Arthritis disease. Alcohol and Arthritis - Let's Win Arthritis! Associated diseases and complications of arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects thousands of people around the world - a disease that is widespread. The disease got its name from the word "athron", which in Greek means "joint".

The first mention of the signs of the disease and its treatment date back to the period of the life and work of Hippocrates. It turns out that even in those distant times, doctors in collaboration with traditional healers and healers took the first steps to combat this disease.

At the same time, if earlier doctors called arthritis any disease that somehow affects the joints and the musculoskeletal system of the body, already in the sixteenth century arthritis, as a pathology, received its classification. The stages of the disease and the types of arthritis were first identified at that time.

Therefore, when talking about arthritis today, doctors mean a number of diseases that have common unique features.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, every hundredth inhabitant of this country suffers from arthritis. Moreover, joint disease affects any age category, there are no exceptions. Arthritis does not depend on the gender of a person. This lack of framework makes the disease not just an ailment, but a real problem for modern society.

Scientific observations and studies, at the same time, confirm that arthritis poses a greater threat to middle-aged females.

Arthritis and its causes

Despite the fact that arthritis has been known as a disease for a very long time, in the 21st century, the causes of its occurrence are only partially studied by doctors. Genetic predisposition is the most likely reason why arthritis can develop.

Therefore, theoretically, every person can have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. And it is not at all necessary that he himself will suffer from arthritis. Usually, the genetic predisposition to arthritis is passed down from generation to generation, and already in the offspring the disease manifests itself in full.

The second cause of arthritis, confirmed by scientists, is the pathology of the lymph nodes, in the presence of which immune cells simply cannot detect viruses and start fighting them in a timely manner.

In this regard, arthritis is a very insidious disease, since impaired immune cells can detect the presence of a problem in the body, but in the process of neutralizing it, they can make mistakes and destroy their own healthy joint cells (an autoimmune reaction).

The third reason for the development of arthritis is complications after infectious diseases. In this regard, the absolute leader is influenza or acute respiratory infections (as the disease is often called in professional medical slang).

According to statistics, in 40% of cases, arthritis and their symptoms occur precisely as a result of a previously transferred acute respiratory disease.

It may seem strange to some, but emotional stress can also cause arthritis at any age. Every person, regardless of his social status, experiences emotional "shakes" from time to time, as a result of which the patient's psychological background deteriorates sharply. A similar factor may be dismissal from work or the death of a loved one.

After a shock, people often experience changes in character, and the more pronounced these changes, the more likely they are to develop arthritis. For the first time, this cause of the onset of the disease was proposed as theoretical more than 100 years ago, and in the 20th century it was fully confirmed by the scientific work done by American physicians Alexander, Shapir, and Johnson.

It also happens that the emotional stress that contributes to the appearance of arthritis occurs for no apparent reason, that is, there is no critical situation. This is due to the fact that a person has been subjected to minor but regular oppression for a fairly long period, for example, from family members or superiors at work. At the same time, a person restrains himself, masks irritability, but emotionally suffers a lot.

In such situations, stress becomes a ticking time bomb:

  1. tension gradually builds up;
  2. negativity accumulates;
  3. then there is an emotional explosion and all the consequences that follow from it.

This reason, in fact, leads to the fact that middle-aged women suffer from arthritis more often than other people. Therefore, men who are worried about the health of their "halves" should avoid the policy of domestic dictate, appreciate and love their wife.

Another very common cause of arthritis is prolonged stress on the same group of joints. There is nothing eternal in the world, human joints are no exception to this rule.

Note! In addition to women, athletes are also at risk for arthritis. During training and competition, the joints of athletes experience tremendous stress. In addition, emotional excitement before the competition and under-baked injuries also play a significant role.

There are a lot of reasons for the development of arthritis, they can be listed indefinitely. Here are the most common ones:

  • malnutrition, which is characterized by a lack of vitamins;
  • metabolic disorders in the patient's body;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • unfavorable ecological atmosphere;
  • blood supply problems.

What are the symptoms of joint disease?

Arthritis is characterized by a range of symptoms. Some of them should be considered in more detail:

Joint pain at night. If a patient experiences severe pain in the joints during a night's rest, and these sensations are not associated with heavy physical labor, arthritis is most likely to develop in the body.

At the same time, discomfort in the joints associated with a change in posture does not apply to the symptoms of arthritis. But if a person wakes up in the middle of the night from severe pain, he should immediately consult a doctor. This condition indicates a severe degree of arthritis.

For the disease, stiffness in the joints after waking up is typical, this is especially felt in the hands. This feeling in medicine is called "glove syndrome". And the assumption that after sleep the body needs time to wake up is more than naive. To perform the simplest everyday manipulations in the morning (open a tap with water, turn on the kettle), a person does not need a warm-up.

Tumor and inflammation of the wrist joints. When these symptoms appear immediately on both hands (see photo), we can say with 99% certainty that these are signs of arthritis.

Tumor and inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joints at the base of the fingers (see photo). These manifestations, in the absence of recent injuries, also guarantee the presence of an inflammatory process in the joints. This does not apply to athletes involved in martial arts.

Deformity of the fingers on the upper and lower extremities. The term "deformity" refers to redness and swelling of most of the area (see photo), lasting 10 days or longer.

Consistently inflammation of diarthrosis: first one joint is affected, after a short period of time - the other, then the third, until the disease covers all the joints.

Causeless, but regular inflammation of the joints and swelling of the big toes (see photo), ankles and knees 90% guarantee the fact of arthritis.

Another sign of arthritis is a decrease in pain in the joints during active movements. One should not hope that the pain disappeared because the body stretched and warmed up. It is very important to find the original cause of its occurrence. Arthritis is the most likely cause.

Stiffness in the small of the back, lasting for a very long time. If the patient cannot fully rotate the body for several months and experiences extremely unpleasant sensations or even pain when turning, he should immediately consult a doctor.

Other symptoms:

  1. "Peas" and tumors on the elbows under the skin (see photo).
  2. Prolonged inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis).
  3. Frequent chills and increased sweating.
  4. Increased body temperature, which lasts for one to two months.

Types of Arthritis

Speaking about the types of arthritis, you need to know that this disease has both an acute and a chronic form.

The acute form of arthritis is an inflammation of varying severity, which is a single occurrence. Acute arthritis is caused by an infection that has entered the body. Usually the disease is easily treatable and rarely leads to any complications.

The situation is somewhat different with chronic arthritis. The chronic form of the disease, unlike the acute form, is not exclusively infectious. Most often, the disease develops as a result of any violations in the body:

  • deposits of calcium salts;
  • trauma;
  • exorbitant stress on the joints and other reasons.

Treatment of chronic arthritis, due to the complexity of the disease, must be thorough and often takes more than one month.

There are many types of arthritis, depending on the nature of the course of the disease. The most common of them:

  1. reactive;
  2. gouty;
  3. gonorrheal;
  4. chlamydial;
  5. rheumatoid.

Psoriatic - a chronic disease of the joints, provoked by psoriasis. This form of arthritis belongs to the less studied types of the disease. Therefore, treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor and is accompanied by numerous tests.

Reactive - inflammation of the joints, which is caused by previous diseases. Accompanied by pain of varying degrees. Reactive arthritis can be treated with or without medication.

Gout is a gouty form of arthritis. The disease is quite common, it is associated with the deposition of uric acid salts. Men are more susceptible to gout, but sometimes women are also affected by the disease. In a hospital, it is cured in one to two weeks.

Gonorrheal arthritis is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the joint capsule, which causes increased activity of gonococci. Usually, the gonorrheal form of arthritis affects the knee joints and significantly limits the patient's mobility.

Chlamydial - joint pathology caused by the bacterium chlamydia (see photo). The chlamydial form of arthritis develops against the background of the previous:

  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs.

There are other reasons, but they are all associated with chlamydia. Signs of chlamydial arthritis are swelling, acute pain in the joints, enlarged lymph nodes, fever.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very serious disease of the joints, which is characterized not only by severe pain and significant limitation of mobility, but also by a number of different complications. Pathology most often appears in middle-aged women.

Important! The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis consists in the patient undergoing a whole range of therapeutic procedures, which are carried out under the supervision of a rheumatologist. Self-treatment of the disease is highly undesirable.

There are other forms of the disease that are much less common - infectious-allergic and "tick-borne" arthritis in a scientific way - Lyme disease.

Treatment of the disease

Methods for the treatment of arthritis can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. medication;
  2. non-drug;
  3. treatment with folk remedies.

Drug treatment consists in prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen) in combination with antibiotics that suppress the activity of bacteria harmful to the human body.

For the treatment of arthritis, periarticular and are shown. They are usually prescribed to patients with chronic arthritis. In addition, drug treatment includes the use of the following drugs: D-penicillamine, Chloroquine, Levamisole.

Non-drug therapy for arthritis consists in undergoing procedures that are not related to certain drugs. Treatment without medication is advisable in mild forms of arthritis and in the final stages of medication.

These procedures include shock wave therapy, ultrasound, mud therapy, massage, magnetotherapy, therapeutic exercises. Therapeutic methods for arthritis include maintaining a proper diet and adequate alternation of sleep and wakefulness.

Common remedies for arthritis include:

  • salty hot baths;
  • hot shower;
  • cold therapy.

Arthritis is the general name for inflammatory diseases of the joints. The disease is widespread, with the incidence increasing over time. In Africa and Asia, arthritis is not as common as in Europe and North America.

Arthritis: causes and development factors

The causes of arthritis can be very different. Most often we are talking about infectious processes, allergic reactions, disorders in the immune system, mental trauma. One of the causes of arthritis is the natural wear and tear of the joints.

Provoking factors in the development of arthritis can be poor environmental conditions, unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, overweight and genetic predisposition. Some types of so-called "professional" arthritis develop as a result of many years of stress on the same muscle groups and joints of the musculoskeletal system.

Now let's take a closer look at the main causes of arthritis:

  • Infectious diseases. When bacteria, viruses and fungi enter the body, a natural protective reaction is triggered. However, malfunctions in the immune system lead to the fact that immune cells destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also damage their own cells, in particular, joint cells.
  • Joint injuries that lead to the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the joint.
  • Excess body weight, in which there is an excessive load on the joints.
  • Congenital joint injuries (for example, congenital dislocation of the hip).
  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system. In particular, the development of arthritis contribute to hormonal disorders during menopause in women.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Some diseases, for example, and others.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Exposure to biological insect poisons.
  • Insufficient intake of nutrients in the body.

Types of disease: classification of arthritis

Depending on the causes, infectious, dystrophic, traumatic arthritis, as well as arthritis associated with other diseases are distinguished. Depending on the number of affected joints, monoarthritis is isolated (with one joint affected) and polyarthritis - inflammation of several joints at once.

Along the course, arthritis is acute and chronic. Acute arthritis occurs suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain in the joints and fever. Chronic arthritis is characterized by a slow course and gradual progression. In some cases, acute arthritis becomes chronic.

Depending on the causes of occurrence, the following types of arthritis are distinguished:

  • infectious arthritis. This type of disease develops against the background of an infectious process, due to which inflammation develops in the body. There are primary and secondary forms of infectious arthritis. In the first case, the cause of the disease is the wound through which the infection enters the body. As for secondary infectious arthritis, the cause of its development is infection from the blood or nearby organs. For example, gonorrheal arthritis, tuberculosis, gonococcal, dysentery, chlamydial, viral and others can be attributed to this type of infectious arthritis.
  • . This is an infectious-allergic form of arthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis, there is chronic inflammation of the joints of the extremities. During exacerbations, the patient has difficulties even when performing minor physical work. As a rule, rheumatoid arthritis develops in middle-aged and elderly people.
  • Gouty arthritis. Arthritis caused by gout develops as a result of the deposition of uric acid salts, which accumulate in the joint cavities. Excess uric acid is not excreted in the urine and does not dissolve in the blood. Over time, crystallization of uric acid occurs, which accumulates in the joints, which leads to an inflammatory process.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Another name for this pathology is Still's disease. This disease occurs in children under 16 years of age. The cause of juvenile arthritis is still unknown. The disease is chronic and constantly progressive. In severe cases, juvenile arthritis is accompanied by damage to internal organs, which leads to disability of the child.
  • Arthritis caused by trauma. Traumatic arthritis can develop long after a joint injury. Naturally, after a bruise or other injury, swelling and redness will appear in the joint area. All this will pass with time, and we can assume that the problem is solved. However, this injury can make itself felt after several years and even decades! The joint may begin to hurt, and there will be a gradual destruction of the bones. Therefore, be extremely careful, take care of your joints and try not to get injured.
  • Osteoarthritis. This form of arthritis (like many others) is of a pronounced degenerative nature. With osteoarthritis, cartilage is gradually destroyed, which leads to pain. With osteoarthritis, the shape of the joint changes and bone growths appear. At the same time, independent restoration of bones and cartilage of the joint is impossible.
  • Rheumatism of the joints. This is a chronic disease in which there is inflammation of the connective tissues. Rheumatism mainly affects the tissues of the joints and heart.
  • Arthrosis. This is a fairly common form of arthritis. Compared to rheumatoid arthritis, the symptoms of arthrosis are not as severe. With the help of medications, this type of arthritis responds well enough to symptomatic treatment.

Symptoms of arthritis: how the disease manifests itself

The symptoms of arthritis are the same. The patient feels pain and stiffness in the affected joint. There may be swelling in the area of ​​the diseased joint, limiting its movement and a local increase in temperature. In some cases, arthritis is accompanied by changes in clinical and laboratory parameters: the appearance of fever, elevated ESR,.

Patient response to arthritis

The presence of discomfort and pain in the joints is a reason to see a doctor. Moderate exercise, specific arthritis exercises, and weight control can alleviate the condition.

The patient should strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor, including regarding the diet.

Diagnosis of arthritis

Diagnosis of arthritis includes taking an anamnesis, external examination of the patient for the presence of characteristic signs of an inflammatory process in the joints, as well as laboratory and instrumental research methods. An analysis of blood and joint fluid reveals the presence of an inflammatory process, and x-ray studies reveal characteristic signs of inflammation of the joints. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound are also used in the diagnosis of arthritis. Recently, arthroscopy has also been used, which allows a thorough examination of the articular cavity, as well as the collection of synovial fluid for subsequent laboratory tests.

Treatment of arthritis should be comprehensive and include both drug therapy and lifestyle correction, physiotherapy and spa treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nise, nurofen, nimesulide, ibuprofen, meloxicam, etc.) are the main medications in the treatment of arthritis. To eliminate inflammatory processes in the most affected joints, corticosteroid and glucocorticoid drugs are used (). In the absence of extra-articular manifestations, corticosteroids are tried not to prescribe. Intra-articular administration of corticosteroid drugs is advisable in the absence of a therapeutic effect from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as in the presence of fever. Enzyme preparations can be used to improve blood circulation and its rheological properties (and others).

Complications of arthritis

Complications of arthritis are early and late. Early complications include phlegmon, panarthritis (acute purulent arthritis). Late complications include osteomyelitis, sepsis, contractures, and pathological dislocations.

Arthritis prevention

Prevention of arthritis comes down to avoiding and eliminating all possible provoking factors. A healthy lifestyle, weight control, a balanced diet, avoidance of excessive alcohol consumption, and regular check-ups with a doctor will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing arthritis.

Do your knees hurt, and the joints have increased in size or begun to deform? Does walking cause difficulty or pain? Do you feel a crunch in your knees? All of these can indicate the presence of arthritis. We will talk about this disease today. But let's start with a definition...

What is arthritis?

Arthritis(lat. arthritis - aching joints) - a collective designation of inflammatory diseases of the joints, the main symptom of which is pain in the joints, especially when walking or applying physical force.

Description of the disease

Arthritis can affect the fingers, elbows, knees, ankles, hips, spine, and over 100 rheumatoid pathologies. In addition, in addition to the joints, changes in arthritis lead to disorders in the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys, sometimes even causing a threat to a person's life.

Arthritis develops due to exhaustion, and as a result - the loss of articular cartilage, which plays an important role in the normal functioning of any of the human joints. The violations themselves occur due to injuries, infections, increased stress on the joints, as well as the age of the patient. After cartilage wears out, adjacent bones begin to rub against each other, thereby forming pathological changes at the junctions, swelling, pain, and loss of motor function of the joint. Sometimes the skin that covers the sore spot (joint) starts to turn red.

The sooner you contact a specialist at the first signs of arthritis, the better the prognosis in its treatment.

Experts note that several tens of millions of people on our planet suffer from arthritis, and this number is increasing from year to year. It is also noted that most of those suffering from arthritis are people who are over 65 years old. At the same time, this disease is increasingly detrimental to the health of young people as well. the way of life of many people of our time is far from ideal.

Arthritis ICD

ICD-10: M00-M25
ICD-9: 710-719

Arthritis is divided, by localization:

monoarthritis- arthritis of one joint;
polyarthritis- arthritis of several joints at the same time.

according to the nature of the disease:

acute arthritis- develops rapidly, causing sudden severe and sharp pain;
chronic arthritis- develops slowly, at the beginning practically without betraying itself, only sometimes aching in certain joints. Over time, the pain intensifies and torments the patient for long periods of time.

due to the origin of the disease:

Symptoms of arthritis depending on the cause of the disease

Rheumatoid arthritis. In the first stages, the small joints of the hands, elbows, wrists, legs, feet and lower legs are affected, and at the same time on two arms or legs at once. Gradually, the disease moves to larger joints - knees, shoulders. The patient begins to experience pain, giving him a feeling of stiffness, especially in the morning, which disappears with his physical activity. The skin around the affected joint may swell and turn reddish. Further, the person loses his appetite, he loses weight, the body temperature periodically rises, it is felt.

Under the skin, in the area of ​​diseased joints, nodules, no more than 2 cm in diameter, can be observed periodically, to the touch, like compacted fat deposits. These nodules can move under the skin, and appear on the back of the head, in the forearms, and internal organs. Due to the deformation of the joints, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to muscle atrophy, making a person powerless and immobile.

Sometimes there may be pain in the eyes, numbness of the limbs, difficulty breathing, especially with deep breaths, sweating increases, salivary glands become inflamed. When the weather, atmospheric pressure and seasons change, the pain intensifies.

Reactive arthritis at the initial stage it is characterized by general weakness, headaches, elevated body temperature up to +38°C. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis develops asymmetrically. In parallel, symptoms of inflammation of the genitourinary system and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes () may appear.

Gouty arthritis. In most cases, the first joint of the big toe is affected, although the disease can manifest itself in the knee and elbow. The place of inflammation turns red, swells and hurts a lot. The main reasons are the consumption of large amounts of alcohol, meat and fatty foods. The pain is most pronounced at night.

infectious arthritis begins with intoxication of the body and develops rapidly: the body temperature rises, muscle pains appear. Sometimes they can accompany and. The affected joint swells and changes its shape. The skin around the diseased joint heats up. The pain is aggravated by movement. Symptoms are most pronounced in children, in older people the symptoms are muffled.

Osteoarthritis often asymptomatic. The patient may not experience pain even after X-ray confirmation of the disease. If symptoms do appear, then these are aching and indistinctly localized pains, sometimes turning into acute pain attacks. With increased stress on the joints, pain intensifies, at the same time, they often torment the patient in the morning, making it difficult to move the whole body. Swelling is observed in the joints, especially large ones (hip, knee and spinal joints). With a complication, bone growths (nodes) appear on the joints, which can be both quite painful when touched, and practically do not disturb the carrier of the disease.

Psoriatic arthritis characterize the following symptoms: the gradual development of the disease, starting with swelling of the lesion and a local increase in temperature. Red, itchy and flaky spots appear on the skin and scalp, also called psoriatic spots, or. In this case, the nail plates are affected, starting to split. Most often, psoriatic arthritis manifests itself on the fingers, which begin to swell, resembling a sausage in shape. At the initial stage, pain does not appear, and if present, then in the morning.

Traumatic arthritis develops in the same way as osteoarthritis. The symptoms are the same: pain, swelling and crunching in the inflamed area.

Degrees of arthritis

Experts have identified several degrees of progression of arthritis, each of which has its own characteristics. The higher the degree of arthritis, the further the pathological process of the disease has gone. Let's consider them...

Arthritis - 1 degree

The onset of the disease (arthritis of the 1st degree) can be almost asymptomatic. The patient has some stiffness in movement, whether it is walking or turning on a water tap. Slight swelling may appear on the legs, which makes it somewhat difficult to put on shoes. When bending or unbending the joints, slight periodic pain is manifested. Fatigue increases from day to day. In psoriatic arthritis, the pain may worsen at night. In the case of arthritis in the shoulder or knee joints, the pain can proceed so imperceptibly that it seems as if ordinary fatigue or age-related fatigue has visited.

In children, arthritis of the 1st degree can be identified by the following signs: the child has become inactive, often falls, and also refuses to play active games.

When contacting a doctor at this stage, the percentage of positive results in the treatment of arthritis is the highest.

Arthritis - 2 degree

Grade 2 arthritis is characterized by more pronounced pain in the areas of the affected joints, especially at night and in the morning, with visible swelling of them. Pathological processes begin in the body, erosion is observed on the bones. Sometimes when moving, a distinct crunch of bones is heard. On the knees, 2nd degree arthritis appears as reddened skin that is hot to the touch. In the affected joints, a large amount of synovial fluid is formed.

Arthritis of the hip joint stage 2 can radiate pain to the knees, causing lameness when moving. Arthritis of the shoulder joint makes it difficult for the patient to raise his arm.

Arthritis - 3 degree

Arthritis of the 3rd degree is characterized by a pronounced deformation of the affected joint, which causes serious problems when the patient moves, both when walking and when rotating with hands, fingers, etc. Pain is present around the clock, even at rest. At this level, the patient may be assigned a disability.

Arthritis - 4 degree

Arthritis of the 4th degree leads to almost complete immobility of the damaged joints, with severe pain around the clock. It is impossible to move independently. Negative changes in bones and joints are already becoming irreversible. When the knees are affected, muscle contractures are formed.

An unambiguous and exact cause of arthritis has not yet been determined, but doctors have identified some factors that can provoke the development of arthritis. Consider them:

- infections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses;
— ;
- metabolic disease;
- trauma;
— ;
- inadequate intake of nutrients
- diseases of the nervous system;
- disorders in the immune system;
- excessive stress on the joints;
- malnutrition, incl. the use of alcoholic beverages;
- overweight;
- violations in the work of the endocrine gland;
- genetic predisposition;
- insect bites, for example, bees, etc .;
— ;
- some diseases: gonorrhea.

Diagnosis of arthritis

Arthritis is diagnosed by several specialists at once: traumatologist, phthisiatrician, infectious disease specialist and.

Diagnosis of arthritis includes an examination (talk, examination, test for sensitivity and mobility of the joints), laboratory tests (analyzes) and instrumental diagnostic methods, and only on the basis of this, a course of treatment is prescribed for the patient. Consider the methods of diagnosing arthritis in more detail.

Laboratory research

To protect the gastrointestinal tract from the irritating effect of NSAIDs, gastroprotectors and proton pump inhibitors - "Omeprazole" are prescribed.

If arthritis is provoked by a fungus, antimycotic drugs are prescribed.

For pain relief use ointments, gels (Diclofenac - gel) and creams, as well as local injections (anesthetics).

With severe inflammation and pain hormonal injections are prescribed into the joint cavities, which bring the patient quick relief.

To relieve muscle spasms that manifest during joint pain use muscle relaxants, and sometimes anticonvulsants.

To remove deposited salts use anti-gout drugs: Allopurinol, Allomaron, Milurit.

To restore cartilage use drugs - chondroprotectors: "Alfutop", "Artra", "Artradol", "Glucosamine", "Teraflex", "Chondroitin sulfate", as well as mineral preparations containing - "Vitrum", "Centrum", "Unicam".

To relieve swelling, pain syndrome and normalization of blood circulation, compresses based on Dimexide are used, which penetrate deeply into the inflamed joint tissues and have a beneficial effect on the healing process.

Surgical intervention it is advisable to apply if the joint has collapsed and antibiotics have not helped. A prosthesis is put in place of the removed joint.

In the complex appoint:

- warming up;
– courses of restorative massage;
- ultrasound treatment;
- treatment with mud;
- adherence to a diet;
- physical therapy.

Nutrition for arthritis should be aimed at restoring and strengthening the immune system: saturating the body with nutrients and trace elements - manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, sulfur, zinc, amino acids - arginine, methionine.

Of course, for this, vegetables, root crops and fruits should be included in the diet, and preferably fresh.

But the heat treatment of food should be minimized, because. with it, a large number of vitamins and trace elements are destroyed.

In addition to vegetables and fruits, you should eat: cereals, dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), fish, poultry and other lean meat.

Minimize consumption of: salt, sugar, fatty meats, legumes, seafood, offal and alcoholic beverages.

Additionally, the attending physician may prescribe the intake of vitamin complexes.

For the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to control the presence of extra pounds, because. excess weight causes excessive stress on the joints, which complements the overall picture of the patient's pain.

This disease is quite common at the present time: several million people on the planet suffer from arthritis.

Arthritis? Of course, this is the first question that arises in a person when he hears his diagnosis from a doctor.

Arthritis is the nature of which can be different. However, there is always an inflammatory process as a reaction to an influence, external or internal. What is arthritis, of course, but what are its causes? They are different. In addition to directly causing the disease, predisposing factors are also taken into account. They are the following:

  • the age of the patient - the older the person, the greater the likelihood of the disease;
  • heredity and gender - in women, pathology is more common, can be transmitted to children from parents;
  • excess body weight and low mobility - the more weight, the greater the load on the joints. Exercise strengthens the muscle corset around the joint, thereby reducing the load on it;
  • allergies - a risk factor for the development of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • joint damage.

Types of arthritis

Medicine distinguishes many varieties of arthritis. Among them, the most common infectious, with gout, osteoarthritis. According to the number of affected joints, monoarthritis (one joint is affected) and polyarthritis (several joints) are distinguished. Arthritis is also classified by the name of the joint in which there is a pathology. So it will be clear: to the question of what is possible, only one answer is its inflammation.

How the disease manifests itself

There are classic signs of inflammation that doctors memorize like a spell: pain, heat, redness, and dysfunction. All of them are characteristic of arthritis. Severe chronic arthritis is manifested by deformity of the joint, and a local increase in temperature and discoloration of the skin are not typical for them.

Monoarthritis is usually a lesion of large joints, such as the knees and hips. Elbow and rarely suffer. When characterized by polyarthritis of the small joints of the hands.

Arthritis and arthrosis, their differences

Many people at the doctor's appointment ask the same questions: “What is arthritis and arthrosis? What is the difference? Or is it the same? Of course no. These are completely different processes. Analyzing above what arthritis is, we realized that it is, in fact, inflammation.

Arthrosis is a dystrophic process that leads to cartilage degeneration. It is primary if it occurs on an intact joint due to a violation of the biomechanics of its movement (age-related, after injuries of any localization, as a result of physical inactivity, high physical exertion). Secondary arthrosis develops in an organ that has already been altered due to genetic abnormalities or trauma.

Of course, the sooner the doctor finds out if his patient has arthritis or arthrosis, and the sooner adequate treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring the structure and functions of the joints. Determining the cause and nature of the process plays an essential role in this.

(lesions) of the joints. May be an underlying disease (eg, spondylitis) or a manifestation of another disease (eg, rheumatism). It occurs in acute and chronic forms with damage to one or more (polyarthritis) joints. Among the causes, there are infections (tuberculosis, brucellosis), metabolic disorders (for example, with gout), injuries, etc.


Arthritis is a widespread disease in the human population. In the United States alone, more than 42 million people suffer from arthritis, with one in six people becoming disabled as a result of the disease. It should be noted that among the causes of disability in this country, arthritis is in the first place. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, arthritis is having "about the same impact on the US economy as a moderate economic downturn": the disease costs Americans more than $64 billion annually. These losses are associated with the cost of treatment and with a decrease in labor productivity. In developing countries such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, the Philippines and Chile, according to studies cited by the World Health Organization, arthritis and similar diseases cause there "no less harm than in rich countries."

Over time, the number of people suffering from arthritis gradually increases. In Canada, it is believed that over the next ten years the number of patients will increase by 1 million. Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] Although arthritis is not as common in Africa and Asia as in Europe, the number of people suffering from this disease is growing rapidly in these parts of the world. In view of the prevalence of arthritis, the World Health Organization has declared the period 2000 to 2010 the "Decade of Combating Bone and Joint Disease". During this time, physicians and health care professionals focus on making life easier for those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis.


The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known for certain. Currently, the most common immunogenetic theory of the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis, according to which the presence of a genetically determined defect in the immune system, leading to a pathological reaction to provoking factors, is assumed.


The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on autoimmune disorders, mainly dysregulation of the synthesis of rheumatoid factor (which is an antibody to immunoglobulins) and immunocomplex processes leading to the development of synovitis, and in some cases generalized vasculitis. Deformation of the joints in rheumatoid arthritis is due to the formation and growth of granulation tissue in the synovial membrane, which gradually destroys the cartilage and subchondral parts of the bones, the formation of uzurs (erosions) occurs, with the development of sclerotic changes, fibrous, and then bone ankylosis. Characteristic subluxations and contractures are partly due to changes in the tendons, serous bags and joint capsule.



One of the methods of treatment is therapeutic exercises. With the implementation of the entire exercise therapy program, the patient will improve the mobility of the joints and strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Exercise for arthritis should not cause severe pain. All movements must be performed in an acceptable amplitude.

In the absence of extra-articular manifestations, they begin with the selection non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: acetylsalicylic acid (2-3 g / day), indomethacin (100-150 mg / day), Diclofenac (100-150 mg / day), brufen (1-2 g / day); therapy with these drugs is carried out for a long time (not courses), for years.

At the same time, corticosteroid drugs (hydrocortisone, Triamcinolone) are injected into the most affected joints. The progression of the disease, despite the indicated therapy, is an indication for the addition of basic agents: Aurotioprol (34 mg of gold contained in 2 ml of 5% or 1 ml of a 10% solution of the drug, once a week i / m), D-penicillamine (300 -750 mg/day), Chloroquine (0.25 g/day), levamisole (150 mg/day). These drugs act slowly, so they must be taken for at least 6 months, and with a significant therapeutic effect, even more, sometimes for years. Therapy with gold preparations is currently considered insufficiently effective, and in the presence of more advanced drugs, this therapy regimen is not used.

Oral corticosteroids in the absence of extra-articular manifestations should be prescribed as rarely as possible, usually only for severe joint pain that is not relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and intra-articular corticosteroids, in small doses (no more than 10 mg / day of prednisolone), for a short period and in combination with basic means, allowing subsequently to reduce the dose of hormones or completely cancel them. Corticosteroids (prednisolone 20–30 mg/day, sometimes up to 60 mg/day) are absolutely indicated in the presence of high fever.


With age, the risk of arthritis only increases, so prevention should begin at a young age.

Arthritis is caused by:

  • overweight;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent injuries and fractures;
  • heavy load on the joints associated with working conditions.

To prevent arthritis, [[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] :


The prognosis is conditionally unfavorable, the disease is chronic slowly progressive, treatment only slows down the rate of its development. The outcome is the loss of function of the affected joints and the disability of the patient.

In 2009, American physician Donald Unger was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize for his discovery in the field of medicine. He experimentally proved that clicking joints does not lead to arthritis. For sixty years he clicked the knuckles of his left hand - and never his right.

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  • Arthritis // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • . Retrieved June 27, 2009. .

An excerpt characterizing Arthritis

Her name was Veronica. And, as it turned out, this sad and such a beautiful woman died of cancer almost a year ago, when she was only thirty years old, and her little six-year-old daughter, who thought that her mother had left her, did not want to forgive her for this and is still very deeply suffered from it. Veronica's son was too small when she died and did not understand that his mother would never return again ... and that at night now other people's hands would always lay him down, and some stranger would sing his favorite lullaby to him ... But he was still too young and had no idea how much pain such a cruel loss could bring. But with his six-year-old sister, things were completely different ... That's why this sweet woman could not calm down and just leave while her little daughter suffered so unchildishly and deeply ...
– How can I find it? I asked.
"I'll take you," whispered the reply.
Only then did I suddenly notice that when she moved, her body easily seeped through furniture and other solid objects, as if it was woven from a dense fog ... I asked if it was difficult for her to be here? She said - yes, because it was high time for her to leave ... I also asked if it was scary to die? She said that it’s not scary to die, it’s more scary to watch those you leave behind, because there is so much more I want to tell them, but, unfortunately, nothing can be changed ... I felt very sorry for her, so sweet, but helpless, and so unfortunate... And I really wanted to help her, but, unfortunately, I didn't know how?
The next day, I calmly returned home from my girlfriend, with whom we usually played the piano together (since I didn’t have my own at that time). Suddenly, feeling some strange internal push, I, for no apparent reason, turned in the opposite direction and walked along a completely unfamiliar street ... I didn’t walk for long until I stopped at a very pleasant house, completely surrounded by a flower garden. There, inside the yard, on a small playground, sat a sad, completely tiny girl. She looked more like a miniature doll than a living child. Only this “doll” for some reason was infinitely sad... She sat completely still and looked indifferent to everything, as if at that moment the world around her simply did not exist.
“Her name is Alina,” a familiar voice whispered inside me, “please talk to her…
I went to the gate and tried to open it. The feeling was not pleasant - as if I forcibly broke into someone's life without asking permission. But then I thought about how unhappy poor Veronica must have been and decided to take a chance. The little girl looked up at me with her huge, sky-blue eyes, and I saw that they were filled with such a deep longing that this tiny child simply should not have had yet. I approached her very carefully, afraid to frighten her away, but the girl was not going to be frightened at all, she only looked at me with surprise, as if asking what I needed from her.
I sat next to her on the edge of the wooden partition and asked why she was so sad. She did not answer for a long time, and then finally whispered through her tears:
- My mother left me, but I love her so much ... Probably, I was very bad and now she will not return.
I got lost. And what could I tell her? How to explain? I felt that Veronica is with me. Her pain literally twisted me into a hard burning pain lump and burned so hard that it became hard to breathe. I so wanted to help both of them that I decided - come what may, but without trying, I will not leave. I hugged the girl by her fragile shoulders, and said as softly as possible:
- Your mother loves you more than anything in the world, Alina, and she asked me to tell you that she never left you.
“So she lives with you now?” - the girl bristled.
- No. She lives where neither I nor you can go. Her earthly life here with us is over, and now she lives in another, very beautiful world, from which she can observe you. But she sees how you suffer, and she cannot leave here. And she can't stay here any longer. That's why she needs your help. Would you like to help her?
– How do you know all this? Why is she talking to you?!
I felt that as yet she did not believe me and did not want to recognize me as a friend. And I just couldn’t figure out how to explain to this little, ruffled, unfortunate girl that there is an “other”, distant world, from which, unfortunately, there is no return here. And that her beloved mother speaks to me not because she has a choice, but because I was just “lucky” to be a little “different” than everyone else ...
“All people are different, Alinushka,” I began. - Some have a talent for drawing, others for singing, but I have such a special talent for talking with those who have left our world forever. And your mother speaks to me not at all because she likes me, but because I heard her when no one else could hear her. And I'm glad that I can help her in some way. She loves you very much and suffers very much because she had to leave ... It hurts her very much to leave you, but this is not her choice. Do you remember, she was seriously ill for a long time? – girl nodded. “It was this sickness that made her leave you. And now she must go to her new world in which she will live. And for this, she must be sure that you know how much she loves you.
The girl looked at me sadly and quietly asked:
- Does she live with angels now? .. Dad told me that she now lives in a place where everything is like on the postcards that they give me for Christmas. And there are such beautiful winged angels... Why didn't she take me with her?..
“Because you have to live your life here, honey, and then you, too, will go to the same world where your mother is now.
The girl beamed.
“So I can see her there?” she murmured happily.
- Of course, Alinushka. So you should just be a patient girl and help your mom now if you love her so much.
- What should I do? – the little girl asked very seriously.
“Just think about her and remember her because she sees you. And if you don't be sad, your mom will finally find peace.
“Does she see me now?” the girl asked, and her lips began to twitch treacherously.
- Yes Dear.
She was silent for a moment, as if gathering inside, and then she clenched her fists tightly and whispered softly:
- I will be very good, dear mommy ... you go ... please go ... I love you so much! ..
Tears rolled down her pale cheeks in large peas, but her face was very serious and concentrated ... Life for the first time dealt her a cruel blow and it seemed as if this little girl, so deeply wounded, suddenly realized something for herself in an adult way and now I tried to take it seriously and openly. My heart was breaking with pity for these two unfortunate and so sweet creatures, but, unfortunately, I could not help them any more ... The world around them was so incredibly bright and beautiful, but for both it could no longer be their common world. ..
Life is sometimes very cruel, and we never know what the meaning of the pain or loss that has been prepared for us is. Apparently, it is true that without losses it is impossible to comprehend what, by right or by a lucky chance, fate gives us. Only now, what could this unfortunate girl, cowering like a wounded animal, comprehend when the world suddenly collapsed on her with all its cruelty and pain of the most terrible loss in life? ..
I sat with them for a long time and tried my best to help them both find at least some peace of mind. I remembered my grandfather and the terrible pain that his death brought me ... How terrible it must have been for this fragile, unprotected baby to lose the most precious thing in the world - her mother? ..
We never think about the fact that those who, for one reason or another, are taken from us by fate, experience the consequences of their death much deeper than we do. We feel the pain of loss and suffer (sometimes even angry) that they left us so ruthlessly. But what is it like for them when their suffering is multiplied a thousand times, seeing how we suffer from this?! And how helpless must a person feel, not being able to say anything more and change anything? ..
I would have given a lot then to find at least some opportunity to warn people about this. But, unfortunately, I did not have such an opportunity ... Therefore, after the sad visit of Veronica, I began to look forward to when I could help someone else. And life, as it always usually happened, was not long in coming.
Entities came to me day and night, young and old, male and female, and all asked to help them talk to their daughter, son, husband, wife, father, mother, sister ... This went on in an endless stream, until, in the end, I I felt that I had no more strength. I didn’t know that when I came into contact with them, I had to be sure to close myself with my (and very strong!) Protection, and not open emotionally, like a waterfall, gradually giving them all my life force, which at that time, to Unfortunately, I didn't know how to make up.
Very soon, I literally had no strength to move and fell into bed ... When my mother invited our doctor, Dana, to check what had happened to me again, she said that it was my "temporary loss of strength from physical overwork" ... I did not say anything to anyone, although she knew perfectly well the real reason for this “overwork”. And as I did for a long time, I just honestly swallowed any medicine that my cousin prescribed for me, and after lying in bed for about a week, I was again ready for my next “exploits” ...
I realized long ago that sincere attempts to explain what really happened to me gave me nothing but a headache and increased constant monitoring of my grandmother and mother. And to be honest, I did not find any pleasure in this ...
My long "communication" with the entities of the dead once again "turned" my already quite unusual world. I could not forget that endless stream of deep human despair and bitterness, and in every possible way I tried to find at least some way to help them. But the days went by, and I still couldn’t think of anything on my own, except, again, to act in the same way, only spending my life force on it much more carefully. But since I couldn’t be calm about what was happening, I still continued to get in touch and tried to help, as best I could, all the souls who despaired of their helplessness.
True, sometimes there were funny, almost funny cases, one of which I wanted to tell here ...

It was a gray cloudy day outside. Low leaden clouds swollen with water barely dragged across the sky, threatening at any moment to burst into a "waterfall" downpour. It was stuffy in the room, I didn’t want to do anything, just lie down, staring at “nowhere” and not think about anything ... But the fact is that I never knew how not to think, even when I honestly tried to relax or rest. So I sat in my daddy's favorite chair and tried to drive away my "dreary" mood by reading one of my favorite "positive" books.
After some time, I felt someone else's presence and mentally prepared to meet a new "guest" ... But instead of the usual soft breeze, I was almost glued to the back of the chair, and my book was thrown to the floor. I was very surprised at such an unexpected violent manifestation of feelings, but I decided to wait and see what happens next. A “disheveled” man appeared in the room, who, without saying hello or identifying himself (which everyone else usually did), immediately demanded that I “immediately go with him” because he “urgently needs me” ... He was so excited and “boiling”, which almost made me laugh. No sadness or pain, as happened with the others, did not smell here. I tried to pull myself together to look as serious as possible and calmly asked:



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