Trim the frenulum of the child's upper lip. Short bridle and why it is dangerous

Despite the fact that most "non-dentist" doctors, mothers and fathers for some reason do not consider pediatric dentistry to be something difficult (in their opinion, the main difficulty is to keep the child in the chair), there are a number of issues that are unambiguous still does not exist. One of these issues is plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip. Why is it needed, how and when is it done - read below.

What for?
Any medical intervention must be justified. It must also serve some purpose. Therefore, the words of the pediatrician "Your child has a short frenulum of the upper lip" are not an indication for an indication for emergency plastic surgery. In this case, it is better to seek advice from a good dental surgeon who knows how to work with children.
And the indications for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip are as follows:
1. The presence of a gap (diastema) between the central incisors. The frenulum of the upper lip, woven into the interdental papilla and forming a thick band, does not allow the incisors to converge to the center. Moreover, due to the constant low load, the diastema will increase, and the teeth themselves will move forward and away from the center.
In such a situation, the interdental papilla is constantly exposed to trauma - this can lead to periodontitis and, as a result, to loss of teeth.
2. In preparation for orthodontic treatment. As mentioned above, all kinds of soft tissue cords in the oral cavity, including the frenulum of the upper lip and tongue, create small loads on the dentition and significantly affect the bite. Therefore, if your child is to correct the bite, you need to pay attention to the frenulum of the upper lip.
3. With periodontal diseases and the threat of their occurrence. In this case, the frenulum of the upper lip, as it were, "pulls" the mucous membrane from the teeth. Gingival recession occurs - a very unpleasant thing that will require long and expensive treatment.
4. In preparation for removable prosthetics. When moving the lips (for example, during a conversation or eating), a short frenulum of the tongue can contribute to the dropping of a removable prosthesis. Naturally, we are talking about who uses removable dentures.
5. Very, very rare a severely shortened frenulum of the upper lip can cause impaired sound production and speech therapy problems. This is also an indication for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip.

This is where one of the main differences arises. Sometimes very small children aged from 0 to 2 years old are brought to us with a request to "cut" the frenulum of the upper lip. To the question: "Why?" we get a logical answer: "The pediatrician said ..."

Remember once and for all: UPPER LIP FRENUPLASTY IS NOT PERFORMED FOR INFANTS! There are no indications, but there are quite a few dangers.
The optimal age for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is from 5-6 years. At this time, there is an active change in bite - milk teeth fall out, permanent teeth erupt. So, the ideal option is the time when the central incisors have erupted (at least by a third), but the lateral ones have not yet. In this case, the erupting lateral incisors will "push" the central incisors to the center (nothing will interfere with their movement) - and everything will fall into place. Sometimes - on their own, and sometimes - with a little orthodontic help.

No special preparation is required for upper lip frenuloplasty. I don’t quite understand why some doctors send children for tests and fluorography - this operation is very less traumatic. In my opinion, as well as the opinion of the children themselves, it is much more unpleasant to remove milk teeth. We do not send for analysis of everyone who came to get rid of a tooth.
My only wish is that the child should be well fed. A hungry person endures everything worse, hunger is an additional stress, a hungry person's blood coagulates worse. So feed your little one before you go to the dentist.

One of the main conditions for the operation is that the child should sit quietly in the chair for at least 10-15 minutes. How to achieve this.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes about a quarter of an hour. It is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort (the child sits with his mouth open and can even talk). Sutures are applied to the surgical wound, which do not need to be removed later - absorbable suture materials are used.

The postoperative period also passes very calmly. Of course, when the anesthetic wears off, the operation site may hurt a little, but this is the maximum.
The whole regime at this time comes down to three simple rules:
1. Thorough oral hygiene
2. Refusal of rough and hot food for 1-2 days. It seems to me that you can live without chips, nuts, apples and carrots for two days.
3. Postoperative examination. Usually done the next day or every other day.

If all these conditions are met, then the baby does not have any problems. The operation is almost unnoticeable for both himself and his parents, and the result obtained helps prevent many dental problems in the future.

Below is an example of such work. This time I will not show all the stages of the operation (due to criticism from some readers for the "bloodyness"), but I will demonstrate only the initial version, postoperative examination and long-term result after 6 months.

Girl Katya, 7 years old. Initial situation:

As you can see, the frenulum of the upper lip is woven into the interdental papilla. Because of this, the 11th tooth grows a little to the side, it is to be expected that the same problem will occur with the 21st tooth. Therefore, together with the orthodontist, it was decided to perform plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip.

On two days after plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip:

The white stripes are absorbable sutures. The postoperative wound gives an idea of ​​the traumatic nature of this operation.

After that, Katya continues orthodontic treatment. The result of our joint work after 6 months:

I would also like to teach Katya how to brush her teeth)))... A small diastema still remains, but this is a solvable problem.

As usual, I look forward to your questions in the comments.
Good health!

In a normal state, any person has a special jumper in the area above the mucosa, which helps to attach the lips to the jawbone. Such a frenulum of the upper lip should in no way interfere with the quality of chewing food and talking, but in some cases there are deviations from generally accepted norms, especially in newborns. When should you start worrying about the frenulum of the upper lip, at what age should the child start treatment? How to apply surgical intervention?

What threatens the developed pathology?

Young children often develop gaps between their front teeth. Most often, the cause of such a pathology is considered to be too small a bridle in the region of the upper lip. To bring the teeth closer to each other and make the child's oral cavity more aesthetic in appearance need to use a specialized orthopedic system(brackets, plates and so on). But this can be done only after the complete correction of the frenulum of the baby's upper lip.

What complications and difficulties can appear in a child in case of compaction or reduction of the mucosal fold?

  1. An interdental diastema develops (a gap or a special gap).
  2. It is difficult for a child to spread his lips wide on his own, as a result of which his smile becomes slightly skewed, weakly expressed and unattractive in appearance.
  3. There may also be violations with the very process of speech, the pronunciation of some sounds and words may be distorted.
  4. The mucous fold will drag into the interdental papilla, which can lead to the development of a bite defect in the child (the anterior region of the teeth will stick out strongly from this).

The most common pathology is considered to be the poor quality of attachment of the fold of the upper or lower lip.. Failure to correct the frenulum of both the upper and lower lip can lead to particular difficulties:

Such a widespread short frenulum of the upper lip will cause the accumulation in the teeth themselves and in the holes between them of pathological conditions of microflora, stone, plaque after eating, and food debris. In this case, a special oral hygiene will simply be necessary for the child every two to three months.

In the event of the development of complications of the mucous fold, there are several ways to treat the disease, the most common are laser and simple plastics, as well as surgical intervention. Only an operation can help remove the resulting defect - it is not treated with the help of physiotherapy, medications, diets, and acupuncture.

If you have found a short fold of the upper lip in your child, then you must go for an examination to the attending specialist: orthodontist, speech therapist, periodontist, orthopedist, neonatologist. A dentist or a surgeon will not be able to fully establish the objective causes of the development of the disease, and will also not be able to give indications for an operation.

The neonatologist may prescribe a special procedure if a problem in the mucous membrane does not allow the child to eat mother's milk normally. Most often, in this situation we are talking about pathological processes in the structure of the upper lip, since it is most involved in sucking and taking milk. Sometimes such a specialist can independently excise the child's junction or prescribe a referral to a pediatric surgeon.

A speech therapist is able to fix and cut a short frenulum of the upper lip of a baby when he has a violation in the speech process, as well as underdevelopment of the speech organs. Most often, this diagnosis can be detected when the child begins to incomprehensibly and poorly pronounce vowel sounds, such as o, u and others, in the pronunciation of which you need to use the lips. A speech therapist, unfortunately, can find diseases already at a later stage in the development of a child (children of school and preschool age). In this case, most often pruning is no longer able to do anything with the disease, and therefore a full surgical intervention will have to be performed.

Especially often the need to trim the child determined by orthopedic doctors, periodontists, as well as orthodontists.

The pathology of the attachment of the lip to the jawbone is considered a pathology that can lead to a change in the normal bite position and worsen the position of the dentition, as well as develop the mobility of free-standing teeth. If you do not do treatment therapy in childhood, then over time, when the baby grows up, the treatment can result in a rather large amount, become long and painful for the child himself.

Trimming the frenulum of the upper lip in children

How to cut a short bridle in children? The best time for surgery will be the age of 5-6 years. Despite the various problems that arise in the process of breastfeeding, children under four years of age cannot be corrected. If the attending specialist has offered to perform a complete surgical operation on an infant, then you should leave this institution and seek help elsewhere, as early intervention in this area can develop terrible complications.

It is necessary to cut the mucosa at a time when the permanent teeth have already fully erupted and grown to the end, and the second incisors are already at the cutting stage. It is for this reason that a large number of doctors are trying to prescribe the operation process even at school age.

What kind complications may develop in the body of a child after cutting or complete removal of the frenulum from the upper lip at an early age?

  1. The development of the jaw after the procedure is still ongoing, which may lead to the need for another operation in the near future.
  2. The upper lip of the baby at this time performs only a third of the functions inherent in it (the baby does not communicate, cannot bite through solid food), and the process of changing the structure in the mucous membrane can lead to the development of scarring of the tissue, which in the future can pull the lip and cause discomfort completely like a bridle.
  3. An operation in the mouth without the presence of permanent teeth occurs almost blindly, which is why the attending specialist can accidentally touch the rudiments of the main teeth, disrupt the process of their development, and lead to pathological and inflammatory processes inside the mouth.

What types of treatment are there?

The most widely used types of changes in the baby's frenulum are considered to be intervention through surgery (cutting, changing the position of the teeth, removal and other methods), as well as plastic surgery (including the laser method).

During the operating procedure, it is normal to have a small amount of bleeding from the mouth area. The operating time is usually less than 30 minutes. After the procedure, in the upper region of the lip or in the lower one, you can feel and distinguish slight swelling, bleeding, pain, discomfort during communication, chewing, coughing, and also chewing food.

The wound heals completely within ten days. from the moment of the operation, during which the child adheres to a strictly established diet (liquid food at room temperature), pays great attention to hygiene and cleanliness of the oral cavity (antiseptic baths, applications, as well as special mouth rinses with herbs and soda-salt solutions). After complete healing of the wound, a small scar remains in this area, which gradually begins to dissolve over time. So, the procedure to reduce the frenulum is carried out by dental surgeons or periodontists.

The use of plastics

This treatment helps to trim the frenulum of the baby's upper lip itself, without using anesthesia for this (or even a small amount of it). The procedure includes three different steps:

A narrow jumper looks like a transparent or translucent partition that is not attached to the very edge of the alveolar process. This bridle is cut across, after which the specialist begins suturing.

When the jumper is too wide, the doctor begins to stretch it and creates an incision along the ridge. With all this, soft tissue is excised, including the interdental papilla of the central region of the teeth.

Plastic surgery should take place in a special outpatient clinic within 20 minutes. Stitches after the procedure begin to dissolve on their own.

Is it worth trimming the frenulum of the lip with a laser

This type of plasty helps to get rid of the development of bleeding during the procedure, since hot rays literally seal the excised vessels on the lip. Anesthesia this time looks like a special cooling and anesthetic gel applied, which contains a quick effect.

After such a timely procedure there is no particular swelling in this area, soreness, as well as the development of the scar, and the therapy itself takes place in five minutes. In addition, laser beams under the influence of high temperature help to comprehensively decontaminate the wound, which helps its rapid healing and recovery. If there is no scar, then the doctor may not apply the stitches themselves.

The use of laser therapy helps to break up a trip to a specialist into several sessions, which reduces stress for the child himself and makes the process of treating the upper lip frenulum the most effective, comfortable and fast.

Recovery process after surgery

Recovery after plastic surgery or other surgery is about 10 days.

In the first hours after the procedure, the baby may be disorientated, since the anesthesia at this time only departs, and there are special sensations, as well as an increased level of discomfort for the child. The main goal for parents in this case is help the wound on the child's lip heal and recover as quickly as possible, and for this you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Regularly monitor the quality and effective oral hygiene of the child.
  2. During the first few days, cook only specialized dishes (slimy, mushy, liquid, soufflé and minced meat), as well as give the child special foods and drinks, but only if they are at room temperature.
  3. After a few days, you need to come for an examination to your doctor.
  4. Together with the child, perform additional gymnastic exercises that will help develop the masticatory facial muscles in the child.

The first days after the procedure, the child will feel disorientation due to the appearance of a new amplitude and strength of the movement of the tongue. Also, his diction will be slightly different from the original, so it is worth training the child to correctly pronounce some sounds.

The problem of the frenulum of the mouth occurs quite often. According to statistics, their frequency is approximately 10 percent of children. With untimely diagnosis, they can cause a lot of difficulties for the child in the future. And the consequences are very serious.

After all, bridles are able to make adjustments not only to the appearance, changing the aesthetics of the face and smile, not for the better, but to significantly affect speech functions and the ability to eat normally. Therefore, it is very important to notice this violation in a child in a timely manner and seek medical help.

There are three frenulums in the oral cavity, each of these frenulums is a small strand. Despite their small size, they can have a big impact on a baby's daily life.

With the help of them, to a large extent, the child is fed, the oral mucosa is maintained in a normal state, the correct and clear pronunciation of most sounds is carried out. To a certain extent, the frenulum can affect the degree of bite. And, of course, the appearance of the baby's face, it also largely depends on the condition of the bridles.

Specifically, the bridles are:

  • upper lip. It performs a connecting function between the upper lip and the gum, located on the upper jaw. Weaving it occurs above the front incisors located in the dentition;
  • lower lip. Attaching it occurs similarly to the upper lip, the principle is the same, but already on the lower jaw;
  • language. In its structure and functions, this bridle is more complex than other bridles. This is the most common question asked by parents. But not because problems with her occur more often, but only because the parents mistakenly believe that she is the only frenulum in the child's mouth. The bridle connects the tongue and the sublingual region.

What are dangerous

When there is movement of the lips, the frenulum entails the gum, which departs the incisors of the front teeth, thereby provoking their increased sensitivity. As a result, the roots are exposed, periodontal disease occurs. Such manifestations occur, mostly in older people.

As for such a violation in children, the problem is much more serious. Since they have a permanent bite and at this time a short frenulum causes the front teeth to move forward, this is more noticeable if there is little meta in the dentition. It should be noted that the consequences of such bites are difficult to correct. In addition, all this will require time and financial costs.

A short frenulum of the upper lip in a newborn child can cause not only serious problems, but also pose a certain danger. With such a pathology, the child hardly manages to capture the mother's nipple, which causes him anxiety, he quickly experiences fatigue. As a result, he receives less milk than he could receive. Due to fatigue during feeding, incomplete saturation, the baby weakly gains weight.

The problem also exists in the fact that the reason for such behavior of the child, his physical condition, mothers, and often doctors, see something else - a lack of milk. But, it would seem, what is easier to look into the mouth of a child. Therefore, you need to be aware of this and try to respond more carefully to each change in the child's behavior.

There are all the possibilities to determine a short bridle even in the hospital. It is quite possible that doctors will immediately perform surgery to eliminate frenulum disorders. If at that time it does not prevent the child from breastfeeding normally, the correction will be postponed to a later date. Although this may initially affect the pronunciation of individual sounds by the child, he will not be able to pronounce them. In this case, the attending physician will be jointly a speech therapist to correct the bridle.

How to determine

How to recognize any deviation of the frenulum? What consequences can this pathology have for a child? - such questions are often asked by mothers at the doctor's office.

It is not difficult even for a non-specialist to determine a short bridle in a baby, it can be seen immediately.

It is enough for parents to lift the baby's lip a little and you can see the place where the bridle is woven. Compare with the level of the neck of the incisors. In the normal state, the bridle should be woven a little higher than this level - about half a centimeter. If the indicator is less, this may directly indicate a short bridle.

But the final diagnosis, of course, should be made by a doctor. If a pathology is detected, you should contact a medical facility. What are the consequences of a short bridle can be found in the list below:

  • sucking function is impaired. In most cases, the baby is not able to properly attach to the mother's nipple - grasp it well enough and completely;
  • changes external data, the face takes on a not entirely aesthetic appearance;
  • tremas are formed, diastemas - gaps located between the front teeth. The latter can be provoked by physiological reasons, for example, this is observed at the stage of development of milk teeth. During this period, the child's body prepares the jaws for the natural process of changing teeth to permanent ones. But there are gaps that are caused by pathological causes - one of which is a short frenulum. In this case, both surgical treatment and orthodontic treatment are recommended;
  • be a provoking factor in the manifestation of bite pathology. This is due to the fact that the constant tension of the bridle causes the incisors to protrude forward. Such a violation usually occurs in children who already have permanent incisors. Treat the pathology, as in the previous case, with the help of a surgeon and an orthodontist;
  • due to the pressure that is constantly exerted on the mucous membrane of the upper jaw, prerequisites are created for the development of inflammatory processes and dental diseases - gingivitis and periodontitis. As a result of the gums exposing the necks of the teeth, they acquire increased sensitivity, which opens the way for caries.

When to cut

At what age should a short bridle be corrected? Is the operation difficult? - such questions often arise in mothers who are faced with this problem. Indeed, it can only be solved by surgery. True, here too there are difficulties. It is not always possible to carry out such an operation; certain conditions are necessary for this.

Cutting the frenulum of the upper lip in children is recommended only exclusively when the child's permanent teeth, or rather, the front incisors, begin to erupt. Sometimes such a correction is allowed even after the fangs or incisors located on the side erupt. An operation performed during this period will avoid orthodontic treatment. This becomes possible because at the time of eruption of other teeth it provides the necessary pressure and diastema, three able to close themselves.

In the case when the bridle is treated after the canines and incisors erupt, it is necessary to use a mechanical tie of the incisors. For this procedure, special screeds are used. For a short period of time they should be applied to the teeth. According to experts, with an integrated approach, the result will be positive.

All these restrictive measures are related to the fact that with the growth of the jaw, a change in the frenulum occurs. An exception to this rule can only be made in the maternity hospital, as mentioned above, when the bridle really poses a threat to the normal development of the child, it cannot be well applied to the mother's breast. In other cases, one should adhere to the rules for restriction in order to avoid many negative consequences.

Frenulum tear

It often happens when a child, injuring the upper lip, causes damage to the frenulum - it breaks. In such a situation, you should immediately seek help from doctors. Not only because to treat the wound, but also in order to avoid complications with self-fusion of the frenulum.

After all, without proper surgical treatment, there is no guarantee that the frenulum will grow together correctly, and not asymmetrically. In addition, a rough scar will appear, which will limit the mobility of the lip. And this, in turn, will lead to a speech defect. After such an injury, the child will need to be taught exercises that will promote the mobility of the organ responsible for articulation and allow the frenulum to be slightly lengthened.

How is the adjustment made?

Cutting the frenulum of the upper lip is done in a medical facility. For anesthesia, local anesthesia is used, during the operation, the doctor can even talk to the child. The duration of the operation, as a rule, in the normal course of the process is thirty minutes.

There are three types of frenuloplasty:

  • dissection. This technique is used when the frenulum of the upper lip is narrow and does not connect to the edge of the alveolar process. A specialist with experienced manipulations cuts it across, making barely visible longitudinal seams;
  • excision. Here, on the contrary, a wide bridle is visible. The surgeon needs to make an incision that will affect the crest of the stretched frenulum, and excise the interdental papilla, as well as the tissues located between the roots of the spread incisors;
  • frenuloplasty. This is the name of the method in which the place of attachment of the bridle is changed.

Such operations, almost always, are carried out with four incisors completely cut through. This corresponds to a seven or eight year old child.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • eat ice cream more often, especially for the first time in the first days;
  • observe general hygiene, monitor the condition of the mucosa;
  • in the diet should not be solid and rough food.

After the correction, sutures will be applied, they are made of a special material that can dissolve itself. A distinctive feature of this operation is that it takes only a few hours to recover.

If the operation was performed on a baby, you can immediately feel the result - the baby will begin to pronounce individual sounds more clearly, correctly apply to the mother's breast.

It should be noted that in recent years, the operation with suture has become more and more a thing of the past, since the laser scalpel is replacing the usual scalpel. The recovery period is also reduced, therefore, first of all, this technique is indicated for infants, for whom breastfeeding is important.

The use of modern methods makes it possible to avoid even minor complications, such as edema. The baby only needs to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and exercises to train the frenulum during the rehabilitation period. And everything will be fine, as if nothing had happened.


The oral cavity is the first filter through which food, water, and air pass from the external environment into the body. A person's well-being depends on her health.

The oral cavity contains 3 frenulums. They are made up of mucus. These are folds of skin that attach the soft tissues of the lips to the bones of the jaws. Abnormal fastening negatively affects the periodontium of the anterior teeth. Frenulum defects need to be treated.

The influence of the bridle on the development of the child

The small size plays an important role in the life of the child. This affects:

The frenulum of the upper lip in a child connects the gum of the upper jaw and the upper lip, weaving above the front incisors. The membrane of the lower lip is attached in the same way.

The most difficult lingual frenulum. The misconception of many parents is the belief that she is the only one in the baby's mouth. This frenulum connects to the tongue and sublingual space.

The norm and pathology of the membranes

Attachment to the upper lip can be:

  • low;
  • average;
  • high.

Normally, the membrane of the lower edge from the neck of the teeth is in the range from 5 to 8 mm. If its location is lower or hidden behind the front incisors, then it has a shortened pathology. The anomaly predisposes to dental diseases and malocclusion.

A short frenulum of the upper lip negatively affects the sucking function of newborns and infants. Pathology does not allow the child to fully capture the nipple. The baby is not gaining weight well and quickly gets tired of sucking. In such circumstances, on the recommendation of a neonatologist, cutting the frenulum is carried out in the maternity hospital. If a child with a similar pathology gains weight during feeding, then the correction is not carried out.

At preschool age, the growth of the facial skeleton and the mobility of the lips do not particularly depend on the short attachment.

The condition changes with the eruption of the central incisors. The frenulum is closely connected to the gingival papilla, which causes the formation of a gap. Scientifically, it is called a true diastema. Without treatment, it will expand.

Elimination of the diastema

The diastema in the baby is removed with the help of plastics of the upper frenulum. Treatment is in the competence of a pediatric surgeon, dentist, otolaryngologist. They can advise on various treatment options:

  • Dissection (phrenotomy) is recommended for execution with a narrow, loose membrane of the upper lip to the edge of the alveolar process. It is dissected in the transverse direction and stitched along the longitudinal line. Self-absorbable catgut is used for the sutures, so removal of the sutures is not required.
  • Excision (frenectomy) is performed with a wide membrane of the upper lip. Frenuloplasty is performed to change the place of attachment of the frenulum.

For newborns, the operation is performed with sterile scissors by cutting this fold.

Early age does not require local anesthesia. During this period, the septum does not have nerve endings and blood vessels. It does not cause pain, but the baby immediately takes the breast, which is a relief for the mother.

Children up to 9 months old can be done with local anesthesia. Older than 9 months, the procedure is performed with an electrocoagulator for lip frenuloplasty or in an alternative way - medical diode lasers. The main advantages of laser plasty are painlessness, bloodlessness, safety.

The use of tools is explained by the compaction of the fold, in which the vessels sprout. The wound is small, healing is fast, the pain completely disappears on the second day.

Many doctors advise plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip after the change of milk teeth and before the growth of the central incisors. These are patients from 5 to 6 years old. Older children are afraid of this procedure. There must be real prerequisites for the indications of a surgical operation.

Patient parents can help correct the problem without resorting to surgery. You can stretch the leather membrane with special exercises. This must be done in case of poor diction. The result of the classes will be effective if it starts early and is regular. The elasticity of the membrane allows this to be done. The same goal is pursued by speech therapy massage, but it is painful, and children are reluctant to go for it.

Sometimes the problem disappears with age. The membrane can be torn when screaming, biting off food, during games. It's not bad for health.

Features of defects of the lower jaw

The membrane of the lower lip may be thickened, double or completely absent. Normally, it is thin and neatly woven into the middle of the alveolar process of the jaw. Coincides with the midline of the central incisors. Her description is short.

So that the lower membrane does not interfere with the child, it must be put in the appropriate order. The recommended age of the baby is from 6 to 7 years.

The procedure is carried out in a clinic. The mechanism of action is similar to the operation on the upper lip.

The threat of short bridles

The trifling problem of short bridles can complicate the quality of life of the baby.

The newborn cannot grasp the breast, and from increased sucking quickly gets tired and remains hungry. This results in weight gain. Often the mother and the doctor look for the cause in the lack of milk. And you just need to examine the oral cavity.

The frequency of frenulum defects is quite high. Parents should be aware of such a problem, diagnose it in time and take steps to eliminate it. A normally developed frenulum will eliminate nutritional problems, speech, bite, facial aesthetics and smile will not be affected.

03.12.2009, 00:22


The questions are:

03.12.2009, 10:39

Made in September. Child 5, 8.
1. It was a little scary, unpleasant when they did anesthesia. And the first few hours when the anesthesia wore off was painful. (laughing, difficult to talk) But everything was tolerable, there were no special tears on this occasion. best of all, if he can sleep, so that all the unpleasant moments in a dream pass. :)
2. Heals - individually. The threads should come off within a week. In fact, the first two days are painful, and then it all depends on the sensitivity and tolerance of the pain. Food restrictions are also the first two or three days. The first day we ate everything soft (we drank more than we ate), bought her baby food, made mashed meat from a jar, ate everything, a banana in small cubes (so as not to open your mouth too much), yogurt, etc.
3. They just rinsed their mouth - first with chlorhexidine or, if I'm not mistaken, furacilin, then with chamomile. They didn’t take any pills, only on the first day it was possible to take some kind of analgesic to reduce pain.
4. Until I answer, we have a milk bite. :)))

03.12.2009, 10:45

They did it when my son was 6.8

3. They did not drink any medicines.

03.12.2009, 10:48

did at 6.5 years:
1. Quite tolerable - more unpleasant Discomfort after the end of anesthesia I don’t remember.
2. Edema was a couple of days. We were not told to limit food :)
3. did not drink antibiotics.
4. the gap disappeared, but after putting the record on...

03.12.2009, 10:53

They did it when my son was 6.8
1. It's not scary, the surgeon was very attentive, he kept praising the child. When the anesthesia wore off, he didn't complain either. The first day after cutting, the ice was applied more often.
2. Healed for 5 days. Smeared with dental solcoseryl. The first two days we tried to give softer food.
3. They did not drink any medicines.
4. Yes, the interval has decreased in just three months, now everything is normal. But the son also wears a trainer.

What is a trainer?

03.12.2009, 10:56

What is a trainer?
Here (

03.12.2009, 11:00

Sorry, but I can get in with my question :)
When is the bridle cut?
Us 7.4. The doctor said to watch until the 4 upper front ones erupt. And on the internet I read different information.
Don't drag this out...

03.12.2009, 11:02

Us 7.4. The doctor said to watch until the 4 upper front ones erupt. And on the internet I read different information.
Don't drag this out...
We were told the same thing, until two other doctors said that it was already possible to cut (the indigenous ones were only ones, the deuces were dairy). As I understand it, it’s right that they cut it off, otherwise there simply wouldn’t be enough space for the root deuces ...

03.12.2009, 11:09

Good afternoon,

03.12.2009, 11:13

Good afternoon,
where did you cut the frenulum and from which surgeon?
Esenina 22, building 3 - this is the "Pearl" dentistry in the school building. Surgeon Magomedov :).

03.12.2009, 11:17

can I get into the topic?
Where did they do it? Praise, scold, we are already 9 years old, there is nowhere to wait.

03.12.2009, 11:32

Look for a search, there were several such topics (she was interested in the same a year ago).

03.12.2009, 12:14

Large gap between front teeth.

I myself had a large gap between the upper front teeth (1-2mm). When the wisdom teeth began to grow, the gap disappeared!

Sorry if off topic...

03.12.2009, 12:26

They cut my frenulum as a child. The gap disappeared. As far as I remember, the discomfort in the first days was no longer from pain, but from appearance, but my brothers tried and teased me.: 004: It’s better to sleep after the operation.

03.12.2009, 12:38

03.12.2009, 15:41

We will do it at the Good Dentist's Clinic on Dybenko. There is a very kind and professional doctor Sladkov (we made inquiries). I think it will be expensive.

03.12.2009, 16:00

We cut the frenulum at the age of 8 in pediatric dentistry. There were no restrictions on nutrition, they simply tried not to give rough and sour food. Everything went well, even without tears (although I have a terrible coward). The bandage was removed after a couple of hours and they still give three days of release from school (but as a rule, the operation is done on Fridays :)).
The gap between the teeth has decreased, but has not disappeared at all (we are waiting for the fangs to come out).

03.12.2009, 16:05

Terrible, unpleasant, but tolerable. Ate in 2-3 hours. The stitches were removed. The teeth came together. They cut the bridle at 8 years old.
They did it at the local clinic.

How many days are the stitches removed?

04.12.2009, 08:11

Need information on the operation on the frenulum of the upper lip. We need to cut it and put stitches (I understand that this is a type of plastic dental surgery). Daughter is 9 years old. Large gap between front teeth.
The questions are:
1. How painful is it for the child? Especially after the anesthesia wears off?
2. How long does it take to heal? Are there food restrictions?
3. Do I need to drink antibiotics or other medicines for better healing and elimination of inflammation.?
3. Did the gap between your front teeth decrease after cutting the frenulum?

I was done in childhood: 1. - under local anesthesia; 2 - I remember that it was fast, although it was a long time ago; 3 - don't remember; 4. the teeth didn’t just come together (there was a huge gap), but even found each other: (so follow up in a timely manner

04.12.2009, 10:22

04.12.2009, 12:35

How many days are the stitches removed?
To be honest, I don't remember:008:. Maybe 3-4 days (everything heals quickly in the mouth).

04.12.2009, 14:38

07.12.2009, 12:48

Cut in 7 years in a private clinic. In the district clinic, the orthodontist scolded me very much. She said that now it is prohibited by the Ministry of Health, and that only private traders are engaged in this. Did it last year. The gap hasn't moved yet.

And can you elaborate: 091:, the Ministry of Health forbade cutting the bridle?!

07.12.2009, 15:21

07.12.2009, 16:58


08.12.2009, 18:39

We developed it ourselves, it turned out to avoid cutting.

08.12.2009, 20:20

Need information on the operation on the frenulum of the upper lip. We need to cut it and put stitches (I understand that this is a type of plastic dental surgery). Daughter is 9 years old. Large gap between front teeth.
The questions are:
1. How painful is it for the child? Especially after the anesthesia wears off?
2. How long does it take to heal? Are there food restrictions?
3. Do I need to drink antibiotics or other medicines for better healing and elimination of inflammation.?
3. Did the gap between your front teeth decrease after cutting the frenulum?
I had my bridle cut at 9 years old. Both above and below the tongue. My memories:
1) surgery - no pain at all. Under local anesthesia. When the anesthesia wore off, it was very painful for me, but, most likely, it was more painful not on top of the gum, but under the tongue.
2) ate yogurt for the first two days, the first time a few hours after the operation. After yogurts - vermicelli broth. But, again, the gum hurt, only under the tongue, because of this, the restrictions turned out.
3) I don't remember. But she didn't take any pills. Maybe something smeared, but I do not remember.
4) after that, she wore the plate for another six months. The teeth came together perfectly, now the dental floss passes with difficulty. And the gap was - half a tooth!

08.12.2009, 20:57

They made a child at 8.5 years old in Neodent (branch of MEDI on Yachtenna). Price 1300r.
We consulted in advance in different places, we wanted to be sure that such an intervention was really necessary. :)
Did it on a Friday night. Anesthesia local, departed after 2-3 hours. Painful sensations were only in the evening on Friday. They ate ice cream. :)
On Sunday I ate apples.
As a prophylaxis, they rinsed the oral cavity of Tantum Verde. (on Friday, on Saturday they didn’t dissolve, and then for another 2 days with a solution with water, as they taught in the clinic - as far as I understand, the meaning was more in gymnastics).
Tell me, please, and in Neodent, who did it? I would like to find a good specialist.

08.12.2009, 22:35

08.12.2009, 23:03

Need information on the operation on the frenulum of the upper lip. We need to cut it and put stitches (I understand that this is a type of plastic dental surgery). Daughter is 9 years old. Large gap between front teeth.
The questions are:
1. How painful is it for the child? Especially after the anesthesia wears off?
2. How long does it take to heal? Are there food restrictions?
3. Do I need to drink antibiotics or other medicines for better healing and elimination of inflammation.?
3. Did the gap between your front teeth decrease after cutting the frenulum?

We cut the truth in 3.5 years. But it was like this:
1. The child was not so much hurt as scared. Therefore, the most difficult thing was to do anesthesia. True, they also got out of the situation - they made a relaxing injection, then local anesthesia.
After the anesthesia wore off, the child did not even really remember what happened.
2. Healed very quickly. In terms of nutrition, the restriction was introduced only on solid food (those that can hurt the wound). The mouth was rinsed, which I don’t remember now (I can see it in the notes).
3. Antibiotics were not prescribed to us. When they came to remove the stitches (in a couple of days), my daughter did not let me do it. They said they would fall off in a week, and that's exactly what happened.
4. We did not have a gap between the teeth. On the contrary, the upper teeth sat very tightly. But they cut our bridle not because of this.

15.12.2009, 01:15

We have been seeing the orthodontist for a long time, in the district clinic they said it is necessary to cut the bridle (we have a gap and bite is not correct, the upper teeth go forward), they tried to cut it, the son did not give in (a coward by nature, he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis skin very much), went to a paid clinic, there they said that nothing needs to be cut! In January we will put a plate.

15.12.2009, 11:30

Thanks everyone for the info. We already cut it on Saturday.
My daughter felt good, and now she completely forgot about her. It only hurt to give an injection (anesthesia), and then they covered my face with a sterile cloth (and at the same time closed my eyes so that it would not be scary from the sight of different scissors / threads) and no sensations. There were a lot of stitches * (I don’t understand anything about this, but in my opinion 3 pieces), we eat everything in a row.
We are happy, everything is behind us!

15.12.2009, 11:49

Made by Chernenko Oleg Valerievich. I think he's the only dental surgeon in that branch. From here you can see (
Thank you! :flower: Did you first go to the orthodontist or can you immediately sign up for cutting the frenulum to Chernenko?

04.02.2010, 18:35

I cut my daughter's bridle when she was 10. Made with a laser. Very fast and accurate, I was more afraid than they did.
Where is the laser cut?

17.03.2010, 14:28

I'm joining too. Today we went to the dentist (they took a certificate for the school) and the doctor said that you need to go to the orthodontist - and there is a record for the end of summer, you need to look for a chorus. a specialist and stomp ... we have a huge gap ... I want to do everything before school! the truth can at whom still coordinates are good doctors?

17.03.2010, 16:27

I myself have a gap between my teeth (as a child, my mother took pity on the capricious girl and did not take her to cut the bridle :)). My son will soon be 8 years old, also a gap between his teeth. They cut yesterday!
Undercut in the district dentistry. Moved everything calmly. He only got angry when the anesthesia began to recede and still periodically feels sorry for himself (oh, these men :)). While the swelling is still strong, it looks like Simpson)). Tablets were not prescribed and the stitches also did not need to be removed. We are waiting and hoping that the gap will disappear!!!

Rainbow Perspective

17.03.2010, 18:48

I cut my daughter's bridle when she was 10. Made with a laser. Very fast and accurate, I was more afraid than they did.

I have not yet found WHERE the bridle is cut with a laser? Write please!

19.03.2010, 12:26

We have the same problem, we were examined at the school and the orthodontist prescribed plastic surgery of the upper lip, the gap is also decent. We will cut in the clinic of the Admiralt.r-on, where the head doctor does it himself - they say a good doctor ... I don’t know, my husband does everything, but the operation costs 1500 rubles, they said they will call themselves and set the date and time, how it will go I'll tell you.
And on the plate we were put in line. So I realized that we will put in the fall.

I'll ask again ....... Has anyone encountered the absence of tooth germs ??????

19.03.2010, 12:50

about the gap, my daughter has it and we wear a plate, we don’t cut the bridle yet, maybe
the bridle can be done after the complete eruption of the upper twos, as they shift the central incisors. And in the event that the plate fails to close the diastema. To better assess the frenulum and the need for surgery, it is necessary to take an aiming picture of the central incisors. The presence of dense bone tissue between the central incisors indicates that the strands are not woven there, since they look transparent in the picture. Then, most often, the effect of the plate can be achieved, and the operation is not needed.


19.03.2010, 12:56

My daughter's frenulum under the tongue was cut in a month - I don't know how I endured it - I had to give this lump into the surgeon's huge hands and EXIT from the office. Terrible, I don't want to remember. The baby didn't really cry, she fell asleep right away and that's it.

Under the upper lip, it also needs to be trimmed (by the way, they told me about it at the same time, a month later). The upper incisors were completely erupted (ones and twos). I want through the district clinic. Never went there before. Can someone tell me how to get there? Should I book over the phone or do I have to come in person? And is it possible to immediately make an appointment with an orthodontist or do I need to see a therapist first?

19.03.2010, 13:21

I want through the district clinic. Never went there before. Can someone tell me how to get there? Should I book over the phone or do I have to come in person? And is it possible to immediately make an appointment with an orthodontist or do I need to see a therapist first?
In our district, dentists are on the first floor, and orthodontists are on the second. You can immediately sign up for an orthodontist - but this is for an examination, and not for cutting the frenulum.


19.03.2010, 13:31

PS ^ I did not dare to cut in our district, I am very pleased with the surgeon at Yesenin, 22, who performed this operation on my son.

Thank you so much :flower:

And why did they refuse the district? After all, I understand that we are attached to one. What confused you there? I just heard (here on LV) a VERY positive review about orthodontists in our clinic.

19.03.2010, 13:35

Need information on the operation on the frenulum of the upper lip. We need to cut it and put stitches (I understand that this is a type of plastic dental surgery). Daughter is 9 years old. Large gap between front teeth.
The questions are:
1. How painful is it for the child? Especially after the anesthesia wears off?
2. How long does it take to heal? Are there food restrictions?
3. Do I need to drink antibiotics or other medicines for better healing and elimination of inflammation.?
3. Did the gap between your front teeth decrease after cutting the frenulum?
Did it recently. 10 years old son. In a regular dental clinic. True, for a fee (they do not do it according to compulsory medical insurance).
1. Almost painless after anesthesia. At least we have.
2. Healed quickly. day 3 . By the time they removed the stitches, everything was fine. For the first day or two, they said to eat something mushy, so as not to injure.
3. You don't need to drink anything. and even told not to rinse.
4. The gap has not yet become smaller, well, maybe 1 mm ... Half a year has passed ...: 004: I do not lose hope.
I had a big gap as a child. The cut didn't go. By the age of 20, everything came together. With the operation, I think it should converge earlier :)

19.03.2010, 13:35

I just heard (here on LV) a VERY positive review about orthodontists in our clinic.
I like the orthodontists there too. And the trainer corrected the bite, thanks to the recommendations of Dr. Shimanskaya from there.
But after all, the surgeon cuts the bridle, not the orthodontist ... and the surgeons there have already pulled out more than one milk tooth for their son - they tear it quickly and professionally, but the attitude towards the child ... well, it’s rude all the same.

And for 1200 rubles. we got both a good operation and a great attitude :))

19.03.2010, 13:38

PS ^ I did not dare to cut in our district, I am very pleased with the surgeon at Yesenin, 22, who performed this operation on my son.

Thank you so much :flower:

And why did they refuse the district? After all, I understand that we are attached to one. What confused you there? I just heard (here on LV) a VERY positive review about orthodontists in our clinic.
Yes, I am very satisfied with our surgeon. And calmed down and joked and did everything neatly. And then I was all shaken up. I'm terribly afraid of free institutions, and paid ones are even more sometimes: 001:


19.03.2010, 13:44

19.03.2010, 19:33

pogranec, but can I go to "our" orthodontists, cut on Yesenin, and put a record on the policy? The order of actions is not how I can not line up in my head ... Where should I go first? Enlighten the steamed mother:flower:
First, to the orthodontists, they will put you in line for the plate (they put us in and said that the line will come up in a year: 009 :) and they will tell you when to cut the frenulum. We were told to wait until the native top twos were fully grown. But Yesenin was told that with our gap between the teeth (and it was really big) you can cut earlier. Which is what we did.

The center of the world

25.09.2011, 01:20

25.09.2011, 02:25

I read about edema here ... Tell me, please, how long does the edema last after plastic surgery? We made an appointment for Tuesday, specifically asked if we could go to school the next laziness, the orthodontist assured that we could. But with a swollen lip, I don’t want to send the girl to school, she won’t like it.

Our edema probably subsided by evening. day. But the next day you can’t go to school, the operation is still considered, a certificate is given for 3 days. Day 1 - plastic surgery, day 2 or 3, be sure to see a surgeon

25.09.2011, 12:08

I read about edema here ... Tell me, please, how long does the edema last after plastic surgery? We made an appointment for Tuesday, specifically asked if we could go to school the next laziness, the orthodontist assured that we could. But with a swollen lip, I don’t want to send the girl to school, she won’t like it.

Had surgery last year. The main edema subsided the next day. But for another week it was noticeable. We went to school on the third day.

The center of the world

25.09.2011, 14:49

Thanks for the replies, we'll be in touch on Friday.

27.09.2011, 00:30

did at age 7. We cried a little, but it probably healed for 3 days.


04.10.2011, 18:17

The speech therapist sent us to the orthodontist that the frenulum must be “pierced”, otherwise there will be gaps between the teeth. The orthodontist strongly recommended not to touch the upper frenulum until the age of 10-13, this is "an immune status, you can harm all the teeth ..."
and here's how... :009:
How many doctors have so many opinions, who is right?:010:

04.10.2011, 18:51

The orthodontist told us to cut at the age of 9 (we are waiting until February). Looks like we'll do it during spring break.

05.10.2011, 00:21

at the daughter now (soon 9) the upper teeth converged, the gap disappeared. It is strange that cutting the bridle is recommended to many so late 10-13 years. Well, maybe there are different cases.

05.10.2011, 00:42

We also have a large diastema. And against the background of the recently fallen deuces, the mouth looks like a palisade)))) all in thought about surgery. Familiar dentists advise to the orthodontist. Let's see ... So I realized that for many everything went by itself, without intervention ... We also had to "sew up" the navel in the spring at the insistence of the surgeon. It didn't work out - they got sick. Now I’m looking at my daughter after the summer (active jumping on a trampoline, swimming in the pool, riding bikes) + with the beginning of the physical swarm at school, the navel began to retract itself slowly. We signed up for the pool, let's look at the dynamics. With teeth, I think, the same - we will not rush ..

The center of the world

05.10.2011, 01:02

With teeth, I think, the same - we will not rush ..
The father, grandmother and great-grandmother of my daughters, as well as probably their more distant ancestors, whose photos I have not seen, did not wait until it goes away on its own :)) - all with a healthy gap between the teeth. So I will not wait for favors from nature - my daughter will go to the surgeon. We will not wait for 11 years either - I don’t want my daughter to go with braces at a transitional age.

05.10.2011, 15:33

The father, grandmother and great-grandmother of my daughters, as well as probably their more distant ancestors, whose photos I have not seen, did not wait until it goes away on its own :)) - all with a healthy gap between the teeth. So I will not wait for favors from nature - my daughter will go to the surgeon. We will not wait for 11 years either - I don’t want my daughter to go with braces at a transitional age.

No one in our family has gaps - neither from my side, nor from my husband. All teeth are tightly seated, the husband's fry parted after the removal of the six. So, we have a good heredity in this sense. And braces now, in my opinion, have become an element of youth pop culture in general)))) no one is embarrassed by this anymore, just like glasses))) But in no case do I urge anyone to wait until they turn blue in the face))) I still I see - we are only 7 years old barely turned))



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