Why does my dog ​​have mucus in his stool. Loose stools in a dog: causes

A small amount of mucus in the dog's stool is considered normal. This is necessary to facilitate the passage of feces through the intestines, the mucous secretion acts as a natural lubricant. A large amount of mucus, especially mixed with blood, is a reason for examination. It is important to pay attention to the act of defecation itself, how much the pet pushes hard, the frequency of sitting down.

Diarrhea with mucus in a dog is accompanied by additional symptoms: lethargy, abdominal pain, decreased/lack of appetite, changes in stool, etc.

Causes of mucus in the stool

If the dog poops with mucus, this indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There are many reasons, from unbalanced feeding, a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, a disease that negatively affects tissues and organs.

  • Colitis.

Bacteria, protozoa, helminthiases can provoke inflammation of the large intestine. Frequent urge to defecate, pain, mucus discharge are typical signs of colitis. Often, instead of excrement, thick mucus, liquid foam, sometimes with blood, is released. It is a mistake to consider this a symptom of constipation; self-treatment on your own with an incorrect diagnosis only exacerbates the course of colitis. In advanced cases, the disease is accompanied by vomiting.

When diagnosing, an external examination, palpation in the rectal area, and an x-ray of the stomach are performed. If necessary: ​​histological analysis of the mucosa and endoscopy of the colon.

  • Dysbacteriosis.

It is characterized by a change in the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, the growth of opportunistic microorganisms increases, the normal balance is disturbed, the digestion process becomes worse. Dysbacteriosis provokes the use of antibiotics, stress, poor-quality conditions for keeping and feeding the dog. There are not only bowel movements with mucus, lethargy, apathy, but also reduced appetite. The intestines are "inhabited" by lactic acid and bifidobacteria, they stabilize the process of digestion of food and protect the gastrointestinal tract from disorders. With their deficiency, pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, salmonella) become active.

  • Helminthiases.

Mucus in the feces of an adult or a puppy occurs when infected with helminths. The insidiousness of helminthiases lies in the fact that they may not manifest themselves for a long time, but the process of negative impact on the dog's body has already been launched and, if left untreated, complications occur. Scheduled deworming will help prevent infection or the development of helminthiases. Anthelmintics are prescribed only by a veterinarian; drugs sold in a regular pharmacy are not suitable for a dog.

A number of dangerous conditions

Additional reasons for the appearance of mucus in the feces are:

  • change of feed or intolerance to certain ingredients;
  • tumors, polyps;
  • foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constipation;
  • constriction of the anus.

Gastritis, gastroenteritis, ulcers also cause mucus in the feces, sometimes with blood.

If a puppy or adult dog has diarrhea with mucus, this may indicate overeating. Some dogs gorge themselves "in reserve", sweeping away everything that is edible within their sight. The gastrointestinal tract cannot contain and digest all the food that has entered the stomach, it stagnates, begins to rot. The body responds to this with a protective reaction from toxins - diarrhea, mucus impurities, while this is part of the protective reaction and a symptom of irritation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

Often an adult dog (or puppy) poops mucus due to the breeder feeding low-quality food, or because of the animal's passion to pick up waste from the garbage heap.

Fact! A dog in the house is not a garbage bin; it should not be put spoiled, old food in a bowl. As a result of improper feeding - diarrhea with mucus, in advanced cases with blood impurities.

A large amount of mucus with bloody discharge indicates the interstitial form of parvovirus enteritis. It is characterized by a serious violation of the absorption function of the intestine, profuse diarrhea develops. Initially, the feces are gray, gray-yellow, then change their color to greenish. A fetid odor is a characteristic symptom of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment depends on the cause of the mucus in the stool and the results of the dog's examination. For colitis, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, nutrition is adjusted, medications are prescribed (Loperamide, Sulfasalazine, rectal suppositories, etc.). In severe cases, the use of hormonal therapy, immunosuppressants is indicated.

With dysbacteriosis, probiotics, means for cleansing the intestines of toxins, homeopathic preparations are prescribed.

The appearance of uncharacteristic impurities in the feces and the presence of concomitant symptoms during the act of defecation should alert the breeder. If the problem with the stool in the dog persists for more than 2 days, it is necessary to deliver the pet to the veterinary clinic or call the doctor at home.

Mucus fragments never appear in a pet's feces just like that. As a rule, the presence of mucus in them indicates disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, damage to its walls, and inflammatory processes. So, let's take a closer look at the problem, the factors that contribute to its occurrence and therapeutic measures.

Possible causes of mucus in dog stool

Basically, such an element of bowel movements indicates that not everything is in order with the digestive system. Mucus in feces can occur for the following reasons:

  • Gastritis, gastroenteritis, ulcer. These diseases affect the pet's stomach, which produces more mucus than usual, causing the food to rot, causing further digestive problems.
  • Diagnosis and treatment

    Each of the above causes of the problem requires diagnostic measures. But the analysis of feces is carried out without fail, regardless of the presence of other signs of trouble. Biochemical and general blood tests will exclude the presence of viruses, protozoa, helminths. Therapy is based on the results of the diagnosis. So, the treatment of pathology is proposed as follows:

    1. If colitis became its cause, then symptomatic therapy and nutrition correction are prescribed. Usually veterinarians recommend taking Loperamide and Sulfasalazine. Additionally, rectal suppositories may be prescribed, in rare cases, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids.

    Many dog ​​breeders have repeatedly encountered such a problem as diarrhea in a dog. An upset stomach is not a separate pathology, but signals functional failures, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea in animals occurs for a variety of reasons. Diarrhea is often harmless and often goes away without any treatment. In some cases, this phenomenon requires an immediate response from the owners, especially if the dog has diarrhea with blood and mucus. The problem should not be ignored, since this type of diarrhea most often develops against the background of serious diseases of various etiologies.

    Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a clinical problem, which is often characterized by the release of liquid, mushy, watery stools. Depending on the root cause, there may be foam, mucus, undigested food residues, bloody substances (clots, threads, blotches) in the feces.

    Diarrhea in animals acute that resolves without any significant symptoms and chronic– lasts more than two weeks.

    If a puppy, a dog has been lashed out, it is very important to establish the root cause that caused an upset stomach. Prolonged diarrhea can provoke dehydration (dehydration), exhaustion, electrolyte imbalance in the body.

    Important! Prolonged diarrhea is dangerous for small puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.

    In most cases, the nature, color, consistency of feces can determine the cause of diarrhea in animals.

    Black liquid stool with mucus in dogs, other domestic animals indicates the presence of digested blood. The stools appear to have a tar-like consistency. A similar phenomenon occurs due to bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

    If in the feces of a pet is noticeable bright scarlet blood, bloody substances - this is a symptom of bleeding of the large intestine. The blood is not exposed to the action of enzymes and comes out unchanged with the stool.

    If the feces have a normal color, but contain , foam,, such diarrhea most often occurs with acute inflammation in the organs of the digestive tract.

    Causes of bloody diarrhea with mucus

    The presence of blood, blood clots, inclusions in the dog's feces, profuse bloody diarrhea is a characteristic symptom of many serious, life-threatening pet diseases. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to determine exactly where the focus of bleeding is located.

    Bacteria that cause salmonellosis, leptospirosis, damage blood vessels, affect the mucous organs of the digestive tract. Erosive foci, small bleeding ulcers, and manifestations appear on the walls of the intestines and stomach. Acute inflammation develops in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Important! Mucous bloody acute diarrhea in animals is a characteristic symptom of an atypical form of rabies.

    If a large amount of mucus is present in the pet's feces, bloody substances are noticeable, very often this phenomenon develops against the background of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. In addition to diarrhea, dogs suffer from debilitating vomiting, intense thirst. In sick animals, the temperature rises sharply, activity decreases, and there is no appetite.

    Other causes of bloody mucous diarrhea in dogs include: feeding with low-quality ready-made feeds, raw meat products of dubious origin, poisoning with potent chemicals, poisons, and drugs. Vomiting, mucous bloody diarrhea is often manifested due to intestinal obstruction, the presence of foreign objects in the lumen of the colon that injure the walls.

    If mucus, bloody clots, blotches are present in the feces, often the reason lies in dysbacteriosis. The disease can develop due to prolonged use of medications, after antibiotic therapy.

    When to contact the veterinarian

    Noticing that their beloved pet is vilifying, there is blood in the feces, a large amount of mucus, many owners are interested in the question: “What to do in such a situation and how to help the dog at home?”.

    Reasons for a visit to the veterinary clinic are the following symptoms:

    • prolonged profuse diarrhea for more than two days;
    • fetid odor of stools;
    • vomiting, nausea;
    • loss of appetite, refusal of food, water;
    • increase in overall temperature by 1-2 degrees;
    • yellowness, anemic mucous;
    • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
    • inadequate response to external stimuli.

    Important! Do not self-medicate. Consult with a veterinarian, take the pet to the clinic. The veterinarian, after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, will establish the root cause of diarrhea, select the optimal treatment regimen for your pet.

    Therapeutic techniques

    Therapeutic therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause, normalizing the general condition of the animal.

    If the dog vilifies due to severe poisoning, detoxification therapy, sorbents, probiotics, enzymatic agents to normalize digestion processes (Enterosgel, Laktobifadol, festal) will be prescribed. To relieve intestinal spasms, no-shpu or its analogues are prescribed.

    Important! With bloody mucous diarrhea, animals are given droppers, which are necessary to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

    With diarrhea with mucus, blood, gastroprotectors are also prescribed, medicines that improve blood clotting - Vikasol, Etamzilat, calcium gluconate, Dicynon. Fthalazol, furazolidone, loperamide, enterofuril will help eliminate bloody mucous diarrhea. The drug, the dosage will be selected by the veterinarian.

    To relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can give the dog decoctions from medicinal plants. Chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort, blueberries help well. Decoctions based on medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

    With tumors, intussusceptions, ruptures of the intestinal walls, surgical intervention is performed.

    Feeding dogs with diarrhea

    Within 12-24 hours the dog is kept on starvation diet. It is mandatory to adjust the diet, prescribe a therapeutic diet or special feed if the pet is kept on ready-made food.

    Food in the first weeks, if bloody mucous diarrhea is caused by poisoning, should be nutritious, easily digestible. Give your pet low-fat cottage cheese, skim milk, natural yoghurts in small quantities.

    Offer your dog a small portion of rice cooked in chicken or beef broth. Divide your daily food intake into several meals. Feed your pet in small portions, 4-5 times a day. There should always be fresh drinking water in the bowl. As soon as the stool, the general condition of the dog returns to normal, you can transfer the animal to the usual type, the feeding regimen.

    Mucus on a dog may be seen in vomit or feces. Usually, such a symptom worries the owners of the animal, but do not panic ahead of time, because in many cases the appearance mucus in dog stool- this is normal. However, in any case, it is recommended to take the dog to the veterinarian to rule out the possibility of serious diseases.

    Causes of the symptom

    Presence in feces dogs slime i is normal, as it is a natural lubricant that allows feces to leave the animal's body without problems. But if there is too much mucus, then this may indicate that the dog is sick.

    If a feces in dog mucus accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a sign of one of the following diseases:

    • Colitis.

    This is an inflammation of the large intestine that causes the animal to suffer. The dog tries to go to the toilet often, but only mucus comes out. Many people usually take such a symptom for constipation, but this is not true, and laxatives will only harm the animal. In advanced cases of colitis white foam with mucus.

    • Dysbacteriosis.

    With prolonged treatment with antibiotics, severe stress, and for a number of other reasons, positive bacteria in the intestinal microflora become less. This gives rise to dog has diarrhea with mucus. Usually such a symptom is accompanied by lethargy, loss of appetite, apathetic state.

    • Helminthiasis.


    If you notice that dog vomiting mucus and the amount of mucus in the feces has increased, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian, since only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

    Please note that the selection slime puppy- this is a more dangerous symptom than in an adult animal, since the growing body cannot yet fight well with all diseases. If a puppy has mucus diarrhea, you need to urgently call our veterinary center and, while waiting for the doctor, give the baby plenty of water so as not to provoke dehydration.

    Diarrhea is a very common clinical problem in both humans and animals. Among the features of the manifestation of loose stools, a sudden onset and a short duration of this process are usually distinguished. As a rule, diarrhea can last no more than 3 weeks.

    If we talk about four-legged pets, then loose stools in a dog are often accompanied by watery or mucous secretions. Also, in some cases, blood may come out with feces.

    Sometimes dogs suffer from fairly long diarrhea that can last up to several months. In some situations, diarrhea appears constantly, and sometimes only 1 time in a few days. If the stomach upset was a single one, then there is nothing to worry about. However, in the case of persistent loose stools in a dog that has been going on for more than a day, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. The fact is that this phenomenon is not harmless at all.

    The consequences of diarrhea can be quite deplorable. Diarrhea can cause electrolyte disturbances, fluid loss, and dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the causes as soon as possible, and the treatment of loose stools in a dog should be started immediately. Why do animals suffer from this disease? What should I do if my pet has loose stools?

    Loose stools in a dog: causes

    As a rule, experts associate the appearance of diarrhea with malnutrition of the animal. This can happen if you change your pet's usual diet very drastically. For example, if he switched from ordinary food prepared by the owners to ready-made food.

    Also, diarrhea can begin due to the use of stale treats that the owner gave to his pet. In some cases, this is an allergic reaction to any of the components of dry or liquid food.

    Also, loose stools in a dog can begin due to an accidentally swallowed foreign object. In addition, experts note that diarrhea develops in four-legged pets when viral infections appear. For example, such symptoms are characteristic of hepatitis or distemper.

    In addition, similar symptoms develop with:

    • poisoning with chemicals or toxic substances;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • mechanical injuries of the intestine;
    • stomach cancer.

    Sometimes the causes of diarrhea can be determined by the color of the stool:

    • A yellow tint indicates that also in this case, blood or mucus impurities will be observed in diarrhea.
    • Black color is most often found in intestinal bleeding.
    • White stools indicate possible liver disease.
    • dangerous because it can be one of the symptoms of canine distemper.

    Manifestation of diarrhea

    To independently determine why a dog has loose stools, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

    • feces have changed their density, that is, they have become liquid;
    • there was a very sharp and unpleasant odor;
    • blood began to appear in the feces;
    • during defecation, the animal experiences severe pain.

    At the same time, pets often begin to behave very nervously. Dogs whine and stop eating in the usual way, because of which they lose weight very quickly. Diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting. In this case, the dog may cease to control the processes of defecation.

    Diarrhea with blood

    And if the pet has diarrhea with blood clots, then it is quite possible that the dog suffers from a rather serious illness. In this case, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian. Most often in such situations, poisoning is diagnosed.

    The fact is that dogs very often pick up a variety of small objects and foreign bodies on the street. If they enter the stomach of a pet, then this can cause irritation of the intestinal walls. Also, liquid may appear as a result of developing parvovirus enteritis. As a rule, this disease is observed in puppies aged 2 to 12 months. Unfortunately, this virus most often leads to the death of a young pet. Therefore, it is necessary to help him as soon as possible.

    In addition, blood in the feces may appear due to the fact that the dog is suffering from traumatic enterocolitis. In this case, there is a possibility that the pet ate some kind of sharp foreign body that could injure the walls of the stomach or intestines.

    acute form

    This type of diarrhea is quite common in veterinary practice. In this case, the animal begins to suffer from bouts of diarrhea suddenly. In this case, the symptoms pass quite quickly, but constantly repeat after a while. As a rule, such diarrhea does not last more than 3 weeks.

    So, the dog has loose stools - what to do if the disease occurs in an acute form? In this case, do not underestimate the danger of the situation. This disease requires appropriate treatment. If the animal suffers from acute diarrhea, then the feces will be watery, sometimes there are impurities of blood blotches in them. If the animal defecates quite often, this will lead to disruption of the internal organs.

    Chronic form

    In this case, we are talking about diarrhea, which can last more than 3 weeks. If a dog has loose stools with mucus, then this is the first sign of a chronic form of the disease. Most often, such consequences are caused by the fact that the pet consumes low-quality products or damage to the gastric mucosa has occurred. Sometimes this form of diarrhea can develop due to an infectious disease. Therefore, if a dog has loose stools with mucus, you should not turn a blind eye to this.

    Consequences of diarrhea

    The most dangerous thing for a dog is diarrhea with blood. If profuse bloody discharge is observed in the feces, then you should immediately call a specialist and not hold out until the last moment. It should be borne in mind that in rare cases, very terrible diseases, such as rabies, manifest themselves in this way.

    Also, if the animal suffers from acute diarrhea and at the same time there are strange discharges in the feces, then this may indicate damage to the internal organs by some object. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the animal may die from blood loss or disruption of the internal organs.

    Self-treatment of loose stools in a dog or ignoring problems can greatly affect the health of a pet, up to his death. Also, do not self-medicate if there is blood or mucus in the stool. However, in some cases, you can try to help your beloved pet yourself.

    The dog has loose stools: how to treat at home

    In a situation where diarrhea lasts less than 2 weeks and there is no blood or mucus in the feces, you can self-treat. To do this, follow these steps:

    • Stop feeding your pet. Such a diet should last 1-3 days.
    • Give him as much drinking boiled water as possible.
    • When the pet stops vomiting, and he will not run to the toilet so often, then you can prepare rice water for him.
    • In the subsequent diet, include only fermented milk products (give about 3 days).
    • Give him a solution of "Rehydron".
    • Prepare medicinal decoctions of plants such as sage, St. John's wort, blueberries or alder.

    It is very important to monitor the body temperature of the animal. If it rises, then in this case you need to stop self-medication and immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

    In the case of an infectious form of the disease, which led to the appearance of loose stools, antibiotic therapy is used. It is strictly forbidden to treat a pet with such strong drugs!

    If a pet suffers from traumatic intestinal injury, then surgery is likely to be required. A similar procedure is also impossible to perform at home.

    What to give your dog for diarrhea

    To try to help the animal cope with unpleasant symptoms, you should first prepare rice water. It also helps to fix the feces, so that the animal will not suffer from severe diarrhea. To prepare such a mixture, it is necessary to pour rice cereal into a small amount of water. After that, it is enough to put the mixture on the stove, collect all the thick, and give the broth to the dog.

    Features of the nutrition of the animal with diarrhea

    If the animal does not want to eat on its own, then you should not force feed it. However, when a pet refuses water, it is necessary to take any measures, but make him drink the liquid. To do this, you can purchase the largest syringe at the pharmacy, remove the needle, pour water into it and thus give the pet water.

    When the dog feels better, you can introduce low-fat foods, such as boiled eggs, chicken or fish, into the diet. However, during the first 3 days, the dog must be given rice water.


    To prevent the animal from getting sick again, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    If the owner notices even the slightest ailment in his pet, then you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.


    As already mentioned, rare breeds of dogs suffer from such ailments much more often. Therefore, you need to select a diet based on the characteristics of the animal.

    So that the husky does not suffer from such ailments, you need to feed her immediately after she came from a walk. At the same time, the amount of food directly depends on how old the pet is, as well as on the conditions in which it lives.

    For this breed, a huge amount of specialized dry food has been developed, which can be the main diet of the animal. You can also give him canned food and some types of natural food.


    It should be borne in mind that this breed of dog has a rather poor appetite. However, they have a very sensitive gastric system. Therefore, the composition of the feed is necessarily developed for these dogs on an individual basis. In no case should you overfeed Shar-Peis, as they can become less mobile, and because of this, pets will develop kidney disease.

    Diarrhea in these dogs very often begins due to an allergic reaction. It has to do with food sensitivities. Therefore, you should not change food too often, it is better to choose a specific menu with a specialist and stick to it. In addition, sharpei should never be given liquid food (for example, broth). You need to make sure that the food is thick and dry, so it is best to feed the animal with dry food.


    If we talk about the diet, then it is necessary to calculate the norm for each meal. The fact is that these animals spend a lot of energy and constantly want to eat, but in no case should you overfeed them. Labradors are recommended to be fed with natural meat, but vegetables and cereals should be given to them as little as possible. Also, pasta is contraindicated for these animals.

    Smaller representatives of rare breeds need increased attention. It is important to consider the reasons why a dog has loose stools. What to do in this situation, we told in the article.



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