How to keep your joints healthy. Joint health without pills

In youth, we do not think at all about the health of the joints, believing that if we have to suffer with them, then in old age, and we still have to live to see it. It's just not like that. The unpleasant consequences of such outrageous frivolity may appear sooner. Much.

Let's talk logically. So, when for many years you eat anything, respect fast food and semi-finished products, you will probably not be surprised to develop gastritis or an ulcer later. The same with joints. Pathological processes in them can begin already at a young age - sometimes from the age of twenty. Especially if your lifestyle contributes to it.

Here you are, for example, pumping your muscles. With regular and repetitive movements (you probably do several approaches), it becomes increasingly difficult for the joints to withstand the load, and sometimes they send signals for help in the form of pain and inflammation. At first, you can not pay attention to it - it will hurt and stop. But it is precisely these symptoms that can become a trigger for the development of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and osteochondrosis (see "Impair movement" on the right). In the future, the cartilage of the joints can become thinner and collapse. In more advanced cases, the heroes of our article themselves are deformed, which contributes to a significant limitation of movements and the development of pain. Of course, all this will not happen in a couple of weeks, but step by step over many years. But it is possible that at some point you will not be able to lift a cup of tea. And retirement is not even on the horizon.


The knee is perhaps the most vulnerable joint when doing fitness. Not only cycle training, even squats or lunges, if you do them wrong, can unsettle him after the first session. Moreover, since this hero has a complex structure, several of its structures can be damaged at once - ligaments (from sprain to rupture), cartilage, menisci. Among the consequences are pain, crunching during movement, instability of the joint, inability to straighten the leg, displacement of the patella. All these injuries can cause constant pain and even disability (due to the development of arthritis and osteoarthritis). So, if you do not want to walk with a stick in the future, follow at least the minimum rules of caution. Do not be zealous and do not use brute force, especially if you are taking your first steps in the fitness field - the load should be increased gradually.

Ask the coach to always watch you and point out possible mistakes. And keep in mind yourself: when doing squats, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and rest your entire foot on the floor. Don't start the movement by bending your knees - instead, the first thing you do is push your pelvis back, as if you were sitting in a chair. And squat not very deep - the angle in bent legs should be straight. By the way, you can reduce the load on your knees if you simultaneously stretch your arms forward. Do lunges in the same way. Remember to keep your front leg bent 90 degrees. If the angle is sharp, the knee ligaments will be subjected to excessive stress and stretch, which threatens to rupture them.

Ankle joint

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. In particular, the regular wearing of high heels can lead to damage to the ankle joint, which is manifested by limitation of its mobility and pain when walking. In addition, if you are a fan of shoes with a narrow toe, remember that such models often lead to deformation of the joints of the toes and feet. This happens because in tight fetters the thumb is squeezed and shifted from the correct axis. The high heel also contributes here - due to the elevated position of the foot, the load on it is distributed incorrectly and pressure on the thumb increases.

All this does not mean at all that it is urgent to start walking only in shoes with absolutely smooth flat soles. This extreme threatens already flat feet. And it is harmful to the health of the spine - it bends, posture worsens, and back pain appears. Plus, from the fact that the arch of the foot decreases, the toes begin to moan, the gait ceases to please the eyes of others, and you yourself quickly get tired of moving your limbs.

To avoid all these troubles, change your shoes more often and remember the most comfortable golden mean - a heel no more than 4-5 cm.


It is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not spend several hours at the computer every day. With a mouse in my fist. So this small and safe-looking thing can bring into your life not only salary and social networks, but also carpal tunnel syndrome (it is also called carpal tunnel syndrome). It occurs when the nerve that runs from the elbow to the hand is compressed in the carpal joint. And those who carry out a lot of manipulations with a computer rodent are at risk. This condition is manifested by tingling and pain, and in the future it can cause a limitation of wrist mobility up to the inability to write with a working hand.

However, let worry not only office pros. But also, for example, those who seriously play tennis, golf or are fond of rowing. As well as violinists and pianists. That is, people who are forced to keep their wrists in constant tension for several hours a day. In order not to harm yourself, do this:

When working at a computer, regularly (every hour) stretch your fingers and shake your hands;

Position your hands correctly on the table and keyboard: the bend angle at the elbow should be straight;

If discomfort appears in the wrists, reduce the load on them, as well as the speed of repetitive movements;

During sports, wear special fixing bandages on these areas.

Many of us sit for at least eight hours (at best) five (if we're lucky) days a week. Are you in this harness? Then I probably noticed more than once that my neck was numb and my vertebrae were crunching. Such symptoms can be the first signs of osteochondrosis, and a sedentary lifestyle only exacerbates the situation. With this disease (especially if you also sit incorrectly), the intervertebral discs change their shape and begin to put pressure on the nerve areas - hence the pain. Gradually, the bone structure is damaged, and the spine loses its flexibility (it is often the cervical region that is affected).

In general, nothing good - the neck does not turn and at any attempt to move it responds with unpleasant sensations. This, as it is now fashionable to say, drastically reduces the quality of life. And really, what quality is there when everything is whining! In addition, it becomes difficult or even impossible to carry out your usual activities at work and at home. If you don't want to go to bed, then at least...

Forget about the school phrase "do not fidget!". Twirl, but do not make sudden movements. Once an hour, turn your head in different directions, tilt up and down (but do not throw back too much!), Left to right. Just smoothly and slowly!

Periodically (at least once an hour for 5 minutes) get up from your seat, walk around the office, stretch your shoulders and back.

Watch how you sit at the workplace: do it straight, keep your back straight, and your shoulders straightened, your legs bent at a right angle. This will take the pressure off your spine and neck. The distance from the monitor to the eyes should not be shorter than an outstretched arm.

Sleep on an orthopedic mattress and, if necessary, use pillows that support the cervical region.

Moments of another truth

1. Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle and adherence to preventive measures do not always become a 100% guarantee of joint health in the future. If your grandmother had arthritis, your mother often gets inflamed joints, then you should not relax either. It is not a fact, of course, that the same fate will befall, but it is better to be prepared in advance in order to start treating in time and avoid the severe course of the disease.

2. It can be not only in the genes. And, for example, being overweight: the more kilograms you have, the harder it is for the joints. So, if the arrow on the scales confidently rushes to the centner, it's time to lose weight. Moreover, being overweight is a risk factor not only for diseases of the joints, but also for the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

3. In addition to professional sports, a sedentary lifestyle is also bad for the health of the subject of our discussion. The most sparing and useful training for all departments of the musculoskeletal system is swimming. Water supports the spine and allows you to relieve tension, spasms and pain, stimulate the production of interarticular fluid, and normalize microcirculation. And please don't make any sudden moves! Dr. Khamidullin advises: even getting out of bed, first lower one leg, then the other, sit down calmly and slowly get up on your feet.

4. As for nutrition, the joints and the spine do not like "chemistry": preservatives, flavor enhancers, baking powder - so it's better to say "no" to fast food, factory canned food, sausages and pickled foods. Include dishes containing cartilage and bones in your diet - jelly, aspic from fish and meat, cabbage soup. And food rich in vitamin C: it is vital for the joints. And from sweets, they prefer marmalade, marshmallows, jelly and fruit jelly.

A drug healthy joints- an innovative pharmaceutical complex designed for the prevention and restoration of elements of the musculoskeletal system, includes a balanced proportion of polysaccharides, aminosaccharides and chondroitin necessary for proper metabolism in the body.
Preparations for the treatment of joints, based on the amazing properties of these compounds, contribute to the effective elimination of discomfort in the joints, stimulate the production of intra-articular fluid by the body. For medical purposes, the use is relevant for the treatment of deforming arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, and other diseases.
Action of bioactive ingredients:
- glucosamine stimulates the formation of cartilaginous tissue, prevents its destruction;
- chondroitin promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which blocks the action of elastase, peptidase, and other enzymes that destroy connective tissue.

Indications for use

A drug healthy joints It is recommended to take to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​movable joints of the bones of the skeleton.
The optimal ratio of bioactive ingredients stimulates their mutual assimilation by body cells. In the process of taking the drugs quickly have a tangible analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. After the course of administration, a stable long-term effect is guaranteed.

Mode of application

healthy joints for the prevention and treatment of joint dysfunction, take one capsule of the drug in the morning and evening before meals for a month.

Contraindications to the use of the drug healthy joints are: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
You should start taking it after consulting a doctor.


Take the drug during pregnancy healthy joints contraindicated

Storage conditions

A drug healthy joints should be stored in a dry place out of the reach of children.

Release form

Healthy joints - oral capsules.
Bottle: 80 capsules.


2 capsules (1820 mg) healthy joints contain:
- Glucosamine sulfate - 1360 mg
- Chondroitin sulfate - 460 mg

Main settings


Thank you

How often do we think about our health? Nowadays it has become fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle. Many of us try to periodically visit fitness clubs, sports complexes, swimming pools, or simply try to lead an active lifestyle, including outdoor activities. We try to get rid of bad habits and hope that many diseases will bypass us. Is it so? As the years go by, many people may experience stiffness and joint pain, especially in the lower body. These sensations may be harbingers of arthrosis, a disease of the joints resulting from a metabolic disorder associated with changes in the articulating surfaces of the joints.

Symptoms of arthrosis

Symptoms of arthrosis may begin to appear after thirty to forty years. Almost every third person over the age of fifty suffers from arthrosis. In most cases, the manifestation of the disease is joint pain and reduced joint mobility. The pain begins to manifest itself with a load on the joint, gradually subsiding at rest. In the joint area, muscle tension can be felt and tissue swelling may appear.

How to determine the presence of arthrosis?

Like many other diseases, arthrosis most effectively treated in the early stages of the disease. But how to determine that your body has undergone such an insidious disease? There are a few simple tips by which you can judge the onset of the development of the disease. The onset of arthrosis in the pelvic and lower extremity joints is identified by the appearance of pain when walking and the load on these joints. To assess the magnitude of damage to arthrosis of the spine, you can use the following methods:

With the maximum tilt of the torso forward, without bending the knees, the distance from the fingertips to the floor should be several centimeters. In patients with arthrosis, this distance is much greater;

Try to stand up straight and reach your shoulder joint with your ear. With arthrosis, you cannot do this;

Stand with your back against the wall and press the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels against it. For patients with arthrosis, it will be difficult to press the back of the head against the wall.

How does the disease develop? How to prevent the development of arthrosis?

The main reason for the development of arthrosis is a metabolic disorder. The disease often develops in people who are prone to fullness. Metabolic disorders may be the result of fatty foods, raw vegetables and fruits, cold foods, excessive intake of dairy products.

Do you often eat unheated food? The use of cold foods leads to the accumulation of mucus in the body and, as a result, in large joints - knee, hip, shoulder and elbow. In addition, hypothermia of the joints and internal organs leads to the appearance of arthrosis. If you have been exposed to a draft for a long time or, being in nature, lay down to rest on the cold ground, this can cause an exacerbation of arthrosis. The reason is a slowdown in blood circulation in the kidneys and joints, after which there are pains in the joints, which signal the onset of the disease.

In order to avoid the disease, you need to follow simple recommendations. Always eat only warm and hot foods. Limit your intake of cold dairy products. Try to avoid eating spicy foods. Don't overload your joints. At a young age, we do not think about the health of the joints.

Career and well-being occupy our thoughts, and we often sacrifice health to them, for which we pay in the future. Exposing our body to excessive loads, we do not think about their effect on the body. Therefore, physical labor and sports should be reasonably combined with rest and correspond to the capabilities of your body. You must always remember two rules.

The first rule is that your body is made of what you EAT!

And the second rule - the development of your body depends on the balance of quality nutrition and appropriate physical activity. If this balance is disturbed, then the body will either wither or overstrain.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Joint diseases are “younger” now, just like other health problems. Previously, the diagnosis of osteoarthritis was made to patients over 50-55 years old, and now this group includes people of the most able-bodied age - 25-40-year-olds, as well as adolescents and children.

It has become “fashionable” to blame problems on age. You can often hear how women aged 45-47, discussing their well-being, sigh and wave their hands: “what can we do”, “what kind of health is there at our age”, etc. Meanwhile, there are nations in the world whose “life span” of 40 years is considered to be only 1/3 (and even 1/4) of it. But we live on the same planet.

Of course, many factors affect joint health. This is both the climate and the place of residence, but the main influence is nutrition: what the cells of our body are formed and built from. But nutrition for healthy joints - foods, diet and meals - must be described separately. Read about joint products. Here we will briefly say which vitamin complexes and preparations can support and make joints healthy, and recall simple exercises that can be done at home and at work.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

The modern health and pharmaceutical industries offer many products to help keep your joints healthy: you have to choose what "fits and helps."

Bioadditive Orthomol Artro Plus

Orthomol Artro Plus is a dietary supplement designed for people with joint diseases, including osteoarthritis. It is also successfully used as a prophylactic: this supplement is loved by athletes - the substances contained in the complex strengthen bones, joints and ligaments, help to recover from injuries and operations. Orthomol is also liked by people “after 50”: pain and discomfort go away, inflammation is removed, mobility improves - tissues “come alive” at any age.

ArtriVit for healthy joints

The Canadian drug ArtriVit is intended to improve metabolic processes in diseases of the joints and spine, to prevent tissue deformities and osteoporosis; is prescribed after injuries, fractures, at high loads and meteosensitivity. There are almost no contraindications - only individual intolerance.

Canadian dietary supplement Sustanorm

Popular dietary supplement Sustanorm, also made in Canada. It is prescribed for the prevention of articular pathologies, including arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis; helps with gout - in complex therapy. People who have reached the age of 45-50 should take it regularly, and women especially.

Ultra Rescue for Joints - Ultra Collagen

No less effective for healthy joints is the Russian dietary supplement Collagen Ultra, which is available in the form of powder and gel. The product normalizes the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, can be used internally and externally. Among other components, the composition includes collagen, which restores blood circulation and protein balance, eliminating pain, swelling and inflammation. The components are selected in such a way that with regular intake of dietary supplements, the normal process of producing your own collagen is resumed.

And this is very important: it is collagen that is the basis of connective tissues throughout the body; practically all joint (and not only) diseases are prevented and alleviated.

Useful medicines

It is worth talking a little about drugs that help make the joints healthy. So.

For pain and inflammation, NSAIDs are often prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but they have many side effects and have a temporary effect on sore joints. Such funds should be used either in combination, as directed, or as an "ambulance", again on the recommendation of a doctor.

Another thing is chondroprotectors, but they act slowly, so they are usually used for prevention and at the onset of the disease: for example, in the 1st-2nd stages of arthrosis. These drugs are well tolerated, prevent the progression of the disease and restore damaged tissues. Now a lot of such drugs are used, in the form of injections, tablets, powders and ointments; let's give some examples.

Ointment for healthy joints - Chondroitin AKOS

Capsules and ointment of domestic production Chondroitin AKOS are created on the basis of cartilaginous tissue of large horned ungulates, and are prescribed for a variety of problems: metabolic disorders; destructive processes - enzymes that cause tissue destruction are suppressed; loss of calcium, poor absorption of other minerals; destruction of bone tissue, etc. It is better to use both forms of the drug: improvement occurs in the first days, but it usually takes about six months to be treated.

Structum for the treatment of joints

French Structum is much more expensive, but is positioned as a drug, which contains chondroitin, which has a high sulfate content, i.e., it can collect and retain more fluid in the cartilage than its counterparts in other drugs. Therefore, the cartilage covering the surface of the joints recover faster, acquire elasticity and firmness.

Structum chondroitin is also as close as possible in structure to the human one, and “can”, easily penetrating through the synovial membrane, accumulate in the synovial fluid in those parts of the joint that are more affected. According to reviews, Structum has a beneficial effect on all joints - large and small, often prevents disability and avoids operations. Structum is a godsend for healthy joints.

Choice of athletes Teraflex

Teraflex is popular among athletes - a drug for healthy joints, which includes two active ingredients: chondroitin and glucosamine, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen and cartilage tissue. Cartilage tissue is strengthened and better resists aggressive influences, and the regeneration of its cells is accelerated. As a result, the collapsing joint begins to recover - the cartilage is "built" faster, and the amount of synovial fluid increases: the surface of the cartilage is constantly wetted, friction decreases, pain recedes.

Of course, Teraflex (capsules and creams) helps not only athletes whose joints withstand intense loads and suffer from injuries; it was created for patients with osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis (in this disease, spikes form on the spine, injuring surrounding vessels and tissues), who had fractures, dislocations, bruises, and operations.

Joint exercises

Exercises to make the joints healthy, you can find as much as you want. Here are a few simple movements that are easy to perform at work, periodically taking short breaks for this.

Elbows: sitting on a chair or standing, shoulders parallel to the floor, forearms "hanging" freely. Without moving the shoulders, rotate the forearms 10-20 times in each direction.

Shoulders: standing, arms down. We rotate the right hand in front of us first - slowly, and then faster, clockwise and counterclockwise (10 times in each direction) - and then the left. If a slight heaviness is felt in the hands, the exercise is performed correctly.

Knees: standing, legs wider than shoulders, slightly bent, palms on knees, feet parallel, toes slightly inward. The back is straight, the head is raised, we look forward. We do 10 circular movements with our knees - inward, and then outward; We fully extend our knees, completing each circle.

Feet: while sitting (standing and holding on to the support), stretch and raise the right leg, make 10 rotations of the foot clockwise and counterclockwise. The same - the other leg.

Never forget: movement for the joints is not only their health, it is their life. If it happens that there is no time for exercise at all, walk wherever possible. Just an hour of walking a day will protect the joints from destruction, strengthen the immune system and help you always stay in a great mood.

This is the ease of gait, smoothness of movements, beautiful posture.

Most often, while they do not bother us, we treat them without due attention. And only with age, when stiffness of movements, crunching and pain in the back and joints appear, we begin to think about how to help ourselves.

A Norwegian tale tells of a woman who suffered greatly from the approach of old age. After all, with age, various ailments disappear and begin to creep up. She promised a generous reward to anyone who would help her regain her former attractiveness. For a long time she wandered around the white world, until, finally, she met a wizard. He prepared for her the elixir of youth and longevity. And when the woman drank this magical drink, all her illnesses disappeared, and she regained her freshness and former beauty.

Of course, it is a pity that such a magical elixir exists only in a fairy tale. However, in real life there is a way that allows a person to protect himself from illness and physical infirmity. It consists in observing the basics of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and physical activity. Only in this case can we count on an active, healthy joints and easy walking!

Why do joints hurt?

Joints are complex structures. Together with the spine, they form the foundation of human health in general. For their full functioning, first of all, nutritional support is very important - vitamins, microelements, amino acids, collagen, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes and chondroprotectors.

If the body is deficient in certain substances for a long time, then this will inevitably lead to the development of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, impaired posture, arthritis and arthrosis.

Currently, almost 40% of the world's population suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common among them is osteoarthritis, accompanied by the destruction of articular cartilage. This disease occurs in most people over 50 years of age.

A certain role in the etiology of the disease is played by increased physical activity, excess weight, impaired blood supply and inflammation. But the most decisive role in the occurrence and progression of osteoarthritis is played by metabolic disorders, as a result of which the synthesis of articular (synovial) fluid and cartilage decreases, and mineral metabolism is also disturbed. As a result of this, the articular cartilage is calcified, i.e. is replaced by mineral salts and loses its elasticity.

The best joint health remedies are glucosamine and chondroitin!

The preferred treatment for osteoarthritis by traditional medicine practitioners is the use of pain medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have a short-term effect. These drugs do not cure, but, on the contrary, accelerate the wear and tear and stop the growth of cartilage. They affect the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract, causing bleeding ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

But there is another way to restore and strengthen the joints - this is the impact on the very cause of the disease with the help of chondroprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are a natural component of human food in the tendons, cartilage and skin of animals, birds and especially fish. However, due to the restriction of these products in the diet, biologically active additives - chondroprotectors - are becoming increasingly important. Today, these drugs are prescribed by doctors. But they were forced to do it by their own patients, who learned about the amazing properties of these drugs from the media.

Certainly, healthy joints are capable of producing the necessary building material for cartilage themselves. But this happens only if the body of these substances - glucosamine and chondroitin - is in abundance. If their production weakens, then the joints begin to lose the cartilage layer, the bones rub against each other and collapse, causing severe pain to the patient.

Glucosamine refers to glycoproteins and consists of glucose and the amino acid glutamine. It enters into various structures of human tissues and is involved in the formation of skin, eyes, bones, nails, tendons, ligaments and heart valves. In addition, glucosamine is a precursor of hyaluronic acid, which is an important component of synovial fluid.

In the form of a food supplement, it is best to use glucosamine sulfate derived from crustaceans (crayfish and shrimp). With a low molecular weight, it is almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract without losing its chemical structure. Elimination of pain and renewal of joints when taking glucosamine does not occur immediately. Although some patients feel improvements after 2-3 weeks, to obtain a lasting result, it needs to be used for a longer time - from 3 to 6 months. The usual therapeutic dosage of glucosamine sulfate is 1500 mg per day, but if preventive care is taken, the dose can be reduced.

Chondroitin sulfate is the main unique component of cartilage. This is not one substance, but a whole group of complex sugars, united by the common name glucosamino - glycans. In addition to their ability to re-form cartilage, they have anti-inflammatory effects, relieve pain, and aid in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In addition, these substances reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, reduce blood clots, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Chondroitin sulfate provides invaluable help to people with gout, as it reduces the high content of uric acid in the blood. The best therapeutic effect is provided by low-molecular preparations of chondroitin sulfate, obtained from natural shark and salmon cartilage. Therapeutic dosage is 400 mg 3 times a day.

Numerous clinical studies confirm the high effectiveness of the use of chondroprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin - both for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After using the drugs for one to three months, there is an increase in joint mobility, a decrease in swelling and pain. And radiological indicators indicate an increase in the joint space and stable restoration of cartilage. Such results cannot be achieved by using only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment - diclofenac, piroxicam, etc.

As you can see, glucosamine and chondroitin are the best remedies for joint recovery!

But in order for them to be better absorbed and achieve their ultimate goal, a few more simple recommendations should be followed:

1. Do not forget to drink clean, better water - at least 2 liters per day!

2. Take care of the health of the gastrointestinal tract -!

3. Try to perform at least a minimal set of exercises to increase blood circulation in the joints, which will improve the delivery of nutrients to the joint tissues!

See what gymnastics you need to perform to enhance metabolic processes in the joints:

4.Walk more in the fresh air, keep a good mood, positive attitude and good spirits! And you are provided long life and healthy joints!



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