Fun competitions for a preschooler's birthday. Competitions for a child's birthday

Four participants are selected. Two are blindfolded, the rest are dictated where and what to draw. Task: draw a birthday boy. The team with the most beautiful drawing wins.


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A birthday without a birthday person(s)?

Guests came to the birthday party. But there is no birthday boy. Children ask their parents, ask questions to which parents can answer YES or NO.

For example:
Is the birthday boy (name) in his room?
Is the birthday boy (name) hiding in the closet?
The birthday boy (name) is behind the chair?

Those. You can’t search, but find the birthday person (-tsu) by asking questions. Whoever hits the mark is the winner. He (she) brings out the birthday boy, receives a prize from him (her) and the celebration begins.


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Guess what's behind?

Participants are seated in a circle, facing the back of their neighbor. A sheet of paper is taped to each person's back. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house. He must draw with a pencil what he heard on his neighbor’s back. The neighbor, guided only by his feelings, while they are drawing on his back, must understand what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. When all participants have completed their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works, based on the results of voting, whoever has the most beautiful and accurate drawing, except for the first participant, wins and is awarded a prize.


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Dance on the newspaper!

3 couples participate. All participants dance on the newspaper to cheerful music. After each turn off the music, the newspaper is rolled up and its area decreases. The task is not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Those who fail are eliminated from the game. The most persistent ones win and are awarded a prize!


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Skittles are placed on the floor and two people participate. The presenter says that the driver needs to drive at night without lighting. The participant will be blindfolded and given commands to “move the car.” The participant must knock down as few pins as possible. Then the next participant starts driving. Whoever knocks down the fewest pins wins.


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Move the coin!

Participants are divided into two teams. At the end of the room you need to place two jars. Each participant is given a coin, which he must place on his leg. After this, participants take turns carefully and quickly carrying the coin on their feet and putting it in the jar. The team that completes the task faster wins.


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Magnetic fishing!

The players are divided into two teams. Magnets are placed in the basins. The first player on the team is given a fishing rod with a magnet, he needs to run to the basin, catch the “fish”, put it in a nearby bucket and return to the team to pass the fishing rod to the next one. The team with the most catch wins.

Birthday contests at home

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Air battle

The room is divided in half by tape. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of balloons. The task is to throw all your balls to the opponent, while they must also send the balls from their opponents back to their field. The competition begins with a sound signal and after the second sound the children must stop. The team with the fewest balloons on its field wins.


If your baby is already between the ages of 5 and 7 years, you have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate his birthday not only fun, but also useful. The fact is that during this period the child’s personality develops at a rapid pace in all areas of life. For boys and girls during this period:

  • intelligence and conscious curiosity increase;
  • control over emotions appears;
  • willpower and moral concepts appear;
  • physical strength and endurance increases.

Where to celebrate a birthday

The main thing is that the child is no longer afraid of animators, magicians, or any other professionals in the field of children's entertainment, but, on the contrary, is glad to see them and really wants to take part in some exciting adventure or watch an experimental show. The birthday of a child aged 5-7 years can be celebrated in any place you like, respectively, with or without animators. Such a place could be:

  • children's cafe or restaurant. There are a lot of them now and all conditions for family leisure have been created there.
  • Entertainment Center;
  • nature;
  • game room;
  • museum.

Planning your child's birthday yourself

If you have not entrusted the organization of an event for your child to professionals entirely, then you will need to draw up a celebration plan in advance (about 2 weeks before the long-awaited event) with traditional points:

  • place and time of the event;
  • booking a hall (it is important to do this in advance);
  • number of guests;
  • menu;
  • accessories;
  • program and script of the holiday and entertainment;
  • gifts for the birthday boy and guests;

Remember that some children's institutions have their own rules for holding holidays, so you need to clarify them in advance. Also ask about the possibility of bringing any food or drinks with you. In some places this is strictly prohibited, so to avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is better to find out everything in advance.

When organizing a children's event, parents always bear a lot of responsibility and stress. Therefore, it is better to think through all the little things of the holiday in advance, otherwise, in haste and nervousness, you can miss something important and spoil the joy of the child and his little guests.

Entertainment program for children's birthday

Sometimes parents celebrate the birthdays of children aged 5 - 7 years (especially 5) at home. In this case, it is very important to carefully consider the entertainment program yourself. It's best to start by congratulating the birthday person. This process should be organized in a non-standard way to immediately set the tone for the holiday. For example, the voices of your favorite cartoon characters will be just appropriate in this case. You can also congratulate your child in the costume of some funny animal or a character from his favorite cartoon, or arrange a good one.

After the procedure for presenting gifts, you can begin games and competitions.

Games and competitions for the birthday of a child aged 5-7 years

Fun balls

Fun traffic light

This game involves a presenter wearing clothes of three traffic light colors. The children's task is to cross the road, carefully listening to the leader's commands. If the leader says “red,” then only the players whose clothes contain red can cross the road, and the rest need to run so that the traffic light leader doesn’t hit them with the ball. The one who gets caught becomes the traffic light leader himself.

Happy wave

Two adults stretch out a long, wide cloth and wave it as if it were a storm at sea. Dolphin players try to run under the fabric so that it does not hit them. If the cloth touches the dolphin, it is eliminated from the game.

Guess what!

In this game, the leader thinks of a word on a certain topic, which he tells the children. Participants must guess the word by asking leading questions, to which the presenter answers in monosyllables: “yes” or “no.”


Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, coming up with a cute nickname based on the character and appearance of the person to whom the ball is flying. For example, a girl with white skin is Snow White.

The main thing in this game is that the assembled company be friendly and polite, and indeed, give each other only pleasant nicknames.

Cat and mouse

The favorite game of millions, especially those who attended kindergarten.))) Participants form a circle, holding hands. A player is placed inside the circle to represent the mouse. And the cat player becomes outside the circle. Her task is to get inside and catch the mouse. Children in a round dance actively prevent the cat from achieving its goal. The cat tries to crawl under the circle, jump over it, or break the chain of entwined hands of the participants. If she succeeds, then the children must immediately release the mouse from the circle and hold the cat in it. The game lasts until the cat grabs the mouse.


To play, you will need a plastic cap from a plastic bottle of water or lemonade. It is placed on the table exactly in the middle. Players are divided into 2 teams and located on both sides of the table. Each team begins to blow on the lid, trying to blow it into the opponent's territory.\

The goal is to score a goal for your opponents. Pushing the object with your hands or other objects is prohibited. The winning team receives a prize - a cup with their favorite drink.

This year we played this kind of air hockey. The children really liked the game. I had to play several matches)))


Game-mood and warm-up for facial muscles and... abs. The children are given markers. They should be placed between the baby's nose and upper lip. The participants' task is to hold the felt-tip pen in place for as long as possible. And the task of adults is to make the “strong people” laugh.


One of the participants is blindfolded and put in his mouth a piece of something tasty: orange, candy, banana, apple, plum, pear (prepare a wide assortment). The player must taste what is in his mouth. When a child makes a mistake, another player takes his place.

Repeat the movement

The guests present sit in a circle. The first participant shows the movement. The second player repeats the same movement, but adds his own. The third participant repeats the two movements and also adds something of his own... and so on in turn. The hardest part is for the last player, who must repeat all previous movements without error. The one who gets lost is out of the game.

Giants and dwarfs

The adult presenter takes turns pronouncing the words: “dwarfs” - everyone must squat; “giants” - everyone needs to stand on their feet. The game requires attentiveness and good coordination of movements.

The GM is allowed to confuse the players. For example, he can give false commands: “Cucumbers!”, “Cow!”. A participant who mixed up the team or was not attentive enough is eliminated from the game.

Watch a few more games for a large group of kids in this video:

Take care in advance of a reward for the losing participants, or better yet, small gifts for all participants. And winning and losing will be secondary. Give your children a cute souvenir, a small toy, or something sweet from the table.

After games and entertainment, invite children and their parents to the table. After the gala dinner, be sure to bring in a cake with the required number of candles so that the birthday boy can blow them out and make his deepest wish while listening to cheerful music.

Feast for children and adults

By the way, at this age children are already beginning to understand whether the celebration is beautifully decorated. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to take care of the festive and original table setting and decoration.

  • serve the main course on identical plates and with a single design theme;
  • Place canapés and desserts on wooden or plastic skewers that resemble forks (only with very blunt ends). After eating, skewers must be removed immediately so that they do not become objects for play;
  • Divide the canapés onto several small plates so that they can be placed at several ends of the table. If you don’t have a common table, then place the plates on the windowsills, coffee table or bedside tables;
  • choose some dense product as the basis for canapés - hard cookies, bread, cucumber, marshmallows, root vegetables (so that there are no crumbs);
  • avoid eating rye and gray bread for sandwiches - this is too heavy food for small tummies;
  • to add originality to the dish, cut the canapes into shapes: square, oval, circle, star, heart;
  • coat the canapes between layers with sauce: cottage cheese, sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise;
  • decorate the main meat dish in the form of funny hedgehogs, fish and crabs. Attach legs to the crab made from strips of boiled carrots or canned zucchini rings, and let the eyes be cloves or dark olives. Any children's salad can be decorated in the form of funny animals;
  • Put several animals on each child’s plate at the same time: for example, from salad and from meat - there will be no limit to the child’s delight;
  • Include sausages from a trusted manufacturer (necessarily made according to state standards) in your holiday diet, even if you don’t like them in everyday life. You can make many interesting and funny figures from sausages: turtles, octopuses, rabbits and dogs - whatever your imagination allows you to create.

After the feast and the ceremonial removal of the cake with candles, be sure to organize a children's disco. Let the kids jump and frolic to the cheerful songs of cartoon characters. And let the children have unforgettable impressions after the celebration!

Enjoy your preparations and happy holidays!


Marina Talanina and Lyudmila Potsepun.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about what games and competitions are possible at the age of 6-12 years.

So, competitions for children's birthdays:

1. Game “Nesmeyana”

We choose one participant - Princess Nesmeyana. He (she) sits on a chair in front of the other children, who must make the “princess” laugh. But you can't touch her. The participant who makes him laugh sits in Nesmeyana’s place.

This game is sedentary, but it develops communication skills, ingenuity, imagination, thinking, and liberation.

2. Game "Eskimo blind man's buff"

You need to choose a driver, blindfold him and put on mittens. Players must approach him one by one, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If you recognize a player, he becomes the driver. And if not, the next player must come up for identification. This game is also sedentary, but it develops the senses and memory.

3. Game "Guess"

We choose a driver, and he makes a wish for some item on the discussed topic. For example, animals, furniture, holidays, plants. Players must guess the item by asking leading questions, to which the driver must answer yes or no. Whoever guesses the word takes the place of the leader. The game is non-moving and develops thinking and communication skills.

4. Game “Broken Phone”

We choose a leader. Players sit down or stand in a row. The presenter whispers a word in the ear of one of the players, and he also whispers it to the next player. And so on down the chain. The last player voices what he heard and this word is compared with the original. After which the leader moves or stands at the end of the chain, and the next player takes the place of the leader.

This game develops attentiveness and hearing.

5. Game "Confusion"

Children should stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver must turn away. At this time, the players, without letting go of their hands, begin to get entangled, climbing over each other. The driver turns around and unravels the “tangle” without opening the circle of players.

This game is active, it develops logic, thinking, and attentiveness.

6. Competition “Hold the ball”

Create two pairs. For each, place a hoop or draw a circle. Players must stand in this circle. They are given a balloon. Without leaving the circle, they must blow on the ball so that it falls and rises above them without going beyond the boundaries of the circle. The ball must not be touched with your hands. The pair that lasts the longest wins. This game develops coordination, dexterity, endurance and good reaction.

What other birthday competitions for children can be used at home?

Let's continue the list:

7. Competition “Knees”

The players must sit close to each other. You need to place your hands so that the player’s right hand rests on the neighbor’s left knee, and vice versa. The circle needs to be closed, but if not, then the end players should put their hands on their knees. The essence of the game is to quickly clap your palms on your knees without breaking the sequence of hands: one hand should follow the other. If someone clapped, having mixed up the turn, he removes the hand with which he made the mistake. This game is sedentary and develops hand motor skills, coordination, good reaction and attentiveness.

8. Game “Who will eat faster?”

You need to take two plates in which to put candied fruits, raisins, peeled nuts, sweets without candy wrappers, and marmalade. Choose two players, and at the command “start” they must eat their portion, but without using their hands. Whose plate is empty the fastest wins. This game develops reaction speed and dexterity.

9. Shot put competition

We choose a driver. We blindfold him and place him with his back to the table. He takes a few steps forward and turns around three or four times. You need to place a balloon on the edge of the table. The driver must return to the table and try to blow the ball onto the floor. It turns out funny, because the driver, as a rule, loses direction and blows the ball away where there is none at all.

An active game for the driver. Develops coordination.

10. Competition “Reel quickly”

We select two players who stand opposite each other. You need to prepare in advance a long thread or cord, 5-6 meters long. Make a mark in the middle of the thread (lace) and tie a knot. We give each participant the end of the thread. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto a reel, stick, etc. The participant who reaches the middle of the thread faster wins the competition.

11. Competition “Clothespins”

We choose a driver. Participants must turn away and count to 30-40. At this time, the driver attaches clothespins throughout the room (on curtains, soft toys, bedspreads). There are 30 pieces in total. On command, participants turn around and collect clothespins. The one who collected the most clothespins won. The winner becomes the driver.

12. Game "Air Combat"

Blow up several round balloons. Form two teams and divide the room into two parts. Place the teams opposite each other. The players' task is to try to throw the balls to the opponents' side while the music is playing. It's not easy at all. After all, the opponents also hit the balls. As soon as the music turns off, the children freeze. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins.

And we also bring to your attention interesting games and competitions for children’s birthdays:

13. Game “Chain of words”

We name a word, for example, chair. We give each team a piece of paper on which the first participant writes this word. Next, the participants begin to form a verbal chain, passing the piece of paper to everyone in turn. Each subsequent word of the player must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example, a chair - a puddle - an orange - a knife - a beetle... The team that makes the longest chain within a certain time wins.

14. Game “Pass the orange (apple)”

Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a line. Participants in each line must pass an orange or an apple using their chin. Hands cannot be used. If someone drops an apple (orange), the relay race starts over. The winner is the team that quickly passes the apple or orange from the first participant to the last.

15. Lego relay race

Children are divided into two teams and receive two identical Lego sets. Each team must build a building, but working in a chain. Children take turns attaching their part to create an interesting, unusual building.

16. Game “Who called me?”

We choose a driver, blindfold him and place him in the center of the circle formed by the players. We spin him up and ask him to guess who spoke to him. You can speak short phrases even in altered voices.

17. Game "Pig in a poke"

We put various toys and objects in the bag. We blindfold the participants. We choose a driver. The driver presents the bag to the players, and they must identify the object they pulled out by touch. The one who guesses the most items wins.

18. Game “Fun Alphabet”

We choose a leader. He names a letter of the alphabet. Children are divided into two teams and each team must write as many words as possible that begin with this letter in a certain time (3-4 minutes). The team with the most words wins.

19. Game "Greedy"

Many different objects need to be laid out in front of the participants. This could be clothes, dishes, stationery, toys. The players' task is to take the maximum number of things using their hands, head, legs, knees, etc. The one who collects and holds the most items without dropping them wins.

20. Game “Assemble the Scarecrow”

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each one we lay out a set of clothes (hats, shirts, trousers, scarves, towels). Each team selects a player to dress up as a scarecrow. The team with the most interesting scarecrow wins.

Any holiday should be a bright, fun and memorable event, so competitions for children's birthdays are a must. Some people believe that if a child turns, for example, 5 years old, then there is no need to “bother”...

This is not at all true; there is a whole sea of ​​fun competitions for children's birthdays for children from 3 years old and up to 16-17 years old.

As experience shows, preschool children (i.e., from 3 to 5 years old) celebrate their birthdays with a very large number of guests who are always cheerful, active and overly energetic, but at the same time they still love to study.

This means that both active and educational games and children’s competitions for name days at home are suitable. For example:

Right on target

Children form a circle (round dance), in the center of which is the organizer of the competition. Each child has two soft toys or tennis balls (in other words, something that can be thrown into the leader’s box or bag).

On a command, for example, “start”, the presenter slowly begins to move around its axis, thereby giving each participant in the competition the opportunity to hit the target, i.e. in a box or bucket, or simply a bag. But... you can only throw one toy, so that the second one will certainly remain in your hand.

After the first completed round, the presenter determines the participants in the second round, i.e. those who hit the target.

Those who have passed the second round and made it to the finals are already “sharp shooters”.

For the final, you need to empty the “target” (box, bucket, etc.), and among the sharp shooters, identify the winner - the super shooter.

Go to the store instead of mom

This competition develops children's dexterity, attentiveness and speed of movement.
The necessary attributes of the competition are two children's tables, two children's chairs, two charming baskets and models of fruits and vegetables.

Of course, dummies can be replaced with simple pictures with drawn vegetables and fruits, but then the gaming moment is reduced and the task of finding the right item becomes more complicated.

A table and a chair are placed opposite each other at some distance. There is a basket on the chair. All the necessary products are on the table. Task: move all the products from the store (from the table) to home (to the basket), strictly one item at a time. Whoever did it faster won.

For children of five years old, you can complicate the task and name a list of certain products, thereby the child will have to not only transfer, but also remember the list and choose. Judging in this case will be more difficult, since it must also take into account the mistakes made.

Color associations

The goal of the competition is to teach children in an accessible playful way to accurately determine color, regardless of the shape of the object and its purpose.

Before the start of the game, on a certain surface (table, cabinet, children's bench), the presenter lays out objects of various colors (cubes, parts of colored construction sets, dishes, wardrobe items (hat, mitten, scarf), pencils, etc.). The main condition is the uniformity of the subject!

The essence of the game. Following the agreed sign or word, one person from each team goes to the table with objects. And the kids must choose an item of the color whose name their team bears.
Children themselves can assist in judging. It can be very fun and unpredictable.

Older children (from 5 to 8 years old) are also inquisitive and energetic.

However, in order for children to not only have fun, but also be interested, it is worth adding more specific goals to outdoor games.

Let's look at a selection of various children's competitions for boys and games for girls for name days.

"Fun Cleaning" is a great way to entertain all your birthday guests.

To conduct the competition you will need:

  • gymnastic hoops (2 pcs);
  • multi-colored dust whisks (2 pcs);
  • balloons (from 10 pcs).

So, first you need to select two children “for the gate”, and divide the rest into pairs.

Goalkeepers will need to keep their hoops slightly elevated off the ground.

Each player is given a broom, and an even number of balloons are poured onto the floor.

The players' task is to use brooms to score more balls into their own goal as quickly as possible, i.e. in a hoop

"Rainbow" is an excellent educational and at the same time active game for 14 people.

As a prop you need to prepare:

  • a rainbow drawn on a large Whatman paper (preferably A1);
  • cut out geometric shapes in rainbow colors (i.e. 7 pieces of each shape).

All figures are mixed on one table. Next, each team is assigned its own color and shape.

At the command “Start!” Children take turns in pairs and must run up to the table and pick up their figure. Once all 7 people have collected the pieces, they must line up in the same color order as the rainbow and lift their piece up.

Whoever is first wins. To help children, a rainbow drawn on whatman paper should be hung on the wall.

“Greedy Bear” is a very active and fun competition for children’s birthdays at home. You need to outline a place for the bear cub and throw a lot of toys there, as well as something that will symbolize a jar of honey (the bear cub should protect it especially well.

Children from two teams must take turns running into the bear’s territory and try to pick up either honey or one of the trophies, but if the bear cub touches a child, he is eliminated from the game.

When one of the teams takes the most trophies or a jar of honey, the game ends.

"Sharp Shooters." Children need to be placed in a circle, in the middle of which the leader will stand with an empty box in his hands.

Each child should have a toy or ball in his hands (in each hand). The presenter begins to spin slowly, and the children throw one of their objects into the box.

After the circle is completed, the most accurate shooters advance to the next stage.

“Clothespins” are a good option to puzzle children. The presenter first enters the room and hangs multi-colored clothespins (15-30 pieces) throughout the room: on curtains, furniture, toys, etc. On command, children run in and begin to collect the found clothespins. The one who collected the most wins.

Air Combat is a fun, active and exciting game. You need to divide the children into two teams and draw a line between them.

Each team has 5 balls of the same color (more are possible). As soon as the music starts, children must throw all their balls over the opponent's line and not let them return.

When the music is turned off, a count is made to see who was able to throw the most balls.

“Sister Alyonushka” is also a wonderful game with balloons. Each child is given a ball, a scarf and a felt-tip pen. At the command “Start!” you need to tie a scarf on the ball and draw Alyonushka’s face there.

“Warm and Cold” is a game known to many, in which some little thing is hidden, and the child must find it, focusing on the children’s clues about how cold or warm the treasured thing is.

“The sea is agitated once.” This game also needs no introduction, because it is familiar to many from childhood.

To the counting rhyme “The sea is agitated once, twice, three,” I give the children a word in the form of what they need to “freeze.” And then the presenter, “turning on” each frozen figure, must guess what it means. This is a great holiday table game.

Penguins is a simple game with balloons. Each child is given a ball and must, holding it between his ankles, walk in small steps to a certain place.

Whichever of these “penguins” runs the fastest wins.

Cool games for teenagers for their birthday

Children aged 9 to 12 eagerly take part in competitions, games and quizzes.

Here are just a few options to entertain your guests:

For mushrooms
For the competition you will need a sufficient number of images of mushrooms, dummies of mushrooms or objects stylized as mushrooms (up to ordinary matchboxes).

Before the start of the competition, the organizer must hide the “mushrooms” throughout the “forest” (that is, the room).
On command, mushroom pickers (competition participants) enter “the forest” and begin searching for mushrooms. Whoever collects the most mushrooms wins.

Cheerful water bears
This competition is best held in the lap of nature. Children are divided into teams. A bucket of water and an empty bucket are placed at a sufficient distance for each team.

The essence: players take turns transferring water from a full bucket in their palms to empty buckets. After the agreed time, the game stops, and whichever team has the greater volume of transferred water is the winner.

Childish advertising
We are surrounded by a sea of ​​objects, at the mention of which we pronounce the names of brands, and not directly their semantic purpose. Example – Pampers (diapers for newborns), Fanta (orange soda), etc.

To hold a competition, prepare as many of these names as possible and invite the competition participants to advertise the item in their own words, taking into account the semantic content and the absence of branded words.

Be careful when choosing the words on your list because there may be surprises from children.

Quiz: “What do you know about SpongeBob?”
This competition is a quiz that keeps children focused and calm for a while. Almost all children enjoy watching the animated adventures of SpongeBob.

The questions will concern the content of the cartoon and the attentiveness of those watching it.

Sample questions for the competition:
Who is SpongeBob?
Who are his best friends?
The purpose for which SpongeBob goes to the Field of Jellyfish?
What exam does SpongeBob fail to pass?
How many people live in Bikini Bottom?
What neighbors of SpongeBob do you know?
Where does Patrick live? etc.

To prepare for the competition, adults will have to watch a cartoon or seek the help of children.

Dance and dance like Pinocchio
To organize this dance competition, you need to prepare in advance dance music and cardboard cards on which the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Golden Key” will be written.

The number of cards should correspond to the number of guests at your party.

The cards are placed in a “magic bag”, from where participants take turns taking out a card with the name of the fairy tale hero Pierrot, Malvina, or Pinocchio, etc.

After a minute, the contestant must show an impromptu dance that conveys the character of the fairy tale hero that fell to him.

At the end of the competition, the audience chooses the most talented dancer.

It is best to make an original birthday gift with your own hands.

At you will find the shortest Happy Birthday greetings to a girl.

Funny games for children's parties for young people

Moving on to an even older age category (13-16 years and above), it is not necessary to select games and entertainment for name days much more seriously.

The fact is that young people more often respond to simple, but very funny competitions for children's birthdays. For example:

A real cook
Participants in this competition, in accordance with their affiliation with a particular team, write down the name of any food product on a blank sheet of paper. Next, the sheet is folded and passed to a teammate.

When all team members have written down their food items (with a small number of players in teams, the procedure can be repeated in a circle), the sheet with the components of the future dish is unfolded.
In a short time, each team must come up with the name of the dish and the recipe for its preparation and voice the innovation.

The fun usually comes during the scoring, when “choux pastry is added to the borscht and the whole thing is baked until golden brown.”

Guests of the holiday are divided into teams. In front of each team, a cheerful plan diagram of a house or apartment with a large number of windows is posted.

Target. Going one participant at a time to the posted plan, the teams draw figures of future residents in each window. The task can be complicated so that the age and social status of the resident can be determined from the drawing.

The team that is the first to cope with the difficult task of moving into the house is declared the winner.

Participants are asked to split into two intelligence centers. Each center receives a “ciphered note” - a piece of paper with a word printed on it. For example, “String”.

Team members must decipher the word, knowing the main key - the phrase is encoded in the word. Each letter of the word is the first letter of the word of the encrypted phrase. In this case, it's "Seven terrorists decided to steal the royal arsenal."

The wittiest decoding wins.

4 monkeys
A fun competition for the audience and no less fun for the participants. Four unpeeled bananas are laid out on a low table or chair without a back.

Four participants are tied with their hands behind their backs and, on command, to speed up, are asked to first clean and then eat the monkey delicacy.

This, perhaps, can be summed up. Of course, there are many more children's activities and only a few of them are listed here.

Especially in childhood, a birthday is perceived as the most significant and magical day of the year, when all the attention and gifts go to the child. Perhaps, immediately after the end of one birthday, the child begins to dream about what gifts they will give him next year and what will please his loved ones - the child lives day after day in anticipation of this wonderful day. Therefore, it is advisable that parents pay attention in advance to organizing their child’s birthday. Of course, on the eve of the holiday, you have to solve a lot of issues: make a list of guests, choose a place for the holiday and, of course, draw up a program for the event. Any birthday cannot be imagined without a festive table and a beautiful cake, and it is also difficult to call a festive program fun if it does not include exciting competitions and games.

To make it easier for parents to arrange a fabulous day for their treasure, we offer the most interesting ones. And perhaps you will take note of some of the ones listed for organizing a holiday for adults.

Exciting competitions for a child's birthday.

In the birthday program, it is better to plan more diverse competitions and hold one or another game during the event. There is no need to involve all the children present in each competition; it will be much more interesting if the participants change, and the other part of the children are fans. By the way, if you plan to award small prizes to the winners of competitions, then be sure to prepare small gifts for competitions for a child's birthday and for the losing participants, because there should be no offended guests at the holiday.

It is better to arrange plates and cards with the names of the guests for both the winner and the loser, place small sweets on a plate, as a result, by the end of the competition, everyone will have several treats on their plate and you can safely move on to the sweet table. So, here's what competitions for children's birthdays can be done:

Competition for a child's birthday: a mysterious package.

In general, this game should start competitions for children's birthdays, since during this game all guests can get to know each other and learn a lot of interesting things about everyone. First, without saying anything about the conditions of the competition, a roll of colored toilet paper is passed around in a circle and everyone’s task is to tear off as many pieces as possible from this roll. When the circular procession of the roll is completed (by this time the participants should have a stack of pieces of paper), the conditions of the competition are announced - each guest tells interesting facts about himself, and the number of facts corresponds to the number of pieces of paper this participant has. You can start with the name, age, favorite activities, and even with a story about funny life events that happened to the participant.

Competition for a child's birthday: discoverers of planets.

At the beginning of this competition, tell the children briefly about our universe, in which there are many planets and only on earth there is life and people live, then invite the children to populate other planets with inhabitants. To do this, distribute to each participant a balloon (large in size, with a total circumference of 50 cm) and felt-tip pens. The task is to quickly inflate a balloon and, using a felt-tip pen, paint the surface of the ball with people, populating a new planet. Whoever completes the task the fastest and who has the most inhabitants on the “new planet” is the winner.

Competition for a child's birthday: an apple in the air.

All guests, children and adults, can participate in this competition. Several apples are hung on a strong thread, tied by the handle, and participants with clasped hands behind their backs try to bite off a piece of the apple. After 3 minutes, the competition is stopped and the one with the most apples eaten wins. It should be noted that such competitions for children's birthdays cause a lot of laughter from both participants and observers.

Competition for a child's birthday: winders.

Two or three pairs of participants are called and given a long rope with pencils tied at the edges and a bright winding in the center. Two opponents stand opposite each other, stretch the rope to the limit and, at a signal, begin to wind the rope around a pencil from their edge. Whoever winds his part of the rope to the center faster is the winner.

Competition for a child's birthday: harvesting.

Two teams of several participants are selected and a chair with oranges is placed in front of each group. The players’ task is to take turns, without using their hands, to transfer the oranges to a bowl of their color standing at the other end of the room. The team with the most oranges in its bowl wins.

Contest for a child's birthday: guess who?

Three groups of participants are selected, several people in each, the first group is given a sheet of blank paper, on which they draw the head of a living creature, bird, animal or human and bend the sheet so that only the lower part of the neck remains visible. In this form, the sheet is transferred to the second team, which must complete the drawing of the upper body. At the same time, the participants of the second team did not see what the first participants drew and, accordingly, the participants of the third team did not see what the second team completed. Having once again folded the sheet from top to bottom with the drawing of the torso, the participants of the third team are asked to complete the drawing of the lower limbs. After which the drawing unfolds and the resulting “masterpiece” looks like. The result is very mysterious creatures.

Competition for a child's birthday: dirty.

Participants in this competition should tie napkins or aprons in advance, since it is very difficult not to get dirty in this competition. Prepare two to four plates of a delicate dish in advance - it can be thick semolina porridge, but jelly is better. Participants must eat their dish quickly, using matches or toothpicks. This process looks like a lot of fun.

Competition for a child's birthday: a playful warm-up.

All guests can participate in this competition; they stand in a circle and everyone puts their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors on both sides. The presenter, in turn, says the word “goose” or “duck” in everyone’s ear (it is important that “goose” is said to a smaller number of players). Then the rules of the competition are explained: “When I say “Goose,” the players under this word must tuck one leg. And when I say “Duck,” then all the participants to whom I said this word must tuck both legs, remaining hanging on the shoulders of their neighbors. A lot of laughter and a lot of fun are guaranteed.

Competition for a child's birthday: two mystery boxes.

Each team is given its own box or chest, which contains a set of various things. On command, blindfolded players must put on the items from the box by touch. The main task is to put on all things as quickly as possible. After untying your eyes, it turns out to be a very funny sight.

Contest for a child's birthday: catch the color!

This is a very funny game. The participants stand in a circle and the presenter, alternately changing the name of the color, announces the following: “One, two, three - find the red one!” And the players must grab something red in a few seconds (an object in the room, a piece of clothing, a button on a neighbor, etc.). Whoever finds nothing red sits down and the circle narrows. The presenter gives the next announcement only with a different color (yellow, blue, etc.). The last few participants are declared winners.

Competition for a child's birthday: a trip on dumbbells.

Guests are divided into two or three teams of 3 people. Each team is given a dumbbell, on which one participant (supported by two other team members by hand) must ride to the finish line, pushing off with one leg (and standing on the dumbbell with the other). Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins for that team.

Competition for a child's birthday: how does a thing appear?

When the guests have had enough of running around, you can conduct intellectual competitions for a child's birthday. To do this, it is worth preparing in advance several postcards or photographs with drawings of individual processes in the preparation of an item or product. For example, a cow, a milk tanker and a milk processing plant. Or a flax bush - spinning wheel + spindle - ball - fabric - shirt. All cards of one cycle are placed in a separate envelope, and each team is given an envelope. Participants must quickly place the cards in the correct sequence from the initial product (a flax bush or a cow) to the final product.

Competition for a child's birthday: literary critics.

As a continuation of the intellectual competitions, you can play the “guess the fairy tale” game. Quotes from a fairy tale or story are read to everyone present; you can even tell an episode or a separate expression from a cartoon or movie. Participants must guess what book or movie they are talking about. Quotes are selected depending on the age of the children. For kids, excerpts from the fairy tales “Kolobok” or “Turnip” are suitable; a replica will be enough here. And for older children, you can take a quote from poems or stories from school curriculum.

Competition for a child's birthday: thoroughbreds.

Little talents are given cards with the names of famous cartoon characters (Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh, Old Woman Shapoklyak, Pinocchio) and the text of their lines. Older children can be given cards with the names of political celebrities (Lenin, Stalin, Putin) or show business stars (D. Bilan, A. Grossu, A. Pugachev, S. Rotaru, etc.). The goal of the participants is to parody their character as close to the original as possible. Songs and scenes from the cartoon should be familiar to the participants.

Choose interesting ones competitions for a child's birthday and let your baby remember this day for a long time!



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