Features of caring for a dog after castration - nutrition, rehabilitation and recovery. Neutering dogs: positive and negative aspects

Surgery under general anesthesia, which is a serious test for the body of the animal. Therefore, even if dog sterilization surgery passes normally and the pet tolerates it perfectly, he necessarily needs careful postoperative care and special attention from the owner, which will help him recover faster and return to his usual way of life. dog after sterilization must constantly be under the supervision of a person, eat right and go through all the stages of rehabilitation recommended by the veterinarian.

Dog care on the first day after surgery

The way it will flow dog spay recovery, largely depends on the quality of care in the first days after surgery. It is important to remember that under the influence of anesthetic drugs, all the functions of the animal's body slow down, and the overall body temperature also decreases, so the dog in the postoperative period needs additional warming and careful transportation, followed by providing a comfortable place to lie. After sterilization, the pet should be protected from drafts. You can not put the dog on a heating pad or near the radiator (the risk of developing internal bleeding), it is better that the animal sleeps on the floor or mattress on a warm bedding in a calm room.

When the action of anesthesia ends, the animal does not immediately come to its senses, therefore dog behavior after spaying may differ drastically from the usual. Pets often become aggressive, not understanding where they are and what happened to them, restless, they try to tear off the bandage over the wound, they look strange, they try to get on their paws and run somewhere. This kind of behavior should not be allowed. You should calm the animal, caress, stroke it so that it feels protected.

The state of the dog after sterilization

  • assessment of respiratory function, respiratory rate, its intermittency, the presence of wheezing;
  • control over the work of the cardiovascular system, early diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, convulsive syndrome, heart failure;
  • measurement of body temperature and comparison of the obtained indicators with the norm.

Naturally, the owner of the dog is not able to professionally assess the condition of the vital organs and systems of the dog's body, but he can determine the development of postoperative complications or the deterioration of the animal's condition. Any changes in the health of the dog and its behavior in the postoperative period is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Feeding is an important part of dog rehabilitation.

Post spay dog ​​care includes following a special diet for one week from the date of castration. You should not immediately after the animal comes to its senses, try to feed it. The dog's digestive tract after anesthesia recovers a little later, so the first meal after the operation should be postponed for one day, when the dog can hold his head and walk without staggering.

The day after spaying, veterinarians will usually allow small amounts of soft food to begin. It is recommended to use wet pet food. It is important to remember that from the moment of castration, the hormonal background of a pet changes dramatically, so its owner should take care of reducing the usual portions of food for the animal, which will prevent the development of obesity. It happens that dog not eating after spaying. In such cases, immediately notify the veterinarian and follow all his instructions.

Postoperative suture: processing basics and precautions

Deserves special attention from the owner suture in a dog after sterilization, since this place is most exposed to infection, it hurts and brings considerable discomfort to the animal. To prevent the development of inflammatory postoperative complications in the wound, veterinarians tend to prescribe antibacterial drugs to dogs, which should be given to the pet for 7-10 days after surgery. Along with antibiotics, the animal is shown taking drugs with an analgesic effect, the choice and dosage of which should be handled by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the pain syndrome and the characteristics of the dog's body.

Correct suture processing is an important step on the way to a dog's recovery. Its volume and methods of implementation depend on the characteristics of the suture material that was used during the operation. In most cases, the postoperative suture needs daily treatment with antiseptics until the wound is completely healed and swelling with redness disappears. An additional means of protecting the seam is a special blanket, which is put on the dog at the end of the operation. It serves as both a reliable protection against bacteria and a means of bandage. The blanket also needs to be changed every day to prevent infection in the wound. Dogs that show an increased interest in their seam, try to remove the blanket or bite the seams, put on an Elizabethan collar.

In order for the suture in the dog after sterilization to heal normally and not prematurely disperse, the following conditions must be met:

  • limit the pet from active games on the street and at home, physical activity, walking in the stairwell;
  • in rainy weather, walk the dog only in overalls;
  • refuse to bathe the animal in the first three weeks after sterilization;
  • prevent constipation.

Until then, the removal of stitches should take from 10 to 14 days after the operation. It is this time that is necessary for complete wound healing and sufficient regeneration of skin tissues at the incision site. Stitches should be removed by a veterinarian in a specialized office, so you should not try to get rid of them yourself, as such actions can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal.

Bullying or blessing? Necessity or whim? Whatever it is for the owner to sterilize dogs, the pros and cons should be considered objectively, without being influenced by emotions. Castration of bitches (what we call sterilization) is practiced in all developed countries. This is a well-understood process, and veterinarians are aware of both immediate and long-term effects. When comparing the pros and cons of spaying dogs, it is important to proceed from the case, not to generalize, not to humanize the pet, and be sure to listen to the opinion of a doctor who knows your dog well.

Sometimes the owner is not against sterilization as such, but he is stopped by the only question: “What if something goes wrong?”. Authors who try to convince the reader that sterilization is a mere trifle are extremely outraged. No, this is a major abdominal operation. This is deep anesthesia. This is at least a couple of weeks of recovery. Therefore, the procedure must be taken with all responsibility, otherwise the consequences of sterilizing dogs can really be deplorable.

First of all, you should find a competent veterinarian who does not dismiss the numerous questions of the client. Then it is worthwhile to comprehensively examine the pet, even if at first glance it is absolutely healthy. And it is extremely important to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon, without amateur performance. If all these conditions are met, the chance that negative consequences will occur during or after the spaying of dogs is about the same as the chance that a brick will fall on the pet’s head when leaving the house. Maybe? Yes. But this happens very rarely.

We must not forget that during sexual contact, a pet can become infected with many diseases, from specific STDs to viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Many are afraid of incontinence, which develops in about 10% of spayed dogs. But more often these are giant breeds. And in cases where the dog is operated on after childbirth or in adulthood. Those. The chances of failure are also extremely low. In addition, in most cases, incontinence is curable.

Someone is afraid of obesity, and a bitch after sterilization can really get fat. But the fault is not the procedure, but the negligence of the owner. By reviewing the diet, obesity can be avoided in 100% of cases. All you need to do is reduce the amount a bit.

Others fear hormonal deficiency. Like, there are no ovaries now, where do hormones come from? But sex hormones are produced in sufficient quantities by the adrenal glands, which are stimulated by the pituitary gland. More often, there are too many hormones even after sterilization, and you have to reduce their level with medication. Cases of hormonal insufficiency are rare, and more often they are not associated with the removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Nature and childbirth

Often the owners, sincerely caring about the well-being of their pet, let her get pregnant and give birth, because "this is Nature, and it is immoral to go against her." And how many women are ready to give birth once a year? No, because we understand that it will simply kill health. And how to provide for so many children? Yes, a bitch after sterilization will not be able to give birth. But does the dog need it? From our point of view, children are joy. And if there are five or ten children? And so once a year? Enough money for decent cultivation? Enough strength to find a loving family for everyone? Bitches flow 2-3 times a year, not at all because it is provided by Nature. And they raise offspring not out of love, but in obedience to naked instincts. Frequent estrus, multiplicity and almost 100% survival of offspring - this is the influence of man on Nature. And life in such a rhythm kills a dog.

Breeding dogs of decorative breeds is associated with many specific nuances. A narrow pelvis and a large puppy head are difficult births. Multiple pregnancy often ends. Timely spaying of small dogs can save your pet's life. Especially if the owner is not a breeder or a veterinarian.

Under natural conditions (when there are no garbage dumps nearby, warm basements, etc.), a dog becomes pregnant once a year. From hunger and physical exhaustion, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth. During childbirth, some of the puppies die (there is no one to resuscitate a drowned puppy). Another part of the puppies dies during the first three to five days after birth (no one puts weak puppies to the nipple). That is why there are many fruits, so that at least a part has a chance of survival. A bitch doesn't feed a dozen puppies, she takes care of the survivors, sometimes it's just a couple of babies. Of course, spaying a bitch is not natural. However, giving birth frequently and nursing large numbers of puppies is just as unnatural as surgical birth control. And it’s also unnatural to poison worms and fleas, vaccinate and treat a dog, feed a pet daily and not with offal, but with meat or ready-made food.

Often large quite a lot of puppies. And at the same time, large breeds today are not the most popular in terms of sale. Sometimes puppies stay up to six months, tearing the apartment to smithereens. Therefore, sterilization of large dogs is a reasonable solution if the owner lives in a typical apartment and cannot provide the conditions for growth and development of the offspring.

In addition, practice shows that the sterilization of bitches without clan and tribe is the only truly effective method to reduce the number of homeless animals. It's not that purebred dogs are somehow better than mongrels. And thoroughbreds are thrown out, but this happens much less frequently. Giving a round sum for a puppy, a person (although this is disgusting) treats him, at least, as an expensive thing. And they try to take care of expensive things. And, getting rid of it, they are looking for ways to compensate for losses - you can resell the dog, it's more profitable than just throwing it away. But outbred puppies, carefully placed in “good hands”, are not worth anything in material terms. And very often they end up on the street, having managed to spawn dozens of unnecessary dogs, which, in turn, will spawn even more vagrants. And so on ad infinitum.

Read also: Spaying dogs: at what age and how to prepare?

Selfishness or concern?

Considering the pros and cons of neutering dogs, some owners consider it a perfectly normal desire for convenience to be selfish. Bitches mark during estrus, some try to run away “on a date”, others become aggressive, others stain linen, furniture and floors with blood. Walking with a bitch in heat is a torment: crowds of males surround the owner and the delicious-smelling girl, fight, mark the entrance door. Particularly active "grooms" howl under the windows day and night. And especially smart ones quickly figure out who is the obstacle between them and the "bride", and this is a direct danger to the health of the owner. But what about the sterilization of a bitch? Took a dog - be prepared to endure inconvenience, these are your problems!

So it is, but let's look at the "minor" problems from the other side. Is a dog happy if he constantly feels annoyed by his family? Does she like to walk for ten minutes? Is she happy from the crowds of "grooms" fighting nearby and ready to literally pull the "bride" apart, if only they got something? And there are oncoming bitches who show aggression towards competitors. And fights of bitches, any dog ​​handler will confirm this, are always bloodier and tougher than fights of males.

But what about the character?

Sterilization is rarely carried out before the age of six months, and by this time pets are already getting used to a certain character of the pet: “How does sterilization affect dogs? What if our Missy becomes lazy or aggressive? Suddenly turn into a sleepyhead? Suddenly offended by us? Sometimes we are not talking about spiritual bonding, but about very specific qualities - security, sentry, hunting, etc.

Recall that a bitch flows on average twice a year. And her behavior changes during this period, and not always for the better. After sterilization, the dog will not react to rivals and males, will not run away, will not mark (if these are really marks associated with hormones). The nature of the favorite will remain the same. Of course, it will change as it gets older - a five year old bitch is less active than a puppy, and a dog in old age does not gallop as briskly as a young bitch. But these changes have nothing to do with sterilization, dogs do not change the fact that they have lost their ovaries and cannot give birth. The same goes for working qualities: if the bitch was vicious to the beast or had a pronounced territorial instinct, nothing will change.

The operation to sterilize or castrate a dog is quite complicated, during which the animal is under anesthesia. Most often, a veterinarian removes the reproductive organs of a female or male dog completely. Moreover, if for a female it is a full-fledged abdominal operation, then only the testes are removed from the male. The duration of the surgical manipulation depends on the method and method chosen by the doctor, as well as on the individual characteristics of the dog. On average, the operation time varies from half an hour to an hour, after which the animal can go home.

First day

The most difficult and dangerous in terms of complications are the first postoperative day. The dog is still under the influence of drugs that can cause hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting.


As she emerges from the semi-conscious state in which she was after sterilization, she begins to feel severe pain. For these reasons, the animal must be under the supervision of the owner. the entire postoperative period so that in the event of bleeding or severe vomiting, a person can help his pet.

  • The veterinary surgeon necessarily gives recommendations on the care of the dog, appoints the time of the next visit and describes the necessary treatment. Immediately after arriving home, the animal must be placed on a moderately soft bed and not allowed to rush about or jump up. Water or feed the dog in the first twelve hours should not be, but if the dog is very thirsty, you can give her half a glass of water every two hours.
  • If the pet is sick or vomited, then it should not be watered. Nausea most often begins as a consequence of the action of drugs for anesthesia, this condition will pass by itself after a while. Persistent vomiting, repeated repeatedly, is a sign of severe intoxication, you may need medical advice.
  • Immediately after the operation, the veterinarian seals the seam with a special adhesive plaster, and on the first day it does not need additional processing. It should be ensured that the dog does not try to tear off the adhesive plaster; for this, they put on a special blanket with ties on the back. Dense cotton fabric closes the postoperative suture, prevents licking and chewing of the suture.
  • After returning from the clinic, the dog can be taken for a walk in order for it to recover. It is necessary to go down and up the stairs very carefully, avoid jerking, it is better to carry small pets on your hands.

On the second day - a control visit to the veterinarian.

Post-neutered dog care

The next day, the dog is taken to the clinic, or the veterinarian comes to the house to assess the condition of the suture, process it and apply a protective adhesive plaster. Often, the animal is given intravenous infusions recommended by the doctor.

  • The condition of the dog no longer causes concern, it can eat light food. Raw beef, sour-milk products are the best food for a pet that is on natural food. The usual dry ready-made food can be replaced with a similar soft one, which is given for a couple of days, after which the dog begins to eat as before.
  • To recover, the pet is taken out more often than before, since after intravenous injections, the dog urinates much more often. No walking, jumping or jogging is allowed, the animal must be treated with the utmost care.
  • The owner can process the seam on his own, which requires the purchase of chlorhexidine and adhesive plaster for postoperative patients. It is important not to let the patch or suture get wet, because of this, severe inflammation of the surrounding tissues can begin. If reddened areas appear around the seam, it gets wet, the skin macerates, then you must definitely show the pet to the doctor. No need to treat the seam with alcohol solutions or antibacterial ointments: the veterinarian will name the best treatment.

Complete food is the most important factor in rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation of a dog after sterilization is normally not a long process, after a month the animal can lead its former life, participate in walks and games. , vitamins and care are needed throughout the postoperative period. The trimmed hair on the abdomen grows back after three months, and the seam left after the usual abdominal operation becomes invisible after a year. Endoscopic surgery leaves very small scars that are difficult to find in long-haired dogs.

After castration - caring for a male

Most often performed according to medical recommendations, since this operation greatly alters the hormonal background of the dog. If there are certain medical indications for castration, then the male is removed testicles. The operation takes about half an hour, is performed under general anesthesia, after which a suture is applied. A bandage is usually not done.

First day

The most dangerous thing about the castration procedure for a male dog is how well he tolerates anesthesia, since the removal of the testicles is not accompanied by profuse bleeding. The dog is in the clinic until it recovers from anesthesia, then the owner can take it home.

  • At home, it is important for the animal to ensure peace, after a couple of hours it is necessary to offer the dog a drink. If he does not want to, he is sick or vomits, then you need to drink it forcibly, a spoonful of water or a solution of "Rehydron" every half hour. Over time, the effect of the drugs used for anesthesia will wear off and the dog will feel normal again.
  • In the scrotum area, in the first few days, postoperative edema forms, which interferes with the dog, and he tries to lick or gnaw this place. To prevent this behavior, they put on a special collar made of plastic or cardboard, which prevents the dog from reaching the back of the body. Bandaging the scrotal area is not recommended, as this limits the normal aeration of the suture, can lead to damage and suppuration.
  • In order for the pet to recover, it is taken to the toilet when the effect of anesthesia weakens. To make the dog come to his senses faster, you can give him weak black tea with lemon. This remedy for nausea helps well, increases diuresis, removes the remnants of drugs from the body.

A week after the manipulation, the male feels quite well, the suture usually heals quickly, and after a few months the void in the scrotum is filled with adipose tissue. In modern clinics, at the request of the owners, the male can be given implants that completely imitate healthy testicles.

Video. Postoperative suture care in pets

Any pet needs care and proper care. However, some owners neglect the natural needs of their pets, in particular, the instinct of procreation. Meanwhile, mating has a huge impact on the dog's body. Its absence can cause various diseases, up to the development of malignant tumors. To prevent serious consequences, it is better to sterilize the animal.

What is sterilization?

Sterilization is a surgical intervention in the reproductive organs of a dog, as a result of which the animal loses the ability to give birth to offspring. During the operation, the specialist removes the ovaries with the uterus. The procedure itself is considered quite simple, however, it should be carried out by a qualified veterinarian in a specialized institution.

As for the difference between sterilization and castration, there are aspects here. Sterilization is applicable to bitches. This is the name of the operation to remove the female reproductive organs. Castration is the surgical removal of testicles in male dogs.

The sterilization process can be performed in two ways: surgical and laparoscopic. The first method involves sterilization through an incision in the abdominal cavity (abdominal surgery). Laparoscopy is 2-3 small punctures in the dog's abdomen. This is a modern method of surgical intervention, after which the pet quickly recovers. Chemical sterilization of dogs is not used today.

Why is sterilization necessary?

The instinct of procreation is one of the strongest. Therefore, during estrus, the animal tries in every possible way to find a mate. Sterilization allows not only to control the reproduction of the dog, but also to prevent the development of oncological diseases of the reproductive system and mammary glands. The risk of such diseases as pyometria and transmissible sarcoma decreases several times.

Ideally, each animal should have a kind and caring owner. In fact, thousands of useless dogs become homeless, some of them end up in shelters, the rest become victims of flayers. And only a small part of the animals finds a host. Many "virtues" have a negative attitude towards the sterilization procedure, considering it a mockery of the dog's nature, while forgetting about the "humane" ways of getting rid of unnecessary offspring, such as euthanasia, burying alive. That is why sterilization is the optimal solution to maintain the health of the animal and regulate the birth rate.

At what age should you sterilize?

Many dog ​​owners do not know at what age to spay a dog. As a rule, in females, sterilization is carried out before the onset of the first estrus at the age of 4-6 months in the absence of contraindications. According to some experts, an operation performed before the first estrus is much easier for animals to tolerate. Experts recommend castration not earlier than 6 months of age, otherwise the dog may experience a significant delay in growth and development.

Before sterilizing a dog, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian, as there are diseases in which such a procedure is contraindicated. If the pet has become pregnant, it is better to postpone the operation for 1.5 months and let the dog enjoy motherhood. However, there are exceptions here too. If the animal, for medical reasons, cannot bear puppies, then sterilization is carried out as early as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of sterilization

Neutering dogs has pros and cons. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • cessation of the production of hormones, due to which many diseases develop;
  • increases life expectancy by 1-2 years;
  • the behavior of the dog changes after sterilization, it becomes more calm and devoted;
  • simplifies the training process;
  • with some inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and uterus, the operation will save the life of the pet;
  • the dog will not run away from home in search of a sexual partner;
  • reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition to the advantages, surgery has its drawbacks:

  • the operation involves the use of general anesthesia, which carries a certain amount of risk for the animal's body;
  • in some dogs, after sterilization, urinary incontinence is formed, which can be treated;
  • increases the likelihood of developing hypothyroidism and orthopedic disorders;
  • tendency to gain weight and metabolic disorders;
  • unforeseen situations during the operation and in the postoperative period, for example, bleeding, infection, ruptured sutures;
  • hidden pathologies;
  • allergic reactions or intolerance to anesthetics.

Considering all the disadvantages and advantages of this medical procedure, it can be added that the occurrence of side effects and complications during sterilization is minimal.

Important! Before contacting a specialist, the owner needs to consider all possible options for the development of the situation, weigh the pros and cons. At the same time, one should not forget that a fatal outcome during surgery is a rarity, but the death of an animal from sarcoma or other malignant tumors is not so rare.

Indications for sterilization

The main indications for sterilization are the following diseases:

  • pathology of the uterus and tumors of various etiologies;
  • false pregnancy;
  • disorders in the functioning of the ovaries;
  • tumor processes in the mammary glands and external genital organs.

In addition, sterilization is indicated for hormonal imbalances, when the dog suffers from prolonged estrus.

Preoperative preparation

Neutering a dog requires a responsible approach. Before performing surgery, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. The veterinarian should order blood and urine tests, conduct an examination of the peritoneum, obtain permission from the cardiologist. If a dog is found to have a chronic condition during testing, supportive care is required. First you need to stabilize the condition of the animal and only then sterilize. The surgeon must be aware of the health problems of his four-legged patient.

2-3 days before the start of the operation, the dog begins to give light food, because during the procedure the animal's intestinal tract must be completely empty. For a day, the pet is given a drug with a laxative effect, which will be prescribed by a veterinarian. The last time the dog should eat no later than 12 hours before surgery. Water is excluded for 6 hours. Some specialists, in order to be safe, prescribe modern antibiotics in the preoperative period.


The operation takes about two hours. As a rule, it is carried out in the morning hours, since according to numerous observations, the dog feels best at this time. When sterilization is carried out before the first estrus, then only the ovaries are removed using laparoscopy. If the animal already had estrus, then the specialist also removes the uterus. In males, the process is faster. The doctor makes a small incision in the scrotum through which the testicles are removed.

After surgery, the animal is transferred to a special bedding. After anesthesia, the pet should not be allowed to drink, you can only moisten the tongue and muzzle with water. Food is given only on the second day. As the main food, it is better to choose pates, minced meat and liquid cereals. In the first 2 weeks, the pet needs to treat the stitches with antiseptic agents.

Important! To prevent the dog from licking the seams, you should use special blankets or collars.

Features of care after sterilization

Neutering a dog requires rehabilitation measures that will help restore the animal's body. Care of the dog after sterilization is as follows:

  • careful processing of seams;
  • the use of antibiotics that are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly;
  • if the dog had concomitant diseases, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of intravenous infusions;
  • special prescriptions at the discretion of the attending physician.

If the owner is unable to take care of himself, administer injections and perform other veterinary appointments, then the dog is left in the hospital for 7-10 days. Once the stitches have been removed, no further maintenance is required.

Nutrition for a spayed dog

As a rule, sterilized dogs have an increased appetite. The reason lies in the acceleration of metabolism. Therefore, dogs after sterilization often gain excess weight. In order not to harm your pet, you should follow simple rules. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of products, while all the necessary trace elements and vitamins must be present in the animal's diet.

It is advisable to transfer the pet to a special dry food for sterilized dogs. In specialized stores, it is sold marked light. Such food contains a lot of fiber and a minimum amount of fat. Fiber contributes to the normalization of digestion and increases in the digestive tract of the dog, which causes it to quickly become full.

Everything else remains unchanged. The animal should also be given raw meat, cereals with vegetable oil. Fermented milk products, eggs, raw vegetables, chopped in a meat grinder or blender are useful. You can’t give your four-legged friend sweets and muffins, they not only contain a lot of sugar, but are also too high in calories.

In general, sterilization is a useful and important procedure. Thanks to the operation, the quality of life of the dog improves, its duration increases. After all, many serious diseases will bypass the pet.

In contact with

Every animal, be it a yard dog or a domestic cat, needs care, affection and nutrition. All this is the natural needs of any creature, and if all this is absent or manifested in insufficient quantities, the animal begins to suffer and lead an inferior lifestyle. Also, few people know that the health of a pet, especially bitches, is greatly affected by the lack of mating. In the modern world, most often the owners prefer sterilization. In addition to this, as practice has shown, this process has a beneficial effect on the gynecology of the animal.

Age of dog to be spayed

In the USA, this procedure is carried out already from the age of 6 weeks of the pet. In Russia, veterinarians prefer to sterilize only from 6 months of age. Operations that are done before the first estrus are especially beneficial. They help to avoid many problems in the future and reduce the risk of breast cancer. The only requirement for the procedure is that the dog must be healthy.

Sterilization Benefits

Spaying has many benefits for both pets and their owners. For example, this procedure prevents unwanted offspring, reduces the chance of breast cancer, eliminates estrus, as well as meowing, familiar to all cat lovers, indicating the call of a partner.

Effect of spaying on changes in dog temperament

How does spaying affect dogs? As for the nature and behavior of the dog, the operation will not affect this in any way. Bitches experience activity (estrus) only 2 times a year and therefore their brain and body are not under the constant influence of hormones. Note that in females, unlike males, sex hormones begin to show activity only after reaching puberty. As mentioned earlier, the individual character of the pet after sterilization does not change. The only thing that is possible is, so to speak, the double dominance of the bitch. Recall that, by its nature, the female sex of dogs prevails over the male, and after the operation this property can double.

Postoperative period

Sterilization involves surgery. The operation is performed under anesthesia, so it takes some time for the dog to regain consciousness, sometimes this period lasts up to several hours. Completely from anesthesia the animal departs within a day. For this reason, it is better if you look after your pets. To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow a set of rules:

  • lay the operated dog on a flat surface not high from the floor;
  • as soon as the animal wakes up, give him water;
  • if necessary, blot the seam with a napkin. In the future, it is treated with greenery. In case of spotting, cold is applied to the suture area;
  • feeding is carried out the next day, in small portions, using soft food;
  • make sure that the dog does not lick the seam. For this purpose, they put on a protective collar, a blanket;
  • the dog returns to the normal rhythm of life approximately on the third day after the operation;
  • seam processing is carried out within 10 days;
  • antibiotic therapy is optional and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Nutrition for a spayed dog

Be prepared for your dog's appetite to double due to a change in metabolic rate. Frequent occurrence when spayed dogs gain significant weight. This can be avoided by following simple rules. The first thing to do is to reduce the calorie content of foods by 10-12%. The second is to make sure that the dog receives a sufficient rate of activity.

But all of the above is just superficial knowledge. If you dig deeper, it turns out that the reason for such an appetite is not only a change in metabolism. It is assumed that excessive eating of food indicates a reduced activity of the hormone estrogen, which suppresses appetite.

Experiments show that to prevent obesity in dogs, it is necessary to reduce the amount of energy consumed. The amount of energy depends on the breed of the dog.

With the development of the market, they began to produce special food for sterilized dogs marked light (which means light). The product contains a limited amount of fat, but an increased level of fiber. And as practice shows, these products are successful and have a positive effect on the health of the dog.



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