Xymelin nose drops: safe treatment of the common cold in children. Xymelin: Complete Instruction Xymelin Side Effects


International non-proprietary name


Dosage form

Nasal drops 0.05%, 0.1%


1 ml of solution contains

active substance - xylometazoline hydrochloride - 0.5 mg or 1 mg, Excipients: disodium edetate, disodium phosphate dihydrate, benzalkonium chloride in the form of a 10% solution, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, purified water


Clear colorless liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group

nasal preparations. Anticongenants and other topical nasal preparations. Sympathomimetics. Xylometazoline.

ATX code R01AA07

Pharmacological properties



Sympathomimetics with alpha-adrenergic activity for topical application of the nasal mucosa. Xylometazoline has a vasoconstrictive effect, reducing mucosal swelling and promoting drainage of the nose and sinuses. There is a slight risk of effects on the heart and central nervous system. Long-term treatment may cause mucosal edema and hypersecretion. The effect begins a few minutes after application and lasts up to 10 - 12 hours.

Indications for use

Symptomatic relief of nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and sinusitis:

Acute respiratory diseases with symptoms of rhinitis (runny nose);

Acute allergic rhinitis;



Dosage and administration

Adults and children over 10 years of age:

Xymelin® 0.1%: 2 drops in each nasal passage

Children from 2 to 10 years old:

Xymelin® 0.05%: 1-2 drops in each nasal passage

The drug should not be used more than 3 times a day. Duration of admission should not exceed 10 days.

Side effects

The most common adverse reactions are associated with the nasopharynx and mucous membranes. About 3-8% of patients experience the following adverse reactions.

The frequency of side effects of the drug is regarded as follows: frequent (> 1/100,  1/10); infrequent (> 1/1000,  1/100); rare (>1/10 000,  1/1000); very rare ( 1/10,000).


Burning nasopharynx

Irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa




With frequent or prolonged use, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is possible and, as a result, respiratory failure through the nose;


Discomfort of the gastrointestinal tract;

Very rarely:

Systemic allergic reactions





Transient visual impairment

Tachycardia or irregular heartbeat


    hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

    after surgical interventions on the dura mater (with transsphenoidal hypophysectomy and other transnasal operations)

    angle-closure glaucoma

    children's age up to 2 years (for Xymelin® 0.05%)

    children's age up to 10 years (for Xymelin® 0.1%)

Drug Interactions

When taken simultaneously with tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants, a systemic effect of xylometazoline and a possible increase in its sympathomimetic effect cannot be ruled out.

Xylometazoline should be used with caution and only after consultation with a physician in patients receiving mono-amine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and other drugs that can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

special instructions

Xylometazoline 0.05% and 0.1% should not be given to children under 2 years of age due to the risk of overdose which may lead to central nervous system depression.

The duration of treatment should not be more than ten days, since long-term treatment with xylometazoline can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa and increased secretion due to increased cell sensitivity - the "reverse effect".

Xylometazoline should be used with caution in individuals sensitive to adrenergic substances that may cause symptoms such as insomnia, dizziness, tremors, cardiac arrhythmias or high blood pressure.

Xylometazoline should be used with caution and only after consulting a physician in patients with: hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, aneurysm, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, pheochromocytosis, and if there is a problem with urination due to an enlarged prostate.

Pregnancy and lactation

Xylometozoline should not be used during pregnancy due to possible systemic vasoconstriction.

Xylometazoline can be used during breastfeeding, provided that the doctor's recommendations are followed.

Features of the influence of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Xylometazoline does not affect the ability to drive or use equipment.


Overdose due to accidental ingestion:

Symptoms: CNS depression with a significant decrease in body temperature, drowsiness with sweating, headache, irregular pulse, potential coma in children, hypotension, hypertension.

The vasoconstrictor nasal drug Xymelin Eco is intended for the treatment of rhinitis and other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

It is endowed with alpha-adrenomimetic (vasoconstrictor) stimulating effect: when applied locally, it affects the walls of blood vessels, provokes their narrowing, thereby reducing swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

the amount of mucus secretion is reduced. The effect persists for 12 hours.

Composition and form of release

The main component of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Auxiliary components are: ipratropium bromide, levomenthol, eucalyptol, sorbitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, disodium edetate and sterile water.

The drug is sold in the form of a clear solution without coloring impurities in opaque plastic containers:

  • Sprays for adults 0.1% - spray bottles with a nominal value of 10 ml;
  • Baby sprays 0.05% - 10 ml bottles with a spray device;
  • Drops in the nose Xymelin for children 0.05% and adults 0.1% - in drip vials with a nominal value of 10 ml, equipped with a pipette.

Xymelin eco nasal spray 140 mcg / dose 10 ml contains 140 mcg of xylometazoline.

Xymelin Eco nasal spray 35 mcg / dose 10 ml contains 35 mcg of xylometazoline.

Xylometosalin: mechanism of action

The drug works by stimulating adrenergic receptors, which causes constriction of the blood vessels in the nose.

The anti-edematous effect is due to the narrowing of large vessels that expand during inflammation, infection, or allergies.

Small arteries also narrow, and this leads to clarification of the nasal epithelium after using a product based on it.

which is designed to mimic the molecular form of adrenaline. It binds to α1 and α2 adrenergic receptors in the nasal mucosa.

Therefore, due to its sympathomimetic effects, the substance is not suitable for people with high blood pressure or other heart problems.
Source: website Prolonged use of xylometazoline may lead to decreased efficacy or increased susceptibility to the drug.

The number of receptors decreases, and when the administration of the drug is stopped, chronic dependence can occur -

Moreover, prolonged overdose can cause degenerative changes in the nasal mucosa, which creates another health problem.

Xymelin Eco with menthol: indications for use

Vasoconstrictor medication is designed to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The main indications for the appointment are:

Symptoms of acute respiratory diseases - nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes, severe runny nose with copious secretions of mucous;

  • Allergic rhinitis in acute form;
  • Paranasal sinusitis, nasopharyngitis; eustachitis;
  • Acute otitis media, etc.


It is not allowed to prescribe and independently use Xymelin Eco against the background of:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • transsphenoidal hypophysectomy and other surgical interventions with the opening of the dura mater;
  • tachycardia, severe forms of hypertension;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • chronic vascular pathologies;
  • pregnancy.

Among the contraindications for Xymelin 0.05% is the child's age up to 2 years; for Xymelin 0.1% - the age of the child is up to 10 years.

With increased caution, the drug is allowed to be used by patients suffering from:
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prostate hyperplasia and ureteral obstruction;
  • angina;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • tendency to bleed.

Appointment during lactation is carried out only in the case when the benefit of the medicine for the mother and baby justifies possible complications, and only strictly in the doses recommended by the attending physician.

Side effects

Vasoconstrictor drops of Xymelin can provoke the appearance of dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, increased congestion and discharge of mucous secretions, sneezing.

With prolonged use, more serious complications occur that require an urgent discontinuation of the medication and an appeal to a therapist or an otorhinolaryngologist:

  • nausea, headache, clouding of consciousness, dizziness;
  • angioedema;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • lack of sleep, depressive states, emotional lability, weakness, trembling in the limbs;
  • nasal hemorrhages.

Instructions for use Xymelin Eco

The agent in the form of a spray is used intranasally, that is, it is injected into the nasal passages immediately after they are cleared of mucous secretions. Irrigation of the nasal cavity should be carried out in a sitting or standing position, avoiding tilting the head.

Drops are administered with a pipette in the supine position, head tilted back. The medicine is injected alternately into both nostrils.

Adult patients and adolescents over 12 years of age - 1 injection no more than 3 doses per day. You should not use the medication for more than seven days without the consent of the therapist or otorhinolaryngologist.

With prolonged use of Xymelin Eco, the instructions for use warn that nasal congestion and increased mucous secretion may occur.

In childhood

Answering the question of many mothers, is it possible to drip Xymelin to children under one year old, you should refer to the annotation attached to the medication. It states that children under two years of age are not allowed to prescribe the drug.

  1. Children aged 2 to 6 years are prescribed only Xymelin Eco 0.05% - 1-2 drops or 1 spray spray up to 2 times / day.
  2. Children from 6 to 10 years old are shown drops / spray 0.1% - 2-3 drops or 1 spray of spray up to 3 times / day.
  3. It is permissible for a child from 10 years old to use Xymelin Eco medicine with menthol, 1 puff of spray 1-2 times / day.

Xymelin Eco during pregnancy

As for the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to use Xymelin, including with menthol, then in the first three months the appointment of this medication is strictly contraindicated. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, only a doctor can prescribe a medicine, taking into account all possible risks. For nursing mothers, the drug can be prescribed after consideration of the temporary cessation of feeding for the duration of therapy.


Signs of an overdose are expressed by an increase in side effects.

drug interaction

It is forbidden to use the drug while taking drugs that increase blood pressure, as well as simultaneous use with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and use for 2 weeks after stopping treatment with MAO inhibitors.


As structural analogues of the nasal medication are presented:

  1. rinomaris
  2. Rhinospray
  3. Espazolin
  4. Influrin
  5. Otrivin
  6. Supreme and others.

Terms and conditions of storage

Storage of the drug is allowed in a place closed from children, at a temperature not exceeding 30C.

Xymelin Eco: price

Release form Package Manufacturer Price
Eco Menthol nasal spray 140 mcg/dose 10 ml Takeda GmbH, Norway 170 rub.
Eco nasal spray 140 mcg/dose 10 ml Takeda GmbH, Norway 167 rub.
Eco nasal spray 35 mcg/dose 10 ml Takeda GmbH, Norway 193 rub.

Xymelin Eco: reviews of those who used the drug

Xymelin eco can be used for children from 10 years old. Reviews of doctors say that the remedy is very effective. And this is absolutely true. Verified personally. Bought it for my 12 year old son. The child spends a lot of time outside, so sometimes we catch a little cold. He quickly recovered, so the bottle still remained. Then I got sick. Apparently he infected me. Helped me too. After 3 days I felt great. This is a very short period. However, I only use it twice a day. And the child used it three times a day. Tatyana, 37 years old

Xymelin eco is cheaper than Xymelin extra spray. What is the difference? Extra can be used only from the age of 18, eco already from the age of 10. I bought eco spray with menthol. I really liked this supplement. In particular, its action is effective when the nasopharynx hurts. Menthol relieves symptoms. I take it not for the first time. I always recover completely in 4 days. Husband has enough for two days. Apparently, his immunity is more developed. Evgenia, 30 years old

The drug does not dry the mucous membrane and perfectly fights the common cold. It works already in 30 seconds. The effect lasts for several hours. The cost is low. Does not cause burning and unpleasant aftertaste. There are many pluses, however, there is one minus. There is not enough content in the bubble. Less than you think. Whether manufacturers regret, whether so it is necessary. But the amount is not a penny, it would be possible to pour more. They also tried it with a runny nose, coped with a bang. Oleg, 42 years old

Xymelin - vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which are widely used in ENT practice.

They contribute to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, which relieves its swelling and hyperemia, facilitating nasal breathing. When used in a therapeutic dosage, the drops do not cause side effects, the effect of the application occurs in a few minutes, lasts 10-12 hours.

In this article, we will look at why doctors prescribe Xymelin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Xymelin can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Clinico-pharmacological group: vasoconstrictor drug for local use in ENT practice.

Xymelin is produced in the form of:

  • 0.05% (children's Xymelin) and 0.1% (for adults) colorless nasal drops containing xylometazoline hydrochloride in 1 ml in the amount of 500 mcg or 1 mg.
  • 0.05% and 0.1% colorless nasal spray containing 1 ml of xylometazoline hydrochloride in an amount of 500 μg or 1 mg.

In addition, they produce analogues of the drug with a similar name and a similar mechanism of action:

  • Xymelin Eco (Children's Xymelin) - 0.05% nasal spray containing xylometazoline hydrochloride in 1 ml in the amount of 500 mcg or 1 mg.
  • Xymelin Extra is a nasal spray containing 500 mcg of xylometazoline hydrochloride and 600 mcg of ipratropium bromide monohydrate in 1 ml.

The composition of drops and nasal spray includes the main substance: xylometazoline hydrochloride.

Indications for use

The instructions for use contain an exhaustive list of diseases and pathological conditions that are indications for taking Xymelin:

  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • hay fever (pollinosis);
  • eustachitis;
  • otitis media;
  • rhinitis (runny nose), which is a symptom of a cold;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis);
  • preparation of the patient for operations or diagnostics carried out in the nasal cavity.

Thanks to the xylometazoline included in its composition, Xymelin is an effective vasoconstrictor (adrenergic agonist).

Pharmacological properties

Xymelin is a vasoconstrictor for intranasal use from the group of alpha-agonists.

When the drug is instilled into the nasal passages, after a few minutes, nasal breathing is relieved, the swelling of the mucous membrane is eliminated, and hyperemia is reduced. The drug is highly effective in rhinitis of various origins.

Subject to the dosage indicated by the doctor and the duration of the course of therapy, the drug is not addictive. The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts about 12 hours.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Xymelin is administered intranasally (in the nose). Before this procedure, you need to clear the nasal passages from mucous secretions.

  • Nasal drops 0.05% are prescribed for children aged 2 to 6 years, 1-2 drops in each nostril 1-2 times / day.
  • Nasal drops 0.1% are prescribed for adults and children over 6 years old, 2-3 drops in each nostril (if necessary, you can repeat the instillation).

The drug should be used no more than 3 times / day and for no more than 7 days.


It is contraindicated to take the remedy if there is:

  • atherosclerosis of a pronounced nature;
  • chronic tachycardia;
  • glaucoma (angle-closure type);
  • rhinitis in the atrophic stage;
  • thyroid problems (hyperthyroidism);
  • sensitivity to the drug and its components;
  • the period after surgical operations associated with damage to the meninges of the brain.

Xymelin should be used with extreme caution in diabetes mellitus, prostatic hyperplasia and angina pectoris (III-IV functional class). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed strictly according to the indications, with a careful balance between the expected benefits and the potential threat of side effects.

Side effects

During the use of Xymelin, the following side effects may occur:

  • Systemic reactions: rarely - headache, tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, vomiting, blurred vision, insomnia; with prolonged therapy in high doses - depression;
  • Local reactions: with prolonged and / or frequent use - sneezing, dryness and / or irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, tingling, burning, hypersecretion; rarely - edema localized in the nasal mucosa.

Overdose is to increase the side effects:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsions;
  • coma;
  • rise in blood pressure or its sharp drop - circular collapse;
  • depression of the central nervous system or, conversely, excessive excitability.

With prolonged uncontrolled use, a number of side effects develop.

Xymelin's analogs

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Brizolin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Grippostad Reno;
  • For the nose;
  • Dr. Theiss Nazoline;
  • Dr. Theiss Rhinotheiss;
  • Star;
  • Influrin;
  • Xylene;
  • Xylobene;
  • xylometazoline;
  • Xymelin Eco;
  • Xymelin Eco with menthol;
  • Xymelin Extra;
  • Nosolin;
  • Nosolin balm;
  • Olint;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rhinomaris;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Rhinorus;
  • Rinostop;
  • Sanorin Xylo;
  • Sialor;
  • Snoop
  • Suprima;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • Tizin Xylo Bio;
  • Farmazolin;
  • Evkazolin Aqua;
  • Espazolin.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of XIMELIN, drops in pharmacies (Moscow) is 90 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Drug Xymelin

Xymelin- a locally acting vasoconstrictor drug that is used in the treatment of rhinitis (cold) and other ENT diseases. Active substance - xylometazoline hydrochloride.

Upon contact with the nasal mucosa, Xymelin contributes to the narrowing of its dilated (with a runny nose) vessels, resulting in reduced swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane, the patient improves difficulty breathing through the nose, and mucous secretions decrease. He sneezes much less often.

The drug Xymelin Eco contains an additional component levomenthol, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Xymelin Extra contains one more active substance - ipratropium bromide , which reduces the secretion of mucus by the glands of the nasal mucosa.

The drug practically does not enter the bloodstream.

Release form

Xymelin is a clear, colorless liquid available in the following forms:
  • Nasal spray for children 0.05% in dark glass bottles of 10 ml with dispenser, tip and protective cap.
  • Adult nasal spray 0.1% in dark glass bottles of 10 and 15 ml with a dispenser, which is also equipped with a tip and a protective cap.
  • Nasal drops for children 0.05% and adults 0.1% in dark dropper bottles of 10 ml.

Instructions for use Xymelin

Indications for use

  • Acute respiratory diseases accompanied by shortness of breath, severe runny nose, swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa (for example, acute rhinitis and sinusitis).
  • Symptomatic treatment of acute allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis and eustachitis (inflammation of the auditory tube, characterized by ear congestion due to impaired ventilation).
  • Otitis media (when it is necessary to remove the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx).
  • Preparation for diagnostic procedures that require manipulations in the nasal passages.


  • Angle-closure glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased production of thyroid hormones);
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • surgical operations on the brain in the past (in history);
  • individual hypersensitivity to the active substance or other components of the drug;
  • children under 2 years old.
Xymelin Eco is not prescribed during pregnancy and children under 10 years of age.

Xymelin Extra is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Carefully Xymelin is prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with the following diagnoses:

  • angina pectoris;
  • hyperplasia (enlargement) of the prostate;
  • obstruction of the ureters (obstruction of the outflow of urine);
  • tendency to bleed;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Side effects

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, dryness, burning, paresthesia (unusual skin sensations, such as tingling) and sneezing.

With prolonged uncontrolled use, a number of side effects develop.

From the side of the central nervous system:

  • disturbances in wakefulness and sleep, insomnia;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • abrupt mood swings (emotional lability);
  • anxiety, anxiety, depression;
  • general weakness;
  • tremor (trembling) of the hands.
From the side of the cardiovascular system:
  • arterial hypertension ;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia.
Other side effects due to long-term use of Xymelin:
  • nosebleeds;
  • allergic reaction in the form of Quincke's edema;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa (rare);
  • rhinorrhea (excessive mucous discharge from the nose).

Xymelin treatment

How to use Xymelin?
The drug is administered intranasally (in the nose). Before this procedure, you need to clear the nasal passages from mucous secretions.

Drops are instilled in the usual way.

When using the spray from the bottle, you need to remove the protective cap, carefully insert the tip of the sprayer into the nasal passage and press the nozzle while inhaling. The medicine will irrigate the entire nasal mucosa. Repeat the same in the second nostril.

Dosage of Xymelin
Adults should use nasal drops or spray 0.1% 2-3 drops (or 1 spray dispenser) in each nostril no more than 3 times a day.

Xymelin Eco with menthol (spray) is prescribed for adults 1 dose 1-2 times a day. Treatment course - 10 days.

Xymelin Extra (spray) - 1 dose 1-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Overdose is to increase the side effects:

  • depression of the central nervous system or, conversely, excessive excitability;
  • rise in blood pressure or its sharp drop - circular collapse;
The treatment is symptomatic and consists in prescribing alpha-adrenergic blocking drugs (for example, such as Prazosin, Pyrroxane, Tropafen, Phentolamine, etc.).

Xymelin for children

Xymelin is not prescribed for children under two years of age, and Xymelin Extra is contraindicated in children in general.

Indications for the use of Xymelin in children are the same as in adults.

Children from 2 to 6 years old use a spray or nasal drops of 0.05%: 1-2 drops (or one spray) in each nostril no more than twice a day.

Children over 6 years of age should use nasal drops or spray 0.1%: 2-3 drops (or 1 spray pump) in each nostril no more than 3 times a day.

Xymelin Eco with menthol is prescribed only for children over 10 years old: 1 dose 1-2 times a day.

Xymelin during pregnancy and lactation

Xymelin should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second and third trimesters, the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, after carefully analyzing the situation.

With the combined use of Xymelin Extra and anticholinergic drugs, it is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect of ipratropium bromide.

Xymelin's analogs

Xymelin has a lot of structural analogues for the active substance (synonyms):
  • Farmazolin;
  • For the nose;
  • Galazolin;
  • Dr. Theiss Nazoline;
  • Evkazolin Aqua;
  • Sialor;
  • Rinostop;
  • Rhinomaris;
  • Olint;
  • Nosolin;
  • Snoop
  • Espazolin;
  • Suprima;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • Xylobene;
  • Influrin;
  • Brizolin;
  • Rhinorus and others.
Analogues (but not synonyms) of Xymelin are also Xymelin Eco and Xymelin Extra.

1 ml of the drug contains: Quantity for
0,05% 0,1%
Active substance:
Xylometazoline hydrochloride............0.5 mg....1 mg
Disodium edetate...................................0.5 mg....0.5 mg
Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.............2 mg......2 mg
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate.........2 mg......2 mg
Sodium chloride ............................... 7.4 mg .... 7, 3 mg
Benzalkonium chloride ...............0.1 mg.....0.1mg
Purified water ................................991.5 mg.....991.1 mg

Xylometazoline belongs to the group of local vasoconstrictors (decongestants) with alpha-adrenergic action, causes constriction of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, thus eliminating swelling and hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Facilitates nasal breathing in rhinitis. In therapeutic concentrations, it does not irritate the nasal mucosa, does not cause its hyperemia. The action occurs 2 minutes after application and lasts for 10 - 12 hours. In vitro studies have shown that xylometazoline inhibits the infectious activity of the human rhinovirus that causes the "cold".

Acute respiratory diseases with symptoms of rhinitis (runny nose), acute allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis, eustachitis, otitis media (to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa). Preparation of the patient for diagnostic manipulations in the nasal passages.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, thyrotoxicosis, surgical interventions on the meninges (in history), condition after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, pregnancy, children under 2 years of age (for Xymelin 0.05% ); children's age up to 6 years (for Xymelin 0.1%). Do not use the drug during therapy with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants, including a period of 14 days after their withdrawal.
Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. IHD, angina pectoris, porphyria, breastfeeding period, prostatic hyperplasia, with increased sensitivity to the action of adrenergic drugs, accompanied by insomnia, dizziness, arrhythmia, tremor, increased blood pressure.

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the drug should be used only after a thorough assessment of the risk-benefit ratio for mother and child, under the supervision of a physician. It is not allowed to exceed the recommended dose.

Intranasally. 0.05% drops for children from 2 to 6 years old: 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 1-2 times a day; should not be used more than 3 times a day. 0.1% drops for adults and children over 6 years old: 2-3 drops in each nasal passage (can be repeated if necessary); should not be used more than 3 times a day. The drug is used for no more than 10 days. The drug in children should be used only under adult supervision. Use the drug only according to the indications, the method of application and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Classification of the frequency of occurrence of adverse reactions: very often (≥ 1/10); often (≥ 1/100, ˂ 1/10); infrequently (≥ 1/1000, ˂ 1/100); rarely (≥ 1/10000, ˂ 1/1000); very rare (˂ 1/10000). Immune system disorders Very rare: hypersensitivity reactions (angioedema, rash, itching). Nervous system disorders Rare: depression (with prolonged use at high doses) Very rare: restlessness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, hallucinations and convulsions (mainly in children). On the part of the organs of vision Very rare: a violation of the clarity of visual perception. Cardiac disorders Rare: increased blood pressure; Very rare: tachycardia, arrhythmia. Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Common: irritation and/or dryness of the nasal mucosa, burning, tingling, sneezing, hypersecretion of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, paresthesia of the nasal mucosa. Infrequently: nasal congestion (reactive congestion), especially after frequent and prolonged use. Rare: nosebleed. Gastrointestinal disorders Rare: nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort. If any of the side effects listed in the instructions get worse, or if you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

Xylometazoline, when administered locally in excessive doses or when accidentally ingested, can cause severe dizziness, irregular pulse, increased sweating, a sharp decrease in body temperature, headache, bradycardia, increased blood pressure, respiratory depression, coma and convulsions. Following an increase in blood pressure, its sharp decrease can be observed. Appropriate supportive measures should be taken in case of any suspicion of overdose, in some cases prompt symptomatic treatment is indicated under the supervision of a physician. These measures should include monitoring the patient for several hours. In case of severe poisoning with cardiac arrest, resuscitation should continue for at least one hour.



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