The best medical centers in Israel. Benefits of a public hospital

Speaking about Israeli medicine, first of all, we mean the use of the latest medical technologies, from the equipment of the operating room and diagnostic unit, to advances in genetics and immunotherapy. In addition, due to the highest competition among doctors in Israel, it is inevitable for a specialist to constantly improve their individual qualifications and master modern treatment methods. As a result, the quality of medical care in Israel is traditionally very high.

World class treatment

Treatment in Israel is a kind of brand of quality medical care.
And such a reputation of Israeli medicine is completely justified. Hundreds of thousands of foreign patients undergo treatment in Israel every year.

A large flow of patients and a powerful research base allowed Israeli medicine to deservedly take a leading position far beyond the Middle East region. It is no secret that medical tourism in Israel is one of the most important sources of income for the country's budget.

Treatment in Israel meets all international standards, and often Israeli medicine itself sets these standards. It is not uncommon for technologies that originate in Israel to subsequently spread around the world and find universal acceptance. Israel is a country of medical technology, and this statement has been repeatedly backed up in practice. Here, for the first time, capsule endoscopy was introduced, stents were developed to expand the coronary arteries, they developed stem cell treatment technology, bone cartilage repair technology, treatments for Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and much more.
To the above advantages of treatment in Israel, there is also the fact that many Russian-speaking doctors and employees of other medical specialties work in Israel, which naturally facilitates communication between patients and makes their stay in the country more comfortable. In general, the support service is at a very high level. The patient is always accompanied by an employee who is also an interpreter.

Israeli clinics are specialized in all medical fields. The structure of patients who applied for treatment is dominated by patients with serious diseases: tumor diseases (cancer, leukemia, melanoma, etc.), heart diseases requiring surgical and therapeutic treatment, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthroplasty of joints, arthroscopic operations, operations for intervertebral hernias), gynecological (ovarian cysts, endometriosis, infertility treatment, etc.) and urological diseases (benign prostatic hyperplasia, urolithiasis, kidney cysts, etc.). The clinics perform organ transplantation (liver, kidney). Treatment of endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, etc.) is carried out. Pediatrics, dermatology, dentistry, and rehabilitation are highly developed.
Often patients combine treatment with excursion programs. It is popular to undergo a preventive examination combined with rest and spa treatment.

Visa-free entry into the country is another positive aspect of treatment in Israel.
If necessary, the staff of the company "Medicine of the World" is ready to assist in choosing a clinic and a doctor, as well as in resolving all organizational issues.

Historical background, developed scientific base, good funding, close cooperation with US clinics contributed to the exceptional development of medical science in Israel. Israelis can rightly be proud of the achievements in immunology, genetics, pathophysiology, cell technologies, pharmacology, biology. Advances in basic sciences inevitably have a positive impact on the development of clinical disciplines: oncology, nephrology, gastroenterology, cardiology, surgery, transplantology, orthopedics, etc.

The life expectancy of Israelis is above the European average. The number of doctors per capita in Israel is also higher. Newborn mortality rates, maternal mortality in Israel is lower than in Europe. The effectiveness of treatment in Israel and the level of development of cardiology is evidenced by the fact that mortality from myocardial infarction in Israel is the lowest in the world!

The achievements of Israel in pharmacology include the emergence of modern drugs for the treatment of various diseases:

  • with a protective effect on brain tissue from dystrophic changes
  • drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • drug for the prevention and treatment of type I diabetes mellitus
  • drugs that specifically penetrate tumor cells, damaging them
  • vaccines against certain types of cancer
  • optimal treatment regimens for patients with HIV infection and viral hepatitis B and C

Advances in disease diagnosis:

  • digital mammography, which significantly increases the sensitivity of the technique against the background of reduced radiation exposure
  • high-precision ophthalmic equipment to detect minimal changes in the eyeball
  • 3D coronary angiography, which allows you to get complete information about the state of the heart arteries
  • minicapsule for endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diagnostic breath test to detect lung cancer
  • a diagnostic panel of tumor markers that detects certain types of cancer by a blood test
  • computed tomography adapted for the study of cardiac pathology
  • diagnostic test for myocardial infarction on a drop of blood
  • dermatological apparatus for diagnosing skin cancer

Achievements in the development of technologies and medical equipment:

  • brachytherapy for prostate cancer (local radiation treatment for prostate cancer)
  • endovascular surgery
  • endoscopic surgery techniques
  • use of emission radioisotope techniques in neurosurgical operations
  • leadership in biotechnology, stem cell therapy, IVF, transplantology
  • the invention of certain types of coronary stents
  • introduction of an ultrasonic scalpel for bone tissue
  • development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating breast cancer, etc.
  • sleep apnea treatment machine

Cancer treatment in Israel

A developed research base, modern equipment, own technologies and high qualification of doctors allow us to achieve some of the best results in the treatment of oncological pathology in the world. Even in advanced cases, cancer treatment in Israel can be highly effective. For the treatment of malignant tumors and, in particular, cancer, three main groups of treatment methods are used: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Depending on the type of tumor, either one method or a combination of them is used. Israeli clinics are more often treated by patients with diseases such as breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, etc. Treatment of rarer diseases such as skin melanoma, lymphoma, leukemia, etc. is usually carried out based in large medical centers. The implemented multidisciplinary approach, when doctors of several specialties take part in the treatment of one patient, makes it possible to form an optimal treatment plan.

Treatment of diseases of the joints and spine in Israel

For the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine in Israel, methods of conservative and surgical treatment are used. The first group includes drug treatment, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, etc. The second group includes all types of operations. The trend of the modern period is that operations on the musculoskeletal system in Israel are carried out with minimization of surgical trauma: endoscopic operations (arthroscopic), removal of intervertebral hernias and prosthetic intervertebral discs from mini-approaches, low-traumatic hip arthroplasty from mini-approaches, etc. Technologies are used restoration of cartilaginous tissues (including cellular technologies). In Israel, resort treatment and rehabilitation programs for articular pathology are widely represented, among others, including elements of robotic rehabilitation (treatment on robots Lokomat, Ergo). Developed sports medicine and treatment of injuries in athletes, which is carried out on the basis of specialized departments.

The Israeli healthcare system includes public and private clinics, as well as public ones, which are owned by the health insurance companies.

Israeli public hospitals

Initially, there were medical centers owned by the state and providing assistance only to residents of the country. Gradually, in connection with the development of medicine, private clinics began to appear.

At the same time, public hospitals continue to develop actively thanks to funding from the budget and income from paid departments, which cover the costs of wages, advanced training and updating medical equipment. The calculation for foreigners here is made according to the price list developed by the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Citizens of the country pay for treatment through insurance. The entire population of the state is insured, residents give a certain percentage of their wages throughout their lives - they invest in their own health. But a significant part of working families in Israel also have additional private insurance, thanks to which you can consult the best doctors, get special conditions, high-tech opportunities, speed up queues, etc.

Public hospitals in Israel have a permanent staff of highly qualified specialists. In addition to the departments related to diagnostics and therapy, unlike private clinics, there is a unit that provides emergency medical services.

Also, these institutions interact with the universities of the country, selecting new doctors for the staff. In addition, they actively fund scientific research.

Israeli public hospitals include Ichilov, Sheba, Rabin and others. As a rule, they include numerous corps, various support services. Almost all hospitals in Israel are multidisciplinary centers where they treat any disorders.

Certain illnesses and procedures are performed only in public hospitals. These include leukemia, kidney pathologies, kidney, liver and bone marrow transplants, as well as complex operations in children. This is due to the availability of the necessary medical equipment.

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Israel's public hospitals have a specific admission scheme for foreign patients. Its main goal is not to overload the centers and to maintain the same opportunities for medical care for all patients, although the cost of services for visitors is much higher.

  1. Surgical treatment for residents of other countries is performed exclusively in the afternoon.
  2. Foreign patients expect medical care on a par with local residents - in a single queue.
  3. Payment for doctors is made by the Ministry of Health of the country, so tourists from other countries do not receive any special preference.
  4. There is no possibility of choosing a doctor or surgeon, maybe it will be an experienced and highly professional specialist, or perhaps a beginner, a student who graduated from a medical school.

Every day, thousands of patients from Israel and other countries use the services of public hospitals. Medical care in such institutions is tailored mainly for the residents of this state, so you should not expect a special attitude towards visitors. In addition, staff strikes are periodically observed here, which negatively affects the work process.

If a foreign patient is engaged in independent organization - appointment of queues, diagnostic and treatment procedures, the process, as a rule, takes a lot of time and effort. If he prefers cooperation with a professional medical consultant - a company operating in the field of medical tourism, the process of diagnosis and treatment is accelerated at times, bypassing exhausting queues. This happens thanks to a deep knowledge of the specifics of Israeli healthcare, numerous professional contacts, the involvement of public and private clinics, and preliminary planning.

Israeli public hospitals usually have international tourism departments where coordinators work. But the catch is that the number of patients greatly exceeds the number of attendants. Therefore, the quality of the organization will be an order of magnitude lower than if the patient cooperates with a private intermediary company. However, there is a fee for the organization and it is included in the rates set by the hospital.

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Advantages of treatment in major hospitals in Israel:

  1. Extensive diagnostic options.
  2. A large number of doctors of different profiles.
  3. Reliable emergency services.

If the patient is elderly and has a significant number of pathologies, or in a severe case that requires a large number of consultations of highly specialized specialists or complex diagnostic and therapeutic options, a large state institution should be preferred.

Disadvantages of Israeli Public Hospitals

  1. Lack of price flexibility. Quite often, the cost of services is 1.5 times more expensive. Prices for foreign tourists include the cost of treating the patient himself and a percentage to the Ministry of Health (employer). For example, the cost of services in a public hospital is similar to or higher than consultations and treatment in private clinics - in Assuta and Herzliya Medical Center.
  2. Low level of organization of diagnostics and treatment.

A state medical institution gives a foreign tourist everything they need, excluding the possibility of choice - the so-called "unchangeable package of services".

In what cases can treatment in Israeli public hospitals be considered optimal?

If the patient does not need to undergo diagnostics and treatment in a short time. He is able to pay for additional days of stay in the country. When there are friends or relatives - Israeli citizens who can help with information, accommodation and the escort process.

Should a foreign patient seek direct contact with a public hospital?

Public medical institutions of this country do not directly interact with a patient from abroad. In each such hospital there is an international tourism department that organizes treatment, or another type of intermediary service takes place.

In this case, only one clinic is provided to ensure maximum income for a particular institution. Every month, a large number of patients turn to the services of Israeli public hospitals, so the level of organization of diagnosis and treatment is quite low.

In addition, many medical tourism companies have websites dedicated to clinics - Rabin, Sheba, etc. A potential client approaches, thinking that this is the direct site of a particular institution.

Health insurance companies - what is it?

Public clinics or health insurance companies provide services under the statutory health insurance program. They own outpatient clinics where you can get primary care. The rest of the cases are handled by public hospitals. There are 4 cash desks in Israel.

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Private clinics in Israel

The level of medical care in both private and public hospitals is equally high. Innovations and modern technologies are available both there and there.

Private clinics in Israel are quite diverse. This may be a large medical institution, corresponding to large state hospitals in terms of capabilities and dimensions, for example, a network of medical centers (11 clinics) - Assuta. Or a small hospital with much more modest resources.

Common common diseases can be treated quite effectively in many clinics in Israel. A dozen hospitals have the opportunity to successfully carry out such procedures as knee replacement, various plastic surgeries, cataract treatment, coronary angiography, stenting, etc. Hundreds of professional doctors will provide high-quality treatment, and the technical equipment of the clinics is at a good level.

In private clinics in Israel, it is possible to choose an attending physician and undergo diagnostics and treatment in a comfortable environment in a short time.

Thousands of patients, both residents of Israel and other countries, also turn to the services of large private clinics. Complex types of diagnostics, treatment and surgical interventions are carried out here.

Doctors in large public hospitals work at a rate, and their work in private clinics provides an opportunity for more earnings. As a rule, most specialists in Israel combine their activities in both types of medical centers.

The quality of service in a private medical institution is higher, medical equipment is sometimes better, the process of diagnosis and treatment proceeds more quickly. But there is no permanent staff of doctors in these medical centers; the work of specialists is carried out on a contractual basis.

Contact the doctors of the clinic

So, the advantages of private clinics in Israel:

  1. The cost of many procedures in private institutions is cheaper with the same level of quality as in public hospitals, this is due to competition.
  2. There is a possibility of VIP service. An individual approach to each patient is practiced, in contrast to a state institution where a visitor from another country is equated with an ordinary Israeli, although he pays large sums, and where a kind of conveyor system is put on stream. There are no queues and bureaucratic problems in private clinics in Israel, as well as appointments with doctors only by the hour. Here the specialist can change his schedule. The medical staff is more friendly and welcoming.
  3. There is a higher level of organization and short terms for the treatment and diagnostic process.
  4. The patient can choose the attending physician or surgeon, because professionalism, talent and experience determine the success of the treatment. There is the possibility of extracurricular communication with a specialist and communication support after the patient leaves Israel.
  5. It is possible to get a "second opinion" from another doctor if the patient is in doubt.

In what cases should you give preference to a private clinic in Israel?

If the patient is interested in quickly undergoing examinations and treatment, appreciates an individual approach, comes with accompanying persons, does not want to face the problem of queues, comfortable accommodation is important for him.

Companies, often referred to as intermediaries, act as a link between a doctor and a person who is looking for specific help. Often he does not know what services he needs, he is disoriented, in search of the right place and the right people, that he was not deceived. Unfortunately, there are those in the world who dishonestly live their lives and earn dishonestly.

There is tremendous importance in the services of medical tourism companies. Specialists of this level recruit, accumulate knowledge and experience, what specialty doctors do, what they do, where it happens. They know, for example, the features of two or three specialists who have the same name, specialization, but have certain narrow directions in their daily activities, they know who is better and in what. Intermediaries are the conduits that ensure the "correct confluence" of needs and required services.

Our company works with state (Ichilov, Rabin, Sheba, Asaf HaRofe) and private hospitals (Assuta, Ramat Aviv, Herzliya Medical Center) on a contractual basis and is ready to assist in organizing diagnostics and treatment, guaranteeing an impeccable result. In the course of our activities, we use the possibilities of public and private clinics.

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ON CLINIC patients have access to the best specialists in Israel.

Since its foundation, ON CLINIC has been cooperating with leading medical institutions in Israel. Therefore, we can really recommend the most relevant specialists for each disease.

Highly accurate and fast diagnosis

We will professionally prepare a medical history, including the results of analyzes and hardware diagnostics carried out in accordance with international standards. The results of researches made in ON CLINIC are accepted by Israeli specialists. Thanks to this, the treatment of the patient can be started without delay, immediately upon arrival in Israel.

ON CLINIC has every opportunity to conduct regular remote consultations with Israeli specialists in the rank of professors and heads of departments. Communication with Israeli doctors is carried out using a special "telemedicine module", which allows you to quickly and accurately exchange medical records.

Diagnostics in ON CLINIC at the level of international standards.

It is no coincidence that our Israeli colleagues trust us. We work in accordance with all international medical standards, we use the latest developments in the field of diagnostics. The joint work of Russian and Israeli doctors makes it possible to determine in advance which examinations will be needed for treatment in Israel, and, if possible, to conduct them before the patient's departure. This saves time, which is vital in the provision of medical care, and the financial costs of the patient.

Universal comprehensive examination Check-Up.

The Check-Up diagnostic program in Israel is a comprehensive medical examination that allows you to identify the disease even before the first symptomatic manifestations, and, therefore, prevent its development. With the help of this Check-Up program, it is possible to determine the presence of a patient's predisposition to the development of a particular disease. Our specialists will select the optimal program of diagnostics and / or treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's health.

Turning to ON CLINIC, you entrust your health to professional doctors.

Our specialists will solve all organizational issues related to treatment in Israel in the shortest possible time.

ON CLINIC, together with its official Israeli representative ELITE MEDICAL, provides a full range of treatment services in Israel and constantly monitors the dynamics of the treatment process. If you have any questions, it is very easy to find us at the addresses of our medical centers. At any time, ON CLINIC specialists will be happy to provide assistance and advice to patients.

Immediate start of treatment upon arrival in Israel.

Due to the fact that our patients arrive in Israel with a medical history prepared by ON CLINIC specialists, as well as after preliminary consultations with Israeli doctors on the "telemedicine module", the patient's treatment begins immediately as soon as he arrives in Israel.

Individual attitude to each patient.

We provide an individual approach, planning a program of diagnostics and / or treatment for each patient. Israeli doctors receive complete information about the patient's medical history and the characteristics of his health.

Accompanying the patient at all stages of treatment in Israel.

The most important stage is rehabilitation after the treatment. Where exactly to take a rehabilitation course - in an Israeli clinic or at the place of permanent residence, in ON CLINIC - the patient decides on his own. In any case, having returned to Russia, he does not lose contact with the attending physician in Israel, having the opportunity to use "remote" consultations using the "telemedicine module".

The doors of the best clinics in Israel are open to ON CLINIC patients.

Since its foundation, ON CLINIC has been cooperating with leading medical institutions in Israel. Therefore, we can really recommend the most relevant specialists for each disease. The founder of ON CLINICS is well acquainted with the peculiarities, nuances and advantages of Israeli medicine, since he was previously an Israeli public figure, a member of the Knesset, a member of the Israeli government.

ON CLINIC - a full range of treatment services in Israel.

ON CLINIC provides a full range of treatment services in Israel: meeting the patient at the airport and personal escort, booking air tickets, hotels or apartments near the place of treatment / examination. At the request of the patient, a tourist program can be planned, taking into account the peculiarities of his state of health, or a medical resort can be selected for the rehabilitation period.

ON CLINIC - flexible payment system for treatment in Israel.

We offer various payment options for medical services - the patient can pay for treatment, both in Russia and directly in Israel, in cash or by bank transfer. We accept bank cards of all payment systems. If necessary, we will help you get a targeted loan for medical services abroad.

Hundreds of thousands of medical tourists come to Israel to perform plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures, IVF and to be cured of various diseases. We have compiled t op-10 best clinics in Israel. The list includes both public and private clinics.

The ranking is based on the popularity of the clinic, the variety of specializations, the professionalism of the staff and the customer reviews left on the official websites of the clinics.

Why patients prefer Israeli clinics:

  1. They employ highly qualified and polite medical staff.
  2. Medical centers in Israel, both public and private, have the most modern equipment.
  3. Treatment in Israeli clinics is affordable.
  4. Doctors in many clinics speak Russian.

The rating of Israeli clinics is headed by the state hospital, which treats both Israelis and visitors from the countries of the former USSR. It offers services in 18 areas, including oncology, nephrology, ophthalmology, urology, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, and heart surgery. Also in "Hadass" you can do a unique non-surgical procedure for tubal ligation. The hospital staff speaks Russian.

For a decade and a half, Israeli medical clinics have been famous all over the world. And this is quite justified, because nowhere else you will find such high-quality medical care, at such flexible and affordable prices for everyone. Thanks to this combination, Israel won world love, and now, every year, thousands of people from all over the world go there in the hope of being cured of their diseases.

Israel is the best place for the treatment of many diseases, as the ratio of price and quality of the services provided is at an ideal level. There are many universal clinics in Israel that are competent in any field of medicine, but some diseases can be treated in small specialized clinics. In each case, as a rule, you need to choose your own solution to the problem. To do this, you should carefully read the description of the main clinics in Israel.

For a decade and a half, Israeli medical clinics have been famous all over the world. And this is quite justified, because nowhere else you will find such high-quality medical care, at such flexible and affordable prices for everyone. Thanks to this combination, Israel won world love, and now, every year, thousands of people from all over the Earth go there in the hope of being cured of their diseases. All clinics in Israel are divided into two main types - public and private.

Private clinics tend to be larger, have state-of-the-art equipment, research facilities, and the best doctors in the country who perform complex surgeries such as knee replacements. Clinics in Moscow, Israel, the USA are capable of performing operations of the highest complexity, but only Israeli clinics offer an adequate price for such services.

Public clinics, on the other hand, are small and slightly more expensive, but they are highly specialized and offer the most innovative, patented treatments. The owners of such clinics, as a rule, are well-known research doctors who use their developments in the treatment of patients.

Treatment in Israel, the Dead Sea, clinics are a unique way of healing, because thanks to the huge number of natural elements that are beneficial to health, even being on the Dead Sea itself has a healing effect.

Another well-developed area of ​​medicine is the treatment of oncology in Israel. Cancer clinics have long been ahead of their European and American counterparts. Many people get a chance to recover, thanks to Israeli clinics.



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