How to get rid of swelling on the cheek. What to do if the cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt

Swelling of the tooth or gums can occur for a variety of reasons. As a rule, in this way a protective reaction of the body to inflammation in the oral cavity is manifested. Symptoms associated with swelling include itching, redness, and pain. If the pain is very intense, then, most likely, we will talk about purulent inflammation. It is important to find out what is the cause of this condition, after which you can begin treatment.

Treatment of gum tumor after extraction of a diseased tooth

Sometimes the cheek and gums swell after the extraction of a diseased tooth or after its treatment. This is a completely natural phenomenon that occurs in response to outside interference. As a rule, such swelling is not accompanied by painful sensations and disappears on its own after a few days.

You can speed up this process by using the following tips:

    Apply cold to the swollen cheek. It can be an ice pack wrapped in a cloth, or a cold heating pad. 10 minutes is enough for one procedure, it can be repeated every 2-3 hours until relief occurs.

    In order to reduce inflammation, you can rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs (,) or soda solution. However, it is forbidden to carry out such treatment earlier than 24 hours from the completion of treatment.

    It helps to remove swelling from the cheeks and gums by applying Metrodent gel to the mucous membrane.

Treatment of gum tumor during wisdom tooth eruption

Very often, the appearance of a gum tumor is due to the fact that a person begins to erupt wisdom teeth. This process may be accompanied by mild pain and redness.

If possible, you should consult a dentist, and until that time, the following recommendations will help reduce swelling at home:

    Rinsing the mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% and water (200 ml of boiled water per 1 tablespoon of peroxide). You can use the resulting remedy up to 4 times a day.

    Rinsing the mouth with a solution of iodine and soda. To prepare it, you need 200 ml of boiled water, three drops of iodine and a teaspoon of soda. Mix all this thoroughly and rinse your mouth up to six times a day.

    You can prepare an infusion based on a mixture of herbs. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon of nettle and calendula, add two teaspoons. The resulting dry mixture is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for an hour. After that, the infusion is filtered, cotton wool or a swab is moistened in it and applied to the swollen area.

    A compress based on fresh egg yolk, powdered sugar (a teaspoon) and vegetable oil (a tablespoon) helps to eliminate swelling well. The ingredients are mixed, after which a cotton swab is impregnated with the resulting composition and applied to the sore spot.

    You can use propolis, but it is important that it be infused with water, not alcohol. This tincture should rinse your mouth, especially carefully working out the side with which there is swelling. Propolis contains tannins, which not only help to eliminate inflammation, but also quickly relieve pain.

Treatment of gum tumor with flux

If the gum tumor is provoked by the flux, then this will manifest itself in the hyperemia of the gums, severe swelling and pain. Painful sensations are very intense. In addition, it is observed.

The fact is that with flux, microbial inflammation of the periosteum occurs and pus begins to accumulate there. It is its accumulation that leads to the formation of a tumor under the gum tissue. In this case, a person needs urgent medical care, as there is a risk of developing serious complications, including blood poisoning and death of the patient. It is strictly forbidden to treat flux at home.

However, if there is no way to immediately get to the doctor, you can try to use the following tips:

    Rinse your mouth with saline. Salt is a natural antiseptic that can reduce inflammation and reduce swelling.

    Alcoholic infusion of calendula or sage should be diluted in a glass of water (30 drops per glass), after which you can rinse your mouth with the resulting solution. If there is no alcohol infusion at hand, then you can dry chopped sage herb or brew 500 ml of boiling water in the amount of three tablespoons. After the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered and used as a rinse.

    Aloe juice helps relieve pain and swelling with flux. Fresh leaves need to be ground and applied to a sore spot. The resulting slurry, so that it does not fall apart, must be wrapped in clean gauze. Apply a swab to the affected area for up to 2 hours.

    Has an anti-inflammatory effect. A cotton ball is moistened in it and placed on the inner surface of the cheek from the side where there is swelling.

    You can use Metrogyl Denta or Levomekol ointments to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling. They are applied to the swollen gum area once a day. Moreover, it is best to pre-apply Levomekol on gauze, and after that apply to the gum. Metrogyl Dent can be left on the gums until completely resorbed, and tampons with Levomekol need to be changed periodically. Both tools can be used repeatedly.

    You can remove swelling by rinsing your mouth with Rotokan herbal phytosolution. It must be diluted with water at the rate of 5 ml of the product per glass of water.

It should be remembered that with flux, all warming procedures are strictly prohibited, as they increase the risk of inflammation spreading to nearby tissues, as well as the risk of infection spreading into the blood. In addition, you should not put a tight bandage on your cheek. Any mechanical influence from the outside can aggravate the patient's condition. As soon as possible, you need to seek medical help.

Some simple and effective compresses for swelling of the gums and cheeks

    Onion compress. For its preparation, the onion is boiled in milk, after which it is crushed to a puree state. The resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot. You need to repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.

    Dough with honey. To prepare it, you need to take rye flour, water and honey. All these components should be mixed in such a way that a mass is obtained in consistency similar to a thick dough. It should be applied to the diseased gum 3 times a day.

    You can apply a boiled cabbage leaf in the gum, but first it should be cooled.

    Helps reduce swelling pine resin, popularly known as resin. It is applied to a gauze swab and applied to the inflamed gums.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Swelling of the cheek from the mucous membrane is a sign of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. Inflammation of the cheek from the inside not only affects the appearance of the face, breaking its symmetry, but can also cause a number of serious complications.

If swelling of the cheek is detected, even if the teeth and gums do not show signs of illness, you should immediately seek dental advice.

Causes of cheek swelling can vary. Inflammation can be the result of many different factors. However, a number of the most common causes of swelling can be identified:

  1. Dental. As a rule, the cause of inflammation of the cheek lies in the disease of the gums or teeth. There are a number of possible situations:
  • inflammation can be caused infection in the root of an already sealed tooth, when the nerve has already been removed, but the root canals have not been completely cleaned;
  • removal of a tooth during a complex surgical operation, it can cause, which, in turn, can lead to swelling and redness of the buccal mucosa;
  • gum disease, type, can also cause inflammation of the cheek, and such a disease cannot be left unattended, since subsequently it can develop into periodontitis or periodontitis, depriving the patient of teeth;
  • wisdom tooth eruption often associated with a number of unpleasant consequences, one of which can be inflammation and swelling of the cheek, if the tooth.

At the first sign of swollen cheeks, you should consult a doctor.

  1. Infectious diseases. With the exception of purely dental infections, there are many other infectious diseases that cause inflammation of the cheek from the inside. For example, parotitis affects the parotid salivary glands, which causes severe swelling in the neck and cheeks. In adulthood, such a disease is difficult to tolerate and its treatment should take place under the strict control of an infectious disease specialist. Another infection that can cause inflammation of the cheek can be considered lymphadenitis, which affects the lymph nodes closest to the oral cavity.
  2. Allergic reaction. In case of individual intolerance to certain products, as well as insect bites, an acute anaphylactic reaction may occur, causing swelling and redness of the neck, lymph nodes and salivary glands.
  3. Injuries. Swelling of the cheek may well be the result of a bruise of the soft tissues and disappears within a day. If the injury did not damage the jaw joints, bone tissue and teeth, the worst consequence would be only a bruise and a hematoma passing over time.
  4. Tumor. The rarest, but at the same time the most dangerous causative agent of inflammation and swelling of the cheek will be. It develops relatively slowly and at first it is not easy to identify a tumor, and its symptoms can be mistaken for manifestations of other diseases.

First aid

Depending on the causes of edema, first aid methods also differ. So, in case of injury, unless it has caused damage to the facial bones, you should alternate dry and cold compresses, and also cover the bruised area with an anti-inflammatory gel.

Swelling of the cheek, both on the left side and on the right, in this case will be only a minor cosmetic defect for a while.

Inflammation of the cheek should not be ignored

If the cause is dental, you should visit the dentist immediately, and in anticipation of the visit, you can use pharmacy anti-inflammatory drugs and to relieve inflammation of the cheek inside.

As for the allergic reaction, antihistamines will come to the rescue here.

If the swelling of the cheek has come due to an insect bite, compresses from anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used.

Nonetheless, you should still visit a doctor and avoid active self-medication. Removing the primary symptoms does not mean eliminating the problem, and only a specialist can prescribe an effective and correct treatment.

Do not apply hot compresses to the site of inflammation., since they are able to initiate a purulent process. Also, it is better to refrain from taking antibiotics before a doctor's diagnosis.

Eruption of wisdom teeth may be one of the causes of cheek swelling.


In case of detection of continuing swelling of the cheek, visit the dentist first. Especially if the patient has previously suffered from diseases of the oral cavity. In the absence of a dental reason, you may be referred to a number of other doctors, from an otolaryngologist to an oncologist.

The very first procedure, most likely, will be an x-ray of the problem area. According to the picture, the doctor will be able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-medication without consulting a specialist can have an extremely negative impact and lead to an aggravation of your problem. It is important to remember that any inflammation in the oral cavity is a good reason to seek qualified medical help.

The situation when a person has a swollen cheek is rather unpleasant. In addition to the fact that this does not add aesthetic pleasure, it can also cause physical discomfort. On the one hand, this happens most often when a tooth hurts, but if there is no pain, but a tumor is present, then what could it be?

Causes of swelling of the soft tissues of the face

If there is no pain syndrome, but the cheek is swollen, then we can talk about the presence of harmful bacteria in the body, in other words, an infection. It could be a small sore on the inside of the cheek where bacteria has entered. For example, in the recent past, a tooth broke off, and when the jaw moves, it touches soft tissue, and if there are teeth damaged by caries in the oral cavity, it is easy to infect such a wound.

With mechanical injuries, and even if there is no visible damage to the face, that is, the blow was inflicted by a blunt object, it is not surprising that the cheek was swollen. This means that an internal bruise has turned out, which caused this manifestation. Sometimes with such a reaction, the body notifies us of an allergic reaction to a product, medicine or hygiene product. The case when the cheek is swollen can also be considered as a manifestation of another disease - lymphadenopathy, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the immediate vicinity of the face. However, in these situations, swelling of the cheek may not occur in any person, but only in those who have problems with the immune system.

When is it worth sounding the alarm?

The above cases are not dangerous manifestations of any serious disease that requires emergency medical care. But if the cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, it is worth considering. It is especially worth paying attention to the accompanying symptoms: an increase in body temperature, severe throbbing pain in the place where the tooth was, a general weakened condition. You can try to reduce the temperature, reduce pain and relieve swelling, but if after a while the symptoms not only do not go away, but also worsen, consult a doctor immediately. In this case, there is a clinical picture of the presence in the body of antibodies or an infectious agent.

Another case that requires immediate medical attention is a tumor when taking drugs that supposedly caused this swelling. It is necessary to conduct an examination of an allergic reaction to a number of substances. If the tumor grows, and you are still taking any drugs, this is fraught with very serious consequences.

In the case when the cheek is swollen after tooth extraction or with an allergic reaction, it is better not to carry out any self-treatment. Please note that if you have symptoms such as high fever, severe pain and general intoxication of the body, immediately go to the hospital! If the tumor is purely physiological in nature, that is, after an injury or with inflammation of the lymph nodes, you can try to remove it yourself. Most often, alternation of compresses is used: cold and dry heat. You can rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions (furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, dioxidine).

Flux is an inflammatory process, most often found in people who do not follow the rules of oral hygiene and are careless about their health. The name "flux" is widely used among the people, but dentists use a medical term that defines the disease as periostitis. There are enough photos and videos on the network from which you can clearly see what this disease is, how it looks, and understand how to remove it.

Causes of flux

Not only poor oral hygiene can lead to the development of this disease, there are many more reasons:

  • tooth cyst;
  • caries in advanced form;
  • mechanical injury;
  • inflammation of the so-called pocket between the gums and teeth;
  • chronic and acute tonsillitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • seasonal and colds;
  • hypothermia and others.

All of the above reasons are the focus of the development and spread of infection, which leads to the occurrence of periostitis. Food leftovers can also rot and become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria that provoke the appearance of flux, which is why it is so important to keep your mouth and teeth clean.

Symptoms of periostitis

Decoctions for oral administration

Herbal decoctions can be used to treat flux not only as an independent remedy, but also in combination with other methods of therapy (we recommend reading:). An excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect has a decoction of knotweed and plantain. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water over one part of each herb and put it on a slow fire for 15-20 minutes. Then let it brew and cool down.

You can brew green tea with sage according to the same recipe. Such a medicinal decoction perfectly soothes and relieves pain, and also has antiseptic properties. After each meal, you need to rinse your mouth for a long time to remove food debris and prevent bacteria from multiplying.

The use of compresses

It should be remembered here that the flux is inflammation, so the compresses should be either at room temperature or chilled. Propolis is highly effective in the treatment of periostitis. A piece of this miraculous substance must be chewed a little to soften it and apply to the sore spot. You can also use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol tincture of propolis for these purposes, but care should be taken here so as not to get a burn of the mucous membrane. Propolis perfectly relieves pain, stops the inflammatory process and fights infection, helps to get rid of an abscess on the gums. Do not forget about allergies to bee products.

A compress from a cotton swab moistened with saline helps well. This method increases the effectiveness of rinsing, so it is better to combine them and apply them in a complex.

Treatment with ointments

For local treatment of periostitis, ointments with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, antiseptic effects are excellent. These include:

  • Vishnevsky ointment, which is effective especially for suppuration and inflammatory processes;
  • Metrogyl denta (relieves puffiness and eliminates the source of infection);
  • Levomekol (healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent).

The cost of these ointments is insignificant, but the effect is amazing. The use of local medicines will help remove swelling after the flux, stop the infection from spreading further and protect healthy tissues and mucous membranes from infection. They effectively eliminate pain, soothe and heal.


For lotions and rinses, you can use not only home remedies prepared according to folk recipes, but also ready-made pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. tinctures from medicinal herbs are suitable for compresses - Rotokan, Malavit and others;

Swelling of the cheek can be a symptom of both local and general causes of inflammation. Therapy depends on the diagnosis. Symptoms of inflammation of the gums, periosteum, salivary glands are similar and require anti-inflammatory treatment.

Looking at a person who has swelling of the cheek, thoughts most often come to mind about a childhood infection - mumps (mumps) - or a flux. In fact, there are many more reasons for puffiness. It is difficult to understand them yourself, but, depending on the anamnesis, you can decide who and how can help.

It is most logical to consider the issue, classifying, depending on the nature of the occurrence of inflammation of the cheek, as a result of which puffiness appears. Infections are the most common causes of edema. We can talk about local infection (if the source is in the cheek and adjacent tissues) and general (affecting the entire body).

local infection

The cheek consists of muscle and adipose tissue, abundantly equipped with lymphatic and blood vessels. It covers the gums, teeth, temporomandibular joint and even the ducts of the salivary glands. Inflammation of any of these organs causes swelling of the gums and can quickly move to the soft tissues of the cheek, sometimes affecting the eye area. A person is concerned about severe arching or throbbing pain in the cheek, fever, pain on palpation, increasing swelling and, possibly, redness. All signs of inflammation are observed.

The reasons may be the following.


More often, against the background of dental disease (caries), gum edema occurs, which can turn into a flux (purulent disease of the oral cavity). You may experience similar symptoms after the removal (extraction) of the tooth. If gum swelling and pain increase during the day, it is better to immediately contact a dentist. The doctor sanitizes the purulent focus (a tooth or a festering cavity after its removal) and tells you how to remove the swelling from the flux. Antibiotics are usually used in the form of tablets or ointments. With proper treatment, swelling of the gums disappears within two to three days.

Salivary glands

From an infection in the oral cavity, the ducts of the salivary glands and the salivary glands themselves (there are 6 of them: submandibular, sublingual and parotid) can become inflamed. When examining the oral cavity, purulent contents are released from the ducts.


The maxillary sinus is located in the body of the maxillary bone. Inflammation (sinusitis) and accumulation of purulent contents are also accompanied by a similar clinical picture. Swelling of the cheek may gradually affect the area of ​​the eye.

The lymph nodes

If there are diseases of the immune system, inflammation of the lymph nodes may begin, after which swelling appears on the cheek. The eye area is not affected. Children have lymphadenitis of a viral nature.

Inflammation of the facial nerve

With a cold, neuritis of the facial nerve may occur. This is more often a unilateral process, accompanied by pain and impaired movement in the innervation zone. The face of such a person is distorted: he cannot control the mimic muscles of the damaged side, so the corner of the lower lip hangs down, the eye slit is half-closed. In such a situation, you can not self-medicate - you need to contact a neurologist.

Deep phlegmon of the cervical tissue

A rare pathology preceded by gingival edema, osteomyelitis of the jaw and the development of perimaxillary phlegmon of the neck (inflammation in the cellular space). It can also be the result of suppuration of neck cysts, trauma to the esophagus or trachea. Treatment is inpatient only. This is an advanced purulent disease that is life-threatening.

General infection


This is an acute viral infection that causes damage and swelling of the salivary glands. Edema can occur on one or both sides, does not affect the eye area, but spreads down to the neck. A distinctive feature is that the symptom occurs against the background of previous fever and contact with patients. Treatment is usually symptomatic.

Infectious mononucleosis

Acute viral disease, similar in symptoms to tonsillitis. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.


Toxic diphtheria of the tonsils is a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus Löffler. Against the background of an increase in temperature, specific plaques appear on the tonsils. Prevention is vaccination, and treatment is antidiphtheria serum, antibiotics are ineffective.


Tuberculosis of the salivary glands is increasingly appearing in Russia, while the disease of edema is growing slowly.


Mechanical damage to the cheek can cause swelling. In such situations, differential diagnosis is not difficult: changes arose after a bruise. If the impact of the object affected the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye, where there is loose subcutaneous fat, the swelling will last longer. Internal tissue trauma against the teeth is possible, in such a situation, healing can be expected within 2-3 weeks. The best help is to apply ice immediately after the injury and hold.

Allergic reaction

Allergic causes are rare and manifest as individual intolerance to any product, medicine or hygiene product. After taking an antihistamine, the swelling quickly disappears. With a rapid increase in swelling (Quincke's edema), assistance should be provided within 15-20 minutes in the form of an injection of hormonal drugs.


The rarest cause of cheek swelling. Such a symptom may appear against the background of lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, malignant formation of the salivary glands. Its distinguishing features are slow dynamics and other signs of a cancerous process.

Regardless of the causes of local inflammation and swelling of the cheek, the symptoms are almost the same. The principle of treatment is the same - sanitation of the purulent focus, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor.

The list of diseases of the body in which edema of the cheek and even the eyes can occur is wide, and the symptoms are specific, but only a doctor can understand them and even more so recommend treatment.



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