What is tachycardia, causes and treatment. Tachycardia - symptoms, causes, types and treatment of tachycardia Treatment of diseases and pathological conditions accompanied by tachycardia syndrome

Tachycardia is a condition characterized by a marked increase in heart rate. This phenomenon can have any genesis. It is generally accepted that with a heart rate of 100 beats per minute or more, the patient has tachycardia. The state of tachycardia is characterized by the correct rhythm of the heart: the duration between heartbeats is uniform. If a person’s tachycardia develops suddenly, and later the attack ends no less unexpectedly, then in this case the condition is designated as paroxysmal tachycardia . To understand what tachycardia is, and what conditions should be distinguished, there is a classification into several types of disease.

Types of tachycardia

First of all, tachycardia is divided into physiological and pathological . Manifestations physiological tachycardia can occur in people whose cardiovascular system functions without pathologies. In this case, various environmental factors predispose to the manifestation of tachycardia. This may be a sharp change in the position of the body, playing sports, staying in uncharacteristic climatic conditions. Also, the heart rate increases after overeating and drinking stimulating drinks, due to treatment with certain drugs.

Pathological tachycardia appears as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, this condition occurs due to previously transferred acute ailments.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of tachycardia, directly related to disorders in the work of the heart ( arrhythmias supraventricular and ventricular .

Supraventricular tachycardia - this is either an independent disease that occurs due to pathologies in the structure of the heart, or a consequence of other diseases, the course of which negatively affected the functioning of the heart. With this form of tachycardia of the heart, an abnormal heart rhythm is formed no higher than the level of the ventricles, that is, at the level of the atria.

At ventricular tachycardiaand the source of the increased rhythm is already in the ventricles. This condition is considered a fairly serious violation in the work of the heart.

Ventricular tachycardia sometimes manifests itself as an anomaly of a congenital nature and a consequence of diseases that affect the heart muscle. Most often, tachycardia of this form is a consequence hearts or cardiomyopathy . Manifestations of ventricular tachycardia pose a danger to the patient due to the possibility of disruption of the heart rhythm and, as a result, possible sudden cardiac arrest.

Sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia - This is a condition in which an increase in heart rate occurs due to external manifestations. So, it can be strong , physical activity, etc. In this case, it is very important to know what is the cause of this condition. It is the cause that needs to be eliminated in the first place, therefore, with the manifestations of sinus tachycardia, a comprehensive examination of the body is required.

With sinus tachycardia, the heart rate increases from 90 to 150-180 per minute, while maintaining the correct sinus rhythm.

The reason for this condition is an increase in the automatism of the sinoatrial node, which is the main pacemaker. If a person is completely healthy, then such a phenomenon may occur as a result of strong physical or emotional stress.

There are several types of sinus tachycardia. Pharmacological sinus tachycardia occurs as a result of influence on the sinus node , norepinephrine , isoproterenol , alcohol , caffeine , nicotine and a number of other substances. Adequate and inadequate forms of pathological sinus tachycardia are also distinguished. Adequate form tachycardia occurs as a result increase in body temperature , arterial hypertension , anemia , hypoxemia , thyrotoxicosis . An inadequate form of sinus tachycardia is characterized by a persistent symptomatic increase in the frequency of sinus rhythm. The heart rate in this case is more than 100 per minute, both at rest and with the least physical exertion. This condition lasts for at least three months for no apparent reason.

inadequate shape sinus tachycardia is relatively rare and is a poorly understood disease. As a rule, the disease occurs in young people, in most cases it manifests itself in women. Patients complain of persistent palpitations, a feeling of constant weakness and.

It is necessary to treat sinus tachycardia only in case of manifestation of its inadequate form.

Causes of tachycardia

To understand what tachycardia is, it is important to consider that tachycardia of the heart manifests itself due to many and different reasons. So, such a condition can arise as a natural reaction of the human body to emotional stress and too much physical labor. Also, tachycardia may be accompanied by fever, smoking, drinking large doses of alcoholic beverages. The heartbeat becomes more frequent and in case of a sharp decrease , with anemia and, accordingly, a decrease in the level , as a consequence of the development of malignant tumors, purulent infections, increased thyroid function. Also, tachycardia can occur as a result of treatment with certain medications.

There are also tachycardias that occur due to the presence of a pathology of the heart muscle or due to disturbances in the process of electrical conduction of the heart. Cardiac tachycardia is the first sign of cardiac decompensation.

Also, such a condition is a consequence of shock or collapse (this may be fainting, bleeding, etc.), as a result of a reflex to lower blood pressure.

A tendency to tachycardia is a characteristic symptom in people who are sick. As a rule, in this case, these are young patients. Heart palpitations are also observed in patients .

Symptoms of tachycardia

Symptoms of tachycardia are manifested, first of all, by a sharp increase in the heart rate, which is paroxysmal in nature. At the same time, the heart rhythm remains clear and correct. A similar phenomenon can begin very abruptly, and then suddenly stop. In addition, the symptoms of tachycardia include the manifestation of general weakness, bouts of dizziness. A person may feel an influx of lightheadedness, as well as a feeling of lack of air. During the attack, all the described symptoms of tachycardia are pronounced, and sometimes the patient has a distinct feeling of fear. In view of this, with the sudden manifestation of the indicated signs, all measures should be taken to relax and calm down.

Diagnosis of tachycardia

When diagnosing tachycardia, it is important to start working with the patient with a thorough questioning. The doctor must listen to the patient with a stethoscope, determining the presence of a heart murmur. For a correct diagnosis, it is important for a specialist to determine what causes tachycardia, how long the attack lasts, and whether it suddenly manifests itself.

The next important step in the diagnostic process is electrocardiography. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to register the electric fields that are formed during the work of the heart. In order for an attack of tachycardia in a patient to be registered, daily ECG monitoring is sometimes used. This study is a permanent record of the electrocardiogram, which lasts throughout the day. In this case, the patient is engaged in the usual activities and wears a special portable device. To determine the cause of the patient's tachycardia, the doctor often prescribes blood tests, echocardiography, chest x-ray examination.

Treatment of tachycardia

When treating tachycardia, it is important to consider the reasons why this condition develops, as well as the type of tachycardia. There are a number of conditions in which tachycardia treatment is not required at all. To normalize the heartbeat, you need a good rest, a change in lifestyle to a more correct one. Often people just need to calm down.

However, often drug therapy for tachycardia is still necessary. Decisions to take any medications should only be made by a specialist after the patient has undergone a thorough examination. Therefore, if tachycardia appears without a specific reason, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of tachycardia is aimed at treating diseases that cause it. In most cases, tachycardia is a consequence of disorders in the endocrine system, the autonomic nervous system, as well as a number of cardiovascular ailments.

Antiarrhythmic drugs are often used to prevent an attack of tachycardia. However, these drugs can cause a number of side effects.

If the patient has a pronounced attack of tachycardia, it is recommended to immediately stop physical activity. You can use sedative sedative drugs prescribed by your doctor. There are also some methods that help eliminate tachycardia attacks on their own. So, there are special methods of holding the breath, in which the patient should slightly press his fingers on the eyeballs. In some cases, non-traditional methods are effective, for example, the Ayurvedic breathing system.

In the treatment of tachycardia of the heart, folk remedies are also used, namely decoctions of calendula, blue cornflower, lemon balm, periwinkle and other herbs and herbal remedies.

The doctors


Tachycardia during pregnancy

Often, women who have not previously experienced problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system experience tachycardia attacks during . Tachycardia during pregnancy is a consequence of changes in the female body. To understand what tachycardia is in this case, it is important to consider that in the process of bearing a child, the entire body as a whole functions with a double load.

However, the direct causes of tachycardia are quite diverse and are still being studied by specialists. So, the main factor provoking heart palpitations should be considered a high level of hormones that exhibit sympathomimetic activity and, as a result, increase the frequency of heart contractions. Among other factors due to which tachycardia occurs during pregnancy, it should be noted an increase in the weight of a pregnant woman, a high level of metabolism, an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins important for the body, anemia, and a decrease in pressure. Severe often results in negative changes in the water and electrolyte balance, which can also provoke periodic attacks of tachycardia. Displacement of the heart due to anatomical changes in the body, the use of a number of drugs can affect the state of the heart muscle and provoke tachycardia.

Tachycardia in pregnant women is usually called a state when the heart rate at rest is more than 90 beats per minute. In this case, the woman does not feel pain. The attack stops on its own. However, with a frequent increase in heart rate to 120 or more beats and associated unpleasant symptoms, a woman should charmingly turn to specialists and undergo examinations. In this situation, an ECG is prescribed, as additional studies, EchoCG, a study of thyroid hormones, is used.

Therapy of tachycardia during pregnancy involves taking herbal sedatives, as well as vitamins, preparations containing potassium, magnesium. It is important to correct the water balance, to prevent anemia.

Prevention of tachycardia

To avoid the manifestation of attacks of tachycardia, it is important, first of all, to consult a doctor in time and treat the diseases that cause this condition. At the first manifestations of an accelerated heartbeat, you should take care of adequate and proper rest. It is equally important to stop the abuse of products containing caffeine, alcohol. Strong coffee and tea can be replaced with herbal teas using herbs that act in a sedative way.

You do not need to eat a lot of sweets, fatty foods, at the same time it is important to follow the principles of a healthy diet. Parosismal tachycardia often occurs as a result of taking stimulants, diet pills. An equally important principle in the prevention of tachycardia is protection from constant stress, a stable emotional state.

An effective method of preventing heart palpitations is to take the trace element magnesium, which regulates the effects of calcium in the muscle cells of the heart. The consequence of this effect will be rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. Another element important for the proper functioning of the heart is potassium.

An active lifestyle and lean, reasonable physical activity stimulate the heart, and also increase the body's resistance to the release of excess adrenaline. As a result, irritability decreases and the emotional background stabilizes.

Attacks of tachycardia are less likely to occur in those people who regularly spend a lot of time outdoors. It is important to walk outside for at least half an hour every day.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will look at tachycardia with you, as well as its symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis, treatment with conservative and folk remedies, prevention and other interesting information about this condition. So…

What is tachycardia?

Tachycardia- a special condition of the body in which the heart rate (HR) exceeds 90 beats per minute.

Tachycardia is one of the types.

Doctors consider tachycardia as a symptom, which is most often caused by strong emotional experiences, increased physical activity of a person, the use of certain foods and drugs, as well as a number of diseases and other systems.

If we talk about the main symptoms that usually accompany an increased human heartbeat, then this is a feeling of palpitations, pulsation of the vessels of the cervical region and dizziness. However, in some situations, tachycardia can lead to the development of life-threatening conditions such as myocardial infarction, acute heart failure and cardiac arrest.

It is important to note that tachycardia in children under 7 years old is considered by most experts to be the normal state of a healthy child.

In many cases, the treatment of tachycardia comes down to removing from a person's life a factor that caused an increased heart rate, for example, a ban on excessive coffee consumption, a change of job with increased physical activity or frequent stress.

Development of tachycardia

The development of tachycardia is based on the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) located in the spine. Speaking in human terms, the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for activating the work of one or another organ, but above all, the heart. There is also the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for deactivating the organs. The vital activity of the organism, i.e. the work of human organs is regulated automatically, for example, the sympathetic nervous system contributes to the inhalation of a person, and the parasympathetic nervous system to exhale.

If we translate this mechanism of the body's vital activity into the plane of tachycardia, then we can derive the following picture: when the human body is exposed to some factor that is not characteristic of its normal state (stress, fear, overload, etc.), the sympathetic system enhances the work of the heart - his sinus node, the heartbeat rises. At the same time, if a person finds himself in a stressful situation, the production of adrenaline by neuroendocrine cells and its release into the blood increases, which is also a protective function of the body against possible danger. Adrenaline also increases the heart rate.

All this leads to the fact that the heart ventricles do not have time to fill with blood, because of which the blood circulation of the whole organism is disturbed, the blood does not have time to fill with oxygen and deliver it in the required amount to all organs.

That is why, with an increased heartbeat, the patient experiences dizziness, up to loss of consciousness.

Tachycardia - ICD

ICD-10: I47-I49, R00.0;
ICD-9: 427, 785.0.

The symptomatology of tachycardia largely depends on the etiology of palpitations, its severity and duration, as well as the general state of human health.

The main symptoms of tachycardia are:

  • Feeling of a strong heartbeat;
  • Heaviness in the region of the heart, pain in the heart;
  • Pulsation of the vessels of the neck;
  • up to loss of consciousness;
  • Feeling short of breath;
  • Dyspnea;
  • (low blood pressure).

Additional symptoms of tachycardia:

  • , increased fatigue;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Bad mood, increased irritability;
  • Decreased diuresis;
  • Body cramps.

There are a very large number of causes of heart palpitations, but all of them can be divided into 2 main groups - intracardiac and extracardiac factors. Let's consider them in more detail...

Internal (intracardiac, or cardiac) causes of tachycardia:

Diseases and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, severe form, heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, bacterial nature, congenital lengthening of the Q-T interval, mitral valve prolapse syndrome, hypoxemia, acute vascular insufficiency (with the loss of a large amount bleeding, shock, collapse, or fainting).

External (extracardiac, or non-cardiac) causes of tachycardia

  • Increased physical exertion on the body, or a long stay in an uncomfortable position for the body, for example, when bending over (working in the garden, etc.);
  • A sharp change in body position, for example, from a horizontal to a vertical position;
  • Strong feelings, fears,;
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the cerebral cortex and subcortical nodes;
  • Disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), including -;
  • Presence:, and other diseases that are accompanied - each additional 1 ° C of body temperature increases heart rate by 8 beats / minute (adults) and by 10-15 beats / minute (children);
  • Disorders of work:, pheochromocytoma
  • The use of certain drugs: sympathomimetics, or drugs that activate the active sympathetic nervous system (adrenaline and norepinephrine drugs), hormonal drugs (corticosteroids, thyroid-stimulating hormones), vagolytics (atropine), antihypertensive drugs (lowering blood pressure), diuretics (diuretics), psychotropic drugs (phenothiazides), some anesthetics, aminophylline, intoxication with cardiac glycosides and other drugs;
  • Ingestion of certain harmful substances: alcoholic beverages, nicotine, nitrates (a poison that may be found in food);
  • Drinking coffee and caffeinated drinks, strong tea;
  • Congenital pathologies;
  • Severe pain attacks (colic and others);
  • Bites of some representatives of the animal world -,;
  • There is also tachycardia of unknown etiology, which belongs to the group of idiopathic tachycardia. This may include heart palpitations as a result of the impact on a person of spiritual forces, but of course, official medicine usually does not recognize spiritual factors.

The classification of tachycardia includes the following types of this condition:

By etiology:

Physiological tachycardia. The heart rate (HR) increases as a result of the impact on the body of a certain factor. It is an adequate response of the body to an irritant (fear, stress, taking certain substances, getting the body into certain climatic conditions, etc.);

Pathological tachycardia. The main cause of heart rate is the presence of an acquired or hereditary pathology of the heart and other organs while the body is at rest. It is a dangerous condition, prolonged exposure to which contributes to the development of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) or myocardial infarction. Pathological tachycardia is accompanied by a decrease in the filling of the ventricles with blood, which leads to insufficient blood supply to all organs, and, accordingly, their nutrition. At the same time, a person falls, and a long period of this pathological condition leads to the development of hypoxia and arrhythmogenic cardiopathy, in which the efficiency of the heart is significantly reduced. The longer a person is in this state, the worse the prognosis for a full recovery.

Idiopathic tachycardia. The cause of heart palpitations in healthcare workers cannot be identified.

According to the source that generates electrical impulses in the heart:

Sinus tachycardia- develops as a result of an increase in the activity of the sinus, or sinoatrial node, which in fact is the main source of electrical impulses that sets the rhythm of the heart (HR) at rest. It is characterized by a gradual onset, heart rate up to 120-220 beats / minute and the correct rhythm of the heartbeat.

Ectopic (paroxysmal) tachycardia- the source of electrical impulses originates in the atria (supraventricular) or ventricles (ventricular). It is characterized by a paroxysmal course, which both appear suddenly and disappear, but their duration can be from several minutes to several tens of hours, during which the heart rate remains consistently high - from 140 to 250 beats / minute, with the correct heartbeat rhythm. Such seizures are called paroxysms.

Paroxysmal tachycardia includes 3 forms:

  • Atrial (supraventricular, or supraventricular) tachycardia - most often, the cause of palpitations is the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which usually occurs with - fears, stress, shock conditions, etc .;
  • Ventricular tachycardia (VT) - the most common cause is dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, for example - about 85-95% of this form of heart rate is observed in patients with or myocarditis;
  • Nodular tachycardia.

Ventricular fibrillation (VF). It is often a complication of a massive transmural myocardial infarction or a continuation of the development of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, although some scientists consider ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia as one phenomenon. It is characterized by chaotic and irregular contraction of the heart muscle at a level of 250 to 600 beats per minute, which in some cases leads to complete cardiac arrest. In addition, after 15-20 seconds, the patient may experience severe dizziness and lose consciousness, and after 40 seconds, he may experience a single tonic spasm of skeletal muscles, accompanied by involuntary urination and defecation. At the same time, the victim's pupils increase in size, which after one and a half to two minutes are expanded to a maximum level. The patient begins to breathe rapidly, but after breathing slows down, and after 2 minutes clinical death occurs.

In the medical world, ventricular fibrillation is conventionally divided into 3 types:

Primary FJ. Development occurs in the first 4-48 hours from the onset of myocardial infarction, but before the onset of left ventricular failure and other complications of an attack. It is characterized by high mortality of patients.

Secondary FJ. The development occurs in patients with a heart attack against the background of insufficient blood circulation in the left ventricle and cardiogenic shock.

Late FJ. Development occurs 48 hours later (in most cases at 2-6 weeks) from the onset of myocardial infarction and is characterized by 40-60% of deaths.

Diagnosis of tachycardia

Diagnosis of tachycardia includes the following types of examination:

  • Anamnesis;
  • , as well as daily monitoring of the ECG by Holter;
  • Echocardiography (EchoCG);
  • hearts;
  • Electrophysiological examination (EPS) of the heart.

Additional examination methods:

  • brain.

How to treat tachycardia? The treatment of tachycardia begins first of all with a thorough diagnosis of the patient and identification of the cause of the rapid heartbeat.

Treatment of tachycardia usually includes the following points of therapy:

1. Elimination of external factors of increased heart rate (see "Causes of tachycardia");
2. Drug treatment (drugs for tachycardia);
3. Surgical treatment.

1. Elimination of external factors of increased heart rate

In many cases, especially with sinus tachycardia, removal of the underlying cause normalizes the heart rate and the use of conservative therapy remains unclaimed. The root cause of heart palpitations may be the use of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, chocolate, certain medications, or frequent stress, fears, great physical exertion and other reasons that we wrote about at the beginning of the article, in the appropriate paragraph.

2. Drug treatment (drugs for tachycardia)

Important! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor!

For neurological disorders, sedatives (calming the nervous system) drugs are prescribed - Valerian, Diazepam, Luminal, Persen, Seduxen, Tenoten, as well as tranquilizers - Tranquilan, Relanium.

With disorders of the mental system (psychosis, etc.), antipsychotics are prescribed: "Promazin", "Levomepromazine".

In many cases, the treatment of tachycardia uses an antiarrhythmic agent - "Lidocaine", which is administered in the form of injections (1 mg per 1 kg of the patient's body weight) and droppers. If lidocaine did not lower the heart rate, with ventricular tachycardia, Novocainamide or Aymalin are used.

With sinus tachycardia against the background of thyrotoxicosis, β-blockers are prescribed: Trazikor, Praktolol, Prindolol.

With contraindications to taking β-blockers, non-hydropyridine antagonists are used: Diltiazem, Verapamil.

With sinus tachycardia against the background of heart failure, together with β-blockers, an additional intake of cardiac glycosides is prescribed: Digoxin.

With paroxysmal tachycardia against the background of increased tone of the vagus nerve, a special massage is used, based on pressure on the eyeballs. If this method of therapy did not lead to success, then intravenous administration of an antiarrhythmic agent is prescribed: "Verapamil," Cordaron ".

In case of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, the patient must be urgently taken to a medical facility, as well as to undergo anti-relapse antiarrhythmic therapy.

When blood pressure drops to low levels, it must be raised to 100-110 mm Hg. Art., for which norepinephrine or other pressor amines are administered intravenously. If the result is not achieved, and the blood pressure is still very low, electrical impulse therapy is used.

3. Surgical treatment of tachycardia

The surgical method of therapy is used in exceptional cases:

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive X-ray surgical method for the treatment of arrhythmias by installing an endovascular catheter that conducts high-frequency currents. With the help of current, the heart rhythm of the heart is normalized.

Installation of an electrical pacemaker (EX), which artificially maintains the rhythm of the heart rate.


The most favorable prognosis for a complete recovery is sinus tachycardia, but subject to timely access to a cardiologist and compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

Tachycardia against the background of heart disease is less favorable, but nevertheless, there is always a chance for recovery.

The prognosis for recovery of patients with ventricular type of tachycardia against the background of myocardial infarction is considered unfavorable, which is associated with severe damage to the heart muscle. The situation is aggravated if heart failure and arterial hypotension develop in parallel.

The prognosis for recovery from idiopathic tachycardia (of unknown etiology) can also be very positive, because. turning a person in prayer to God often leads to healing in more serious situations, for example, when. Evidence about this can be seen on the forum.

Important! Before using folk remedies against tachycardia, be sure to consult your doctor!

Herbs, fruits, lemon and honey. Remove the peel from 4x and squeeze out the juice from them, which must be mixed with 250 g. Next, grind 16 leaves of room geranium (kalachik) and 18 almond fruits through a meat grinder, then mix this mixture with 10 g and 10 g of hawthorn tincture. Mix all the prepared ingredients thoroughly and add 6 whole grains of camphor to the mixture. The resulting folk remedy for tachycardia should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, and store in the refrigerator.

Garlic and lemon. Add 10 medium crushed cloves, juice from 10 lemons and 1 liter of honey to a 3 liter jar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, cover the jar tightly with polyethylene and set aside to infuse for 7 days. You need to take the received remedy for 2 tbsp. spoons, 1 time per day, until complete recovery.

Adonis. Boil 250 ml of water in a small saucepan, then make the fire slow and add 1 teaspoon of Adonis herb to the water. Boil the product for no more than 3 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and set it aside to infuse for 30 minutes. Next, the broth must be filtered and taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

To achieve the maximum effect from Adonis, take the following remedy during the day: peel and cut 500 g of lemons, to which add a couple of tablespoons of honey and 20 kernels of crushed apricot pits. Mix the weight thoroughly and take this mixture 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening. By the way, apricot kernels contain, which also has an antitumor effect.

Adonis. Pour 1 teaspoon of adonis herb with a glass of boiling water and put the product on a slow fire for 5 minutes, then remove it from the heat, cover and let it brew for 2 hours. Next, the remedy must be filtered and taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Hawthorn. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water, cover the product with a lid, let it brew for about 30 minutes, then strain and take the prepared tachycardia remedy 100 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is until complete recovery.

Prevention of tachycardia

Prevention of tachycardia includes the following recommendations:

  • Minimize the consumption of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, chocolate;
  • Avoid overeating, in products, try to give preference to vegetables and fruits that contain a large amount, and especially pay attention to the replenishment of the body and potassium;
  • Follow the work/rest/sleep schedule;
  • Avoid working with a lot of stress;
  • Avoid taking medications without consulting your doctor;
  • Try to move more, but at the same time do not overstrain the body beyond physical exertion;
  • Spend more time in nature.

Which doctor should I contact for tachycardia?

Tachycardia - video

There are several types of tachycardia, but physiological tachycardia is considered a separate variety. It is not associated with any diseases and occurs as a result of natural processes, such as fear, anxiety, physical activity. After the disappearance of rapid heartbeat, tachycardia also disappears.

Pathological tachycardia differs from physiological in that a rapid heartbeat is observed at rest, and this is almost always evidence of a disease.

There are several types of pathological tachycardia. So, paroxysmal tachycardia, which is atrial, nodal and ventricular, causes sudden attacks of palpitations, up to three hundred beats per minute.

Ventricular tachycardia, first mentioned in 1900, deserves special attention. In most cases, the causes of ventricular tachycardia are coronary heart disease, and there is a high probability that this type of tachycardia can turn into so-called ventricular fibrillation, which almost inevitably leads to a heart attack.

Another type of pathological tachycardia, sinus, is recorded when the heart rate at rest exceeds one hundred beats per minute. This symptom causes a malfunction of the sinus node, which controls the heart rhythm.

The causes of such problems can be various heart diseases, high fever and the use of certain drugs. Sinus tachycardia also carries a danger, because the diseases with which it can be caused are quite capable of leading to myocardial infarction.

Treatment of tachycardia

Treatment of tachycardia directly depends on its variety. So, with a slight increase in heart rate, valocordin is prescribed, a special diet and exercise therapy are prescribed.

Giving up bad habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in combination with these measures often turn out to be a sufficient means to get rid of, for which there are no serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of severe forms of pathological tachycardia is associated primarily with the elimination of the causes of this symptom. In addition, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as lidocaine, are used, and in cases where such treatment no longer helps, aimaline and novocainamide are used. Such treatment should take place with the direct participation of qualified specialists.

In a healthy person, the heart beats 60 to 90 times per minute without exertion. All indicators that exceed the extreme value signal that tachycardia is developing. Tachycardia is dangerous because with an increased heartbeat, the blood supply to the peripheral organs of the body is disturbed. Frequent attacks of tachycardia can provoke the development of diseases such as arrhythmia, ischemia.

Tachycardia can be the result of physical exertion or occur in stressful situations. A fast heartbeat at rest may indicate some medical conditions:

  1. Cardiovascular dystonia.
  2. thyrotoxicosis.
  3. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system.
  4. Hyperthyroidism.
  5. Hypotension.
  6. Fever.
  7. Pericarditis.
  8. Anemia.
  9. Hypoxemia.
  10. Pneumonia.
  11. Tuberculosis.

It's important to know! If a person often experiences an increased heartbeat, it is advisable to consult a doctor to exclude the development of the above serious diseases.

If the often recorded palpitations are not caused by stress or strong emotions, then most likely this symptom is a consequence of the pathologies of cardiovascular diseases. With tachycardia, heartbeats may change or may remain normal.

Paroxysmal tachycardia

With this disease, the heart rate does not change, remaining normal. Most often, this symptom occurs with heart disease in children and adults. Paroxysmal tachycardia has no additional symptoms, is not accompanied by pain, it can be detected using an ECG.

Nodal tachycardia

This type of increased heart rate is referred to as physiological. It occurs during physical exertion and strong psycho-emotional outbursts. Unlike other types of tachycardia, nodular tachycardia passes much easier and faster, as soon as a person rests or calms down.

Supraventricular tachycardia

This type of heart palpitations is pathological, as it is provoked due to extraordinary impulses in the heart muscle. These impulses are called extrasystoles and they occur in different parts of the heart. Supraventricular tachycardia occurs quite spontaneously, without any characteristic signs. In a matter of seconds, the heart can begin to contract up to 250 beats per minute. At the same time, a person feels how the heart literally “flutters” behind the sternum. Together with unpleasant physiological sensations, supraventricular tachycardia may be accompanied by a feeling of fear and panic.

Ventricular tachycardia

This is the most dangerous type of heart failure. With ventricular tachycardia, which may be a harbinger of myocardial infarction, heart rate increases to 500-600 values. A pathological change in the work of the heart makes it difficult to pump blood to peripheral organs and leads the organ to a state of ischemia. At maximum load, the heart can simply stop, therefore, in acute periods of ventricular tachycardia, prompt medical assistance is required.

It's important to know! You can determine the type of tachycardia using an electrocardiogram. It is this study that will make it possible to find out what causes an increased contraction of the heart - physiological or pathological factors.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the severity of tachycardia, the disease that provoked the failure of the heart, the duration of the attack.

With a not too pronounced attack, a person feels a heartbeat, slight compression in the sternum, panic.

If an attack of tachycardia is pronounced and lasts a long time, then the following sensations may be added to the primary symptoms: dizziness, severe shortness of breath or lack of air, pulling pains in the sternum, mood swings, sleep disturbances, anxiety and fear, increased sweating.

In addition to feeling unwell during an attack, normal blood circulation is disrupted, which can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness, and convulsions. Peripheral circulation is disturbed, due to which the internal organs begin to feel a lack of oxygen, especially the insufficient blood flow affects the kidneys, in which renin begins to be produced, causing spasm of blood vessels and arteries. This leads to an increase in pressure and a decrease in the normal temperature of the extremities.

Video - Tachycardia

Ways to quickly stop an attack of tachycardia

There are several simple tricks that help normalize heart contractions by reducing their intensity. You can do these tricks on your own.

  1. Start coughing hard, clearing your throat.
  2. Wash your face and hands with very cold water.
  3. Lightly press on the eyeballs and massage them.
  4. Hold your breath and exhale with an effort.
  5. Try to tighten all the muscles of the body, then relax them. Repeat the exercise several times. When straining, it is advisable to hold your breath.
  6. Inducing vomiting can reduce the number of heartbeats.

It's important to know! The following vagal techniques can be effective only in cases where we are not talking about ventricular tachycardia. The latter ailment is very life-threatening and in case of an acute attack, it is best to quickly call an ambulance.

Drugs that reduce heart rate

Medicine namePictureTherapeutic impact
hawthorn tincture This preparation is based on a natural plant with a calming effect. After taking the tincture, the excitation of a person decreases, which leads to the normalization of the pulse. The drug helps to normalize blood pressure
Motherwort It has a sedative effect, has practically no contraindications. Produced in various forms. A mild antispasmodic effect has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, and has no sedative effect. With the help of the drug, you can restore normal sleep, normalize blood pressure, reduce the effect of stress on the body
Valerian It is a vasodilator, which allows you to normalize blood flow and reduce vasospasm. Light sedation helps to normalize sleep. You can take the drug for a long time, without side effects. But there is one drawback - with an overdose of the drug, the opposite effect may occur, which will provoke an overexcited state in a person.
Persen The composition of the drug includes medicinal herbs, characterized by a sedative effect. Persen heals the nervous system, reducing anxiety, excitability, fatigue. Helps improve sleep and appetite
Peony Peony-based tincture has a slight sedative effect, normalizes blood pressure, removes mood swings
Valocordin Helps reduce the effect of stress on the body, has a sedative effect, normalizes sleep, reduces heart rate. It is taken 3 times a day for 15-20 drops. After a few weeks of taking the drug, the effect begins to decrease due to the addiction of the body. It has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, age under 18, impaired liver and kidney function
Validol Expands blood vessels, relieves spasm. Releases peptides that normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Has a slight sedative effect on the nervous system

It's important to know! All these drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and have virtually no contraindications. They are used in cases of manifestation of physiological tachycardia. With pathological tachycardia, you need to contact a specialist and conduct research to find out the cause of the malfunction of the main organ.

Folk remedies for tachycardia attacks

Relief of tachycardia with herbal preparations

It's important to know! With tachycardia, strong teas and coffee should be excluded from the diet. These foods can cause a change in heart rate, causing it to increase.

Video - Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies

Herbal collection No. 1

Ordinary tea can be replaced with herbal tea from medicinal plants, which tastes in no way inferior to the usual drink. To prepare tea leaves, you need to take 50 grams of dried mint and lemon balm and 25 grams of motherwort and lavender flowers. All ingredients should be mixed in one container, preferably in a glass one. Then you can prepare a drink. For half a liter of water you need a teaspoon of tea leaves. Plants are best boiled in a saucepan for several minutes. Then the broth is filtered and consumed hot 3 times a day, it is recommended to add sugar to improve the taste. The full course of treatment is 3 weeks. Herbs have a calming effect, normalize the heart rhythm. After taking the herbal collection, a person may feel drowsy, so the medicine should be taken with caution by those people whose work requires concentration and care.

Healing collection number 2

Tachycardia can be cured with another collection, which also has a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. To prepare tea leaves, the following dry herbs and flowers are needed: chamomile (50 grams), mint (10 grams), lemon balm (10 grams), heather flowers (25 grams), blackcurrant leaves (25 grams), linden flowers (10 grams). All herbs are mixed in one container. It is best to brew this collection in a thermos, so it will be possible to extract the maximum amount of useful substances from the plants. On a liter vessel you need to take a tablespoon of dry collection. After the thermos is filled with boiling water, the tea should be infused for several hours. You can drink natural medicine throughout the day, you can add sugar or honey to complete the taste. For the relief of unpleasant symptoms, the course of treatment is 4-5 weeks.

Medical collection number 3

To prepare tea leaves, you need to take the same quantities of rose hips, preferably forest, hawthorn, green tea and motherwort leaves. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed for 500 ml of boiling water, the tea is infused for 10-15 minutes. To get the greatest effect from medicinal plants and berries, it is advisable to brew tea in a thermos. You can drink the drink throughout the day, improving the taste with honey or sugar. The duration of taking a natural medicine is 3 months.

Best Recipes

Dye gorse

This little-known plant helps to normalize heart contractions. It has a vasodilating effect, has sedative qualities, which is very important for physiological tachycardia. It is necessary to use this plant in treatment with caution, since an overdose can provoke health problems. It is undesirable to use the plant for the treatment of diagnosed hypertension and ischemia.

To prepare a decoction that lowers heart rate, you need 2 tablespoons of crushed gorse leaves. They need to pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist until completely cooled. The decoction should be filtered. Take a natural medicine should be 3 times a day, 80-100 ml. In case of any negative reactions from the body, treatment should be stopped. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to drink grass for 3 weeks.


This plant improves blood circulation, has a vasodilating effect, has a sedative effect, which reduces the effects of stress on the body. To prepare a decoction for tachycardia, you need 2 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves of the plant. Raw materials should be boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes, then the broth should be infused until cool. You need to take the medicine 3 times a day, a tablespoon. The therapeutic effect occurs a few days after the start of taking the decoction. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Lemon, honey and garlic in the fight against disease

Lemon, honey and garlic - an effective remedy in the fight against tachycardia

You can normalize heart contractions using an old recipe based on natural ingredients. To prepare the mixture, you need half a liter of honey, 5 heads of garlic and five medium-sized lemons. Garlic should be peeled, chopped by hand or in a blender to a mushy state. Lemons should also be crushed, the zest does not need to be removed. Everything is mixed with honey and placed in a glass container. The medicine should be infused for 7 days. After this period, you can start treatment: 2 tablespoons of the mixture are taken in the morning, after breakfast, for 3 weeks. It is advisable not to skip the days of taking the medicine. The first positive changes in well-being occur after 1 week.

Medicine is a treat

It turns out that tachycardia can be treated deliciously. This nut, honey and dried fruit based recipe has a cardiovascular strengthening effect due to the high magnesium content of each ingredient. To prepare a treat, you need to take almonds, dark chocolate, walnuts, dried apricots (150 grams each). All products should be crushed and pour a liter of honey. After the mixture has been infused for a day, you can begin a pleasant treatment. Take the medicine in the morning, on an empty stomach in the amount of a tablespoon. It is best to store a jar of honey in the refrigerator. After a few weeks, tachycardia attacks will decrease, normal heart rhythm will be restored. You can treat yourself to a homemade treat and be treated for 2-3 months.


Aloe juice, which has a vasodilating effect, is perfect for stopping tachycardia. Aloe improves peripheral circulation, which helps the internal organs get enough oxygen. To relieve attacks of increased heart rate, juice is consumed in the amount of 40-50 grams per day. Preparing juice is simple: you need to chop the leaves of the plant in a blender and squeeze them out. The dose can be divided into three parts and flavored with natural honey. This medicine is especially effective for tachycardia against the background of high blood pressure. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. It is not recommended to take juice for those people who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, since aloe can irritate the mucous membranes of this organ, causing pain.

It's important to know! The body of each person is strictly individual, so allergic reactions to an unfamiliar product are not uncommon. You need to be especially careful with medicinal plants, nuts and berries.

Prevention of cardiac pathology

Preventing tachycardia is much easier than treating this disease. There are factors that can lead to an increase in heart rate and a deterioration in a person's well-being.

  1. To stay healthy, you need to eat right. Healthy food provides the body with important elements and substances, which has a good effect on the work of all organs, especially the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Tachycardia is a sharp increase in heart rate. This condition can hardly be called a disease, but our heart is under attack, which can lead to devastating consequences. But an attack of tachycardia can fall on any of us at any time.

The pulse of a healthy person is no more than 90 beats per minute. The heartbeat becomes more frequent only after physical exertion or the release of hormones into the blood. Does your heart beat faster than normal at rest? This may be the first and main symptom of tachycardia.

The mistake many people make is that they think that an elevated heart rate is not dangerous.. Tachycardia is a disease in which a person's heart is working hard.

The heart is not a perpetual motion machine, and it is “written” to make a certain number of strokes during its life. Imagine that our heart will rapidly produce the resource set for it (number of beats). At the same time, the allotted life time will be shortened. Therefore, like other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia must be diagnosed and treated.

Tachycardia carries a certain risk for human health, because during attacks the heart works in an enhanced mode. Here are the changes that can occur with this pathology:

  • With long-term treatment of tachycardia, even in a healthy heart, heart failure may develop, blood pressure may decrease, and other rhythm disturbances may appear.
  • Violations of the blood supply to the muscles of the heart in conditions of increased frequency of contractions can lead to the development of a heart attack and coronary disease.
  • An increase in the rhythm of heart contractions in heart failure threatens with pulmonary edema and an acute violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Of particular danger is tachycardia in the form of a possible development of such a serious complication as thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery or cerebral vessels.
  • If a patient is diagnosed with a myocardial infarction and ventricular tachycardia develops, then this condition can provoke ventricular fibrillation and cause sudden death.

Types of tachycardia of the heart

Cardiac tachycardia is divided according to various criteria, the main of which is the cause of occurrence. For this factor, tachycardia
is divided into two types:

  • physiological, in which the cause of arrhythmia is an increase in physical activity or the body's reaction to the environment;
  • pathological, caused by various deviations in the work of the body.

Physiological tachycardia is quite normal. The increase in heart rate (HR) is temporary. At rest, an attack of tachycardia of the heart ends.

In addition, tachycardia is divided into acute, in which arrhythmia occurs in the form of temporary signs, and chronic, when the increase in heart rate is permanent. Often the chronic form is a consequence of the acute. With such a problem, the pulse does not decrease even at night, bringing a lot of ailments to a person.

According to the localization or location of the disease in the heart, tachycardia is divided into several types:

  • Sinus tachycardia is a violation of the primary heart rhythm. It is localized in the region of the sinus node, which "sets the pace" for the heart by sending an electrical impulse into it.
  • Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia. In this case, a violation appears in the work of the cardiac ventricle, which contracts before it is filled with blood. Sometimes this form causes a heart attack.
  • Supraventricular tachycardia, during which the work of the muscles over the ventricles is lost, which either do not contract at the same time, or faster than necessary.
  • Atrial tachycardia, which occurs in the form of atrial failure.
  • Ventricular fibrillation is a complication of atrial fibrillation, which leads to failures in the synchronization of the heart. This stage is critical, sometimes fatal.

With tachycardia, its symptoms and treatment largely depend on the type of classification to which the tachycardia belongs. Therefore, during the diagnosis, it is important not only to determine the presence of ventricular tachycardia, but also to identify what type it belongs to.

Causes and symptoms of tachycardia of the heart

  • changes in the environment (appearance of heat or stuffiness);
  • taking drugs that cause an increase in the work of the heart, including alcohol, drugs;
  • stress and disorders of the nervous system;
  • severe pain experienced by a person during injury or due to illness.

The causes and symptoms of tachycardia of the heart are directly related to each other, and the future treatment of the disease also depends on them.

Causes of pathological tachycardia

A pathological increase in heart rate is caused by diseases in various systems and organs in the human body. The most common reasons:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart disease, including the presence of heart failure;
  • large blood loss resulting from trauma or anemia;
  • hormonal disorders and dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the nervous system, including psycho-emotional disorders;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, respiratory failure;
  • traumatic brain injury and brain dysfunction.

Pathological tachycardia of the heart is considered one of the signs of another disease that has arisen in the body. In this case, the treatment will be directed mainly to the causes of increased heart rate.

Causes of sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia, with the appearance of which dysfunction of the primary work of the heart is observed, is often due to the following

  • Loss of a large amount of blood due to periodic bleeding, sometimes internal.
  • The presence of acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the body, infections.
  • Violation of the functioning of the left ventricle.
  • The development of respiratory or heart failure.
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure).

Often the causes of sinus tachycardia of the heart are the constant intake of potent medications, alcohol, caffeine, smoking tobacco products. Because of this, the pathology of the sinus node develops.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia

Other symptoms that manifest sinus tachycardia are the appearance of:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • drowsiness, provided that a person cannot fall asleep;
  • decreased appetite and performance;
  • feelings of depression and bad mood.

The severe state of tachycardia is supplemented by symptoms such as diuresis, hypotension (lowering blood pressure), pain in the heart area, feeling cold and numbness, tingling in the extremities.

Symptoms can be supplemented, given the specifics of the factor that caused the appearance of tachycardia. The heart rate with such a problem increases gradually, then remains at a high level for a long time, after which it decreases. This pathology causes malnutrition of certain tissues and organs. In this case, dizziness with loss of consciousness, the presence of convulsions and disorders of the nervous system are often observed.

Diagnosis of sinus tachycardia

When diagnosing, it is easy to detect the presence of tachycardia. To do this, it is enough for a specialist to measure the patient’s pulse several times and make an ECG, which will show all the data on a person's heart rate. In addition to determining the presence of a disease, it is necessary to identify its cause. For this, the following examinations can be prescribed to the patient:

  • A 24-hour ECG that helps you understand how often and how long your heart palpitations persist.
  • MRI of the heart area to detect cardiovascular diseases.
  • EFI, which allows you to study the appearance and nature of electrical impulses. It is carried out to identify the type of disease. If the heart rate problem lies in the impulse, then the tachycardia is sinus.
  • EEG of the brain to exclude pathologies in this area.
  • A general blood test that will show hormonal disruptions in the body or the presence of infections in it.

Attention! If a sinus node disease is detected, treatment should be started immediately, with the main focus on restoring the heart rhythm and eliminating the cause of the tachycardia.

Treatment of tachycardia

In addition to eliminating the causes of an increase in heart rate, sinus tachycardia is treated in the following ways:

  • Course taking sedatives.
  • Taking sedatives. It can be Corvalol, Valocordin or natural preparations, for example, valerian tincture.
  • Reception of herbal tea, decoctions with herbs: chamomile, hawthorn, motherwort, peony, lemon balm and mint.
  • Reception of beta-blockers (serious condition).

For the period of treatment of tachycardia, the patient must change his lifestyle: protect himself from stress, sleep well (at least 8 hours a day) and eat right. Nutrition involves the rejection of bad habits, the reduction of fried foods with a lot of spices and the course intake of vitamins. It is necessary to introduce moderate physical activity and more often to be in the fresh air. Also, treatment should include breathing exercises when an attack of tachycardia occurs.

Tachycardia in children

Most often in children, such diseases are congenital in nature and are due to the following reasons:

  • hypoxia or oxygen starvation;
  • the presence of congenital heart failure;
  • anemia or anemia;
  • taking strong medications in childhood;
  • injuries sustained during pregnancy or childbirth.

In the first days after birth, the heart rate of the baby reaches 160 beats per minute. This is considered normal and is due to the imperfection of the body systems. Gradually, the heart rate decreases. The child grows to a normal level of heart work by the age of 9. If tachycardia appears after this age, it becomes a reason to visit a specialist.

Sometimes tachycardia is detected even during pregnancy. Then the reasons should be looked for in the mother's body, these can be infections and chronic inflammation, squeezing the fetal tube. In some cases, pathology indicates an abnormal development of the baby.

Note. Adolescent arrhythmia is a phenomenon associated with a period of active growth and development, hormonal changes in the body. Sometimes, thanks to such symptoms, it is possible to diagnose the presence of vegetovascular dystonia in a child. Gradually, attacks of increased heart rate are reduced and disappear.

Tachycardia in pregnancy

During pregnancy, an attack of tachycardia is not uncommon. Most often, cases of violation are detected at 11-12 weeks. Preconditions
ventricular tachycardia (this type is most common in pregnant women) may be the following factors:

  • hormonal changes;
  • change in the work of the body, the location of organs and their functioning;
  • stressful situations and fatigue;
  • increasing the amount of fluid in the body and blood volume;
  • dehydration and nutritional deficiencies.

The heart of the expectant mother works "for two", pumping blood to feed her body and the fetus. Sometimes an attack of tachycardia is accompanied in pregnant women by nausea and vomiting, severe weakness and drops in blood pressure. Then a rapid heartbeat indicates the presence of hidden diseases in the body. If tachycardia is not caused by pathologies, it gradually disappears after childbirth.

Important. Tachycardia is not considered a separate disease. Experts attribute it to the reactions of the body to the processes occurring in it or a secondary symptom of other diseases. Nevertheless, the heart is the most important organ in human life, so when tachycardia appears, you should not neglect the advice of a specialist.



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