Sad love stories. Interesting stories about animals from real life Life stories about love sad short


We broke up. So it happened.
What can we say, when it can be equated with death.
The person has left your life. And there will be no more, no longer wants ... imagine he finds a new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair.
And comes..

Vegans can do anything

Aussie vegan climbs Mount Everest to prove 'vegans can do anything' and dies
Vegans, don't climb mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia have summited the world's highest Mount Everest and died on the descent due to altitude sickness, reports the Associated Press.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35 year old Eric A..

He hated his wife

A strong love story that will not leave you indifferent...

He hated his wife. Hated! They lived together for 20 years. For the whole 20 years of his life, he saw her every day in the morning, but only the last year her habits began to irritate him wildly. Especially one of them: stretch out your arms and, while still in bed, say: “Hello to ..

Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) was bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm.
Once they went to training with their horse. The girl put an obstacle And went to him ...
The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin .....

Doctors don't always help...

Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed in agony. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe.

A year ago, thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith had a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. For days on end, mother and son spent together, rejoicing at each other. Od..

You never got married

I heard about a man who avoided marriage all his life, and when he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
You never married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, at least now reveal it - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even..

“All this happened almost three years ago…. We submitted an application to the registry office. We are me and Arsen (the best guy in the whole world!). We decided to take note of this. We gathered a group of friends and went to the forest for a picnic. We were so happy in those seconds that intuition chose to remain silent about the tragic outcome of this whole story (so as not to upset us and not spoil this “fairy tale melody”).

I hate intuition! I hate! Her tips would save the life of my beloved….. We drove, sang songs, smiled, cried with happiness…. An hour later everything was broken .... I woke up in a hospital room. The doctor looked at me. His gaze was frightened and confused. Apparently, he did not expect that I would be able to come to my senses. Five minutes later, I began to remember .... We were hit by a truck... While I remember the details .... My voice diligently whispered the name of the groom .... I asked about his whereabouts, but everyone (without exception) was silent. It was as if they were keeping some nasty secret. Thoughts that something happened to my kitten, I did not let me close to me, so as not to go crazy.

He died….. Only one piece of news saved me from insanity: I am pregnant and the child survived! I'm sure it's a gift from God. I will never forget my beloved!

Second love story

“How long has it been…. What a romantic banality! We were introduced to the Internet. He introduced, but reality separated. He gave me a ring, they were going to get married .... And then he left me. Threw without regret! How unfair and cruel! For two and a half years I lived with a dream that everything would come back…. But fate stubbornly resisted this.

I dated men to erase my beloved from my memory. One of my boyfriends met me in the same city where my precious ex lived. I never thought that I would meet him in this crowded metropolis. But what always happens is what we least expect .... We walked with my young man, holding hands. We stopped at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. And he was on the other side of the road…. Next to him was his new passion!

Pain and trembling pierced my entire body. Pierced through! Our eyes met, carefully pretending that we were total strangers. However, this look did not escape my boyfriend. Naturally, he bombarded me with questions and questions when we returned home (we lived with him). I told everything. Petya packed my bags and sent me home by train. I understand him…. And he probably understands me too. But only in your own way. Thanks to him for sending me home without scandals and bruises "as a keepsake."

There were two and a half hours left before the train left. I found the number of my beloved and called him. He immediately recognized me, but did not hang up the pipe (I thought that would be the case). He arrived. We met at the station cafe. Then they walked around the square. My suitcase was waiting for me alone at the station. I even forgot to take it to the storage room!

My ex and I sat down on a bench by the fountain and talked for a long time. I didn’t want to look at the clock, I didn’t want to hear the sound of the rail…. He kissed me! Yes! Kissed! Many times, passionately, greedily and tenderly…. I dreamed that this fairy tale would never end.

When my train was announced.... He took my hands and said the most bitter words: “Forgive me! You are very good! You are the best! But we can't be together.... I'm getting married in two months.... Sorry it's not for you! My fiancee is pregnant. And I can never leave her. Forgive me again!" Tears spilled out of their eyes. It seemed as if my heart was crying uncontrollably.

I don't remember how I ended up in the car. I don't remember how I arrived... It seemed to me that I no longer live .... And the ring, presented to them, treacherously shone on the finger .... Its brilliance was very similar to the tears that I shed during those days ....

A year has passed. I could not stand it and looked at his Vkontakte page. He was already married... They already called him dad.

"Daddy" and "happy husband" was and remains my best memory and best stranger .... And his kisses burn my lips so far. Do I want to repeat the moments of a fairy tale? Now there is no. I won't let the best person become a traitor! I will enjoy the fact that he was once in my life.

The third story about the sad, about Love from life

"Hello! It all started so great, so romantic…. I found him on the Internet, met him, fell in love with each other .... Cinema, right? Only, perhaps, without a happy ending.

We hardly met. Somehow quickly began to live together. I liked living together. Everything was perfect, like in paradise. And the engagement came to an end. Only a few months left before the wedding... And the beloved has changed. He started yelling at me, calling me names, insulting me. He had never allowed himself to do this before. I can't believe it's him.... The dear one apologized, of course, but his apologies are very few for me. It would be enough if it didn't happen again! But something “found” something on the beloved, and the whole story was repeated again and again. You have no idea how much pain I'm in right now! I love him to utter madness! I love so much that I hate myself for the power of love. I am at a strange crossroads.... One path leads me to a breakup. Another (despite everything) - in the registry office. What naivete! I understand that people don't change. This means that my “ideal man” will not change either. But how to live without him, if he is my whole life? ..

Recently I told him: "my love, you devote very little time to me, for some reason." He did not let me agree. He started freaking out and yelling at me loudly. It somehow alienated us even more. No, I'm not imagining any tragedy here! It's just that I deserve attention, but he does not let go of the laptop. He parted with his “toy” only when something intimate “pecks” between us. But I don't want our relationship to be exclusively about sex!

I live, but I feel like my soul is dying. The native (most native) person does not notice this to me. I will not think that he does not want to notice, otherwise bitter tears will be shed. Wasted tears that can’t help me in any way….».

Sad love stories are taken from real life. . .

Continuation. . .

Animals are much loved by Internet users, usually already because they are cute. And few people realize that animals are capable of love and compassion in their own way.

At the same time, compassion in animals is often much stronger than it is in humans. Here are some amazing stories of animals with a "golden" heart.

1. The owl Gandalf tried to lay eggs, but the chicks did not hatch from them. Her owners gave her a goose egg, and when the chick was born, she adopted it as her own.

2. Another adoptive mother, Leesha the retriever, has raised over 30 babies, including cheetahs, tigers, piglets, porcupines and even hippos.

3. "Everything will be fine, I love you" - the last words of the gray African parrot Alex. He was very attached to his mistress Irene.

4. During a diving competition, Yang Yong thought she was going to die when the low temperature of the water paralyzed her legs. Luckily, Mila was there to save her. Beluga used her nose to push her to the surface.

5. Kwibi grew up in England with his owner Damian. When Kweebee grew up, Damian felt it was better for him to return home to the wild and live with his own species. Five years later, Damian decided to visit his old friend for the first time. He whistled from the river bank where he had left the young gorilla, and Kweebe emerged from the jungle. “He looked into my eyes with such love. It was indescribable,” said Damian.

6. Five years after Hurricane Katrina destroyed Jennifer's home, she received an answering machine message from the Humane Society that her beloved cat had been found. Scrub and Jennifer are living together again, and the cat has taken his former sleeping place under Jennifer's blanket.

7. These elephants march at the funeral of conservationist Lawrence Anthony. The elephants were supposed to die because they were considered dangerous, but Anthony convinced the authorities that they were not. The herd marched for 2 hours to thank the man who saved their families.

8. Hanama, an orangutan at Myrtle Beach Safari Park in South Carolina, loves taking care of orphan cubs until they can fend for themselves.

9. This is Jenny and Shirley. When Shirley was 20 years old, she was a prisoner in the circus, like Jenny, who was then just a baby. When they met again by chance at the animal shelter, the old friends hugged, and they've been inseparable ever since.

10. Every Sunday, Tommy's owner takes the dog to the church service. The priest says that Tommy behaves properly, never barks or runs around in church. He just sits quietly and dwells in the memories.

11. When the chimpanzee Cindy in Cameroon died of heart failure, her fellow chimpanzees comforted each other with hugs.

12. This odd couple are natural rivals in the wild, but in captivity, Jet and Miri are best friends, playing together in a marine park pool in Australia.

13. Surya was heartbroken when her parents died. The zoo could not even persuade a 3-year-old orangutan to eat. Everything changed when Surii met Roscoe. The old dog wandered into the zoo sick and weak. Surya focused her energy on taking care of the dog.

Photo: whatanimalsthink via viralnova

Dogs are true friends of man, who will never leave us even in the most difficult moment, and will not exchange us even for the most delicious bone. If you want to know what sincere love and friendship are, then get yourself a dog and you will not regret it. This heartbreaking story happened to an old 16-year-old dog named Mason, who saved the life of his loving owner at the cost of his own life. Read on for a heartbreaking story.

Meet Steve Mason, or just Mason and he is the most incredible dog I have ever met in my life and he has been my best friend for 16 years. This story is about how he died saving my life for the last time.

Mason was a mix of different breeds: Husky, Labrador and Rottweiler. He had funny insanely fluffy ears. I chose him because of all the running and yapping puppies, he was the only one who stopped to smell the flowers.

He always loved to go hiking with me and encouraged me in them so as not to give up and conquer the mountain range

He was just obsessed with destroying sticks, he was very fond of chewing them and any cardboard he could find too.

Also Mason was the best friend and companion for my older brother. Even after many years, when he saw my brother, he still asked to be held in his arms, as if he were a small puppy

Everyone who knew him said that he was just a wonderful dog who was better than many people they met.

He has aged considerably in the last two years. Most of his hearing and vision had left him, along with his sense of balance.

I was always prepared for him to die in his sleep or die in a camping accident.

But most of all, I was afraid that he would grow old to the point where he was so old and weak that we would have to put him to sleep. Honestly, I don't think I could ever go for it. He was too special. It was still the same Mason, he just got older.

He continued to go hiking with me, refusing to calm down. He walked more slowly and over much shorter distances, but he never gave up on a hike.

This winter, I hoped to have as many adventures with him as possible, as I knew that his time was coming to an end.

On March 5, he and three other young dogs from the neighborhood decided to go on a short hike before I leave for work.

About a mile from home, as we walked along our snowy path, I saw a figure in the distance following us. I immediately knew it was a wolf. I haven't seen a wolf in our valley for 15 years, usually wolves are very secretive and hide from people, especially when they have 4 dogs with them. Not wanting to risk it, I turned towards the house, thinking that we would let the wolf pass so as not to worry about him anymore.

A few minutes later, the young dogs started barking, I turned around and saw a wolf a meter and a half behind me. He was huge, the height of his withers reached my thigh. He looked scared and unsure, but most of all, hungry. We are in trouble. He attacked us and for the next 20 minutes we fought him off as best we could. I beat him with ski poles while the dogs bit him, trying to avoid biting his teeth. He was weak, but he was a good fighter.

We fought with Mason side by side. The wolf continued to look into my eyes, but it was already clear that victory was ours. And when the wolf also understood this, he grabbed the smallest dog and attacked her. And at that very moment, my fragile old man rushed at the wolf, he looked very large and formidable, I had never seen him so ferocious. He fought off the puppy, but the wolf managed to tear Mason's throat. Everything happened in a split second. I've never screamed so loud in my life. Every cell in my body screamed at me to kill the wolf, gouge out his eyes, rip out his throat, if only I could. But if I tried to do this, the wolf would kill me too, I also had three other dogs with me, whom I had to take away from there. It was already too late to do anything. Mason was dead and the wolf began to eat him.

The same wolf. This photo was taken the next morning by guards from the neighboring border station, not far from where he was spotted. All I wanted to do at that moment was to kill him, despite the fact that he was one of the most beautiful things that I had ever seen. And now that it's over, I don't hold a grudge against him. He was very hungry and he was on the verge of death, he had to go for it because he was forced to. I think he attacked with the thought that he would most likely be killed, not hoping that he would be lucky. I hope he leaves the valley unharmed.

I really miss Mason, after his death, I have a void inside. Although I know that I could not help him in any way, the thought does not leave me that after all, I did not manage to save him. Most dogs of his age die in front of a fireplace in old age and infirmity. Mason left this world like a thunder, saving the life of me and 3 small dogs. He was my puppy, my grizzly, my brother, my friend and he died as he lived.

My hero. I love you buddy. Goodbye.

A few stories proving that animals have a soul!

A parrot who uttered touching dying words.
Alex is an African gray parrot, was able to distinguish and identify colors, and had a great relationship with a girl named Irina Pepperberg. When Alex died in 2007, his last words to her were: "You were good. I love you."

The two guide dogs who led their owners 70 stories up from the World Trade Center before the towers collapsed on September 11th.

Chimps mourning their dead friend.
At a chimpanzee rescue center in Cameroon, a chimpanzee named Dorothy died of heart failure. What happened next was amazing: her chimpanzee friends embraced in solidarity and solemnly watched as their friend was buried.

The amazing story of a lion named Christian.
Lion cub Christian was adopted by two brothers in 1969. When he grew up, he was returned to the wild. The brothers returned a year later and were told that Christian became the leader of the pride, so that he hardly remembers them. After several hours of searching, they finally found Christian and this is how he met them:

Gorilla Coco reacts to a sad moment in her favorite movie. Coco is watching her favorite movie "Tea with Mussolini". There is one sad scene in the film where a little boy, who is about to be separated from his family, waves his hand to them from a departing train. As soon as the farewell scene begins, Koko turns away. She then gestures for the words "frown", "sad", "sad", "trouble", "mother", and "Coco-loves" with tears in her eyes.

Cows have best friends and get very upset when they are separated.
According to scientist Christa McLenan: "When cows are in the company of their friends, their heart rate is much lower than when they are left in the company of a random individual."

Jack Russell Terrier who gave his life to save five children from wild dogs.
In 2007, five children were playing with George (the same dog) when they were attacked by pit bulls. "George tried to protect us by barking and lunging at them," said one of the children, "but they started biting him. One on the head and the other on the back." His heroic intervention saved the children, although he later succumbed to his injuries. George was posthumously awarded a medal for bravery.

A beluga whale that rescued a diver who was seized with convulsions at a depth of 20 feet.
When freediver Yang Yang tried to come back from the bottom, she found her legs were cramping and she couldn't move. "I started to choke and started to sink lower and lower, and I thought that was my end. - I was almost dead, when all of a sudden I felt an incredible force under me that was dragging me to the surface." Beluga, later named Mila, saw what was happening and rushed into battle, saving the diver

A cat that feels the approach of death.
Oscar can always sense when one of the residents in the nursing home where he lived was close to death, and will sit quietly on the bed during their last hour. One relative of two elderly sisters who died in a nursing home said: "Oscar's presence gave the women a sense of peace and tranquility. Both women love animals. Oscar brought a special calmness to the room. What could be more peaceful than a cat's purr?"

A Staffordshire Terrier who defended his owner from a machete gang.
Patricia Edshead was making tea when three masked men armed with bladed weapons broke into her home. The woman's ex-husband rushed to help, but one of the attackers cut his arm with his machete. "I was trapped in the kitchen with Oi (that was the name of the dog) and one of the attackers. He raised the machete over my head," she said. "Oi jumped up and bit him on the arm. The man hit the dog on the head with a machete, but she still pursued him until he ran out of the house. She saved my life."

A gorilla who remembered his old friend.
Damian Aspinal brought a gorilla named Kwibi to England. When Kwibi was 5 years old, he had to take the gorilla back to Africa and set it free. 5 years later, Damian returned to West Africa to see his old friend, despite warnings that Kwibi could become feral and aggressive towards people. Damien was swimming up the river and calling out to Kweebee, as he had called him before, when suddenly a gorilla appeared on the bank of the river. Qweeby heard the voice of his old friend and recognized him. "He looked into my eyes with such love. It was incredible! He didn't want to let me go."

Recently it became known that fish can use tools to perform simple tasks.
In 2011, a diver spotted an amazing fish that smashed a clam against a rock to eat the innards, proving fish have a lot more power than most people previously thought.

A German Shepherd who became a guide dog for a blind spaniel.
When Ellie, a blind spaniel, was taken in by animal shelter director Jean Spencer, no one expected that her other dog, Leo, would decide to become a guide dog. "I take them for a walk in the park and Leo takes Ellie around," Spencer says. "He protects her from everything, even the more aggressive dogs around."

Two retired circus elephants who are reunited after a 25-year separation under the roof of an orphanage.
Jenny and Shirley were taken to the circus at the same time: Jenny was still very young, and Shirley was in her 20s. 25 years later, they were reunited at an elephant orphanage. On the night when they saw each other again, they tried to reach each other with their trunks through the bars of the cage. After that, the friends became inseparable.



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