Swaddling mom after childbirth. Recovery after childbirth: swaddling a woman in labor

Article from the magazine "Malyshok" (09.11)

The growing popularity among young mothers is becoming such a procedure for postpartum recovery as swaddling. Many years of practice have proven that this difficult procedure can not only help the work of internal organs, narrow the pelvis and waist, but also set up a woman in labor for high-quality motherhood. To find out if this is true, we talked with postpartum recovery specialist Victoria Ripp.

DIs swaddling really necessary? If so, to whom in the first place?

No, swaddling is not necessary. It is done only for those who experience any difficulties during the postpartum recovery period. Since swaddling is a holistic procedure that affects many aspects of a woman's life after childbirth, it can accordingly help in various situations. For example, when feeling unwell in general- both bodily and emotional: when a woman who has given birth feels out of place, feels anxiety, powerlessness, despondency, upon arrival from the maternity hospital she cannot get into a rut for a long time, gets very tired, cannot cope with the load.

But euphoria is a bad symptom. Women who are in euphoria, just after returning from the hospital, call friends and relatives, serve guests, clean, cook, walk with the child ... But after two or three weeks they fall down from fatigue and then recover very long and hard. This is a very common behavior provoked by hormonal levels and social stereotypes. It seems to a young mother that she can and should (to everyone!) Do the same as before, plus take care of the baby, not sleep at night, but she does not feel her real state at all - it is impossible to calculate her strength ...

A striking example from practice is Katya. She swaddled in the third week after giving birth, and all this time, starting from the second day after returning home, she received guests, later she went to visit herself - far away, in public transport. During the day she was very active, but at night she did not sleep, sobbing, experiencing a lot of fears and suffering from a frightening feeling of emptiness in her stomach and from the fact that she did not understand at all, did not feel the child and did not know what to do with him. But none of her relatives knew this, because during the day she was always in a good mood. Katya wanted to return on the first day after giving birth to start all over again.

This happens to many women. It may not look so bright, but certain manifestations of depression and “escape from oneself” are very common. Young mothers sometimes do not realize their condition or are afraid to admit it to themselves and others. As a result, it can become chronic.

Swaddling also helps those women who have had difficult childbirth or caesarean section. Difficult childbirth is a huge stress, and a woman needs to recuperate. The body remembers a caesarean section as a suppression of the most important program: for nine months, the body changes, develops in a certain direction and waits for a climax, but it does not occur. And swaddling at least a little, but compensates, completes this process.

Practice shows that swaddling, solving the main problem of speedy recovery, also helps with specific problems: a very large stomach, prolapse of organs, displacement of the pelvis, poorly contracting uterus, constipation, hemorrhoids, difficulty urinating, enlarged foot. As well as pain in the perineum, muscles, joints of the pelvis, lower back, between the shoulder blades. Indications for swaddling are symptoms such as insomnia, weakness, lethargy, apathy, swelling, too strong appetite or its absence.

Once I swaddled Anya. Four months have passed since the birth. And all this time she suffered from a strong noise in her ear - such that in order to fall asleep, she had to settle down for a long time, pressing her hand or pillow to her ear. When we got to the tug of the pelvis, the noise immediately decreased significantly, and after a day it completely subsided.

It is also very pleasant when you manage to correct the pelvis, because during pregnancy the load on the joints increases, the muscles work differently, the center of gravity changes, as a result of which the pelvis often shifts. Recently, I swaddled my friend, who had very strong pains in her whole body for two weeks, she stopped feeling one hand, she could not sleep at all. After swaddling, she measured the volume of the hips, and it turned out that he had decreased by eleven centimeters: the pelvis changed shape, “closed”. By the way, swaddling in no case implies a cosmetic reduction in the volume of the hips or waist, and even more so - weight loss! This can only be a pleasant "side effect", but not the goal.

What can a woman expect after the swaddling procedure?

Of course, the disappearance of those complaints that are at the time of swaddling. For example, the issue of stagnation of secretions is perfectly solved (if the uterus contracts poorly).

As a result of the procedure, the center of gravity returns to the “pre-pregnancy” state. The back is straightened, the abdominal muscles are tightened and the diastasis (divergence) of the rectus abdominis muscles decreases.

It is important that swaddling serves as a prevention of problems that may appear in the future due to the possible omission and displacement of organs. By the way, it is very important to understand that the stomach should have a taut shape due to properly located and well-functioning organs, when their natural rhythm and blood supply are not disturbed, and not due to pumped up abdominal muscles, since active exercises can just cause displacement of organs.

Swaddling - is it a new technology or a tradition?

Both. The tugging part of swaddling is a Mexican folk procedure. The rest is years of experience.

The fact is that pulling and soft warming up is an undifferentiated technique, that is, a technique that can be applied in any situation and to any person. From experience, we can say that it relieves muscle and joint pain, relieves physical and emotional stress, gives the woman in labor a feeling of relaxation and care.

How is the swaddling procedure?

Sitting on either side of the woman, we tighten her body alternately in eight places. It seems to many that something like an immobile mummy, but in fact, this is not so. It's just that a woman lies under a warm blanket, and we pull her head with a sling scarf, then her shoulders, ribs, pelvis ... The woman herself regulates the force of contraction, based on her feelings. This is usually a very pleasant procedure, as there is a "closing" of the body after childbirth.

Pulling is the final stage, after which the woman lies, eats and rests.

If the babies require a lot of attention, then swaddling can take up to eight hours, because we are not in a hurry and do everything at a pace that is convenient for the family. But the necessary stages of the procedure still usually take at least six hours. It is worth considering that after the procedure, you should not get up for at least four hours.

How to do without swaddling if it is not available?

Some women can easily do without the swaddling procedure - everything will return to normal by itself. The main thing is to eat well, try to rest, do not lift weights and do not pump the press. Others will have a harder time: they can not do without gymnastics. The first three months will be enough simple exercises at home. After that, it is best to give preference to Pilates, body flex, belly dancing, swimming (avoid strength exercises on simulators!). It is desirable that the instructor understands the features of the postpartum period. Massage (courses) is also useful, and ideally, a consultation with a competent osteopath.

Perfectly helps to recover after childbirth visiting the bath.

It is important to remember that in the postpartum period, the body is more vulnerable than ever. Problems that appeared during this period may remain for a long time. Therefore, you need to try to relax more, take care of yourself and ask loved ones for support and help.

The exciting nine months are behind us, the long-awaited meeting with the newborn has finally taken place. Carrying a precious baby, the expectant mother was detached from the outside world, listening to inner feelings, and devoted most of her time to taking care of herself. Now you need to quickly rebuild, turning your attention to the baby. Caring for children in the first year of life requires a lot of effort, and therefore the mother needs to recover as quickly as possible.

The birth is over, and now the woman needs to take care of her health

Our contemporaries know much more about pregnancy and child care than about postpartum recovery. It is not only about physical recovery, but also psychological. A new mother may experience a wide range of negative feelings, such as fear, guilt before the child, self-doubt, anxiety.

Some mothers, given the characteristics of the body and psyche, may require more serious measures than gymnastics and wearing a bandage. How did our ancestors act, who could not buy a corset and a gym membership? Moreover, in ancient times there was no such thing as maternity leave. Having given birth to a child, the mother soon had to return to work. The life of village women was very difficult, moreover, most often, they had a lot of children. Postpartum swaddling helped our great-great-grandmothers recover.

As you know, everything new is a well-forgotten old. At present, postpartum swaddling has become widespread in the world, the techniques of which have come down to us from time immemorial. Swaddling methods vary depending on national traditions and the area of ​​​​residence.

Types of swaddling after childbirth

During swaddling, a woman was wrapped in a rebozo - a special cloth.

Consider three types of swaddling that are used in Russia today:

  • Mexican technique or rebozo. It is currently the world's most popular method of swaddling a woman after childbirth. How did this happen in Mexico in ancient times? A week after the birth of the child, a procedure was carried out, which consisted of warming up the body of the woman in labor in temazcal, light massage and swaddling rebozo. Temazcal is a national Mexican bath, literally translated means "House of Hot Stones". The bath was traditionally used to perform a ritual of physical and spiritual cleansing. Rebozo is a traditional Mexican self-woven sling that has long been used by women not only to carry babies and as a piece of clothing, but also to recover from childbirth (more in the article:). Currently, an analogue of temazcal is often a bath with the addition of herbs. As for the rebozo, you can buy it or sew it yourself.
  • Modern method of postpartum swaddling of a woman. Midwife Alena Lebedeva has developed a postpartum swaddling method based on Mexican swaddling traditions. Having studied the rebozo method, the midwife adapted his approach to Russian women in labor. Modern swaddling helps to avoid many complications: lochiometers, inflammation of the endometrium, divergence of the pubic symphysis, stagnation of milk in the chest, hemorrhoids and constipation, difficulty urinating, lower back pain. This procedure is carried out a week after natural birth and two weeks after a caesarean section (more in the article:). The event consists of two parts. First, a bath and herbal teas are used to achieve a steaming and softening effect. Further, each of the eight zones of the mother's body - the head, shoulders, ribs, pelvis, hips, calves, feet - is pulled for 8 minutes. The strength of the contraction is determined by the woman.
  • Slavic method of swaddling after childbirth. This method is very similar to the rebozo technique. Post-natal intercourse is distinguished by a special religious meaning and a number of technical points.

Before swaddling the rebozo, the woman was warmed up in a special stone bath called temazcal.

Old Slavic traditions of obedience

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In ancient times, women gave birth at home, or, if the family was very large, they went to the midwife. Pregnancy and childbirth have always been carefully hidden from prying eyes. The midwife was always invited secretly.

Povivanie is interesting with many ritual actions, ritual incantations and chants, unity with the forces of nature, especially with Mother Earth. This procedure is aimed at gathering a woman after childbirth, returning her body and psyche to its previous state, freeing the mind. For some women, this is the birth of themselves as mothers or a way to complete previous births in order to become ready to become a mother again.

After childbirth, mother and child were placed in a bathhouse, where their midwife "ruled and got along." The midwife corrected the shape of the head, arms and legs for the newborn, and for the mother - the stomach, returning the uterus to its place, straightening the navel.

The weaving had a tonic effect on the woman's body, helped to restore the expended energy again, as well as restore harmony and elasticity. For several days or even weeks, the midwife lived with the woman, looked after her, and at the same time cared for the child.

Who is this midwife?

We've all heard the word "midwife" before. There are other names - "midwife", "navel cutter", "steam room". Most of us believe that this was the name of the grandmother who took birth. This, in general, is true, however, the midwife had to not only take birth, but also take care of the mother and child.

The midwife took birth, performed rituals, and then helped the woman in labor

In addition to the physical, there was a spiritual component in the rite of obedience. Traditionally, it was believed that the first time a woman and a child are especially vulnerable. Until now, our grandmothers advise not to show the newborn to strangers until 40 days have passed in order to avoid the influence of negative energy. That is why not only experience was important, but also the moral and ethical image of the midwife. She had to lead a decent life. The main qualities were such as responsibility and delicacy. Only such a person could be trusted with the life of mother and child, as well as family secrets. After the adoption of childbirth, the midwife became a very close person in the family and was present at all family celebrations.

A midwife is a believing woman who has her own, healthy and beautiful children. Our ancestors firmly believed that the qualities of a midwife's children can be transferred to a newborn, whom she helps to be born. The midwife had to be a widow or a married woman who had passed her childbearing age. In the villages, she enjoyed special honor and respect. The midwife's knowledge was considered secret. People believed that by sharing sacred knowledge, they could be lost. The midwives accumulated and passed on invaluable experience from generation to generation. The grandmother carefully chose one of her daughters or relatives. From adolescence, the girl helped the midwife take delivery.

Technique "7 locks"

The midwife steamed the woman in labor, closed the birth using the “7 locks” technique. Its essence is as follows: first, a woman is helped to relax and warm up with the help of a bath, herbal and oil massage, teas with the addition of herbs. Also important is such an element as crying - a woman must cry during the procedure, talk about her experiences during childbirth. It helps to normalize the hormonal background.

Bath with massage, herbal tea and swaddling restore strength to a woman after childbirth

After the bath, the woman is placed on a hard surface, 7 zones are pulled - 7 parts of the body (head, shoulders, abdomen, pelvis, hips, shins and feet). After waving, the puerperal is warmly covered and allowed to sleep.

Immediately after childbirth, a woman is often in euphoria due to endorphins that are released in the body. After five days, the hormones disappear, and the woman may suddenly feel pain, fatigue, anxiety, and discomfort. Warmth, relaxation, care of others will help to improve the psycho-emotional state of the mother.

The most important step in swaddling is the return of the uterus to its place. Only thanks to active physical exercises, the uterus after childbirth will be able to take the desired position. Visceral (old Slavic) massage will help put the uterus in place while the ligaments, which are under the action of the hormone relaxin, are still too elastic. After a woman sweats in the bath, the ligaments will lose their elasticity. Thanks to this, a lasting effect of therapeutic effects will be ensured.

Swaddling takes place in the bathhouse or at home and takes from four to six hours. At this time, the newborn can be next to the mother, under the supervision of a loved one.

The procedure is carried out either by two midwives, or by a midwife with an assistant. At the end, hands are washed. This is an old Slavic rite of farewell for a woman in labor and a midwife, during which women wash each other's hands, kiss, the midwife receives gifts.

After all the procedures performed, the woman feels an extraordinary euphoria.

The main tasks of swaddling a woman in labor

In addition to the functions of visceral massage and prevention of postpartum depression that we have already considered, swaddling solves the following tasks:

  • Change in motor stereotypes. In the process of gestation, the posture, gait and movements of a woman change. If during pregnancy the center of gravity changes gradually, then after childbirth it is so abrupt that the brain does not have time to rebuild. The problem can be solved with the help of deep relaxation. It is achieved by creating a favorable psychological environment, slowly warming up the body and subsequent compression massage.
  • Body rejuvenation. Warming up, massage and tugging of the body speed up the metabolism, stimulate blood formation.
  • Body cleansing. By accelerating the outflow of lymph, massage helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • Figure restoration. With the help of swaddling after childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, swelling disappears, body volume decreases (see also:).
  • Improved peristalsis. After childbirth, a woman often has difficulty going to the toilet. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the intestines are in a reduced tone. Heat, elimination of displacement of internal organs and herbal teas will help get rid of this problem.
  • Stimulation of blood microcirculation. Swaddling helps to improve the functions of small vessels, which gives rest to the heart.
  • Ventilation of the lungs. During the procedure, the chest is alternately tightened in two places, which makes it possible to effectively use the breath of the lower, and then the upper parts of it. This makes it possible to properly ventilate the respiratory system.
  • Correct positioning of the pelvic bones. During childbirth, the pelvic bones move. Subsequently, many mothers suffer from pain in the joints of the pelvis. There may be a divergence of the pubic joint. Swaddling helps to get rid of these problems, as well as swelling of the vagina and postpartum hemorrhoids.
  • Prevention of stagnation of milk in the breast. Proper positioning of the internal organs during swaddling will help a woman avoid pre-mastitis conditions.

Postnatal swaddling (swaddle) with the closure of childbirth - this is what I know how to do and love it very much. With each twist, you yourself become stronger and wiser. And now about what it is and for those who have never heard of it.

The topic for the present time is interesting and relevant, since very few women know about these procedures and even fewer use them. Many people ask: “How is it right: swaddling or swaddling? Answer: There are several ways. The terms are not so important. I will describe those that I know, their features and differences.

Postnatal swaddling (swaddling) is a set of measures to restore a woman after childbirth.
I know that in Russia they are now actively practicing three types of postpartum recovery for women:
- Slavic rite of post-natal pogivaniya (I own it),
- postpartum swaddling
- Mexican rebozo technique.
In general, all small nations have postpartum recovery techniques, they have survived to this day and have their own characteristics depending on nationality and place of residence.

modern swaddling

Postpartum swaddling was invented by midwife Alena Lebedeva. This is a more medical procedure, incorporating some techniques of osteopathy and visceral massage, as well as parts of the Mexican tradition of postpartum recovery.

mexican technique

In Mexico, the traditions of postpartum recovery of women are very well preserved, and now many doulas and midwives go to this warm country to the famous midwives Andheline Martinez Miranda and Naoli Vinaver.

Angelina is a fourth-generation Mexican midwife who has delivered deliveries for over 40 years, combining the wisdom of folk tradition and modern knowledge of clinical obstetrics.
Rebozo (long self-woven stole) in Mexico is used at all stages of pregnancy and after childbirth. They swaddle either in a bath or in a temazcal. Temascal is a traditional Mexican stone bath. Literally translated, this is the "house of hot stones."
In this video, Mexican midwives perform the closing of labor. A powerful technique that, with regards to sensations, emotions and experiences, goes through everyone in extremely different ways.

postnatal intercourse

Slavic method of postpartum interweaving, which I practice, as a student of the famous midwife Yulia Shelepina, is a bit similar to the Mexican tradition, but differs from the previous ones in the meaningful spiritual component and in some moments of implementation. The origins of this method of postpartum recovery of women have a Russian northern tradition.
Julia ShelepinA– ethnographer, psychologist, midwife, natural childbirth instructor (over 17 years of experience).

weaving- this is a thoughtful physiological effect on the woman in labor that has come down to us from the ancestors with the aim of her speedy recovery. It is designed to return the spent energy to a woman and help the body regain its tone, and the body become elastic and slender.

Everything is interesting in povinka: ritual songs, sacred numbers, and connection with all the elements of nature, and especially Mother Earth.

postnatal intercourse inherently collects a woman after childbirth - the body, psyche, emotions, frees the mind. This is also another way to rule a woman's life related to motherhood. For some, this is a new birth of oneself as a mother and a readiness to become a mother again, since the end of the previous birth has been put.

Traditions of postpartum recovery of a woman

At the word midwife many immediately understand that this is some kind of elderly woman, more often a grandmother, who takes birth in the village. Indeed so, however, the main purpose of the work of the midwife was not only to take delivery, but also in the subsequent care of the woman in labor and the newborn child. After the birth, the midwife "ruled and got along" with the woman in labor and the newborn. And she did it all in the bath. Let us now omit all the activities that the midwife carried out with the baby and will only touch on the care of the woman in labor.
In the bath, the midwife ruled the woman in labor, namely:
- put in place the stomach,
- straightened the navel,
- corrected the spool (womb), which is displaced during childbirth,
- soared
- closed childbirth.
The activity of a midwife has always had not only a physiological, but also a spiritual aspect.

is a believer, with high moral and ethical principles of life,
- a delicate person who can be trusted with the most intimate, knowing that he will keep all family secrets.
- a person who accurately and steadily fulfills his duties, aware of the responsibility and consequences of his deed.

In many cultures, it is believed that after childbirth, a woman is very open and you need to carefully monitor what kind of people and what energies can be allowed to her. Therefore, the first 40 days are advised to communicate less with strangers and show the child. By tradition, it was during this period that all the main restorative procedures after childbirth took place, and by the 40th day after childbirth, they were closed.

Postnatal swaddling (swaddle) with closure of labor immediately after childbirth (9, 40 days) helps a woman to remove her worries and move from the state of a pregnant woman to a new state of motherhood. Indeed, after the birth of a child, a woman's task changes - during pregnancy she bore a child, and her attention was directed inward, and she took care of herself, and through herself - about the child. And after the birth, the child became separate from her, with her own needs, and she needs to reorganize, redirect her attention outside - to the child, restructure the lifestyle of her family. When closing the birth, the technique of "7 locks" is used.

The traditional way of recovering a woman in labor: the woman was first helped to relax, warm up from the inside and out, herbal massage, the crying of the woman in labor, oil massage, twisting, then closing the birth (the body was pulled in certain places to release tension that could accumulate there during pregnancy and childbirth). Tension is various grievances, experiences associated with pregnancy and childbirth, something unsaid or unspoken. It takes a lot of effort to experience these situations again and again.

The weaving procedure takes place mainly in the bath (possible option at home) and takes 4-6 hours. During this time, the baby can be next to his mother, but under the supervision of another woman (grandmother, girlfriend). Two midwives or a midwife and an assistant give birth to a woman in labor. At the end of the process, a ritual of washing hands is performed between the midwife and the woman.

Postpartum interlining later (1 - 40 years after childbirth) gives a woman the opportunity to live longer and let go of childbirth, and move into a new state - HARMONIOUS and integral, at all levels: physical body, subtle body, psyche, emotions, mind.

Experience shows that there are women who, having closed one of their many births, immediately want to come and close the next ones. They seem to miss these sensations, and strive to become whole and harmonious faster. But, nevertheless, it is worth waiting a little, and allowing the new to become constant and unchanged in your life.

I'm glad to be useful to everyone who is interested postnatal care and closing of childbirth in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, according to the agreement, I leave for another city. I help women with the study and closing of perinatal losses. Practicing frets for conception. More and more convinced that this is extremely useful and necessary for all women.

My website on bodily and energy techniques in the Russian tradition http://slavpovivanie.ru

I will answer any questions on the links indicated in the section

Postpartum swaddling: what are they and why September 19th, 2012

"Our goal is not to heal, but to help the body recover itself."

Such a magical pendel. This is how we formulated the essence of our postnatal swaddling with Lena Levillen.
I kept wondering what people can learn from Alena Lebedeva for about a year? - in the context of teaching postpartum swaddling. After all, Naoli Vinaver showed us the traditional way of swaddling a woman for several hours. Back in Minsk, Anya Vokina and I were just discussing this moment. It is close to us that such things as postpartum recovery should be publicly available, and not secrets with seven seals. They cannot be complicated in their meaning, because before it was hardly the case that only one single woman could swaddle a woman after childbirth and it was necessary to go for many miles to fetch her. No, it was passed from woman to woman. Yes, and Naoli talked about it as something taken for granted, traditional.
With Anya, we are very close in our approach to swaddling as a transition. As a means to "close" childbirth, to sum up.
even without any metaschistics that childbirth is the gate to that world that we go through to bring the child here, and there is a need to close these gates somehow also ritually. Even if without it.
Pregnancy, childbirth - this is such a special period in our lives, so hormonal, changing the state of consciousness. The birth of a new person, the appearance of another family member - this is such a transformation inside a woman, inside a family, that there may be a completely natural need to formulate this experience, this experience somehow to formulate, realize, put together. So that it does not lie as a "dead weight" on the subcortex of consciousness, but be tangible, active for use by experience. It was clear.

Then I myself went through swaddling with a student of Alena - Vika. And on the same day, all my doubts and bewilderment dissipated.
Alena Lebedeva also once learned swaddling from Naoli, but she went further, expanding this action to a real medical procedure, very scientific, with osteopathic techniques that have a very strong effect on the body. What I was missing was the psychological component of the process. For me - so for her sake, in fact, everything is started.
And is it worth it for a woman’s body to live after giving birth another such strong stress, although it seems to be for the good? So strong that you can't walk after it?
but this is my own.
And I wanted to give mostly objective information.

I realized that there are two types of postpartum swaddling now in Russian realities :) To put it bluntly.
And for you, women who want to use this service, it seems to me important to understand what you want from it, what are your goals, and what can it give you? And depending on this - choose.

Swaddling by Alena Lebedeva and her students is a patented method of postpartum recovery for a woman. You can read more about it, I give a link at the bottom of the post. This is a many-hour serious _medical_ procedure, with the correction of the bones of the pelvis, uterus, and internal organs. Kind of a spa treatment, yes. And all this has a very serious impact (I will not say intervention, this is how my natural approach to the body will break through - and what the hell does he need it unnecessarily?) on the body.
There is no psychological component in it.
The parts there are approximately the same - editing the body, organs, pelvis, uterus. Bath - again with the removal of muscle clamps. Sweating. Contraction by points ("swaddling").

Swaddling students Naoli Vinaver. The one I do, the midwives at the Garden Center (and I pair with them sometimes). midwives from Magic Baby.
This is a restorative procedure, harmonizing, launching the body and soul to self-healing.
Parts of it - lymphatic drainage massage, bath, sweating, tightening on seven points ("swaddling")
Only a bath - originally used as an analogue of the Mexican temazcal, as an analogue of our Russian bath. For the body, it has a steaming effect, softening - for subsequent tightening. For the soul, this is a very important moment and the opportunity to make the transition for a woman - from pregnancy to the mother of this child.
Temazcal - in general, this is an analogue of our bath, only in tradition they went there not only to clean the body, but also to clean the soul. Putting on it - a separate task. It also consisted of two parts - mourning and searching for a resource. Or, in other words, tears of futility, experiencing "negative" feelings, and gratitude for the situation, learning from it, gifts, as I like to say.
A woman after childbirth went in with the task of surviving, letting go of childbirth. And also - with the living of what was in them not as we would like, traumatic, sick. In them or in pregnancy or in the first days after childbirth. Very often there accumulates a lot of resentment and guilt. And then, when the glass is empty)), it can be filled with light and joy, gratitude. Remember, I wrote? (hmm .. or didn’t write, but just thought to write ... That childbirth is a conversation of her Life with her, and each childbirth brings some kind of precious Gift to her, allegorically, eventfully. And it’s impossible not to get it But much cooler, of course, not only intuitively touch it, but also see, feel it consciously - through the mind.
And so the bath in our swaddling - more plays a psychological role. The very atmosphere - "mother" bathes, waters, darkness and candles - knocks out of the social, of everyday life. Often it is in the same place that a woman gave birth, but this is not necessary for the effect.
After tightening - exactly the same as Alena's. Source because one :)
The whole procedure is for relaxation, recovery, closing. She is soft. And for me, this means - environmentally friendly, safe, ethical in relation to the body, which in 9 months and 1 day has done a titanic work, and to the soul - which, after childbirth, is itself newborn and fragile.

A! another difference! We drink different drinks. In Alen's swaddling - it's lemon, honey and a bunch of warming spices. In ours - chocolate (for me - so magical drink) also with warming spices. The essence is the same - to warm up the body and relax the body and soul.

Yes, I am close to what we do. For me, our swaddling is like a tactful midwife, silently knitting in a corner. While "professional" swaddling, which takes years to learn, is a midwife who comes to childbirth to measure, pinpoint, touch, control, treat just in case.
And yes, I think that if the procedure is medical, then you need to have a medical education and not a year. Osteopathy is serious business.
and yes, I believe that postpartum swaddling can be done by women to each other from you to you, and not from you to you - only one chosen one.
but this is my IMHO, which I consider important to express.
For me - This safety. The opportunity for a woman to get what she wants, and for me - the opportunity to give what they ask. So that there are no discrepancies and confusion - who, why does swaddling. Myths are wandering in mountains and herds: 0 and that this is an easy and wonderful spa treatment with herbs. and that it's fucked-up-how-difficult and serious, and a bunch of charlatons do it, but only one and the only one knows the right one. And that this is not Mexican at all, but they also did it in Rus' (yes).
Understand what you want to get. And for what.
the choice is yours.

Once again, summing up all of the above.
There are two types of postpartum swaddling. They are essentially - DIFFERENT procedures. One of them is therapeutic and has an effect purely on the body. The other is restorative, harmonizing - for the body and - for the soul, i.e. includes a psychological component.

The only serious disadvantage of any postpartum swaddling, I think, is the moment of separation of the mother from the child. yes, she can feed him in the process. Yes, you can take it with you to the bath. But there is a moment - contractions, for example, it lasts about 20 minutes, during which the mother cannot give the baby a breast. And if he does not sleep now and does not really agree to stay awake without his mother - even for these 20 minutes - it hurts me.
It is very important that there is another person close to the baby who can be with him while swaddling.
Well, the presence of older children is not very welcome, because they. Yes, you yourself know what they are:) You won’t be able to relax.

Postpartum swaddling of a woman Moscow, Zelenograd.
Closing childbirth.postpartum recovery.
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Women of all times and peoples have always intuitively searched for ways to help their body regain strength and physical fitness after childbirth.In the traditions of many countries of the world, including in Rus', there were postpartum midwifery rites (twisting - entangling, wrapping, braiding, twining). They differed in details, but they solved one very important task - they helped the speedy restoration of the body.

"In order to give birth well, a woman in childbirth must be open. After childbirth, this openness is maintained, and the midwife must help the woman collect her internal energy and close her body," - such a meaning attaches to this rite
traditional Mexican midwife, mother of three children, Naoli Vinaver.

How do we carry out postpartum swaddling of a woman, read this article andon Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/pelenastya/

We have been providing postpartum swaddling since 2011 inin Zelenograd, Moscow,Moscow region and other cities of Russia:Solnechnogorsk, Khimki, Skhodnya, Istra, Lobnya, Mitino, Kurkino, Strogino, Tushino, Krasnogorsk, Dedovsk, Nakhabino, Dolgoprudny, Khovrino, Firsanovka, Andreevka, Brekhovo, Klin, Noginsk, Sergiev Pasade.

Each birth is unique and inimitable, and the postpartum period is very individual. Therefore, postpartum recovery procedures must solve very different problems.
Therefore, we offer several sets of procedures that contribute to
restoration of strength and harmony of the female body, in which we combined the diversity of different traditions. They differ in their tasks, conduct, duration. And the choice and wishes always remain with the woman.

The first 40 days after childbirth is the most optimal period for postpartum work, when nature itself helps the mother to recover qualitatively.

Postpartum edit. osteopathic technique.
Work with the back, pelvis, hips, abdomen. Duration 3 hours.

Comprehensive postpartum recovery.
It is carried out up to 40 days after childbirth. The cycle of meetings is from 3 to 8 with a frequency of once every 5-7 days. A wide range of techniques ranging from Thai massage with warm herbal pouches to osteopathic work.

Postnatal editing (assembly) in the Russian tradition.
Held on days 3, 9, 21 and 40. The duration of the meetings is 2 hours. Based on traditional Russian techniques for working with the body after childbirth.

Postpartum swaddling in the Mexican tradition
It is carried out on the 9th and 40th day. Warming up in a bath with herbs. Tea. Hot chocolate. Massage. Swaddling. Meetings are 3 hours long.

Ritual "Closing childbirth"
Duration 3-4 hours.

SPA swaddling.
This is a very pleasant postpartum procedure. Warming up in a warm bath with postpartum herbal tea. M massage with aroma oils, work with the whole body. Particular attention to the pelvis and abdomen. Cabling. It does not involve psychological work with various situations in pregnancy and childbirth. Duration 4-5 hours.

Postpartum swaddling. Closing childbirth.
Duration from 6 hours. This is a global body work with all sorts of combinations of osteopathic and massage techniques and postpartum corrections.
The main condition of the whole procedure is relaxation.
To achieve complete relaxation, heat, subdued light, and massage are used.
preliminary stage- acquaintance, preparation of herbal preparations, herbal postpartum tea and hot chocolate, taking into account the individual characteristics of the mother and the newborn.
We communicate with mom and baby, drink tea, try to immerse ourselves as deeply as possible in the worldview of this beautiful couple. We talk about pregnancy and childbirth, about motherhood and the baby, about everything that a woman considers important and significant.

Next, we begin the procedure itself. Performing rebozo massagehelping to relax the body and relieve emotional stress.

Thenthe body of a woman is gently warmed up with the help of a comfortable bath, a warm bath or herbal massage - depending on the conditions and wishes.At this moment, a woman has a wonderful opportunity to work with her emotional experiences. The process is intimate and highly individual.

Deep heating has
tonic, disinfectant action,stimulating the restoration of the movement of energies.

A hot chocolate drink with spices or herbal tea also contributes to soft internal heating.

After warming up woman wrap up.
She rests for a while, keeping warm, d
shares his feelings and experiences, et warm herbal tea.

We pay special attention to relaxation, lymphatic drainage and oil massage of the whole body using highly purified essential oils.
We prepare the aromatic mixture together with the woman.
It is important that the composition is harmonious.The procedure for tasting oils is very pleasant.

Next, we proceed to visceral massage of the abdomen, osteopathic practices.

The final stage of this procedure is the swaddling of a woman, tugging with Mexican scarves (rebozo) with a special weave.
We tightly wrap the rebozo alternately in seven areas of the body and fix it for a while.The woman then rests wrapped in scarves, keeping her warm.

After swaddling, you need to stay in bed for 3-4 hours.
At this time, the pelvic area is fixed with a sling or a suitable piece of fabric.

The baby at almost all stages of swaddling can be next to the mother and be applied to the breast.

What is required for postpartum swaddling?

Important! The intestines must be clean before swaddling.
And the stomach is full.
We will prepare everything you need for your swaddling! With the exception of your personal belongings:

1. Bath towel.

2. Woolen socks and comfortable soft hat, can be knitted.

3. Two blankets (or blankets).

4. Two sheets (or duvet covers) that can be used when performing an oil or herbal massage.

5. Thigh wrap. It can be a sling scarf (not knitwear) or a piece of cotton fabric 4-5 meters, not wider than 50 cm.



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