How to understand that you have a fracture. Hand injury recovery and possible consequences

Absolutely any injury that ends with limited mobility, bruising, pain, at least, is unpleasant. However, a banal bruise can hide much more serious consequences: fracture, sprain, dislocation. Yes, the bruise itself in some cases can lead to serious health complications. Therefore, it is important for each person to have the skills to distinguish between such conditions and, on the basis of such self-diagnosis, seek medical help in time.


Closed damage to organs or tissues as a result of mechanical action is called a bruise. Depending on the depth, volume and location of the damaged tissues, as well as the strength of the impact received, the manifestations of bruises may be different. For example, a hemorrhage due to vascular damage is a bruise known to everyone. Other signs are also fairly well known.

Injury signs:

    restriction of the functions of a part of the body or a specific organ;

    redness of the damaged area and an increase in local temperature;

    hematomas - hemorrhages in damaged tissues;

    swelling (from hemorrhage and edema);

    pain after mechanical impact.

Pain occurs at the moment of direct injury and dulls over time. However, with swelling of the tissues and an increase in hematoma, pain may reappear with a vengeance. The most unpleasant sensations are observed in places that are devoid of fat, for example, the front surface of the lower leg. In some cases, the swelling and pain are so strong that it is difficult to distinguish a bruise from a fracture.

First aid:

    Applying a pressure bandage.

    The elevated position of the affected part of the body and its complete rest.

    Applying cold on the first day to prevent the development of hematomas. The ice towel should be periodically removed to avoid injury to the vessels by exposure to low temperatures. It is best to apply an ice compress over a pressure bandage for 25-30 minutes, and then apply for 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours.

    In the presence of large hematomas, swelling, severe pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Also, observation by specialists may be required for bruises of internal organs, the head, and other dangerous areas.

    In no case should you heat and rub the bruised area during the first 2 days, after 48 hours you can heat it.

    You need to know that first aid for sprains, dislocations, bruises and fractures is completely identical: anesthesia, cold, rest.

Health care:

    The hospital may prescribe novocaine blockade for pain relief and physiotherapy.

    In severe injuries, surgical treatment may be necessary: ​​piercing the skin and pumping blood from extensive hematomas, cleansing the joint from fluid, and injections of antibiotics.


Damage caused by traction and accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues is commonly called stretching. Elastic parts of the body - muscles, ligaments, tendons - are stretched. In most cases, tissue damage occurs in the area of ​​the joint.

Signs of stretching:

    violation of the functions of the damaged area of ​​the body;

    slight hemorrhage - sometimes;


    pain in the damaged area (especially when repeating the movements of the injury mechanism).

First aid:

    cold to the damaged area of ​​the body;

    elevated position of the limb and rest;

    fixing bandage on the damaged joint (elastic bandage);

    for 48 hours it is forbidden to heat and rub the damaged area;

    with a deterioration in the general condition, severe swelling and pain - see a doctor. The fact is that such symptoms are accompanied by a rupture of the ligaments, which may require surgical intervention. In addition, similar dynamics can be caused by a fracture of the tubular bones of the limb.

Health care:

    physiotherapy after pain relief;

    anesthesia if necessary;

    sparing treatment for the damaged part of the body;

    recovery occurs in about 1-4 weeks.


A dislocation is a permanent separation of normally adjacent joints. Occurs in most cases in middle-aged men as a result of mechanical action. When the joint is not completely separated, the injury is called subluxation. Signs of this type of damage are similar to a full dislocation.

Dislocation signs:

    relative shortening of the limb, external deformation of the joint - often;

    forced (least painful) position of the limb;

    impossibility of active movement in the damaged joint;

    severe pain syndrome.

Treatment of dislocations

Treatment of dislocations at home with the help of compresses, lotions and poultices is too risky. A fresh dislocation is reduced by a doctor much easier than an old one (after three days), so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Self-reduction of a dislocation can result in a rupture of muscles and ligaments, as well as a broken bone. Therefore, the only way to help an injured person is to apply cold to the injured joint. After that, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the emergency room or call an ambulance.

Health care:

    anesthesia (quite often with the help of drugs);

    direct reduction of dislocation using a suitable technique;

    imposing on the reduced joint of the limiting bandage;

    during the rehabilitation period: therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy;

    surgical treatment for chronic dislocations, when the slightest injury leads to a dislocation of the joint.


A fracture is a violation of the integrity of a bone caused by mechanical action or a pathological process in the body. Given the wide variety of bones in the human body, there are a large number of types of fractures.

Types of fractures:

Fracture signs:

    unnatural position of the limb;

    abnormal mobility (the limb can bend in a place where there are no joints);

    symptom of axial load (increased pain symptom when turning the limb along the axis);

    hemorrhage and hematoma;

    swelling in the area of ​​damage;

    crunch (crepitus) of small fragments, if you press on the area of ​​injury (with the help of this symptom, a fracture is differentiated from a bruise and sprain);

    visual determination of bone fragments in case of an open fracture.

Fracture treatment

A bone fracture usually entails other injuries, bleeding, wounds of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible before the arrival of an ambulance. The pain during a fracture and dislocation is the same as the first aid measures, so you should not waste time determining the nature of the injury, it is better to immediately start providing first aid.

First aid:

    in the presence of bleeding, it is necessary first of all to stop it, using the following methods:

    • apply a tourniquet in case of severe bleeding (fix the time of applying the tourniquet and leave it for an hour and a half);

      apply a pressure bandage;

      press the vessel visible in the wound;

    bandage the wound with sterile materials;

    give the victim an anesthetic;

    fix (immobilize) the broken part of the body, with the help of splints, fix the joints near the fracture area;

    apply cold to the injury site;

    if the fracture is closed, first aid must begin with the introduction of painkillers.

Health care:

    comparison of bone fragments and their fixation:

    • surgically - external or internal osteosynthesis, comparison with the help of special devices or manually;

      Conservative skeletal traction, plaster bandages;

    anesthesia (most often with the help of novocaine blockades);

    antibiotic therapy (after surgery or with an open fracture);

    physiotherapy during the rehabilitation period;


childhood trauma

In children, the musculoskeletal system is not fully formed, and given their mobility, this leads to frequent bruises, sprains, and in especially serious cases, fractures. To establish the nature of the injury at home in a child is much more difficult than in an adult. Since it is difficult for children to describe the nature of the pain, even in most cases they are frightened by the prospect of a trip to the hospital. There are a number of characteristic injuries that are quite easy to suspect at home, but it is recommended to consult a traumatologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Subluxation of the radius

Such an injury is typical for young children, and especially girls aged 3-4 years. In most cases, the injury occurs when the child is pulled by the arms. For example, a parent or nanny pulls the baby sharply by the arms, thereby saving him from falling, hence the popular name for the injury - “nanny's elbow”. A characteristic click appears (the main symptom), after which a sharp pain develops in the elbow when trying to perform any hand movements. The child ceases to give an injured hand, because at rest the pain is significantly reduced. It is not difficult for a traumatologist to determine the type of damage, since the arm is in a typical position for an injury. After the bone is repositioned, no additional treatment is needed and the child is allowed to go home the same day.

Subperiosteal fractures

The bone in young children differs in some structural features, therefore, often a fracture in a baby is precisely subperiosteal, when the periosteum is intact and the bone is broken. Such an injury is like trying to break a green branch. These fractures are very difficult to diagnose not only at the reception, but also during x-ray examination. Only a specialist can distinguish a fracture from a bruise. However, it is worth remembering that the bones in children tend to grow together faster, so the recovery time after an injury is significantly reduced.

How to distinguish one injury from another

There are cases when the diagnosis is very easy to establish. For example, if a slight pain is felt after a kick on a corner and a bruise appears, without a doubt, this is a bruise, and if bone fragments peek out from a lacerated wound, this is an open fracture. There are other signs by which a presumptive diagnosis can be made.


Immediately at the time of injury, gradually weakens. With severe edema, it can increase

At the time of injury, intense, acute, may intensify after some time

Intense pain at the time of injury, aggravated by attempting to move

Severe pain that gets worse when you touch or move.

strong, often

Change in limb length

Atypical mobility outside the joint

The crunch of bone fragments

Deformities of the injured body part

Increased pain when pressing on the affected area

Axial load symptom

Joint deformity

Yes (if the fracture is intra-articular)

Hemorrhage in the joint

Sometimes, when blood enters from a hematoma

In case of intra-articular fracture

Change in the axis of the limb

Independent (active) movements

are saved

Have pain limitation


Extremely painful or impossible

Passive movements



Accompanied by increased pain (nominally limited)

Limited and extremely painful

Obtaining a final diagnosis is possible only after examination by a traumatologist. For fractures and dislocations, first aid is only a way to alleviate the patient's condition before the arrival of emergency assistance. Therefore, in the presence of any damage that creates discomfort or limits the ability to work, it is best to consult a doctor. In some cases, a specialist only needs a visual examination and a few diagnostic questions to make an accurate diagnosis. But most often, to diagnose the type of injury, it is necessary to use CT, MRI and X-ray examination.

The above signs are more characteristic of limb injuries, but damage to other parts of the body may be accompanied by very different symptoms. For example, with a head injury, the nature of the damage may not match the symptoms at all. A brain contusion cannot be seen on an X-ray, but you may feel weak or faint. With a fracture of the bones of the skull, the patient may have only mild pain or, on the contrary, a very serious hemorrhage. Therefore, with such injuries, even in case of good health, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

You need to see a doctor if:

    Trauma to the abdomen, spine, chest, head.

    Injury received when a child falls from a height (especially when hitting his head).

    Cod at the time of injury.

    Bleeding, serious wound in the damaged area.

    Increased edema.

    The local temperature rises, and the hematoma does not change its color after some time and turns red.

    Passive and active movements of the injured limb are absent.

    Loss of sensation in the limb or its partial decrease.

    Deterioration of the general condition (urinary retention, shortness of breath, pressure surges, loss of consciousness).

Fractures and bruises are the most common injuries in people of all genders and ages. The causes of these injuries are very diverse, arising both at home and during sports, traffic accidents or at work. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to be able to accurately diagnose these injuries, since quite often a bruise is mistaken for a broken bone and vice versa. The choice of the method of first aid and further treatment of the injury depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis, because these same methods differ very significantly.

Signs of a fracture

A fracture is called damage to bone tissue, accompanied by a violation of the periosteum, or without this accompaniment. Fractures are closed, when the skin at the site of injury is not damaged by bone fragments, or open, when the integrity of the skin is violated by bone fragments (roughly speaking, a bone is visible in an open wound). Damage to muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and tendons is possible with both types of fractures.

Depending on the fracture line, they are divided into:

  • splintered,
  • transverse,
  • longitudinal,
  • helical,
  • regional and many others.

Almost any fracture can be with or without displacement of bone fragments. The easiest way to confuse with a bruise is a marginal or any other fracture without displacement.

At the time of the fracture, severe pain occurs, since the periosteum is equipped with a huge number of pain receptors, which, when irritated, cause pain.


Bruises are also accompanied by pain, but it gradually subsides, while with fractures, the pain syndrome either persists for a long time or intensifies. The maximum gain occurs when you try to move the damaged part of the body.

In case of a hand injury, squeezing the hand into a fist or taking an object is almost impossible. Severe pain will not allow you to lean on the injured leg. With a fracture of the ribs, acute pain occurs in the process of inhalation or turning the torso. But there are a number of injuries in which functional impairments are rather weakly expressed. For example, impacted fractures of the femur or humerus, fracture of the metatarsal, fibula.

Important! In some cases, for example, when an athlete's adrenaline levels go off scale, pain may not be felt at all.

Edema may appear almost instantly, or may increase over time. The duration of the manifestation of bruising or hematoma depends on the amount of muscle tissue surrounding the injury: the greater the muscle mass, the later the bruising will appear. With some types of fractures, soft tissue damage does not occur, and a hematoma with swelling does not develop.

Features of diagnosing various types of fractures

Open fractures are the easiest to diagnose. Even a person who does not have a medical education, seeing fragments of bone in a wound, will be able to accurately make the correct diagnosis.

It is quite easy to determine a displaced fracture: the limb at the fracture site is deformed in axial or longitudinal projection. With longitudinal deformation, shortening or lengthening of the limb is observed. Axial displacement is determined by a significant curvature of the damaged part of the body:

  • The bone is rather badly damaged;
  • the so-called "false joint" is determined, in which the bending angle is very large;
  • observed pathological mobility at the fracture site.

Some types of comminuted fractures are detected by careful palpation, during which crepitus is felt (crunching, like a crunch of snow). It is strictly forbidden to provoke crepitus and displace fragments of damaged bones, as these actions can lead to additional injury to the periosteum and surrounding soft tissues.

The most difficult is the diagnosis of closed fractures:

  • It is possible to preliminarily determine a fracture of the limbs using the axial load syndrome, in which there is not a strong pressure on the limb in the longitudinal direction.
  • In the case of the lower extremities, a light tapping of the heel with a fist is used, which provokes pain in the area of ​​​​damage.
  • Similarly, fractures of the hands are detected, only pressure is applied to the wrist or fingers.

With bruises, the axial syndrome shows negative results.

Important! It should be emphasized that a final diagnosis of a fracture is possible only after an X-ray examination.

Signs of a bruise

A bruise is a compression injury to the soft tissues of the human body of a closed type. The skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles are susceptible to injury, while their integrity is absolutely not violated.

The main symptom of a bruise is pain that appeared during the injury and gradually subsides. Any bruise is accompanied by edema, which develops during the first day, then gradually decreases and disappears. If edema occurs, there may be a violation of the motor functions of the muscles and nearby joints.


The main difficulty in diagnosis is that such symptoms are typical for closed fractures without displacement, and it is simply not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis without fluoroscopy or tomography.

First aid for bruises consists in immobilizing the injured part of the body with a splint or fixing bandage. Then, during the first day, a cold is applied, and analgesic therapy is performed. In the future, all symptoms of bruises gradually disappear. In especially severe cases, heat is prescribed to the damaged area and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Summing up all of the above, we can summarize that the patient's injured part of the body must be immobilized as much as possible and seek qualified help from a traumatologist as soon as possible. Only in a medical institution, specialists will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Pain is the body's normal response to injury. Often, along with discomfort, a temporary restriction of mobility and a bruise spreading over the body appear. Everyone is obliged to know how to distinguish a bruise from a fracture and identify a serious threat to health. Timely assistance works wonders. Delayed rehabilitation threatens with complications.

Injury - learning to diagnose an injury

Having unsuccessfully stumbled on a step, bumped into a corner of a table or bumped into an obstacle, we are talking about a bruise. They start talking about him, having received a blow in a fight.

A bruise is a closed injury caused by an external object, as a result of which organs and tissues suffer.

The degree of damage caused to the body as a result of an injury can vary from a normal bruise to a crack and fracture. In the first case, damaged vessels cause hemorrhage. In the second, the integrity of the bones suffers. Having received damage, you should carefully analyze the signs to make a preliminary diagnosis.

Signs of injury include:

  • pain sensations;
  • tissue swelling at the site of injury. If you put a bruised limb on a pedestal or any other elevation, the swelling gradually decreases;
  • Availability hematomas due to hemorrhage
  • increase in skin temperature in the area of ​​injury;
  • possible ogimpaired mobility of the nearest articular joint due to swelling.

Discomfort and pain gradually subside. The situation is different if a hematoma grows. Unpleasant sensations at this moment intensify.

Discomfort from a blow is especially acute in places devoid of fat. These zones include the front surface of the lower leg and the back surface of the arm - from the elbow to the hand.

Many people do not know how to distinguish a bruise from a crack, delaying a visit to the trauma center until the last if there are dangerous symptoms. The situation is complicated by the fact that with a closed fracture without displacement of bone fragments, the signs do not have a clear difference from the symptoms of a bruise. Similar in characteristics and a crack formed on the bone during the impact.

It is recommended that at the slightest suspicion of a crack or fracture, do not disturb the bruised area, provide it with peace. The limb in this case is fixed with a rigid bandage using a splint. The general recommendation for both injuries is exposure to cold. Applying ice to a bruise or fracture is necessary to narrow the damaged vessels and capillaries.

If there is severe pain, an anesthetic will help relieve the spasm. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, a sterile dressing should be applied to prevent infection from entering the open cavity. The question of how a bruise differs from a fracture can be answered as follows: with a bruise, the pain gradually disappears, swelling disappears, limb mobility is restored. With a crack and a fracture, the rehabilitation period is significantly delayed.

However, the provision of first aid in both the first and second cases is the same: rest, anesthesia, exposure to cold on damaged areas.

Fracture - we are going to see a traumatologist

There is no universal rule on how to distinguish a bruise from a fracture or crack in the first hours after an injury if there are no obvious symptoms of damage to the integrity of the bone. Fractures are classified according to the structure of the damage and the position of the fragmentary parts of the bone material. There are open and closed fractures, with and without displacement, with a marginal, helical line. It is easy to mistake for a bruise a fracture with intact skin without displacement of the bones. The characteristic signs of a fracture are:

  • Strong pain impulse when injured(if there is a traumatic shock, the symptoms of pain may be absent for some time). Unlike a bruise, pain rolls in new waves, does not subside, grows. When you try to move it becomes unbearable.
  • The swelling of the tissues increases, the hematoma becomes more pronounced. If the muscle corset in the impact area is distinguished by increased density, the hematoma does not appear immediately. Bruising can come out a couple of days after the incident. In some types of fractures, there is no hematoma.

With the displacement of bone fragments, a fracture is easy to diagnose even for a non-specialist. The limb is deformed, changes the usual contour, distorts the lines.

Many emergency rooms work around the clock, so there are no problems with diagnosing the condition. It is good if relatives and close people help to get to the medical facility.

Home first aid kit

If the sensations after a bruise are unpleasant, and there is no opportunity to visit a doctor immediately, you need to use the means of a home first aid kit.

Traditional pain relievers can help relieve discomfort. The swelling can be reduced by exposure to cold. Ai-Bolit cream will help with light bruises. The tool effectively removes the effects of traumatic inflammation in the tissues, quickly removes swelling and neutralizes bruises on the skin. A distinctive feature of the drug is an old recipe on medicinal herbs. As part of the basic formula - time-tested components from the pantry of nature:

  • Badyaga- helps to relieve pain, improve superficial blood supply, convergence of hematoma, healing of injuries. Badyaga has long established itself as an effective remedy against seals and scars. By enhancing the skin's defenses, this freshwater vegetable sponge restores the body's immune forces.
  • Arnica extract- quickly copes with bruises and bruises on the body, eliminating them from the surface of the skin. Promotes healing of injuries, healing of wounds, scratches and cracks, removal of tissue edema.
  • horse chestnut extract- prevents thrombosis, strengthening the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, accelerating the flow of venous blood.
  • Sophora japonica extract- improves the quality of the vascular network, fights the fragility of the walls of arteries and capillaries.
  • Essential oils of rosemary, tea tree- actively prevent the penetration of infection into the body, have an antiseptic effect, relieve muscle pain.
  • Beeswax- a bactericidal element rich in vitamin A, which promotes the development of cells and surface epithelium.

The cream is applied to the bruised area with a thin layer. Due to its light consistency, the product is quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy marks and unpleasant sensations on the skin. The safe formula allows you to apply the cream on your face without fear of harming the delicate skin that is always in sight.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise? Everyone needs to know the answer to this question, because if a person is faced with a serious injury, the provision of competent first aid and the success of subsequent treatment depend on the correct identification. By what signs can one understand a fracture or bruise in the victim, and what measures should be taken?

A bruise is a soft tissue injury without compromising the integrity of the bone. This is one of the most widespread injuries. You can distinguish a bruise due to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Swelling;
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • Pain localized in the area of ​​damage;
  • Damage to the skin and blood vessels (abrasions, scratches, minor wound surfaces)

Unlike a fracture, with a bruise, the patient experiences albeit severe, but still quite tolerable pain. At the same time, it is worth considering the nature of pain sensations. As a rule, acute pain in a person is observed immediately at the moment of injury, and then it gradually weakens, becomes more muffled, dull.

In addition, an important difference is the preservation of the motor activity of the damaged area. Albeit with difficulty, and experiencing pain, but the victim can still move the injured limb or finger, lean on the sore leg, etc.

Signs of a fracture

A fracture is considered a more severe traumatic injury, with concomitant violation of the integrity of the bone tissue and possible displacement. In the first case, there is usually no difficulty in identifying the injury. The victim has a wound surface, in which bone fragments and splinters can be seen, all this is accompanied by rather intense bleeding.

More often the question arises as to how to determine a closed fracture? You can recognize the injury due to certain symptoms. Despite the fact that some clinical signs of traumatic injuries are similar in many respects, they appear more clearly when the integrity of the bone is violated.

So, according to traumatologists, the following symptoms are characteristic of a fracture:

  • Severe pain syndrome, with a tendency to increase on palpation, attempting any movements;
  • Perhaps the development of pain shock;
  • Pain at a fracture is acute, sharp;
  • Unpleasant sensations, over time become only stronger;
  • puffiness;
  • Articular deformity;
  • Shortening of the injured limb;
  • Complete impairment of motor activity;
  • Pathological mobility of the bone under the skin;
  • Specific crackling sound at the moment of damage;
  • Unnatural position of the injured limb.

A victim who has received such an injury is unable to move the injured limb, and any attempt to do so causes him unbearable pain, up to shock or fainting.

Characteristic differences

According to experts, bruises and fractures have a number of characteristic differences, the main of which are usually attributed to the following factors:

  1. A fracture is accompanied by a complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone tissue.
  2. Fracture (open) may be accompanied by bleeding, significant wounds, injuries of the skin.
  3. In case of violation of bone integrity, the imposition of gypsum is almost always required (with rare exceptions).
  4. A bruise requires a shorter recovery period.
  5. With a bruise, motor activity is preserved, and the main functions of the damaged area are preserved.
  6. In the event of a bruise, first aid measures (cold compress, anesthesia, rest) bring tangible relief after a maximum of several hours.
  7. Puffiness and hematomas in the case of a fracture appear more sharply, quickly and look more extensive.

You can try to make a preliminary diagnosis using the axial load method. The bottom line is that the victim must make an attempt to lean on the damaged area. If the bone is broken, then there is damage to the periosteum with a large number of nerve endings, so that such attempts will cause sharp and sharp pain.

You can also try to press on the injury in the longitudinal direction. However, it is still better not to engage in self-diagnosis, but immediately seek help from professionals. This will allow you to avoid possible mistakes, speed up the patient's recovery process, and prevent the development of a number of complications.

Only a traumatologist can make a final diagnosis and determine the nature and type of the injury after a preliminary X-ray examination!

Measures of first aid

First aid for bruises and fractures should be provided competently, accurately and in a timely manner. Since it can be quite problematic for a non-specialist to determine the type of traumatic injury, the most important thing is not to cause harm.

In the case of a severe bruise, as well as with a suspected possible closed fracture, the first first aid is as follows:

  1. Apply a heating pad with ice, a cold compress to the damaged area. This manipulation will relieve pain, relieve swelling.
  2. Try to provide the victim with maximum peace, avoid any sudden movements. To limit motor activity and prevent the development of possible complications, immobilization of the damaged area is performed. For these purposes, tight fixing bandages are used or the imposition of a splint made from improvised materials (sticks, planks, etc.).
  3. With a strong pain syndrome, you can give the victim an anesthetic tablet.

In no case should you massage the damaged area. After all, when it comes to a fracture, such manipulations can displace bone fragments and damage internal tissues!

After the first aid has been rendered, it is important to deliver the patient to the emergency room as soon as possible, where professional diagnostics will be carried out and appropriate effective treatment will be prescribed, based on the type of injury received. In the event that the patient has a damaged lower limb and there is a suspicion of a fracture, he must be taken to a medical facility in a supine position.

A bruise or fracture - an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a qualified specialist (surgeon or traumatologist) based on an examination of the patient and the results of a preliminary diagnosis. However, if there is the slightest suspicion of a fracture, it is necessary, after rendering first aid measures, to fix the injured limb by applying a splint or a tight bandage and, as soon as possible, deliver the victim to a medical institution, where they will be taken care of by professionals.

According to statistics, the hands are the most injured parts of the body. The fact is that in the process of falling, a person instinctively throws them forward. As a result, he can get a severe bruise of the hand.

Severe bruising of the hand: how to treat

The following cases provoke an unpleasant situation:

  • Hit;
  • Clamping of the hand;
  • A fall;
  • Injury as a result of performing sports exercises.

A bruise is an injury to soft tissues, skin. It can be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the ligaments and bones. A minor bruise does not give much discomfort. However, bruising may occur. If the injury is severe, an impressive hematoma will appear. There may also be pulsation and pain during movement. In this case, it is mandatory to visit the emergency room. In it, you will be examined for cracks in the bone, tendon rupture, fracture, dislocation.

Important! A bruised hand is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Emergence.
  2. Decreased sensitivity in the hand.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. Pain that may radiate to other parts of the arm.
  5. Puffiness.
  6. Difficulty in moving a limb.

In the wrist, as you know, there are nerve trunks. As a result, pain due to injury can be bright, then subside, and then reappear. A severe bruise of the hand gives different sensations: burning, throbbing, aching pain, convulsions.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture

Symptoms of a bruise and a fracture of the hand are very similar. Attention! An x-ray will help determine the exact nature of the injury. If the hand is swollen, the bone is most likely affected. But if the swelling gradually fades away, this indicates a bruise or dislocation.

A fracture can be recognized by some of the symptoms. This is bleeding under the skin that does not stop, acute pain and loss of motor ability of the hand. If you observe these phenomena, you should immediately go to the doctor. A signal that you have a fracture in front of you may also be an unnatural mobility of the arm - the limb will hang out. Also, a person whose hand bone is broken is not able to lean on it, to hold any objects. This is not seen with injury.

What to do immediately after an injury

First aid for damage to the hand is that you should immediately apply ice or something cold to it. It can be bottled water, food from the freezer, etc. If you prefer ice, it should be applied to the skin, wrapped in a cloth. Otherwise, you can get. Keeping ice and cold foods on your wrist is allowed for no longer than 15 minutes.

Important! Folk remedies can also be used as first aid for trauma. A good effect is given by grated potatoes and a cabbage leaf. Presented lotions can be left overnight. Then they are removed and a grid of iodine is drawn to restore blood circulation.

If the hand hurts a lot, it is worth using an analgesic, for example, No-shpu. In the absence of external damage to the skin, a healing cream can be applied. It is also recommended to fix the hand using a bandage.

Attention! Strongly pulling a limb, intending to set it, is prohibited! So you make it even worse. The best option is to go to the hospital for x-rays.

The use of painkillers and folk remedies

If there is a bruise of the right hand or the left, it is recommended to use medicines to relieve swelling. The best creams on the market are Diclofenac Sodium, Ketotifen, Ibuprofen. Gels and ointments are recommended to be applied 3 times a day. It is not allowed to apply them on abrasions and scratches.

If a large hematoma appears, you can apply "Badyagu". It is applied in several layers, and then a bandage is applied. A day after the bruise of the hand was received, the treatment is continued with the help of camphor oil. They just lubricate the hand. You can buy the remedy at any pharmacy. Also, 2 times a day, you can rub the affected area with an alcohol tincture of wild rosemary.

Another effective way that can help is a compress. It is prepared from the following components, taken in equal parts:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water.

They are mixed and applied cold on the brush on the first day. A bandage is applied on top of the hand. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. On the second and third day, the compress is applied again, but already in a warm form.

Any herb can also relieve inflammation, or rather, the chlorophyll that it contains. Pound any leaves to a state of gruel. As a result, juice should appear, which will lubricate the affected area.

Another option to get rid of pain is to take sea salt baths. 5 liters of water are taken, 200 g of salt are dissolved in them. Then it is worth lowering your hand into the resulting solution for half an hour. As it cools, add hot water.

The healing qualities of aloe are known to all. From the plant you can get an ointment for bruises. Aloe slurry and honey are taken in equal parts. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area. It relieves pain well.

Lotions from the root of the burnet root will help stop the internal hemorrhage. They are great for relieving pain. The crushed root of the plant is taken, it is boiled for several minutes. Then cool, wrap in a bandage and apply to the site of injury.

All the presented methods are effective and quite simple in execution. However, if they do not help, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Possible Complications

Bruising of the hand upon impact, the treatment of which is best done after consulting a doctor, can give various complications. If the blow itself fell on the palm, the ulnar nerve may be damaged. Physiotherapy and taking vitamins will help bring it back to normal.

It happens that nerve endings are compressed due to a tumor in the arm. In this case, you should contact the surgeon. He will cut the ligament of the wrist where the nerve trunks are.

In some cases, osteoporosis can develop due to a bruise. He is treated with reflexology and physiotherapy.

How to develop a hand

After treatment, it is necessary to perform actions that will help restore the limb. These are simple exercises available for use at home:

  • Imitation of playing the piano. Place your palm on the table, drum your fingers on its surface;
  • Sit with your back straight. Put your palms together and swing them from side to side like a metronome. It is necessary to perform the exercise as carefully as possible;
  • Place your hand on the table so that the palm is firmly pressed. Gently lift your fingers up from the countertop;
  • Turn your hand with your palm facing you. Put an eraser in it. Squeeze it with your fingers;
  • To restore blood circulation, move small balls between your fingers.

Attention! You can carry out the presented exercises only after 3 days have passed from the date of the bruise. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can sign up for a massage with a specialist. Self-massage should also help. Perform it like this: with a healthy hand, starting from the fingertips, slowly knead the hand to the wrist. As a result, the swelling will pass faster.

With severe bruises, the doctor may prescribe acupuncture. Just a few procedures will restore the sensitivity of the hand. Proper adherence to the recommendations of a specialist will lead to recovery in just 10-15 days. Ignoring treatment can cause serious problems with the brush.



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