How to wake up quickly in the morning, be fresh and not want to sleep. How to be in a good mood after sleep

The problem of prolonged awakening is known to everyone. In the morning, especially on a working day, when you need to wake up early, you don’t feel like leaving a cozy bed. Meanwhile, the morning is rightfully considered the most productive part of the day, when you can solve many complex issues with a fresh mind. Waking up early is one of the beneficial habits of those who are successful. Is it possible to learn how to wake up quickly in the morning?

Of course you can. For this you need:

1. Think about the joy that the beginning of the day brings.

What thoughts do you wake up with? If you do not feel like getting up, then your day is surely drawn by the imagination as boring and useless. Try to focus your attention not on what is unpleasant for you, but on those positive moments that will make you look forward to every next day. In anticipation of something good, you will certainly begin to wake up faster and in a good mood.

2. Sleep in the right place.

It is best for a person to sleep in a bright and cool room. In order to wake up quickly, do not cover the windows, allowing the sun's rays to illuminate the room. If you have to get up before sunrise, you need to take care of bright lighting, because it is the light that gives our body a signal that it is time for activity. A dark room will interfere with awakening, as the brain will be sure that the night has not yet passed and it's time to sleep.

3. Stimulate yourself to get up.

Are you stimulating yourself enough? Try instead of the usual squeak, put some melody with a rhythm on the alarm clock, and put the alarm clock away from the bed so that you still have to get out of bed and walk to it to turn it off.

4. Wake up the body with exercise.

If you can't wake up quickly in the morning, your body may not yet be ready for action. In this case, it should be awakened by motor activity. Choose for yourself a series of simple exercises, the daily implementation of which will help the body wake up. You can start with something very simple. So you will take care of the figure and finally wake up. Another good way to wake up your body is to take a contrast shower every now and then, changing the temperature of the water. This procedure is especially useful after a good charge.

5. Take care of replenishing energy reserves in the evening.

Drowsiness and difficulty waking up can also signal that your body simply does not have enough energy and is trying to replenish its supply through sleep. In this case, you should take care in advance to replenish your energy reserve with a tasty and healthy breakfast. Prepare everything you need in the evening, and when you hear the alarm clock, remind yourself that something tasty is waiting for you in the kitchen.

You should always have breakfast, no matter how late you are, because a full morning meal should fill you with energy and give you strength to complete all the points of the day plan. Being hungry, you will not only want to sleep all the time, but you will also think not about work, but about how soon you can have a snack.

Surely, everyone knows the feeling of lack of sleep, weakness, despondency in the morning. It is especially difficult to get up in rainy, cold weather or when it is still dark outside. But for some, getting up in the morning turns out to be an overwhelming task even in the warm daylight hours, no matter how loudly the birds sing and the sun shines brightly.

Once again, we give ourselves a little reprieve: “Five more minutes and I’m up!” - and wake up. During this period, neither another cup of coffee, nor an invigorating shower, nor the cheerful voice of DJs from the radio will save you.

What are the reasons for such a heavy buildup in the morning?

Why is getting up in the morning so hard?

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? We are asking this question more and more. And okay, if you slept for an hour and a half, and before that you unloaded the cars. But no, there was nothing like that. And getting up in the morning is a feat. Why is this happening? It's time to look for an answer. Consider the main factors:

The first reason is a banal lack of sleep.

Men need eight hours of healthy sleep for a good rest. Women's and children's bodies need at least nine hours to restore the body. In the constant rush and race to the bottom, we simply do not have enough time to sleep. It takes four, five, six hours to fall. In such conditions, it is naturally difficult to wake up in the morning. What's driving your hectic schedule? Urgent business, blockage at work or inability to turn off the computer and TV in a timely manner?

The second reason is overeating.

But why can't I wake up in the morning if I go to bed on time? This is a fairly common question. And keep track of what time you have dinner? What dishes do you choose for the evening meal? Heavy food and alcohol negatively affect the quality of sleep. It is especially difficult for the body to process carbohydrate-rich foods, smoked and fried foods. Sleeping immediately after dinner is a big burden for the body. Heaviness in the stomach and a heavy morning rise are standard consequences of overeating.

The third reason is the lack of a regime

I can't wake up in the morning, what should I do? First of all, review your daily routine. Some activities force us to stay up at night. A few hours of sleep during the day is not enough for a good rest. But when evening comes, the body actively resists sleep. The whole point is that the regime goes astray. As a result, we spin for a long time, counting sheep, we cannot fall asleep. In the morning, we dream of sleeping for another five minutes, which is always not enough.

Reason #4: Late sleep

It is difficult to get up in the morning if you go to bed after midnight. The most valuable time for relaxation and recovery of the body is the period from 21.00 to 00.00. You can even sleep the required 9-10 hours. But if you stay up late, it becomes hard to get up in the morning. The reason for this is unproductive hours of sleep.

The fifth reason is indiscipline

It’s hard to get up in the morning also because we put off getting up. Turning off the alarm or rearranging it for five to ten minutes is a common mistake. It is easier for the body to wake up in the light sleep phase. By not getting up immediately after waking up, you risk falling into a deep sleep. Getting out of this state will be much more difficult.

Reason six - overvoltage

Mental strain and worsen the quality of sleep. We are prevented from relaxing by obsession with work problems and family circumstances. Thoughts in the head live "their own life", forcing our brain to strain. In this case, relaxation before bedtime is necessary. Take a break from thoughts, do breathing exercises, drink herbal tea. It is essential to calm down before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, and then it will be difficult to get up in the morning.

Reason seven - pharmacology

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Maybe you are taking medication? Allergy medications, antidepressants, painkillers, blood pressure medications? Drugs of these groups negatively affect the quality of sleep. The body is not fully restored. Because of this, you do not feel rested.

Reason eight - lack of comfort

Quite often, sleep disturbance occurs due to lack of comfort. Relaxation and recovery of the body can be hindered by too hard or too soft bed. Or maybe you have a high and uncomfortable pillow and bedding that is unpleasant for the body. Dry air and uncomfortable temperature conditions also interfere with proper sleep.

Reason eight - ignoring sleep hygiene

Sometimes it is difficult to get up in the morning because of banal things. Did you watch TV or surf the Internet until midnight? Or maybe you decided to treat yourself to strong tea or aromatic coffee before going to bed? Then you should not be surprised that sleep does not come, and it is so hard to wake up in the morning. Many of us deliberately ruin sleep, watch what you do.

Reason nine - snoring

The scientific name for snoring is apnea. This is a phenomenon that causes discomfort to others. It also negatively affects the body of a sleeping snoring person. Breath holding provokes disturbances in the structure of sleep. This is fraught with daytime sleepiness, weakness, deterioration of memory quality.

Reason 10: Restless Leg Syndrome

Excessive activity of the lower extremities provokes a deterioration in the quality of sleep. Swelling, numbness and cramps make us look for a more comfortable position. Because of what we toss and turn a lot. Morning lethargy is a consequence of this phenomenon.

If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, then your body is not recovering during the night's sleep. Be sure to determine the cause of poor quality sleep. Inadequate sleep is a big stress for the body. It provokes a decrease in efficiency and a bad mood. By addressing the causes of poor sleep, you can improve the quality of your life and make waking up more enjoyable. Still, the day begins in the morning, and it should be joyful.


Make it a rule to turn off the TV after 20:00. The blue light of the screen excites the NS, suppressing the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep and the regulation of circadian rhythms. Falling asleep in front of the TV negatively affects the morning awakening.

Do fitness in the evenings or just do an evening jog. Physical activity, especially in the fresh air, is very useful for good sleep. This will allow the body to fall asleep faster and sleep soundly throughout the night. And in the morning you will wake up and easily wake up refreshed and well-rested.

Light scented candles in the bedroom for a few minutes before going to bed. Properly selected essential oils and a warm candle light will soothe and set the body to sleep. Extinguish the candles before your head touches the pillow. The light aroma will remain in the bedroom until the morning and will allow you to get up in a good mood.

Remember an important rule if you want to sleep - go to bed, even if the clock shows 1-2 hours less than your usual bedtime. It is not in vain that the body gives a signal - in order to be vigorous and fresh the next morning, you need to sleep well. Therefore, an extra hour or two of sleep in the evening cannot be superfluous.

To wake up in the morning with pleasant thoughts, do not eat at night, and before going to bed, think about how you will eat something delicious for breakfast. The morning feeling of slight hunger, along with thoughts about the treat you promised yourself, will quickly and with excellent mood get you out of bed.

Sleep at night with an open window or at least with an open window. Fresh air, not supersaturated with carbon dioxide, will allow you to sleep better, and the morning will begin with a fresh head and a cheerful body.

Do not put an alarm clock at hand, by the bed. Put it on a shelf at the other end of the room, so that to turn off the signal you would not only have to stretch out your hand, but also stand up to your full height. Better yet, put your alarm clock in another room if you know you'll hear it from there in the morning. A few steps around the room will definitely help you wake up and not oversleep for work. Never succumb to self-persuasion to sleep a little more. Get up to turn off the alarm and never return to the pillow. You must always start the signal at the same time.

As an alarm signal, choose a pleasant, but nevertheless peppy melody. No sharp and loud sounds that make you want to immediately shut them up. You can purchase special alarm clocks that imitate sunrise with gentle music.

In the morning, while still lying on your pillow, think of any interesting adventure that awaits you during the day. Even in the most ordinary life, you can imagine something unusual. For example, imagine that no one can work in the office without you, computers will break, and colleagues will be sad. Or set big goals for the day, the desire to do a lot will easily get you out of bed.

Morning is the most important time of the day. From what it will be, sometimes the whole day depends. Easy awakening sets a person up for a wonderful day, gives new strength and energy. How easy is it to wake up in the morning? This question is asked by many people who are forced to get up for work. Everyone can make their morning cheerful, fill it with a great mood. How easy is it to wake up in the morning?

Go to bed at the same time

Timely going to bed guarantees an easy awakening. It is difficult to accustom your body to fall asleep at the same time every day, including weekends, but the result will not be long in coming. Such a hard mode guarantees quality sleep, and after a while the body will wake up without an alarm clock. In addition, it is worth falling asleep before 12 pm, it is during these hours that the body rests best.

Alarm clock is a friend of the morning

An alarm clock will help answer the question of how easier it is to wake up in the morning. Buying it is not a big deal. It is best to buy a device that plays calm and pleasant music. Avoid harsh signals, as loud sound causes stress. On the Internet, you can find many sites that perform the function of a social alarm clock. When registering on such a site, a phone number is entered, the right time is set, and in the morning the phone rings. Usually robots call, which include a pleasant melody and wish you a great day.

Another way to learn how to get up in the morning is to set an alarm clock not near the bed. Place it in a place where it is impossible to turn it off quickly and easily. For example, place it on a closet or under a table, in another room, or on a window. When the annoying sound gets tired, you have to get up and turn off the device. By the way, the stores sell original alarm clocks “for the lazy” in the form of airplanes or animals. In the evening, the right time is set, and in the morning such a plane will circle around the room until the owner presses the switch. There are also devices that “devour” money. Any bill is inserted into a special hole, and if you don’t get up in time in the morning and turn off the alarm clock, then it will simply shred the money into small pieces.

Don't rush to get up

After waking up, do not immediately get up and get down to business. You can afford to lie senselessly in a warm bed for a few minutes. An abrupt awakening is stress for a person, with the exception of being late, there is no time for stress, it would be in time. But it’s not worth basking in bed for too long, you can again fall into the arms of Morpheus. Massaging the lobes and neck will help you wake up faster and easier.

early rise

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? The answer to this question has been known since ancient times. The more mornings, the easier it is to wake up, the head does not hurt, and the sun gives a good mood. Our ancestors began their day at sunrise. So laid down by nature, all our organs "wake up" at 5-6 in the morning. For many, getting up this early is a real nightmare, but once you get used to such a regime, you begin to understand all its advantages. And hard work is easier to do in the morning. Be patient, getting up early in the morning, especially if you have a habit of sleeping until 12 noon, is extremely difficult. Get used to the new regime gradually. Set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier than usual every day, and at the end of the week you can see that the wake-up hours change.


How to quickly and easily wake up in the morning? It often depends on nutrition. Do not eat food 2 hours before bedtime. At night, food is poorly digested, it creates heaviness and discomfort. Also, avoid eating heavy, fatty and sweet foods: meat, legumes, desserts and cakes. This is easy to follow if the lunch was hearty and satisfying. If necessary, you can have a snack with something light, cottage cheese or yogurt, this will not only help satisfy your hunger, but is also good for the digestive tract. Do not drink strong drinks before bedtime, tea, cocoa or coffee. These drinks excite the nervous system and prevent the body from falling asleep. Brewed herbs, mint or lemon balm will be an excellent remedy. Also, folk remedies recommend drinking hot before bedtime - the drink warms, helps to relax and fall asleep quickly.

Don't skip breakfast in the morning. It is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon before it, it will not only invigorate the body, but also strengthen the immune system. Breakfast should not only consist of a cup of coffee and should be balanced, contain dairy products, fruits and cereals. How to learn to get up in the morning? Scientists are also looking for an answer to this question, they came to the conclusion that in the morning it is better not to drink a cup of coffee, but simply to inhale its aroma. The energy and vitality of the body are guaranteed for several hours. In addition, doctors advise giving up coffee in the morning, since this drink is harmful to human health, it can be replaced with green tea. It not only gives energy for many hours, but also contains vitamins and minerals that prevent aging of skin cells.


It is hardly possible to wake up easily in the morning if you do not know why you need to get up early. Think about what you can do during these free hours: work, sports or personal affairs. You can use this time for activities that you can’t get your hands on or don’t have enough time after work. For an easy rise, motivation is needed - after all, when the day is going to be fun and interesting, getting up is much easier.

For most, the incentive to get up in the morning is work, getting up at 8 in the morning, driving through traffic jams is a serious step. Work is an iron stimulus. Responsible people will always wake up on time and in any condition. The easiest way to formulate a goal for an early rise is for individuals who are scheduled by the hour, it becomes possible to work even more, which means more profit. The same applies to people of free professions, freelancers. The main thing here is not to be lazy and work out an iron to get up early in the morning.

Charge from water

How to get up in the morning without feeling tired and lethargic? This question is relevant for many people. A shower will help in the morning. It is not necessary to injure your body with cold water, the main thing is to alternate cool water with warm water. The change in temperature is important, in addition, such a warm-up hardens the body, improves. You can use aromatic oils or other aromas.

radical method

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? Computer geniuses have come up with many new programs that allow you to wake up in the morning, for example, a computer can work instead of an alarm clock. A new and rather radical method to help answer the question of how easy it is to get up in the morning is a special program. Its essence is that at some point the computer starts to work and format the hard drive. Each user stores a lot of important data on the device and, of course, does not want to erase them. Therefore, to disable formatting, you have to get up and undo the action, and do it quickly. In such an extreme situation, sleep will pass by itself.

Ideal Conditions

To make the morning pleasant, it is necessary to create “ideal conditions”. The temperature in the room should not be too low so as not to freeze and stay basking under a warm blanket, but it should not be too hot either. Get an automatic coffee machine, the aroma of the drink will help you wake up quickly in the morning. Plan your day in advance, prepare your clothes and documents, rushing is not fun for anyone. Family people wake up, because waking up another by pushing in the side is more interesting than waking up yourself. Have family members share their experiences of how easy it is to wake up in the morning. Ask relatives or a partner to wake you up, but not just saying: “Get up, you'll be late”, “Wake up, sleepyhead!”, But sit on the bed and start talking. How easy it is to wake up early in the morning, say the doctors of Bangkok. When you open your eyes in the morning, look at your hands and palms. We do so much with our hands and so little look at them, not paying due attention to them. Not quite the traditional way of lifting among our citizens, but, nevertheless, it exists and is popular in many countries.

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? By following simple tips and tricks, you can not only make your morning joyful and leisurely, but also revise your schedule. Everyone can make their awakening pleasant, the mood for the whole day depends on it.

Waking up on time in the morning is an almost impossible mission for so many people. Getting out of bed turns into slipping, instead of cheerfulness and a feeling of freshness - weakness and drowsiness. How easy it is to wake up in the morning - this problem is relevant for many. Here are some tips on how to learn how to wake up easily and quickly in the morning.

Check your health. Perhaps the feeling of morning sleepiness is a sign of some kind of disease or lack of vitamins and important trace elements: B vitamins, routine, vitamin D, iodine. Check the work of the thyroid gland - many diseases of the endocrine system cause a feeling of drowsiness. In men, drowsiness is one of the symptoms of prostatitis.

Don't forget about the disease of this century - chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to drowsiness, CFS is also characterized by depression, apathy, and a feeling of weakness. Drowsiness is one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, herpes infection, hormonal disruptions in the body. In some cases, drowsiness is the initial sign of cardiovascular disease.

To improve your health, you need to drink a vitamin complex, boost your immunity, consult a doctor to identify hidden diseases. After the end of the examination, if nothing is revealed, you will be calm about your health.

Think about sleep hygiene

The deeper and calmer your sleep is, the faster your body will recover. Here are some tips on what to do and how to get up easily in the morning:

  1. Organize the best conditions for sleep: get a flat or orthopedic pillow, choose an orthopedic mattress that is comfortable for you.
  2. Ensure that during sleep, the complete absence of light in the room and extraneous sounds. If that's not possible, buy a sleep mask and earplugs.
  3. Remove the TV and laptop from the bedroom - the bed should only be used for sleeping. There should not be any provocative factors in the room, so that you cannot tell yourself - now I’ll just look at e-mail and immediately go to sleep.
  4. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed to saturate it with oxygen.

Your sleep rate

Determine your sleep rate. The average person sleeps 7-9 hours on average. Lack of sleep is as bad as oversleeping. If you do not fill up your sleep norm, then lack of sleep will accumulate until the weekend, and on weekdays it will manifest itself as daytime sleepiness, deterioration in concentration, memory.

It will not be superfluous to determine whether you are an owl or a lark. Larks have an easier life, they are naturally better adapted to an early rise. There are not very many biological owls in life - only 2-3 cases per 1000. All other people who consider themselves owls are just disorganized larks. It is important to get back to normal on time.

If you are used to going to bed at 1, and you need to get up at 7 and this sleep time is not enough, then you need to shift the time to fall asleep gradually, first at 12 o'clock at night, then at 11. If an unusual time causes difficulty falling asleep, you can use a mild natural sleeping pill sleep, like melatonin. It causes mild drowsiness, which can be used to fall asleep. The next morning after taking melatonin, you do not feel weakness and drowsiness, it is not addictive.

Sleep cycles

However, sometimes after sleeping for 8 hours, you wake up broken, exhausted and completely incapable of active life. Why is this happening?

Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which lasts about one and a half to two hours. Each cycle is divided into slow and fast phases. Slow phases are deep sleep, which is of particular importance for the recovery of the body. REM sleep or REM sleep is a more superficial sleep during which a person's intellectual abilities are restored. From the evening in the cycle, the slow phase of sleep occupies a longer duration, by the morning the fast phase of sleep begins to predominate.

If a person is awakened at a time when he is in a slow phase of sleep, he will wake up very hard, with a feeling of drowsiness, weakness. A person comes out of REM sleep very easily. Therefore, to wake up easily, you need to do it in REM sleep.

When you need to fall asleep in order to wake up properly

Previously, official medicine believed that any falling asleep before 12 at night is useful, that the most useful sleep is before 12 at night. In Ayurveda, the period during which the body is completely restored is considered to be the interval from 22 pm to 24 night. That is, a person, in order to be cheerful and fresh in the morning, needs to sleep soundly by 22 in the evening.

Modern methods of calculating optimal sleep and waking times support these settings. That is, if we take the average duration of sleep necessary for a person to restore the body, the time of melatonin production, as well as cyclicity, then it is easy to calculate the optimal time for falling asleep.

If we take the average duration of the cycle at one and a half hours and at 6-8 hours, then on average, a person should oversleep 4-5 sleep cycles. How to quickly wake up in the morning easily? To do this, he must wake up in REM sleep. The REM phase takes approximately 15-20 minutes of the entire cycle. That is, if you wake up in the middle of the cycle, then you will fall into the slow phase of sleep and will feel sleepy, irritated and angry. What is the best time to wake up so that you can get up easily? If the end of sleep falls between cycles, then a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness will come, even if you have to wake up early.

How to wake up in the morning at the right time? Based on this data, many calculators have been developed to calculate the time to go to bed. True, you need to consider that these calculators calculate the time to fall asleep. That is, in fact, a person needs 15 minutes to fall asleep. Therefore, you need to go to bed 15 minutes earlier so that by the calculated time you are already deeply asleep.

What life hacks will help you wake up in the right phase early in the morning

An ordinary alarm clock, depending on the volume, can, of course, wake a person in any phase of sleep. Although everyone probably at least once, but in the morning he found himself in a situation where he wondered in bewilderment how in a dream he managed to bypass all the passwords and turn off all 5 alarms. In the fast phase of sleep, a person can be awakened by any slight noise.

Fitness bracelet

People who are interested have probably met such a gadget as a fitness bracelet with a built-in sleep sensor. The fitness bracelet is not able to calculate the phases of sleep, but it can analyze the quality of sleep. The slow phase of sleep is characterized by a slowdown in cardiac activity, breathing becomes more shallow, pressure decreases. In the REM phase of sleep, all indications change, in addition, a person in the REM phase has muscle activity. The bracelet takes all these indications and analyzes them.

The sound sensor with ultra-sensitive sound recording sensors records the activity of a person during sleep. The more movement and activity, the more likely you are in the active fast phase. Also, accelerometers and a heart rate monitor are built into the fitness bracelet.

The main function of the fitness smart alarm clock is to track the onset of REM sleep, when the body is already ready to wake up. In this alarm clock, the wake-up time can be set to a half-hour range, in which the body should wake up. Initially, at the beginning of the fast phase, the alarm clock gives a preliminary light, quiet vibrating signal that wakes up the body, and then, after some time, when the body is ready to wake up, it gives the main vibrating signal.

Sleep trackers on your phone

The creators of software for smartphones have long turned phones into everything they can, including sleep sensors. Today, more than 50 such applications are sold on the Apple Store and Android Market, all of which use the accelerometers built into the smartphone. All applications function in much the same way. A smartphone with an installed application should be placed near the sleeping person's head on a pillow. The built-in motion sensor will analyze all the movements of a person during sleep, thus distinguishing the deep phase of sleep from the fast active one.

However, these applications also have disadvantages:

  • they give false signals if 2 people are sleeping in the bed or if the cat is also sleeping;
  • during the night reading of information, the smartphone battery can be discharged up to 80%.

How can you help yourself wake up?

So, you woke up on time, but you need to help yourself a little more to recover from sleep. The first 5 minutes after waking up are especially important for creating the right mood:

  • 1 minute - when you wake up, think about something very pleasant and motivating: buying a car, a close vacation, or just about a loved one;
  • 2 minutes - stretch right in bed: this will help straighten the muscles and enrich them with oxygen;
  • 3 minutes - rub your head, neck, ears;
  • 4 minutes - sit on the bed and drink a glass of water, placed in the evening near the bed. The body dehydrates overnight and this will help it return to normal. However, water can be replaced with tea, cola, coffee - depending on your preferences. Orange juice invigorates well;
  • 5 minutes - get up and open the window - let fresh air fill the room while you carry out morning hygiene procedures.

What else will help you wake up easily and get up in the morning? Buy a night light with a timer and turn on the lamp 10-15 minutes before the expected awakening. If the room is bright, getting up will be easy. Turning on the TV on a timer on the news channel or turning on the timer on the music center to pleasant, not intimidating music can also have a positive effect on waking up. Melodies need to be changed, because on average in 2 weeks the brain gets used to them.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of practical doctor. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012. (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.


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