What does inhibition in communication mean. Causes, symptoms and treatment of endogenous depression

Depression is a mental disorder that is characterized by a depressive triad, which includes a decrease in mood, disturbances in thinking (a pessimistic view of everything that happens around, loss of the ability to feel joy, negative judgments), and motor inhibition.

Depression is accompanied by low self-esteem, loss of zest for life, and loss of interest in habitual activities. In some cases, a person experiencing a depressive state begins to abuse alcohol, as well as other available psychotropic substances.

Depression, being a mental disorder, manifests itself as a pathological affect. The disease itself is perceived by people and patients as a manifestation of laziness and bad character, as well as selfishness and pessimism. It should be borne in mind that a depressive state is not only a bad mood, but often a psychosomatic disease that requires intervention from specialists. The sooner an accurate diagnosis is established, and treatment is started, the more likely success in recovery.

Manifestations of depression can be effectively treated, despite the fact that the disease is very common among people of all ages. According to statistics, 10% of people who have reached the age of 40 suffer from depressive disorders, two-thirds of them are women. People over the age of 65 are three times more likely to suffer from mental illness. Among adolescents and children, 5% suffer from depressive conditions, and adolescence accounts for 15 to 40% of the number of young people with a high frequency of suicides.

depression history

It is a mistake to believe that the disease is common only in our time. Many famous doctors since antiquity have studied and described this disease. In his writings, Hippocrates gave a description of melancholy that is very close to a depressive state. For the treatment of the disease, he recommended tincture of opium, cleansing enemas, long warm baths, massage, fun, drinking mineral waters from the springs of Crete, rich in bromine and lithium. Hippocrates also noted the influence of weather and seasonality on the occurrence of depressive conditions in many patients, as well as improvement after sleepless nights. Subsequently, this method was called sleep deprivation.

The reasons

There are many reasons that can lead to the onset of the disease. These include dramatic experiences associated with losses (a loved one, social status, a certain status in society, work). In this case, reactive depression occurs, which occurs as a reaction to an event, a situation from external life.

The causes of depression can manifest themselves in stressful situations (nervous breakdown) caused by physiological or psychosocial factors. In this case, the social cause of the disease is associated with a high pace of life, high competitiveness, an increased level of stress, uncertainty about the future, social instability, and difficult economic conditions. Modern society cultivates and therefore imposes a whole range of values ​​that doom humanity to constant dissatisfaction with itself. This is a cult of physical as well as personal perfection, a cult of personal well-being and strength. Because of this, people are very worried, they begin to hide personal problems, as well as failures. If the psychological and somatic causes of depression do not reveal themselves, then this is how endogenous depression manifests itself.

The causes of depression are also associated with a lack of biogenic amines, which include serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

The reasons can be provoked by sunless weather, darkened rooms. Thus, seasonal depression manifests itself, manifesting itself in autumn and winter.

The causes of depression can manifest themselves as a result of the side effects of drugs (benzodiazepines, corticosteroids). Often this condition disappears on its own after the drug is discontinued.

The depressive state caused by taking antipsychotics can last up to 1.5 years with a vital character. In some cases, the reasons lie in the abuse of sedatives, as well as sleeping pills, cocaine, alcohol, psychostimulants.

The causes of depression can be triggered by somatic diseases (Alzheimer's disease, influenza, traumatic brain injury, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain).


Researchers in all countries of the world note that depression in our time exists on a par with cardiovascular disease and is a common ailment. Millions of people suffer from this disease. All manifestations of depression are different and vary from the form of the disease.

Signs of depression are the most common. These are emotional, physiological, behavioral, mental.

Emotional signs of depression include sadness, suffering, despair; depressed, depressed mood; anxiety, a sense of internal tension, irritability, expectation of trouble, guilt, self-accusation, dissatisfaction with oneself, a decrease in self-esteem and confidence, loss of the ability to worry, anxiety for loved ones.

Physiological signs include a change in appetite, a decrease in intimate needs and energy, sleep disturbances and bowel functions - constipation, weakness, fatigue during physical as well as intellectual stress, pain in the body (in the heart, in muscles, in the stomach).

Behavioral signs include refusal to engage in purposeful activity, passivity, loss of interest in other people, frequent solitude, withdrawal from entertainment, use of alcohol and psychotropic substances.

Mental signs of depression include difficulty in concentrating, concentrating, making decisions, slowness of thinking, the prevalence of gloomy as well as negative thoughts, a pessimistic view of the future with a lack of perspective and thoughts about the meaninglessness of one's existence, suicide attempts, due to their uselessness, helplessness, insignificance .


All symptoms of depression, according to the ICD-10, were divided into typical (basic), as well as additional. Depression is diagnosed in the presence of two main symptoms and the presence of three additional ones.

Typical (main) symptoms of depression are:

Depressed mood, which does not depend on external circumstances, lasting two weeks or more;

Persistent fatigue for a month;

Anhedonia, which manifests itself in the loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.

Additional symptoms of the disease:

Feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, guilt, or fear;

Inability to make decisions and concentrate;

Thoughts of death or suicide;

Decreased or increased appetite;

Sleep disturbances, manifested in insomnia or oversleeping.

Depression is diagnosed when the symptoms last for more than two weeks. However, the diagnosis is also established in a shorter period with severe symptoms.

As for childhood depression, according to statistics, it is much less common than in adults.

Symptoms of childhood depression: loss of appetite, nightmares, problems in school performance, the appearance of aggressiveness, alienation.

There are unipolar depressions, which are characterized by the preservation of mood within the reduced pole, as well as bipolar depressions, accompanied by bipolar affective disorder with manic or mixed affective episodes. Depressive states of mild severity can occur with cyclothymia.

There are such forms of unipolar depression: clinical depression or major depressive disorder; resistant depression; minor depression; atypical depression; postnatal (postpartum) depression; recurrent transient (autumn) depression; dysthymia.

Often you can find in medical sources such an expression as vital depression, which means the vital nature of the disease with the presence of melancholy and anxiety felt by the patient at the physical level. For example, longing is felt in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

It is believed that vital depression develops cyclically and arises not from external influences, but without cause and inexplicable for the patient himself. Such a course is characteristic of the disease bipolar or endogenous depression.

In a narrow sense, the vital is called dreary depression, in which longing and despair are manifested.

These types of diseases, despite all their severity, are favorable because they are successfully treated with antidepressants.

Vital depressions are also considered depressive states with cyclothymia with manifestations of pessimism, melancholy, despondency, depression, dependence on the daily rhythm.

The state of depression is initially accompanied by mild signals, manifested in problems with sleep, refusal to perform duties, and irritability. With an increase in symptoms, depression develops or relapses within two weeks, but it fully manifests itself after two (or later) months. There are also occasional seizures. Left untreated, depression can lead to suicide attempts, abandonment of many life functions, alienation, and family breakdown.

Depression in neurology and neurosurgery

In the case of tumor localization in the right hemisphere of the temporal lobe, there is a dreary depression with motor slowness and lethargy.

Sad depression can be combined with olfactory, as well as vegetative disorders and gustatory hallucinations. Patients are very critical of their condition, they experience their illness hard. Those suffering from this condition have low self-esteem, a quiet voice, they are in a dejected state, the pace of speech is slow, patients get tired quickly, speak with pauses, complain of memory loss, but accurately reproduce events, as well as dates.

The localization of the pathological process in the left temporal lobe is characterized by the following depressive states: anxiety, irritability, motor restlessness, tearfulness.

Symptoms of anxiety depression are combined with aphasic disorders, as well as delusional hypochondriacal ideas with verbal auditory hallucinations. The sick constantly change position, sit down, get up, and rise again; look around, sigh, peer into the faces of the interlocutors. Patients talk about their fears of misfortune, cannot relax voluntarily, have poor sleep.

Depression in traumatic brain injury

When a traumatic brain injury occurs, dreary depression occurs, which is characterized by slow speech, a violation of the pace of speech, attention, and the appearance of asthenia.

When a moderate craniocerebral injury occurs, anxiety depression occurs, which is characterized by motor restlessness, anxious statements, sighs, and throwing around.

With bruises of the frontal anterior parts of the brain, apathetic depression occurs, which is characterized by the presence of indifference with a touch of sadness. Patients are characterized by passivity, monotony, loss of interest in others, and in themselves. They look indifferent, lethargic, hypomimic, indifferent.

Concussion in the acute period is characterized by hypothymia (sustained decrease in mood). Often, 36% of patients in the acute period have anxious subdepression, and asthenic subdepression in 11% of people.


Early detection of cases is made difficult by the fact that patients try to remain silent about the occurrence of symptoms, since most people are afraid of prescribing antidepressants and their side effects. Some patients mistakenly believe that it is necessary to keep emotions under control, and not transfer them to the doctor's shoulders. Individuals are afraid that information about their condition will be leaked to work, others are terrified of being sent for consultation or treatment to a psychotherapist, as well as to a psychiatrist.

Diagnosis of depression includes conducting tests-questionnaires to identify symptoms: anxiety, anhedonia (loss of pleasure from life), suicidal tendencies.


Scientific research has psychological factors that help stop subdepressive states. To do this, you need to remove negative thinking, stop dwelling on the negative moments in life and start seeing the good in the future. It is important to change the tone of communication in the family to benevolent, without critical judgments and conflicts. Maintain and establish warm, trusting contacts that will act as emotional support for you.

Not every patient needs to be hospitalized; treatment is effectively carried out on an outpatient basis. The main directions of therapy in treatment are psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, social therapy.

A necessary condition for the effectiveness of treatment is cooperation and trust in the doctor. It is important to strictly follow the prescription of the therapy regimen, visit the doctor regularly, and give a detailed account of your condition.

The support of the immediate environment is important for a speedy recovery, but one should not plunge into a depressive state along with the patient. Explain to the patient that depression is only an emotional state that will pass with time. Avoid criticism of patients, involve them in useful activities. With a protracted course, spontaneous recovery occurs very rarely and in percentage terms is up to 10% of all cases, while the return to a depressive state is very high.

Pharmacotherapy includes treatment with antidepressants, which are prescribed for a stimulant effect. In the treatment of a dreary, deep or apathetic depressive state, Imipramine, Clomipramine, Cipramil, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine are prescribed. In the treatment of subpsychotic conditions, Pyrazidol, Desipramine are prescribed, which remove anxiety.

Anxious depressive state with sullen irritability and constant anxiety is treated with sedative antidepressants. Pronounced anxious depression with suicidal intent and thoughts is treated with Amitriptyline. Minor depression with anxiety is treated with Lyudiomil, Azefen.

With poor tolerance of antidepressants, as well as with high blood pressure, Coaxil is recommended. For mild to moderate depression, herbal preparations, such as Hypericin, are used. All antidepressants have a very complex chemical composition and therefore act differently. Against the background of their intake, the feeling of fear is weakened, the loss of serotonin is prevented.

Antidepressants are prescribed directly by a doctor and are not recommended for self-administration. The action of many antidepressants manifests itself two weeks after administration, their dosage for the patient is determined individually.

After the cessation of the symptoms of the disease, the drug must be taken from 4 to 6 months, and according to the recommendations for several years in order to avoid relapses, as well as the withdrawal syndrome. Incorrect selection of antidepressants can provoke a worsening of the condition. A combination of two antidepressants, as well as a potentiation strategy, including the addition of another substance (Lithium, thyroid hormones, anticonvulsants, estrogen, Buspirone, Pindolol, folic acid, etc.) can become effective in treatment. Studies in the treatment of affective disorders with lithium have shown that the number of suicides is decreasing.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of depressive disorders has successfully established itself in combination with psychotropic drugs. For patients with mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy is effective for psychosocial as well as intrapersonal, interpersonal problems and comorbidities.

Behavioral psychotherapy teaches patients to engage in pleasurable activities and exclude unpleasant as well as painful ones. Cognitive psychotherapy is combined with behavioral techniques that identify cognitive distortions of a depressive nature, as well as thoughts that are overly pessimistic and painful, preventing useful activity.

Interpersonal psychotherapy classifies depression as a medical illness. Her goal is to teach patients social skills as well as the ability to control their mood. Researchers note the same effectiveness in interpersonal psychotherapy, as well as in cognitive therapy in comparison with pharmacotherapy.

Interpersonal therapy as well as cognitive behavioral therapy provide relapse prevention after an acute period. After the use of cognitive therapy, those suffering from depression are much less likely to relapse the disorder than after the use of antidepressants and there is resistance to a decrease in tryptophan, which precedes serotonin. However, on the other hand, the very effectiveness of psychoanalysis does not significantly exceed the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Depression is also treated with acupuncture, music therapy, hypnotherapy, art therapy, meditation, aromatherapy, magnetotherapy. These ancillary methods should be combined with rational pharmacotherapy. An effective method of treatment for any type of depression is light therapy. It is used for seasonal depression. The duration of treatment includes from half an hour to one hour, preferably in the morning. In addition to artificial lighting, it is possible to use natural sunlight at the time of sunrise.

In severe, protracted and resistant depression, electroconvulsive therapy is used. Its goal is to induce controlled convulsions that occur by passing an electrical current through the brain for 2 seconds. In the process of chemical changes in the brain, substances are released that increase mood. The procedure is carried out with the use of anesthesia. In addition, in order to avoid injury, the patient receives funds that relax the muscles. The recommended number of sessions is 6 -10. The negative moments are a temporary loss of memory, as well as orientation. Studies have shown that this method is 90% effective.

Sleep deprivation is a non-drug treatment for depression with apathy. Complete sleep deprivation is characterized by going without sleep all night and also the next day.

Partial sleep deprivation involves waking the patient between 1 and 2 am and staying awake for the rest of the day. However, it has been noted that after a single sleep deprivation procedure, relapses are observed after the establishment of normal sleep.

The late 1990s and early 2000s were marked by new approaches to therapy. These include transcranial magnetic stimulation of the vagus nerve, deep brain stimulation, and magnetoconvulsive therapy.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a mental disorder, the classic manifestations of which are low mood, motor inhibition and slow thinking.

This mental disorder is very difficult to tolerate by patients. The symptoms of the disease are so pronounced that they drastically disrupt the habitual way of life of a person.

Endogenous depression can be both an independent disease and one of the phases within the framework of manic-depressive psychosis.

Causes of Mood Disorder

Reduced adaptive capabilities of a person, dysregulation of certain substances in the body, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, are inherited. With endogenous depression, there is a lack of these substances in the body.

The cause of endogenous depression is not only the pathology of certain genes. Even with such genes, a person living in favorable psycho-emotional conditions may not suffer from depression. The start to the development of the disease can be an external influence - a traumatic situation, diseases of internal organs, taking certain medications, neurological pathologies.

But in the future, a depressive disorder, the development of which was triggered by an external factor, can worsen on its own. This is observed, for example, during autumn depressions that occur as a result of the change of seasons and are accompanied by hormonal changes in the body.


The main symptoms of depression, as mentioned above, are low mood, slow thinking and motor retardation. These symptoms are called Kraepelin's triad.

Decreased mood

Decreased mood (hypothymia) is the most characteristic symptom of this affective disorder.

A symptom close to hypothymia is an unbearable feeling of melancholy, mental pain, which for patients is tantamount to physical suffering. Sometimes people suffering from depression even show that longing “sits” behind their sternum or in the head and neck area. At the same time, patients clearly distinguish between a feeling of longing and symptoms of diseases of internal organs, such as the heart. Longing can leave an imprint on the perception of the world around - everything around seems gray, unreal.

Describing the symptoms of endogenous depression, one cannot help but dwell on anhedonia - a decrease or complete loss of the ability to enjoy. Sometimes it is so pronounced that patients are disturbed by a painful feeling of the absence of any desires, feelings.

Slow thinking

Slowing down thinking is not a whim of the patient. Biochemical changes occurring in the body are reflected in such a way that a person begins to think and speak very slowly. Such patients are under no circumstances able to think or speak faster (be it a fire or something else).

In addition, patients are confident in their own worthlessness, guilt. Crazy ideas of self-accusation may appear (it seems to a person that if something does not work out for loved ones, then it’s all because of him), sinfulness (the patient considers himself a huge sinner), hypochondria (it seems to a patient with depression that he suffers from a fatal illness, for example , cancer).

There may be peculiar visions, representations in which a person performs some terrible actions, for example, inadvertently stabs a child or husband with a knife.

Motor retardation

With endogenous depression, patients perform all actions extremely slowly. Sometimes, against the background of motor inhibition, excitement may occur, during which a person can injure himself, commit suicide.

Sleep disturbances may also occur - difficulty falling asleep, light sleep, early awakening, lack of a feeling of recovery after sleep.

The signs of the endogenous process are more pronounced and prolonged compared to the symptoms of reactive depression, they do not go away on their own, and require drug treatment. If the patient does not receive the necessary help, then the disease may become chronic, or the person may make a suicidal attempt.

This disease is characterized by periodic relapses (exacerbations), which can occur on their own, without any apparent external cause.


The basis of the treatment of endogenous depression is the use of medications. Endogenous depression is exactly the disorder in which you cannot do without special drugs, because the disorder is based on changes at the biochemical level.

The most commonly used antidepressants. The choice of drug is based on the severity of the symptoms present. Modern antidepressants such as sertraline, fluvoxamine, cipramil, fluoxetine have the best effect, as well as minimal side effects.

Against the background of taking antidepressants, the reverse development of symptoms occurs. It should be borne in mind that after 1-3 weeks from the start of treatment, motor inhibition decreases, at the same time, depressed mood, delusional ideas of one's own guilt and even suicidal thoughts may still persist. Therefore, this period is considered the most dangerous in terms of committing suicide attempts. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the patient during this period. You may even need a hospital stay.

Another group of drugs used both for treatment and as maintenance, preventive therapy, especially in the framework of manic-depressive psychosis, is normotimics. This group of drugs includes lamotrigine, finlepsin. Long-term use of mood stabilizers helps to stabilize mood, prevents the development of depressive episodes, and even if they occur, they are not so difficult. Normotimics are also effective in preventing and treating the symptoms of cyclothymia.

Psychotherapy is used only as an adjunct to drug treatment. Sessions of psychotherapy contribute to the solution of existing problems, conflicts, but without antidepressants it is impossible to eliminate the metabolic disorder that occurs with endogenous depression.

Prevention and prognosis

In endogenous depression, prevention of new depressive episodes is most significant. To do this, you need to take small doses of antidepressants, mood stabilizers, after consulting with a psychiatrist.

People suffering from this mental disorder should avoid excessive stress on the psyche, work at night, do not abuse alcohol, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The prognosis for endogenous depression is not very favorable compared to reactive depression. The cause of the disease lies within the human body, so it is not so easy to influence the course of the disease. However, the use of prophylactic doses of drugs can prevent the development of relapses of the disease, reduce their number, and reduce the severity of symptoms.

It seems to me that everything is happening with my father as described in this article. Although I read articles on active links - and again I find similar signs. Help, please, to understand! I am very worried about his condition! Especially that the cause is a genetic factor. Are there any laboratory tests that can identify this defective gene? Are there studies that can detect the level of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine?

Now I'm watching the 4th episode. The first was in the summer when my father's mother had a stroke that left her paralyzed. My parents went together to take care of my grandmother - and THIS happened in 2 months. I don’t remember how long it lasted, but until late autumn and the first snow - for sure. Somehow it just went away. Then we started repairs - in the apartment in which we lived (it was summer). We started briskly: everyone was bombed, they lived literally in the hallway. And in the middle of the work, THIS happened again. And it was necessary to somehow finish this rout, and my father was sitting in the middle of a concrete screed and could not find the strength to finish what he started. Relatives helped. We were terribly upset and angry. Mom poured cold water on my father, threatened him with a divorce and broke the plates - this briefly brought him out of his stupor. It ended on its own - and he even redid the work in hot pursuit after relatives - shifted the laminate, etc. Finished by autumn. The next episode - when I gave birth to a long-awaited daughter (mid-October) - I had 2 miscarriages and 3 years of going to the doctors - and then - such a long-awaited event! When we were taken from the hospital, the grandfather with his sleeping granddaughter on his knees sat motionless for 2 hours, happy. When they were baptized - on the 40th day - my father stood dark-faced, thin, aloof - and I (in a series of sleepless nights to myself) - noticed that THIS was again. Passed in February. Now my husband and I are on the verge of moving - we are finishing our own protracted renovation. And now, for about a month, as the father sinks deeper and deeper into depression. Whether our repair is the fault or autumn - but again THIS. My dad is the most intelligent, active, fair, he can do everything with his hands and head. In the last 10 years he has been professionally engaged in repairs. And now my repair puts him in a dead end?? Now he cannot block the simplest drywall box!

I bought a blood pressure monitor. I took my blood pressure and it was 80-90. He exhaled disappointedly: a damaged device - I feel that the pressure is higher. I drive to the doctor - even if I start with a therapist - it doesn’t go. I bought without a doctor's prescription, on the advice of experienced ones, - cardiomagnyl and some kind of lowering pills in case of a sharp jump in pressure - he put them aside. I see that he understands everything. But he pretends not to be with us. During these periods, he avoids driving, freezes, wraps up, eats poorly (it seems to me that he is afraid to overeat us - in the previous period he always clarified: “Does Marina have anything to eat?”), tries to drink less (and he loves drink piping hot tea) - half a mug here - and says that he sweats a lot from drinking. Washes, if only to remind him. Doesn't shave. Shaves once every three days. At the same time, it “hangs” near the mirror. He is busy with his adored granddaughter, but not like a younger kindergarten friend, as before, but all the time it seems to him that she will fall, get dirty, get sick, etc. like a warden, and swears all the time. Now it seems to be easier than in previous periods. Mom takes him every day for evening walks. Make sure he eats well. Insists on sexual contact. And we are all already taught, we try to be affectionate, attentive with him (pouring cold water, of course, will not help the matter - he is not his own boss). I am very worried that he is winding himself up in his head there, multiplying his stress many times, scorching the nervous system - he has already lost a lot of weight, haggard ... No matter how much he falls ill with something even more serious. Mom is worried that if you go to a psychiatrist, they won’t treat you, and they won’t give you a driver’s certificate, they’ll put it on record, what your friends will say if it leaks. What will they think about children (and I also have a brother, I got married recently, the child is small, my wife’s family is not simple). I feel that even talking to a psychologist will not solve the problem. Waiting for spring, when the sun shines - he will recover, as in previous times - is unbearably long. And I want to help him in some way. He is a very intelligent person, with a higher education. Everything can be done by hand! Even machine sewing! He likes to make something useful out of broken things. And now he is standing in the middle of the apartment, as if he had lost something. What to do?! Help me please!

an urgent need for medical intervention (a course of antidepressants), this is a violation of the biochemistry of the brain, i.e. serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are not produced in the right amount. You don't treat a runny nose with talk, do you? so here too - one moral support will not help here. this is precisely the disease (depression), it is not scary because. treated, and successfully and not for long. run to the pharmacy. if you cut your finger - you will not persuade him not to bleed? no, you anoint him with something. in your situation you need a medicine and everything will be fine again. I also had such a condition, ANAFRANIL helped, and literally a week later (when the medicinal substances accumulated in the body in sufficient quantities), after 3 weeks everything became much better, I drank the course for 3 months (instead of six months), I strongly advise you to drink some kind of antidepressant, just read first on the Internet about contraindications and side effects to choose the right one. MEDICATIONAL treatment is MANDATORY here, talking alone will not help

Lin, any antidepressant should only be taken when prescribed by a specialist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. The use of antidepressants can be complicated by many side effects. Therefore, first you need to assess the mental and somatic state of the patient, and only after that the drug is prescribed.

Marina, judging by your description, your father's motor retardation, lack of motivation for any activity, lack of strength to perform it come to the fore. Such symptoms can be observed with depression, including endogenous. To expose to your father the final diagnosis, to appoint or nominate treatment anyway without internal survey to not manage.

I understand your reluctance to show your father to a psychiatrist, for fear of depriving him of his driving license, but you must understand that in this state your father cannot drive a car, he can be dangerous not only for himself, but also for pedestrians. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not wait until the disorder goes away on its own, but contact a psychiatrist.

I read the story, already goosebumps .. how many years did your father suffer. I have everything the same. And now I am also sick, but I hope for a speedy recovery.

It is very scary when a person does not realize what it is. This is real depression. And it needs to be treated, of course!

Marina, it’s good that you are worried about your father, I don’t want to scare you, but this is a very dangerous disease, I emphasize this disease, if your dad doesn’t want to go to a specialist, then bring him home, maybe he says he doesn’t want to, but you can’t even imagine how difficult it is for the patient himself, as for the opinions of people, decide for yourself what is more important for you, the life of your father or the opinions of your neighbors from above ... My friend lost her son (26 years old handsome athlete - suicide) she was ashamed to send him for treatment for a reason "What will they say people " . I will say from my own experience that this disease should not be underestimated ... All the best!

Hello! Thanks everyone for the comments and advice. Almost six months have passed. Dad refuses to go to the doctor, because he does not think that he is sick. Outwardly, it has become better, but it still does not go away, as it used to. He goes to work, took his mother and daughter to the village, mowed down a large yard, dug in the garden. Yesterday I took out insurance and MOT on the car.

I myself noticed that you need to throw clothes in the washer. I myself noticed that I had to buy bread. Washed the dishes. Washed, shaved voluntarily. He notices that he eats, for example, something tasty if cooked and served. He lived for two weekends without supervision - so sour cream, gingerbread, untouched beer in the refrigerator - he did not cook for himself. Tea with a sandwich, and that's it. All sad talk. My son has an apartment of 120 meters: “Oh, horror, how much money is needed for repairs, how much work still needs to be done”, we will move soon: “I don’t want you to move, how it will be in a new way”, we want to buy a car : “Why do you need it, where do you ride it, there are only traffic jams around”, daughter bought a big one: “an expensive scooter double two, she won’t ride it in the village, where she rides there, I won’t take it”, “I have bald head, see?”, “I wake up in the morning like weights on my arms and legs”, “second child? why? to breed poverty ”(it’s just terrible, despite the fact that they and their mother had two children in their youth in really harsh conditions - a communal apartment, engineer + educator, grandparents in another city ... then perestroika, shortages ... I watch a video of that period: pickles - jams, pies, fried potatoes, a full house of guests, dad dances provocatively, indulges with children ... He always counted on his own strength and was confident in himself, so he was positive. see more clearly. Need help. Need a specialist. Do you think Skype consultation, as a kind of compromise, can help? Anna, can you conduct such a consultation? I feel that you are a professional and a very sensitive person. The site is wonderful. Thank you!

Marina, thank you for your trust, but I am very busy at my main job, so I even answer comments very late. It is simply physically impossible to allocate time for Skype consultations. In addition, a Skype consultation will not completely solve the problem, if the question of drug treatment arises, I simply physically cannot write out a prescription for the necessary drug, so to speak, in the “online” mode.

Therefore, I recommend that you seek advice from a neurologist or psychiatrist in your area. Of course, this requires a face-to-face visit from your father. In extreme cases, if he flatly refuses to seek medical help, you can go to the doctor yourself, talk about the problem, perhaps you can find some kind of compromise.

And what about endogenous depression is it necessary to take antidepressants? Can she go by herself? Or just get by with some herbs, vitamins? I really don’t want to take serious pills, I’m afraid that they will make it even worse.

Zhenya, with endogenous depression, the cause of the disease lies in the genes, in those biochemical processes in the body that they trigger. And in order to normalize a person's condition, it is necessary to take antidepressants.

Endogenous depression has some similarities with such endocrine diseases as diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism: the condition itself will not improve, it is necessary to take drugs (hormones, antidepressants).

I have been suffering from endogenous depression for 12 years. Of these, for 3 years I did not understand anything that was happening to me - I went out myself, but it became unbearable and I decided to go to a psychiatrist, which I do not regret. I was prescribed ANAFRANIL and I live a full life with it.

Julia, I'm happy for you.

I drink beta-blockers, but it doesn’t help with chronic insomnia, Yulia, and Anafranil is no longer being produced, they also prescribed it for me, but the cardiologist says that it harms the heart ....

Alexey, beta-blockers themselves can lead to insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping, then you can try taking herbal sedatives before bed, after consulting with your cardiologist. If there is no effect, I advise you to contact a psychiatrist.

Yes, well, we have in Russia and the treatment of patients. Cold water was poured over, plates were smashed. A man dies, and they yell at him. You yourself need to see a psychiatrist. And this is a petty attitude. “Mowed the lawn, repaired it.” That's all that can be said about a native person. No wonder he fell ill with depression.

Misha, unfortunately, there are problems everywhere, not only in Russia. However, we need to talk about them, we need to look for ways to eliminate them in order to improve the lives of patients with mental disorders.

With endogenous depression it is impossible and sometimes even impossible to live. You just exist and become dependent on someone or something and do not feel the full value of life. Therefore, such thoughts come that it is better to die quickly, because the body kills itself. It is very difficult to look at the problem from a different angle in such a state, it is very difficult, moreover, that the head remains far from reality. And there are also people who will help you to give a damn about your life, but you can’t see it differently, because there is no head of your own, it is inhibited and cannot find a way out. You just have to exist without being whole, sitting on antidepressants, to maintain this existence

Irina, even with endogenous depression, you can lead a normal life. The main thing is to choose a good antidepressant (or even a combination). This does not always work out the first time, sometimes you need to change the drug 2, 3 or even more times, but the effect can be achieved! Do not be disappointed in the treatment, tell the doctor about your condition, be sure to tell how you feel, if there is an improvement.

Another important component is the solution of psychological problems, the ability not to dwell on them. If you are constantly in a stressful situation and do not start looking for a way out of it (or change your view of it), then no antidepressants will help.

Hello. I am 16 years old and I think I have ed. I tried to find ways to cope with this disease, but nothing helps. (It has been going on for three years or more) I think we should start taking antidepressants, but for this you need to go to a psychiatrist. Questions:

Is it possible at 16 to sign up and visit a psychiatrist on my own? So that my mother would not find out (because somehow by chance she saw cuts on my arm and said that she would tear off my hands if she saw this again, so I am ashamed to tell her)

And will there be further problems with my career, etc., due to the fact that I will be registered with a psychiatrist?

endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a mental disorder, the classic signs of which are:

  • depressed, melancholy mood;
  • motor and mental retardation;
  • irrational anxiety;
  • slow speed of thinking;
  • depersonalization;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Persons suffering from this disorder characterize their condition as depressed with hopeless, oppressive melancholy. Although patients separate their feelings from natural sadness and sadness, they cannot explain what specific differences are endowed with the emotions they experience. The symptoms of this disease are pronounced and intense in terms of the strength of manifestation, it has a strong painful effect on patients, forcing them to radically change their usual way of life.

In the Russian-language medical literature, other names for endogenous depression are common - vital disorder, "dreary" depression. These expressions convey the peculiarity of the disease: a “vital” (vital) characteristic of a disease with a predominance of a clearly expressed low mood, melancholy, despair and inexplicable anxiety felt by patients in the physical aspect, for example: in the form of “constricting” pains in the region of the heart.

Anxiety in endogenous depression manifests itself in different ways depending on the severity of the disorder: from a feeling of the inevitability of a catastrophic event with vegetative symptoms to agitation - an anxious numbness that reaches a state of complete stupor. Moreover, patients often cannot distinguish between a state of panic anxiety and debilitating melancholy, since these sensations merge together during the disease and are characterized by stagnant pathological affects.

Endogenous depression occurs without the presence of external circumstances and outside influence, regardless of past or present events in the life of the individual. No favorable moments: positive news, pleasant events, activities that normally bring pleasure, do not affect the mood and well-being of a person. For persons suffering from endogenous depression, tearfulness is not characteristic, but they are completely absorbed in the painful ideas of self-criticism, self-accusation and self-abasement. It is, given these facts, that specialists distinguish the disease from a psychogenic disorder and diagnose endogenous depression.

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A feature of endogenous depression, which occurs in a mild form, is the daily cycle of mood changes, when, after waking up in the morning, a person feels the maximum peak of dreary mood, while in the evening the sensations soften slightly. In a severe form of the disease, the syndrome of "perversion of the daily rhythm" is observed, when in the second half of the day there is a noticeable decrease in mood, increased anxiety.

An important indicator for the diagnosis of endogenous depression is a pronounced mental retardation: a slowdown in the speed of thinking, the rate of speech. Patients comprehend the information received for a long time, they need much more time than normal to formulate their answers and express their thoughts. Persons suffering from the disorder note that their thoughts and decisions have become illogical, inconsistent, and arise slowly with a colossal effort of will. In contrast to asthenic conditions, a slowdown in the rate of speech is observed throughout the entire dialogue with the patient. The decrease in motor activity is also constant and unchanged - patients describe feelings of fatigue, lack of strength and energy, fatigue that does not disappear even after a long rest.

Even in the presence of all these manifestations, endogenous depression often remains without due attention, most patients do not consider themselves sick and, accordingly, do not turn to a psychotherapist in a timely manner. This is due to the fact that with this disorder there are no visible external causes, there are almost always no bodily ailments, somatic manifestations are rare and not intense.

"Dreary" depression can be both an independent mental illness, and can act as one of the phases in the course of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis).

The leading place in the formation of the prerequisites for endogenous depression belongs to internal hereditary-genetic, biochemical and organo-somatic factors, that is, the main reason for the occurrence of the disorder lies in the individual characteristics of the human body. In most patients with this diagnosis, a hereditary burden of various mental disorders is fixed. Very rarely, the onset of the disease is provoked by a strong negative or positive stress factor, but rather quickly the connection of low mood with a stressful event is lost.

Endogenous depression is classified as a major depressive disorder without psychotic symptoms (F31.2). Despite the severe course of the disease, these diseases are predicted to be favorable, as they can be successfully treated with medications (antidepressants).

The complexity of the treatment of this disorder lies in the absence of a real problem, since it is not specifically clear what needs to be dealt with and what should be corrected. Endogenous depression is associated with a high risk of suicide, and suicidal thoughts do not depend on the severity of the disorder.

Causes of endogenous depression

This disease is referred to as the so-called disease of predisposition, since the main factor in the presence of a predisposition to the occurrence of a disorder is genetic heredity. The transfer of "by inheritance" of the body's adaptive resources and the peculiarity of the regulation of the level of mediators: serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine have been established. With genetic pathology, there is a deficiency of these chemicals - mood regulators. Despite this hereditary predisposition, a person, being in a favorable psycho-emotional environment, may not suffer from depressive disorders.

Also, a lack of a number of important chemicals in the body can be triggered by the peculiarities of the diet, natural age-related changes. Thus, a deficiency in the level of amino acids L-Tryptophan, L-Tyrosine, L-Glycine and L-Glutamine significantly reduces the body's resistance to stress factors and is a factor in the inevitable development of depressive disorders.

The trigger for the development of endogenous depression can be external factors, such as:

  • traumatic event,
  • chronic somatic diseases,
  • CNS pathology,
  • taking certain medications.

Subsequently, a secondary depressive episode may occur on its own, without outside influence.


Typical endogenous depression is represented by the Kremelin triad - the classic triad of the main symptoms: depressed mood, slow thinking, motor retardation.

  • The leading symptom and specific sign of this disorder is hypothymia - pathological vital melancholy. Such a protopathic character of longing is inseparable from the physical sensations experienced by the patient and brings the strongest bodily suffering. Many people with the disorder can pinpoint their sensations in a specific area (usually chest, head, neck). Moreover, patients clearly differentiate the sensation experienced from the pains characteristic of somatic diseases and from the experiences associated with real causes.
  • A characteristic primary symptom is ideational (mental) inhibition. Even being in an emergency, extremely responsible situation, the patient is not able to quickly make the necessary decision, speeding up the thought process by an effort of will.
  • With endogenous depression, motor retardation is characteristic: the patient develops a kind of facial expression, the so-called “melancholic face”, giving an expression characteristic of elderly people. Often, motor inhibition reaches the maximum degree of stupor when the patient is in a depressive stupor. Occasionally, against the background of complete lethargy, patients experience a sudden, inexplicable and uncontrollable attack of despair, accompanied by intense motor arousal, up to the likelihood of self-harm.
  • With a depressive episode, phenomena of depersonalization and anhedonia often appear. Many patients note the appearance of a painful sensation, in which there are no emotions and desires, and there is a feeling of a change in one's own "I". Often there is a derealization of what is happening: patients perceive what is happening as unreal, gloomy, dimmed, there is a feeling of time slowing down.

Although a pronounced depressed mood may be accompanied by secondary (affectogenic) signs - delusional ideas of depression, people suffering from endogenous depression are predominantly convinced of their guilt, insignificance, and hopelessness of the future. This disorder brings to public view the most important human fears: concerns about the healing of the body, the salvation of the soul, material wealth. These primary fears form typical delusional manifestations: hypochondriacal ideas, thoughts of sinfulness, ideas of self-blame and self-abasement.

In a severe form of involutional melancholia, a stereotypical anxiety-delusional syndrome is clearly manifested: depressed mood, gloomy state, anxious psychomotor agitation, panic fear, verbal illusions, delusions of condemnation. Without adequate treatment, an irrational phobic anxiety is formed with incessant anxiety, a constant excited state, and various manifestations of delusional experiences appear in the form of the inevitability of punishment and death, hypochondriacal moods, and suicidal ideas. The characteristic hypochondriacal delirium is distinguished by a special fantasy quirkiness, absurdity and illogical content.

As a rule, having reached its peak, endogenous depression provokes the formation of a mental defect called “depressive weakness”, which is characterized by a decrease in mental and motor activity, constant depression of mood, a decrease in emotional and sensitive resonance, various disorders in the intellectual sphere.

Melancholic depression affects the vitality and energy of a person, and the realization of this fact causes the person the greatest anxiety. Vital symptoms include:

  • excessive fatigue;
  • strong apathy;
  • the inability to carry out volitional efforts in the usual volume;
  • sleep disturbances: waking up too early, alternating with problems falling asleep;
  • appetite disorders and disorders in the digestive system: lack of appetite or, conversely, immoderate appetite, constipation, nausea, weight loss or gain;
  • problems with concentration;
  • pain sensations of a somatovegetative nature: “pressing” or “squeezing” pains in the chest, neck, head;
  • lack of sexual desire, loss of libido, inability to achieve orgasm;
  • feeling of irrational fear, panic attacks;
  • mood swings depending on the time of day.

This disorder is characterized by a decrease in response to ongoing events, detachment from the surrounding reality, immunity to information from the outside. In the physiological aspect, a decrease in reactivity is manifested in the absence of appropriate reactions after taking standard doses of medications.

Treatment of endogenous depression

The basis of the treatment of endogenous depression is the use of drug therapy. In this disease, as a rule, antidepressants are used. The choice and dosage of the drug occurs on an individual basis, taking into account the personal characteristics of the patient and based on the presence and severity of the symptoms.

Against the background of drug therapy, the symptoms gradually disappear. After 2-3 weeks from the start of taking antidepressants, motor and mental retardation decreases, while depressed mood, delusional formations and suicidal thoughts / attempts are still preserved. Therefore, the use of antidepressants must be carried out until the complete disappearance of all manifestations of the disease, since a sudden cessation of treatment is fraught with a deterioration in the patient's condition and a return to a deeper depressive state.

Along with antidepressants, a different group of drugs, mood stabilizers, is used to treat and prevent endogenous depression. Long-term, continuous use of these drugs helps to stabilize mood and prevents the occurrence of new depressive episodes.

Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary adjunct to drug therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of the disorder, form a new model of response to stressful situations, and correct personal assessment. However, without the help of antidepressants, it is impossible to restore the metabolism and concentration of neurotransmitters disturbed during endogenous depression.

Persons predisposed to this mental disorder should periodically take preventive measures, avoid excessive mental stress, observe a work and rest regimen, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, and adhere to a healthy diet.

Psychogenic depression is a disorder that occurs under the influence of external negative or positive factors (both long-acting and single) after situations of loss/change of values ​​that are significant for a person. For persons suffering from this disorder, hypersensitivity, impressionability, timidity, suspiciousness, pedantic traits are characteristic. Psychogenic depression can develop immediately after a traumatic situation, although in some patients a depressive episode occurs after a period […].

Depression: concept, general ideas

Depression is a state of mind experienced by a person as overwhelming, oppressive sadness with intense anxiety.

There is a direct relationship between alcohol dependence and depressive disorders: depression also affects the aggravation of alcoholism, as well as excessive drinking causes anxiety, melancholic, manic states.

What are ten features of depression? Depression: Is common; Often "disguised" under the guise of various somatic diseases; It is easy to diagnose if you look for it; Often occurs in severe form; Having taken a chronic course, it often becomes aggravated; Causes significant financial costs; Makes changes in the patient's lifestyle; Changes radically the preferences, principles, values, views of the individual; “Forces” to stop and reconsider their views on life; Good […].

Cyclothymia is a disorder of the mental sphere, manifested in frequent pathological mood changes: chronic, not intensely expressed dysthymia (depression) and mild hyperthymia (excitation), often of a hypomanic nature. Fluctuations in the emotional background consist of alternating successively or double periods of persistent dreary mood and static high spirits, which can be separated by a spontaneous and abruptly arising interval of stable mental well-being. The term "cyclothymia" [...].

The phases of the disease are pronounced only in some depressive disorders. So, in a severe mental illness - manic depression (bipolar affective disorder), a wave-like alternation of affective states occurs. The disorder is characterized by a change of phases: depressive (with pronounced anxiety, melancholy, lethargy) and manic (with a predominance of hyperactivity, agitation, euphoria). Bipolar affective disorder has several varieties that differ from each other in cyclicity and […].

There are several types of inhibition:

  • complex;

Inhibition can be speech and mental, that is, it has psychological causes. Sluggish and untimely motor reactions are caused by motor retardation. There may be problems with memorization, memory lapses. In most cases, such conditions are caused either by illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.

Motor and emotional retardation is a pathology, the causes of which can only be identified by doctors. They prescribe the right treatment.

Causes and symptoms of mental retardation

Behavior, thinking of a person, his psychological state can be disturbed in pathologies of the nervous system and brain. The following also lead to ideational inhibition:

  • Parkinson's disease. With a complex brain pathology, an additional symptom is also revealed - slowness of thinking. The patient himself does not notice any changes. With the course of the disease, his mental activity not only slows down. The patient becomes importunate, meticulous, sticky. His speech becomes confused and incoherent.

All these diseases, the symptom of which is mental retardation, must be diagnosed and treated. Temporary inhibition of movements and thinking appears after severe stress, fatigue, with prolonged lack of sleep.

The inhibition of motor and thought processes is characteristically manifested after drinking alcohol, even once. The same symptoms are sometimes caused by psychotropic drugs, as well as strong sedatives. When they are canceled, the inhibition disappears.

Causes and symptoms of motor retardation

Motor, as well as mental retardation, manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as all kinds of diseases. In the facial expressions and movements of the patient, sometimes or always lethargy is felt. The posture is usually relaxed, often there is a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, lean on something.

Confusion in a child

This symptom is also typical for children. It may be chronic in some neurovegetative disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or appear spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impressions. In children, inhibition is often caused by:

  • vascular pathologies of the brain;

Diagnosis of lethargy

In case of psychological disorders, as well as physiological pathologies due to inhibition of the mental, motor or speech reaction, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

Diagnostics of written and oral speech is also carried out. Perhaps a person suffers from stuttering, defects in sound pronunciation that lead to speech inhibition. The intellectual development of the patient, the state of sensory functions, general motor skills, the condition of the joints and muscles are also studied.

Treatment for lethargy

  • Activation of thought processes. To do this, they read new books, master languages, engage in creativity or solve mathematical problems. Such actions train the brain, activate mental activity.

If the lethargy is temporary, caused by intense heat, then tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature should be taken. The temporary lethargy caused by medications and strong sedatives is stopped by abandoning such drugs. Usually it passes without a trace, the body's reactions are fully restored.

Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

What is inhibition of emotions and movements. How to correctly identify and treat pathology, we learn the doctor's recommendations from the video.

Prevention of lethargy

Pathology usually disappears without a trace if treatment is started in the early stages, when the underlying disease is detected. After competent psychological assistance, correct medical support, a person's reactions improve, both emotional and physical.


Lethargy is a symptom of certain diseases, usually of the central nervous system and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. Such a state of a person is characterized by the fact that he has a decrease in the speed of reaction to actions addressed to him or produced by himself, a deterioration in concentration, more stretched, with long pauses in speech. In more complex cases, there may be a complete lack of reaction to surrounding events.

Such a state of a person should not be confused with apathy or a chronic depressive state, since the latter is more of a psychological factor than a physiological one.

The true causes of lethargy can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is strongly not recommended to carry out treatment at your own discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this can lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


Inhibition of movements and thinking in a person can be observed in such pathological processes:

In addition, a temporary state of slow reaction, movements and speech can be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • with chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous strain, stress, chronic depression;
  • under circumstances that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor retardation in a child may be due to such etiological factors:

Depending on the underlying factor, this condition in a child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if such a symptom appears in children, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause of the pathology can be dangerous for the health of the baby.


There are the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - mental retardation;
  • mental or ideational retardation;
  • motor or motor retardation;
  • emotional retardation.

Establishing the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified doctor.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will depend entirely on the underlying factor.

With damage to the brain and central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be present:

  • drowsiness (hypersomnia), lethargy;
  • headaches, which will intensify as the pathological process worsens. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even with painkillers;
  • memory impairment;
  • decrease in the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the performance of habitual actions. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are preserved;
  • sharp mood swings, traits appear in the patient's behavior that were not previously characteristic of him, attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • speech becomes slow, the patient may find it difficult to choose words;
  • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

In a child, the general clinical picture, with this kind of pathology, can be supplemented by capriciousness, constant crying, or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness and apathy for the usual favorite activities.

It should be noted that the above symptoms are observed after a stroke. If there is a suspicion that a person has had a seizure, emergency medical attention should be called and urgently hospitalized. It is on the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke that, to a greater extent, depends on whether a person survives or not.

In the event that a mental disorder has become the cause of a delayed reaction in an adult, the following symptoms may be present:

  • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • causeless attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases, and actions in this direction;
  • a state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • delirium, illogical judgments;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, slovenly appearance. At the same time, a person can be firmly convinced that everything is in order with him;
  • excessive suspicion, feeling that he is being watched;
  • deterioration or complete loss of memory;
  • incoherent speech, inability to express one's point of view or specifically answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporal and spatial orientation;
  • feeling of constant fatigue.

You need to understand that such a human condition can progress rapidly. Even with a temporary improvement in the patient's condition, it cannot be said that the disease has been completely eliminated. In addition, such a state of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around him. Therefore, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in an appropriate institution is in some cases mandatory.


First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, due to his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, you may need to consult such specialists:

Diagnostic activities include:

Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and further treatment tactics will be decided.


In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical methods of treatment.

If the cause of such a person’s condition is a tumor of the brain or central nervous system, then an operation is performed to excise it, followed by drug treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the patient will also be required after a stroke.

Medical therapy may include the following drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • sedatives;
  • antibiotics if a disease of an infectious nature is established;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • drugs that restore glucose levels;
  • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

In addition, after completing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a specialized sanatorium.

Under the condition of timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, almost complete recovery is possible even after serious illnesses - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


Unfortunately, there are no specific methods of prevention. You should observe the regime of rest and work, protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, start treatment of all diseases in a timely manner.

"Inhibition" is observed in diseases:

Alalia is a speech disorder in which the child cannot partially (with poor vocabulary and problems in constructing phrases) or fully speak. But the disease is characterized by the fact that mental abilities are not violated, the child understands and hears everything perfectly. The main causes of the disease are complicated childbirth, diseases or brain injuries received at an early age. The disease can be cured with a long visit to a speech therapist and by taking medication.

Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. Such a state very often comes into a person's life imperceptibly, since it does not manifest itself as pain symptoms - a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since absolutely any life process, and most often their combination, can become the causes of apathy.

Asthmatic status is a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, due to the progression of which there is severe respiratory failure. This pathological condition develops as a result of edema of the bronchial mucosa, as well as spasms of their muscles. At the same time, it is not possible to stop an attack by taking an increased dose of bronchodilators, which, as a rule, are already taken by a patient with asthma. Status asthma is a very dangerous condition that can lead to the death of the patient, so it requires urgent medical attention.

Affective disorders (synonymous with mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and external expression of a person's mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner lining of the heart, caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main of which is streptococcus. Often, endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that has developed against the background of other diseases, but it is the bacterial lesion of the membrane that is an independent disorder. It affects people of any age group, which is why endocarditis is often diagnosed in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from this disease several times more often than women.

Around the world, many people suffer from such a disorder as bipolar disorder. The disease is characterized by frequent mood swings, and the mood of a person does not change from bad to good, but from extremely depressive and dull, to a feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In a word, mood swings in patients with bipolar disorder are colossal, which is always noticeable to others, especially if such swings are frequent.

Legionnaires' disease, or legionellosis, is a bacterial infection that most often presents as a severe form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and impaired functioning of the central nervous system and kidneys. Sometimes, during the illness, the respiratory and urinary systems are affected.

Acute intestinal infection, caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by a duration of fever and general intoxication of the body, is called typhoid fever. This disease refers to severe ailments, as a result of which the main environment of the lesion is the gastrointestinal tract, and when aggravated, the spleen, liver and blood vessels are affected.

Hypernatremia is a disease characterized by an increase in the level of sodium in the blood serum to a value of 145 mmol / l or higher. In addition, a low fluid content in the body is detected. Pathology has a fairly high mortality rate.

Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness during the daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. It rarely occurs as an independent disorder - it is often a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, there is no improvement in the general condition, there is constant drowsiness and problems with waking up.

Hypertensive crisis is a syndrome in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. At the same time, symptoms of damage to the main organs develop - the heart, lungs, brain, and so on. This condition is very serious and requires emergency care, otherwise serious complications may develop.

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor retardation and thought failures, are a serious and dangerous disease, which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not carry any special danger, in which they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by the passivity and depression of a person.

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous condition that develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. In the case of its progression in the human body, metabolic processes are disturbed. This condition threatens not only health, but also the life of the patient.

Cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when the contractile function of the left ventricle fails, the blood supply to tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends in death.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus, which, without adequate and timely treatment, can lead to diabetic coma or even death. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as an energy source, as it lacks the hormone insulin. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use incoming fats as an energy source.

Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from encephalitis ticks. The virus sneaks into the brain and spinal cord of an adult or a child, causes severe intoxication and affects the central nervous system. Severe encephalitic forms without timely treatment can lead to paralysis, mental disorders and even death. How to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, what to do if a tick-borne infection is suspected, and what is the importance of vaccination in the prevention and treatment of a deadly disease?

False croup is a pathology of an infectious-allergic nature that causes the development of edema of the larynx with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the lumen of the airways, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and poses a threat to the life of the patient, therefore, assistance in this condition should be provided immediately - within minutes after the attack.

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (syn. primary macroglobulinemia, macroglobulinemic reticulosis) is an extremely rare disease in which a tumor is formed in the bone marrow, consisting of lymphocytic and plasmacytic cells.

Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition characterized by an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. The disease develops against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient excretion from the human body.

Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by the development of edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. Women are most often affected by this disease during a period of hormonal changes, that is, during menopause.

Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure increases. All this leads to a violation of the circulation of blood in the body and to the death of its cells.

Quincke's edema is usually defined as an allergic condition, expressed in its rather acute manifestations. It is characterized by the occurrence of severe edema of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Somewhat less often, this condition manifests itself in the joints, internal organs and meninges. As a rule, Quincke's edema, the symptoms of which can occur in almost any person, occurs in patients with allergies.

The disease, which is characterized by the formation of pulmonary insufficiency, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the lung cavity and, as a result, contributing to the infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a condition where there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs that has seeped through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is a dangerous and severe pathology in which the organ itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to the fact that certain parts of the gland become necrotic. This pathological process can provoke the progression of a purulent abscess. Pancreatic necrosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital organs. If timely and complete treatment is not carried out, then often this disease leads to the death of the patient.

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get enough sleep to make it go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a violation with a long sleep. On the contrary, the constant desire to sleep and the inability to restore strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease characterized by a pathological process that occurs in the liver and affects the central nervous system. The result of such a disease are neuropsychiatric disorders. This disease is characterized by personality changes, depression and intellectual impairment. To cope with hepatic encephalopathy on your own will not work, here you can not do without medical intervention.

Multiple organ failure is a severe pathological process that occurs as a result of severe trauma, severe blood loss, or any other condition. In this case, we are talking about a violation or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, a fatal outcome is observed if the necessary medical measures are not taken in a timely manner to normalize the functioning of the organs. Such a high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level that the ability to maintain the life of the organism is lost.

The disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems, is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs as a result of infection with infections of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection of the body with infections, the development of reactive arthritis can be observed in the second or fourth week.

Rh conflict during pregnancy is a pathological process that manifests itself in a situation where the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father is positive, and the child acquires a positive Rh factor of the father. If both parents are Rh-positive or Rh-negative, Rh-conflict is not detected.

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With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.


The inhibition of the course of mental processes and behavioral reactions of a person can be caused by various reasons: fatigue, illness, exposure to tranquilizers that slow down organic processes, negative emotional states such as stress, depression, sadness, apathy.

Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of an individual, a slowdown in the course of thought processes and the appearance of a drawn out speech with long pauses. In extreme cases, a person may completely stop responding to others and stay in a stupor for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but only concern thinking or speech. In the first case, it is called ideational, and in the second - motor.

Inhibition of thinking is scientifically called "bradypsychia". Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions, having different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that often appears in old age. In any case, for most people, mental retardation is associated precisely with unhurried and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. After all, under each manifestation of ill health, certain reasons are hidden.

Causes of mental retardation

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus, just the same, cannot be deciphered to the proper extent. Therefore, in everyday practice, one can name only conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but not answer the question of why it appears.

  • Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of the destruction of the substance of the brain. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.
  • Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom surrounding the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, intrusive, speech is slow, often confused.
  • Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy takes place, like many other signs of a change in thinking.
  • Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology in schizophrenia.
  • Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often masquerading as somatic problems, up to toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also sluggishness of thought.
  • Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the symptom described is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first to appear.
  • Toxic bradypsychia. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the causes of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether it be alcohol, metal salts, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatments must also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like. The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs when there is a lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit thought and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reducing the possibilities for its implementation.

Symptoms of lethargy

The image of the patient fits into the classical description of the melancholic: lethargy, slowness, drawn out speech, every word seems to be squeezed out with effort. It seems that thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to respond to what was said, or even sink into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what was said - an extremely quiet and calm voice, which occasionally breaks the silence. In movements and facial expressions, lethargy is noticeable, and posture is most often too relaxed. An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed during inhibition. Just one thing is enough to say that a person needs medical help.

Diagnosis of bradilalia

Persons with speech tempo disorders, including those with bradilalia, need a comprehensive medical and psychological and pedagogical examination, which is carried out by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist. When examining a patient with bradilalia, a detailed study of the anamnesis regarding past diseases and brain damage is necessary; the presence of speech tempo disorders in close relatives. In some cases, to clarify the organic basis of bradilalia, instrumental studies are required: EEG, REG, MRI of the brain, PET of the brain, lumbar puncture, etc.

Diagnosis of oral speech in bradilalia includes an assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of speech motor skills, expressive speech (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, tempo-rhythmic side of speech, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves the performance of tasks for writing off the text and independent writing under dictation, reading syllables, phrases, texts. Along with a diagnostic examination of speech, with bradylalia, the state of general, manual and facial motor skills, sensory functions, and intellectual development are studied.

When making a speech therapy conclusion, it is important to differentiate bradilalia from dysarthria and stuttering.

Treatment for mental retardation

General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells unused during life safely die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche also decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load the brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to him. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crosswords, scanwords and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information occupies only the cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in a “working” state. With what it is connected, it is difficult to say.

vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels into a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial recovery is possible, which is what doctors use when prescribing appropriate drugs.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary adjunct to drug therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of the disorder, form a new model of response to stressful situations, and correct personal assessment.

Before visiting a psychotherapist, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which are taken into account by the specialist, making a choice in favor of one or another remedy. It is imperative to consult a doctor in case of bradypsychia - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a state of mind.

Forecast and prevention of bradilalia

The prognosis for overcoming bradilalia is most favorable with the early start of corrective work and the psychological causes of speech tempo disturbance. But even after the development of normal speech skills, long-term observation by specialists is necessary, constant self-control over the pace of speech.

For the prevention of bradilalia, it is important to prevent perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, head injuries, neuroinfections, and asthenic syndrome. It is necessary to take care of the normal development of the child's speech, to surround him with the right role models.

Difficulty speaking

Difficulties in speech - a disorder of speech activity that interferes with normal speech communication and social interaction of a person with other people. We can talk about the presence of violations when there are deviations in the functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech, if the level of speech development does not correspond to the age norm, with speech deficiencies that negatively affect mental development, which cannot be overcome on their own. Speech therapists, as well as neurophysiologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists and other specialists study and treat speech difficulties in adults and children.

Symptoms and manifestations

This pathology can be expressed either in the complete absence of speech, or in violation of the pronunciation of specific phrases and words. In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • there is fuzziness and slowness of speech, it is illegible;
  • the patient finds it difficult to choose words and correctly name things;
  • fast and without hesitation speech is possible, but completely meaningless;
  • there is haste and incoherence of thinking;
  • a person strongly separates syllables and puts stress on each of them.

Causes in adults

Sudden or gradual development of speech disorders is possible. There are such main reasons that can lead to this pathological process:

  • improper functioning of the brain (in particular, the basal ganglia - those parts of the brain that are responsible for the movement of the muscles of the body and for speech);
  • brain injury caused by stroke or thrombosis;
  • head injury;
  • the presence of tumors in the brain;
  • the presence of degenerative diseases in which cognitive functions are impaired (these include dementia and Alzheimer's disease);
  • Lyme disease;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • weakness of the muscles of the face, for example, Bell's palsy;
  • too weak or tight fastening of dentures.

Types of speech disorders in children

All speech difficulties in children are divided into two types:

  1. Phonation (external) design of the utterance - this includes speech pronunciation disorders;
  2. Structural-semantic (internal) design of the utterance is a systemic or polymorphic speech disorder.

Violations of the process of speech of the phonation of the utterance can be both separate and combined. Based on this, the following types of violations are distinguished in speech therapy:

  1. Aphonia and dysafonia - is a disorder or complete absence of phonation due to various pathological changes in the vocal apparatus. This condition is characterized by a violation of the strength, height and timbre of the voice or the complete absence of phonation. Aphonia and dysafonia can be caused by functional or organic disorders of the voice-forming mechanism and occur at various stages of a child's development.
  2. Bradilalia is a pathological slowing of the speech rate. A characteristic feature is the slow implementation of the articular speech program.
  3. Tahilalia is a pathological acceleration of the speech rate. The accelerated implementation of the articulatory speech program is characteristic.
  4. Stuttering is a violation of the organization of speech, in which the muscles of the speech apparatus are in a convulsive state. Pathology is centrally conditioned and appears, as a rule, in the process of speech development of the child.
  5. Dyslalia - pathology is a disorder of the pronunciation of sounds, in which hearing remains normal, as well as the innervation of the speech apparatus. Clinically manifested in the form of a distorted sound design of speech, while there is an incorrect pronunciation of sounds or their replacement and mixing.
  6. Rhinolalia is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds and the timbre of the voice, due to anatomical and physiological disorders of the speech apparatus. A pathological change in the timbre of the voice is characteristic, accompanied by the passage of a vocal air stream on exhalation and in the process of pronouncing sounds into the nasal cavity. This leads to the formation of a resonance in the latter.
  7. Dysarthria is a violation of pronunciation, a distinctive feature of which is insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. For the most part, this pathology develops as a result of cerebral palsy, which appeared at an early age of the child.

Difficulties in speech of structural and semantic design are divided into two varieties: alalia and aphasia.

  • Alalia - is the absence or insufficient development of speech, provoked by damage to the areas responsible for speech, located in the cerebral cortex in the process of intrauterine development or at an early age of the baby.

It should be noted that alalia is one of the most severe speech defects, which manifests itself in violations of the operation of selection and analysis at all stages of birth, as well as the reception of speech utterance, as a result of which the child's speech activity is not fully formed.

  • Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of speech, which is caused by local lesions of the brain. The ability to speak normally can be lost due to traumatic brain injury, neuroinfection or brain tumors, after the formation of speech.


First of all, it is necessary to analyze the complaints made by the patient, as well as the history of the disease. It is important to take into account how long ago there were complaints of quiet, slow speech and difficulty in pronouncing words and phrases, as well as whether the patient's next of kin have similar manifestations.

Then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a neurologist, which consists in checking the mandibular and pharyngeal reflexes, examining the pharynx, and the presence of thinning (atrophy) of the muscles of the tongue. In addition, it is important to check the reflexes of the lower and upper extremities.

You need to be examined by a speech therapist, the doctor will be able to assess speech indicators, determine the presence of tempo disturbances, as well as difficulties in pronouncing specific sounds.

An examination by an otolaryngologist helps to exclude various volumetric processes (abscesses and tumors) in the nasal cavity, since they can also affect the voice.

With the help of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head, it is possible to conduct a layer-by-layer study of the structure of the brain and determine the cause of dysarthria (these can be tumors, foci of impaired blood circulation, abscesses, foci of myelin decay, the main protein of the nervous tissue).

In some cases, it is additionally necessary to consult a neurosurgeon.


Therapy of speech disorders consists in the treatment of the main disease, which provoked dysarthria:

  • the tumor must be removed surgically;
  • resection of a hematoma (hemorrhage) is possible if it is located on the surface;
  • abscesses are surgically removed from the cranial cavity, and then antibacterial drugs are prescribed to stop the infectious process as soon as possible;
  • normalize blood (arterial) pressure, use drugs that improve metabolism and cerebral blood flow (nootropic drugs, angioprotectors) in case of cerebrovascular accident.

And, of course, patients with any kind of speech difficulties need to go to a speech therapist to correct the existing defect with the help of specially selected exercises.

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Causes of Slow Speech in Adults

Slow speech in adults may appear abruptly or develop gradually. The reasons for this condition are different: violations of the functional state of the nervous system, brain injuries that appeared after a stroke or thrombosis, or malignant neoplasms. In order to find out what to do and why speech slowed down, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can recommend further examination and treatment for a patient with such a complaint.

Speech difficulties associated with slow speech

Speech difficulties come in many forms, including stuttering, dysarthria, voice problems, and articulation difficulties. Accidents can cause damage to brain centers or vocal muscles. Sometimes these pathologies are corrected naturally, but often have long-term consequences. Some diseases can cause speech difficulties due to the degeneration of muscle and nerve cells.

Some adults have had speech problems since childhood, and speech difficulties become a problem as the person gets older. Patients describe this as "speech obstruction", "speech problem", or "pronunciation problem". Sometimes it is difficult to change some speech difficulties that have been present since childhood, they are so built in. The problem of slow speech often occurs due to problems and diseases of the elderly.

A brain injury that causes slow speech can be caused by a brain tumor, stroke, cerebral palsy, long-term use of certain medications, or degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Why does slow speech occur in adults?

Speech impairment refers to focal symptoms. Speech impairment can occur both in the form of aphasia, and in a milder form - slow speech. Most often, a person has lesions of the cortex of the dominant hemisphere (in the left-hander - the right one). A person loses the ability to partially or completely use speech to express their own thoughts and feelings. Another reason for the disorder of expressive speech while maintaining its understanding (dysarthria). This is a lesion of the cerebellum, basal ganglia. Due to the violation of these anatomical structures, flaccid or spastic paralysis of the speech apparatus may occur: tongue, pharynx, larynx, soft palate, muscles that lift the lower jaw, respiratory muscles. Articulation of consonants especially suffers, speech is slow, sometimes intermittent. The voice is often weak and muffled.

Diseases that provoke the appearance of slow speech

The causes of speech disorders in adults are diverse in their etiology and pathogenesis, with symptoms of a large number of diseases. Slow speech may develop gradually, but can suddenly impair speech quality and cause discomfort to people.

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Tumors of the brain.
  • Dementia.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Postponed stroke.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA).
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Diseases affecting neuromuscular structures such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.
  • Head and neck surgery for cancer.
  • Neurological disorders of the brain, such as Parkinson's disease in old people or Huntington's disease.
  • Poorly fitted dentures.
  • Side effects of drugs that act on the central nervous system, such as narcotic analgesics and anticonvulsants.

The brain is an extremely complex machine and is made up of many different working areas. When one or more components stop working effectively, language and speech can often be affected. The severity of speech delay depends on the localization of the process and the severity of the damage. Reproduction of speech sounds can be very difficult, so speech slows down.

Doctor's advice. With any changes in speech, you need to contact a specialist to eliminate the cause, which may further threaten a person’s life

Stroke as the most common cause of speech delay

Hemorrhagic and ischemic changes in the vessels occur quickly, so symptoms often appear suddenly and without warning.

The main symptoms of a stroke are:

  • Speech disorders. If the lower parts of the left frontal lobe and the lower parts of the parietal are damaged, motor aphasia may occur in right-handed people. The patient is deprived of the opportunity to speak due to a violation of speech motor commands. These older people are quiet. They are reluctant to enter into a conversation, answer in monosyllables.
  • Headache - possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting.
  • Numbness or inability to move parts of the face, arms or legs - especially on one side of the body.
  • Trouble walking - including dizziness and lack of coordination.
  • The consequences of a stroke are accompanied by persistent changes such as bladder or bowel problems, pain in the arms and legs, paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body.

Parkinson's disease is accompanied by speech disorders

In Parkinson's disease, in addition to motor disorders, there are often pathological changes in the processes of phonation and articulation. The volume of speech changes depends on the predominance of rigidity, hypokinesia or trembling in the clinic, and also depends on the ratio and severity of the latter. Pathological changes in speech are more often manifested by a slowing of speech, a decrease in the sonority of the voice, aphonia (disappearance of the voice) may occur. A silent whisper (almost inaudible) makes a person's speech illegible, which is exacerbated by the monotony and disappearance of intonations that are characteristic of spoken language. In patients with hypokinesia, spontaneous speech activity decreases, their answers are concise, and speech is slow. With severe akinesia, speech becomes quiet, slurred, unexpressed and slow, so it becomes impossible to understand the patient. Only under the influence of great willpower can a person pronounce the word more loudly and clearly. Pathological changes involve the articulatory muscles, leading to dysarthria, which is the main cause of slow speech.

There are many ways that you can use in everyday life to make speech clearer and easier to understand.

Speech disorder: classification of pathology, symptoms and methods of treatment

For each person, speech is an integral part of normal interaction with others, and any deviation in the speech function can lead to psychological problems associated with the impossibility of self-realization of the individual.

The dysfunction of the speech apparatus has a direct impact on the life of any person, and therefore, it is very important to diagnose the pathology in a timely manner at the slightest deviation in order to avoid serious complications in the future.

Speech impairment is a violation of speech function, which can be provoked by completely different reasons. This term includes various types of deviations in human speech development, which can lead to both complete and partial loss of the reproduction of words and sounds.

Conventionally, speech disorders in medical practice are divided into two main groups:

  • Organic reason for the development of deviations. The causes of dysfunctions of the speech function in this case are internal anatomical pathologies affecting the structure of the speech apparatus. For example, birth or mechanical damage to the areas of the brain responsible for speech functions, the abnormal structure of the speech apparatus, hereditary disposition, etc.;
  • Functional reason for the development of deviations. In this case, the normal operation of the speech apparatus is disrupted due to certain external factors. For example, prolonged stress, deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, infectious diseases, head injuries, mental disorders, etc.

Deviations can manifest themselves in the form of expressive speech, inhibition of pronunciation, nasality or stuttering. To identify the causes of violations, a consultation with a neurologist, speech therapist and diagnostics is required.

Classification of speech deviations

There are several main forms of speech disorders in adults encountered in medical practice. Depending on the type of speech defect, specific work is always required to eliminate deviations, since the lack of competent treatment at any time can lead to a complete loss of speech function or psychological deviations.

The main classification of speech disorders includes several forms of deviations in the development of speech:

One of the main types of deviations in speech is stuttering. The reasons for the development of this pathology are factors such as stress, fear, neurological abnormalities, genetic disposition, severe emotional shock.

Speech dysfunction is characterized by such signs as constant disruptions in the rhythm of speech caused by spasms or convulsions of some parts of the speech apparatus. When a person stutters, there are difficulties in pronouncing words and sounds, as a result of which he is forced to constantly make long pauses and repeat the same sound or syllable several times.

  • Due to a violation of the voice timbre, nasality may develop. The main reason for the development of deviations is pathology in the region of the nasal septum.
  • Violation of oral speech, which occurs as a result of malocclusion or damage to certain parts of the brain responsible for the speech apparatus, provoke the development of dyslalia. The main symptom of this deviation is that the patient has disturbances during the pronunciation of certain sounds or words. Incorrect perception and distortion of individual sounds, slurred speech or “swallowing” of sounds is also popularly called tongue-tied. This pathology is not associated with hearing impairment or damage to the patient's central nervous system.
  • Slowness of speech as a result of difficulty in pronunciation and deviations in the pace of pronunciation is called bradilalia. May be the result of congenital disposition, diseases of the central nervous system or psychological deviations of the patient.
  • Aphasia is a speech disorder, which is a systematic disruption in the rhythm of already formed speech, which is caused by lesions in the speech areas of the brain. Characteristic signs of deviation is the inability of the patient to understand the speech of other people and express their thoughts through voice. This speech disorder is not the result of any mental illness. The main causes of this disease are pathologies such as trauma to the head, cerebral hemorrhage, abscess or thrombosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Bradyphrasia is a slow speech, which is due to the patient's weak and inhibited thinking, caused by mental abnormalities during the course of brain pathologies. A characteristic feature is the stretching of words and sounds, fuzzy articulation, long and inaccurate formulations of thoughts. This form of speech disorder is most often found in people suffering from mental illness or oligophrenia.
  • With a partial or complete absence of speech urges, alalia develops. Pathology occurs due to the mental underdevelopment of the patient or damage to the areas of the brain responsible for speech function. These are extremely severe forms of pathology, during the development of which the patient may not perceive the speech of other people at all, and is not able to master the language, since there are problems with the assimilation and understanding of sounds and syllables.
  • A very fast and rapid pace of speech flows is called takhilalia. The main signs of the disease are such manifestations as a fast pace of speech, constant stammering during pronunciation, "swallowing" individual letters and sounds, and their distortion. The main reasons for the development of the disease are: hereditary disposition, hyperreactivity, brain pathologies, mental disorders.
  • Dysarthria can cause a violation of oral speech. It is a disorder of the pronunciation of speech, which is associated with pathologies of areas of the speech motor and muscular articulatory apparatus (for example, damage to the vocal cords, dysfunction of the facial or respiratory muscles, restriction of the mobility of the tongue, lips or palate). Pathology develops in the course of damage to the parts of the brain (posterior frontal and subcortical). Dysfunction is expressed in difficult pronunciation, distortion of some sounds and syllables.

    Many deviations are associated with disorders of expressive speech. Most often, the pathology develops in children. Moreover, this speech disorder can occur against the background of a successful mental and mental development of the patient.

    The pathology of expressive speech is characterized by such features as: a small vocabulary of the patient, which is by no means the norm for this age; problems with verbal communication; weak ability to express one's thoughts with the help of words; misuse of prepositions and word endings; active use of gestures. The main causes of expressive speech have not been fully identified in medicine, however, the participation of genetic factors can influence the process of development of deviations; psychological disorders; untimely formation of the relationship between the speech sections of the cerebral cortex and neurons.

  • With lesions of the central nervous system, mutism can develop - the complete absence of speech reflexes. This can be facilitated by diseases such as epilepsy, damage to parts of the brain, some types of mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, hysteria).
  • In order to identify the form of the disease, it is necessary to understand what reasons serve as an impetus for the development of deviations in speech.

    Reasons for the development of deviations in adults

    There are many internal and external factors that provoke deviations in speech pronunciation. Moreover, depending on the cause of speech impairment, the process of development of deviations can be both hasty and gradual. The most common causes of dysfunction are:

    • severe pathologies affecting the brain: with high intracranial pressure, a stroke may occur, the main consequence of which may be a violation of speech functions;
    • in the course of impaired coordination of movements caused by damage to the cerebellum of the brain (for example, infarction or ischemia of the brain), an organism reaction such as complete or partial loss of speech may occur;
    • mechanical damage and trauma to the head and face, in particular, in children during childbirth;
    • brain pathologies caused by thrombosis;
    • dysfunction of the parts of the brain responsible for speech and movement;
    • various types of degenerative pathologies of the nervous system and brain (Alzheimer, dementia, tumors, etc.);
    • genetic disposition;
    • malfunctions of the central nervous system;
    • birth trauma, during which speech functions are damaged;
    • alcoholism can cause speech failures;
    • facial paralysis;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • pathology of the muscular articulatory and motor speech apparatus (low mobility of the lips, tongue, facial muscles);
    • improper fastening of the denture;
    • decreased tone of the soft palate;
    • stress, fear, prolonged depression;
    • some infectious diseases;
    • developmental delay, dementia;
    • disruption of the blood circulation;
    • cerebral palsy;
    • oligophrenia;
    • deafness;
    • frequent neuroses;
    • Down syndrome;
    • Lyme disease;
    • long-term use of certain medications (antidepressants, antibiotics).

    It should be remembered that the causes of speech disorders can be both physiological and social and psychological in nature.

    Signs of deviations

    It should be noted that more severe cases of speech disorders that occur with dementia and some psychological abnormalities in the body, regardless of the age of the patient, can provoke dumbness. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the primary signs in a timely manner in order not to allow the disease to progress.

    1. Inconsistency of the language norm with the age of the speaking person.
    2. Spastic dystrophy is manifested by involuntary vibrations of the patient's vocal cords. In this case, speech deviations may be accompanied by initial signs such as hoarseness, a choked voice, or breathy speech.
    3. With aphasia, a person is completely unable to competently and quickly express his thoughts. The patient has problems with the perception of the speech of other people. A person suffering from deviations in speech formulates his thoughts for a very long time and expresses them in words. The words and sounds that he pronounces are wrong and slurred.
    4. Too fast pace of speech, or, conversely, too slow, may be evidence of dysfunction in the patient's speech apparatus. This may be the result of a complex mental illness; THR caused by brain pathologies; infectious diseases or degenerative conditions.
    5. Another disease syndrome is a violation of the timbre of the voice. Any change in the function or form of the vocal cords can provoke a change in the articulation and pronunciation of individual sounds, as well as lead to ease of speech during pronunciation.
    6. Due to the weakness of the speech apparatus and vocal muscles, signs such as inhibition of speech and "swallowing" of sounds appear.
    7. Problems can manifest themselves in the form of expressive speech - rapid and frequent repetition of the same words, increased speech activity, unusual for a normal person, violation of the syntactic structure of phrases and fluency of pronunciation.
    8. Nasal, stuttering, inability to pronounce a word or phrase, repeated pronunciation of sounds are the main signs of deviations in speech.

    It should be noted that the intellectual-mnestic functions, which are various forms of mental disorder, are of a degrading nature. Often, with this form of disorder, brain cells are affected, which negatively affects the patient's speech function. As a result of such complex pathologies as a heart attack or stroke of the brain, an adult patient, over time, may develop a severe impairment of speech functions, up to complete numbness. Therefore, it is so important at the slightest manifestation of symptoms to consult a specialist in a timely manner.


    As soon as the cause of the pathology is identified and a diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, the basic principle of which is to eliminate the causes that caused speech dysfunction.

    As for children, a speech therapist can help correct speech defects at an early age. But only if the deviations are not associated with mental disorders and mechanical damage to the head. It is important to understand here that the older the patient and the more complex the cause of deviations in speech, the longer the process of treatment and correction of speech deviations will be.

    Treatment methods are as follows:

    1. Conservative treatment. It implies classes with a speech therapist, the use of special exercises to restore speech and articulatory gymnastics, as well as physiotherapy procedures.
    2. Medical treatment. It comes down to improving cerebral blood flow, normalizing pressure and enhancing metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Also, drugs are used that affect the process of improving the memory, attention and perception of the patient.
    3. The last resort is surgery. Which involves the removal of tumors and abscesses in the cranial cavity, resection of hematomas and the elimination of other growths that provoked the occurrence of deviations of the speech apparatus as a result of dangerous diseases. Surgery is used only when all other methods of treatment have not had the expected result.

    The choice of a specific method of treatment, medications and the appropriateness of the operation is determined by the doctor, depending on the form of the pathology and the stage of concomitant diseases.

    There is a separate branch of psychology that deals with the study of people suffering from deviations in speech functions - logopsychology. The psychology of persons with speech disorders requires a systematic and thorough study of the symptoms, signs and mechanisms of development of this deviation. Due to this, it is possible to achieve positive results through the development of special methods of psychological assistance and suitable treatment regimens in each case.

    It should be understood that any defects and speech disorders, as well as damage to parts of the speech apparatus, with untimely or incorrect treatment, can lead to speech underdevelopment, reduced communication and attentiveness, as well as to limit the patient's logical and mental conclusions.

    Such mental disorders must first be very carefully studied and correctly assessed by a psychotherapist, who should become a leading specialist in treatment of loss of energy and feelings of lethargy .

    Types of inhibition, symptoms and treatment

    What is retardation

    In serious cases, a person completely stops responding to the surrounding atmosphere and stays in apathy or stupor for a long time. There are several types of inhibition:

    • complex;

    Inhibition can be speech and mental, that is, it has psychological causes. Sluggish and untimely motor reactions are caused by motor retardation. There may be problems with memorization, memory lapses. In most cases, such conditions are caused either by illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.

    Motor and emotional retardation is a pathology, the causes of which can only be identified by doctors. They prescribe the right treatment.

    Causes and symptoms of mental retardation

    Behavior, thinking of a person, his psychological state can be disturbed in pathologies of the nervous system and brain. The following also lead to ideational inhibition:

    • Parkinson's disease. With a complex brain pathology, an additional symptom is also revealed - slowness of thinking. The patient himself does not notice any changes. With the course of the disease, his mental activity not only slows down. The patient becomes importunate, meticulous, sticky. His speech becomes confused and incoherent.

    All these diseases, the symptom of which is mental retardation, must be diagnosed and treated. Temporary inhibition of movements and thinking appears after severe stress, fatigue, with prolonged lack of sleep.

    The inhibition of motor and thought processes is characteristically manifested after drinking alcohol, even once. The same symptoms are sometimes caused by psychotropic drugs, as well as strong sedatives. When they are canceled, the inhibition disappears.

    Causes and symptoms of motor retardation

    Motor, as well as mental retardation, manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as all kinds of diseases. In the facial expressions and movements of the patient, sometimes or always lethargy is felt. The posture is usually relaxed, often there is a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, lean on something.

    Confusion in a child

    This symptom is also typical for children. It may be chronic in some neurovegetative disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or appear spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impressions. In children, inhibition is often caused by:

    • vascular pathologies of the brain;

    Diagnosis of lethargy

    In case of psychological disorders, as well as physiological pathologies due to inhibition of the mental, motor or speech reaction, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

    Diagnostics of written and oral speech is also carried out. Perhaps a person suffers from stuttering, defects in sound pronunciation that lead to speech inhibition. The intellectual development of the patient, the state of sensory functions, general motor skills, the condition of the joints and muscles are also studied.

    Treatment for lethargy

    • Activation of thought processes. To do this, they read new books, master languages, engage in creativity or solve mathematical problems. Such actions train the brain, activate mental activity.

    If the lethargy is temporary, caused by intense heat, then tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature should be taken. The temporary lethargy caused by medications and strong sedatives is stopped by abandoning such drugs. Usually it passes without a trace, the body's reactions are fully restored.

    Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

    What is inhibition of emotions and movements. How to correctly identify and treat pathology, we learn the doctor's recommendations from the video.

    Prevention of lethargy

    Pathology usually disappears without a trace if treatment is started in the early stages, when the underlying disease is detected. After competent psychological assistance, correct medical support, a person's reactions improve, both emotional and physical.


    The inhibition of the course of mental processes and behavioral reactions of a person can be caused by various reasons: fatigue, illness, exposure to tranquilizers that slow down organic processes, negative emotional states such as stress, depression, sadness, apathy.

    Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of an individual, a slowdown in the course of thought processes and the appearance of a drawn out speech with long pauses. In extreme cases, a person may completely stop responding to others and stay in a stupor for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but only concern thinking or speech. In the first case, it is called ideational, and in the second - motor.

    Inhibition of thinking is scientifically called "bradypsychia". Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions, having different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that often appears in old age. In any case, for most people, mental retardation is associated precisely with unhurried and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. After all, under each manifestation of ill health, certain reasons are hidden.

    Causes of mental retardation

    The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus, just the same, cannot be deciphered to the proper extent. Therefore, in everyday practice, one can name only conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but not answer the question of why it appears.

    • Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of the destruction of the substance of the brain. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.
    • Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom surrounding the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, intrusive, speech is slow, often confused.
    • Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy takes place, like many other signs of a change in thinking.
    • Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology in schizophrenia.
    • Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often masquerading as somatic problems, up to toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also sluggishness of thought.
    • Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the symptom described is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first to appear.
    • Toxic bradypsychia. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the causes of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether it be alcohol, metal salts, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

    Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatments must also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like. The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs when there is a lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit thought and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reducing the possibilities for its implementation.

    Symptoms of lethargy

    The image of the patient fits into the classical description of the melancholic: lethargy, slowness, drawn out speech, every word seems to be squeezed out with effort. It seems that thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to respond to what was said, or even sink into a stupor.

    In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what was said - an extremely quiet and calm voice, which occasionally breaks the silence. In movements and facial expressions, lethargy is noticeable, and posture is most often too relaxed. An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed during inhibition. Just one thing is enough to say that a person needs medical help.

    Diagnosis of bradilalia

    Persons with speech tempo disorders, including those with bradilalia, need a comprehensive medical and psychological and pedagogical examination, which is carried out by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist. When examining a patient with bradilalia, a detailed study of the anamnesis regarding past diseases and brain damage is necessary; the presence of speech tempo disorders in close relatives. In some cases, to clarify the organic basis of bradilalia, instrumental studies are required: EEG, REG, MRI of the brain, PET of the brain, lumbar puncture, etc.

    Diagnosis of oral speech in bradilalia includes an assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of speech motor skills, expressive speech (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, tempo-rhythmic side of speech, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves the performance of tasks for writing off the text and independent writing under dictation, reading syllables, phrases, texts. Along with a diagnostic examination of speech, with bradylalia, the state of general, manual and facial motor skills, sensory functions, and intellectual development are studied.

    When making a speech therapy conclusion, it is important to differentiate bradilalia from dysarthria and stuttering.

    Treatment for mental retardation

    General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells unused during life safely die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche also decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load the brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to him. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crosswords, scanwords and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information occupies only the cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in a “working” state. With what it is connected, it is difficult to say.

    vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels into a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial recovery is possible, which is what doctors use when prescribing appropriate drugs.

    Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

    Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary adjunct to drug therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of the disorder, form a new model of response to stressful situations, and correct personal assessment.

    Before visiting a psychotherapist, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which are taken into account by the specialist, making a choice in favor of one or another remedy. It is imperative to consult a doctor in case of bradypsychia - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a state of mind.

    Forecast and prevention of bradilalia

    The prognosis for overcoming bradilalia is most favorable with the early start of corrective work and the psychological causes of speech tempo disturbance. But even after the development of normal speech skills, long-term observation by specialists is necessary, constant self-control over the pace of speech.

    For the prevention of bradilalia, it is important to prevent perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, head injuries, neuroinfections, and asthenic syndrome. It is necessary to take care of the normal development of the child's speech, to surround him with the right role models.


    Lethargy is a symptom of certain diseases, usually of the central nervous system and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. Such a state of a person is characterized by the fact that he has a decrease in the speed of reaction to actions addressed to him or produced by himself, a deterioration in concentration, more stretched, with long pauses in speech. In more complex cases, there may be a complete lack of reaction to surrounding events.

    Such a state of a person should not be confused with apathy or a chronic depressive state, since the latter is more of a psychological factor than a physiological one.

    The true causes of lethargy can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is strongly not recommended to carry out treatment at your own discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this can lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


    Inhibition of movements and thinking in a person can be observed in such pathological processes:

    In addition, a temporary state of slow reaction, movements and speech can be observed in the following cases:

    • with alcohol or drug intoxication;
    • with chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
    • with frequent nervous strain, stress, chronic depression;
    • under circumstances that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety and panic;
    • with a strong emotional shock.

    Psychomotor retardation in a child may be due to such etiological factors:

    Depending on the underlying factor, this condition in a child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if such a symptom appears in children, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause of the pathology can be dangerous for the health of the baby.


    There are the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

    • bradypsychia - mental retardation;
    • mental or ideational retardation;
    • motor or motor retardation;
    • emotional retardation.

    Establishing the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified doctor.


    The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will depend entirely on the underlying factor.

    With damage to the brain and central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be present:

    • drowsiness (hypersomnia), lethargy;
    • headaches, which will intensify as the pathological process worsens. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even with painkillers;
    • memory impairment;
    • decrease in the quality of cognitive abilities;
    • the patient cannot concentrate on the performance of habitual actions. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are preserved;
    • sharp mood swings, traits appear in the patient's behavior that were not previously characteristic of him, attacks of aggression are most often observed;
    • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
    • speech becomes slow, the patient may find it difficult to choose words;
    • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • unstable blood pressure;
    • rapid pulse;
    • dizziness.

    In a child, the general clinical picture, with this kind of pathology, can be supplemented by capriciousness, constant crying, or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness and apathy for the usual favorite activities.

    It should be noted that the above symptoms are observed after a stroke. If there is a suspicion that a person has had a seizure, emergency medical attention should be called and urgently hospitalized. It is on the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke that, to a greater extent, depends on whether a person survives or not.

    In the event that a mental disorder has become the cause of a delayed reaction in an adult, the following symptoms may be present:

    • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
    • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
    • a sharp change in mood;
    • causeless attacks of fear, panic;
    • suicidal mood, in some cases, and actions in this direction;
    • a state of chronic depression;
    • visual or auditory hallucinations;
    • delirium, illogical judgments;
    • neglect of personal hygiene, slovenly appearance. At the same time, a person can be firmly convinced that everything is in order with him;
    • excessive suspicion, feeling that he is being watched;
    • deterioration or complete loss of memory;
    • incoherent speech, inability to express one's point of view or specifically answer the simplest questions;
    • loss in temporal and spatial orientation;
    • feeling of constant fatigue.

    You need to understand that such a human condition can progress rapidly. Even with a temporary improvement in the patient's condition, it cannot be said that the disease has been completely eliminated. In addition, such a state of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around him. Therefore, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in an appropriate institution is in some cases mandatory.


    First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, due to his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

    In this case, you may need to consult such specialists:

    Diagnostic activities include:

    • general clinical laboratory tests (blood and urine tests);
    • study of the level of pituitary hormones;
    • CT and MRI of the brain;
    • EEG and Echo-EG;
    • cerebral angiography;
    • psychiatric tests.

    Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and further treatment tactics will be decided.


    In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical methods of treatment.

    If the cause of such a person’s condition is a tumor of the brain or central nervous system, then an operation is performed to excise it, followed by drug treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the patient will also be required after a stroke.

    Medical therapy may include the following drugs:

    • painkillers;
    • sedatives;
    • antibiotics if a disease of an infectious nature is established;
    • nootropic;
    • antidepressants;
    • tranquilizers;
    • drugs that restore glucose levels;
    • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

    In addition, after completing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a specialized sanatorium.

    Under the condition of timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, almost complete recovery is possible even after serious illnesses - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


    Unfortunately, there are no specific methods of prevention. You should observe the regime of rest and work, protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, start treatment of all diseases in a timely manner.

    "Inhibition" is observed in diseases:

    Alalia is a speech disorder in which the child cannot partially (with poor vocabulary and problems in constructing phrases) or fully speak. But the disease is characterized by the fact that mental abilities are not violated, the child understands and hears everything perfectly. The main causes of the disease are complicated childbirth, diseases or brain injuries received at an early age. The disease can be cured with a long visit to a speech therapist and by taking medication.

    Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. Such a state very often comes into a person's life imperceptibly, since it does not manifest itself as pain symptoms - a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since absolutely any life process, and most often their combination, can become the causes of apathy.

    Asthmatic status is a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, due to the progression of which there is severe respiratory failure. This pathological condition develops as a result of edema of the bronchial mucosa, as well as spasms of their muscles. At the same time, it is not possible to stop an attack by taking an increased dose of bronchodilators, which, as a rule, are already taken by a patient with asthma. Status asthma is a very dangerous condition that can lead to the death of the patient, so it requires urgent medical attention.

    Affective disorders (synonymous with mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and external expression of a person's mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

    Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner lining of the heart, caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main of which is streptococcus. Often, endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that has developed against the background of other diseases, but it is the bacterial lesion of the membrane that is an independent disorder. It affects people of any age group, which is why endocarditis is often diagnosed in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from this disease several times more often than women.

    Around the world, many people suffer from such a disorder as bipolar disorder. The disease is characterized by frequent mood swings, and the mood of a person does not change from bad to good, but from extremely depressive and dull, to a feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In a word, mood swings in patients with bipolar disorder are colossal, which is always noticeable to others, especially if such swings are frequent.

    Legionnaires' disease, or legionellosis, is a bacterial infection that most often presents as a severe form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and impaired functioning of the central nervous system and kidneys. Sometimes, during the illness, the respiratory and urinary systems are affected.

    Acute intestinal infection, caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by a duration of fever and general intoxication of the body, is called typhoid fever. This disease refers to severe ailments, as a result of which the main environment of the lesion is the gastrointestinal tract, and when aggravated, the spleen, liver and blood vessels are affected.

    Hypernatremia is a disease characterized by an increase in the level of sodium in the blood serum to a value of 145 mmol / l or higher. In addition, a low fluid content in the body is detected. Pathology has a fairly high mortality rate.

    Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness during the daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. It rarely occurs as an independent disorder - it is often a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, there is no improvement in the general condition, there is constant drowsiness and problems with waking up.

    Hypertensive crisis is a syndrome in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. At the same time, symptoms of damage to the main organs develop - the heart, lungs, brain, and so on. This condition is very serious and requires emergency care, otherwise serious complications may develop.

    Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor retardation and thought failures, are a serious and dangerous disease, which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not carry any special danger, in which they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by the passivity and depression of a person.

    Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous condition that develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. In the case of its progression in the human body, metabolic processes are disturbed. This condition threatens not only health, but also the life of the patient.

    Cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when the contractile function of the left ventricle fails, the blood supply to tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends in death.

    Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus, which, without adequate and timely treatment, can lead to diabetic coma or even death. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as an energy source, as it lacks the hormone insulin. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use incoming fats as an energy source.

    Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from encephalitis ticks. The virus sneaks into the brain and spinal cord of an adult or a child, causes severe intoxication and affects the central nervous system. Severe encephalitic forms without timely treatment can lead to paralysis, mental disorders and even death. How to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, what to do if a tick-borne infection is suspected, and what is the importance of vaccination in the prevention and treatment of a deadly disease?

    False croup is a pathology of an infectious-allergic nature that causes the development of edema of the larynx with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the lumen of the airways, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and poses a threat to the life of the patient, therefore, assistance in this condition should be provided immediately - within minutes after the attack.

    Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (syn. primary macroglobulinemia, macroglobulinemic reticulosis) is an extremely rare disease in which a tumor is formed in the bone marrow, consisting of lymphocytic and plasmacytic cells.

    Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition characterized by an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. The disease develops against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient excretion from the human body.

    Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by the development of edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. Women are most often affected by this disease during a period of hormonal changes, that is, during menopause.

    Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure increases. All this leads to a violation of the circulation of blood in the body and to the death of its cells.

    Quincke's edema is usually defined as an allergic condition, expressed in its rather acute manifestations. It is characterized by the occurrence of severe edema of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Somewhat less often, this condition manifests itself in the joints, internal organs and meninges. As a rule, Quincke's edema, the symptoms of which can occur in almost any person, occurs in patients with allergies.

    The disease, which is characterized by the formation of pulmonary insufficiency, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the lung cavity and, as a result, contributing to the infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a condition where there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs that has seeped through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

    Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is a dangerous and severe pathology in which the organ itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to the fact that certain parts of the gland become necrotic. This pathological process can provoke the progression of a purulent abscess. Pancreatic necrosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital organs. If timely and complete treatment is not carried out, then often this disease leads to the death of the patient.

    Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get enough sleep to make it go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a violation with a long sleep. On the contrary, the constant desire to sleep and the inability to restore strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

    Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease characterized by a pathological process that occurs in the liver and affects the central nervous system. The result of such a disease are neuropsychiatric disorders. This disease is characterized by personality changes, depression and intellectual impairment. To cope with hepatic encephalopathy on your own will not work, here you can not do without medical intervention.

    Multiple organ failure is a severe pathological process that occurs as a result of severe trauma, severe blood loss, or any other condition. In this case, we are talking about a violation or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, a fatal outcome is observed if the necessary medical measures are not taken in a timely manner to normalize the functioning of the organs. Such a high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level that the ability to maintain the life of the organism is lost.

    The disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems, is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs as a result of infection with infections of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection of the body with infections, the development of reactive arthritis can be observed in the second or fourth week.

    Rh conflict during pregnancy is a pathological process that manifests itself in a situation where the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father is positive, and the child acquires a positive Rh factor of the father. If both parents are Rh-positive or Rh-negative, Rh-conflict is not detected.

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    With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

    Inhibition of thinking, movements and the mental sphere: causes, symptoms

    From time to time, each person may notice that the activity of the brain is not fully carried out. Such a violation is expressed in the difficulty of performing movements (bradykinesia) and in remembering information, inhibition of reaction and thought disorders (bradypsychia).

    It should be said that in most situations these failures are temporary and can be explained by natural factors: fatigue or nervous exhaustion. However, there are cases when the absurdity of movements, inhibition of thinking and the mental sphere is a pathological process, the causes of which must be identified in a timely manner and appropriate therapy selected.

    Features of bradypsychia

    Pathological inhibition of thinking is called bradypsychia. This phenomenon has no parallels with apathy or inertia of thinking, but suggests mental and pathophysiological disorders.

    Bradypsychia is considered as a kind of neurological symptomatology, which in most cases is formed in people in old age. But sometimes people at a young age, as well as children, also experience inhibition in thought processes.

    Poverty and insufficiency of mental processes is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathological processes, manifested as a decrease in the speed of reaction, slow speech, slowness of thinking and motor activity. In difficult situations, the individual is not able to respond to what is happening and is in an apathetic state or stupor for a long time. The following types of inhibition are distinguished:

    The thought process can be disrupted at any age.

    Inhibition can also be speech and mental, having psychological factors. Weak and involuntary movements can cause motor retardation. There are problems with memory, failures. In many cases, such conditions are provoked by a neurological disease, constant fatigue, or psychological pathological processes.

    Slowness of movements and emotional retardation is a pathological process, the causes of which can only be detected by specialists. They also recommend appropriate therapy.

    Comorbid disorders

    Bradypsychia is the result of damage to the central nervous system, which is responsible for brain activity. Depending on the element of the lesion, different types of disorders develop. These include:

    • bradybasia - slow walking;

    Parkinsonism is characterized by bradykinesia

    When bradypsychia is a consequence of Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to focus on the symptoms of the underlying pathological process. It includes a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbance, etc.

    Causing factors and diseases

    The pathophysiology is very complex and not fully understood. It is only known that thinking, behavior, emotional component and other functions of the human brain are associated with the activity of the limbic system. In everyday practice, only conditions are distinguished - diseases during which bradypsychia and its accompanying deviations are observed:

    1. Vascular diseases of the brain. Acute, often chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain, which occur due to progressive atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and vascular thrombosis, are a factor in the destruction of the substance in the brain. Structures that are responsible for the speed of thinking are also subject to violations.
    2. Parkinson's disease. A common cause, a characteristic manifestation of which is slow thinking. In addition to such depressing symptoms (patients at a late stage in the development of this pathological process are not inclined to notice any changes), there are a large number of other unpleasant manifestations. For example, thoughts will become not only slow, but also viscous, the patient will be characterized by importunity, slow confused speech.
    3. Epilepsy. At a late stage in the formation of the disease, when specialists observe the destruction of the personality as a result of a progressive disease, lethargy can be noted, like other symptoms of altered thinking.
    4. Schizophrenia. As with epilepsy in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not considered an initial symptom of pathological processes, but develops gradually over time.
    5. Depression. A mental illness that is characterized by a large number of symptoms, often masquerading as physical difficulties - including toothache or ischemia. They also include sluggish thinking.
    6. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland. With such an ailment, the symptoms are extremely pronounced and occur one of the first.
    7. Toxic lesions. Such a subgroup of diseases does not exist in the international classification. However, the term maximally describes the causes of painful symptoms - intoxication of the body.

    The short-term effect of lethargy appears after lack of sleep, due to exhaustion of the body, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol that depress thinking and movement. The reasons can be divided into those that block the activity of the brain and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

    Naturally, with such an abundance of provoking diseases, treatment can also be different.

    What does it look like?

    The image of the "inhibited" patient falls under the typical characteristics of the melancholic: weakness, slowness, protracted speech, each word is pronounced with effort.

    You may get the feeling that the thought process takes a large amount of strength and energy from a person who does not have time to react to information or completely sinks into a stupor.

    In addition to a decrease in the speed of speech and thought processes, a muffledness of the spoken words is observed - a very quiet and calm voice, sometimes breaking the silence. Weakness is visible in movement and facial expressions, posture is often too relaxed.

    A person has a desire to find support all the time or lie down.

    Not all symptoms are always observed. Just one thing is enough to recommend a person to seek medical help from specialists.

    Diagnostic criteria and methods

    People with speech tempo disorders, including bradylalia, need complex medical and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics carried out by a specialized specialist. During the examination, the patient's history should be studied in detail, which concerns previous diseases and brain lesions, as well as the presence of failures in the rate of speech in relatives.

    In certain situations, in order to find out the organic basis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies, including:

    The study of oral speech involves an assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, tempo-rhythmic side, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves the execution of tasks for writing off the text and writing from dictation, reading. In addition to a diagnostic examination of speech function, they conduct a study of the general condition, manual motor skills, sensory functions, and intelligence.

    At the time of diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate this disease from dysarthria and stuttering.

    What does modern medicine offer?

    To carry out the proper treatment of the disease, you must first consult with a specialist. He will recommend effective treatment, as well as warn about the presence of contraindications to the use of certain therapies or any drug.

    More often than others, the following methods of therapeutic and preventive action are used:

    1. Activation of thinking processes. For these purposes, you need to read new books, learn foreign languages, engage in a creative process, or solve various puzzles. This technique helps to train the brain, activate thinking.
    2. Neuroprotectors and nootropics are prescribed. Drug therapy that aims to restore and strengthen nerve cells and tissues.
    3. Treatment of vascular pathologies. Means are used that make it possible to clean the vascular walls, which is necessary for the full functioning of the brain. As a result, there is an activation of mental and motor activity.
    4. Psychotherapy. It acts as an adjuvant drug therapy. Modern treatment methods contribute to counteracting the effects of stress, adjusting the assessment of the individual, and forming the necessary models of response to specific situations.
    5. Sports and outdoor activities. Moderate physical exertion and walks allow the brain to rest, and nerve cells to recover due to the influx of oxygen.

    If emotional and mental retardation is caused by tranquilizers, then the abolition of any drugs is required. In most cases, reactions recover over time.

    Summing up

    The prognosis is relatively favorable with an early onset of correction and the presence of psychological causes of disorders of motor activity and speech motor skills. However, after the restoration of skills, one should be observed by doctors for a long time, constantly independently control their movements and train of thought.

    As preventive measures, damage to the central nervous system should be prevented, head injuries should be avoided, and asthenic syndrome should be detected in time.

    Pathological inhibition of thinking involves various mental and pathophysiological disorders. This phenomenon should be qualified as a symptomatology, which in most situations is formed in the elderly. But in certain cases, a similar problem can manifest itself in childhood and in young people.

    If you find inhibition of thought processes, you should immediately seek advice from doctors. It is likely that such a condition is the result of dangerous malfunctions in the central nervous system and needs special correction.


    A state of apathy overcomes every person from time to time. If apathy for life does not last long, then this condition is not dangerous. But if the state of apathy is observed in the patient for a long period, then it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    How does apathy manifest itself?

    Translated from Greek, the word "apathy" means "insensitivity." If a person shows signs of apathy, then among other people it is easy to recognize him by his indifferent attitude to what is constantly happening around him. He does not demonstrate emotions, does not express any life aspirations. Those things or problems that until recently were of decisive importance to him, in a state of apathy, are no longer interested in him. The state of apathy is also manifested in the patient by a sharp restriction of communication. His professional activity can be inhibited, as a constant state of despondency affects the ability to work fruitfully. Most often, the patient spends time motionless. At the same time, he is not interested in the question of how to get out of a state of apathy.

    In everyday life, apathy at a certain life period develops in most people. But not everyone considers apathy a disease or a symptom of some kind of illness.

    Human emotions are the main driving force of his life activity. Emotions determine both pleasant and not so good sensations, while filling a person's life with a more pronounced meaning. However, the human psyche can periodically be depleted, as a result of which a certain dulled emotion occurs. The reverse development of events is also possible - if there are no positive emotions in a person's life for a long time, then the result may be a noticeable breakdown. Apathy often manifests itself at a time when a person needs to replenish an energy deficit.

    Of course, a person can periodically manifest complete apathy. Moreover, such a state can even be somewhat useful, as it allows you to overestimate values, to carry out some psychological work on yourself. Sometimes a state of apathy in a person occurs during a period after which a certain important event in life follows, and in such a situation, apathy even allows you to accumulate a little internal strength.

    But if temporary apathy is a completely normal stage in life, then apathy, which a person perceives as depression, can lead to a worse mental health condition in the future.

    If a person is constantly in a depressed state, and the reasons for this state are completely incomprehensible to the surrounding people, then we can talk about apathy as an alarming symptom.

    This term appeared in psychiatry, having got into medicine from philosophical science. Psychiatry defines apathy as complete indifference to what is happening around, indifference to other people and even signs of disgust for everyday life.

    Symptoms of apathy in humans are manifested by a number of characteristic signs that clearly indicate this violation. But it is worth noting that very often apathy and drowsiness indicate the development of a serious disease in the human body. Therefore, if there are a number of signs of apathy in a loved one, it is necessary to help ensure that he undergoes a comprehensive medical examination. Only after establishing a diagnosis, the doctor will be able to clearly say how to deal with apathy and prescribe adequate therapy. A person who has developed apathy often has weakness and drowsiness. From the outside, it may seem that he is simply too lazy to do something, that he was simply overcome by severe fatigue. By the way, chronic fatigue often leads to manifestations of apathy, and sometimes depression can become a consequence of this condition.

    Vivid symptoms of apathy are lethargy, indifference to everything and everyone, isolation in oneself and the desire to constantly be alone. Such a person speaks, as a rule, inexpressively, he can openly be sad for no reason. The patient, prone to apathy, does not show initiative. All these symptoms should be known in order to timely notice the development of apathy both in yourself and in those around you.

    Why is there apathy?

    In the modern world, apathy develops in people very often, moreover, it can be observed in successful and even happy people who have taken place in life. Sometimes from the outside it seems that the reasons for apathy are completely incomprehensible. Even the patient himself very rarely can understand what lies behind his illness and what provoked it. In addition, it should be taken into account that the patient, imbued with indifference to everything that happens around him, is still indifferent to his own illness, which leads to its aggravation.

    However, apathy in a person can develop both due to internal and external causes. So, sometimes those events that at first glance seem completely insignificant can leave a serious mark on the soul, which leads to changes in the psyche.

    Psychologists identify several reasons that very often lead to the development of apathy. This condition sometimes develops in people whose profession is associated with strong emotional stress. A decline in energy can also be associated with a severe illness, lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiency. Any manifestations of prolonged stress, both physical and moral, can also eventually cause apathy in a person. Also, as the reasons due to which this condition develops, experts define both negative stress and a very bright positive event, after which a person experiences emotional emptiness.

    Apathy is quite common among women during pregnancy. If the expectant mother does not show interest in novelty, is constantly bored and even has very little interest in changes in her own condition, then these may be signs of apathy. The cause of this condition is serious hormonal changes during pregnancy. Doctors advise not to allow the condition to worsen: walk a lot, exercise in the fresh air, and the state of apathy will remain in the past.

    But far from always apathy and inhibited state are an exclusively psychological phenomenon. Sometimes these signs indicate the development of serious diseases. Apathy can be a sign of severe depression, schizophrenia, organic brain damage in the head, and other illnesses. Apathy is also sometimes a sign of endocrine dysfunction, a number of chronic ailments, alcoholism, drug addiction, premenstrual syndrome.

    A visit to a psychotherapist or other specialists is necessary if the causes of inhibition are difficult to determine, and at the same time apathy lasts more than one month. The mental component should also alert - the presence of failures in thinking, memory lapses, a very weak reaction to stimuli from the outside. Speech retardation and thought retardation should also be considered alarming symptoms. In addition, the state of inhibition is manifested by motor inhibition. Sometimes with apathy, it is the inhibition of movements that is one of the most alarming symptoms. In the presence of such signs, immediate diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease are required.

    How to deal with apathy?

    Treatment of apathy must be practiced after the doctor has confirmed that a person has this symptom. However, the most effective fight against apathy will be if the person himself realizes that the depressed state needs to be dealt with somehow. That is, before determining how to treat apathy, the patient himself must agree that he has such a problem, and be clearly aware of it. If apathy is the result of psychological causes, then experts advise paying close attention to introspection. Analyzing everything that happens and thinking about his condition in detail, the patient himself should try to determine the reason that prevents him from living a full life. Psychologists say that this process can be very difficult, but it often results in getting rid of signs of apathy.

    In addition, in the process of treating apathy, doctors advise that you must adhere to a healthy diet, practice physical activity, and travel. Sometimes it is worth trying to change the place of work, circle of friends. It also shows the intake of vitamin complexes, massage sessions.

    But still, even practicing the treatment of apathy prescribed by a doctor, it should be taken into account that the way out of this state directly depends on the correct behavior of the patient himself. You can not be too demanding of yourself and demonstrate strong-willed behavior, as in the end this can lead to complications - a depressive state and a state of affect.

    Experts advise to perceive the state of apathy as a kind of life respite and calmly spend this period. It is worth going on vacation, limiting all contacts. It is strictly not necessary to take medications without the permission of the doctor. Alcohol is also not a helper in this case. But doctors advise drinking green tea and eating dark chocolate, as these products contain substances that increase the tone of the body.

    However, if there is the slightest suspicion that the state of apathy was the result of a serious illness, then self-medication is out of the question. In this case, it is important to have a comprehensive examination by specialists of various profiles and the subsequent appointment of adequate therapy.

    Slow speech in adults may appear abruptly or develop gradually. The reasons for this condition are different: violations of the functional state of the nervous system, brain injuries that appeared after a stroke or thrombosis, or malignant neoplasms. In order to find out what to do and why speech slowed down, you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can recommend further examination and treatment for a patient with such a complaint.

    Speech difficulties associated with slow speech

    Speech difficulties come in many forms, including stuttering, dysarthria, voice problems, and articulation difficulties. Accidents can cause damage to brain centers or vocal muscles. Sometimes these pathologies are corrected naturally, but often have long-term consequences. Some diseases can cause speech difficulties due to the degeneration of muscle and nerve cells.

    Some adults have had speech problems since childhood, and speech difficulties become a problem as the person gets older. Patients describe this as "speech obstruction", "speech problem", or "pronunciation problem". Sometimes it is difficult to change some speech difficulties that have been present since childhood, they are so built in. The problem of slow speech often occurs due to problems and diseases of the elderly.

    A brain injury that causes slow speech can be caused by a brain tumor, stroke, cerebral palsy, long-term use of certain medications, or degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

    Why does slow speech occur in adults?

    Speech impairment refers to focal symptoms. Speech impairment can occur both in the form of aphasia, and in a milder form - slow speech. Most often, a person has lesions of the cortex of the dominant hemisphere (in the left-hander - the right one). A person loses the ability to partially or completely use speech to express their own thoughts and feelings. Another reason for the disorder of expressive speech while maintaining its understanding (dysarthria). This is a lesion of the cerebellum, basal ganglia. Due to the violation of these anatomical structures, flaccid or spastic paralysis of the speech apparatus may occur: tongue, pharynx, larynx, soft palate, muscles that lift the lower jaw, respiratory muscles. Articulation of consonants especially suffers, speech is slow, sometimes intermittent. The voice is often weak and muffled.

    Diseases that provoke the appearance of slow speech

    The causes of speech disorders in adults are diverse in their etiology and pathogenesis, with symptoms of a large number of diseases. Slow speech may develop gradually, but can suddenly impair speech quality and cause discomfort to people.

    • Alzheimer's disease.
    • Tumors of the brain.
    • Dementia.
    • Traumatic brain injury.
    • Postponed stroke.
    • Transient ischemic attack (TIA).
    • Alcohol intoxication.
    • Diseases affecting neuromuscular structures such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis.
    • Head and neck surgery for cancer.
    • Neurological disorders of the brain, such as Parkinson's disease in old people or Huntington's disease.
    • Poorly fitted dentures.
    • Side effects of drugs that act on the central nervous system, such as narcotic analgesics and anticonvulsants.

    The brain is an extremely complex machine and is made up of many different working areas. When one or more components stop working effectively, language and speech can often be affected. The severity of speech delay depends on the localization of the process and the severity of the damage. Reproduction of speech sounds can be very difficult, so speech slows down.

    Doctor's advice. With any changes in speech, you need to contact a specialist to eliminate the cause, which may further threaten a person’s life

    Stroke as the most common cause of speech delay

    Hemorrhagic and ischemic changes in the vessels occur quickly, so symptoms often appear suddenly and without warning.

    The main symptoms of a stroke are:

    • Speech disorders. If the lower parts of the left frontal lobe and the lower parts of the parietal are damaged, motor aphasia may occur in right-handed people. The patient is deprived of the opportunity to speak due to a violation of speech motor commands. These older people are quiet. They are reluctant to enter into a conversation, answer in monosyllables.
    • Headache - possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting.
    • Numbness or inability to move parts of the face, arms or legs - especially on one side of the body.
    • Trouble walking - including dizziness and lack of coordination.
    • The consequences of a stroke are accompanied by persistent changes such as bladder or bowel problems, pain in the arms and legs, paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body.

    Parkinson's disease is accompanied by speech disorders

    In Parkinson's disease, in addition to motor disorders, there are often pathological changes in the processes of phonation and articulation. The volume of speech changes depends on the predominance of rigidity, hypokinesia or trembling in the clinic, and also depends on the ratio and severity of the latter. Pathological changes in speech are more often manifested by a slowing of speech, a decrease in the sonority of the voice, aphonia (disappearance of the voice) may occur. A silent whisper (almost inaudible) makes a person's speech illegible, which is exacerbated by the monotony and disappearance of intonations that are characteristic of spoken language. In patients with hypokinesia, spontaneous speech activity decreases, their answers are concise, and speech is slow. With severe akinesia, speech becomes quiet, slurred, unexpressed and slow, so it becomes impossible to understand the patient. Only under the influence of great willpower can a person pronounce the word more loudly and clearly. Pathological changes involve the articulatory muscles, leading to dysarthria, which is the main cause of slow speech.

    There are many ways that you can use in everyday life to make speech clearer and easier to understand.

    Important! If there are concerns about speech and voice, it is better to consult a qualified doctor or speech therapist to assess the degree and further correction

    Lethargy is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathologies, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the speed of a person’s reaction, lengthening of speech, slowing down of mental functions and motor activity.

    What is retardation

    In serious cases, a person completely stops responding to the surrounding atmosphere and stays in apathy or stupor for a long time. There are several types of inhibition:
    • complex;
    • ideator (thinking);
    • motor (motor).
    Inhibition can be speech and mental, that is, it has psychological causes. Sluggish and untimely motor reactions are caused by motor retardation. Memory lapses may occur. In most cases, such conditions are caused either by illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.
    Motor and emotional retardation is a pathology, the causes of which can only be identified by doctors. They prescribe the right treatment.

    Pathological inhibition of thinking is also called bradypsychia. This is not inertia of thinking or apathy, but a broader concept. Often it appears with age in older people, but it is not uncommon in children and young people.

    Causes and symptoms of mental retardation

    Behavior, thinking of a person, his psychological state can be disturbed in pathologies of the nervous system and brain. The following also lead to ideational inhibition:

    The inhibition of motor and thought processes is characteristically manifested after drinking alcohol, even once. The same symptoms are sometimes caused by psychotropic drugs, as well as strong sedatives. When they are canceled, the inhibition disappears.

    Causes and symptoms of motor retardation

    Motor, as well as mental retardation, manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as all kinds of diseases. In the facial expressions and movements of the patient, sometimes or always lethargy is felt. The posture is usually relaxed, often there is a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, lean on something.

    Sharp motor retardation appears as a result of a stroke, cardiac pathology, when urgent hospitalization is necessary. People with mental disorders, parkinsonism, epilepsy, chronic depression suffer from constant motor inhibition. Such pathologies also require identification and therapeutic correction.

    This symptom is also typical for children. It may be chronic in some neurovegetative disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or appear spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impressions. In children, inhibition is often caused by:

    • vascular pathologies of the brain;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • meningitis;
    • psychological disorders;
    • epilepsy;
    • encephalitis;
    • severe stressful situations.

    For any type of inhibition in a child: speech, motor, mental, consultation of several specialists and competent diagnostics are necessary. In most cases, this condition in children is corrected with medication or with the help of a psychologist.

    Diagnosis of lethargy

    In case of psychological disorders, as well as physiological pathologies due to inhibition of the mental, motor or speech reaction, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

    Such patients are examined by speech therapists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other specialists. It is necessary to accurately determine whether there are brain disorders, whether a person has had head injuries, or hereditary diseases. To determine the organic nature of the disease appoint:

    • PET and MRI of the brain;
    • blood tests.
    Diagnostics of written and oral speech is also carried out. Perhaps a person suffers from stuttering, defects in sound pronunciation that lead to speech inhibition. The intellectual development of the patient, the state of sensory functions, general motor skills, the condition of the joints and muscles are also studied.

    Treatment for lethargy

    • Activation of thought processes. To do this, they read new books, master languages, engage in creativity or solve mathematical problems. Such actions train the brain, activate mental activity.
    • Neuroprotectors and nootropics. Drug treatment aimed at restoring and strengthening nerve cells and tissues.
    • Vascular Therapy. Drugs help to clean the walls of blood vessels, this is especially important for the brain. As a result, motor activity is activated, and mental retardation gradually recedes.
    • Psychotherapy. It complements medical treatment. Modern methods of psychotherapy help to cope with the consequences of stressful situations, correct personal assessment, form the right models of response to certain moments.
    • Sports and fresh air. Moderate physical activity, walking on the street help the brain to rest, and nerve cells to recover due to the additional flow of oxygen.
    If the lethargy is temporary, caused by intense heat, then tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature should be taken. The temporary lethargy caused by medications and strong sedatives is stopped by abandoning such drugs. Usually it passes without a trace, the body's reactions are fully restored.

    Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

    What is inhibition of emotions and movements. How to correctly identify and treat pathology, we learn the doctor's recommendations from the video.



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