genital herpes?

Genital herpes is an infectious disease that affects the mucous membranes and skin of the genitourinary organs and the anorectal zone. It manifests itself in the form of many bubbles with liquid contents, which, after a while, burst and turn into sores.

The course of the disease in men and women has its own characteristics.

Types of disease: urogenital, anogenital, vaginal, anal and others

Modern medicine distinguishes four forms of genital herpes infection:

  • primary (the appearance of infection for the first time);
  • secondary (the appearance of infection against the background of other diseases);
  • recurrent (recurrence of infection);
  • asymptomatic (no symptoms of infection);
  • atypical (infection masquerades as other diseases of the genital organs).

Depending on the localization in women, herpes is distinguished:

  • vaginal (rashes are localized on the cervix, in the vagina and the area of ​​​​its vestibule);
  • urogenital (rashes are localized on the cervix, in the vagina, in the region of its vestibule and affect the area of ​​the clitoris, urethra and urethra);
  • anogenital (rashes are localized on the cervix, in the vagina, in the vestibule of the vagina and in the anorectal zone);
  • covering the entire area of ​​the perineum.

In men, the foreskin, glans, and shaft of the penis are most often affected. The occurrence of anal herpes is possible if a man had sexual intercourse with members of the same sex.

What you need to know about genital herpes: pathogen, transmission routes, signs, treatment - video

Causes of infection in the intimate area and ways of transmission

The causative agent of genital herpes in 90% of cases is the herpes virus of the second type (HSV-2), but there are exceptions when the herpes virus of the first type (HSV-1) is “guilty” of the infection, which accounts for the remaining 10%.

A sufficiently high resistance of the second type of herpes virus in the external environment is noted. He lives on the strength of half an hour, which is enough for reproduction and distribution. Dies at temperatures above +50 and below -70 degrees Celsius. The favorite location of the virus, where it "dozes", is the nervous tissue. It is the nerve cells that store the viral genes, which, under favorable conditions, are activated.

Risk factors for herpes infection type 2:

  • promiscuity;
  • having multiple sexual partners;
  • neglect of observance of the general rules of hygiene (washing of hands);
  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • constant stress, psychological overstrain;
  • overwork;
  • intoxication;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • household contacts with the sick person.

Ways of transmission of herpetic infection of the second type:

  1. Contact. Infection occurs through household contacts with a virus carrier or a sick person, when he touches common objects with unwashed hands, and a healthy person, in turn, touches them, forgets to wash his hands and touches the genitals.
  2. Autoinfection. A person himself spreads the infection with his hands from the infected to the unaffected areas of the mucous membranes and skin.
  3. Sexual. Infection occurs through sexual intercourse with an infected person. There are paths:
    • genital;
    • oral-genital;
    • anogenital.
  4. Vertical. Infection of the fetus occurs from an infected mother:
    • transplacental (when the virus is transmitted through the placenta);
    • ascending (transmission of the virus to the fetus through the cervical canal into the uterus);
    • generic (transmission of the virus to the child when passing through an infected birth canal).

Fortunately, the herpes virus type 2 is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

The risk group for contracting a herpes infection of the second type includes:

  • people with low socioeconomic status (especially those who lead a marginal lifestyle);
  • women (they get sick more often);
  • women and men aged 25–35 (the peak of sexual activity is noted at this age);
  • persons of non-traditional sexual orientation, bisexuals.

Symptoms and signs of the disease: rashes on the genitals, buttocks in men and women, temperature and others

Signs differ depending on the type of pathology.

Primary infection: incubation period, manifestations

This is the first time I've been infected with the virus. The incubation period varies from person to person and lasts about a week. On the eighth to tenth day, rashes appear on the genitals, then vesicles with liquid contents form, which open on the second or third day after the appearance, forming ulcers. Further, these sores begin to dry out, forming crusts (16–19 days), after which the healing period begins (up to the thirtieth day).

In men, herpes is manifested by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • head of the penis;
  • foreskin;
  • urethra;
  • coronal sulcus;
  • scrotum;
  • perianal zone;
  • inner surface of the thighs;
  • buttocks.

In women, rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • vagina;
  • cervix;
  • vestibule of the vagina;
  • urethra;
  • small labia;
  • large labia;
  • perianal zone;
  • perineum;
  • inner surface of the thighs;
  • buttocks.

There are common signs for men and women:

  • rise in body temperature from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • burning sensation before the appearance of rashes;
  • intolerable itching when bubbles appear, especially after they are opened;
  • discharge from the genital tract, often purulent.

As a rule, the complete extinction of symptoms occurs after 4-5 weeks. Then the virus "goes" to the nerve ganglia (nodes), where it will wait for favorable conditions for activation again.

Secondary infection

With secondary infection, the clinical picture is not as stormy and bright as with the primary one. But the symptoms are the same. Secondary infection is considered when the infection re-enters the body and the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus of the second type.

Recurrent course

After infection, special antibodies of the herpes simplex virus of the second type are formed. They are an indicator that the infection is “sitting” somewhere in the human body and is waiting in the wings.

Under the influence of provoking factors (mainly a decrease in immunity), the virus passes from a latent state into an active one, begins to multiply intensively and manifest itself with clinical symptoms.

Under adverse conditions (when everything is in order with the human body), it again "goes into hibernation" in the nerve cells. So the latent periods alternate with periods of exacerbation. The clinical picture is the same as in primary and secondary infection.

Asymptomatic course

Recognized only when using additional methods of examination. In 20% of cases of genital herpes (with secondary infection or recurrent course), the disease does not have any clinic. Sometimes it can be manifested by slight discomfort in the genital area. Patients with this type of herpes infection are especially dangerous in epidemiological terms, as they become a source of infection for healthy people without even knowing it.

Atypical course

As well as with an asymptomatic course, it is recognized only with additional examination methods. It does not have a typical clinic of genital herpes, but disguises itself as other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female and male genital area.

Manifestations of genital herpes: what does a rash look like on the labia in women, on the penis in men - photo gallery

Diagnosis of genital herpes: what examinations will the doctor recommend?

The diagnosis of genital herpes is quite easily made (with a pronounced picture of the disease) on the basis of the patient's complaints and his examination. If clinical signs are erased or absent, it is advisable to conduct additional examination methods.

For laboratory studies, blood and biomaterial are taken from the affected areas (not only from a certain place, but from all affected areas). Analyzes are given several times with an interval of several days. In women, they will be the most informative when taking biomaterials in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. In men, the period of testing does not matter.

Laboratory diagnostics includes:

  1. Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The patient takes venous blood. Conduct a study of the level of antibodies and immunoglobulins M and G, based on the detection of which determine whether the herpes virus is present in the body or not. IgM is an indicator of primary infection, with secondary infection and chronic infection, IgG is detected.
  2. PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The biomaterial (liquid) from herpetic vesicles is examined. The method allows to detect the pathogen at the earliest stages of the infectious process with the possibility of quantitative determination of the virus. It is the most informative in diagnosing this disease.
  3. Virological method (cultural). It is possible only with a bright clinical picture. The virus is grown in tissue culture, after which its properties are studied under a microscope.

Deciphering an enzyme immunoassay for herpes simplex virus type 2 - table

Study Result Interpretation of indicators
IgMNot found
  1. There is no infection in the body, and you have never been sick before.
  2. There is no immunity to the virus.
  3. There is a risk of primary infection.
IgGNot found
IgMNot found
  1. The presence of a virus in the body.
  2. A stable immunity has been developed to it, which indicates that the infection occurred a long time ago.
  3. There is no risk of primary infection. But secondary infection or relapse is possible, depending on the state of the immune system.
  4. Amenable to prevention.
  1. primary infection. Or you have recently had a disease, and immunoglobulin G has not had time to develop yet.
  2. Treatment is needed.
IgGNot found
  1. Primary, secondary or recurrent infection in an acute form.
  2. Urgent treatment is needed.

How to treat genital herpes in men and women: is it possible to get rid of the problem completely?

Genital herpes is treated by dermatovenereologists. For the first time, symptoms of the disease can be detected at an appointment with a gynecologist or urologist.

As already mentioned, if a person has ever had a herpes infection, the virus remains in the body for life. Therefore, therapy is not aimed at destroying it completely (it is simply impossible to do this). The main objective of treatment is to relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition.

Antibiotics for genital herpes are not prescribed, as they do not act on viruses.

During exacerbation and treatment, sex should be abandoned. In remission, it is possible, but with protective equipment (condom).

Antiviral tablets and ointments: how long does therapy last?

The mainstay of treatment for genital herpes infection are antiviral drugs. They act directly on the causative agent of herpes. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

The effectiveness of antiviral agents is about 80-90%.

The most commonly used drug is Acyclovir (analogues of Zovirax, Valtrex, Gerperax, Virolex). Treatment should be started as soon as the slightest symptoms appear. The drug is used simultaneously externally (cream or ointment) and internally (tablet form or solution for intravenous administration). As a rule, the duration of therapy does not exceed ten days.

If treatment is started late or the case is neglected, then the drug is continued until recovery (disappearance of symptoms). With a relapsing course, in some cases, antiviral agents are prescribed for life.

In case of severe side effects (dyspepsia, diarrhea, itching, headache, etc.), it is necessary to consult a specialist, he will adjust the dosage of the drug or replace it with another one.

With the ineffectiveness of acyclovir drugs, famciclovir drugs (Famciclovir, Famfir and others) are prescribed. They are fairly well tolerated and rarely cause side effects. The treatment regimen is similar to Acyclovir therapy.

Antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Valtrex, Zovirax and others - gallery

Acyclovir is the drug of choice in the treatment of genital herpes
Zovirax is a complete analogue of Acyclovir
Valtrex is an analogue of Acyclovir. Second generation drug
Famvir is used when acyclovir is ineffective or intolerant

Immunostimulating agents

It is known that one of the main reasons for the appearance of genital herpes infection is again considered to be a decrease in overall defenses. Therefore, interferon preparations are prescribed, which increase and strengthen the immune system. They help the body cope with infection, have immunostimulating and direct antiviral properties. They can be administered both internally and locally.

These drugs are quite successfully used in the treatment of herpes in combination with antiviral drugs, thereby causing a "double blow" to the virus.

Such means include rectal suppositories Viferon, tablet forms Amiksin, Cycloferon and others. The occurrence of side effects is minimized.

Immunostimulating drugs: Viferon, Amiksin and others - photo gallery

Oxolin and Viferon in the form of an ointment have a good local effect
Viferon is most often used in the complex treatment of herpes infection.
Amiksin - a powerful immunomodulator with antiviral action
Cycloferon restores immunity well, protecting against viral infection

What symptomatic agents are used?

To reduce pain and relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nise are prescribed. Against itching, as well as to reduce the risk of allergic reactions to medications taken, antihistamines are prescribed, representatives of which are Zirtek, Feksadin, Suprastin and others.

Symptomatic remedies - photo gallery

Ibuprofen relieves pain
Paracetamol lowers fever and relieves pain
Zyrtec prevents the development of allergic reactions

Supportive care

As mentioned above, antiviral agents can be taken for life. Basically, such treatment is necessary for severe relapsing course of the disease, when the frequency of exacerbations of the infection exceeds five times a year. Drugs are prescribed during periods of remission in minimal doses so that the virus cannot become active. For the effectiveness of such treatment, they are combined with interferon agents or alternated with other antiviral drugs in order to avoid the development of resistance of the herpes virus to these drugs.

Important in maintenance therapy is:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • fortified, nutritious food;
  • healthy lifestyle.

Physiotherapy treatments

Physiotherapy has a good therapeutic effect at the onset of the disease. It well eliminates the external manifestations of the infection and such unpleasant symptoms as pain, burning and discomfort.

Physiotherapy is used only in combination with the main treatment!

Widely used UHF-therapy, infrared and laser irradiation of the affected areas of the mucous membranes and skin. Sometimes at an early stage (in the absence of bubbles with liquid) it is possible to stop the process.

Traditional medicine and homeopathy: is it possible to cure herpes with such remedies?

The effectiveness of homeopathic and folk remedies in the treatment of herpes infection has not been proven. Nevertheless, these methods are used, but only in combination with the main therapy, since they in no way affect the cause of the disease (herpes simplex virus type 2). They can only mitigate the manifestations of herpes, have a general strengthening effect, but nothing more. Before use, you should consult with your doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Widely used:

  1. Eleutherococcus. It improves tone, improves the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Use extract and tincture, which are sold in pharmacies. They are taken 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals.
  2. Aloe. It has bactericidal (which is good for the prevention of bacterial infection), anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The leaves of the plant are washed well with boiled (cold) water, cut in half (along the leaf) and applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Change the sheet to a new one every 4 hours until the symptoms disappear completely. It has an astringent and emollient effect, relieving discomfort in the genital area.
  3. Mumiyo. Its powder is sold in every pharmacy. It has antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic and regenerating properties. It is necessary to regularly powder the areas of mucous membranes and skin affected by herpes. A special effect is noted in the early stages of the manifestation of infection.
  4. Fir oil. Has antiviral properties. They lubricate herpetic eruptions 3 times a day.
  5. Chamomile. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Two tablespoons of chopped chamomile are brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour under the lid, and then applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Scientists studied in detail the use of folk methods in the treatment of herpes simplex virus type 2, as many patients claimed that the use of various dietary supplements, infusions and herbal extracts helped alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. As a result of research, it was proved that some methods are really effective, while others were completely useless.

The experiment with echinacea tincture and the so-called pacifier (placebo) is very indicative. Many believe that extracts and tinctures of echinacea increase the body's immune forces and help them fight the herpes virus, reducing the frequency of relapses and the severity of the disease. Scientists from the UK "treated" those who fell ill with echinacea for six months, and for the next six months they gave them a "dummy" to drink. No difference was found in the results of using the funds.

In addition to echinacea, which is considered a panacea for almost all diseases associated with a decrease in immunity, the effect of propolis ointment, which is used to heal herpetic sores, has been studied. In subjects using a propolis-based remedy, they healed much faster than those who used antiviral ointments.

Traditional medicine for home treatment - photo gallery

Mumiyo has an antiviral effect Fir oil has a softening and antiviral effect
Chamomile relieves pain and promotes healing of affected areas

Possible consequences and complications

In general, the prognosis for genital herpes is favorable. But if treatment is neglected, complications may arise in the form of a bacterial infection, a violation of the microflora of the genital organs (thrush).

Women develop chronic dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina, non-healing cracks appear, which causes pain and discomfort.

Men experience the following complications:

  • herpetic cystitis (accompanied by inguinal pains of a spastic nature, burning and pain at the beginning and at the end of urination);
  • herpetic proctitis (accompanied by false urge to defecate with constipation, burning sensations in the rectum);
  • herpetic prostatitis (accompanied by burning and cutting at the beginning of urination, difficulty urinating and defecation).

Herpes also leads to:

  • depletion of the body's immune system, resulting in a tendency to colds, which very often become chronic;
  • the formation of genital warts in the presence of the human papillomavirus (in combination with herpes, it can cause the development of cancer);
  • chronic pain in the inguinal, rectal and perineal areas;
  • spread of infection to other organs.

Prevention of an infectious disease

There are two types of prevention of the herpes virus of the second type:

  1. specific prophylaxis. It consists in the introduction of a vaccine that protects against infection. It is advisable to vaccinate people who are promiscuous or have several sexual partners. But the vaccine does not give a 100% guarantee of protection against the virus.
  2. nonspecific prophylaxis. It consists in excluding casual sexual contacts, observing the rules of general and personal hygiene, increasing immunity through a healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition.

Genital herpes is a serious problem for the sick person, and also poses a real threat to the people around him. In no case should the disease be left to chance, since there is a high risk of developing serious complications that drastically reduce the patient's quality of life. At the slightest suspicion of a viral infection, you should contact a specialist for help. And in order to protect yourself from infection, you must follow all preventive measures.

A disease of the genital organs, the appearance of which is caused by one of the herpesvirus family, is called genital herpes. The causes of genital herpes are sexual in nature. Symptoms at the initial stage may not be monitored, but the disease poisons the body. Often a person does not know where bad health, frequent colds come from. The reason for this situation is infection. The disease is not curable, therefore, the sooner a person identifies the problem and begins treatment, the more likely it is to prevent complications.

There are 80 types of virus. They affect the mucous membrane, skin, central nervous system. The main cause of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 or 2. Often bacteria enter the body along with cytomegalovirus and ureaplasma.

Genital herpes develops cyclically. Activity occurs on days 2-21. Within a few days, a person develops rashes on the lips, wings of the nose, and herpes appears in the intimate area. Then the symptoms disappear.

Genital herpes affects the anus, perineum, genitals. In difficult cases, it passes to the cervix, body of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

herpes simplex virus

Causes of primary infection

How the virus enters the body

Primary sexual contact through contact with an infected partner. An infected person is able to transmit the infection during an exacerbation. In contact with such a partner, the likelihood of infection is very high. Often the disease is transmitted from people who do not suspect that they are carriers of genital herpes. Since at first there are no manifestations of the disease, then treatment is not carried out.

After ordinary sex, herpes appears on intimate places. The consequence of oral and anal intercourse is infection of the oral mucosa, anus.

Genital herpes: causative agent, types, transmission routes, causes, incubation period

Other causes of genital herpes

In rare cases, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Organ transplantation and blood transfusion, artificial insemination are also the cause.

There is a 17% risk that a woman will contract the herpes virus from a male partner through unprotected sex. This figure is reduced by 2 times if a condom is used during sexual intercourse.

After infection, blisters on the surface of the skin contain a liquid containing bacteria. Contact with it causes infection. After that, microbes enter the body through the damaged surface of the mucous membrane or skin. With the blood, the virus enters the nervous system and remains in the body forever.

In a healthy person, after being hit by a herpes virus, antibodies are produced, and the infection does not manifest itself. To intensive reproduction of bacteria lead to:

  • nervous tension and stress;
  • strict diets;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits.

Among the causes of genital herpes is heredity. Doctors traced the connection - if the grandmother is sick, the mother is infected, there is a 75% chance that the granddaughter will get sick.

Causes of recurrence of genital herpes

In 50% of those infected with the virus, repeated manifestations of the disease are observed. The frequency of relapses is different. The main cause of genital herpes, which provokes repeated manifestations, is sexual contact without the use of protective equipment.

Type 1 microbes are transmitted during normal sex, HSV type 2 enters the body during oral or anal sex. Frequent relapses occur with:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful situations;
  • physical overload;
  • disturbances in the work of hormones.

The carrier of the herpes virus does not always have the symptoms inherent in the disease.

How genital herpes is not transmitted

Infection with genital herpes is impossible:

  • from the toilet seat;
  • in swimming pools;
  • in baths, saunas;
  • from dishes.

Symptoms appear when the immune system is weakened. A person has itching, rashes on the genitals and swelling. There is a lesion of genital herpes of the urinary canal. At the first stage, bubbles appear in a person, and then erosion.

Who is at risk

According to statistics, 60 - 80% of people by the age of 30 - 40 are infected. Of these, 80% do not show symptoms. Women are most often affected by the disease.

People who neglect protective equipment during intercourse are at risk of becoming infected. In the zone of possible risk, lovers of changing partners, lovers of unprotected sex.

There is a high probability of infection in people of non-traditional sexual orientation, bisexuals. Of the total number of infected patients, 60% belong to these categories.

Gynecologists, surgeons, dentists risk getting sick when in contact with a virus carrier during an exacerbation. In this case, the infection is transmitted through the affected mucous membranes or blood.

Prevention of relapses

Complete security cannot be guaranteed. The main protection against infection is the elimination of the causes of genital herpes. Preventive measures in the fight against genital infection, as well as exacerbations of the disease:

  1. Exclusion of sexual contact with strangers.
  2. Vaccination against HSV type 2.
  3. Use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse.
  4. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  5. Support of the immune system with vitamins and strengthening preparations.
  6. Check-ups with a doctor at least 2 times a year.
  7. Minimizing stressful situations.

Condom protection is not always effective. If tissues not protected by latex are affected, infection will occur anyway.

For women, pharmacists offer vaginal preparations to fight infection. Tablets and suppositories are used 2 hours after sexual intercourse. For men, there are drugs in liquid form. Among them is a 10% betadine solution. The composition is treated with the genital area and the inner surface of the thighs, washed off after 10 minutes.

A preventive measure is a healthy lifestyle. A strong and strong body can easily cope with infection or recurrence of genital herpes.

To avoid infection, use separate towels for the face, legs, and body.

One of the reasons for the appearance of a genital infection is the use of other people's personal belongings. In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to abandon the dangerous habit.

Since infection occurs against the background of a hormonal imbalance, drugs that have a hormonal effect on the body should be abandoned.

Despite the fact that 80% of the population is infected with the disease, it can and must be fought. Although doctors know where the disease comes from and the reasons for its development, there are no drugs for a complete recovery. The goal of therapy is to prevent the development of pathology and complications. The main efforts should be aimed at eliminating the causes of herpes in the intimate area. With the right behavior, elimination of the causes leading to the appearance of relapses, problems can be avoided.

Types of genital herpes, complications and prevention

- a viral lesion of the genital mucosa, characterized by the appearance of a group of vesicles, and then erosions and ulcers. It is accompanied by a local burning sensation, swelling, hyperemia, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes and intoxication phenomena. It is prone to relapses and can subsequently lead to serious complications: a decrease in local and general immunity, the development of bacterial infections of the genitals, damage to the nervous system, the development of cancer of the cervix and prostate. It is especially dangerous in pregnant women, because it increases the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, pathology, and even death of the newborn. It belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

General information

- a viral lesion of the genital mucosa, characterized by the appearance of a group of vesicles, and then erosions and ulcers. It is accompanied by a local burning sensation, swelling, hyperemia, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes and intoxication phenomena. It is prone to relapses and can subsequently lead to serious complications: a decrease in local and general immunity, the development of bacterial infections of the genitals, damage to the nervous system, the development of cancer of the cervix and prostate. It is especially dangerous in pregnant women, because it increases the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, pathology, and even death of the newborn. It belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The causative agent of genital herpes is a type of herpes simplex virus (HSV). The prevalence of herpes infection among the world's population is about 90%.

There are several types of herpes virus that cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes, central nervous system and other organs (herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox virus, Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, etc.). Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 cause oral and genital forms of the disease, with HSV type 1 mainly affecting the face, lips, wings of the nose, and HSV type 2 is most often the cause of genital herpes. HSV is often detected in collaboration with ureaplasma and cytomegalovirus.

Genital herpes has a sexual transmission, with various forms of sexual contact, it easily penetrates through damaged skin and the epithelium of the mucous membrane. After infection, HSV migrates to the nerve ganglia, remaining there for life. Reproduction of HSV in the epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes leads to their degeneration and death. The infection is characterized by a chronic course and manifests itself cyclically: periods of activity or relapses (2-21 days), accompanied by the appearance of rashes in the form of bubbles, alternate with periods of remission, when clinical symptoms disappear. Often, genital herpes is asymptomatic, but patients are still a source of infection.

Causes of genital herpes

Primary infection with HSV usually occurs by airborne droplets in childhood (in the population of children 6-7 years of age, the incidence rate is already 50%). The reasons for this are high population density, low socio-economic standard of living, non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Secondary infection occurs, as a rule, as a result of sexual contact. A high percentage of the incidence of genital herpes is observed among people aged 20-30 years. This is due to the early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, frequent changes or the presence of several partners, unprotected sexual intercourse. Venereology also includes internal causes as risk factors for genital herpes:

  • decrease in the immune defense of the body;
  • the presence of STDs;
  • gender of the person (it is noticed that women suffer from genital herpes much more often than men);
  • surgical termination of pregnancy, use of intrauterine devices.

The human immune system reacts to the penetration of HSV by the production of specific antibodies, and with a normal level of immune responses, clinical manifestations of infection are not observed. Under the influence of a number of adverse factors that reduce the body's immune reactivity, HSV is activated, which is manifested by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, neuralgic pain. Episodes of recurrence of genital herpes often occur against the background of chronic stress, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, overheating, climate change, and colds.

Ways of transmission of genital herpes

Infection with genital herpes most often occurs through the mucous membranes of the genital organs, rectum, urethra, or damage to the skin during genital, oral-genital and anal-genital contacts.

It is also possible to transmit HSV:

  • air - drop by drop;
  • vertically from the sick mother to the fetus (during childbirth in contact with the mother's birth canal, transplacental, ascending from the mother's external genital organs through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity);
  • with self-infection - autoinoculation (a sick person himself transfers the infection from infected areas of the body to uninfected ones - from the face to the genitals);
  • household way - rarely (through wet hygiene items).

Usually, infection with genital herpes occurs when the infected partner does not even know about the disease, since it does not have clinical manifestations of the disease (in the case of asymptomatic virus carriers).

Forms and manifestations of genital herpes

According to the clinical course, primary genital herpes (the first episode of the disease) and recurrent (all subsequent episodes of the disease) are distinguished.

Recurrent genital herpes can occur in typical, atypical clinical forms and asymptomatic virus carriers.

Primary genital herpes

The earliest symptoms of primary genital herpes include swelling, redness, pain, burning in the area of ​​the entrance gate of infection. Local manifestations of genital herpes are often accompanied by fever, malaise, headache and muscle pain. After a few days, herpetic eruptions appear - small bubbles with transparent contents. The rupture of the bubbles is accompanied by the formation of painful erosive-ulcerative elements. With the localization of ulcers on the genitals, painful urination is noted. The rash heals within two weeks.

Recurrent genital herpes

The development of recurrences of genital herpes occurs in 50-70% of patients who have had a primary infection. Depending on the frequency of repeated episodes, there are several forms of recurrent genital herpes:

  • mild form (exacerbations no more than 3 times a year)
  • moderate form (exacerbations from 4 to 6 times a year)
  • severe form (monthly exacerbations)

The course of recurrent genital herpes can be arrhythmic, monotonous and subsiding.

The arrhythmic course of genital herpes is characterized by alternating remissions from 2 weeks to 5 months. At the same time, the longer the periods of remission, the more intense and longer the relapses of genital herpes, and vice versa.

With the monotonous course of genital herpes, frequent episodes of the disease are noted after little changing periods of remission. This type includes menstrual herpes, which has a persistent course and is difficult to treat.

A more favorable course is subsiding genital herpes. It is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of relapses and an increase in periods of remissions.

The development of relapses of genital herpes occurs under the influence of various factors: hypothermia, sexual intercourse, stressful situations, overwork, the occurrence of another pathology (flu, SARS).

Symptomatically, relapses of genital herpes are milder than the primary disease, however, their consequences can be much more serious.

Rashes with genital herpes are accompanied by extreme soreness, making it difficult for the patient to move, go to the toilet, disturbing sleep. The psychological state of a person often changes: irritability, fear of new rashes, fear for the health of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, etc. appear.

Atypical forms of genital herpes

Atypical forms of genial herpes proceed erased, in the form of chronic inflammation of the external and internal genital organs (vulvovaginitis, colpitis, endocervicitis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.). The diagnosis of genital herpes is based on laboratory confirmation of the presence of a herpes infection. Atypical forms of the course of genital herpes account for more than half of clinical cases - 65%.

The atypical form of genital herpes is characterized by mild swelling, areas of erythema, small punctate vesicles, persistent burning and itching, profuse leucorrhoea, not amenable to therapy. With a long course of genital herpes, there is an increase and soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes.

According to the localization of herpetic eruptions, 3 stages are distinguished:

  • Stage I - genital herpes affects the external genitalia;
  • Stage II - genital herpes affects the vagina, cervix, urethra;
  • Stage III - genital herpes affects the uterus, appendages, bladder, prostate.

The higher the herpes infection penetrates the genitourinary tract, the more serious the prognosis. An advanced form of genital herpes can lead to a state of immunodeficiency, and in women it increases the risk of developing infertility, cervical cancer. HSV is dangerous for people with weakened immune systems (HIV-infected) and those who have undergone organ transplantation.

Genital herpes and pregnancy

During pregnancy, genital herpes is most dangerous in the case of a primary infection, if no manifestations of the disease were previously observed. There is a possibility of malformations if the mother's disease occurred at an early stage of pregnancy, when all organs and tissues are laid in the fetus. HSV can be transmitted across the placenta, affecting mainly the nervous tissue of the fetus. Genital herpes increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, fetal deformities and death.

Pregnant women with atypical forms of genital herpes in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy are examined twice for HSV. If the herpes virus is detected, a caesarean section is routinely performed to exclude possible infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

The best option is to screen women for HSV at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy during each trimester.

Genital herpes in newborns

Most often, infection of the fetus occurs in the first 4-6 hours of labor after the rupture of the membranes, or during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal of an infected mother. Usually, HSV in newborns affects the eyes, oral mucosa, skin, and respiratory tract. After the primary infection of the newborn, HSV spreads in the body by hematogenous or contact routes. The likelihood of infection of newborns increases when the mother becomes infected with genital herpes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

With a localized form of herpetic infection in newborns, redness, vesicles, hemorrhages of the skin and oral mucosa may appear, meningoencephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis and chorioretinitis (inflammation of the vessels and retina of the eye), clouding of the lens may develop. Children infected with genital herpes often suffer from persistent neurological disorders.

Genital herpes can cause the development of a generalized infection in newborns. Signs of a generalized herpes infection appear 1-2 weeks after the birth of a child. Refusal to eat, vomiting, fever, jaundice, respiratory disorders, bleeding, and shock join local symptoms. The death of a child can occur from acute blood loss and vascular insufficiency.

Diagnosis of genital herpes

When diagnosing genital herpes, the venereologist takes into account complaints, anamnesis data and objective examination. Diagnosis of typical cases of genital herpes, as a rule, is not difficult and is based on clinical manifestations. Herpetic ulcers that have existed for a long time should be distinguished from syphilitic ones.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing genital herpes include:

  • methods for detecting HSV in the material of the affected organs (scrapings from the vagina and cervix, a smear from the urethra, histological material of the fallopian tubes, etc.). For this purpose, the method of growing HSV in tissue culture and the subsequent study of its properties is used, the method of virus recognition under an electron microscope is used;
  • methods for detecting antibodies to HSV in blood serum (immunoglobulins M and G). Allow to identify genital herpes even with asymptomatic course and to determine antibodies to HSV type 1 or 2. These include ELISA - a method of enzyme immunoassay.

Treatment of genital herpes

Currently available drugs for HSV can reduce the severity and timing of the course of genital herpes, but are not able to completely get rid of the disease.

In order to avoid the development of HSV resistance to classical antiviral drugs intended, among other things, for the treatment of genital herpes (acyclic nucleosides - Valacyclovir, Acyclovir, Famciclovir), it is recommended to use them in turn, as well as in combination with interferon preparations. Interferon has a powerful antiviral effect, and its deficiency is one of the main causes of recurrence of genital herpes.

A ready-made drug containing both acyclovir and interferon is Herpferon ointment. It also contains lidocaine, which provides a local anesthetic effect, which is extremely important for painful manifestations of genital herpes. The use of Gerpferon in patients with genital herpes provides healing of rashes already on the 5th day and significant relief of local symptoms.

Prevention of genital herpes

A way to prevent primary infection with genital herpes is the use of condoms during casual sexual intercourse. However, even in this case, the likelihood of HSV infection through microcracks and lesions on the mucous membranes and skin, not covered by a condom, remains high. It is possible to use antiseptic agents (miramistin, etc.) to treat areas where the virus may enter.

The recurrent course of genital herpes is noted with a decrease in the protective reactions of the body: diseases, overheating, hypothermia, the onset of menstruation, pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, and stress. Therefore, to prevent recurrence of genital herpes, a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and rest, and taking vitamin preparations are important. Measures for the prevention of genital herpes are also observance of intimate hygiene and hygiene of sexual life, timely detection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

A patient infected with HSV should warn his sexual partner about this, even if at the moment he does not have symptoms of genital herpes. Since infection through sexual contact is possible even in the absence of herpetic eruptions, in this case, the use of a condom is also necessary.

After dubious unprotected sexual contact, you can resort to the method of emergency prevention of genital herpes with a locally acting antiviral drug in the first 1-2 hours after intimacy.

To prevent self-infection, when the genital herpes virus is transferred by dirty hands from the lips to the genitals, it is necessary to fulfill elementary hygiene requirements: thorough and frequent washing of hands (especially in the presence of fever on the lips), the use of separate towels for hands, face and body, as well as for every member of the family.

In order to reduce the risk of HSV infection in newborns, pregnant women with genital herpes are shown operative delivery (caesarean section). With planned natural childbirth, women with a recurrent course of genital herpes are prescribed a prophylactic course of taking acyclovir.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, when planning a pregnancy, as well as during sexual relations with a carrier of HSV, it is recommended to be examined for genital herpes and other STDs.

Herpes infection is one of the most common among all viral diseases. The tendency to one form or another largely depends on the woman's immunity. Genital herpes is one of the varieties, the constant recurrence of which negatively affects the health of a woman and her reproductive function. Infertility, miscarriages and infection of newborns - this is not a complete list of possible complications. Is there an effective treatment for genital herpes in women?

In ancient times, a herpes infection was called "creeping". This name is due to the clinical picture. Initially, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the second type was considered “sexual”, but sexual emancipation has long washed away the boundaries between the varieties of the virus. Today, HSV types 1 and 2 occur with equal frequency on the genitals. There are no fundamental differences in treatment, prognosis for health and prevention. The viruses of the first and second types themselves are 50% identical in structure.

What is the infection

After the herpes virus enters the cells, it further seeks to penetrate the nerve endings, where it remains in a person for life in an inactive state. During immunodeficiency (for example, stress, severe illness, pregnancy), infection is activated, which is expressed in a vivid clinical picture.

How can you get sick

Herpes infection is transmitted in the following ways.

  • During sexual intercourse. Herpes viruses are easily transmitted from a man to a woman and vice versa in unprotected intimate relationships. Both traditional sex and other types are important - oral, anal. In this case, the foci of rashes are localized on the external genital organs, the mucous membrane of the vagina and the cervix.
  • Airborne. It is less common, and close contact with a sick person is necessary, for example, the virus is transmitted by kissing, talking at a distance of up to a meter. In this case, the rashes will be located on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose.
  • Contact-household way. In this case, genital herpes can be transmitted when using common hygiene items, towels, dishes with a sick person (during the period of rashes). In this case, the foci of herpes will be in those places where there was contact with the pathogen.

In the presence of a primary focus of herpetic infection, the virus can affect all other organs and parts of the body, penetrating into these areas by the hematogenous, lymphogenous route or through nerve endings.

Infection can only occur if there is an active infection. If it is not difficult to notice herpetic eruptions in visible parts of the body, then when localized on the vaginal mucosa or cervix, this is impossible for an ordinary person. Therefore, any sexual contact can potentially become dangerous.

Manifestations of genital herpes in women

The classic symptoms of herpes on the genitals are pain, itching and rashes. When localized on the vaginal mucosa and cervix, a latent and oligosymptomatic course is characteristic. In this case, a woman may notice only a slight increase in discharge or signs of thrush. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor even at the slightest complaint and undergo a full examination. The classic symptoms are as follows.

  • Itching and pain. In the area of ​​virus activity, there is an unpleasant sensation and a desire to scratch. Itching is complemented by pain and persists throughout the entire period of the disease.
  • Eruptions. By the end of the first beginning of the second day from the moment of the appearance of unpleasant sensations, bubble rashes appear. Most often this is a group of small ones, but there may be single ones. In process of recovery bubbles are replaced by crusts. The latter independently depart after the complete restoration of the epithelium in this area. A bacterial infection may join, then the herpes rash becomes covered with a yellow coating.

In addition to the main manifestations, genital herpes in women may experience the following:

  • ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes- are formed if the bubbles immediately open, while the woman notes that this place itches and the burning sensation intensifies after visiting the toilet or shower;
  • secretions increase- if herpes viruses are activated on the cervix, white or transparent discharge appears, thrush may occur;
  • enlarged lymph nodes- this is a reaction to inflammation, most often regional (inguinal) lymph nodes increase;
  • signs of cystitis- when the virus enters the urethra and further into the bladder, a typical clinic of urethritis and cystitis occurs with pain, pain during urination.

Damage to the uterine cavity leads to a clinic, ovaries - inflammation of the appendages. Sometimes a woman finds out about herpes by accident, for example, when examining for sexually transmitted infections, that is, with recurrent colpitis, or even without concomitant complications.

Risks of Complications

Herpes is not dangerous for women, whose immune system does not allow the virus to actively multiply and lead to various diseases. But for those whose body defenses can fail, the pathogen is dangerous and needs to be fought. Most often, exacerbation occurs in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • on the eve of menstruation;
  • with inflammation in the vagina;
  • after serious illnesses or operations;
  • on the background of chronic fatigue and stress.

Those women who are prone to viral diseases during these periods should be especially careful in the prevention of the disease. In addition to unpleasant symptoms and anxiety, genital herpes is dangerous for its complications. The main ones are the following.

  • Pathology of the cervix. The role of herpetic infection in the development of leukoplakia, dysplasia and cervical cancer along with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is undoubted and has long been proven.
  • Chronic inflammation. Recurrent herpetic infection causes inflammation not only on the cervix, but also in the cavity (chronic endometritis), in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In this case, characteristic rashes can be found on the internal organs at the time of operations, for example, caesarean section.
  • Fetal infection. With an active infection on the cervix, pathogens easily enter the cervical canal and penetrate through the amniotic membranes to the fetus, causing infection. In addition, infection of the baby can occur at birth through the natural birth canal, if the mother has a rash at that moment. Active herpes in the cervix and external genitalia is an indication for a caesarean section.
  • Pathology of bearing. Herpetic infection can be the cause of non-developing pregnancy, miscarriage at any time, premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is important to maintain immunity during gestation and to prevent the recurrence of infection with a tendency to herpes.


Depending on the localization, genital herpes in women can be divided into the following stages:

  • the first stage - with only external localization of lesions (on the labia, in the vestibule of the vagina);
  • the second stage - is established if the virus is found on the cervix, in the urethra;
  • the third stage - when the infection spreads to the uterine cavity, to the appendages, the bladder.

How to confirm the disease

Diagnosis of herpetic infection is not difficult with a typical clinical picture. In the case of a latent or chronic course, the diagnosis can only be established with the help of additional examination methods.

  • PCR. For the study, a special smear is performed from the surface of the cervix, cervical canal, if necessary, from the urethra. The detection of HSV DNA indicates a recurrence of the infection. A negative PCR analysis does not indicate a complete cure, but that at the moment the virus is not active and the immune system is coping with herpes.
  • ELISA. For the study, blood is taken, in which the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus is determined. Titers of immunoglobulin M (IgM) indicate the acute stage of infection, immunoglobulin G (IgG) - about the disease once transferred, and IgA - about a recent episode of the disease.

Other methods and analyzes (for example, virological) have no clinical significance in genital herpes.

Is it possible to recover

A feature of a herpes infection is that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the pathogen, the virus will still remain in some quantity in the nerve endings and can be activated at any time.

The main objective of any treatment regimen for genital herpes is to reduce the number of copies of the virus to a minimum and strengthen the immune system so that it blocks any attempts of HSV to relapse. When examining by PCR, viruses should not be detected when taking material from the cervix or vagina. Based on this, the prevention of genital herpes in women with a tendency to this infection should be carried out throughout life.

Therapy in the acute period

If viruses are detected based on the results of PCR, treatment is prescribed to reduce the number of HSV. For this, the following antiviral drugs are used, inside and out in the form of an ointment or cream. The main ones are:

  • "Acyclovir"- 200 mg (one tablet) up to five times a day for a week or as an ointment;
  • "Valacyclovir" - 500 mg (one tablet) once a day for a week;
  • "Famvir" - 150 mg three to five times a day for 10 days.

Various ointments, gels with antiviral action can be used locally - Virolex, Cyclovir, Epigen, Panavir-gel, Foscarnet.

Therapy in the subacute period

After stopping the main symptoms of the disease, it is important to undergo a course of immunomodulatory therapy to create a background in which the body will continue to cope with the remaining pathogens. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • "Cycloferon" - 12.5% ​​solution of 2 ml intramuscularly once a day for 10 days;
  • "Arbidol" - 200 mg once a day for two to three weeks;
  • "Viferon" - in the form of rectal suppositories of 500 thousand units, one at night for 10-14 days;
  • "Likapid" - 10 mg twice a day for 10-14 days.

Schemes and a combination of drugs, as well as the duration of therapy, are determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. To prevent the recurrence of herpes, courses of immunomodulators are recommended to be taken constantly, for example, in the second phase of the cycle, as well as during illness, severe stress, and moving.

How to give birth

During gestation, a woman's body experiences immunodeficiency, which is necessary for a successful pregnancy. This is associated with frequent episodes of recurrence of infection, including after childbirth.

An active herpes infection at the time of delivery is highly likely to infect the baby. The indications for a caesarean section are as follows:

  • with an episode of rashes on the genitals- two weeks before childbirth;
  • with PCR detection of HSV in the genital tract- two weeks before childbirth;
  • if genital herpes arose for the first time- a month before the upcoming birth.


After a complete cure, vaccination can be used to prevent repeated episodes of genital herpes - this is a proven remedy for the disease, but the emerging immunity is not always enough for a long time. 0.2 ml is administered every three days - repeated five times. Then you should repeat the course, but with an interval between injections of ten days (also five times).

In addition, the following procedures are effective for strengthening antiviral immunity.

  • VLOK. This is intravenous laser blood irradiation. The procedure is painless and highly effective. During it, the cubital vein is punctured and laser radiation is supplied through a special conductor for a while. ILBI enhances antiviral immunity and helps to achieve stable remissions of the disease. Reviews of doctors and patients who have used this method of treatment confirm its effectiveness.
  • Plasmapheresis. This is a method of "cleansing the blood", in which it is distilled through a special device with filters. The procedure also helps to reduce the number of episodes of the disease and increases the body's defenses.
  • Hemosorption. A procedure similar to plasmapheresis in terms of method and effect.

Folk methods of dealing with the virus

Folk remedies at home should be used with caution, observing all safety measures. So you can try to cure herpes with obvious rashes in places accessible for processing.

  • Three plants. Calendula plus birch and plantain. It is necessary to prepare a solution based on calendula flowers and plantain. To do this, you need to take them in equal amounts, pour boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain and use as a sitz bath. You can add a few drops (or powder) of potassium permanganate.
  • Honey and celandine. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of liquid honey and a few drops of celandine. Mix and apply to the affected area, cover with gauze on top. So you can gently burn the foci with the manifestation of herpes.
  • Kalanchoe juice. On the site of rashes, you can apply the pulp of fresh leaves or squeezed juice on a cotton pad to the hearth. A minimum of two to three applications should be carried out per day until complete healing.
  • Fir oil. It is useful to use fir oil to speed up healing - you need to apply it to the rashes several times a day. You can add camphor and tea tree oil to it.

Genital herpes is not always manifested by the usual rashes. Often it has a latent course, which creates an imaginary impression of health. Therefore, it is important to be regularly examined by a doctor to detect the disease in a timely manner, as well as to use barrier methods of protection (condoms) to prevent infection with HSV.

Treatment of genital herpes should be comprehensive, it should be both sexual partners. But the impact on the causes of genital herpes in women, that is, the virus itself, does not always avoid recurrences in the future. Throughout life, you will have to maintain immunity, using medicines, herbs, vitamins and other methods for this.


Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, but unlike other infections in this group, herpes can be considered the safest. Complications of this disease will not lead to death. During its vital activity in the human body, there are no serious disturbances in the work of internal organs. And only in exceptional cases, herpes can cause infertility. But even in the absence of serious complications, the disease can cause a lot of problems and inconvenience to the patient. Therefore, each person needs to know the maximum information about this disease, its occurrence, prevention and effective treatment.

The family of herpes viruses contains more than two hundred different types. Genital herpes is caused by pathogens of the first and second types of HSV. Between themselves, these two types differ in the structure in the shell of viral particles, which has a spherical shape, and consists of lipo- and glycoproteins - proteins. The role of glycoproteins is to help the virion (viral particle) find the cell and attach to it.

The virion has dimensions of only 200 nanometers, but despite this it is quite stable. He feels great at temperatures up to + 50 ° C, where his life continues for more than 20 hours. Above this temperature, the virus dies within half an hour. The virion is well preserved even at sub-zero temperatures. Sufficiently resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. These features of the virus contribute to its rapid spread among people.

Ways of infection and further vital activity of the virus

Genital herpes and each of its types has its own symptoms and locations. This will depend on where the virions arrive in the body. For a better understanding, we will understand this process in more detail.

Most often, infection with genital herpes occurs in two ways:

  1. The most common route of infection is sexual contact. In this case, the virus can get on the partner's genitals even from the carrier's lips (during oral sexual contact).
  2. In second place is the household route of infection. This is confirmed by cases when a patient who has not had sexual contact in his life seeks help. Infection can occur by touching the hands to the lips, and then immediately to the genitals. It is not necessary to exclude the ways of infection through clothing or household items. As mentioned earlier, the virus is quite resistant to temperature extremes and can retain its vital activity outside the human body for a long time.

Which of these ways the virus got to the genitals is unimportant. In any case, it penetrates into the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary canals. There, virions find cells and penetrate them, reaching the nuclei and introducing a personal genetic code into the code of the cell itself. This provokes the next reaction. In the damaged cell, the proteins of the virus are synthesized, and from them newly made virions are formed, which further spread throughout the body of the carrier. And only with their mass reproduction, the first symptoms of the disease begin to appear.

Important: Genital herpes is easily transmitted through household items, so if there is a carrier in the family, children are also at risk.

Virions that have reached the processes of nerve cells tend to penetrate into their nucleus. These cells are located in the basal ganglia of the spine, closer to the coccyx. At this time, the body begins to develop immunity against the virus. During this process, virion-free particles die, and the affected ones begin to be replaced by young and healthy ones. Genital herpes seems to have been defeated, but the nerve cells affected by the virus continue to retain its gene. There they remain until the person's immune system is weakened. As soon as this happens, young virions begin to spread throughout the body moving towards external tissues.

Symptoms of genital herpes depending on the stage of the disease

Each individual stage of the course of genital herpes has its own symptoms. To better understand the symptoms, we need to get acquainted with each stage separately.

In the initial stage, the rashes characteristic of the virus are not yet observed, but at the places of their future manifestation, a burning sensation, pain and itching begin to be felt. Minor edema may also appear in conjunction with the following symptoms:

  • minor pain in the perineum (in men, they are localized in the scrotum);
  • heaviness and pain at the top of the thighs;
  • numbness in the pelvic area, aggravated after prolonged sitting and sleeping;
  • in some cases, the temperature may rise.

Important: Fever is often accompanied by general malaise. It is very important with this symptom not to confuse the manifestations of herpes with other diseases.

The above period can last from 2 weeks to 5 months. Further, the second stage of the disease begins, which is characterized by rashes on the skin.

At the sites of future rashes, foci of reddening of the skin appear, then this area is covered with numerous small bubbles with a clear liquid. If the first stage can be ignored, then the second one cannot be skipped. The resulting blisters are uncomfortable and very painful.

Places of localization of rashes with genital herpes:

  • pubis;
  • anus and buttocks;
  • external genital area;
  • Cervix;
  • inner surface of the thighs;
  • urethra.

Rashes in the area of ​​the buttocks and anus often occur as a result of anal sex, during which infection occurred.

The third stage is characterized by the rupture of the bubbles and the formation of ulcers in their place. All this happens at the same time and lasts about a day. Then the surface of the sores begins to crust, under which damaged tissues regenerate. There are no visible consequences of the disease.

The third stage is considered an exacerbation of the disease, which is also accompanied by many mental disorders - stress, isolation, insomnia, depression, and fear associated with sexual intercourse. Patients with little sexual experience or psychiatric disorders are at risk of suicidal thoughts.

Genital herpes has several forms. Not every one of them will show the symptoms described above. Sometimes the symptoms are completely absent, and sometimes the symptoms are very blurred. Let's get acquainted with such forms of genital herpes closer.

Forms of genital herpes

Specialists distinguish two forms of herpes - primary and recurrent. The first form appears in the coming weeks after infection (in rare cases, several months later). Manifestations of the second are repeated each time with a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Also, genital herpes is divided into atypical microsymptomatic, macrosymptomatic and asymptomatic form.

  1. Microsymptomatic (or subclinical). Symptoms are mild and often not a reason to seek help. Most often it is a slight itching and a couple of bubbles that have appeared.
  2. macrosymptomatic form. With this form, the described symptoms do not appear all. Sometimes it is itching and pain, but the absence of the vesicles themselves, and sometimes only vesicles without any other manifestations.
  3. The very name "asymptomatic form" speaks of this type of disease. With this form, external manifestations are not observed. Even relapses are asymptomatic. The carrier, unaware of his problem, does not protect himself and infects his sex partners.

The intensity of symptoms in women and men is slightly different. In the weaker sex, they appear faster and with greater brightness.

Who is at risk first?

There is no data on who is more prone to contracting this disease. But having studied all cases of infection, it is possible to identify a certain group of people in whom the disease occurs most often. This group includes:

  • among homosexuals, 50% are infected with genital herpes;
  • people with other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • representatives of the weaker sex are more at risk;
  • more often antibodies to the virus are found in people of the Negroid race.

Important: The risk of contracting genital herpes increases significantly if a person regularly changes sexual partners.

Also, experts have noticed that with age, the risk of infection with genital herpes increases rapidly. Among the carriers of this disease, the largest percentage falls on the age of 35-40 years.

The impact of the virus during pregnancy

Since genital herpes is a fairly common disease, many women are interested in the question of how the infection affects pregnancy, the possible risks of infection of the fetus and its impact on the health of the child?

Everything will depend on the type of disease. The greatest danger lies in the primary infection. If the virus entered the mother's body for the first time in the early stages of pregnancy, it is likely to provoke the development of defects in the child. During this period, all the vital organs and tissues of the embryo are laid, and virions are able to penetrate the placenta and affect the nervous tissues. Under such influence, the threat of miscarriage, fetal deformities, fetal death, as well as the risk of premature birth increases.

Important: The best option to exclude the impact of infection on the child is to undergo examinations for HSV at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, as well as their regular passage during pregnancy.

If an atypical form of the disease was found in a pregnant woman, for the last one and a half months I have been carefully monitoring her with the help of HSV examinations (tests are taken at least 2 times). In this case, the conduct of childbirth in a natural way is excluded. This is necessary in order to exclude infection of the fetus during the passage of the birth canal. A woman in labor is offered a caesarean section.

The impact of the virus on the newborn

The probability of infection of the baby is greatly increased when a woman becomes infected with genital herpes during the last trimester. The very infection of the fetus often occurs in the prenatal period, when the rupture of the membranes has already occurred, as well as during the birth itself when the child passes through the infected birth canal. Further, the infection spreads throughout the baby's body by contact or hematogenous route. First of all, it is affected:

  • the eyes of a newborn (the retina and blood vessels become inflamed, the lens becomes cloudy);
  • oral mucosa;
  • skin (redness, hemorrhage, the appearance of vesicles);
  • Airways.

The localized form of infection provokes the appearance and development of:

  • keratoconjunctivitis - an ophthalmic disease of an inflammatory nature;
  • chorioretinal dystrophy - a disease of the retina;
  • meningoencephalitis - processes that affect the brain of a child.

Experts have noticed that infected children often suffer from neurological disorders.

Genital herpes can cause and develop a generalized infection in the body of a newborn, which manifests itself 7–14 days after birth. In this case, local symptoms are accompanied by fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, bleeding, shock, respiratory distress, and jaundice.

Vascular insufficiency and acute blood loss can lead to death.

Possible Complications of Genital Herpes Without Appropriate Treatment

The first symptoms of the disease disappear, and the resulting sores have healed. During this period, some patients think about the retreat of the disease and ignore the prescribed treatment. In fact, this calm threatens the following health complications:

  1. If the infectious process reaches the pelvic plexus, the patient cannot avoid the development of neuralgia - the peripheral nerves are affected, and this is accompanied by severe pain in the small pelvis.
  2. Under the influence of mechanical irritations, the mucous membrane of the genital organs regularly dries up, cracks and erosions form on it. Such symptoms greatly complicate sexual life, suppress libido and sexual potency. Often a patient with such symptoms develops neurasthenia - a mental illness.
  3. Untreated genital herpes often recurs. These outbreaks provoke a strong decrease in general and local immunity, and this is reflected in the development of non-specific diseases in the genital area.
  4. As mentioned earlier, the disease greatly complicates the course of pregnancy. Every third pregnancy with infection in the early stages ends in a miscarriage. Among all diseases that threaten the development of the fetus, herpes ranks second.

When the virus enters the spermatozoa, they become infected. This can lead to impaired spermatogenesis. For many couples, this ends in infertility.

How is genital herpes diagnosed?

Symptoms of genital herpes are often similar to those of other viral diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out in the form of a virological method - the pathogen is isolated using cell culture or using a chicken embryo. Results are available after 2 days.

It is also recommended to undergo and pass tests for the presence of enzyme immunoassay particles - pathogen antigens. Using the cytomorphological method, it is estimated how much the infection has affected healthy cells. The mutation of healthy cells can manifest itself in large sizes and the presence of several nuclei.

Important: For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to take all tests several times. It is better if there is an interval of 2-4 days between these studies.

Of all the tests, they consider the most informative: urine tests, PCR, as well as taking scrapings from the vagina, genitourinary canals, and cervix.

How to treat genital herpes in women

At the first symptoms of the disease, the patient begins to look for the most effective treatment for genital herpes, but not everything is so simple. The thing is that this disease cannot be completely cured. Once the virions have entered the body, they remain there forever. Taking medications only helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, as well as prolong the frequency of remissions.

Features of drug treatment

All therapy consists in the use of tablet preparations, vaginal suppositories, as well as ointments for external use.

Of the most effective drugs in the fight against genital herpes, there are:

  • "Famciclovir" (among analogues - "Valtrex").
  • "Acyclovir" (among the analogues - "Acivir", "Virolex", "Cyclovax", "Lizavir", "Acyclovir-BSM").
  • "Penciclovir"

These antivirals can be taken in 2 ways. The first is an episodic reception, when one course is about 10 days. The second is preventive, with the use of drugs for one or two months.

Experts often recommend the use of the drug "Acyclovir", as well as its analogues. It is taken in capsules or tablets. The therapeutic dose for adults can be found in the attached instructions. The action of the drug is as follows - if the disease is at an early stage, taking Acyclovir will help to avoid rashes. With bubbles already formed, the drug will help accelerate their healing and reduce the severity of symptoms. The drug is recommended to be taken with frequent relapses as a prophylactic.

Among the methods of treatment of genital herpes there is also complex therapy. It includes the use of ointments: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Oxolinic ointment, Virolex, as well as the use of immunomodulators: Likopid, Amiksin, Interferon, Polyoxidonium. For skin lesions, it is recommended to use "Fukortsin".

The action of all these drugs is aimed at supporting the immune system. With the stimulation of its specific and non-specific factors, the further spread of viruses is blocked, and the purity of relapses is reduced.

Treatment regimens for genital herpes

For the effectiveness of treatment, all medications are taken according to a certain scheme. Which one to prescribe, the doctor determines depending on the general condition of the patient, the duration of the symptoms and the type of the disease itself.

Primary infection with genital herpes is treated below the above scheme.

For the treatment of recurrent genital herpes, the following scheme is used.

The scheme of treatment of genital herpes in women

Name of the drug Applied dose Reception duration
"Acyclovir" - 200 mg. You need to drink 1 g per day. 5–7 days
immunoglobulin against herpetic 1 appointment for 72 hours 2 weeks
Vitamins B1, B6 For a day 1 dose in 1 ml. 2 weeks
"Taquitin" 1 ml 1 time for 3 days. 14 days
"Phenazepam" 2 times a day, 1 tab. a week
Eleutherococcus tincture 3 times a day, 3 ml. 3 weeks
calcium chloride You need to take 20 ml per day. 3 weeks

Antiviral therapy during pregnancy is carried out in rare cases and as an exception. Such an exception may be a severe form of the disease, which is accompanied by other diseases that threaten the life of the patient. In this case, the use of human immunoglobulin is prescribed. The drug is administered intravenously according to the following scheme. First trimester - 3 times a day, 25 ml (introduced every other day). In the last trimester of pregnancy - the same dose, but 2 weeks before the expected birth. In the form of complex therapy, "Viferon" can be prescribed.

Treatment of genital herpes folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are also many recipes for the treatment of genital herpes. The use of many prescriptions is advised by the doctors themselves. Here is some of them.

  • Infusion for douching and washing from herbal collection. To begin with, you need to mix the following ingredients in the same amount: meadow clover flowers, birch leaves, calendula, motherwort and dandelion root. From the mixed collection we measure 10 gr. and fill with water in a volume of 350 ml. This mixture is boiled for 5 minutes on low heat. The resulting infusion is filtered and used as douching or washing. The procedure is carried out in the evening for 2 weeks.
  • The next infusion from the series can relieve itching at the initial stage of infection. To prepare the infusion will need 10 gr. herbs pour a glass of boiling water. This mixture is infused for half an hour and filtered. It can be applied in two ways. First, gauze is wetted in the resulting infusion and applied to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. The second - this infusion should be drunk in 2 doses during the day.
  • The ability of chamomile to have an anti-inflammatory effect will help relieve pain and get rid of itching. Use it in the form of douching and washing. To prepare the infusion, 5 gr. dry grass and poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml. All this is infused for about an hour. You can use it 2 times a day.

The use of folk remedies is possible only after their approval by the attending physician.

Measures to prevent genital herpes

Preventive measures are conditionally divided into two areas. The first is to exclude the possibility of infection. The second is to reduce the purity of relapses and their strength.

The following measures can help reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes:

  1. Streamline sexual life (it is desirable not to change sexual partners).
  2. If you are unsure about a new partner, always use condoms (in this case, Miramistin can be connected).
  3. Do not ignore the rules of hygiene.
  4. If the sexual partner already has an infectious disease, it is better to refrain from having sex during its relapse (it does not matter where the herpes rash was localized, on the genitals or lips).

With an existing disease, preventive measures include the following rules:

  1. Between relapses, suppressive therapy should be carried out.
  2. Mandatory immune support. Good nutrition, the use of vitamins and a healthy lifestyle should become constant companions.
  3. Pay special attention to somatic diseases. Angina, flu and other diseases must be cured effectively and quickly in order not to give them the opportunity to lower the body's protective functions.
  4. It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol and tobacco rack (or reduce the dose used).

In modern medicine, there are enough funds to reduce the symptoms of genital herpes. If it was not possible to avoid infection, it is always possible to find an effective treatment against symptoms and relapses. But even an asymptomatic disease is a problem for general health, so it is better to streamline your lifestyle and then be calm for yourself and your loved ones.



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