What you need to keep a budgerigar. The ideal pet is the budgerigar

The budgerigar is a beautiful and active bird that is often kept at home. She has a good mind and ingenuity, quickly adapts and always finds a common language with people. A bright and colorful plumage can be a great home decor. If you are planning to get a budgerigar, nevertheless, to begin with, learn the important rules of care and maintenance. The comfortable well-being of this feathered pet depends on compliance with all norms and requirements.

In order for the maintenance of budgerigars in a house or apartment to be comfortable, it is important first of all to choose a suitable cage. It is in it that they will spend most of their time, so it should be comfortable, equipped and spacious. Birds of this breed love space. For this reason, it is better to purchase a large cage so that they can move freely around it.

Cell selection

Budgerigars at home should feel comfortable, nothing should interfere with them and cause discomfort. The first step is to purchase a cage for them.

When choosing a cell, you need to consider important features:

  • the size. The dwelling should be spacious;
  • if it is planned to keep one parrot, then a small cage with dimensions of 35 × 35 cm is suitable for it, but for a married couple the smallest area will be 65x55 cm;
  • it is worth considering the indicators of the frequency of the location of the wire. It should create a lattice with a density that will not limit the slipping of the bird's head, which can lead to injury;
  • a cage with a rectangular shape is suitable for living, its top should be domed;
  • the bottom section of the cage should be made of hardwood or a metal base;
  • the core of the wire must not be made of copper. Birds can develop metal oxide poisoning if they chew on wire.

Choosing a place in the house

To make the budgerigar feel good, it is important to pay special attention to its content. The cage must be installed in a suitable area. Kitchen, hallway, bathroom, passage room - will not be the best places for this bird. It must be placed in a quiet and secluded place at home.

Considering the important question of how to care for budgerigars at home, you should pay special attention to the place where the cage will be installed. To do this, you need to remember a few features:

  • the cage with the bird should not be in drafts, near window openings or heating devices;
  • in warm periods, it is recommended to put a cage with a parrot on the balcony;
  • fresh air and sunlight have a positive effect on the health of the pet. But in strong sun, the cage on the side needs to be covered with a cloth.

Arrangement of the cell

As soon as the cage is selected and installed, it is worth moving on to arranging it so that the bird can live comfortably in it. At this stage, it is recommended that the future home be fully equipped; it must have all the important elements for the normal life of a feathered pet.

Keeping a budgerigar is a responsible business, so you should take it carefully and not miss even the little things. If you want the bird to live for a long time and not experience problems, then be sure to equip the cage as needed. It should have wooden perches. They will serve as a place for the bird on which she can sit and rest, play.

Perches should be installed in areas of the cage where the parrot will not clog drinkers and feeders with droppings. In this case, the tail of the bird should not touch the walls of the cage.

  • oak, beech, maple, birch. The wood of this species is considered to be quite wear-resistant, it has a positive effect on the state of the feathered pet;
  • willow. Perches from this tree will be very durable, and willow also has a healing effect;
  • apple, pear, plum, cherry, rowan. Perches made from these types of wood make delicious seating for parrots. They contain many nutrients.

It is impossible to use coniferous trees (spruce, pine, cedar) for perches. They can cause various health problems in birds. Do not use poisonous breeds.

Food bowls and a drinking bowl with water are placed in the cage. They can be 2-3 pieces, the water in them needs to be changed every day.

It is required to place 3 feeders in the cage:

  • one feeder for feed mixtures with minerals - crushed eggshell, red clay, sand, charcoal;
  • bowl for solid feed mixtures - millet, grain, barley, millet;
  • soft feed container.

Important! Birds love to swim in the hot season, budgerigars often do this in drinking bowls. In this case, the water spills, the cage becomes dirty, and the feathers scatter to the sides. To prevent this, it is worth installing special bathing containers.

In addition, for games and development, a swing with swinging ladders is stirred in the cage. They are useful for the development of the muscles of the legs of birds. On the surface of the bottom of the cage, you can lay out stones of various sizes, toys.

Cage Care

Budgerigar care should include house cleaning. For cleaning, you will need ordinary warm water without impurities and detergents. There is no need to add powder to it. You can use an old toothbrush for cleaning.

  • all elements must be washed and wiped dry;
  • especially carefully it is worth removing the pan, it is always a lot of dirt;
  • All feeders and drinkers should be washed well.

How to care for a budgerigar at home?

If you are planning to purchase budgerigars, then be sure to study all the important features of care and maintenance at home. It is important that feathered pets are always in perfect order. To do this, follow the recommendations and follow the rules of the content.

Proper nutrition

The health and proper development of domestic budgerigars depends on proper nutrition. The menu of a feathered pet should be balanced, it should contain feed mixtures with a high level of useful components. They will be able to prevent the development of dangerous poultry diseases, strengthen their immunity and protective properties of the body.

The feeding of the budgerigar should be based on grain feed. The largest part should be millet. But so that parrots do not have problems in the digestive system, feeding with grain mixtures should be in a certain ratio in%:

  • yellow millet - 50%;
  • white millet - 25%;
  • millet with red color - 15%;
  • shelled oats - 10%.

So what else to feed budgerigars? Additionally, other types of food should be included in the menu:

  • greens. In the warm season, the bird will be happy to eat fresh lettuce leaves, a mixture of plantain, dandelion, clover greens. In winter, germinated oats are suitable;
  • . Parrots will willingly eat fresh carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, radishes. Among fruits and berries, preference should be given to apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, raspberries, strawberries;
  • minerals. A parrot should sometimes be given chalk and sepia, it is sold at any pet store.


Budgerigars are endowed with good intelligence and intelligence. They are very sociable, so they require increased attention from a person or their relatives. If the bird is bored, then it begins to wither quickly.

You should already know by behavior what a budgerigar needs. If he vigorously chirps, chirps, then he shows you his attention and wants to talk. Don't ignore it, play with it, talk to it, sing a song.

Freedom for parrots

Many beginners often wonder - is it necessary to let the budgerigar out of the cage? You should not limit the freedom of your pet, sometimes it is necessary to let him out of the cage so that he can fly freely around the room. This is required for the full psychological development of the bird.

  • first you need to check that all doors, window openings are closed;
  • limit access to water containers - a bathtub, aquariums, toilet bowls, sinks, if a parrot gets into them, it will choke;
  • if there are other pets in the apartment or in the house, then watch the parrot while walking. Otherwise, it may be caught by a cat or dog. It is better to remove all the inhabitants to another room, and close the room with the bird.


Complete care for a budgerigar includes compliance with the required microclimate in the room where the cage with the pet is kept. It affects the development and health of the bird. The room should have a humidity level of 60-70%. A dry climate for a budgerigar will negatively affect its condition.

The most suitable temperature for budgerigars in the room in which they are kept should be kept at a thermometer reading of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. In the cold season, it is worth using a special lamp for heating.

Diseases and prevention

The health of budgerigars should come first. When keeping them at home, they can sometimes develop serious illnesses that can lead to the death of a pet. To help the bird, you should know the types of diseases and how to treat them.

It is best to buy budgerigars in specialized pet stores. They sell healthy birds that have passed all the necessary examinations and received vaccinations. In these places you will be able to offer a thoroughbred bird without any problems in the pedigree. In addition, a comfortable and suitable cage will be attached to it.

If you want to have a budgerigar at home, then you can take it from your hands. Birds are usually advertised cheaply, but they can sometimes have health problems. They are also sold in nurseries, in the bird market and by the breeders themselves.

But in any case, before acquiring a budgerigar, you should first study all its important features and rules of keeping. Despite the fact that it is considered an unpretentious bird, it is still important to provide convenience and comfort for a feathered pet while living at home. It is necessary to think over everything - choose a suitable cage, arrange it, install drinkers, feeders and other important attributes. Do not forget about communication and care for the parrot, this is what is considered an important basis for its full-fledged living.

So, you have decided to purchase a budgerigar.

Before you go to the store or to the market for him, determine for yourself the purpose of acquiring a bird: do you need it as a companion or will it be used for breeding.

Further care for the budgerigar depends on this.

Budgerigars: proper care. How to choose a feathered pet?

Rules for choosing a budgerigar

It is important to take the choice of a bird seriously and buy it better from an experienced breeder, where you can personally assess the conditions in which the birds are kept and observe their behavior. The risk of buying a sick bird here is much less than in the poultry market.

The selected bird must be examined. Healthy parrots are active, their plumage is close to the body and looks shiny, their eyes are clean and clear, without clouding. The paws should have 4 toes (2 pointing forward and 2 back) with claws, the scales should fit evenly against each other. A sick bird is inactive and indifferent to what is happening, sits ruffled, its plumage is dull and disheveled, and around the cloaca it can be stained with liquid feces.

Sick parrot sits ruffled

You should buy young parrots aged from 1.5 to 3-4 months. During this period, they most quickly get used to a person and a new place of residence. Older birds are more difficult to endure a change of scenery, and are less tamed.

How to determine the age of a parrot?

In order not to be deceived by the seller when buying a budgerigar and not to buy an old bird instead of a young one, you should learn to determine its age yourself by the following signs:

1. There is a black “smear” on the beaks of chicks up to 2 months old, which disappears as they grow older;

2. Parrots under 3 months old have a characteristic “wavy” pattern on their heads from beak to back;

3. At the age of 3.5-4 months, the first "juvenile" molt occurs. After its completion, the parrot will have a yellow or white “cap” on its head with the remnants of barely noticeable “waves”;

4. Chicks have completely black eyes. By 5-10 months, the iris of the eyes brightens. Adult birds have a white rim around the pupil;

5. Throat spots at a young age of the bird have a semicircular shape with blurred contours. In parrots older than 6 months, the spots are clear in the form of an oval;

6. The cere of young birds is pale lilac or pinkish. After 4 months of life, the upper beak of males becomes bright blue, and females become beige or light blue. By 8-9 months, the cere of females becomes brown;

7. Tail feathers in young animals are shorter than in adults.

The above criteria for determining age are not suitable for variegated birds, albinos (all white) and lutinos (all yellow). Their beak is always light, their eyes remain black (in albinos they can be dark red) for life. Therefore, it is better to buy birds of this color from trusted breeders who will not hide the true age and health of their parrots.

How to determine the sex of a budgerigar?

Females and males can be distinguished by the color of the cere (the upper beak where the nostrils are located). At a young age, it has a pale lilac or mauve color in both sexes, only in females there are light rings around the nostrils. By the 4th month of life, the mandible in males turns blue and becomes brighter. In females, the cere acquires a pale blue or beige hue, and after puberty (8-9 months) it becomes brown.

On the left is a female (brown cere), on the right is a male (blue cere)

Budgerigars: proper care. Cell selection and placement. How to equip the "home" of a budgerigar?

Where to put a "home" for a parrot in an apartment?

The necessary criteria for the safe living of parrots at home are high-quality food, a bright location in the cage, and cleanliness in the cage.

It is best to place the cage in a bright place in the room. It is not recommended to put on the windowsill, as budgerigars are afraid of drafts. However, these birds need a long daylight hours - at least 12-14 hours in summer and 10-12 hours in winter. Therefore, in the autumn-winter season, additional lighting is required. In order for a feathered pet to quickly get used to the owner, the cage must be at the level of human growth.

How to choose a cell?

A bird cage is selected according to the following criteria:

Shape - the best is rectangular with a flat top. They make it easier for birds to move around. In addition, it is easier to hang toys, a mirror, a swing to a flat “ceiling”;

Size - depends on the planned location of the cage in the apartment, the number of birds and their size. The size of the cage is selected so that the bird can freely spread its wings, fly from perch to perch. The minimum parameters of the cell are 25x40x40cm;

The location of the twigs - horizontally located twigs are more convenient for moving birds along the walls of the cage. Climbing over them, the parrot will not slip;

Bird safety - parrots like to walk on the bottom of the cage, so it should be solid, not twigs. Otherwise, the bird's fingers or claws can get stuck between the twigs, and the bird, trying to free itself, can easily break its paw;

It is necessary to clean the cage every day, and general cleaning is carried out monthly. For disinfection after washing, the cage is wiped with a decoction of wormwood or chamomile.

Cell equipment

In order for the parrots to feel comfortable in their home, perches of various diameters (at least 2 pieces), feeders, drinkers, baths, toys and a mirror should be installed in the cage.

Equipped cage for wavy parrots

The perches are placed so that the bird can easily fly from one to another and not pollute the feeder and drinker with its droppings.

It is better to choose glass or porcelain drinkers (the water in them stays fresh and clean longer). Every day they should be washed with hot water and soda and wiped dry.

Feeders made of porcelain or plastic in a cage need at least two: one for grain feed, the second for soft.

Baths with clean warm water are placed in a cage periodically, especially on hot summer days. After the bird has taken "water procedures", the bath is removed.

If the parrot lives alone in a cage, then you need to hang a small mirror from the ceiling so that the bird does not feel lonely.

On a note! After purchase, all accessories and the cage itself must be disinfected by dousing with boiling water and wiped dry.

Budgerigars: proper care. Feeding, diet

The diet of budgerigars is quite diverse and includes grain mixtures, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and mineral supplements.

Grain mixtures include peeled oats, canary seed, flax and millet of varying degrees of maturity. It is better to purchase such food in sealed packaging with a transparent "window" in order to visually assess the quality. In cardboard boxes, the grain may be moldy due to improper storage.

As a source of vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber, vegetables, fruits, berries and seasonal greens should be present on the budgie menu. Birds are happy to gnaw on such juicy root crops as carrots, beets, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage. Favorite fruits for them are apples, peaches, pineapples, pears, citrus fruits. From berries, feathered pets will gladly eat raspberries, strawberries, strawberries.

In the spring-summer season, you can give parrots leaves of dandelion, clover, plantain, spinach, horse sorrel, and in winter grow oats and millet for greens.

Important! You can not feed persimmons, mangoes, all kinds of nuts, celery root, dill, meat and dairy products, potatoes, cheese, chocolate to parrots.

For the full development of birds, mineral supplements are also needed. For example, offer organic sand, chalk or sepia (the skeletal part of a cuttlefish). These substances enrich the body of parrots with calcium and other trace elements. In addition, by gnawing on chalk, parrots naturally wear down their ever-growing beak.

Budgerigars: proper care. First days at home

After buying and delivering a budgerigar home, it should be kept separate from other birds (if you have them) for the first 2-3 weeks.

At first, the bird will experience stress due to the change of scenery and transportation. Therefore, you should protect your pet from frightening factors: loud sounds next to him, the obsessive attention of children and other animals (if any). Communicate with the bird in a calm, gentle voice, do not try to force it into your hands - this is how you will establish a trusting relationship with it. This process takes time, patience and perseverance. After the bird gets used to you and fearlessly sits on your outstretched hand, you can start learning colloquial words.

Budgerigars: proper care. Diseases of budgerigars

With improper care and non-compliance with sanitary conditions, budgerigars are exposed to diseases such as scabies, inflammation of the goiter, and poisoning. Possible injuries to the paws, damage by downy eaters.

Budgerigar infected with knemidokoptosis (mange)

If you find the following signs, you should show the bird to the veterinarian:

Refusal of food;

Faded, disheveled plumage;

Lethargy and apathy;

Discharge from the nose;

Growths on the beak and legs.

The health of a feathered pet is in your hands!

When a person wants to have a pet, he simply goes to the market and chooses the one he likes. But before you make such an acquisition, you should decide in advance on the animal or bird. We need to collect as much information about him as possible. If the choice falls on a parrot, then you should find out everything about its content. After all, when the bird is at home, it will not be so easy to refuse it. Therefore, how to care for a parrot, you need to know in advance. It is from the owner that the life and health of the bird will depend.

First stay in a new place

The question "How to care for a parrot?" quite popular in our country. A lot of people have them in their homes. After all, it is the full care of the parrot that is the key to a long and healthy life of the bird.

The main components of keeping a pet are some items. For example, perches and a feeder, a bath and a drinking bowl. It is also important to know the diet of parrots.

When an acquired bird is brought into its home, it cannot be planted with other birds. She needs to be alone for a few weeks (two or three). Constantly with a parrot it is worth maintaining a close relationship. Have sweet conversations in a pleasant voice. So that the bird gets used to the new owner and sees in him his patron. If you know how to properly care for a parrot, then your beloved pet will always be satisfied.

Choosing a place to live

The main detail in keeping birds at home is the presence of a cage. It is sold in pet stores or markets. The cage in the room should be placed in a place where there is a lot of daylight, but there is no direct sunlight (this is very harmful for parrots). It is also impossible for him to be in drafts. Before you care for a parrot, you should buy and install the cage correctly. His house should be at the level of your eyes. This approach will help to get closer to the pet and the owner. Also, heating devices should not be installed near the cage.

At first, parrots may have indigestion or poor appetite. It's not worth worrying about. This behavior is associated with a change of scenery and getting used to it. Also, at first it is not necessary to create conditions that will act as an irritant. For example, you should not listen to loud music, let other pets close to the bird, or persistently try to pet it. You need to wait a little while the adaptation period passes. It is not only important to know how to care for a parrot, but also to communicate properly with it. The voice should be gentle and quiet, you can call by name. Especially when cleaning the cage or changing the water.

Disease symptoms

In the first days of the budgerigar's stay in a new place, you do not need to immediately begin to educate him. First, you should establish close contact with the bird. A little time must pass. Also, for several weeks after acquiring a parrot, you need to carefully monitor its general behavior. Some actions may indicate that the bird is sick and needs specialist help. Then care for the parrot will need more thorough.

So, what behavior can tell the owner that his pet is unwell? First, if he eats badly. Secondly, he drinks liquid very often. Thirdly, he does not move much around the cage, he mostly sits in one corner. Fourth, looks sleepy. Fifthly, it is in a sitting position with lowered wings and ruffled.

If these symptoms are noticeable, it is best to consult a veterinarian for advice. After all, his future life will depend on how to care for a parrot. Animals and birds are not a thing, they cannot be simply thrown away at the first unwillingness to keep or care for them.

Cell cleaning

Cleaning a parrot's home is an essential part of caring for them. Some things need to be done every day, and others once every thirty and ninety days. Now in this article, the existing cleaning options will be considered.

Clean up rubbish and leftover food every day. They can be on the floor of the cage, under the bedding, on the sides. The pallet must be pulled out and wet cleaning under it. The bedding should be changed daily. It is important to wash the drinker and feeder well, you can use soda or detergent. Then the dishes should be wiped with a dry cloth.

Once a month, after regular cleaning, the parrot house is disinfected. You need to wet the sponge in an infusion of chamomile or wormwood and wash the cage well. Then wipe it dry.

Once every three months, you must first wash the bird's dwelling, then wipe it with a soda solution (3 tsp of soda for 1 liter of water), and then with infusion of chamomile (wormwood). After all procedures, wipe with a soft cloth. Budgerigar care is not very difficult. The main thing is to know what actions to take. Then healthy and happy birds will live in the house.

Budgerigar food

The diet of budgerigars does not contain refined wheat groats, namely millet. There is also oats in the grain mixture. These two crops complement each other. Thanks to them, budgerigars get useful amino acids. In addition, birds can be given sunflower seeds in small quantities. Also green types of herbs: dandelion and clover, spinach and alfalfa, lettuce and sprouts of young plants. Some other budgerigars eat fruits and berries. They are useful, but not all birds want to use them. In addition to all these ingredients, you need to put a container with river sand and crushed eggshells in the cage.

Precautionary measures

Caring for a budgerigar for a boy is no different from caring for a female feathered parrot. All birds require attention and special conditions for living at home.

Water for budgerigars should be fresh every day. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water. It will add nutrients to the bird's body. Also important for budgerigars is the ability to fly. All sources of fresh air should be closed in the room beforehand. Otherwise, the birds feel it and fly towards it. It is better to curtain all windows and the balcony so that the parrot does not break on the glass. A tree branch can be placed in the cage, on which the bird will sharpen its beak. A suitable temperature for staying is about 20 degrees Celsius.

Corella care

If a person takes a cockatiel into his content, then he must understand that these birds require special attention. Feathers are very proud, it is more difficult to establish close contact with them. With Corella parrots, you need to communicate very affectionately, do not raise your voice.

Birds love to bathe, so having a bath in the cage is essential. Spraying may be used. Caring for a cockatiel consists of proper food, free flight and regular cleaning of their homes. Birds are advised to trim their wings (the procedure should be carried out by a specialist).

Corella parrots need to be fed with a grain mixture, dandelion and plantain leaves, birch and willow twigs, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, bread.

Lovebird Care

Different types of birds differ slightly in maintenance and care. Lovebird parrots have a very cheerful nature. They are responsive and free-spirited. Birds are very fond of flying, because in a cage the birds only eat, drink water and sleep. Caring for lovebirds is to properly feed them, choose a strong iron cage and create room for flight. Birds often become obese from lack of movement.

The cage must be constantly cleaned, this must be done in the same way as in the dwellings of other parrots. Bathing water should be warm, you should not force bathing procedures. Food for lovebirds is no different from food for budgerigars.

If you have information about the proper care of birds, then communication with them will be a pleasure for a person!

For a normal life and good health? How to properly care for this bird?

Budgerigars need fresh air, a clean cage, good quality food and light. At the same time, when choosing a place in an apartment to install a cage, it is worth considering that parrots are afraid of drafts and do not tolerate stuffiness. You need to place the cage at the level of human growth, away from heating devices, a computer and a TV. The light day of a parrot should be 15-16 hours, which means that at night they need to turn on the light. The optimum air temperature for budgerigars is 18-20C.

The feathered cage should always be clean. General cleaning is done once a month. During this cleaning, the cage is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and washed. For disinfection, the cage must be washed with soapy water, then rinsed well in clean water and rinsed with chamomile decoction. The usual cleaning of the cage is done once a week, unless there is any reason to do it more often. The feeder and drinker must be kept clean and washed daily with detergent.

Since all birds have a fairly fast metabolism, even a short fast can lead to the death of a bird. Therefore, proper feeding plays a very important role in caring for them. Considering that both hunger and overeating are dangerous for parrots, you need to give them enough food so that they eat up, but at the same time they do not choose tidbits from what they receive, but eat everything. Over time, you will be able to know quite well the amount of food your pet needs and stick to this norm.

The main food for parrots is a grain mixture. You can buy this mixture at any pet store. However, this is not enough to fully provide the bird's body with everything necessary. It is also necessary to give mineral feed, and additional feed in the form of cereals, boiled eggs, white bread, cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is given to parrots in a dry form; a chicken egg is finely chopped and mixed with semolina or crushed breadcrumbs, fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, and also mixed with semolina.

Greens play an important role in the nutrition of parrots - this is a source of vitamins and minerals. Of all the available greens, parrots especially prefer apples, lettuce, dandelion leaves and cabbage. At the same time, in no case should parrots be given parsley - for them it is poison. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the water in the drinking bowl, it must be changed every day.

Like all birds, parrots are subject to molting. The first molt in budgerigars occurs at the age of 4-6 months. If the molt is too intense, it is necessary to feed the parrot with eggshells, canary seed, give more greenery - all this contributes to a faster growth of plumage. Soda baths will also help in this case. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a liter of water and the bird is carefully immersed in water, while trying not to wet her head.

Budgerigars love to bathe, so you can put a bath in the cage, or sometimes give the birds the opportunity to rummage through the wet grass, previously placed in a spacious bowl.

Parrots are always pecking at something. To meet this need, branches of deciduous trees must be placed in the cage. In addition, solid food and twigs help the parrot wear down its rapidly growing beak. And to improve digestion, there should always be clean sand in the cage (it is sieved and changed daily).

It is necessary to select the perches in the cage correctly and in size. If the perch for the parrot is too thin or, conversely, too thick, this contributes to the rapid growth of nails that are too long, which will have to be shortened. For this, it is better to purchase special tweezers in advance.

A mobile, noisy, loud and cheerful decorative bird is a budgerigar. Such pets live in almost every third Russian family. Bird feathers usually have a greenish or blue wavy tint. For home keeping, such exotic birds are ideal.

Description, characteristics, appearance

Bright overseas birds were brought to Europe from Australia. The number of birds spread quite quickly, they actively breed at home, and not only in the wild. Pets bred by people are perfectly adapted to life and the microclimate of apartments.

Chatty and noisy parrots can even pronounce short phrases. They imitate some sounds and words without understanding the meaning. The slender bird has a long tail. They participate in exhibitions of decorative birds and win first places.

The length of the bird's wing reaches 10.5 cm. They are used for sitting, flying, and walking support. In flight, decorative parrots look like swallows. In search of food in nature, parrots fly fast enough, especially if they are very hungry and need to find food.

The birds of this family have tenacious and developed paws with long fingers of a pinkish, reddish or gray-blue hue. They are able to capture dense parts of food, small food, walk on the ground or even move through trees. The eye color of wild parrots in the wild is almost white, yellowish, dark blue. They even distinguish the color palette.

Cheerful pets have a strong beak. It is covered by a dense stratum corneum. In shape, such a nose of a bird resembles those that birds of prey have.

With the help of a powerful beak, parrots quickly gnaw through seeds, shoots, and can crush large food. It is also a reliable way to protect against small predators and snakes.

The tongue of budgerigars is thick and short with a keratinized cover, which helps to grind down the surface of the beak, break fruits, and clean grains. In the natural landscape, due to the shade of plumage, parrots remain almost invisible.

The head and crop of birds usually have a yellow tint. He moves to the back area. In the sun, the plumage of budgerigars fluoresces. So males quickly attract females for nesting. Birds notice the glow during the day, and people only at night.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with another type of very beautiful and smart parrots in the article: how to keep and care for at home

Where do wild parrots live in nature

Australia is considered the birthplace of wavy pets. This is the main habitat of wild birds. They mainly live on the east and southwest coasts, where there are the least dense forests. Nesting is carried out by birds in semi-desert areas and steppe zones with rare trees and shrubs.

They breed in the wild, regardless of the time of year. Parrots live in packs. On the plains they look for grass seeds, on the green plains they look for water and other food. Birds move quickly and can fly long distances. Today, the importation of wild parrots from Australia is prohibited, as the bird population is declining.

How to determine the sex of a poultry

Determining the gender of a future pet is not difficult. At the base of the beak there is a certain zone - the cere:

  • in young males it is purple, and in the female it is blue with a border around the nostril zone;
  • mature male birds have cere lilac or dark blue, and females - brown or beige-blue. She gets this shade during nesting.

How long will a budgerigar live

On average, a bird of this type lives 10-15 years. Rare specimens in the wild live up to 8 years, mostly half that. Under natural conditions, they are killed by predators, natural disasters, and hunger. With good care at home, a pet can live up to 20 years.

Colors of wavy parrots

The decorative bird beloved by many has a variety of plumage colors:

  1. Cobalt birds first appeared in London at the parrot show in 1910.
  2. Olive green bred in France.
  3. Yellow parrots are crossed in Belgium.
  4. Light green - natural natural color.
  5. Dark green appeared in France.
  6. Sky blue brought Belgian ornithologists.
  7. Grey-green parrots live in Australia.
  8. Gray individuals were brought from England and Australia.
  9. Purple appeared in German breeders.
  10. Bright yellow parrots (Lutinos).
  11. Albinos with red eyes were bred in Germany in the 40s.

By plumage, you can distinguish a domestic pet from a wild one. Highlighted curly parrots with plumage in the form of curly stems. Spangles have a waviness with a mirror reflection, Czechs are distinguished by a fluffy hat and larger sizes.

Chuby or crested birds have tufts on their heads of various shapes. According to the degree of color, single-color and multi-color birds are distinguished. Among them are penguins, harlequins and birds with a chaotic arrangement of spots.

What do budgerigars eat

Basically, all feathered breeders buy special mixtures for feeding them. They include sunflower seeds, onion herbs, canary grass, millet, oats. The product should not contain any chemicals, dyes and expired.

Sometimes it is useful to give sprouted oats to the bird, only fresh each time. The remaining residues are immediately thrown out of the feeder. Ready-made mixtures are given without fail during hatching of chicks, molting, and if the bird is sick.

For good health of wavy birds, they are introduced into the diet:

With care give special cereal sticks for birds or honey crackers. Fruits and vegetables are given fresh and clean. Vitamins are administered only during the feeding of offspring, illness, severe stress or molting.

It is forbidden to give the bird alcohol and chocolate, sweet candies, rhubarb and potatoes, milk and kefir. Parrots are often poisoned by home ornamental plants. In order for them to digest normally, it is necessary to pour clean sand into the cage.

It is useful to give birds at home flaxseed, rice porridge, buckwheat, wheat or rye. They are boiled without adding salt. Fresh corn, grapes, banana, clover grass, dandelion, wood lice are suitable as top dressing.

How budgerigars breed

In captivity, birds of this family live 10-15 years. Before nesting in nature, the female chooses the male. She is usually attracted by the color features of the male representative, the ability of his feathers to fluoresce under the influence of sunlight.

In Australia, the female incubates the chicks twice during the year. Pets should have long rest periods before nesting. Under natural conditions, wavy live in rock crevices or tree hollows.

For pets, they equip a house with straw bedding. At one time, the female on average lays 3-5 eggs. Sometimes 10-12 pcs. She incubates them for 20 days. The male at this time produces and brings food. Chicks are born blind and naked.

After a few weeks, their body is covered with dense fluff. A month later, feathers appear. Normal plumage is formed not earlier than 3 months of age. It is not worth buying a younger bird. Genetic diseases will appear after the first molt.

Arrangement of a cage for a budgerigar

A feathered pet should live in a spacious and clean cage. The norm for one parrot is 30 cm wide, 35 cm high and 40 cm long. It is better to take a large aviary or a cage twice as large so that the bird can fly a little inside.

Inside should be different perches made of wood, not plastic. This is important for grinding claws on the paws. Too thick or thin plastic perches can cause deformation of the fingers and claws of birds, calluses and corns.

Without fail, there must be fresh water in the nest of the wavy, it is poured daily into a special fixed drinking bowl. The grain mixture is poured into the feeder. Separately, there is a container for mineral dressings and soft food. On one side, a stone is attached to grind the beak. Parrots love toys - ropes, swings, bells. To make it quicker and easier to clean up after your pet, the cage is equipped with a deep pull-out tray.

Wash the feathered cage with soda and warm water. No cleaning agents are used. It is better to let a feathered friend out of the cage daily, fly around the room. It is pre-ventilated, but then the vents and windows are closed.

They are pulled with curtains so that the bird does not hit the glass. All indoor plants are also removed so that the budgerigar does not get poisoned by them. Feathered pets are very fond of water procedures. They are regularly provided with a bathing suit with water, sprayed during the heat of the birds in a cage from a spray bottle.

How to choose a wavy pet

Experts recommend buying a pet for 3-4 months. An adult parrot will adapt for a long time and may even get sick. It is better to give preference to parrot breeders who keep pets in the right conditions. In the markets you can stumble upon an unhealthy bird.

A healthy bird has dense feathers that are clean and shiny. The paws have even scales. A sick individual is inactive, indifferent to others, often ruffled, with dull and disheveled feathers.

It is important to remember before buying that birds love to sing and can do this very early in the morning. They litter a lot - with paper scraps, feathers, droppings, husks from food. Every day, they will have to clean and clean the cage so that the unpleasant smell of feces does not appear.

Fans of indoor flowers should rearrange their plants in another room. The bird can taste the ground, gnaw the leaves, and then pick up helminths.

Near the parrot and in this room where he lives, you can not smoke, spray perfume, air fresheners, paint your nails, cook food. The delicate respiratory system of the wavy can be seriously affected by this.

What causes budgerigars to get sick

Very often, decorative parrots get sick with a cold. They start sneezing and snoring. Their feathers are often affected by lice and ticks. This causes feather loss and itching. If the bird has lost its appetite and looks lethargic, it is quite possible that it has picked up worms. The budgerigar's cloaca should be checked periodically, especially during the breeding season.

Sick birds are treated with antihelminthics, chamomile decoction, vitamin preparations, tick sprays, and a lamp is sent to disinfect the cage.

How best to care for a budgerigar

Stress for a bird is moving to a new habitat. At this time, it is better not to turn on the TV loudly, remove other pets that will excite the feathered friend. At night, some breeders cover the cage with a thin sheet, making several slits for air to enter.

On warm days, you can expose the bird cage to the sun to produce vitamin D. Parrots usually molt twice a year. They feed her with vitamins and try not to disturb her. Ascorbic acid or lemon juice can occasionally be added to the water.

It doesn't need to be boiled. Regular filtered or bottled water will do. Once a month, a general cleaning is carried out in the house of a feathered pet, wiping it with water, a decoction of wormwood or chamomile.

Temperature and suitable lighting

In the room where the wavy friend lives, it is important to maintain a favorable temperature, microclimate and lighting. You can not put a cage with pets in a draft and direct sunlight, near hot batteries. Suitable temperature for poultry is 20-22 degrees. Humidity - 60%.

The light regime is also very important so that the bird can sleep and rest peacefully. A parrot is taken out to the balcony in spring and summer on cool days. In this case, you can throw a light tulle on the cage or make a zone with a shadow.

How to teach a parrot to speak

Little parrots with wavy plumage are distinguished by their memory, inquisitive and intellectual disposition. They are trained, playful and sociable, very observant. They know how to open and close the cage if it has a simple latch.

It is better for them to live in small flocks or in pairs, as the birds are very sociable.

They love all kinds of toys that can be rocked, taken in their beak. Such devices are sold at any pet store. To teach a pet to speak, it is better to buy a young active individual 3-5 months old, prone to loud chirping.



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