Why did bone callus appear after rhinoplasty and how to get rid of it. Postoperative period of rhinoplasty of the nose: what is possible and what is not? After rhinoplasty, there was a small hump

Kira (34 years old, Nakhabino), 04/09/2018

Good afternoon Tell me, is it normal if I have a low temperature for several days after rhinoplasty? I was not warned about this in the hospital!

Hello! A slight increase in temperature after surgery is normal. Usually, in the first two or three days after the operation, the temperature is kept at 37-37.5 degrees. The temperature should drop on the third day after rhinoplasty. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the clinic where you were operated on.

Georgy (36 years old, Moscow), 03/21/2018

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to return the previous shape of the nose after a bone fracture? Thank you!

Hello! Yes, rhinoplasty allows you to return the nose to the desired shape, but plastic surgeons do not work with bones. Rhinoplasty only allows you to visually improve the shape of the nose, reduce it or change the shape of the nostrils. ENT surgery will help change the bone.

Vigen (32 years old, Moscow), 03/18/2018

How long does it take for the nose to heal after plastic surgery?

After surgery, bruising and swelling are observed, which may spread to the eye area or other parts of the face. Puffiness disappears in 7-10 days. At this time, physical activity, exercise is not recommended. Immediately after the operation, bleeding (from the nose) may occur, but these are only the consequences of soft tissue trauma. Bandages, as well as splints, are removed 14 days after the operation, during this period tampons are removed. Some patients feel severe pain when removing tampons, so pain medication is often used. Within a month, mucosal edema can be observed, so breathing will be difficult. After the swelling subsides, breathing will be restored. On average, the result after surgery can be assessed after 6 to 8 months. In rare cases, the result of the operation is evaluated after 12 months.

Alevtina (24 years old, Moscow), 09/15/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have a very small nose. Is there any way to increase it? Will it affect breathing?? Thanks for your reply Alevtina.

Hello Alevtina! Rhinoplasty can help solve your problem. We can enlarge the nose, keeping its shape or changing it according to your desire. Come to us for a consultation and we will discuss the expected results of the operation. Rhinoplasty will not disturb the respiratory processes, since the structure of the nasopharynx is taken into account during the operation.

Alexey (30 years old, Moscow), 09/13/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to correct the asymmetry of the face (due to a severely curved nose to the right) with rhinoplasty? Thanks for your reply, Alexey.

Hello Alexey! In practice, rhinoplasty will help you restore symmetry, but a face-to-face consultation is necessary for an accurate and clear answer to your question. You can make an appointment with us and we will conduct a full examination, discussing the likely outcome of rhinoplasty. It is also important to understand if the nose is crooked from birth or due to injury.

Love (35 years old, Moscow), 09/06/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My daughter has a very big nose, she suffers a lot because of it. Is it possible to have rhinoplasty at 15? How will the operation differ at this age? Thanks in advance, Love.

Hello Love! Unfortunately, rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18. The reason for this is the growing up and formation of the child's body. The formation of the skeleton is being completed, and this process must be fully completed before the moment when surgery occurs. Try to work with a psychologist, and then come for a consultation when your daughter reaches 18 years old.

Evgenia (25 years old, Moscow), 09/01/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to straighten a displaced septum and remove the hump at the same time? Problems arose after a broken nose. How long will rehabilitation take? Sincerely, Evgenia.

Hello Evgenia! Yes, it is possible to carry out both operations at the same time. Only in rare cases, two stages are assigned, which are held at intervals of one month. The postoperative period takes about two weeks, during which time bruises and swelling should go away. The hospital stay usually takes no more than three days.

Olga (22 years old, Moscow), 08/30/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I heard that the result of rhinoplasty can be affected by the condition of the skin. This is true? If I have problem skin, then I can not do rhinoplasty? Thank you in advance.

Hello! Yes, the condition of the skin is one of the factors that are taken into account before the operation. The fact is that poor skin condition can give unpredictable complications during the rehabilitation period. You can undergo treatment with a dermatologist, and then make an appointment with us for a consultation, where we will discuss the feasibility of the operation.

Hello Galina! There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In the first case, a barely noticeable mark may remain on the partition, but with proper care, they disappear after a while. In the second case, all manipulations are carried out without violating the integrity of the skin. What kind of rhinoplasty is appropriate in a particular case - only the plastic surgeon decides after familiarizing himself with the analyzes and examination.

When planning to change something in your appearance, you should pay attention not only to the desired result, but also to the possible difficulties of the recovery period, as well as ways to avoid them.

Bone callus after rhinoplasty- These are growths on the outer and inner sides of the skeleton of the nose, caused by damage during the operation. They appear if an osteotomy was performed, and in some cases require additional treatment, up to repeated surgical intervention. Why do such formations arise and what is their function? Can they pass on their own? Are there reliable methods of prevention? The site examines the information and shares its findings:

How and why is callus formed?

Normally, the healing of our nose after damage, incl. surgical, occurs in several stages:

  • Initially, a fibrocartilaginous skeleton grows on the injured area, the main task of which is to keep the broken bones in the most immobile position. This is the corn, and it appears both on the outside of the damaged area (periosteal) and on the inside (endosteal).
  • The formation will increase in size until it provides reliable fixation of bone fragments: the less mobile they are initially, the faster growth will stop. Outwardly, it may look like bumps and bumps on the bridge of the nose, a sudden hump, asymmetry of the sinuses, etc. - depending on which area there was a surgical injury. In uncomplicated cases, this stage takes 2-4 weeks.
  • The next step is the formation of the so-called. intermediary callus - it occurs between adjacent parts of damaged bones and gradually fuses them, grows into vessels, thereby ensuring complete healing. From the outside, this process is not visible, its course can only be judged by x-ray data.
  • After 6-8 weeks, the fusion ends, after which the periosteal and endosteal growths that have fulfilled their functions are significantly reduced, and in many cases they dissolve almost completely. There are no noticeable deformations of the nose, if any, during the healing period.

Thus, the appearance of callus after rhinoplasty is an absolutely normal phenomenon that contributes to the proper healing of damaged areas. With good fixation of the fragments, the entire process takes no more than 2 months, leaves no visible traces, and ends with the formation of full-fledged nasal structures that are resistant to external mechanical stress and fractures.

Problems arise if the periosteal growths grow too actively in size and compact. This can happen for one of the following reasons:

  • The cartilage and bones that were worked on are poorly fixed and are in constant motion - for example, due to an incorrectly applied bandage.
  • Violation of the surgeon's recommendations by the patient in the early postoperative period: any external influences on the nose, attempts to scratch it under the cast, severe sneezing, active physical activity, etc. lead to displacement of bone fragments that have just begun to grow together and enlargement of the callus.
  • Traumatic technique of the operation. The more severely the skeletal part of the nose was damaged and the less sparing methods of its reconstruction were used, the higher the chances for complicated healing.
  • Individual characteristics of the organism. In some people, the tendency to increased growth of cartilage and fibrous tissue is genetically laid down - similar to the tendency to form keloid scars.

Healing under such conditions takes much longer - up to six months or more, the periosteal formation often grows too large and massive, and does not decrease even after the complete fusion of all bone structures, leading to visible changes in the shape and contours of the nose.

Can it be removed and how to do it?

As a rule, patients begin to panic 1-2 months after the operation, when, firstly, the callus reaches its maximum size, and secondly, the main edema disappears and you can begin to examine your new nose in all details. But if the surgeon does not see any “crime” during routine examinations (for example, excessively active growth of bone tissue), then there is nothing to worry about. Any formations formed during the recovery period after a rhinoplasty may go away on their own - doctors recommend waiting 6 to 12 months before doing anything else.

However, sometimes already in the first weeks of rehabilitation it becomes obvious that the build-up is growing too intensively - an experienced doctor can easily diagnose such a situation at a face-to-face appointment. In this case, it is better not to delay the treatment in order to do without a second operation in the future. The first step is usually one of the following drugs:

  • Diprospan. It is used as a subcutaneous injection. The effectiveness of the agent is associated with its ability to reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions, thereby preventing the formation of a large periosteal growth.
  • Kenalog. It is administered intramuscularly. Belongs to the group of corticosteroids. The main active ingredient - triamcenolone acetonide, like Diprospan has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens the connective tissues.
  • Traumeel S. A homeopathic remedy, for this reason, is rarely used in surgical practice. It is used both externally in the form of an ointment and inside (tablets, drops). Efficiency has not been scientifically proven, but confirmed by clinical observations.

In addition, physiotherapy can be prescribed: ultrasonic treatment of the problem area with the use of steroid ointment, etc. - such procedures also reduce the severity of inflammation and the size of the emerging callus.

A follow-up examination is carried out ~1 year after the operation. By this time, any growths on the outside of the nose should be gone. If defects remain, further treatment tactics are selected based on their size and impact on the aesthetic result of the operation:

  • Small irregularities caused by the presence of a periosteal formation can be corrected with the help of fillers (for more details, see the article ""). Injections provide a temporary result and the procedure must be repeated every 6-8 months - as a rule, this option is used as a temporary option, pending surgery or if there are contraindications to it.
  • The main way to remove the old callus is a second operation, which consists in the mechanical removal of the growth. It is performed under general anesthesia, but is otherwise considered much easier and safer than primary rhinoplasty. The bone-cartilaginous skeleton of the nose is practically not injured, respectively, the risk of recurrence is reduced to zero.

Hypertrophy of fibrocartilaginous tissue after rhinoplasty can be prevented. Much depends on the surgeon - during the operation, he must make accurate, low-traumatic incisions, and then correctly combine and fix the bone fragments, providing them with complete immobility. Therefore, the choice of a specialist and his qualifications should be taken very responsibly.

Also, the patient must strictly observe the rules of the postoperative period. There are few of them, but they are all important:

  • in the first three days, observe bed rest;
  • in no case should you independently remove or loosen it, climb under it with your hands or foreign objects to scratch, etc.;
  • within 7-14 days after the operation, minimize physical and emotional activity: do not go to the gym, take a vacation from work;
  • in the first two weeks, clean your nose exclusively with cotton swabs or turundas - it is strictly forbidden to blow your nose;
  • do not expose your face to frequent and prolonged exposure to high temperatures: a bath, a beach, a sauna, a bathroom are banned for you for a month;
  • protect the area of ​​the postoperative wound from hypothermia;
  • if you wear glasses, replace them with contact lenses for at least 2-3 weeks.

Despite the popularity of rhinoplasty, its consequences can be very serious and may not appear immediately. Sometimes it takes several months, or even years, for the formation of a problem - and when a person forgets about the operation, he suddenly has breathing problems or his nose “moves out” to one side. Moreover, these complications occur most often, and in about 15% of cases, another operation is necessary to correct the nose.

There are practically no infections, and psychological disorders and complications that appear immediately after the operation share the second place. All of them require urgent intervention of a doctor of the appropriate profile.

In addition to severe complications, there are minor health problems that are resolved quickly and without harm to the patient. Approximately 30% of operations are accompanied by side effects.

Causes of complications

Causes of complications:

  • Choosing the wrong one doctor. Little experience in performing operations increases the possibility of surgeon error.
  • Ignoring requirements the attending physician. Non-compliance with the regimen, refusal to use medications, physical actions that can damage the nose - all this leads the patient to the need for another operation.
  • Individual intolerance drugs used during surgery.

Rhinoplasty is not only a quick operation and recovery over several months, it is a long preparatory period, during which you need to choose the desired shape and coordinate it with the doctor. This stage should not be skipped, as the result may not be what the patient expected.

If possible, you need to make an approximate model of the future nose - modern technology allows this.


Doctors distinguish several main types of problems that a patient who has undergone rhinoplasty may face:

  • Aesthetic. If there is no threat to the health and life of the patient, but, nevertheless, something went wrong, this refers to the aesthetic side of the issue. If the nose after rhinoplasty has become larger, or a hump remains after the operation, the problem is definitely aesthetic.
  • Functional. Sometimes they are confused with aesthetic because they do not look very attractive. But there is a difference: with functional problems, a person cannot breathe through his nose or experiences certain difficulties in identifying odors.
  • Infectious. Redness of varying severity, swelling. They are not so common, but may be accompanied by high fever and a serious condition of the patient.
  • Psychological. They usually appear in combination with other problems, but there are cases when the patient's poor emotional state is not caused by anything. People are afraid of how their new appearance will be perceived by others.
  • Specific. Associated with the individual characteristics of the patient's body and can not always be predicted.

If we talk about serious consequences that can harm the health of the patient, the following situations should be distinguished:

  • Damage cartilage or skin.
  • Damage bones.
  • Bleeding during or after rhinoplasty.

In the first case, after the operation, there is a high probability of scarring and adhesions, the elimination of which will require additional surgical intervention after the nose has healed. Secondly, the nose may move or deviate to the side, corrective surgery is usually required more often.

In the third, the problem is stopped with the help of medicines and cotton swabs.

Early consequences

Unsuccessful rhinoplasty can lead to the following consequences, which are noticeable within a few hours after the procedure.

Divergence of seams

It appears if the incision was made poorly, or if the surgeon used poor-quality material for suturing. Sometimes discrepancy happens spontaneously, regardless of the quality of the material.

The main thing is to tell the attending physician about the discomfort in time so that he can adjust the course of treatment and send him for a second operation. If you postpone it "for later", but there is a high probability of nose deformity or the appearance of unhealed scars.


Hematoma after rhinoplasty is absolutely normal. During the correction of the nose, incisions are made, in especially complex operations, bones are crushed - damage is inevitable.


Crusts in the nose after rhinoplasty are caused by blood entering the nasal cavity. This environment is favorable for the development of infection, so the doctor must be notified of difficulty breathing. He will prescribe treatment to clear the nose.

The skins cannot be torn off! They should peel off on their own.

Blue streaks or bruising

Blue stripes after rhinoplasty (especially after complex operations) are due to the ingress of a small amount of blood under the skin. If they do not grow and more bruises do not appear, you need to wait until they pass on their own, if the skin is very tender, the bruises can last for more than a month.

Runny nose

Runny nose does not appear so often and passes quite quickly. Under no circumstances should you be smacked.

The doctor will show you how to gently deal with the problem using tissues or cotton swabs. It is advisable to sneeze with your mouth open.


Any plastic surgery can lead to loss of sensation. During rhinoplasty, the tip of the nose or some part of it may become numb - it all depends on the area and the professionalism of the surgeon.

Often the sensitivity returns, you have to wait a few days. If numbness occurs a few months after the operation or does not go away even after discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor again.


A hump after rhinoplasty may appear due to callus, edema, or a doctor's mistake. In any case, the algorithm of actions is simple: if the swelling has subsided, but the hump remains, you need to wait until the doctor allows the operation again.

Difficulty breathing

To restore the functions of the nose, it is necessary to ask the surgeon to prescribe certain drugs or, if the swelling does not go away, to conduct an additional examination and operation.


If the disinfection of the room, instruments or the operated area was insufficient, infection can enter the sutures. To exclude this possibility, it is recommended to stay under the supervision of a doctor for at least the first few days. This will be helpful: at the first sign of infection, such as fever, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.


If during the operation the surgeon made a mistake or something unforeseen happened, because of which blood stopped flowing to part of the nose, tissue necrosis may develop. This leads to the need to remove the affected part of the nose. Such cases are very rare in practice.


If the temperature stays in the range of 36 to 38 degrees for the first few days, then everything is fine, but if it rises or lasts for several weeks, you should consider returning to the hospital and checking the stitches for infection.


Pain after rhinoplasty will appear almost immediately after surgery. This is fine. It is usually tolerable, but if you have a low pain threshold, you can negotiate with your doctor about prescribing appropriate medications. Self-medication is not recommended, especially if you are taking other medications due to other complications.

Consequences that are visible to the naked eye

Aesthetic complications:

  1. curvature back of the nose.
  2. Asymmetry. To understand, you need to divide the nose into two parts and see if the parts are the same. There may be different nostrils.
  3. coracoid deformity of the nose, this is when the nose is very full above the tip, and the tip itself is disproportionate to the rest of the nose and is often bent down.
  4. lowered/ excessively upturned tip of the nose.
  5. shortened tip nose.
  6. saddle deformation. The bridge of the nose sags approximately in the middle. With a pronounced deformation, the subsidence angle is significant, visible to the naked eye, and the tip of the nose protrudes noticeably. The skin in the place of deformation becomes mobile, without the application of effort it gathers into a fold.

Later consequences

Not all effects appear immediately, some may appear after a few months or a year.

Changing the shape of the nose

During the year of complete rehabilitation, the shape of the nose may change slightly - this is included in the risks of rhinoplasty. Nearly half of all reoperations are due to a coracoid deformity.

Too upturned or downturned tip of the nose can also be a reason for reoperation. The following table lists the main mistakes that can be made and their consequences:

Technical error (not too serious)Improper placement of graftsAsymmetry after rhinoplasty or irregularities visible to the naked eye
Deformations left unattendedDeformities of different severity levelsDeformation
Doctor's recommendations ignoredDeformity of the tip of the noseCoracoidal deformity or drooping tip of the nose
Hypercorrectionbridge of the noseNose too short, saddle deformity


Its appearance is due to improper fusion of tissues inside the nose. There is always such a risk, and if the doctor noticed a corn during the examination, measures must be taken before it grows and begins to cause pain to the patient. With the growth of callus, a hump may appear.

Bumps near the eyes

Specific reaction of the periosteum to damage due to surgery. The only way to fix it is to see a surgeon. It appears not earlier than after a few months.

Nasal congestion

After rhinoplasty, patients often complain that their nose is blocked. This is a common symptom. It goes away on its own after 3-5 days.

But experts note that an unpleasant sign can disturb for several months. This does not apply to deviations. The patient only needs medical supervision.

Edema after tip plasty

Edema after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose occurs as a result of trauma to the soft tissues. Allocate:

  1. Primary. Occurs during surgery.
  2. Secondary. Puffiness is less pronounced. seen after rhinoplasty.
  3. Residual. Outwardly almost invisible.

Puffiness completely disappears after a year, as soon as blood circulation in the tissues of the nose is restored. The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the volume of surgical intervention, the age of the patient, and the physiological characteristics of the body.


Loss of smell is also a common symptom after rhinoplasty. It goes away on its own as soon as the swelling subsides.

Nasal breathing and sense of smell are usually restored after 1-2 months.

But the most dangerous sign is the appearance of a putrid odor in the nose. This suggests that postoperative complications have begun and the patient needs medical attention.

The cause of the formation of purulent masses is the infection of the wound surface, the penetration of bacteria into the injured mucosa.

A putrid smell can be noticeable to others. To prevent the appearance of such a symptom, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist during the rehabilitation period.

Then you need a doctor's help

Bruises usually resolve very quickly, but some complications should be dealt with by a high-level specialist, preferably an experienced surgeon. His assistance should consist not only in laying cotton swabs and prescribing tablets, but also in a second consultation, and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

List of the main complications after which a second operation is inevitable:

  • Abscess.
  • Atrophy cartilage.
  • Impaired function breathing.
  • intracranial complications after rhinoplasty.
  • Perforation partitions.

How to reduce the chance of complications

In order not to get a deformation of the nose after rhinoplasty, you need to carefully consider everything to the smallest detail. You need to choose the best clinic and doctor.

An ugly scar after rhinoplasty may appear due to non-compliance with the basic recommendations of the doctor during the recovery period. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to write down all the appointments of the surgeon and not deviate from them.

Rhinoplasty (correction or restoration of the nose) is a kind of art.

Not only does the surgeon need to take into account all the relevant aesthetic proportions and unique features of the patient's face during the operation itself, the physician must also anticipate how the patient's face will change over the course of a lifetime so that he (or her) is not disappointed with the final result.

On average, the rhinoplasty procedure takes up to 2 hours and ends with a nasal tamponade using hemostatic sponges and a plaster splint. However, the operation is not always successful.

Immediate postoperative problems after rhinoplasty include:

  • airway obstruction: Post-extubation aspiration of blood can cause laryngospasm. This may require treatment with muscle relaxants and reintubation or positive pressure ventilation.
  • Anaphylaxis: may occur when using intraoperative antibiotic medication.
  • visual impairment: transient and permanent visual impairment sometimes occurs after local anesthesia and injection of vasoconstrictors.
  • The most obvious and slightly annoying symptom after rhinoplasty is nasal congestion. Occurs due to intranasal edema and persists during the first few postoperative weeks.
  • Persistent edema: initial swelling of the face and nose and periorbital bruising may persist for 10 days. A persistent swelling of the face and numbness in the tip of the nose can occur after external rhinoplasty and last for several months. This is not a problem if the patient has been warned in advance.

Some of the more common "deferred" problems after rhinoplasty include:

  1. A bump on the nose.

    A similar complication appears due to the specific reaction of the periosteum to damage during surgery. If a bump appears, you should re-contact a plastic surgeon.

  2. Deformation of the cartilage or soft tissues of the nose.

    Cartilage deformity occurs when too much cartilage remains after surgery. Soft tissue deformity occurs when a surgeon removes too much soft tissue from a patient with thick skin so that the skin cannot subsequently contract and stretch properly. Scars (scars) appear in the nose area.

  3. Deformation in the form of an inverted "V".

    Occurs due to improper fracture of the bones of the nose inwards or from inadequate support of the upper lateral cartilages when the hump of the nasal bridge has been removed. The center of the nose collapses and the nasal bones are visible to the naked eye as an inverted "V".

  4. Deformation in the form of an "open roof".

    After the surgeon has removed the hump of the nose, the free edges of the nasal bones can be felt (palpated) under the skin. The nose looks asymmetrical.

  5. Excessively short nose or saddle nose.

    Such a problem after nose correction occurs when the surgeon has removed too much of the support structure for the nose area. This can lead to a number of disorders associated with a change in the tip of the nose. If an overresection occurs in the anterior part of the nasal septum (the structure separating the two nasal cavities), the tip of the nose may "fall" backwards, resulting in an excessively shortened appearance, like a pig's snout. On the other hand, over-resection can also lead to the opposite problem, in which the tip of the nose droops away from the L-shaped support. This shape is called a "saddle" nose.

  6. Coracoid deformity.

    This term is used for fullness (of varying degrees of severity) above the tip of the nose, along with an unnatural ratio of the tip and the area above it. Causes of this condition can be: inadequate support for the tip of the nose, improper removal of the hump cartilage, or scarring above the tip of the nose.

  7. Wide tip and bulbous tip.

    If too much supporting cartilage for the tip of the nose is removed during surgery, it can collapse and look too wide or too bulging. Excessive scar tissue formation can also lead to these two aesthetic problems after rhinoplasty.

  8. External valve collapse.

    A narrow area in the internal structure of the nose is called the "nasal valve". For normal, unobstructed breathing, it is important that the entire area of ​​the valve remains open. While internal nasal valve problems can occur during nose bridge removal, external valve collapse occurs when too much tip cartilage is removed during a rhinoplasty procedure.

  9. Disproportion of the wings of the nose and columella.

    "Columella" is the name of the structure that separates the two nostrils. Ideally, this area should be only a few millimeters below the edge of the nostril. In all patients, the alae are either normal, drooping, or retracted, and the columella is either normal, retracted, or sagging. Many people have an imbalance between the alar and columella (for example, due to a very long caudal septum), but rhinoplasty, such as overresection of the caudal septum or resection of the nasal spine, can also cause it.

How to care for your nose after surgery

Bruising and swelling are a normal part of facial recovery after nose surgery. Their appearance and severity depends on a number of factors: whether the nasal bones were broken (osteotomy), the degree of soft tissue dissection, whether the operation was performed in an open or closed way, how old the patient is, what is the thickness of his skin, etc.

Obviously, not many of these factors are under the control of the patient.

However, the extent of bruising and the severity of swelling can be minimized by following these tips for caring for your nose after surgery:

  • Avoid any medications that thin the blood for at least 2 weeks before surgery and do not resume taking them until your doctor tells you to. These drugs include (but are not limited to): aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin.
  • Avoid multivitamins, herbal remedies, teas that contain high levels of vitamin E, ginseng, Ginko - these can lead to increased bleeding.
  • Avoid hot meals, teas and other liquids for 7 days after rhinoplasty.
  • If the patient has a bleeding tendency, a family history of a bleeding disorder, or a family member with a bleeding disorder, they should discuss this with your doctor before surgery.
  • In the supine position, you need to keep your head so that it is higher than the heart. This will help minimize swelling.
  • Avoiding smoking for three weeks after surgery can negate your efforts to care for your nose after surgery, as indulging in this habit impairs healing and causes swelling.
  • A visit to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun during the first few months after rhinoplasty can lead to redness or "spotting" of the skin of the nose. For the first few months after rhinoplasty, patients should wear sunscreen or a hat to prevent the aforementioned problems.
  • Some patients who had severe breathing problems (for example, due to polyps and adenoids) before surgery will notice improvement immediately after surgery, even if swelling is present. But sometimes swelling can make it difficult to sleep the first few nights after surgery. To avoid this, the doctor may prescribe a mild sleeping pill.
  • In the first weeks after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to use a humidifier, as well as to apply saline (salt water) to prevent the formation of crusts on the mucosa. But you can’t blow your nose until the doctor allows you to do it.
  • Women who have undergone rhinoplasty are not recommended to become pregnant for a year, until the nose is completely restored.

Within 2-3 weeks after surgery, about 70% of edema will disappear, and approximately 6 weeks after rhinoplasty, 80 to 85% of edema will disappear. The complete disappearance of edema can take from several weeks to 6 months.

After rhinoplasty, the nose will continue to grow, this is a natural process that cannot be prevented. However, the nose grows quite slowly and a second operation is unlikely to be required.

Let's discuss such a topic as rhinoplasty of the nose, plastic surgery on the nose.
Who did the rhinoplasty? What are your reviews after rhinoplasty? Do you like the shape of the nose?

I did rhinoplasty with osteotomy, three weeks have passed.
And after removing the plaster for a week or more, the nose was even and narrow, a week passed, and a small ball appeared in place of the former hump.
It is almost invisible to the eye (you should try to see it), but if you touch it in that place, you can very well feel the bump, hard, like a bone! Now what a day on the nerves!
What to do? Who had this?
Did it go away on its own, and you should not be afraid, or did you do a second nose correction?
P.S. I can’t go to the surgeon myself, because I had an operation on my nose in another city, then who should I contact in my city on this issue?
My nose after rhinoplasty photo.

And here are the comments received:

See a doctor in your hospital, a surgeon or an ENT.

Read on the website of plastic surgeons the results of the work of rhinoplasty.
Photos before and after rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty, results of work, general gallery.
The results of the before and after rhinoplasty (nose job) photos of all represented plastic surgeons.

Good nose. What is the price of rhinoplasty?

Yes, this is nonsense, if you can’t see it, don’t worry, I have these bumps and other nonsense after plastic surgery on the tip of my nose - in bulk, nothing is visible, our bones are not perfectly smooth, there are various irregularities. No re-correction of the nose is necessary.

I read that it is possible to form a bone callus. Go to your surgeon and have him check it out.

I also have a slight swelling at the site of the hump. It is too early to evaluate the result, the nose after rhinoplasty will change throughout the year. Contact your doctor by phone, he will advise.

This is the rest of the hump, a slight roughness of the bone, most likely, hammer it, I advise you from the bottom of my heart, as a last resort, then the doctor will remove it with a rasp for nose correction, this is nonsense.

The profile is very beautiful, send the photo to the surgeon, let him look.

Now many doctors consult online, write to them.

I had and passed, the same rhinoplasty was, it will resolve, I assure you.

Not a nose, but a dream. Still, plastic surgery works wonders.

I don’t see anything from the photo after rhinoplasty, everything is fine, but do you have a photo before the operation?

Do not be afraid of anything! To evaluate the final result after nose surgery, you need at least six months to pass! And my advice to you - do not touch your nose! Otherwise, you can really rub something to yourself there. In the meantime, just pay less attention to him!

I fell in love with this nose. Great nose, I wouldn't sweat it.

I agree, but what else to do when you read scary tales on the forums, while you are waiting for the day for which you have an appointment with the doctor.

Great nose. What's wrong? I do not see. What nose job are you talking about?

Too much rhinoplasty, and it's only three weeks, your nose just heals.

Most of all, I am afraid of the operation on the nose because of the calluses, because the operation was morally suffered just terribly. And to get rid of these corns only by repeated rhinoplasty, but in my life I will no longer agree to such an operation. I made an appointment with the doctor, the next appointment was only 3 days later, and during these 3 days I just got into my mind, I’ll go crazy soon, tomorrow I’m going to the doctor.
And how long did the bump on the tip of the nose resolve, did it bother you?

Nice nose, but I probably wouldn't risk going to a surgeon. The consequences can be very dire.

Yes, of course I did! I sobbed, I thought that there would be a nose job again. A month or two is the maximum.

Then you understand me, and plus, I started looking on the Internet for what it was and why it appeared on my nose. I read about calluses after plastic surgery on the nose, tumors, cracks. Someone had something growing there, it festered, it stank. As a result, I was upset, cried, ate the brains of all my relatives and already decided to write here, to ask if anyone had the same thing. Tomorrow I'm going to the ENT, we'll take an x-ray, if the callus, then the picture will be visible as a bone shell, which means that everything is very bad and worried for good reason. And if there is swelling or something else, then the picture will not be visible and the doctor may help with the question, but still not 100%. Hence the excitement, nerves and such a spontaneous decision to write about it on the forum.
But thank you very much, you give hope that everything will be fine.

I don't see the ball. Very beautiful nose shape after rhinoplasty, don't worry.
- Do not worry, after a week of tip rhinoplasty, I also ran to the ENT about the ball and the smell of pus. As a result, they looked at me like I was a fool and said, well, the threads in your nose dissolve, of course, there will be a smell, and the bump will resolve, just give it time.

Thank you very much, I also like the way they did it, much better than before the nose correction, but you can feel the bump on the back of the nose if you touch it. I am shy by nature and now I'm worried - is it a callus.

However, it is small and not worth the money. Nothing is even noticeable. Better buy yourself something.

Thank you very much, this is not for nothing that I wrote, thank you very much.

I hope your fears are in vain, the nose is wonderful.

Write later how it all ended. I am also planning a rhinoplasty.

Okay, I’ll write, but after the operation I decided that I wouldn’t advise anyone to do rhinoplasty of the nose, it’s just hell, especially with local anesthesia, when you feel like you are breaking a bone, sawing, moving, clamping, cutting and even touching bones.
If you have a good nose, I do not advise anyone at all, unless it is mandatory for health reasons.

Terrible! I was told at a consultation about general anesthesia for rhinoplasty. Feelings of course tin, I sympathize. But the nose is great!

Perfect nose. Drop all doubts and worries.

General anesthesia is more dangerous than local anesthesia. general anesthesia may not work, as a result, your body will not move, because. you will sleep like, but your brain may not fall asleep, and you will feel pain, but you will not be able to say anything, or move, most likely, you will just faint from pain. Therefore, under local anesthesia, I had an operation on my nose, 9 injections around, feeling like a dentist, only digging in my nose.

In Makhachkala, I made it for 50 thousand rubles, Gadzhi Radjabovich, I chose him, because. all the friends who did, did it.

Girls, who did it - do not tell me the contacts of doctors tested for rhinoplasty?

I'll do it myself in the summer. Very scary, of course. But I've already made up my mind, here you read this, horror.

In Makhachkala, a good surgeon, he made my friends, after removing the plaster, the nose was small and even, but after a couple of days a bump began to be felt and I panicked. What I didn't think of. Maybe some special light one needs to be done, I know that after removing the cast from the leg, the hands must be prescribed.

I don't like my nose for some reason.

Can't go? But you must have a connection with him anyway! Phone, skype, etc., don't talk nonsense. He's in charge of your operation and you can contact him.

And you do not touch, for sure, after rhinoplasty, time must pass.

That's what my mom says to me.

A year ago, I had an operation on my nose in Baku with a well-known doctor, the result - the consequences went, plus a small bump appeared instead of a hump, horror.

Is she visible? Or just touch? And when did you start noticing it?

Call your doctor or write - not an option?

Great nose. Do not bother. Rehabilitation will do its job, from 6 months. up to 1 year.

I just have a meeting with the surgeon next Friday, I'm very afraid, but full of determination.
You have a perfect nose, the bump will resolve.
Here my mother and her friend had a drooping of the tip of the nose after tip rhinoplasty - this is really scary.

Yes, it’s visible, I noticed it right away, as the plaster was removed, like that, plus a white spot appeared on my nose.

What a beautiful nose. I have and without rhinoplasty so, for some reason. But I'm still going to have surgery on my nose.

And with the surgeon to write off via viber or something else, what’s the point?

General anesthesia is safe for rhinoplasty, it is better than local anesthesia for such an operation, there is less discomfort for the patient.

Your nose is normal. Think more, rhinoplasty is not an easy thing.

Regret. And I did not have a bump after removing the plaster.

Do not read any horror stories on the Internet, but go to the doctor!

You can write to your surgeon and ask to contact you, send a photo after rhinoplasty and describe the problem. I would have done so, and would not have started jumping around all the doctors.

A friend had a nose job done under general anesthesia.
Apparently, something went wrong. She was like in a coma. I heard everything. Felt. I almost lost my mind, poor thing. It turns out that some anesthesia does not take 100%.
Therefore, there need to be some kind of tests or something like that to take. Don't know.
Basically, talk to your doctor. You never know.

Three months ago, my best friend had a breast, under the general one, of course, she says - she passed out, then she woke up with new boobs. I hope that's how it will be for me.

Here I am looking for a good surgeon who will correct the mistake of that doctor whose hands grow out of the priests.

I broke my nose as a child, because of this the septum is crooked and I want to correct the tip of the nose.
Now it's doubly scary.

If plastic surgery is calmer under general anesthesia, then so be it, for me both were terrible. At the local one, you lie for an hour with your eyes closed, breathe through your mouth and talk to the surgeon, but the only unpleasant thing is that you don’t feel pain, but you feel how the bones are being touched.
But if you are only going to change the tip of your nose, then you won’t feel anything at all, general anesthesia is a terrible stress for the body, and local anesthesia is the same as going to the dentist. I also had a deviated septum, because as a child I played football and got hit in the nose many times.

No, it’s a complicated rhinoplasty, I will also break the bone, because in profile there is a straight nose on one side, and a small hump on the other (I don’t know how it happened).
I want snub-nosed.

Did you play football? Cool, I can't even hit the ball a couple of times.

So good luck to you! I advise you to choose the surgeon in whom you will be 100 percent sure.

Thank you. At 100, you can’t be sure of anything at all, but he pieced my mother’s nose together after 3 unsuccessful plastic surgeries, I hope I’m so lucky. And good luck to you!

Where is the ball? What ball? Who has the ball? For the life of me, there are no balls in sight!!

Keloid scar on the nose after rhinoplasty, maybe read about it.

No matter how much I looked, I did not see the ball. Normal good nose.

Call the doctor. Or go to a surgeon in your city. What to write here?

You have a perfect nose, your nose that suits you and looks harmonious, why touch your beautiful nose?

Normal nose in the photo. No nose correction is needed anymore.

Here they will do plastic surgery, and then suffer. More natural, girls!!

Have you been told that you might have an implant?
I know people when they did a nose job and touched the bone, then an implant of the type for "evenness" was inserted into this place.
For some, he walked with a shaking, and for someone he “slid down”.

Her bump is normal, the callus is bone or not finished, implants are usually placed during a secondary operation on the nose, during the primary - this must be discussed separately.

It’s just that I also did rhinoplasty, but they didn’t touch the bone.
Here in the clinic I saw enough of these, the bone is, of course, dangerous.

Am I the only one who doesn't see a ball?

Did you try to find the name of the clinic on the Internet and call, consult?

A beautiful nose, just beautiful, I don’t see the ball to be honest.

It is expensive?? What is the price of rhinoplasty?

It will resolve itself, Orbakaite treated the boil for a long time after plastic surgery, she wore glasses on purpose, but you can’t see anything.

Did you operate in the basement? What prevents you from consulting with your surgeon by phone, skype, etc.

The nose after the operation takes another year to form, but still call your doctor and ask.

Sorry, and what are you going to operate on? Seriously, I don't understand. People want to get the same nose, they go to surgeons, but you don’t like something about it, there is no hump, the nostrils are small, the nose is even!

I, like any girl, choose the right, successful angle, in fact, the septum is curved, the nose itself is broken, there is a small hump, no, the nose is normal, normal, but it is too big and rough for my face.

Perhaps this is not tactful, and I do not dissuade you, do not think, your life and, of course, make the decision yourself. But I note that it is small for your face, not too big in any case.
The most difficult angle is the full face!
In the bulk, people take pictures in profile or half-turn, and you pose straight and look great.
No, it's up to you, of course, here, personally, I don't like big noses!
They really age!
Everything is so neat and beautiful, I don't know.
Still, we see ourselves differently, probably, people from the outside see us completely differently.

As requested, I am writing the result of my "self-discipline".
I went to the ENT, she told me that it was swelling and you shouldn’t worry, it was formed because the skin was “torn off” from the bone, it would pass in a month or two.

What do you think about rhinoplasty?



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