How to get likes on VK. How to get likes in "Contact": complete instructions

Surely, you have accounts in today's popular social networks. But do you know what role likes play in promoting personal accounts or services? Do you pay attention to the number of likes and shares of your posts? In this article, I will tell you about the common ways to get likes on the Vkontakte social network. I offer you both free and paid ways to get likes. Thus, you will find out how much your audience is interested in your person or the services of your company. In addition, cheating will help you increase user engagement, promote your page or public, and win the attention of even more people.

Why do you need to type Vkontakte likes?

Everyone knows that a like looks like a heart and is a “Like” mark that expresses the approval or positive attitude of people towards content (posts, text, photos, videos, etc.). It is by the number of such marks that you can understand the level of interest in the topic and content of your posts.

Many resort to both free and paid cheat likes. The reason for this may be such factors:

  1. The need for self-assertion, increasing one's own popularity. For some people, a lot of hearts is an indicator of their relevance, they feel good when they see that other users like their posts, in particular, photos.
  2. Support and promotion of a new business page, public, etc. People are reluctant to subscribe to accounts and join groups with a small number of subscribers and likes. Promotion in a natural way can take a very long time. In this regard, there is a need to wind up ratings, subscriptions, reposts, etc.
  3. The need to gain a lot of likes on Vkontakte also appears among those who sell any goods and services. Everyone knows that the VK social network is a powerful platform for the sale of various goods. And “Like” marks also allow you to attract the attention of potential customers. After all, if people evaluate your products, it means that they are of high quality and in demand.

Thus, boosting likes is a necessary measure for both ordinary people and entrepreneurs who want to expand their audience, promote their business and become recognizable.

Today, there are both free and paid ways to get more "I like" marks in VK. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with each of them in order to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Free cheat methods

If you do not have the finances to try the paid methods of gaining likes, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the free methods:

1 way. Creating quality content. This is one of the main conditions for getting more positive ratings on your posts. Make the posts as interesting as possible for your audience, if necessary, add facts, photos, polls, etc. As practice shows, most Vkontakte likes are gained by useful posts with a bit of humor.

2 way. Help friends. This is the simplest method and will only require you to copy a link to a particular post and send it to your friends asking them to rate your post. However, remember that the system may recognize your messages as spam and freeze the page. To prevent this from happening, keep a short pause between sending messages to different people, and also try to change the text of messages a little.

3 way. Groups and services for mutual exchange. Today, both on the Vkontakte social network and on the Internet in general, there are many communities that include users who want to receive ratings for their posts or photos. The essence of them is that you put hearts to other people and get the same number of “Like” marks on your posts.

To find such a group in VK, just enter the phrase "Mutual exchange of likes" in the search bar and visit the suggested communities. If you are interested in services for collecting Vkontakte likes, then one of the most popular is It provides an opportunity to like other people, get points for it, and then exchange these points for setting your own tasks.

4 way. Using special hashtags in your posts. The most common are #likename, #mutuallikes, etc. Thus, users interested in these actions will quickly find your post and give you a heart. Do not forget to put a mark "I like" yourself if you have agreed on a mutual exchange.

As you can see, there are many options on how to increase the number of likes on your personal page or public community without spending extra money. I recommend that you do not stop at any one method, but combine all the above options in order to achieve the best result and promote your account as quickly as possible.

Paid ways to get likes

It will be more effective to cheat hearts for money. This service is currently offered specialized services. I bring to your attention the best services to increase the number of likes in VK.

So, today we will learn with you how to get likes in "Contact". In fact, this is quite an interesting topic that requires a lot of attention. After all, modern methods of getting likes are quite painstaking, and sometimes even difficult to understand processes. Thus, let's quickly get down to our today's topic with you.

What's happened?

Before you get likes in "Contact", you should understand what we will have to deal with in the future. For what? Yes, all this is because many simply do not need to study this item.

Like is something like an expression of approval or sympathy. You can put them under posts and photos that you like. And all registered users of VKontakte can do the same. Recently, likes have also become indicators of popularity. And for this reason, a real race for this "object" has begun on the social network. Everyone is trying to cheat in a variety of ways. What exactly? Let's try to deal with you in this difficult matter.

Honest approach

So, the first option that can be offered is to earn the likes you need in an honest way. To do this, you just need to write a good and useful post or take a beautiful photo that will appeal to many. Next, put it in your profile, and then wait.

After some time, if you took a really decent picture, the visitors of your profile will definitely appreciate it, and you will get likes. In fact, this method can not get very many "approvals". The exception is when you have a lot of people in your friends, and even you yourself are a real celebrity. Thus, let's try to figure out how to get likes in "Contact" with other approaches, if any.


Of course, there are other options for the development of events. Our next hike is also great for sociable and relatively popular people. Why? Now understand.

If you need to get a lot of likes, then you can simply arrange with users to put their "approval" under your post or photo, and you will do the same for them. A kind of mutual exchange, and quite simple and tempting.

In fact, this scenario is rarely used. After all, no one has guarantees that he will not be deceived. That is, you put your sympathy, but the person does not. Not very nice, right? Then other approaches come to the rescue. How to get likes in "Contact"? Let's continue with this case.


"Likes in" Contact "- a program that is used specifically for cheating likes under posts and photos of users. Anyone can use it. You just need to download it and install it.

After starting, you will have to log in using your personal data (login and password from "Contact"). Next, you will see a window in which you need to specify the number of likes you want, as well as the address of the placed object. Confirm your actions - and you can wait for the result.

This method, to be honest, has its drawbacks. The first is the high risk of encountering a virus that steals your pages and hacks them. The second is the huge cost of using the content. If you really pay for such work, then only real people.

as a service

How to get likes in "Contact"? For example, you can contact specialized services on the World Wide Web that are engaged in cheating. For a small fee, you will be able to bestow a certain number of "likes". Of course, not in one day - otherwise you risk being blocked.

As a rule, you will have to contact the manager and discuss the terms for the performance of services, as well as the number of likes. After that, you will be informed of the price. You pay for the services - and on the appointed date you will have the required number of likes. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this. Now you know how to get likes in "Contact".

Rating of services for cheating likes in VK

The fact is that there are online services for cheating VKontakte likes for free, where people perform tasks of varying complexity, such as: join a group, like, leave a comment or repost. In exchange for the action, he receives points on the service, which can be spent on similar tasks.

ServiceWrapping speeddoggiesaverage rating
1 92 points15 %
2 87 points15 %
3 64 points25 %
4 61 points20 %
5 58 points35 %

However, using any of the services, you are faced with the fact that they work in completely different ways in terms of speed, one can wind up 1000 likes in 5 minutes, while the other will do this work for a week. Therefore, I decided to make a point system for determining speed (92 points is about 100 likes / minute at the maximum rate).

I also ran into the problem that over time, those people who put likes become blocked and they have a dog on their avatar, which is not very pleasant. Yes, and I want that mostly living people would like, so the percentage " dogs» shows how many accounts on average became blocked after cheating.
By the way, the service seems to be the only one that allows you to earn money on Vkontakte likes. Of course, there are similar services, but vktarget is the largest and most profitable. For example, I managed to collect about 10 thousand rubles in 2 weeks. Well, such work for residents of small towns will be a very profitable business.

An older approach how to wind up likes in VK without programs these are joining groups and leaving numerous comments with a request to like a picture or post. You can simply go to popular communities where comments are allowed and leave several messages. And the kind people who saw your comment will definitely like it.

But for this method of cheating, you can get a ban, as this refers to spamming. And in popular groups, they try to quickly delete such comments so that no one even has time to read it. Therefore, I recommend looking for specialized groups where people try to help each other with likes. To find such groups, just enter in the search " like" or " add to friends”(where they also like to like posts).

Programs for cheating VK likes

V Tope is a universal program that winds up in the same way as ViKing, but it works with more social networks. Namely: Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram,, YouTube. VkDuty The theme has the same features as the programs above, but it helps you get comments on posts from real people. And the percentage of blocked and unsubscribed is lower than that of others. They also have a beautiful interface with statistics, which is also pleasing to the eye. Perfect for beginners, a very easy-to-use program for cheating VKontakte.

I hope all three tips on how to get likes on VK for free were useful and will help you collect a sufficient number of likes. If you know of another way that is more effective, then write it in the comments, I will definitely add it to the article.

How to wind up subscribers on VK in 5 minutes - instructions for beginners and pros!

There are more and more social networks every day, but the good old Vkontakte does not even think about leaving the game. Millions of users aspire get followers on vk as fast as possible and, if possible, free of charge.

Every Bosslike user can get Vkontakte subscribers

Most of all, users are afraid of cheating because of the fear of becoming victims of scammers. And they do it right! You are very lucky that you have come to our site, because on the forums and even on some sites for cheating, you may be disappointed in the form of bots, fakes and hacked pages, attracted by unscrupulous users by deceit.

You can trust us for the following reasons:

  1. Our registration is simple. We don't pressure you with a complex confirmation system or anything else.
  2. We don't take money from you. All your savings will remain with you, because you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free without any restrictions! And only after making sure that our service is working, you can start investing real money in page promotion.
  3. You do not risk the page. It is not uncommon for gullible users to lose their page due to a zealous desire to gain popularity. Be careful and don't give scammers a chance!
  4. We do not work with software. You can quickly and free of charge buy Vkontakte subscribers without threats to your device and personal data. Programs are the most vulnerable promotion tools. Even if you download them from official resources.
  5. Our service is constantly updated and improved. Be sure - your safety is taken care of around the clock!

Why do most people choose a site for cheating VK subscribers?

There are many sites for cheating, but there is only one boss like. You came to us not by chance and will stay with us - too.

Still in doubt? Here are our top ten strengths:

  1. Ease of wrapping. With one account on our website, you can boost all available social networks, and at the same time.
  2. All our users are equal. We do not divide them into paid or free. You can get subscribers for free without any restrictions.
  3. Our service is very fast. High-quality service and honesty of users allows us to provide cheating services not only with high quality, but also extremely quickly!
  4. We guarantee your anonymity. Users are prohibited from disclosing information about you, and our service will not do this. We perfectly understand your desire not to advertise information about cheating.
  5. Our support team works like clockwork. You can always ask your question or get advice from our experts. Be sure - you will be answered!
  6. We are running fair deals! Real discounts are waiting for you. Thanks to them, you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free with a gift certificate or get an additional discount. “Additional” because you will already receive a discount on bulk purchase of points!
  7. Live people will come to your page. Exactly! No bots, fakes, hacked users and other problem subscribers.
  8. We generously reward our partners. You can earn good money by advertising our service. Get exactly 50% of our income from all the people you refer.
  9. We work without programs. Log in from any device and do not think about updating programs, cluttering up your computer, and about possible risks.
  10. The site is constantly evolving! With us, you can quickly and free of charge wind up Vkontakte subscribers in the shortest possible time and with maximum comfort! We add new social networks and constantly take care of the security of our service from hackers and scammers.

Greetings dear friends!

Today's topic is about cheating - I'll tell you how to wind up VKontakte likes for free and quickly. Now it is likes, views and comments that are indicators of people's engagement, which is very important for tracking feedback.

But often it’s not enough just to have interesting content to get hearts. This is where special applications and likers come to the rescue. We will take a closer look at how this happens using the popular Bosslike service.

It should be understood that the automatic winding up of likes in VK is a risky business. VKontakte tracks user actions using special algorithms for spam and any auto-cheat. In case of detection, a ban follows, so if your profile is dear to you, it is better to do any promotion from a spare page.

The most reliable of the services operate on the principle of mutual assistance, when real people perform tasks from their profiles. Like a certain page, join a group or repost.

The worst thing is to try to use some experimental script from an unreliable developer. Even if the offer looks nice, the like machine knows its stuff, and in 5 minutes you got 2,000 likes, these hearts will be affixed from bots.

Losing reputation is much worse than losing a fake page. In addition, in pursuit of freebies and indicators, you can catch a virus through such scripts. Think again, do you need it?

For the same reasons, online likers are not worth looking at, offering excellent results without registration and without tasks instantly. Remember where most often there is free cheese.

Platforms for free promotion

So, you should trust only services where you can buy likes of real people - for real money or for points. This is a fairly safe strategy, if you don’t rush and get a huge number of likes at once. Be smart and do a little bit every day. Such a strategy will allow you to save your account and confidently promote your account or group.

We will consider working with the Bosslike site. There are other platforms that operate in a similar way, here are the most popular and proven ones:

  1. bosslike (best)
  2. VkDuty

Why do you need a twist?

For what purposes may you need to wind up likes? There are several reasons.

  • Participation in competitions. Some try to win with the help of cheating, but this is ineffective, since the organizers of the competition usually monitor dishonest play.

Bosslike working principle

In fact, Bosslike is an exchange where real people post tasks to perform elementary actions. This is a subscription, like a comment or photo, view, repost or other action.

How to use it to increase the desired indicators for yourself or another person? To complete tasks! Like the specified post, join groups, subscribe to people and get points for it.

We go to the main page of the site for cheating. You can't do without registration. Click on "Login".

Go to the "Registration" tab and fill in the data.

A standard confirmation email will be sent to your email. After clicking on the link, we return to the account.

By clicking on the name, we expand the list of available tasks.

Choose the action you like to perform or stay on the “All tasks” tab. We look at what needs to be done and how many points are offered.

In order to be able to complete tasks, you need to link your account, which must meet certain site criteria.

For VKontakte it is:

  • having an avatar
  • at least 5 photos with your participation,
  • 5 friends
  • 5 entries (not reposts).

As you might guess, this requirement is set in order to filter bot growers.

In order for Bosslike to link the VK page to an account in the system, it is enough to log in to from the desired profile. The system will do the rest by itself when you click the “Link account” button.

You can also get points in another way by purchasing the necessary actions for money. To do this, select "Buy points" on the control panel at the top. All the most important functions are located on the same control panel: the tasks you set, a quick transition to the general task exchange and posting.

We find ourselves on the account replenishment page and choose how many points we want to receive. Note that this happens through Yandex.Checkout.

When we have points, we can spend them on what, in fact, is the object of our interest today - likes!

Go to the "My Tasks" tab. A window for setting up a new promotion task will immediately appear.

We fill in the fields. In the first one, you need to put “VKontakte”, to the right, indicate the type of action - “I like it”. Below, specify the price for the task and the number of likes. I recommend visiting the tab with a similar task in order to get an idea of ​​how much it costs to bet.

We open the full version to copy the address in the address bar and paste it into the field on the Bosslike website.

After all the fields are filled in, click "Create task". All! According to the parameters you specified, you will soon receive a result, and the amount of points will be debited from your account.

Thus, you can easily order the promotion of any post on the wall or photo. And even to please a friend or girlfriend, if this category of gift is interesting and desirable for them.

To do such a promotion from your phone, just download the Bosslike application in the Play Market or App Store and repeat the described steps.


Cheating likes, subscribers and comments, as you yourself saw, can be not only very easy, but also free.

I hope that this information will benefit your progress. Do not forget about safety and gradualness of actions, as well as the fact that the promotion itself will not replace popularity and does not say anything about the quality of services, products or content on the page or in the group.

I say goodbye, but only until the next article. Good luck and new heights in promotion!



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