Horseradish: benefits and harms for the human body. Horseradish for men: how is it useful?

Horseradish is one of the representatives of the Cruciferous or Cabbage family, which includes only three species, but only horseradish is a vegetable crop.

The benefits and harms of horseradish were known to our distant ancestors, who actively used it to treat all kinds of diseases and used it in cooking. It still plays a significant role in cooking, as well as in folk medicine, because it is not only able to give a dish a special taste, but also effectively help with a particular disease.

But keep in mind that it should be used with caution, as it has not only numerous positive properties, but also some contraindications that must be taken into account.

Origin and history of table horseradish

The homeland of horseradish is Europe. It grows throughout almost its entire territory, with the exception of the far north. The wild variety grows in large numbers on the banks of lakes and rivers in many Asian countries, as well as on the American continent.

Horseradish loves light, and its reproduction can be either vegetative or seed.

The cultivation of this plant occurred a very long time ago. It is mentioned in Slavic written sources dating back to the 9th century. In those days, as now, it was used as a spicy and medicinal plant.

In Western European countries, it became widespread much later. This happened around the 15th century. But if, for example, in medieval Germany and the Baltic countries, it was used as food, then in England, horseradish was usually used only as a medicinal plant.

Currently, it rightfully occupies an important place in the cuisine of many European countries.

Horseradish history of origin

This spread of horseradish is due to the fact that it is unpretentious and can grow in almost any soil. Although most of all he loves loamy and sandy soils, which allow massive roots to form. If the soil contains a high nitrogen content, the roots branch and lose their economic importance.

Horseradish has long been successfully used in the preparation of many dishes as a flavoring and spicy additive. Its fresh leaves and roots are used for this purpose. You can’t do without them when salting, preserving and pickling many vegetables.

As a seasoning, finely ground horseradish is best suited to many fish and meat dishes. Also, it is one of the essential components of some sauces. Quite popular in Russia is a drink like kvass with horseradish.

But many people do not know what benefits horseradish has besides its use in cooking. Meanwhile, it can effectively help with certain diseases. Its unique medicinal properties have been known since ancient times and were used quite actively.

Horseradish is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases. Additionally, if you have a poor appetite, including it in your diet will help improve it significantly. The benefits of horseradish have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Chemical composition

The active use of horseradish in many areas of medicine is associated with the numerous beneficial substances included in its composition. This plant is a real storehouse of various vitamins.

First of all, it contains vitamins C, B and PP. In particular, it contains much more vitamin C than even lemon. Fresh leaves are rich in significant amounts of carotene.

It is also rich in all kinds of minerals. It includes:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur.

The nutritional properties of the plant are due to the high content of nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates and even a small amount of fat. Few plants can boast of such a solid set of useful components.

But, if you intend to use horseradish for the prevention or treatment of a particular disease, keep in mind that beneficial substances are contained only in the fresh plant. If, for example, it is pureed and stored in this form for more than a week, it is unlikely to bring any benefit to normalizing health.

Use in traditional medicine

In many areas of traditional medicine, the positive properties of horseradish are used to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and as a therapeutic agent for inflammation of the urinary tract.

Since this plant has excellent diuretic properties, it is indispensable as a therapeutic agent for rheumatism, gout, and cystitis. It is used in the presence of kidney stones.

  • For neuralgia, frostbite and various joint problems, fresh horseradish should be used as a poultice.
  • If a person is sick with tonsillitis or whooping cough, it is recommended to use it together with glycerin and vinegar. However, caution should be exercised when using it as it may cause irritation to the skin and eyes.
  • The use of horseradish can improve the functioning of the glands of the digestive tract.
  • Horseradish is effective for gastritis.
  • It can also be used to strengthen the immune system, since due to the phytoncides it contains, it has powerful antibacterial properties and can protect against many infectious diseases.
  • It is also effective for various skin problems. In particular, it can help with age spots and freckles. To do this, you will need to regularly wipe the problem areas with an infusion prepared from this plant.

Anyone who intends to use horseradish as a preventive and therapeutic agent should remember that it will only be beneficial if it is fresh and prepared independently. Table horseradish, which is sold in jars in stores, is only a seasoning for food and is unable to positively affect health, no matter how large the proportions you use it.

Contraindications to horseradish consumption

Like almost any plant, horseradish can be not only useful, but also harmful. This is especially true for lovers of spicy dishes that contain horseradish. After all, they may have certain diseases, in the presence of which it is not recommended to consume horseradish.

In addition, it should be excluded from the diet when taking certain medications, the effects of which on the body can be minimized.

  1. For stomach and intestinal ulcers, since the substances it contains can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and also increase acidity.
  2. Women during pregnancy and lactation should exclude horseradish from their diet.
  3. With heavy periods, as it can increase blood pressure, resulting in increased bleeding.
  4. It is not recommended to use horseradish if you have kidney or liver diseases.

If you suffer from any of the above, consuming horseradish in any form is contraindicated for you. If you have any doubts, it is best to consult a doctor.

Horseradish is a useful and valuable plant that can bring a lot of benefits, because it allows you to make this or that dish much tastier and more nutritious. In addition, it will perfectly help with many health problems. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Horseradish has long been a favorite spicy seasoning among the people, and can be combined with many dishes from various cuisines. However, not many people know about the health benefits and harms of it. Horseradish is a perennial vegetable crop and is considered a powerful phytoncide. Let's get to know him better.

This plant grows in one place for many years, having a strong root system and strong foliage. Horseradish tastes sharp and piquant with a bright and rich aroma. Both the root and the leaves are filled with beneficial properties of horseradish, which will be discussed further.


Horseradish root contains fiber, vitamins C, E, PP and group B (1,2,3,6), mineral elements (magnesium and calcium, potassium and iron, phosphorus and sodium with sulfur), phytoncides and steroids, carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances.

Such a rich composition gives this part of the plant hematopoietic, antiscorbutic, expectorant, choleretic and diuretic properties, and it also improves appetite in the absence of it and is very useful for people with gastritis with low acidity, stimulating the work of the stomach.

It is indicated for respiratory ailments due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Using horseradish root lotions, wounds, bruises, cuts, dermatitis and fungal skin diseases are disinfected. The grated root can be used as a mustard plaster for health problems such as lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, hypothermia and lumbar pain.

An infusion of water eliminates age spots on the body and freckles.


Horseradish leaves are also filled with a lot of beneficial qualities for our body. They contain water with dietary fiber, ash and many vitamins with micro and macro elements.

Allyl oil inside the plant's foliage effectively enhances the production of gastric juice, stimulating appetite.

Important: allylic oil in large quantities is very dangerous.

The ground part of horseradish has a positive effect on the immune system, protects the nervous system from the effects of stress in our lives and is a powerful antioxidant.

This part of horseradish is filled with phytoncides and essential oils, which act as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, being a natural antibiotic.

Horseradish has a preventive effect against the development of scurvy, fighting vitamin deficiency. At the same time, the leaves of the plant help relieve cough, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the genitourinary system, and the entire body in general, improving well-being.

What are the benefits for the human body

The benefits of horseradish extend to many diseases that affect both men and women:

  1. Colds and inflammatory - the plant is able to destroy pathogenic viruses and bacteria, helping to remove sputum from the bronchi.
  2. Stomach - various disorders and gastritis (low acidity).
  3. Dental – caries with stomatitis, gingivitis with periodontal disease.
  4. Respiratory organs - sore throat with laryngitis, sinusitis with bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. Hepatic and biliary tract – hepatitis with inflammation of the biliary tract.
  6. Articular – arthritis of the knee joints with rheumatism and radiculitis.
  7. Neurological – headaches with migraine and neuralgia.
  8. Gynecological – menstrual cycle disorders.
  9. Male genitalia – weak potency.
  10. Skin – pigmentation with eczema and purulent wounds.

The benefits of horseradish also extend to infectious pathologies of the urinary tract, cystitis, and gout. The plant also has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels and on the physical and mental overstrain.

How to use correctly

Horseradish has long been used as a cure for many ailments of the body and soul as a stimulant, antiseptic, as well as an antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and expectorant.

In folk medicine

Radiculitis is treated with the root of the plant - finely grate it, mix with sour cream (fat) - 2/1, respectively, and apply to the problem area for 40 minutes. Repeat up to 3 times a day for 3 weeks in a row.

To reduce cholesterol levels, mince 100 grams of horseradish root with one lemon in the peel and 100 grams of garlic. Dilute the resulting pulp with boiled water 1/1 and place in a cool place for a day. The medicine is taken in the mornings and evenings before meals 40 minutes in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

To restore the liver in case of cirrhosis, take seasoning leaves and nettles (300-400 g each), grinding and squeezing the juice, adding honey. Store in the refrigerator, covered. Drink 0.5 cups up to 5 times a day for 1 month.

In cosmetology

Since horseradish contains essential oils, the plant helps to effectively get rid of unnecessary pigmentation on the body, including freckles, relieve swelling and restore freshness of the skin.

The juice of the plant contains flavonoids, stopping the processes of cellular aging.

Vegetable oils soften the skin, maintaining elasticity and providing a protective effect against solar radiation.

Resins of plant origin in horseradish return ladies to their former youth, eliminating small wrinkles and tightening the skin. At the same time, saponins found in the sap of the plant increase cellular resistance to harmful environmental influences.

To care for facial skin, a paste of the plant is used - let it steep for 5-7 minutes to remove the bitterness. The juice can also be used by squeezing it out using gauze.

Horseradish helps take care of hair. Why you can prepare a mask - take a large spoon of rich sour cream, the same amount of vegetable oil and 1 horseradish root (grated) - combine everything and apply to the scalp, tying it with plastic on top, and putting on a warm towel or scarf for 40 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

In cooking

Horseradish has long taken its place on our tables as a seasoning for various dishes and preserves. The leaves of the plant serve as an excellent addition to brines and marinades, and the powder is used as a seasoning.

Here is one of many recipes - mince 1 kg of tomatoes with 3 peeled roots and 15 cloves of garlic, add a large spoonful of sugar and salt to taste, mixing everything thoroughly. The resulting composition can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars.

Contraindications and possible harm

Not every body perceives this spice normally. It can burn, which is why you need to be careful when using it and do not leave it on your skin for too long.

It is advisable to consume horseradish for people who have a healthy digestive tract, and even then in small quantities. It is also possible to increase blood pressure, stomach pain, cough reflex, tears and in some cases bleeding.

You cannot use the plant if you have pathologies of the liver and kidneys, including the gastrointestinal tract in a chronic form.

Eating horseradish is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  1. Colitis and excess hydrochloric acid.
  2. Acute intestinal disorders.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  4. Individual intolerance to the product.

You should not use the seasoning for ailments that are aggravated by its use, which happens with gastric pathologies, even in remission.

Horseradish recipes for the winter

To make horseradish tasty and healthy, it is important to use high-quality products.

The classic recipe consists of the root of the plant, tomatoes and garlic:

  1. Separately grind 2 kg of tomatoes, 400 g of horseradish and 10 garlic in a meat grinder;
  2. mix everything and add a little salt, placing the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes;
  3. pour into sterilized and dried glass jars.

To protect the dish from mold, pour a little vegetable oil on top or grease the inside of the lid with mustard before rolling up.

You can cook with aspirin, which will add more freshness to the sauce. The cooking recipe is similar to the previous one, only 1 aspirin tablet is added to the finished dish.

Pickled horseradish without cooking is prepared as follows - use a meat grinder to grind a bucket of tomatoes, 3-5 pods of hot pepper, 0.5 kg of garlic, 400 g of horseradish (roots), salt, mix and pour into a 12-liter bucket, leaving a little space on top for the fermentation process. Cover the top with something and leave it alone for 5 days. As soon as the fermentation process stops, the drink can be considered ready - pour into jars and store in a cool place.

If you are not entirely sure about the state of your health, take the time to visit a specialist and get advice. This will protect you from the unwanted consequences of improper use of this extraordinary plant. Health to you and your loved ones!

A perennial plant, horseradish is traditionally used as a spicy-spicy snack for the table. What are the health benefits of horseradish? The healing properties of the plant are due to the content of phytoncides, vitamins, fiber, mineral salts, and alkaloids. It is useful to include in the diet of men and women. The root restores vision, strengthens the immune system, cleanses blood vessels, normalizes hormonal levels, and increases libido.

The plant stimulates the production of enzymes, therefore facilitating the digestion of fatty meat foods. Horseradish promotes weight loss and prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat. Recipes containing it are used to treat children. Horseradish helps with a runny nose and cough, relieves lamblia, strengthens the body's defenses, and increases appetite.

Composition and properties of horseradish

To understand whether horseradish is healthy, you need to understand its composition. The medicinal properties of the culture are based on biologically active substances. Essential oils give it a bitter taste and a specific smell. In small doses, they have a positive effect on well-being, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, promote the production of hormones, speed up metabolism, and improve the biochemical composition of the blood.

Horseradish has a high content of vitamin C and carotene. Thanks to these substances, it has immunomodulatory properties. It contains lysozyme. This complex protein compound is a natural antibiotic, destructive to many representatives of pathogenic microflora of the external and internal environment. The root part contains bitters, also known as effective natural antiseptics.

Contains horseradish vitamins. It contains a whole vitamin complex. These are vitamins B, E, PP, K and others. The root contains valuable minerals. The largest share among them is occupied by potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, selenium and others. Its regular presence on the table will help replenish the vitamin and mineral reserves in the body of a child and an adult.

Amino acids have a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, restore muscle and cartilage tissue, and give strength to bones. Antioxidants strengthen the nervous system, provide adequate sleep, energy and performance throughout the day. Horseradish from blood vessels improves blood circulation, normalizes important blood parameters - sugar and cholesterol.

What are the health benefits of horseradish:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • improves digestion;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • gives a choleretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation and relieves pain;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • normalizes hormonal status.

Horseradish for immunity

Horseradish is a natural antibiotic with pronounced bactericidal and immunoactivating properties. For adults, horseradish alcohol tincture is recommended, and for children, water with horseradish has the same benefits. Inhaling the vapors from the grated root will help prevent infection from viruses and bacteria. These simple methods are especially relevant and in demand during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections among the population.

What diseases does horseradish treat?

In Ancient Rus', horseradish began to be grown in the 9th century, using it as a spice and an effective medicine. The vegetable crop is still included in traditional medicine recipes today for the treatment of diseases affecting the respiratory and digestive organs, excretory and circulatory systems, blood vessels, nerves, heart, skeleton and joints. What diseases does horseradish not help with? From bronchitis and rhinitis, gingivitis and stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.

Horseradish is a universal medicine. It is used internally and externally, apply compresses and bandages, rinse the mouth and throat, lubricate painful areas, open wounds, and suppuration with the juice.


Horseradish juice is a natural antiseptic. For gargling, a solution is prepared from equal parts of freshly squeezed juice and water. Therapeutic rinses for sore throat and pharyngitis are carried out every 3-4 hours. After rinsing for half an hour, you should refrain from eating any food or drinks.


A tincture of horseradish leaves is used to clean blood vessels. For 500 ml of high-quality vodka you need to take 1 spoon of dry and crushed leaves, partitions, pine nut shells, 1 hot red pepper. The tincture is aged for 10 days in a dark place. The tincture should be taken 30 drops for 30 days without breaks.


The benefits of water with horseradish relate to low blood pressure. To do this, half a kilo of horseradish is ground on a coarse grater and filled with 3 liters of water at room temperature. After a day, the water is drained and a tablespoon of honey is added to it. The product is taken for a month, one tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals. Useful liquid is stored in a cool place.


To soften cough and improve sputum discharge, use horseradish and lemon juice. A large root is passed through a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out of the pulp. You also need to squeeze the juice from two lemons. Take a tablespoon once a day. It is best to store the medicine in the refrigerator.


Horseradish in combination with milk has a choleretic effect. For a glass of milk, take 2 tablespoons of grated gruel from the rhizome, mix and drink 2-3 sips throughout the day.

Low stomach acid

To increase gastric acidity, use a salad of grated root vegetables, seasoned with honey and sour cream. If you have an allergic reaction to honey, add a little sugar to the salad.


A recipe made with horseradish, honey and olive oil helps with cramps in the arms and legs. A rhizome weighing 300 grams is ground into a pulp, 500 grams of honey and 200 ml of olive oil are added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed three times a day before meals. It is recommended to store the medicinal composition in the refrigerator.


The horseradish root pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the painful area. Cover the compress with a warm cloth and leave overnight. Treatment is stopped when normal mobility of the spine is restored and the painful reaction decreases.

Bruises and sprains

The benefits and harms of horseradish leaves have been known since ancient times. The cut leaf is applied to bruises, dislocations, and sprains. It has a cooling and analgesic effect, accelerates regeneration, and relieves inflammation. May cause allergies if done too long and often.

The benefits of horseradish for men's and women's health

How is horseradish beneficial for women and men? The fresh root is an aphrodisiac that increases libido. In folk medicine, it is used to treat urological diseases and to strengthen potency in men. The plant helps cope with gynecological diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature, reduces pain during menstruation in women. In both sexes it improves reproductive function and increases libido.

Horseradish for weight loss

Horseradish is a low-calorie dietary product; 100 grams contain only 50 kcal. Due to the high fiber content, the digestion of its pulp requires significantly more energy than is released during complete absorption. The product activates the production of gastric juice, which promotes better digestion and absorption of heavy and fatty foods. The spicy seasoning excites the taste buds in the mouth, satisfying the human need to enjoy the simplest dishes.

Like all spices, the root activates metabolic processes. This means that fat burning processes are naturally launched in the body, and excess calories are not stored in reserve.

Who shouldn't eat horseradish?

Rhizomes are dug up in the fall, when they contain the maximum amount of useful elements. It is eaten fresh and canned for the winter. In its raw form, the root vegetable cannot be stored for long, as it loses its characteristic taste and aroma, and therefore its beneficial qualities. The use of dried horseradish for preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions is widely known. In dry form, it retains its quality and benefits for an extremely long time.

When using horseradish externally and internally, it is important to follow the treatment time and dosage. High concentrations of juice can cause redness and burns of the skin, and aromatic vapors can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, coughing, and lacrimation.

Horseradish has health benefits and harms. Thus, it promotes the formation of gastric juice, but in large quantities it can sharply increase acidity and provoke gastritis, aggravate the course of erosive processes on the mucous surface, and aggravate peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. Treatment with traditional methods should be carried out with caution among children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The benefits and harms of horseradish for men and women in old age are manifested, especially in combination with medications. Contraindications concern the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, kidneys, and liver. It is forbidden to violate dosages and timing, and if unpleasant symptoms occur, it is recommended to stop treatment. For serious chronic diseases, prior consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Every person should know what exactly horseradish is good for health. It can easily be grown in the garden, it will be a good preventive measure and help to heal!

Why is horseradish so useful - video

Horseradish is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Brassica family, with a powerful, fleshy root. Its stem is erect, branched at the top, up to 120 cm high, hollow, grooved. The basal leaves are large, elongated or elongated-oval, serrate along the edge, with a heart-shaped base. The lower stem leaves are pinnately divided, the upper ones are oblong-lanceolate or linear, entire. The flowers are bisexual, regular, white, in multi-flowered racemes, collected in a paniculate inflorescence. Horseradish blooms in May-June. The fruit is an elongated oval, swollen pod.

Many varieties of cultivated horseradish have been developed; amateurs grow it in garden plots. However, one should take into account the tendency of horseradish to grow quickly, so it is usually placed along the periphery of the plots.

Its relatives are mustard, watercress, and radish. There are different opinions about the origin of horseradish. It was known to the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians. The plant spreads easily and is now found wild in many countries. Most botanists consider horseradish to be a native Russian aromatic plant.

From 1500 BC it was used by the Greeks as a dish and seasoning, one of the most bitter and pungent. It was believed that horseradish not only stimulates appetite, but also activates vitality. It was used to make ointments to treat rheumatism.

Horseradish roots, harvested in the fall, are used for medicinal purposes. To keep them from drying out, they are stored in cellars, in boxes with wet sand. The roots of the plant are included in the Pharmacopoeias of many foreign countries, in particular France, Switzerland, Brazil and some others.

Horseradish is harvested in late autumn before frost or in spring. It is recommended to store at a temperature from –1 to +1 degrees, sprinkled with dry sand. Horseradish is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, sausages. The leaves are used for pickling and pickling vegetables. Traditional Russian spice – grated horseradish. It improves the taste of dishes and stimulates appetite.

Useful properties of horseradish

Horseradish contains fiber, essential oils, phytoncides, a lot of vitamin C, as well as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, as well as macro and microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese , copper and arsenic, horseradish root also contains sugar, various amino acids, a bactericidal protein substance - lysozyme and organic compounds.

Horseradish contains five times more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. In terms of ascorbic acid content, horseradish is not inferior to blackcurrant fruits, and only ripe red pepper contains more of it.

The glycoside sinigrin was found in the roots, the cleavage of which produces allylic mustard oil and lysozyme, which has a bactericidal effect. Allyl mustard oil causes the pungent odor and taste of horseradish, has a pronounced local effect, causes skin hyperemia and burning pain, and with prolonged action can cause burns and gangrene. Its vapors cause severe coughing and watery eyes. Taken orally in small doses, it increases the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the appetite. In large doses it can cause severe gastroenteritis.

Ascorbic acid, the enzyme myrosin, and allyl mustard essential oil were found in the leaves and roots.

The healing properties of horseradish have long been known to medicine. Horseradish improves intestinal activity, has choleretic, expectorant, and antiscorbutic properties. It is prescribed for colds, various inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, gout, rheumatism, bladder, and skin diseases.

In folk medicine, radiculitis has long been treated with horseradish. To do this, freshly grated horseradish gruel was spread on a cloth and applied to the sore spot like mustard plaster.

Horseradish is very useful to add to food to prevent acute respiratory diseases. In case of hypothermia, in order to prevent colds, it is recommended to apply horseradish poultices to the feet and legs. Traditional healers recommend using horseradish with honey as a cough medicine: mix finely grated horseradish with honey in equal proportions and give the patient a full teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

In the book “Anti-Cancer Diet by Dr. Laskin,” horseradish vapor is mentioned as a remedy and prevention against metastases.

The doctor advises grating the horseradish root on a fine grater and breathing in the horseradish vapor a couple of times a day for 5-15 minutes.

The juice of the fresh roots has long been used as a diuretic, especially in India, and also as a diuretic for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. If you have gumboil or gum inflammation, then take 1 tsp. freshly grated horseradish, add 1 glass of water (you can also add a glass of wine) and leave to steep for 4 hours. Then strain the infusion and rinse your mouth with it every 30 minutes. The flux will go away quickly.

Diluted horseradish juice with sugar or honey is used to rinse the mouth and throat for inflammatory processes and sore throats. The juice of the root is instilled into the ears for inflammation and purulent discharge, and for the treatment of purulent wounds, the gruel is used in the form of a compress - as a local irritant and distracting agent.

While we eat horseradish with jellied meat and treat our various ailments with its roots, in the USA scientists have placed horseradish in the category of strategically important products for medicine, defense and the space industry. Research by Japanese scientists has shown that substances contained in horseradish rhizomes actively prevent the occurrence of caries. Horseradish contains substances that prevent the growth of bacteria that cause caries. Currently, Japanese scientists are working on creating a new toothpaste based on horseradish rhizome. There is only one catch: scientists do not yet know how to neutralize the “aroma” of horseradish, which is atypical for toothpaste.

Horseradish is a perennial plant with large (up to 1.5 meters high) leaves, a powerful thick root, and inconspicuous white flowers. Widely distributed in Europe and Asia, prefers moist, semi-shaded places.

It’s hard to imagine, but this well-known vegetable is the closest relative of cabbage.

Let's look at what horseradish consists of, what its benefits and harms are for human health, and options for its use in cooking and medicine.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Horseradish contains many beneficial substances

The calorie content of horseradish per 100 g is only 57 kcal.
It includes:

  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 10.5 g carbohydrates.

The glycemic index of horseradish is only 10 units.

The benefits of horseradish for the body are due to the presence in its composition of essential mustard oils, almost all B vitamins, a high proportion of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins A and E.

In addition, it contains:

  • macroelements - sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • trace elements - iron, copper, sulfur, manganese, chlorine and many others.

The plant also contains many amino acids, alkaloids, starch, protein, nitrogenous and resinous substances. The phytoncides and lysozyme contained in it enhance its healing properties.

Benefits and harms for the human body

By carefully studying the composition, you can understand how horseradish is beneficial for the human body.
It has the following properties:

  • antibiotic;
  • irritant to mucous membranes;
  • appetite stimulant;
  • disinfectant;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • pain reliever;
  • healing;
  • cleansing.

The burning root has proven its effectiveness in the fight against colds and viral diseases, and prevents the appearance and development of inflammatory processes in the body. It is also useful for anemia, gum disease, vitamin deficiency (including scurvy). Helps in the treatment of skin diseases of various origins, ailments of the musculoskeletal system. In small doses, it stimulates appetite and enhances the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You might be interested to know that mustard oil can also improve your appetite. You will find detailed information

Besides this, hell:

  • It acts as an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, helps cleanse the body, allowing you to quickly get rid of toxins and waste;
  • Hypotonic patients can use this spice to raise blood pressure;
  • Diabetics also benefit from the hot plant: having an extremely low glycemic index, it helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Is horseradish good for children? With caution, you can start giving it from 3-4 years old, adding it to vegetable salads. For younger children, beneficial substances will not bring any benefit, because... the harm caused to the children's stomach will be higher.

The beneficial properties of horseradish for men are also high. It is effective in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. He can also cope with baldness. Being a powerful natural aphrodisiac, horseradish is good for potency.

Why is horseradish useful for the female half of the population? It is important to note its importance in nutrition: it accelerates metabolic processes and fights cellulite. Horseradish is also used for weight loss to remove excess fluid from the body.
It is important to remember that the harm and benefits of horseradish directly depend on compliance with dosages when using it.

Pregnant women should limit the use of hot spices in food, since its negative effects outweigh the possible benefits. This vegetable reduces blood clotting and strains the liver and kidneys. However, during pregnancy it can be used as an antiviral to fight colds and coughs and reduce swelling.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties of horseradish from the video:

Horseradish in cooking

The use of hot vegetables in cooking is currently small and clearly underestimated:

  • The leaves of the plant are added when salting and canning vegetables and mushrooms for the winter;
  • In a dry crushed state they can be used as a seasoning;
  • Added fresh to cold soups and salads;
  • The root is also used in salads: with apples, beets and, or with carrots and;
  • The hallmark of Russian cuisine is grated table horseradish: its benefits and harms are similar to the grated root, but these properties remain for no more than a week. During long-term storage, most of the nutrients are lost.

What are the benefits of horseradish? It activates the gastrointestinal tract and increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Added to meat, fish, and vegetable dishes.

Another popular dish made from horseradish and tomatoes is horseradish (horseradish). The benefits and harms of this dish are similar, however, due to the content of garlic and tomatoes, it contains more vitamins, as well as calories. For pregnant women, its use should be strictly dosed to avoid digestive problems. If you are allergic to any component, it is also contraindicated.

How is horseradish beneficial in winter? Despite the fact that some vitamins are destroyed during storage, it remains a source of ascorbic acid, phytoncides, and vitamin E. Maximum benefits and taste last for 2 weeks.

Medicinal properties of horseradish and contraindications

Traditional medicine has confirmed the medicinal properties of horseradish a long time ago: back in Rus' it was used to treat many diseases. It is noteworthy that all parts of the horseradish plant are healing; its roots, leaves and even flowers carry beneficial properties. A decoction of the flowers of the plant is used as a remedy for colds, facilitating nasal breathing during a runny nose, acting as an antiviral component. Alcohol tincture of flowers is used in the complex treatment of cancer.

Horseradish leaves

Horseradish leaves can be used in the following cases:

  • They are infused with alcohol, resulting in an excellent remedy for cleansing the body of toxins, relieving pain, and removing salts;
  • When applying clean leaves to a wound, a pronounced bactericidal effect is observed;
  • Chewing small pieces of leaf has a healing effect on the gums: phytoncides disinfect the oral cavity, massage soft tissues, and improve blood circulation;
  • A decoction of the leaves stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • Baths made from the green part of the plant will help ease the pain of osteochondrosis;
  • In cosmetology, the juice of the leaves is used to even out the complexion: pigment spots, freckles, and acne are removed.

Decoctions and tinctures from the leaves of the plant should be used with caution for gastrointestinal diseases.

What are the benefits of horseradish root?

Most of the beneficial properties of horseradish for the human body belong to its underground part. It is in it that all the most valuable healing substances are found.

Horseradish root is used in folk medicine in the following forms:

  • root juice;
  • root meal;
  • grated root;
  • dried root for decoctions;
  • Vodka tincture (hrenovukha).

Horseradish root is used in the following cases:

  • To treat joints with horseradish, use grated root (or a paste of flour) with the addition of olive oil, apply a compress to the sore spot and leave for an hour;
  • The gruel is also used internally to reduce swelling;
  • Horseradish root juice is used externally to treat baldness, seborrhea, acne, arthrosis, gout;
  • Using it for rinsing helps to quickly get rid of sore throat, tonsillitis, soothes toothache, and when consumed orally, it helps against colds;
  • A decoction of pieces of the root helps with cystitis, urethritis, and impotence. Activates physical and mental strength, strengthens the immune system;
  • Steam inhalations with a decoction are useful for a runny nose.

Horseradish tincture with vodka

It is made at the rate of 300 g of plant materials per 1 liter of vodka, treats joint and lumbar pain (including rheumatism), and has a beneficial effect on potency and the cardiovascular system. It can be used both internally and externally. However, alcohol preparations should not be used for children and pregnant women.

You will learn more traditional medicine recipes using horseradish from the video:


Like any other food product, it must be used in doses. With increased consumption of this component, irritation of the mucous membranes, burning, and lacrimation may occur.

It is prohibited to use the burning plant for diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis);
  • gallbladder;
  • kidneys and liver.

With extreme caution and after consultation with your doctor, it can be taken as food by people with acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, because the product causes pain and bleeding.
It should be noted that the use of this culture simultaneously with some medications (for example, chloramphenicol) completely neutralizes their effect on the body. Children under 4 years of age and pregnancy are also contraindications. It is also important to know whether horseradish increases or decreases blood pressure: hypertensive patients should consume the hot root sparingly, because it raises the pressure.

The use of the plant is dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, in the presence of individual intolerance. The harm and benefit of horseradish in some cases are equally great.

Being an effective folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases, enjoying success in cooking, horseradish, however, is not popular.

The number of dishes containing the pungent root is small, and when it is processed in cooking, the beneficial properties of the horseradish plant are quickly lost.

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