What to do if a child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night, wakes up often, and screams? What to do if your child doesn’t sleep well at night and wakes up frequently.

Sleep is one of the most important physiological states, and for children it is especially important. It is believed that a child grows in his sleep, shakes off the burden of daytime worries, strengthens the nervous system and other organs. Sleep disorders in children are not uncommon in the modern world. Why does my child sleep poorly at night? Let's figure it out.

Causes of sleep disturbances

Science has reliable data that a child begins to dream while still in the womb. After birth, at first the periods of sleep and wakefulness alternate every hour and a half, then the cycle becomes 4-hour, and only after four months the baby stops waking up at night. But not everyone.

So why does a child have trouble sleeping at night? The most common causes of sleep disorders are problems of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, anxiety during teething, as well as daytime stress and violations of the daily routine and hygienic requirements.

Colic often occurs in the first weeks of a baby's life. They are associated with addiction to mother's milk, especially if the mother often experiments with food, and the functions of the child's gastrointestinal tract are not yet sufficiently adjusted. Then problems begin with the reaction to complementary foods.

Children often have allergic skin rashes and itching that interfere with restful rest. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist about changes in the diet of the nursing mother and the baby itself. Sources of unpleasant sensations can be food or household chemicals, for example, insufficiently safe bathing soap, detergents for washing children's clothes.

Cutting teeth is a painful, lengthy, and restless process. To alleviate the condition, you can use special gels for the gums and lightly massage them with ice.

Sometimes parents themselves create problems for themselves and their baby by disrupting the daily routine and making mistakes in educational actions.

Sleeping well before 1 year of age

For the little ones, a very important point: feed him well before bed, and take a warm bath before feeding. The room should not be hot; it should be well ventilated before going to bed. Ideal temperature: 18-20°C, humidity - 60-70%.

It would be nice to take a walk in the fresh air 2-3 hours before falling asleep, but too active games or emotional pastime at the end of the day should be excluded. But daytime activity is only encouraged.

If the baby falls asleep ahead of time, do not wake him up; this invasion of biological rhythms can lead to neuroses. And under no circumstances force family members to “tiptoe” while the youngest heir is sleeping, even during the day. He must get used to ordinary everyday sounds and fall asleep without reacting to them.

Night feedings are inevitable in the first months of life, but by the age of one year, or even 10 months, they must be abandoned. Let him be a little cranky, in about 15 minutes he will most likely fall asleep. And after 3-4 nights he will completely forget about night meals.

How to cope with the problem of falling asleep over the age of 1 year

The basic rules of falling asleep remain unchanged in older age.

  • It is important to go to bed at the same time, and immediately before that, perform a traditional ritual: picking up toys, washing, brushing your teeth, putting on pajamas - this is how a habit is developed.
  • Avoid drinking strong tea, cocoa, cola and other caffeinated drinks before bed. The room should be twilight; bright lighting and complete darkness are equally harmful. It is best to have a night lamp with frosted or colored glass.
  • To prevent your baby from feeling lonely, especially if he suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, you can give him his favorite soft toy in bed.
  • An even psychological climate is very important. Negative emotions are especially harmful in the last hours before lights out. But even if the baby does not immediately fall asleep, tries to attract the attention of adults by sniffling and grumbling, sobbing, try to pause, do not rush to him at the first “sneeze”. Most likely, he himself will get tired of playing for the audience and fall asleep, otherwise there will be an incentive to use the same technique next time or even increase the effect.

Best time, pose, pillow

Parents set their own daily routine before school or kindergarten, including the time their children go to sleep. There is only one rule: whatever is more convenient.

Until one and a half to two years of age, a child does not need a pillow; he still has a different body structure than adults, including the proportions of the head and neck. As a last resort, you can use a flat small pad.

It is not recommended for infants in their first year of life to sleep on their stomachs: it is in this position that respiratory arrest is more common, leading in some cases to death. It’s better to put him on his back, but turn his head to the side so that he doesn’t choke when he burps. Or immediately lay it on its side.

And after a year, let the children sleep as they wish, comfortably.

With mom or alone

Whether a child should sleep alone or with his parents is still a debatable question; different experts solve it in their own way. While breastfeeding continues, many mothers still prefer to have the baby next to them, although this is unsafe. Having been tired for the day, a mother or father may fall asleep too deeply and accidentally crush the newborn.

Many parents justify such a “hostel” by saying that it gives the child a feeling of psychological protection. In fact, it’s the other way around: if you don’t immediately teach your child to sleep in his own crib, then addiction sets in, and subsequently discomfort, childhood fears, and neuroses appear. And those children who were independent from the cradle, as a rule, do not have such fears. The best option, proven by practice, is a crib as close as possible to the mother’s sleeping place.

The child does not sleep well at night

Many parents are faced with the problem of their child's sleep when, from a very early age, the baby falls asleep poorly, often wakes up, spins, throws off the blanket, and is capricious. Komarovsky explains the problem and the solution to the problem when a child sleeps poorly at night and often wakes up at night, and we will try to convey solutions in our article.

4 month old baby doesn’t sleep well, Komarovsky explains...

Crowds of sleep-deprived fathers and mothers go to doctors and ask the same questions: “Why does the child fall asleep poorly and sleep poorly at night?” This is one of the most popular problems at the moment. Most babies lose their sleep patterns at four months. This is how the honored doctor, pediatrician Komarovsky, explains the problem.

There are several symptoms of a “sleep crisis” in a child at 4 months. These include: changes in appetite, often waking up at night, excessive excitability, moodiness at night, sleep duration has become shorter.

Based on medical experience, all children experience sleep disturbances at some point in time. But there can be many reasons, and for each child they are individual and depend on various circumstances. Even if the children don’t sleep well at night, they are capricious, and I sleep in the crib all day. But some children have completely forgotten what proper sleep is, both night and day. They scream, are capricious, and their parents’ attempts to calm them down lead nowhere. This is exactly what can be called a sleep crisis in four-month-old children. They are the ones who are suffering the most from the crisis!

How to help a child? After all, not only does he not get enough sleep, his health is weakened from lack of sleep, but the parents suffer no less than their child.

In order to correct the situation, you need to get to the bottom of the reason, what caused the child’s sleep disturbance? Or remember after what it happened, during what period?

  • Many children are accustomed to their parents rocking them and singing lullabies. The uniformity of the swing and the monotony of the voice calms them down, the eyes close and the child sleeps. Situations are different. Often, a mother who is tired and worn out from the day is simply physically unable to pay attention to the child by repeating the usual ritual. There is no association of falling asleep - sleep is disturbed. Recommendations for solving the problem are quite simple. Whatever one may say, parents will have to suffer for a week or two until their child readjusts and the sleep situation improves.
  • There is, of course, another reason, this concerns the health of the child. Very often children have intestinal colic or other health problems. In this case, a trip to the doctor is necessary. Moreover, you need to consult a doctor immediately, without delay.

A 10-month-old child does not sleep well at night

The problem of sleep in a ten-month-old child is a fairly common problem. Sleepless nights for children exhaust parents and unsettle them for the whole day. Parents worry, look for the cause of sleep disturbances in the health of their children, and go to the hospital. Of course, in this case it is worth going to the hospital. But if your health is normal, then what should we do? Why does a child sleep poorly at night? Komarovsky names several reasons.

First, you should understand that healthy, full-fledged sleep for a child is very important not only for children, but also for parents. After all, children grow and develop in their sleep. And rested parents will be able to devote more time to the baby, giving him care and affection. Many people ask the question: how long should a 10 month old baby sleep?

Children aged three months to one year should sleep 10-11 hours per night. It is with this duration of sleep that the child’s body receives proper rest and the opportunity to develop. A baby’s sleep failure has several reasons, let’s look at some of them:

  1. Health problems. It’s commonplace that a child may not sleep due to a sore throat, stomach, ear, or stuffy nose.
  2. Feeling of discomfort. Your baby is cold, hot, hungry or thirsty.
  3. Fear. Many mothers sleep with their baby immediately after giving birth. And what’s convenient, you don’t have to get up, the baby woke up and immediately took the breast. The baby's sleep is under control. But this cannot go on forever, and at some point the mother decides to wean the baby from the breast, switches to artificial feeding, and therefore puts the child to sleep in a separate crib. And what does the baby see when he wakes up at night? He's alone! That is, the feeling of security when he slept with his mother is replaced by panic and fear. The child begins to be capricious, so he calls his mother. This problem can be solved. But this should be done gradually. For example, at first, place the crib with the child next to the parent’s bed so that the child can feel the breath of the parents.
  4. Fatigue. Not only parents get tired during the day, the child can also feel tired. But the reasons for fatigue in adults and children are somewhat different. A child's fatigue has psychological factors. For example, there was a celebration in the house, there were a lot of people, therefore, the child was overwhelmed with impressions and his sleep was disturbed. To smooth out the child’s excited emotionality, parents need to observe calming rituals: a quiet environment, bathing, rocking, lullaby.
  5. Psychological state of household members. Remember, in a family where the calm atmosphere is disturbed, where there are screams and quarrels between adults, the child will never sleep peacefully! Do not think that the child does not perceive your mood; it is the child who sensitively perceives the slightest change in the behavior of his parents and the feeling of restlessness does not leave him even during sleep. This is probably the main reason why a 10-month-old child sleeps poorly at night, according to Komarovsky!

1 year old child does not sleep well at night

If a one-year-old child does not sleep well at night, this is what Komarovsky advises.

By the age of one year, the child’s sleep should improve in any case. But sleep disorders occur even in children of this age. There are no specific reasons, other than health or emotional state. It is important to follow some laws of healthy sleep.

The first rule speaks of the certainty of the regime. From birth, the child still lives according to the parents’ regime. In many families, the child is put to bed whenever the parents please. One day at 21-00, another at 22-00, etc. That is, the parents have done their business and begin to put the child to bed. It is not right! Remember, the child must be put to bed at a clearly defined time. Even if you put him to bed at 23-00, the main thing is to do this constantly.

The second rule should include the presence of a calm atmosphere in the house. Parents, know that the calmer you are, the calmer your child will be! Be healthy, cheerful, smiling and your child will answer you the same! The third rule includes the location of the child's sleeping area. The closer a child sleeps to his parents, the calmer he is. But it should not be confused with co-sleeping. In a word, your baby's crib should be in your room. Rule four is adherence to the regime. Even if you are busy and it is advisable for the child to still sleep, because you need to finish some work, still wake up the sleepyhead! Don't let your sleep fail! Don't let your child sleep for long periods of time during the day.

Feeding. You should not stuff your child with food before bedtime. And at night, if the child wakes up, do not rush to feed him. You should know that you shouldn’t feed your baby for one year. In this situation, it is more appropriate to simply give him something to drink. During the daytime, try to provide your child with more positive emotions. Live actively, go for walks, do not avoid physical activity. If your child is already walking, then let him walk more. But in the evening, educational, quiet games are ideal for spending time.

As for external factors affecting a child’s sleep, the most important thing to note here is the comfort of the bed. The mattress should be smooth without any bumps. Having a pillow is not advisable. Bed linen made only from natural fibers.

Don’t forget about ventilating the room. The air should be cool. To do this, do wet cleaning on time. If you use diapers, you should choose them of the highest quality, do not press or squeeze them.

Very often, young parents are interested in why their child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night. When will he learn to rest from evening to morning? Even today there are
parents who blame the problem on the evil eye or some mysterious forces, resorting to conspiracies and other tricks to make the child sleep all night without
breaks. But what actually prevents the little man from resting peacefully all night?

Most often, by the end of the first year of life, the child can already sleep without interruption throughout the night. But there are children who need more time to master this skill. According to statistics, out of five children, at least one child 1-2 years old does not sleep well at night. This behavior may also be a manifestation of the child’s character. Active, restless children are able to wake up from any extraneous sounds, but it can be very difficult for them to fall back to sleep. Yes and time for
Such children require much less rest, so they wake up very early.

Of course, nights spent trying to put a crying or laughing child to bed do not pass without leaving an impact on the family as a whole. Parents feel tired and, as a result, irritated. The child, the partner, and household or work matters are annoying. That is why it is necessary to start teaching your child to sleep through the night as early as possible. However, even if a child (2 years old) does not sleep well at night, it is important to urgently find out why and decide what to do about it.


Most often, problems arise not only directly with night sleep, but also with falling asleep. That is, in principle, for children of this age
Fine. But most kids, realizing that it’s not time to get up yet, fall asleep on their own. A child who has problems sleeping cannot fall asleep on his own. It can be just as difficult to put him to bed in the evening. What could be the reasons?

Pain, hunger, thirst. All three of these needs are predominant and will not allow the child to fall asleep.
- Crucial moment. Like an adult, a child in a dream experiences what happened to him during the day. Therefore, if something important happened in his life -
I went to kindergarten, changed my place of residence, added a new family member, etc. - I can’t wait for a good night’s sleep.
- Reluctance to sleep. Indeed, it is very difficult to fall asleep if you are not tired enough or go to bed too early.
- Mom's condition. It has long been proven that the child subtly senses the mother’s condition, therefore, if she is depressed, excited, upset, the child in the majority
cases will be difficult to sleep.
- Discomfort. Perhaps the pajamas are already too small for the baby and make it difficult to feel comfortable. Or he didn’t have time to ask to go to the potty: a child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night if his bed is wet.
- External factors. When the lights are on and the noise level is high, it is difficult for a child to fall asleep and it is much more likely that he will wake up during the night.
If it is not possible to completely isolate the child from such influences, it is necessary to make them as less noticeable as possible.
- Activity. If a child played active or emotional games before bedtime, you should not expect him to sleep peacefully. Even if, under the influence of fatigue, he falls asleep quickly, he will wake up more than once during the night, reliving emotional moments.
- Fear. A 2-year-old child does not sleep well at night, cries, screams for another serious reason - if he is used to being with his mother all the time, but now he has to be
alone in his crib. If your baby has previously slept with her, he may not be ready to sleep on his own yet. If for some reason the mother is forced to be absent, well, she will have to listen to the child’s complaints for several nights.


Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether the child really does not want to sleep or whether he is just playing too much. If he really doesn’t want to, there’s no point in forcing him, it’s the easiest way
to ensure that the child begins to sleep poorly at night. 2 years is old enough to have your own opinion and the right to be heard. To understand whether a child really does not want to sleep, you need to know how many hours of sleep are required at what age. The daily requirement for, for example, three-month-old children is 16-20 hours. By six months, a child needs 14.5 hours to feel good. By one year this figure decreases to 13.5 hours, but by two years 13 is enough. Four-year-old children sleep 11.5 hours a day, six-year-olds - 9.5. By the age of 12, children's need for sleep approaches adult levels - 8.5 hours. And we must not forget that this calculation is given for a day. That is, if a two-year-old sleeps 4 hours during the day, you can count on proper rest at night. If you let him sleep longer, then at night he will catch up on the hours in which he did not play during the day. If a child does not sleep well at night (2 years), Komarovsky advises to reconsider his daytime sleep schedule. It is likely that he is simply oversleeping during the daytime.

Daily regime

It plays an important role in a child’s healthy sleep. If a child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night, there is a disturbed daily routine. It is necessary to accustom your child to the family schedule from birth. You need to prepare for bed in advance. The time at which the child should go to bed should be constant. At the same time, it should be comfortable not only for the child himself, but also suit the parents so that there are no disagreements.

A child's day should be filled with positive events. Of course, it is not at all necessary to organize entertainment shows for him all day every day.
It is quite enough to take an active walk, play active and educational games. If possible, place your child in the fresh air for naps. In the evening, it is necessary to limit emotional and physical stress by offering the child calm games such as modeling or coloring.


This may seem strange to some, but if a child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night, poor nutrition may be to blame. From a biological point of view, night feedings are no longer necessary from 6 months. Therefore, if a child (2 years old) sleeps poorly at night and demands food, this does not mean that he is really hungry. Most likely, he does this simply out of habit, or he wants to communicate. The more actively parents satisfy these requirements, the more firmly this model of behavior settles in the child’s brain. It is better to avoid feeding at night. Firstly, the habit of eating at night has done no good to anyone, and secondly, a full stomach can become the next cause of sleep disturbances.

At the first dinner (the penultimate meal), it is better to slightly underfeed the baby in order to fill his stomach at the end of the day. Still, this must be done without fanaticism - the last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is best to have dinner with fruit, porridge, a small amount of meat and dairy products. Sweets eaten in the evening will make the child more active and interfere with healthy sleep.

Place to sleep

Of course, every mother knows what is best for her baby. However, if a child has trouble sleeping at night and often wakes up (2 years), this may mean that his place to sleep is not the most suitable. It’s easy to check - just follow the recommendations of experts and see if it brings results.

Pediatricians believe that the ideal place for a child under one year of age is a separate crib in the parent's bedroom. However, they are ready to agree that this is the place
Suitable for many children under three years of age. But still, for the majority of children, doctors believe, from the age of one year it is better to be in their own crib in the children's room. Experts have an extremely negative attitude towards co-sleeping. Of course, this phenomenon occurs, but still it can hardly be called healthy for both the child and the mother.

Help you sleep

To avoid complaints that a child (2 years old) does not sleep well at night, it is necessary to make sleep and fall asleep comfortable. So, shortly before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room without creating drafts. The preferred room temperature is +18-20 degrees. If it is too hot or cold, your child will have difficulty sleeping. In addition, you should pay attention to air humidity: 60-70% will be comfortable. Taking a bath with aromatic oils or herbs promotes restful sleep. Comfortable pajamas, a dry diaper, a suitable pillow - these are the things that your baby will definitely appreciate.

It is advisable to create a ritual that will set the baby up for a restful sleep:

An hour and a half before bedtime is good to take a walk with your child. It is advisable that he does not run around the yard, but walks calmly.
- Dinner should be at approximately the same time, not too dense, but not so that the child feels hungry.
- Taking a bath. Foam and a pleasant smell from aromatic oils or herbal infusions will help the child’s nervous system calm down and the muscles relax.
- Fairy tale. All children love to be read to before bed. Often right at this time they fall asleep. But even if you listen to the fairy tale to the end, this finally lets the child know that it’s time to sleep.

This is an approximate list of calming actions that will help your baby sleep. Of course, no one forbids adding something of your own or removing any of
available items.

Not sleeping

It happens that, despite all efforts, a child (2 years old) does not sleep well at night. In this case, you will have to resort to various tricks that, if they don’t make the baby sleep, will allow him to just sit quietly in his crib without disturbing the whole family with crying:

It is worth putting your child to bed early, this will give you the opportunity to rest in the evening if he wakes you up early in the morning.
- Do everything so that the baby loves spending time in the crib, then he can, when he wakes up, just play in it without disturbing others.
- Spend maximum daytime time with your child, hug him more often, this will calm him down, instill confidence that he is loved and will not be abandoned. With such confidence he does not
will be afraid to sleep alone in a room.
- Gradually place a soft toy nearby while feeding your baby. Gradually, she will begin to symbolize parental warmth for him, and he will sleep with her
comfortable and calm.

Help with sleep

The answer to the question why a 2-year-old child sleeps poorly at night can be very simple: he does not feel protected. Kids need to feel that their parents will always help, at any time of the day. Therefore, when a little one needs to approach him, he will know that he can trust you. It is very important to learn how to help your baby fall asleep again at night.

Despite the fact that it is mandatory to approach, this should not be done at the same second, giving the baby the opportunity to fall asleep on his own. If his crying is quiet, he may not wake up completely. If he really needs you, he can “turn up the volume.”

When approaching the crib, make sure that the child is not awakened by extraneous sounds, light, or a wet diaper.

The problem must be solved quietly and quickly. Instead of holding your baby in your arms or in your bed, it is better to simply pat your baby on the back.

If a 2.5-year-old child does not sleep well at night, calm, measured actions by parents will help him cope with emotions and continue to rest until the morning.

Komarovsky's sleep rules

More than one generation of children has grown up on the advice of Dr. Komarovsky. The famous pediatrician has recommendations for any case. If your 2-year-old child has trouble sleeping at night, follow the famous doctor’s rules for a restful night’s rest:

Don't forget about your needs. The doctor believes that the most important thing for any child is a happy family. Happy also means getting enough sleep. A
This means that Komarovsky’s first advice concerns parents: be sure to get enough sleep.
- Clear daily routine. As mentioned above, for a child’s stable sleep, proper organization of the entire day is necessary. Following a clear schedule gives
the child feels protected and confident.
- Who to sleep with. According to Komarovsky, each family member should have their own place to sleep. He does not consider it beneficial for children to sleep together with their parents.
- You don't need anything extra. If a child sleeps too long during the day, he needs to be woken up so that he can rest all the time he needs at night.
- Optimize feeding. Do not overfeed the child, do not allow snacks. Feeding should occur at the same time, the evening meal should
be nutritious but not heavy. The situation when a 2-year-old child sleeps poorly at night and cries, very often arises precisely against the background of overeating.
- Spending the day correctly. Move a lot, play outdoor games, read books, walk.
- Air. The room in which the child sleeps must be ventilated daily. If possible, before a night's rest, you should do a wet cleaning and purchase
- Bed. The child's mattress should be dry, even, and evenly padded. Children under 2-3 years old do not need pillows at all. Older children can
put a thin pillow. Bed linen should only be natural. It should be washed with baby detergents.
- Diapers. Diapers must be breathable, moisture-proof, and suitable for the child in size and model.


If a child’s sleep is disturbed due to colic or toothache, it is better not to experiment, but to consult a doctor. In addition, medical problems may be the reason why mothers come to the doctor with complaints. The child is 2 years old, sleeps very poorly at night, often wakes up, has trouble falling asleep - all this needs to be discussed with a doctor. In addition, tell your baby’s daily routine, then the doctor will be able to give advice or even prescribe sedatives.

Hello, Doctor. I understand that not all questions can be answered correctly, but I would still be interested to know your opinion. My son is 2 years old. The boy is good, he speaks, he knows colors, he knows a lot of brands of cars, he likes to “read” books, in short, he is developing more or less normally. Not capricious, although it happens... But you can come to an agreement with him. One problem - he cries at night and only at night. He has been sleeping poorly for two years now (all 2 years). Wakes up from 2-3 to 7-8 times a night, sometimes just whimpering, sometimes crying. Taking him into bed, stroking him on the head, putting him on the potty doesn’t help. During the day he sleeps from 2 to 3 hours a day without waking up. What they did: ultrasound of the brain - 2 times (without pathologies), Dopplerography (went to the recommended osteopath), were treated by a homeopath, drank everything from Valerianohel to..., soothing baths at night, etc. and so on. Once in the hospital, where we were standing in line for an ultrasound, a doctor walked past Dimka and said: “What are you doing here? In my opinion, you don’t need to come here.” We don't know this doctor. She just saw how Dimka played and generally behaved. I say: “Well, he doesn’t sleep well at night.” Answer: “It’s not from the head, but his vegetative system is like that,” and she tried his palm, then mine. And she left. I've been thinking about it ever since. None of the neurologists paid attention to this. Everyone recommended an ultrasound, Dopplerography, and an electroencephalogram (at 1.5 years old, Dimka did not allow him to put a cap on, he cried very much). So I have a question - what could such a remark from a passing doctor mean? Of course, it would be more logical to find her and ask, but now it’s not realistic, and her remark can’t get out of my head. I have the vaguest understanding of the autonomic system and have heard the term “vascular-vegetative dystonia.” But how does this translate through a child’s bad sleep, and most importantly, what to do. I am raising a baby alone. I haven't slept at night for 3 years now. Thank you if you answer. Tatiana

Hello Tatiana! To tell you the truth, to explain from an accurate medical point of view the remark of a doctor passing by, is completely impossible. But approximately - instability, sensitivity of responses to what is happening around. This “happening” can include emotional reactions, changes in atmospheric pressure, physical activity, etc. Those. some special type of temperament. Unfortunately, our medicine is increasingly trying to clumsily copy Western models. It is absolutely obvious that if a two-year-old child “speaks well, knows colors, knows a lot of brands of cars, loves to “read” books, in short, develops more or less normally...” then we simply cannot talk about any organic pathology of the nervous system (organic pathology is something that can actually be seen - inflammation, abscess, tumor, underdevelopment of anything, etc.). This means that the existing problems relate to the emotional sphere, which was, is and, apparently, will be a secret behind seven seals for a long time. But doctors simply cannot tell a worried mother “we don’t understand anything here” or admit that medicine in this case does not have harmless options for help. So they “examine” you for self- and mutual reassurance - ultrasound, dopplers, etc. “Well, you can see for yourself - there’s nothing terrible...” The problem of night sleep really exists and you must clearly imagine the real possibilities - your own and the doctor’s. Making sure that the child sleeps at night with the help of serious drugs is not a problem at all. But such drugs are very dangerous strategically, although they are tactically convenient - at least they give the mother the opportunity to sleep. Therefore, we immediately reject the option of using all sorts of tranquilizers and antipsychotics as unacceptable. Real options for pharmacological assistance nevertheless exist.

1. Sleeping pills and sedatives based on medicinal plants. You have already tried a lot, but there is one peculiarity in this direction: very often there is a very good reaction (i.e., achievement of the desired effect) to one drug, but almost no reaction to others. Those. one feels good with valerian, the second with mint, the third with motherwort, the fourth with lemon balm, etc. Almost all herbal sedatives are harmless, and you can experiment in different ways, look, with some drug and you’ll guess. Naturally, you can also try complex preparations (that is, those with a little bit of different herbs) - Persen, Sanason, etc.

2. Be sure to make sure that the child receives enough calcium. During the period of intensive growth of bones and teeth, a decrease in the level of calcium in the blood serum is very often observed, and one of the classic manifestations of this decrease is a significant increase in nervous and psycho-emotional excitability. The essence of the test is not to drag the child to another laboratory, but to give the baby 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or calcium glycerophosphate per day for 2-3 weeks. The presence of a positive effect (sleeps better, is calmer, etc.) confirms the version of a calcium metabolism disorder due to its lack. Next, and this is very (!) important. Very often, when a child is constantly fed vitamins, there is an overdose of vitamin D, which, again, requires calcium. And if vitamin D is given, but calcium is not, then you can sleep poorly both day and night.

3. Another, previously widely used, but now undeservedly forgotten drug is sodium bromide solution. About 50 years ago, no one would have done an ultrasound, but they would have prescribed bromine for the baby, he would have slept much better and everyone would have felt good. Sodium bromine is used in the form of a 2% solution, it must be ordered at the pharmacy - this is the main inconvenience - doctors have forgotten how to write out prescriptions. The dose for a two-year-old child is 1.5 teaspoons 3 times a day, you can also do this: 1 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon, 2 teaspoons at night. Give 10 days at this dose, and then gradually reduce the amount of the drug over 2-3 weeks. In order to obtain bromine, you should ask your local pediatrician to write a prescription. This is where safe pharmacology ends. Now let's forget about chemistry. The situation when a child feels well and develops well, but at the same time his mother does not sleep at night for 3 years is absolutely abnormal!!! This is wrong on many levels. This is masochism, this is a lack of understanding of your own prospects - well, at least the fact that your son still needs a healthy mother! Therefore, if you think at least a little about yourself, and raise your boy even a little, this will not at all mean that you are an evil, unkind stepmother. This will only mean that the happiness of the child and the happiness of his mother are interconnected things. What should you do to help your baby sleep better at night? The answers are actually obvious, you just need to analyze for yourself, what should you do to yourself to sleep better? 1. Not getting enough sleep. Those. The child should be prevented from getting enough sleep during the day. I guess that Dimkin’s nap during the day is also a reason for you to take a nap, especially since the night is still ahead... But! Wake him up in an hour, it won’t help - don’t put him to bed at all. Sing, dance, walk, negotiate, etc. - but don't sleep. 2. In the evening, do not go to bed until you see that you are “ready”, will be ready - at 22 - please. No - let him run at least until 2 am, but after he gets into bed, communication should end until the morning. 3. Until the night's sleep improves, limit emotional stress - all these cars, colors, letters, books and other educational games.

4. On the contrary, try to increase physical activity. Walk more, jump and gallop, be sure to take a walk in the evening.

5. It is very important that the children's bedroom (any bedroom) has clean and cool air. No more than 20 C, ideally 18 C.

Last thing. Stop thinking that in such a situation at least someone will help you. No homeopaths and other healers, no neurologists, uzologists and osteopaths (by the way, I have no idea who they are) will help you. In relation to your situation, the idea that a person is the architect of his own happiness is 100% correct. All the best to you, good luck and Dimka, special greetings and good night from Uncle Doctor. Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

The birth of a baby is the happiest event in the life of any family. From this moment on, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents - raising the baby. For the first few months, the baby mostly just sleeps and eats. He is rarely awake and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, because it is in his sleep that the child grows and develops. However, not all parents can boast that their baby sleeps well. It often happens that a child sleeps little and restlessly, wakes up all the time and is capricious, thereby not allowing mom and dad to rest.

Unfortunately, not every parent can boast of sweet, long sleep for their baby.

Causes and solutions

Why does this happen and how can you help your baby get sound and restful sleep? Let's consider several reasons not related to health:

  • The baby may wake up due to a feeling of fear. This is due to the fact that he does not yet perceive the world in the same way as adults, because of this, he may associate closing his eyes with an anxious state. To calm your baby down, you just need to stay close to him for as long as possible (we recommend reading:). Don't rush to leave him as soon as he falls asleep.
  • The baby may begin to groan and fidget due to the fact that he unconsciously jerked his arm or leg in his sleep. This happens quite often in the first half of the year after the baby is born. To prevent this from happening, you just need to swaddle not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Overflowing diaper. No baby wants to lie in a wet diaper. Toxic substances in urine and feces cause discomfort. This is due to the fact that the baby’s too delicate skin begins to be irritated under their influence. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the filling of the diaper and change it promptly.
  • Your child may have difficulty sleeping at night because you have disrupted their daily routine. A baby should sleep as much as his small, fragile body requires: if you forced him to stay awake for half a day, his sleep pattern may go wrong (we recommend reading:).
  • Transferring your baby to his crib after he's slept with you for a while. If the child begins to be capricious, then you should wait a while. He may simply be afraid to sleep alone. Too strong emotions received by the baby during the day can also affect the quality of his sleep.

When introducing a new food product to a baby, sleep problems sometimes also arise. If a mother is breastfeeding, then failure to follow the correct menu can lead to anxiety and discomfort.

If a child falls asleep with his mother and is then transferred to his crib, he may become frightened

Health-related causes of restless sleep

  1. The child is hungry. The stomach of one-month-old babies is small, as a result of which mother’s milk is digested in a very short time. This is why a baby in the first few months after birth can wake up 3 and sometimes 4 times a night. He just wants to make up for the lack of milk in his body. In such a situation, just give the baby the breast. This way he will eat, calm down and quickly fall asleep again.
  2. The baby may have problems with nasal breathing or may have a sore throat, so he tosses and turns and groans in his sleep. Monitor your baby's health closely. Be sure to consult a doctor if you see nasal discharge or notice difficulty breathing. You should also contact a specialist if your child develops a cough and a fever.
  3. Sometimes restless sleep in a baby can be associated with the narrowness of the nasal passages. As a rule, this goes away with age, but in some cases the help of a specialist may be required, so it is important to identify the problem in the early stages of its occurrence in order to avoid possible complications.
  4. The baby may lack vitamin D3. This usually happens in winter. In order to solve this problem, you just need to add a drug with this vitamin to the baby’s diet. Your doctor will help you choose the right vitamin complex individually.
  5. Your baby's gums may be bothersome. This may be due to teething. Buy a special dental gel for your baby, but read the instructions carefully before using it. Allergies are a common reaction to such drugs.

Sometimes the cause of poor sleep can be improper formation of the cerebral cortex. In such a situation, the child sleeps equally poorly both day and night. In this case, only a good doctor can help you.

Teething may well be the cause of poor sleep

Colic in the stomach

A restless baby may have colic in the tummy. As a rule, they are observed in newborns starting from 2 weeks. Colic can last up to 4 months. During this period of life, the baby's intestines adapt to mother's milk or formula. Due to the fact that the digestive system is still imperfect, its disorder is often observed.

Breasts experience a wide variety of abdominal pain. Some feel only a slight tingling sensation, while others experience sharp pain in the abdominal area. This problem is not so easy to deal with, because currently available medications can only reduce pain by 8-12%. They also help calm the baby’s nervous system for a while.

What pharmaceuticals can be given to a baby? You can select a small list: “”, “”, “”, “Simethicone”, “Baby Calm”. You can also try giving dill water to drink or simply putting a warm diaper on your tummy. Also, don't leave your nutrition to chance. Don't forget that often tummy pain occurs precisely because mom ate something wrong. So, while breastfeeding, you should not eat cabbage, onions, garlic, corn, beans, brown bread, whole milk and many similar foods.

Additional solution methods

What else can help a child sleep well? For example, choosing the right climate for the baby in the children's room or adding various soothing herbs, such as chamomile and string, to evening baths. They will not only help to relax the child and set him in the mood you need, but will also help cope with various types of diaper rash. Besides:

  • walk outdoors as much as possible;
  • carefully consider the choice of mattress - it must be hard;
  • Give your baby a light massage with warm and clean hands, this should help him sleep better.

Monitor how your baby eats throughout the day. If during feeding he is constantly distracted by some other activity and does not eat everything he should, then you should remove all possible distractions from the feeding process and make sure that he eats his entire portion.

How to arrange your baby's evening so that he sleeps better:

  • 2-3 hours before bedtime, take a walk with your child in the fresh air;
  • 1-1.8 hours before bedtime, give your baby a swim in cool water for 30-40 minutes;
  • 30 minutes before bedtime, feed your baby thoroughly.

IMPORTANT: Do not swear or scream in front of your baby. Babies sense their mother's condition very well. They may also begin to worry, which can make their sleep worse.

Even a very young child can feel when things are not going well between their parents.

What causes babies to startle in their sleep?

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Until 10-12 months, babies startling in their sleep is completely normal. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • too much overexcitation received during the day by the baby;
  • sudden change in sleep phases;
  • uncontrolled and unconscious movements of the baby’s arms and legs.

Mostly, such shudders occur in children only in the first few months of their life. Over time they will definitely disappear. What to do to make your baby startle less in his sleep:

  1. Swaddle (we recommend reading:) the baby before going to bed, then he will not have the opportunity to accidentally move his leg or arm. This will also reduce the chance of him unknowingly hitting or scratching himself. Even if you are an ardent opponent of swaddling in general, you can simply refuse to swaddle your baby during the day. This must be done at night. In some cases, there is even a need to swaddle the baby for up to one and a half years. Only here he does not need to be swaddled completely, but only his arms.
  2. Stick to a certain daily routine and never deviate from it. This is very important in the first years of life. This way you will save yourself from many problems and your child from discomfort.
  3. Lie next to your newborn for a while after he has fallen asleep. If he suddenly starts to shudder and wake up, then sing a calm song/lullaby, stroke his head, leg or back, help him relax and calm down.
  4. Do not overload your baby's nervous system. You should not invite a large number of guests or go on too long trips. Also, you should not play active games with your baby for a long time. This may frighten and overstimulate him.

Active games and physical exercises are best done in the morning, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

By following these simple rules, it is possible to avoid flinching and constant waking of the baby. Maintain physical and emotional comfort.

Does your baby need a pillow to sleep?

Before the birth of a baby, many parents ask the question: does the baby need to buy a pillow? The answer to this question is no! In children, from the moment of birth until they reach 2 years of age, the body proportions are very different from those of an adult. Thus, newborns have a large head, a rather short neck, and narrow shoulders. The main purpose of a pillow is to fill the gap between a person’s head and the surface of the bed. This is necessary to prevent neck curvature.

The baby’s head lies on the surface of the crib and the neck still remains flat. This is precisely due to the fact that the baby’s head is large, and his shoulders, in turn, are short.

In what position should a baby sleep?

Under no circumstances should babies under one year of age be placed on their stomachs while sleeping! This is the general opinion of doctors all over the world. This position of the baby in a dream can lead to tragic consequences, namely his sudden death. At some point, the baby may simply stop breathing. Why this happens has not yet been clarified, so all doctors advise placing newborns and infants on their backs, not forgetting to turn the baby’s head to the side. This must be done so that he does not choke when burping. You can also place your baby on his side. After the baby turns one year old (or better yet, 2 years old), he can decide for himself how to go to bed. From now on, sudden infant death syndrome practically disappears.

Before the age of one year, a child should sleep exclusively on his back

What does E. O. Komarovsky think about a baby’s good sleep?

Pediatrician and author of many famous books on children's health, E. O. Komarovsky, believes: the whole family will have healthy sleep only if the baby has healthy sleep. Only parents can help their baby sleep soundly and well. To do this, you just need to properly organize feeding, spend as much time as possible with the baby in the fresh air, monitor the air humidity in the house, and also clean the room in a timely manner.



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