Fighting lice at home. Body lice are transmitted

Are you plagued by redness, itching and small insects on your head? You probably need to find an effective method to get rid of lice and nits.

Let's consider mechanical, chemical and folk methods.

Mechanical methods include combing and exposure to high temperatures. How to carry out the procedure correctly? Step-by-step instructions will help you get rid of it.


Choose the brightest room in the house so that pests are easily visible. It's best if it's a bathroom. Then pests will not spread throughout the house during the procedure.

Drape a light towel over your shoulders.

The following tools will be useful to you:

  • fine-toothed comb;
  • massage comb;
  • hairpins with which you will separate the treated strands;
  • soapy water: rinse the comb with combed insects;
  • paper towels or napkins;
  • a light cloth towel that can be draped over your shoulders;
  • latex gloves;
  • lenses or glasses, magnifying glass: viewing small objects and improving vision (if prescribed by a doctor);
  • bright lamp;
  • a gadget, game, movie that will distract the infected person from the procedure.

Once you have all your tools ready, you can start combing.

  1. Wet your hair so that the hair is damp.
  2. Distribute conditioner throughout your hair to detangle ends and make them smooth and supple.
  3. Divide the curls into equal parts. If they are thick, there may be more than three. For hair of medium thickness, two zones are enough. Start processing from the first one.
  4. Select a strand the width of the comb, and, starting from the roots, move the comb in all directions so that the caught nits also fall away from the strands.
  5. When you realize that there are no lice left on the section, move towards the ends.
  6. Rinse the comb in water and dry with a towel.
  7. When the comb is completely clean, proceed to the next areas.
  8. At the end of the manipulations, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  9. Sterilize all clothing with alcohol or boiling water so that no survivors remain.

Start actively fighting insects in a timely manner so as not to infect all your loved ones.

Impact of temperature

As a result, lice die after the first treatment once and for all. The liquid also corrodes the shell of nits, destroying them from the inside.

Please note: hellebore water is toxic. If it enters the human body it causes poisoning. Follow safety precautions. If there are open wounds on the skin, also abandon the idea.

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  1. wash your hair and put on protective gloves;
  2. shake the bottle with water and apply it evenly along the entire length (pay special attention to the occipital, temporal zone and area behind the ears);
  3. cover your head with plastic or a shower cap;
  4. keep the drug for half an hour;
  5. Rinse once with water and twice with shampoo.
  6. Comb out dead and paralyzed specimens with a comb.

It is unlikely that nits will remain, but in this case, repeat the treatment after 1-2 weeks.

Radical folk remedies

It is not always possible to get rid of lice and their larvae the first time at home. For this reason, our grandparents resorted to aggressive methods.

The following products may be harmful to human health: be careful when using them and strictly follow the instructions for the procedure.


The vinegar solution effectively fights insects forever. Please note: this is a chemical preparation and must be diluted with water. Otherwise, you will damage the scalp in adults.

Keep in mind: acid dries hair, and it can become brittle and split.

As a result, these recipes are suitable for people with oily scalp.

High concentrations of the substance cause burns: strictly observe the proportions!


Remember: flammable liquid is harmful to the skin. To mitigate the aggressive effects, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the solution.

Methods of application:

  1. Mix kerosene with sunflower oil 1:10 and apply evenly to your head. Cover with film and a towel and leave to warm up overnight. In the morning, wash off with shampoo. Comb out loosened nits with a comb dipped in vinegar.
  2. Combine a glass of milk, 3 tablespoons of badger fat and the same amount of kerosene. Soak dry hair and leave for a quarter of an hour or half an hour. Rinse with slightly warm running water. After 4–5 hours, repeat the procedure.

Kerosene can cause wounds and irritation on the head. It is also difficult to wash out, but quickly works to get rid of lice and nits.


The evergreen shrub contains essential oils with an intoxicating odor. It often causes headaches in humans, and has a detrimental effect on lice.

The use of a plant extract is considered aggressive because... it is classified as poisonous. Be sure to strictly follow the instructions for use!

  • Grind dry leaves and branches and mix them with fat. Apply to hair roots 2-3 times a week. Take a skin allergy test first.
  • Mix two tablespoons of wild rosemary with 50 grams of pork fat. Heat and leave for 12 hours. Complete the course for 9–11 days, twice a day.
  • Wash your hair with mint decoction.

Tansy decoction

Can the plant be found in the garden or in the forest? Yes, because it is unpretentious. Collect inflorescences between late June and early August and store in an airtight container for a year.

The advantage of flowers is that they have a beneficial effect on hair. They become obedient, thick and strong.

But there is still a minus: tansy is poisonous and is intended only for external use.

  1. Pour boiling water over freshly cut flowers and simmer over low heat until they sink to the bottom of the pan. Once it has cooled, strain the solution and apply generously to your head with your hands, while combing your hair. Put on a shower cap and wrap yourself in a towel for half an hour. Wash with clean running water. Repeat the procedure daily for three days.
  2. Pour boiling water over tansy and St. John's wort in a 1:1 ratio and leave in a warm place for six hours. Apply to hair. Then, according to the previous scheme, insulate your head and leave for half an hour, rinse.

Carry out the procedure once a month to get rid of the population of larvae, nits and mature individuals in your hair.

Medication method

If you want, use chemical-based medications. The aggressive components included in the drugs are prescribed by your doctor based on the characteristics of your skin.

Be careful when using and read the instructions first. Let's look at the most effective medications.

  • Permethrin lotion immobilizes lice by affecting their central nervous system. The product is active against nits and mature representatives. But keep in mind that insects can get used to permethrin and other components included in the composition. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the treatment so that a repeat procedure is not required. The drug is contraindicated for skin damage caused by scratching.

How to get rid of lice with lotion? Apply with a cotton swab to the roots and main lengths.

Rub thoroughly and cover with a scarf or plastic bag. Leave for 3/4 hour. After this, rinse your hair thoroughly and dry.

  • Malathion shampoo affects the central nervous system of the insect and also penetrates the chitin (the shell of nits). As a result, the poison poisons young and adult individuals. It is important not to taste it yourself.

Apply shampoo to washed, slightly damp curls, rub in thoroughly with massaging movements and cover with a scarf. Leave on for five minutes and rinse off.

  • Aerosol "Para-plus" acts as a neurotoxic contact poison. Spray the product onto your hair and rinse with shampoo after 10 minutes. Allergic reactions are possible: first take a skin sensitivity test.
  • Butadione tablets should be used for a course of 7–10 days. After this, comb out the dead insects with a comb.

After you finish using chemicals, you should not blow-dry your hair, otherwise the effect will wear off.

IMPORTANT! Lice can exist at temperatures around 28 0C. When it decreases by 5-6 degrees, the development of insects slows down. At a temperature of 10 0C, the insect stops laying eggs.

People of all ages are susceptible to this disease, but especially. This is due to the main way the disease spreads. Lice easily move through close contact, which is often observed in childhood.

Adults most often become infected with pediculosis in the following ways:

  • through hats;
  • through combs, hairpins;
  • through bed linen or head towels.

The presence of pediculosis is indicated by severe itching - the most important thing. This happens at the moment the skin is punctured. Nits, unlike adult individuals, can often be seen with the naked eye.

In case of insufficient hygiene and prolonged ignoring of the problem hair sticks together and becomes tangled, tangles form. An unpleasant odor may appear.

This begs the question: if lice appear on a person’s head, how to get rid of them? It's very difficult. Nits are tightly attached to the hair, which allows them to remain in place even while washing your hair.

So, how to remove lice and nits? The best thing is this complete hair removal. Not everyone agrees to such radical measures. Currently, it is possible to choose the best way to get rid of lice. The most effective lice treatment methods follow.

Treatment with chemicals

The easiest and fastest way is to apply special solutions to the scalp and hair. Such products can be purchased at pharmacies. They are produced in the form of sprays, shampoos or lotions. Before treating head lice, you should consult your doctor.

IMPORTANT! The substances included in the products are quite toxic. Pregnancy and lactation are direct contraindications to their use. These chemicals should not be used by children under 12 years of age unless prescribed by a pediatrician.

This method of lice removal has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • the ability to save hair;
  • ease of use;
  • wide availability.

It is important to take precautions. It is necessary to prevent contact of the product with the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug has received well-deserved trust. This is an aerosol that contains something harmful to lice. permethrin. The product should be sprayed onto the scalp and hair along the entire length, and after 10 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo. Dead lice are combed out with a fine comb.

Another drug with a similar effect is Medifox. This is an emulsion that must be diluted with water according to the instructions. The resulting solution is applied to the skin using a cotton swab. Wash off the drug after 20 minutes.

You can replace this drug with Nittifor. This is ready permethrin solution in the required concentration. It is applied to the roots of the hair for 40 minutes and the head is covered with a scarf.

IMPORTANT! Most chemicals are effective against adults. Nits are able to maintain their viability. A one-time use of special means is not enough.

One of the methods for removing nits and lice is to comb them out using a special comb. How to get rid of lice using this safe method, because it does not involve the application of chemicals? The combing process is long and painful. Especially difficult.

  1. Before you get rid of head lice, you need to Wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is recommended to apply conditioner on long hair.
  2. Shoulders necessary in advance cover cloth.
  3. You need to comb your hair gradually. It is important to ensure that the combed strands do not mix with others.
  4. After completing the procedure it is required treat the comb with boiling water or a special anti-lice product, and destroy the fabric that covered the shoulders.

IMPORTANT! To reduce pain, you can treat your hair with vinegar. A weak solution can destroy the adhesive substance with which nits are attached.

Needs to be done regularly. A one-time procedure will not get rid of head lice. Doctors recommend performing this procedure for 4 to 10 days in a row.

Traditional methods

Many people prefer folk remedies to combat head lice and know how to cure lice while spending a minimum of money. These funds They also have low toxicity compared to pharmaceutical drugs.

How to get rid of lice on your head using folk recipes? One of the most common ingredients in such recipes is kerosene. This tool has many disadvantages. After treatment with kerosene, burns and skin irritation are possible. This substance also has a negative effect on the hair itself. They dry out and subsequently become thin and brittle.

This method requires mixing 1 part kerosene with 12 parts vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots and left overnight under a plastic cap.

Tableware is often used to combat lice. Concentrated acid causes severe burns. It is important to apply exactly 9% means.

It is applied to the hair roots. Vinegar helps get rid of the sticky substance that nits produce. Such treatments can be used as a supplement to the main

You can become infected with lice from contact with people, so things should be handled very carefully.

Thermal method of disposal

From all this we can conclude that heat treatment with cold and heat are ways to combat lice.

Processing of items can be done in a washing machine at a temperature of 65 degrees and above. Simple boiling in a boiler or bucket is also suitable.
In winter, when the temperature outside is over 15 degrees, things can be frozen. A simple freezer will do, where you should put things in separate bags and leave them there for 7-10 days.

You can use a hairdryer to get rid of head lice. A hot stream of air makes insects lethargic, and they are easy to comb out.
Heat treatment is an auxiliary procedure; the main treatment is the destruction of lice and nits. For these purposes, pharmacies sell medicinal chemicals. Most often, people get rid of lice and nits at home in 1 day, using proven methods, including hydrogen peroxide, dusts, vinegar, kerosene, essential oils and herbs.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide for lice received good reviews from patients.
If living individuals can be dealt with in 1 day, then nits can be removed in several procedures. Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is one of the best drugs that helps quickly get rid of lice and nits. The substance is capable of destroying the chitinous shell, and when it gets into the respiratory organs, it burns them out.
Nits do not die from the action of hydrogen peroxide, but the substance easily dissolves the female’s glue, which she uses to attach the nits to her hair.

How to remove lice and nits at home using hydrogen peroxide? The method of removal involves the correct preparation of the required solution.
Hydrogen peroxide should be diluted in half with water. This will help protect against chemical burns. Before the procedure, the resulting mixture must be tested on the skin for an allergic reaction. If no reactions occur within 5 minutes, treatment can be carried out.

Using a cotton pad or sponge, distribute the hydrogen peroxide solution evenly over the entire length of the hair, including the roots and scalp. Application must be carried out quickly so as not to overexpose the substance.
It is necessary to wash your hair 8-10 minutes after application. To wash off the peroxide, soap is suitable, then the head should be treated with a solution of citric acid. This will make your hair healthy and then wash it with a traditional cleanser.

How to get rid of nits? Nits and lice must be removed after the procedure with a special comb. A metal comb with fine, notched teeth is best suited for these purposes. A head lice comb is an effective method for combing out dead insects and their larvae. Getting rid of them means preventing possible further reproduction.

Dust soap

  • muscle weakness;
  • suffocation;
  • gag reflex, nausea;
  • allergies, rash;


It’s easy to treat lice with dust soap. The procedure must be carried out by another person using protective equipment: goggles, gloves, mask. Processing is carried out in a ventilated area. The person being treated should keep their eyes and mouth closed as much as possible to avoid contact with the product.

How to treat

Tea tree oil

How to get rid of lice on your head

Tea tree oil is a folk remedy against lice that can be treated without dilution. To do this, you need to treat the roots and hair along the entire length, wrap it in film, wrap it in a towel and leave it overnight. After two such procedures, there will be no trace of pediculosis left. In this way, you can treat flatulence.

There is another way to get rid of nits and lice. You need to mix lavender and tea oils, treat your head, wait the required time, and rinse with shampoo. Lavender oil in this case will help soften the pungent odor of tea oil.
Treatment at home can be carried out simply with ordinary hair washing. To do this, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the palm of your hand, wash your hair, condition it and rinse. The procedure can be performed regularly. This is not only a treatment for pediculosis, but also a prevention against lice, as well as a medicinal drug for restoring hair and skin.

Tea tree oil is a folk remedy for lice and nits, and is in demand among people who have had to deal with this disease. It is worth knowing that the first treatment session using an essential remedy may cause drying of the curls, but there is nothing wrong with that. The reaction will go away after several treatments.
Some people, avoiding the use of various methods, entrust their health to magic, using spells.

Magic spell for pediculosis

The plot against lice must be read at sunrise or after sunset - this is a rule that needs to be remembered. The ritual is performed on the waning moon, this is the period of getting rid of diseases. You need to buy a new broom, remove one twig from it, and put it on the fire to brew. In the process you need to read the plot.

Next, remove the broom rod from the water, cool it and touch it to the hair several times. They wash their hair with charmed water. When washing, you can use herbal infusions or anti-pediculicidal shampoos.

Other folk recipes


You can get rid of nits and lice at home using other folk recipes. For example, patients note the high effectiveness of vinegar solution.
You need to mix ordinary table vinegar 9%, half and half with water. Apply this solution to the hair roots, spreading over the entire length. Apply the product using a cotton pad or an old toothbrush. Before the procedure, the hair should be combed well, strand by strand, and the curls should be carefully processed without skipping.

Vinegar cannot kill nits, but it dissolves well the adhesive substance of the females, which glues the larvae to the hair. The next day, the procedure can be repeated, this will increase the effectiveness of the method. The next treatment is required after a week to confirm the result. During a week's break between treatments, daily combing of curls with a special comb is required.


You can kill the louse and its larvae by treating the hair and scalp with prepared shampoo. Add a little shampoo to 100 ml of strong 70 degree moonshine. The mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair, including the skin. The treatment must be carried out carefully, without missing strands, tie the hair with an elastic band, cover it with a bag, and wrap it in a towel. Waiting time is at least an hour, after which you simply wash your hair with the product already applied.
You need to rinse your curls with a vinegar solution, and then comb them out. The procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days.

Since ancient times, the treatment of head lice with cranberry juice has been known. Squeeze the juice out of cranberries and apply it to the infected head; you can add a little honey to the juice. After the procedure, rinse your hair using hair products. After the procedure, the curls must be combed with a comb.

Folk remedies require time and care. Treatment of head lice at home may take longer than new generation medications. Some people don’t want to cook anything on their own, so they prefer chemicals.

Preparations containing malathion, dimethicone, and cyclomethicone are very popular. Most often, buyers are interested in products that are safe for human health (non-toxic).

As practice shows, not everyone correctly distinguishes between the concepts of lice and nits. Actually, lice are called adult insects and their larvae. The latter are smaller in size, but outwardly similar to adult individuals and also feed on human blood. Nits are immovable and simply glued by females to the hair so that a person cannot shake them off.

Accordingly, treatment for head lice consists of killing adult insects and removing nits from the hair.

On a note

On a note

  • Constant itching on the head, body or groin area (depending on what type of lice the person is infected with).
  • Bite marks in the form of small swellings with puncture points in the center. They can be seen in the mirror. The photo below clearly shows.

  • Sometimes an allergic reaction appears in the form of a rash on the body and small blue spots near the bite sites.
  • And, of course, the presence of insects and nits themselves, which can almost always be detected upon careful examination.

Procedure for treating pediculosis

The most effective treatments for lice involve extermination of adult insects with scalp and skin products containing insecticides, as well as mechanical removal of lice and nits from hair.

On a note

Previously, having noticed a louse, they used the most effective method of treatment - they cut the head or shaved other parts of the body bald. By the way, this is why the absence of pubic hair in women was considered a sign of promiscuity - workers in the most ancient profession, who regularly picked up pubic lice as part of their duty, usually had to shave the area.

In parallel with treatment for lice, measures should also be taken to protect other family members from infection. To do this, you need to treat for lice immediately upon detection, and before that, stop direct contact with the patient - hugs, kisses, games. You should not use the clothes and hats of a person infected with lice.

In general, the main thing you need to do to quickly and effectively recover from lice is to choose the right drug and use it correctly.

Lice shampoos

Shampoos are one of the most popular treatments for head and pubic lice. They allow effective treatment of lice in humans in just a few hours, and at the same time do not require significant effort and are quite safe.

The principle of treating lice with shampoos is that these preparations, in addition to aromatic agents and detergents, also contain effective insecticides - poisons that poison lice, but are relatively safe for humans. Only in rare cases can they cause allergies in sensitive people.

To treat lice with shampoos, apply the product to wet hair and thoroughly foam it.

After this, the foam is kept on the head for one and a half to two hours (the exact time is prescribed in the instructions), and then washed off. It is advisable to cover your head with a plastic bag while soaking the shampoo to enhance the effect.

After a week, treatment for lice and nits with shampoo should be repeated to destroy the larvae that have hatched from the surviving nits.

The most famous and, judging by reviews, effective are the following anti-lice shampoos:

  • NOC is a product based on Permethrin, one of the most powerful insecticides available today. Used to treat head lice. NOC shampoo is applied to the head for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water. When applied to the skin, the product may cause a burning sensation; if it gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water, and if it gets into the stomach, drink boiled water and activated carbon. According to the instructions, NOC is not used for infants: treatment for lice is possible only in adults and children over two years of age. NOC is also contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Veda and Veda-2 are an analogue of NOC from another manufacturer. Treatment with the help of Veda is carried out in almost the same way as prescribed above for NOC.

  • Nyx is also a product with Permethrin as an active ingredient, but is mainly aimed at treating pubic lice on the hair in the groin and anus. Nyx is applied to dry, clean hair, and after half an hour is washed off with clean water. To consolidate the result and provide reliable treatment for nits, it is used in several repetitions with a break of 5-7 days. The drug is not used to treat lice and nits for children; it cannot be used regularly and as a prophylactic agent. The price of one bottle of this remedy for treating lice is 320 rubles.
  • Biosim is another shampoo that allows you to quickly recover from lice, including for children and teenagers. Apply to the head for 15 minutes; one treatment procedure requires about 20 ml of shampoo.

Not everyone knows, but effective treatment for lice can also be carried out using anti-flea shampoos for pets. However, when treating head lice with these remedies, you should be careful and stop using the drug at the first sign of allergic reactions.

Special pediculicidal solutions and creams

These lice treatments are the most common because they are versatile and can be applied even to areas of the body where there is no hair. Usually they are simply applied to the infected areas, left for an hour and washed off with clean water.

The most famous of them are the following.

Medifox, which is a solution of Permethrin and allows a person to be treated for lice in one session.

Medifox is considered one of the most powerful pediculicidal agents. However, generally speaking, it is not recommended to particularly smear the head with the drug, since it is used mainly for body lice and pubic lice.

“My son brought us lice from school. I think he became infected with them a long time ago, but only now they became especially noticeable, and he began to behave differently. He scratches his head all the time, cannot concentrate on anything, and does not communicate with the guys. I went to the forum to find out how to carry out treatment and how lice are generally removed. Everyone there advises Medifox and writes, and is nitty-gritty with it. Someone wrote that you can’t treat your head with it, but I decided to take a risk. I bought it, spread it as advised, and applied it to Teme. Lice came right off him in droves. There are so many of them that I was absolutely horrified. They kept it under the bag, waited an hour, washed their hair... And forgot what it was! It’s a very powerful thing, I recommend it to everyone.”

Anna, Tver

Nittifor is a remedy that allows you to treat lice on both the head and torso. The lotion is rubbed into the infected area, and after leaving for half an hour, it is washed off with running water.

An analogue of Nittifor is Paranit. This remedy is very effective in curing a child or adult from lice and nits, but it has one small drawback - it is difficult to wash off the head with water. Shampoo for oily hair is best for cleaning your head.

Lice sprays

Lice treatment sprays work on the same principle as lotions. Their advantage is that with the help of sprays, a more complete treatment of the scalp is achieved - in a finely dispersed form, the spray penetrates even where it is problematic to rub lotion.

Sprays such as Lavinal, Para-Plus and LiceGuard have proven themselves well. After applying the drug, you need, as with other products, to wait about half an hour, preferably under a scarf, after which you can wash off the product.

Combs in the fight against lice

Combs can be considered as a means of additional combat against lice and nits, greatly enhancing the overall effect. It is safest to comb your hair with it after treatment with insecticidal preparations.

However, sometimes, especially if you do not want to treat lice in adults or children with various chemicals, combs are used independently. In this case, with their help it is also quite possible to get rid of lice, but such treatment requires at least a week of time and very careful combing of the hair.

Today, special anti-lice combs from the brands AntiV, NitFree, Robi Comb (from Lice Guard) and some others are produced. The effectiveness of all of them is approximately the same.

The peculiarity of such combs is the dense placement of the teeth, between which only a few hairs pass, but the insects themselves and large nits no longer fit. In addition, the rigidity of the teeth themselves does not allow them to diverge, as on a regular comb.

Using combs, you should carefully comb your hair strand by strand from the very roots several times a day. Usually, with careful combing, by the third or fourth day there are practically no lice left on the head.

Folk remedies against lice

And finally, folk remedies for lice. It is unlikely that any dermatologist today would recommend using one of them to treat lice, but people have been treated with these remedies for many centuries, and in many remote areas they continue to be treated today.

The effectiveness of some folk remedies can be quite high, comparable to that of special insecticides. Among these means:

  • Kerosene, which is rubbed onto the hair and left for 1-2 hours, and then rinsed. Works no less effectively than modern shampoos. It is only important to dilute the kerosene correctly so as not to burn the skin on your head.
  • , sold in most pharmacies. Used in the same way.
  • Tar soap, which does not always give 100% results, but is quite accessible and inexpensive. With due persistence, it is quite possible to remove lice.
  • Vinegar not only softens the attachment of nits to the hair, making them easier to comb out from the head.
  • Cranberry juice is also considered particularly effective against nits.
  • A decoction of tansy and wormwood.

The advantages of all these means are almost complete safety for humans. Except that vinegar and kerosene can lead to skin irritation and burns, which, however, happens quite rarely and only when used incorrectly.

The appearance of lice in humans is perceived as a serious problem. As a rule, people try not to talk about it out loud. If lice appear in children, then this is perceived by society as a matter of course, but if lice attack an adult, then many questions arise as a result. The fact is that the appearance of lice is perceived as a sign of poor personal hygiene and unsanitary living conditions.

There are actually several types of lice. For example:

When these small insects find themselves in comfortable conditions, they begin to actively reproduce. In 2 weeks, one female can lay up to 300 eggs or nits, as they are also called. Although adult individuals live no more than 1 month, during this period they can cause a lot of harm.

  • Head lice settle on a person's head, preferring thick hair.
  • Linen lice prefer to be among bedding, in the folds of clothing, among things in wardrobes.
  • Pubic lice prefer intimate areas of humans, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as armpit areas.

How are lice transmitted?

Head lice are transmitted:

  • As a result of using other people's hygiene products, such as combs, hairpins, elastic bands, etc.
  • As a result of contact between family members.
  • As a result of using other people's towels in various public institutions.
  • As a result of parents and children sleeping together. During this period, adult individuals move to a new owner without any problems.

If friends or acquaintances have lice, then it is impossible to become infected with them while at a distance. This will happen during a hug or even a handshake. Quite often, friends, and especially girlfriends, try on each other’s clothes or hats, which can certainly lead to infection.

Body lice are transmitted by:

  • Through a shared bed with your family.
  • As a result of trying on or wearing someone else's clothes.
  • As a result of poor quality disinfection of bedding in inexpensive hotels or passenger trains.

Note to everyone! Nits are perfectly preserved in a humid environment, so it is not difficult to understand how easy it is to become infected with lice in public places, such as a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, fitness club, solarium, etc.

If you do not inspect the child's head for lice, the females may lay a large number of eggs. Nits, which are distinguished by a grayish-white tint, are held quite firmly on the hair with the help of an adhesive substance and are difficult to get rid of just like that, without effort.

In addition, the presence of pediculosis can be determined by other signs:

  • When lice are at their maximum activity, a person feels the active movement of something on the head.
  • Scratch marks may be visible on the skin, which may take the form of wounds or scabs.
  • Human skin becomes covered with dark blue spots, which indicates poisoning by toxic substances in the human body.
  • Bite marks are visible in the head area, which leads to a feeling of discomfort.
  • When an infestation occurs with body or pubic lice, itching is observed in intimate places, in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as under the armpits.
  • If you carefully examine the problem areas, you can immediately notice not only adults, but also eggs. As a rule, nits are firmly held on the hair, so you won’t be able to simply shake them off.
  • Living nits are crushed with a characteristic sound and a little liquid is released.

What to do:

Lice control medications come in several forms:

  • In the form of sprays.
  • In the form of shampoos.
  • In powder form.
  • In the form of lotions.
  • In the form of creams and ointments.

The composition of anti-pediculosis drugs includes the following active substances:

Insecticides and other means are used against lice:

  • Permethrin ointment.
  • Medifox.
  • Lauri.
  • Parasidosis.
  • Medilis-Super.
  • Nodu.
  • Benzyl benzoate ointment.

Popular mechanical drugs include:

  • Paranit.
  • Full Max.

Combined type products include:

  • Para-Plus.
  • A-Par.
  • Buzzed.
  • Spray Pax.

The following medications are suitable to combat head lice in children:

  • Parasidosis+.
  • But yes.
  • Paranit.
  • Pediculent.

There is an inexpensive remedy called Hellebore Water, which has a detrimental effect on adults and nits. The composition has a certain toxicity, so it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of head lice in children under 5 years of age.

You can also fight lice with folk remedies. Their effectiveness has been proven over many centuries. Effective folk remedies include:

  • Kerosene and vegetable oil, combined in equal proportions.
  • Vinegar, if you dilute a tablespoon in 100 ml of water.
  • Turpentine.

In addition to such means, good results in the fight against lice can be obtained if you use:

  • Ointment from hellebore and bogulnik.
  • A solution of vinegar and salt.
  • Tar soap.
  • Mask with geranium and tea tree.
  • Ointment from bird cherry and angelica.
  • A decoction of mint and pomegranate.
  • Salt and vinegar solution.
  • Decoction of elecampane root.
  • Geranium oil.

All means must be used correctly. For example:

Person-to-person contact is so close that no one is immune from the appearance of lice, especially in children when they attend preschool institutions and school. But if you remember how lice are transmitted from person to person, then the risk of infection can be reduced to almost zero.

What not to do:

  • Try on other people's hats.
  • Use the same comb for all family members.
  • Wearing other people's things or things of your relatives.
  • Use other people's hygiene products.
  • Do not follow basic hygiene rules.
  • Engage in sexual contact with strangers, in other words, lead an immoral lifestyle.
  • Use various accessories that belong to other people.

It's better to pay attention:



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