How to remove the belly after a caesarean section. How to lose weight after a caesarean section and get rid of your belly at home - proper nutrition and exercise

The question of how to lose weight and get rid of the belly after a caesarean section is perhaps the most pressing during the period when the first worries and joys after the birth of the baby have subsided, and the woman will pay attention to her reflection in the mirror.

After surgery, you need to avoid excessive physical exertion, especially in the area where doctors placed stitches. But all mothers want to quickly get rid of the hanging unattractive “apron”. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

Recovery period

After surgery, the body needs a little more time to fully recover than after an independent birth. Therefore, you need to think about how to remove the belly no earlier than 2-4 months after the operation. But even after this, it is almost impossible to lose weight sharply, since at this time the woman’s body is adjusted to providing the baby with breast milk. Therefore, any attempts to lose weight and reduce belly fat by limiting your diet for another six months after the birth of the child will not bring results. In addition, when breastfeeding, doctors do not advise following diets, since sudden changes in nutrition can lead to disruption of the baby’s digestive tract.

The duration of the body’s recovery period largely depends on how correctly the doctors sutured the woman’s abdominal muscles. Doctors usually advise using a postpartum bandage after a caesarean section. It speeds up uterine contractions and helps get rid of a sagging belly.

How to strengthen muscles after giving birth?

After consulting with your doctor, you can begin strengthening your abdominal muscles. Swimming is best. In terms of effectiveness, swimming can be compared to running or aerobics.

With regular exercise you can achieve the following results:

  • increase your metabolic rate and burn extra pounds;
  • create a slender silhouette, since swimming uses all muscle groups;
  • get a boost of energy and relieve accumulated stress.
  • Caring for a newborn and walking- basic physical activity in the first 2 months after birth. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to become slimmer. Moderate walks will be beneficial for both baby and mother.
  • Tilts. After consultation with a specialist, you can perform the exercises. Exercises after cesarean section should be light and not cause discomfort. If you can’t work out your abs yet, to strengthen your abs, you should accustom yourself to washing the floor and washing clothes by hand.
  • Playing with the baby. Playing together will bring a lot of pleasure to the baby and will have a wonderful effect on the mother’s figure. You can come up with many exercises: get on all fours in front of the child and alternately suck in your stomach and relax, while playing. Place the baby on your chest and try to lift him in this position.
  • Abdominal retraction. This simple exercise after cesarean can be done anywhere.

Contrast wraps are excellent for tightening the stomach, but you can use this method only after the permission of the gynecologist. First, wrap your stomach with a towel soaked in cool water, and then in hot water. A scrub for the problem area is easy to make at home. Mix sea or table salt with olive oil and rub the skin until slightly red, and then rinse the scrub with water. Instead of salt, you can use coffee grounds.

Effective exercises after cesarean section

As soon as your doctor's permission is received, you should immediately begin doing abdominal exercises. It is necessary to practice slowly and avoid sudden movements.

Several effective exercises to strengthen the abs after cesarean:

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Extend your arms to the sides and lift them up as you inhale. Place your palms above your head and lower your joined hands along your body as you exhale. Repeat 4-7 times at a comfortable pace. It is very important to watch your arms: when lifting, slightly tilt your head back, when lowering, tilt your head forward.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Bend your knees and, as you exhale, pull them towards your pelvis (do not lift your feet off the floor). As you inhale, straighten your legs. Repeat 4-5 times. Over time, make the exercise more difficult by pulling your hips toward your stomach.
  • The starting position is the same. Bend your knees perpendicular to the floor, do not lift your feet off the floor. Slowly raise your pelvis while inhaling, leaning on your shoulder girdle, head and feet. Retract the anus. As you exhale, relax and repeat the exercise 4-5 times. To make the exercise more difficult, when raising the pelvis, spread your knees to the sides.
  • The starting position is the same. Take turns pulling your legs towards your pelvis, without lifting your feet off the floor. Breathe evenly while performing the exercise at a medium pace. In the first 2-3 days, perform the exercise for about 10 seconds, and in subsequent days, gradually increase the execution time to 20 seconds. To complicate the movement, pull your legs towards your stomach and lift them up.

After a caesarean section, does your tummy sag? The tips in the article will help you find a solution to this problem.

Unfortunately, more and more women these days are having their babies via caesarean section. Despite its prevalence and seemingly commonplace operation, a caesarean section is still a serious surgical intervention, and therefore requires adherence to certain life rules, as after any other operation.

Is it possible to remove the belly after a caesarean section?

A special feature of a cesarean section is not only the postoperative period, but also the restructuring of hormonal levels after childbirth and during breastfeeding, the need to care for a newborn with all the ensuing difficulties.

  • The woman experienced the moment of the birth of the baby, she had new complex responsibilities associated with his appearance, with which she was absorbed for the first time after giving birth.
  • But after some short time, she comes to her usual desire to be attractive, and then such bad luck - her stomach after a caesarean section is not only numb, but also sagging in an unpleasant fold.
  • Women even ironically called her an apron. How to quickly get rid of such an apron is a question that worries women after a caesarean section.

How long does the belly go after a caesarean section?

The stomach won’t just go away, no matter what they say. We need to work to reduce it. How to work? Do gymnastics, pump up your abs, stick to a diet. But... All this can be done quite a long time after the operation, because:

IMPORTANT: All efforts aimed at eliminating the abdomen after cesarean section should be done no earlier than 10 - 12 months after birth.

What is the condition of the abdominal muscles after cesarean section?

  • A caesarean section means that an incision was made into the anterior abdominal wall, abdominal muscles and uterus.
  • Through these incisions the amniotic sac was opened and the baby was removed. After this, sutures were placed on the incisions, connecting the cut uterus and abdominal muscles.
  • The abdominal muscles after cesarean should be connected after the incision. They may become thinner, and separation of the abdominal muscles may also be noted.

How to lose weight after a cesarean section and get rid of your belly?

In reality, what a woman can do to lose weight and get rid of her belly after a caesarean section is:

  • Do this gradually and only after the abdominal muscles are completely connected and the scar from the incision has resolved.
  • If possible, exclude those foods that contribute to weight gain, although breastfeeding expected after childbirth already means for a woman a diet and giving up many foods.
  • Walking with your baby
  • Light abdominal massage
  • Making honey wraps with film

IMPORTANT: If possible, mommy should walk more when walking with a stroller, and not sit on a bench.

Only after the specified time (about 9 months) can you get serious about sports and pumping up your abs, and it is best to start active exercises with swimming.

Abdominal massage after caesarean section

Begin the massage with light stroking and rubbing the area around the navel. You need to continue this procedure for min. 5, gradually increasing the massage time. It is performed while lying on your back.

  • At first, a woman should carefully monitor her condition, and if pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to postpone the procedure.
  • When the scar has healed completely and enough time has passed, the massage can be performed as follows. Lie on your back, put a towel or cushion under your knees, relax your stomach.
  • Using the palm, circular and spiral relaxing movements are performed clockwise around the navel. Such movements are made for 3 – 5 minutes.
  • This is followed by stroke-like light tapping of the abdomen for 2-3 minutes so that blood flows to the abdomen. Afterwards, you can make sawing movements, and then again circular stroking.

Exercises after cesarean section to remove belly fat

  • in a sitting position, perform an imitation of walking
  • in a sitting position, flex and extend the feet
  • while lying on your back, bend your legs halfway, slightly raise your head and upper body
  • while lying on your back, lift and bend your knees alternately
  • walking in place with acceleration
  • light stretching

VIDEO: How to quickly remove belly fat after a caesarean section?

Why does a fold appear on the abdomen after a caesarean section?

After a caesarean section, both the uterus and abdominal muscles should gradually return to their normal shape after they have been stretched. After a cesarean operation, this process takes longer than during a normal birth because they were cut.

Overhanging belly after caesarean section

You will have to put up with this problem, common to all young mothers, for some time, and then begin to solve it with the help of physical education, diet, massage, and body wraps.

In the end, some decide to undergo abdominoplasty, which means tightening the stretched muscles, removing stretched skin and excess fat.

Why doesn't the belly go away after a caesarean section?

The stomach will go away, but not right away. Of course, a woman’s desire and efforts will be needed, as always, in cases where she wants to look perfect.

VIDEO: How to tighten the abdomen after a caesarean section?


Perform a massage belly while you are unable to exercise. Start massaging the skin with light stroking and tapping. Then you can do converging and diverging strokes with light pressure. Monitor the condition of the seams very carefully. Once your bandages are removed, add pinching to the massage. Try to keep the skin pink. A rush of blood will increase the tone of muscles and skin.

Add contrast compresses to the massage. Alternately apply a hot and cold towel to your stomach. Be sure to consult with your gynecologist whether you can have this procedure. After contrast wraps, apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

Start physical exercises with breathing. Lie on your back, place your right palm on your chest, your left palm on your stomach. Inhale deeply to raise your palm on your chest, then direct the air flow towards your stomach to raise your palm. Hold the inhalation for 10-30 seconds, then exhale in the opposite direction: first the stomach drops, then the chest.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Take a deep breath and inflate your stomach like a balloon, stretching the muscles belly. Then exhale and tighten your abdominal muscles. At the same time, lift your pelvis so that your body from your shoulders to your knees is a straight line. Lower yourself back down. Do 15 times.

Lie on your back, arms extended along your body. Bend your knees and place your heels on the floor, feet together. Tighten your muscles belly and lower your legs to the right, turn your head to the left. Don't spread your knees. Then return your legs to the starting position and, without stopping, lower your legs to the left and turn your head to the right. Try to keep your knees together. Perform 3-5 bends in each direction. Gradually, increase the number of repetitions. Do not lower your legs too low; lifting should be done by tensing the oblique muscles belly.

Get on your knees. The back is straight. Raise your arms above your head and interlock your fingers. Stretch your arms upward, stretching your abdominal muscles. At the highest point, fix the position and lean back slightly until you can maintain balance. Freeze for 5 seconds and slowly come back, gradually relaxing your muscles.

Helpful advice

Don’t get carried away, ask your loved ones to insure you for the first few days. In the first months after childbirth, some mothers are susceptible to pressure changes and slight dizziness. So have someone watch you while you do the exercises.


  • abdominal muscles after cesarean

Every woman dreams of having a beautiful body and a toned tummy. In order for your figure to look perfect and your stomach to be flat and toned, you need to take achieving this result very seriously. When restoring the beauty and health of your figure, it is very important to use comprehensive body care and be sure to exercise. A very good method for tightening the skin of the abdomen is massage. This procedure can be performed by both a specialist and a woman independently, while at home. There is nothing complicated in performing a massage; it is important to simply follow the basic recommendations for performing a massage and its interaction with products so as not to harm your body.
Basic exercises for self-massage

You will need

  • Professional massage or self-massage, cosmetics, skin care products, physical exercises.



After stroking, you need to start kneading the skin of the abdomen. It is necessary to knead, following the directions from the lower abdomen on the right side, tending to the top, to the ribs. The massage is performed with the fingers using rotational movements. Then the massage moves to the left side.


If the purpose of the massage is to get rid of fat deposits, then you need to use an exercise like rolling. To do this, stroking the stomach with both hands is done so that at the same time you need to press on the stomach with the edge of your left hand, and at the same time move the skin with your right hand and begin to knead it.


To perform this exercise, you first need to stroke your stomach with both hands, then press on your stomach with one hand, and make a pushing movement with the other. There should be no more than 5 such movements.


The next exercise is rubbing the skin of the abdomen. It is performed with two hands, folding the hands perpendicular to the stomach and rubbing with the help of the rib parts of the palms.

With this exercise you can not only reduce the skin of the abdomen, but also reduce it on the thighs and. The skin will become elastic again. When performing this exercise, you need to hold your hands in fists, you need to move your knuckles up and down.

Final strokes.

The final exercise will be lightly stroking the abdomen with your fingertips.


Helpful advice

A better effect and faster results from a massage can be obtained if you use special massage products when performing it. With the help of various creams and mousses for massage, you can achieve remarkable results in a very short time. Additional physical exercise will also have a good effect on the skin of the abdomen.


  • toned belly in 2019

Many people believe that it is almost impossible to tighten the abdomen after an operation such as a cesarean section. Yes, there are isolated cases when the stomach is very stretched and only cosmetic surgery will help. But you can still tighten your stomach at home, without harming your health.

You will need

  • - dumbbells;
  • - rug.


For the first month after childbirth, you need to wear a special postoperative or postpartum bandage; it perfectly tightens the stomach and helps the uterus contract. At first I even slept in a bandage. If you don't have a bandage, you can use a corset or scarf.

You should start active training no earlier than six months after giving birth. Until this period, training can be replaced by long walks with a stroller and light exercises in the morning. It is also very effective to draw in and tighten your stomach, this is a great workout for your abdominal muscles.

Once your baby is six months old and your doctor has cleared you for intense training, you can begin to get active.

Set aside thirty minutes a day for yourself, this time is enough to tighten your body.
I'm on Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days program, this program is divided into three parts, each workout lasting thirty minutes. After the first workout, you will feel how your body becomes slim and toned.

Record your data before and after training, this will allow you to see the results clearly. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Helpful advice

You can do wraps that are allowed during lactation.

Tip 4: How to get rid of belly fat after a caesarean section

After a caesarean section, many women are primarily concerned with the question of when they can start getting rid of the fold on their abdomen. After all, such an operation is quite complex and involves two suture incisions at once - on the stomach and directly on the uterus. However, many young mothers cannot wait to improve their appearance and return their figure to its former appearance. To do this, there are some quite accessible methods for getting rid of a postpartum tummy.


Bandage - what you need to know about use

The main mistake people make when putting on a bandage is doing it while sitting or standing. But in order for it to take the correct position on the body, you only need to put it on while lying down.

The second mistake is that the bandage is too tight. It should not put much pressure on the body, otherwise blood circulation may be impaired, which is quite dangerous in the postpartum period. You can check whether the bandage is on correctly by sticking your index finger through the top. If it passes, everything is fine. If it doesn’t fit between the bandage and the body, loosen the fasteners or take a bandage one size larger.

In addition to the bandage - panties, there is a bandage - panties. But wearing it after childbirth is not recommended, as it greatly impedes the flow of air to the genitals, which can cause diaper rash and inflammation.

You can put on the bandage the next day. How long to wear it should be advised by your doctor. After a section, the bandage is usually worn longer than after a regular one. But it all depends on the woman’s condition and how weakened her abdominal and pelvic muscles are.

You need to wear the brace for at least four hours a day. Be sure to take it off at night. It is also better to use a bandage in the first months after childbirth, during exercise and long walking, to support the muscles and uterus.

Having a baby will change your life forever, as well as your body. About a quarter of all women give birth with assistance Caesarean sections, and they have to try especially hard to remove tummy after childbirth. And although it is difficult to do this, there are still ways.

You will need

  • - the doctor's consultation
  • - nutrition program
  • - regular exercise


As soon as childbirth is behind you, and you begin to think about afterbirth, you need to start by consulting your doctor. Typically, health professionals recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before starting exercise. Your muscle tissue needs time to recover.

So that after Caesarean, get rid of any junk food in your diet and throughout your home. If you are a nursing mother, do not limit yourself in any way in calories, but focus on healthy and nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, yogurts, etc. Drink water - it helps restore the body and remove toxins.

As soon as you have received permission from your doctor to exercise, consider a set of exercises. Be sure to do it regularly, at least 3 times a week for half an hour. Focus on cardio and fat burning. For example, walking uphill, jumping rope, running, riding. Such exercises will reduce the overall mass fraction of fat in the body.

Continue breastfeeding for as long as possible. This helps get rid of belly fat and extra calories.

Video on the topic

Related article

Daily Wear bandage after childbirth helps a young mother get back into shape faster and eliminate such after actions childbirth like a sagging belly, stretch marks on the skin. In the maternity hospital there are benefits from bandage especially noticeable (with it it is often easier to get out of bed and walk), however after After being discharged from the maternity hospital, you need to continue wearing it.


After surgery you can wear after surgical bandage in the form of panties. it should be done already on the second day after operations. It will not only help tighten the skin, but will also greatly facilitate walking and caring for the child. The bandage is especially relevant after the section becomes when the bandage-plaster is removed, and the seam must be covered with clean diapers. Holding a baby, holding the diaper on the seam and still going (for example, to weigh the baby) is quite problematic. IN after operating period bandage there is also a psychological function: it seems that it “helps” the suture and holds the stomach.

Every now and then the press flashes photographs of young mothers from the world of show business - slim and fit - the “star” profession obliges you to look good. Contrary to rumors about the use of expensive and complex procedures, restoration of the figure after childbirth occurs mostly naturally: proper nutrition, physical activity and special exercises.

The main problem of women who have had a caesarean section is the stomach. Muscles and skin become deformed during the months of pregnancy, and after childbirth it is this part of the body that confuses the most - both with sagging and stretch marks, and with increased size. To put your body in order at home and, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

Wearing a postpartum bandage

Wear 6-8 weeks after surgery

Childbirth complicated by surgical intervention requires subsequent wearing of a bandage - it holds the muscles in the desired position, eliminates the possibility of hernias and helps return the tissues to the anatomical norm.

The bandage can be bought at the pharmacy - in the form of tight high panties, slimming grace or. Gynecologists recommend wearing it daily for 6-8 weeks after surgery. The bandage should only be worn during the day and must be removed at night.

Physical exercise

Intense physical activity on the abdominal muscles is prohibited until 3-6 months from the date of cesarean section. Gentle training is allowed no earlier than 1–2 months after delivery. It is better to discuss the exact date with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

The most effective way to bring your stomach into proper shape - toned and neat - is to train the corresponding muscle groups. The abdominal press consists of four muscle groups: the rectus muscle along with the external obliques form the external relief, while the transverse and internal obliques support the organs in their anatomical position.

1–3 months after the birth of the child, light exercises are allowed - exercises, breathing exercises, static training (callanetics), etc.

Breathing exercises

The advantage of such gymnastics is that it not only tightens the stomach, but also improves well-being - “correct” diaphragmatic breathing increases the flow of oxygen to organs and muscles, helps speed up metabolic processes and increases physical activity.

With such gymnastics, you should breathe “from the stomach,” that is, when inhaling, raise its upper part, while the chest and shoulders remain motionless. Inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation is through the mouth. Each exercise is performed in 6 approaches.

    Slowly take a deep breath - so that the stomach protrudes as much as possible - counting to 4, then hold your breath, count to 16 and slowly exhale, counting to 8. As you exhale, the stomach is drawn inward.

    We lie on our backs, with both hands behind our heads, and tighten our stomach while exhaling slowly, counting to 6. Afterwards, we take a quick deep breath, simultaneously relaxing the muscles and raising the stomach up, and slowly exhale on the count of 6. We repeat the same exercise while sitting and standing.

    It is performed in the same way as the previous one, but with a changed position of the hands: we lower them onto the stomach - so as to feel the muscle tension - and lightly press with our palms in the abdominal area. We perform the exercise in three positions: lying, sitting and standing.

    We lie on our backs and cross our arms on our stomachs. We exhale long, while straining the abdominal muscles, lowering the chest and moving the shoulders forward and towards each other. Then we inhale, counting to 4, raising our stomach and straightening our shoulders and chest, and exhale again.

    We take a sitting position with our hands folded on our belts. We exhale deeply, bending slightly forward and squeezing our shoulders, hold our breath for a short time and inhale for a count of 4, tensing our abdominal muscles, and straighten our shoulders, returning to the starting position.

Breathing exercises are good because they can be done not only during gymnastics, but also in any free minutes during the day - in the kitchen, while cleaning or walking - alternating diaphragmatic exhalations and inhalations and arbitrarily tensing the abdominal press. Regular exercise will tone the muscles, and after the tissue at the incision site has healed, you can begin more intense exercises.

Callanetics - gymnastics for beautiful relief

Static gymnastics does not require sudden movements, allows you to gradually increase muscle load, trains general endurance and perfectly models the figure - not only the stomach, but also the thighs and buttocks. Doctors allow callanetics to be practiced after a caesarean section after the scar has healed. In the light mode, a short cycle of exercises with a total duration of 15-20 minutes is sufficient, and in the intensive mode, you can increase the time of their execution and add additional approaches.

The essence of the method is to hold stationary poses with tension in the corresponding muscle groups for 1–1.5 minutes. If tension and posture cause fatigue and discomfort out of habit, then it is better to start with intervals of 30–40 seconds.

Part 1. “Warm-up.” Prepares the body for the upcoming load, improves posture and straightens the spine. You need to take a standard pose - straight back, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. In all exercises, we hold the corresponding position without moving for an equal amount of time.

    We rise on tiptoes, raise our arms and stretch our whole body up.

    We stretch our arms in front of us and make a slight bend forward by 30–40°, keeping our back straight with a slight arch in the lower back. We keep the legs and pelvis in a motionless position.

    We spread our arms to the sides parallel to the floor at shoulder level and turn them with our palms up.

    Putting your left hand bent at the elbow on your belt, raise your right hand up and bend your upper body to the left. The legs and pelvis remain motionless. Having maintained the required interval, we change hands and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

    Raise your arms up: straight and parallel to each other, palms forward. We try to tilt them back as far as possible - so that the tension in the back muscles is felt.

Part 2. “Basic”. After warming up, the muscles are ready for full load and performing exercises that actively model the figure. It is important not to overdo it here - despite the apparent simplicity of the workout and the shortened duration, its intensity is not inferior to 2-3 hours of dancing or aerobics.

    We lie on our backs with our hands behind our heads. We raise our straight legs up so that the distance between the heels and the floor is 10–15 cm.

    In a lying position, we raise our right leg up 90°, and slightly raise our left leg, by 10–15 cm, and pull our arms forward parallel to the body, while trying to lift the shoulder blades off the floor.

    Lying on your back, fix your shoulders and shoulder blades on the surface with your arms extended at your sides. Having bent our knees and fixed our feet, we stretch our pelvis and buttocks as high as possible without changing the position of our back.

    We lie down on our right side, leaning on our right hand, place our left hand on our belt or in front of us, and pull our left leg up as high as possible. We turn over and repeat the exercise again, but this time for the right leg and lying on the other side.

    Lying on your side, stretch your arms straight along the body in front of you and pull up at the same time your torso and legs brought together - so that the emphasis falls on the pelvic area. When performing this exercise, the oblique and rectus muscles are tightened as effectively as possible, but it is much more difficult than others and requires preliminary preparation - it is recommended to include it in the training program only from the second week.

    We sit down on the floor and spread our straight legs wide to the sides. We tilt the body towards the left leg, trying to keep the back straight, with a deflection of the lower back. After 60–90 seconds, repeat this exercise on the right side.

    In the same position, we stretch our arms forward and tilt our upper body, trying to be as close to the floor as possible. Make sure your back remains straight.

    We get down on our knees. Leaning on the right leg, straighten the left one and extend it to the side. We bend our body and arms towards the outstretched leg and try to touch our ankles with our fingers.

    From a standing position, we bend over, lowering our hands in front of us, and try to touch the floor.

    As a final exercise, we perform the first exercise from the warm-up.

The above training complex can be repeated 3-4 times a week - this will be enough to get your figure in order after childbirth. If necessary, it can be shortened or expanded, supplemented with exercises for other muscle groups.

Vitamins and dietary supplements to restore the body

The condition of the skin and muscles is also affected by nutrition, the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. If it is sometimes difficult for a young mother to experiment with nutrition - the diet takes into account the peculiarities of feeding the baby - then the lack of necessary substances at the cellular level can be compensated for and the optimal balance can be restored with the help of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes developed specifically for use by women during breastfeeding.


Some procedures are useful as additional means - without radically solving the problem, they nevertheless help eliminate it.

    Masks and wraps. The former stimulate local blood supply, speed up metabolism, tone the skin and muscles, and the latter enhance their effect due to the “sauna” effect. As the main remedy, you can use clay (white, pink, blue), honey and add aromatic and vegetable oils if there are no allergies.

    Massage. You can do it yourself - with the help of your hands - combining stroking, pinching and circular movements, or seek the services of professional massage therapists.

    Sleeping on your stomach also helps to reduce it - the uterus quickly returns to its normal physiological size.

Any manipulations in the suture area are allowed only after its final scarring!

Thanks to the invariable ability of the human body to self-heal, returning to your usual slimness after childbirth, or even finding it for the first time, is not so difficult: the main thing is to find time for exercise, remember to take care of yourself and support the body “from the inside,” at the cellular level.

Every woman dreams of eliminating all figure flaws in problem areas after childbirth. The situation becomes more complicated after a cesarean section, because this procedure disrupts the structure of muscle fibers. Next, we read about how to remove belly fat after a caesarean section and regain your former attractiveness.

Why does my stomach sag after surgery?

All measures for effective weight loss directly depend on the reasons that provoked the appearance of extra pounds.

  1. A shift in the center of gravity that occurs in all pregnant women. It is because of this that a stoop appears, a relaxed abs, a protruding belly and a characteristic gait with the body tilted backward.
  2. Extra pounds, which after a cesarean section tend to spread in the abdominal area, hiding the waist.
  3. Stretching of the abdominal muscles and loss of their tone. As a result, a skin fold is formed, the so-called “apron”. Stretch marks often form on the skin.
  4. Postoperative scars do not allow the abdominal muscles to “close.”

When, during pregnancy, the enlarging uterus presses on the anterior abdominal wall, and the connective tissue is too elastic, diastasis appears (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles). After a cesarean section, it makes it even more difficult to get rid of a saggy belly.

Although a small diastasis (2–3 cm), which occurs in many young mothers, disappears within 1.5–2 months with little effort on the part of the woman. And in the second and third stages, a complete return of the muscles to their natural position will require from six months to one and a half years.

Moreover, in this case, the discrepancy in the abdominal muscles can only worsen if you perform some abdominal exercises. For example, lifting the legs and torso from a lying position, all types of twisting and push-ups are prohibited.

Sagging belly has physiological causes. To remove the folds of skin and the fat that spreads out on the sides, you need to put in maximum effort and time!

How soon after a cesarean section can you start losing weight?

Obstetricians and gynecologists claim that a woman in labor needs about a year to fully recover after a caesarean section. By this time, a roll of fatty tissue has formed over the incision site. And if the seam on the stomach left after the operation is almost invisible by this time, then removing the fat above it is not an easy task.

If the cesarean section was uncomplicated, then doctors will allow you to do light exercise after a couple of months. If there were complications, no earlier than six months later.

The increased burden for those who have had a caesarean section will be gradual. To achieve your previous shape, it may take even longer than it took to bear the baby.

When thinking about how to get rid of your belly after a caesarean section, you shouldn’t rush to run to the gym. Most doctors will advise you to simply be patient and then gradually try to eliminate fat and loose skin through home exercises and proper nutrition.

  • In the first stages, you need to start eating right, doing exercises at the permitted intensity, doing a light abdominal massage, and adding cosmetics.
  • And later, with increased varied loads, it will be possible to return to their previous attractive forms.

Intensive training of the abdominal muscles, which is familiar to many, is strictly prohibited for the first six months after a cesarean section! Forceful loads can cause the sutures on the abdomen to separate.

The role of nutrition in losing extra pounds

The first thing you should do for your figure is to establish a routine and diet. Any nutritionist will tell you that after a caesarean section, only with proper nutrition you can remove excess fat deposits on the abdomen and waist in a couple of months.

In this case, there will be no fear that the seams may come apart. And the point here is not in strict diets, which are prohibited during lactation. It will be enough to switch to healthy products and remove everything unnecessary from the menu.

In addition, in order to tighten the abdominal wall without harm to the body, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules.

  1. Usually, doctors do not allow you to eat for 3 days after a cesarean section. You are only allowed to drink clean water without gas; the mother in labor receives nutrients intravenously. Therefore, the principles of a proper diet should be introduced as soon as the drip is stopped and transferred to a regular table.
  2. The menu of a mother who has undergone a cesarean section must include cheeses and dairy products, which are a source of calcium. It helps to increase regeneration, as a result of which the stitches on the abdomen will heal faster. Calcium will also help restore normal metabolism and, consequently, active breakdown of fats. It is also necessary to increase lactation.
  3. The diet after cesarean section should be enriched with foods containing iron. It will help to quickly increase muscle tone in order to get rid of the belly fat as quickly as possible. Iron is found in sufficient quantities in meat and vegetables (for example, lettuce).
  4. Vitamin complexes will also be very useful, which, working at the cellular level, will enhance biochemical processes, promoting the breakdown of fat, as well as increasing skin tone and elasticity.
  5. After a cesarean section, a woman in labor should switch to split six meals a day and drink plenty of fluids. Coffee, strong tea, and fast food products should be removed from the menu. You also need to strictly limit the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods, marinades and pickles.

Such nutritional principles will allow you to quickly eliminate the belly formed due to the excess kilograms gained during pregnancy. The first results will be visible in a couple of weeks, even if there are still unhealed stitches.

After six months, the effectiveness of figure correction, along with the diet, will also depend on the possibility of increasing physical activity. And it, in turn, relies on the effectiveness of the early rehabilitation period.

If after a caesarean section you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, the sides and stomach will gradually begin to shrink, and every day the former shapes and curves of the waist will become more clearly visible.

Abdominal exercises after cesarean section

8-10 weeks after cesarean section, it is advisable to visit a doctor and get advice regarding permitted exercise. Your obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to assess the degree of healing of the sutures and what exercises will be harmless. Of course, he will not allow active training to remove belly fat, but long walks are quite likely.

In the first weeks after a cesarean section, a woman only needs to create maximum conditions for further work on body correction. This will require:

  • daily walking;
  • exercising on a fitball, swaying slightly, causing slight muscle tension;
  • monitoring your posture and retraction of the abdomen when walking;
  • performing feasible housework, which also increases muscle tone.

Once the stitch has healed, light exercise will be acceptable. It is especially important to gradually increase the load after repeated surgical delivery or multiple pregnancy. You can perform exercises no earlier than 6 months after cesarean section.

Moreover, even permitted movements should be done slowly, gradually increasing the applied effort, so as not to harm the spine and fragile muscles of the abdomen and back. Working out the rectus abdominal wall muscle with the help of the weight of the legs will help remove sagging abdomen after cesarean and develop the strength of the muscles that form the relief.

Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscles

Initial position Performance
To develop the lower abdominal muscles, stand straight, with your right hand on your waist and your left hand on the table. Keeping your balance, lift your bent left knee toward your chest. Count to ten and smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the same actions with your right foot.
Next, lie down on the mat, bend your legs and extend your arms along your body. Smoothly lift your bent legs to a position where muscle tension appears, helping to remove the belly.
The next exercise is performed from the same position. Gently lift your buttocks to tighten your muscles and flatten your belly.
Lie on your back, resting your back on your arms bent at the elbows. Raise your straight legs to a height of 5 cm, count to ten and lower.
The superior rectus muscles work on exercises that use body weight. After a cesarean section, they allow you to remove loose skin “apron”. Lie on the floor on your back, legs straight, palms on the back of your head. Raise your shoulder girdle, tensing your abs as much as possible to remove your belly. You can stay in the upper position for 10 seconds, then lower your torso and relax.
We perform the second version of the exercise from this group from the same position. Difference from the previous one: with bent legs.

Training the oblique abdominal muscles helps to remove the sides and sculpt the waist after a cesarean section. These movements are similar to those that train the superior rectus muscles, but they are done with a simultaneous twisting.

To perform the first exercise for the oblique muscles, lie on the floor with your legs bent and your hands at the back of your head. Raise your shoulders and twist to reach your knee with your elbow. Repeat on the other side.

The second exercise from this group, which helps remove figure defects after cesarean:

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend over until your forehead touches your knees one at a time and rise up.
  3. Bend to the sides, sliding your palms along your thighs.

As an alternative, you should contact a trainer at a fitness club. He will select the optimal set of exercises to remove belly fat. You can also sign up for classes in special groups for those who have had a caesarean section.

Training three times a week is considered optimal. When performing exercises on your own to remove belly fat, use exclusively your body weight, without weights.

Homemade cosmetics

To remove a sagging belly after a caesarean section, you can use a wide variety of cosmetics. They will help more effectively eliminate fat layers, tone the skin, speed up scar regeneration, and make stretch marks less noticeable.

However, if a cesarean section has been performed, cosmetics must also be applied extremely carefully and only after the sutures on the abdomen have completely healed. Otherwise, they may fester under the influence of the active ingredients contained in the products used.

Therefore, first wait until they are completely regenerated, and then proceed with cosmetic procedures.

Today, there are many scrubs, wraps, creams and other products on sale to combat fat deposits, stretch marks, loose or sagging skin on the abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs.

However, it is not recommended that special emphasis be placed on them for postpartum women who have undergone a cesarean section. They cost a lot of money and do not give the result that we expect in this situation. The best means to remove the ridge and sagging after a caesarean section are those that you prepare yourself.

A cream made from several mummy tablets will help tighten your stomach and improve skin tone.

  • They need to be crushed in water to a paste and mixed with regular baby cream in equal proportions.
  • The same composition will also promote rapid tissue regeneration. It is applied to the abdominal area for a couple of hours; any remaining product that is not absorbed is washed off with warm water.
  • To enhance the effect, you can arrange a contrast shower after the mask, alternately directing cool and hot streams onto your stomach, and finish the procedure with cold water.

What else can you think of with loose skin on your stomach?

  1. A scrub made from fresh ground coffee beans or natural coffee left in the Turk after brewing will help remove the bead formed over the seam after a caesarean section. The thickener is mixed with shower gel and rubbed over the stomach with massage movements.
  2. After this procedure, contrasting wraps will be beneficial for the skin. To do this, moisten a terry towel well with ice water and apply it to your stomach for five minutes. Then replace it with a towel soaked in hot water.
  3. Often, a salt scrub is used as a massage product to remove figure imperfections after a caesarean section. It is prepared from sea salt mixed with linseed oil, olive oil or any other vegetable oil. You can also add a few drops of lemon, orange, rosemary, sage or tea tree essential oil. The scrub is rubbed into problem areas until the skin turns red, and then washed off with warm water. Finish with a good contrast shower.

If you don’t have time for home treatments, but finances allow, you can go to a beauty salon. There, experienced cosmetologists will help remove the fatty roll above the cesarean stitch and correct figure imperfections caused by pregnancy.

Anti-cellulite massage for weight loss

In combination with proper nutrition, exercise and cosmetic procedures, anti-cellulite massage can be used.

Massaging problem areas improves blood flow, helps remove sagging and restore elasticity to the skin. Massage sessions are practiced every day for two weeks.

By contacting a professional, you can achieve great results, but self-massage of the abdomen is also useful. It is good to do it in the shower using washcloths or other massagers. After such warming up of the muscles, a contrast shower will be especially beneficial.

In the fight for a flat stomach after cesarean section, the benefits of massage will increase if you supplement it with the use of special cosmetics - massage lotions, creams and scrubs. In order for them to have a tightening effect, the products must contain collagen, extracts of horse chestnut or brown algae.

  • Essential oils of menthol, peppermint, lavender, sage, and calendula perfectly tone the skin. Abrasive elements will also be useful: crushed apricot kernels, ground coffee beans, sea salt.
  • It is better to choose essential oils of orange, lemon and cypress as flavoring agents for cosmetics. And olive, almond and linseed oils are perfect for the base.

We must not forget that a full massage on the abdomen that has undergone a cesarean section is unsafe! Only the one that gives a slight rush of blood to the skin and muscles is useful.

It is important to remember that contraindications to massage are the presence of tumors, bleeding and skin diseases. It is impossible for the impact to be uncomfortable for a fragile organism. Massage sessions should be enjoyable.

In the first days after the operation is completed, only stroking, light rubbing and kneading are allowed. Classic self-massage is indicated only when the scar is completely healed. It is performed one and a half hours after or half an hour before a meal. It is done while lying on your back, placing a small pillow under your knees.

  1. The stomach should be relaxed as much as possible. Perform all movements from the navel and strictly clockwise.
  2. To remove sagging, massage begins with stroking with the palm of your hand.
  3. Then, for 2–3 minutes, perform movements in a circle or in a spiral, gradually increasing the pace.
  4. Next, the palm is folded into a fist and rubbing is performed.

Next technique: intense circular or streak rubbing with your fingers. After this, use the back of both palms to make quick sawing movements around the abdomen. This will ensure a good flow of blood to the abdominal muscles to tighten the skin and remove sagging.

After warming up, you can move on to kneading, which returns elasticity to weak muscles in order to quickly remove the fat pad over the postoperative suture after cesarean section.

  1. The first technique is pressure. Place four fingers together and make circular pressing movements, leaning on the thumb.
  2. The second technique is rolling. Grab the skin of the abdomen near the navel and push it with your thumb behind the “running” four. The technique is performed along lines diverging from the navel. The procedure is completed with light patting and stroking.

During a massage session, you should carefully listen to your body; any discomfort is a signal to stop.

Abdominoplasty after caesarean section

However, sometimes it happens that all efforts do not help remove the unaesthetic “apron” on the stomach. In this situation, only a plastic surgeon can help.

Abdominoplasty for figure correction is indicated no earlier than 6 months or a year after cesarean section. This is a surgical operation during which the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened, thereby removing sagging and excess fat.

As a result, the volume is significantly reduced, the tummy looks flat and toned again. This procedure allows you to mask postoperative sutures from a cesarean section as much as possible.

However, abdominoplasty after surgical obstetrics, like any other operation, has its contraindications.

  • And the first of them is planning subsequent pregnancies, which will cancel out the entire effect of the operation. A surgical tummy tuck involves tightening the rectus muscles, and they will be stretched again during pregnancy. Therefore, abdominoplasty is an operation for those who no longer plan to have children, because each subsequent intervention will be technically more complex, and the cosmetic result will no longer be so spectacular.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs, neoplasms, heart and lung failure, obesity, diabetes mellitus, decreased blood clotting, allergies and lactation also make surgery impossible. In the presence of diseases that are not a direct contraindication, full treatment is carried out before the operation, and only then abdominoplasty is resorted to.
  • This method of removing belly fat after a caesarean section is often used by those women who, due to their weak character, are not able to cope with the problem on their own, and those who want to remove figure defects as quickly as possible without making much effort.
  • The operation is expensive, considered quite complex, and very often lasts two or even four hours under general anesthesia.
  • It also has a fairly long recovery period.

However, abdominoplasty after cesarean has a right to exist, since it helps many women achieve their cherished goal, sometimes giving stunning results.

There are practically no insoluble problems in plastic surgery. The main thing is to determine the optimal correction method in a given situation. An experienced doctor will help with this.

But the woman herself must make the final decision about how necessary another abdominal operation is to remove cosmetic defects and become slim and beautiful again. And only in the case when it’s impossible to tighten the sagging belly after a caesarean section on your own.

The sooner a woman who gave birth by cesarean begins to take measures to remove sagging, the easier it will be for her to realize her dream of her former slim figure.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs