Hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment. Cervical hernia: folk remedies and exercises for quick pain relief

Intervertebral hernias in the cervical region are among the most dangerous, so any treatment must be agreed with a doctor. If a hernia of the cervical spine is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies is only an addition to traditional methods of therapy. The key goal of therapy is symptomatic relief.

Treatment of a herniated cervical spine includes the use of compresses. One of the most popular recipes using animal fat, it is best to take horse fat. Place a cake of fat on the sore spot, cover it with cellophane or clean cotton cloth on top, and fix it with a plaster. This application is left overnight.

The use of garlic compress is no less common. Take a head of garlic and chop it (on a grater, in a meat grinder, in a blender). Next, the slurry is poured with moonshine or alcohol. The solution must infuse for 10 days. Carry out applications in the same way as described above. After the bandage is removed, do not wet your back. This treatment should be carried out at least three times a week.

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Herbal compresses involve the use of the following medications:

  • Thyme;
  • Series;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Marshmallow root.

You can buy ready-made components in pharmacy chains or prepare herbs yourself. Mix the ingredients, place in a saucepan with water, and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the prepared solution and use it as a compress. To do this, a piece of clean cloth or gauze is soaked in the broth, applied to the affected area, and covered with film and a scarf. This remedy allows you to treat hernias on a par with pharmacy homeopathic ointments.


A simple but very effective remedy is a compress based on dandelions - you can collect the flowers yourself, only the stems are needed for the recipe. In total, you need to prepare 3 kilograms of dandelion stems and squeeze the juice out of them. Add the same amount of alcohol or vodka to the resulting juice. Wait for two weeks for the medicine to infuse.

A compress based on heated dandelions is used. You can rub the tincture into the affected area. Or you can soak a piece of gauze, bandage, or clean cotton cloth in it, then apply it to the painful area, put cellophane or cling film on top. Carry out such manipulations for 10 days in a row, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment. By combining the traditional method of therapy and folk treatment, you can achieve good results and achieve stable remission.

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Ointments and oils

A popular remedy in the treatment of intervertebral hernias is oil or ointment, which you make yourself. An ointment is prepared based on medicinal plants. To prepare it, you need to purchase cinquefoil and elecampane roots, deciduous mass of sweet clover, and hemlock seed in equal proportions. Each component is taken in equal proportions, the mixture is filled with vodka, moonshine or alcohol. For 21 days, the composition should be infused in a dark place. When the product is ready, it is used to treat the affected area. After the medicine is absorbed, any anti-inflammatory ointment is rubbed into the back. This method can help in the treatment of hernias.

An equally effective folk remedy is birch leaf oil. Wash the leaves well and dry thoroughly (can be in the sun or in the oven). After which the raw materials are placed in a large container and filled with corn oil. The jar is well sealed and placed in a sunny place for a week. Then place the vessel with the infusion in a dark place for another 14 days. It is necessary to shake the jar of medicine periodically. Strain the finished infusion and use it to treat the diseased area.

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You can achieve good results by using St. John's wort oil. Pour dry raw materials into the jar. Pour in any oil - corn, olive, sunflower. Infuse the product in a dark room, after which the medicine is ready for use. The infusion is filtered, and the sore spot is treated with it. For treatment, it is recommended to use those plants that grew away from roads. So they will be useful.

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A herniated disc in the cervical region is the most dangerous and therefore you should absolutely not self-medicate. Traditional medicine, in this case, should be used in conjunction with traditional methods and mainly used to relieve the symptoms of cervical hernia.

Most often, cervical hernia is diagnosed in young men aged 35 to 40 years.

One of the main dangers facing a herniated cervical spine is ischemic stroke, which can develop as a result of compression of the vertebral artery, which passes in close proximity to the spine, by the protrusion of the hernia. In the case of a hernia, blood circulation may be disrupted and the processes of death of brain tissue and oxygen starvation may begin.

In addition, due to a neck hernia, the muscles are in constant tension and involuntarily contract, which gives a feeling of additional discomfort and can lead to dire consequences.

Therefore, as soon as a cervical hernia begins to manifest itself and cause pain, you should first consult a doctor, and only then use traditional medicine methods.

Detecting a cervical hernia and making a diagnosis at an early stage is very difficult due to the fact that the human neck contains a large number of blood vessels, and the spine in it is the thinnest.

As a result, even a slight protrusion creates big problems, disrupts blood circulation.

At the very beginning, after its formation, due to its small size, the hernia minimally injures the surrounding tissues and has practically no obvious ones. However, its further development leads to inflammation and cervical radiculitis.

Cervical sciatica has extremely painful symptoms, and, in addition, it is very difficult to treat. And just to facilitate it, the methods and means of traditional medicine are well suited.

The cervical spine is the most mobile and is constantly subjected to various loads. Needless to say, the discomfort that a cervical hernia causes to a person who cannot make sudden head movements, hardly turns or throws it back.

The tissues, due to the lack of normal blood circulation, lose their sensitivity, and the vessels, squeezing, give symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dark circles before the eyes, tinnitus, migraine, and so on.

One of the most vulnerable in the cervical region is the seventh vertebra, which serves as a link with the thoracic region and around which there is a huge number of blood vessels.

With age, any person begins to experience irreversible changes in the body, which, among other things, affect the spine. The condition of intervertebral discs can be checked in a medical facility using MRI.

A hernia of the neck makes itself felt after the protrusion begins to infringe on the spinal canal or surrounding tissues. In order for the patient to continue to live a normal and fulfilling life, various methods of traditional medicine can be used. We will talk about the most popular of them below.

Remedies made from herbs and other types of plants and natural products provide real help, but, in the case of spinal hernia, cannot replace traditional treatment. If you let the hernia go too far, it may end in surgery.

The main purpose of using a folk unit in the treatment of a neck hernia is to reduce inflammation and pain, and, in addition, improve the general well-being of the patient.

One of the best and widely practiced methods of relieving pain is horse fat, on the basis of which ointments and compresses are made. First, horse fat, previously cooled in the refrigerator, should be crushed into shavings, then heated at room temperature, and applied to the location of the cervical hernia, applied to gauze. On top of such a compress is wrapped in a polyethylene film and the neck is wrapped in a warm woolen scarf. The horse fat compress can be left overnight, but the patient will feel the first relief within an hour or two.

Horse fat dressings should be done daily for a week or less, after which there should be a break.

They should be combined with a massage with fir oil, which can also be added to the prepared ointment. The massage is done with light circular movements, gradually rubbing the ointment with horse fat into the neck area where the hernia is located.

Fir oil can be replaced with mumiyo or honey. Honey massage, by the way, is also very useful and not only helps to get rid of pain, but also nourishes tissues with vitamins and beneficial microelements, normalizes blood circulation and improves overall well-being.

At the end of the massage and removal of the compress, the neck should also be well wrapped, having previously been lubricated with finalgon ointment, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Garlic compresses for neck hernia ^

To prepare a compress, peel several heads of garlic, with a total mass of three hundred grams, and clean thoroughly, then pass the cloves through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting slurry with a glass of vodka or medical alcohol diluted with water, carefully seal the container and leave to infuse in a dry and dark place at room temperature for ten days. After this period, the resulting tincture can be used for compresses, which effectively help relieve pain from a cervical hernia.

To make a garlic compress, soak a piece of cloth or gauze in the tincture and apply to the area of ​​the hernia for several hours. Remains of the solution should be removed with a dry towel or napkin, never wet the skin with water.

Garlic compresses are done every other day until the big one feels relief.

Compress with Kalanchoe for cervical hernia ^

To prepare a compress with Kalanchoe, you will need to take fresh foliage of the plant and thoroughly grind it using a meat grinder, blender or other method.

As a result, you should end up with a paste, which should be placed in a dense layer on gauze or cloth and applied to the neck in the area where the hernia is located. The compress is well fixed with an adhesive plaster and wrapped. Keep the compress with Kalanchoe all night until the morning. The procedure should be repeated every day for two weeks.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you once again that a hernia of the spine, and especially one localized in the cervical region, is very dangerous. And self-medication, as well as without prior consultation with a doctor, is absolutely unacceptable in this case.

Video ^

Beyond the boundaries, diagnosed at the level of the cervical vertebrae, is a hernia of the cervical spine. The reasons why the disease develops can be very different. Each of them leads to impaired compression of the spinal cord and blood vessels.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in people over the age of thirty. In some cases, a hernia occurs as a result of heavy physical labor, and the disease is more often diagnosed in men.

Reasons for development

There are a huge number of reasons why a herniated cervical spine occurs. Treatment with folk remedies helps to cope with the disease in the early stages.

A hernia can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. As a complication of osteochondrosis. This is one of the most common reasons leading to the development of a hernia.
  2. Spondylosis. When the joint becomes inflamed, the load on the disc is improperly distributed between the vertebrae, causing it to become deformed.
  3. Sharp turns of the neck.
  4. Neck injury.
  5. Performing the same type of movements for a long time.
  6. Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

After the diagnosis is made, treatment of the neck hernia is selected using folk remedies, medications or surgery.

The risk group includes people whose work involves lifting weights, drivers, office workers, athletes, as well as people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Clinical manifestations

A cervical hernia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Sharp pain that appears suddenly. It is localized in the cervical region, head, shoulders. When you try to move your shoulders or turn your head, the pain intensifies.
  2. In the early stages, the pathology manifests itself mildly in the form of migraines, numbness of the fingers, dry cough, and increased blood pressure. Against the background of these clinical symptoms, the hernia may remain undetected for a long time.
  3. Movements in the cervical spine are sharply limited.
  4. As the hernia grows, tinnitus and frequent dizziness appear. In rare cases, darkening of the eyes is observed. The patient may periodically lose consciousness. This manifestation is associated with the peculiarity of the growth of the hernia, which compresses the vessels supplying the brain. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs, hence headaches and fainting.

In addition to general manifestations, a hernia is accompanied by specific symptoms characteristic of damage to certain vertebrae.

Damage to the 4th-5th vertebrae. When you turn your head or raise your arms, pain occurs in the neck and the forearm weakens. The pain is constantly present and dull in nature.

Damage to the 6th-7th vertebrae. When the sixth vertebra is damaged in the elbow joint, biceps, the fingers go numb. Triceps pain indicates damage to the disc between the 6th and 7th vertebrae.

Damage to the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. When pain appears between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae, numbness appears in the little fingers on both hands.

Damage to the 2nd-3rd vertebrae. Pain in the head, blurred vision, numbness of the tongue.

Damage to the 3rd-4th cervical vertebrae. It is difficult to turn the body and head. Heaviness appears in the shoulders.

In the early stages, a hernia of the cervical spine is not simply recognized. Treatment with folk remedies, drug therapy, exercise therapy are methods for getting rid of pathology precisely in the initial stages of the development of the disease. If the disease is detected late, only surgical intervention is prescribed.

Doing exercises

When diagnosed with a hernia of the cervical spine, treatment features in the initial stages involve performing special exercises. They help quickly restore the mobility of the vertebrae, and also help reduce the hernia.

The gymnastic complex includes:

  • warming up;
  • various water procedures;
  • exercises aimed at warming up the spine;
  • long walks, and in some cases light jogging may be prescribed.

At home, you can perform the following exercises for a hernia in the cervical spine:

  1. While standing, bend your head forward, trying to reach your breasts with your chin. When performing the exercise, your back should remain straight. If that doesn’t work, then you can stand against the wall.
  2. While standing, tilt your head to the right and left, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear.

The exercises are performed slowly, no more than ten times in one approach.

During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, exercises are contraindicated.

Treatment with folk remedies

When diagnosed with a hernia of the cervical spine, treatment with folk remedies is carried out in the early stages and gives positive results. However, before you start using tinctures, decoctions and other medications, you should consult your doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious complications.

Traditional cervical surgery is performed in order to reduce pain, remove inflammation and improve the general well-being of the patient. A variety of means are used for this: tinctures, compresses with herbal decoctions, ointments.

Pain Relief

The use of preparations based on horse fat can relieve pain. To prepare the product, the fat is crushed and cooled in the refrigerator. Before use, it is warmed to room temperature. The product is used in the form of a compress: a layer of fat is applied to the sore spot, a film is placed on top, then a warm scarf is applied. The compress is left overnight. Patients feel relief 3 hours after applying the fat.

A compress with use is done daily, the course is 7 days. Then there is a week break. If the pain returns, then the course of treatment is repeated.

To quickly relieve pain during the day, it is recommended to massage with fir oil. It is performed with light circular movements. You can add a little fat to the butter. The resulting mixture provides good pain relief for a herniated cervical spine. Treatment with folk remedies also involves the use of a mixture of fir oil and honey. This mass helps not only relieve pain, but improve blood circulation and saturate the cervical region with useful microelements.

After the massage, the neck is wrapped in a scarf.

Garlic compress

To make a compress, you will need 300 g. garlic. The cloves are cleaned and passed through a press or meat grinder. The resulting slurry is poured into a glass of vodka. The container in which the product will be infused is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period, the tincture is used for compresses, which effectively help relieve neck pain.

For a compress, take gauze or any available fabric, moisten it with the solution and apply it to the sore spot. A scarf is placed on top. The compress lasts 5-6 hours, then is removed. Wipe the skin with a dry cloth.

Garlic compresses are made every other day until the condition improves.

Kalanchoe in the treatment of hernia

Kalanchoe perfectly helps to cure cervical osteochondrosis with hernia. Treatment with folk remedies that contain Kalanchoe involves preparing a compress. To do this, take the leaves of the plant and grind them using a meat grinder or blender. The resulting pulp is laid out on gauze and applied to the sore spot. Warm the compress with a scarf or towel.

Dandelion for hernia

Dandelion is widely used for various ailments. This plant has unique medicinal properties. To alleviate the condition of patients, syrup made from dandelion flowers has proven itself well. To prepare it, you will need: 2 liters of water, a medium-sized lemon, a medium pear, 2 kg of sugar and 300 gr. dandelion flowers. Place the water on the fire and let it boil. Then all the ingredients except the sugar are placed in the pan. It is added after half an hour and the syrup is boiled for another 30 minutes. After cooling, take the syrup one tablespoon three times a day.

Healing herbs

For the treatment of hernia, you can prepare an infusion from the collection of various medicinal herbs. To prepare it, take equal parts of blueberry shoots, rose hips, lingonberry leaves, knotweed, plantain, and savory. Herbs are mixed. Then take half a glass of the mixture and add 0.5 liters of water and place it in a water bath. The product is prepared for half an hour, then infused overnight. Take half a glass of the prepared infusion twice a day after meals.

Fir oil

Essential oils are famous for their unique properties. Among the most effective oils for the treatment of cervical hernia is fir. It has a warming effect, relieves pain, eliminates swelling.

Fir oil is added a few drops to the cream, which is rubbed into the sore spot. Excess product is removed with a dry cloth.

To enhance the warming effect, the oil can be mixed with horse fat.

Hearing how some say: “We treat a cervical hernia with folk remedies and it becomes easier,” many do not believe, but in vain. On the recommendation of the attending physician, a variety of traditional medicine can be used to help slow down the growth of the hernia, relieve pain, remove swelling and restore normal well-being. The main thing is not to self-medicate. It is better to use only those products that the doctor has approved.

Definition and symptoms of cervical hernia

The age category of people suffering from cervical hernia disease ranges from 35 to 50 years. The main cause of this pathology is spinal injury. In this case, fragments of the disc fall out, resulting in compression of the nerve fibers. This phenomenon is also called intervertebral disc syndrome.

It is accompanied by a feeling of pain in the neck, shoulders and the appearance of discomfort, as well as numbness of the fingers and a decrease in overall mobility in the cervical region, preventing a full life.

Herbal remedies

In the treatment of hernia, herbal remedies are used both externally and internally. With their help, you can prepare effective rubbings, compresses and infusions.


Sabelnik is used as a universal remedy in the treatment of hernia

Sabelnik is used as a universal remedy in the treatment of neck hernia. It is used in the form of tincture, separately and in combination with other plants, as well as rubbing. For the first version of the remedy, prepare 100 g of cinquefoil root, chop it and pour a liter of vodka. Infuse the medicine for 21 days in a dark, warm place. Before use, filter the tincture and dilute a tablespoon of liquid in 150 ml. water. Take this remedy 3 times a day. After the medicine runs out, we take a month's break and again resume the course of treatment until complete recovery.

A tincture of this plant in combination with other herbs is used for local rubbing. To prepare it, you will need 100 g each of cinquefoil, sweet clover, steppe hemlock seeds and elecampane root, which must first be crushed and poured into 3 liters. vodka.


Kalanchoe - home remedy for illness

A compress made from Kalanchoe leaves is considered a good treatment method that helps eliminate a cervical hernia. To make it, you need to remove the film from one side of the leaf and apply this part of the plant to the hernia, securing it on top with an adhesive plaster and bandage. This procedure must be performed daily shortly before going to bed.


Comfrey root is used both internally and externally.

Comfrey root is used as a remedy internally and externally. In the first case, we pass a small root of the plant through a meat grinder and mix it with honey in equal proportions. Take one teaspoon of the prepared mass on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then we take a ten-day break and again resume the course of therapy.

As an external remedy, it is recommended to prepare comfrey oil. To do this, fill 50 g of the root with 500 ml. vegetable oil and let the product brew for 10 days. After the specified period, filter the composition and use it as a rub.


Everyone knows garlic as a highly effective remedy for inflammation. Especially often it is used in recipes for a wide variety of tinctures. To prepare a medicine for the treatment of intervertebral hernia, you will need to mince 300 g of peeled garlic and pour a glass of vodka into the resulting pulp. Then we send the product to a dark place for 10 days. After the infusion period has expired, we use garlic pulp in the form of a compress, applying it to the sore spot (near the vertebrae) for an hour.

For the best effect, it is recommended to alternate this treatment method with taking a turpentine bath. To prepare it, you will need to grate 10 g of baby soap, pour a glass of boiling water over it, add 100 ml. salicylic alcohol and a tablespoon of turpentine. To take one such bath, it is enough to add only a quarter glass of the resulting solution. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water temperature is about 37 °C. The average duration of a bath at the beginning of the course should not exceed 10 minutes. And after 14 days, the specified time can be increased to 25 minutes.

Bee products

Honey massage will improve blood flow and eliminate inflammation

Honey massage is considered one of the most effective methods of treating cervical hernia. To carry out this procedure, you will need to first prepare a special ointment. Prepare 1 g of mumiyo by dissolving it in a tablespoon of boiled water, and mix the resulting composition with 100 g of liquid honey. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass, which must be applied to the affected area. Typically, the massage is carried out for 5 minutes, sharply lifting the palms off the sticky surface of the neck and forcefully lowering them to their original position. At the end of this procedure, a thick mass remains on the body, which can be easily removed with a damp cloth. To consolidate the effect of such a massage, it is recommended to rub the affected area with cinquefoil tincture and wrap the neck with a warm scarf.

In addition to the fact that honey massage is a rather painful procedure, it also has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended for pathologies of the hematopoietic system, tuberculosis, skin diseases, kidney and liver failure. It is prohibited to use this method of treatment if you are allergic to bee products, as well as if there is severe hair growth in the area of ​​treatment.

Unconventional methods

No less popular methods of treatment are the use of oils and animal fat, which are used for relieving massage and compresses.

Horse or badger fat

Badger fat is an indispensable remedy for a sore spine

A very popular and well-known remedy for eliminating pain from a cervical hernia is horse or badger fat. To prepare this unique folk remedy, cut up any of the two suggested types of frozen fat and spread it in an even layer on plastic wrap, allowing it time to warm up slightly. Then apply the compress to the sore spot and secure it with a bandage. After 1-2 hours, relief will come. Ideally, it is recommended not to remove the compress for 2 days in order to achieve a speedy recovery as soon as possible.

Pain is the very first sign of most diseases associated with the spine. Cervical hernia has become quite common in recent years. Against the pathology, patients are prescribed powerful medications to cope with the problem. However, medications cause severe side effects that can lead to other serious diseases, such as stomach ulcers, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, myocardial infarction or stroke. Herbal remedies can be very effective against cervical disc herniation. There is a huge variety of herbs that can relieve pain, but when using them to prepare medicines at home, you must follow certain doses and instructions for use. Before you start taking herbal remedies for a hernia in your neck, consult with a licensed herbalist or health care provider. Traditional treatment is safe for general health, it can be used without fear of harming yourself and causing side effects.

External use of herbs and spices for pain

The hernial formation begins to bother and hurt when the spinal canal or surrounding tissues are infringed. In order for the victim to live a full life and not lose his ability to work, it is necessary to use all kinds of means to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Home compresses contribute to the rapid cure of the disease. Good herbs for pain and inflammation:

  • white willow bark;
  • devil's claw;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • garlic;
  • cinquefoil

These medicinal plants are allowed to be used by all patients diagnosed with a hernia of the cervical spine. Use is contraindicated if the patient has an allergic reaction to the herb included in the recipe. Consider the most effective compresses used to treat a hernia in the cervical spine.

Recipe for the use of cinquefoil

Sabelnik is used for rubbing into the affected area or used as compresses. To prepare the tincture, take 100 g. the following herbs:

  • sweet clover;
  • cinquefoil;
  • elecampane root;
  • semi-ripe seeds of steppe hemlock.

The herbal mixture is poured with vodka and left in a dark place for a week. Then the product must be filtered and can be used as a compress or rubbing daily. Another good recipe for using cinquefoil against a hernia of the cervical spine:

  • Fill a half-liter jar with dried roots and rhizomes of the plant;
  • fill the grass with vegetable oil to the top;
  • wrap the jar and place in a warm place for 3 weeks.

After 21 days, remove the herb and use the resulting oil for rubbing. Before going to bed, rub the medicine into the sore area, then wrap it in film and a warm scarf. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use vodka or medical alcohol, the preparation is the same.

How to use garlic?

Treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine can be carried out using a garlic compress. To prepare the medicine, peel 2 heads of garlic, then grind it in a meat grinder or blender. After chopping, weigh, the mass of garlic should be 300 g. Take a jar with a twist, pour the resulting slurry, pour a glass of purified water or dilute the water with medical alcohol. Close the container and place in a dark place for 10 days.

Use the resulting tincture for external treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine. Soak a cotton cloth in the medicine and apply it to the sore spot. Keep the compress for 2 hours. After this, remove any remaining tincture from the skin. Do not use water, remove only with dry wipes or a towel. You cannot use garlic tincture if the integrity of the skin is damaged; it will burn strongly. Garlic tincture can be used 3-4 times a week until relief occurs.

Kalanchoe compress?

Kalanchoe is used against many diseases, including hernia formation. Take 1 large or several small leaves of a medicinal flower and pass them through a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass on a cotton cloth (it does not cause irritation with prolonged use), place the compress on the neck at the site of the hernia. Kalanchoe treatment is carried out in the evening, the compress is left overnight. For better effectiveness, Kalanchoe pulp can be mixed with a tablespoon of natural honey.

Medicines for internal use

Medicines are also used internally. Preparing tinctures and decoctions does not take much time, but the effectiveness after completing the course is amazing. Many patients even prefer traditional treatment to traditional ones. It should be recalled that you should not give up traditional remedies; nevertheless, in some situations, only they can get rid of the disease. For a hernia of the cervical spine, treatment with folk remedies is carried out using the following homemade medications:

  1. Take equal quantities of rosehip shoots, lingonberry leaves, sweet clover and knotweed grass, plantain, meadow lumbago, mint and thyme. Chop the medicinal plants, add water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes after boiling. The medicine is placed in a dark place to infuse for 3 hours, then remove the plants. Drink the medicine 3 times a day, half a glass.
  2. To prepare the next medicine, prepare 300 g. dandelion flowers, a little pear and lemon. Mix the ingredients, pour 2 liters. boiling water, put the medicine on the fire and simmer for half an hour. Then pour 2 kg of sugar into a container and cook for half an hour. Cool the finished product, remove the flowers from it, put it in the refrigerator, otherwise it will turn sour. Take the medicine three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

It is useful to prepare medicines for internal use against hernia in the cervical spine based on rose hips, stone drupes, aspen and willow bark.

Preparation of natural ointments

Homemade ointments will help relieve the symptoms of the disease. They counteract pain, remove inflammation and redness. Homemade ointment recipes:

  1. Take frozen horse fat and cut a little onto plastic wrap. When the fat melts, rub it into the area of ​​the hernia. Then cover with film and a warm scarf. Instead of horse fat, use badger fat, the application process is the same.
  2. Fir oil warms perfectly. Take baby cream, preferably good quality, squeeze a little into your hand, add 2-3 drops of fir oil. Rub into the sore area until the cream is completely absorbed.
  3. Shilajit and honey help against hernia. Add a little mummy or liquid honey to the baby cream and rub it into the affected area. Residues should be removed with a napkin.
  4. Take a whole Indian onion and grind it in a blender. The resulting mass is mixed with honey, proportions 1:1. Lubricate your neck several times a day.

Topical products should be used 2-3 times a day. If the drug remains on the skin, remove the residue with a soft cloth.

Honey massage using fir oil

For a herniated cervical spine, folk remedies should be used in combination with conservative therapy. Massage is useful for this ailment, especially in combination with honey and fir oil. Massage technique:

  • rub the cervical region with fir oil (can be purchased at any pharmacy);
  • prepare 100 g of honey in advance with the addition of 1 g of mumiyo, after fir oil, apply this mixture to your neck;
  • then do a standard massage - patting.

The honey should stick to your hands, and there may be slight pain and redness in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. The session lasts 10–20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to rub in Finalgon, Diclofenac ointment or any other product that has a warming effect. Then wrap your back with a warm blanket. Therapeutic massages should be carried out for 1 month. Thirty days is enough to determine its effectiveness. When performing a massage, you should not press too hard on the sore area. If there is no fir oil, use St. John's wort, comfrey or birch leaves oil for preliminary rubbing.

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