Validol – for what diseases is the drug effective? Little-known facts, instructions. Validol: properties, what it helps with, how and when to use, contraindications, effective or not

Instructions for use

Validol is one of the medications that affects the cardiovascular system.

Used in the following cases:

  • as a component of combination therapy during angina attacks;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type, as well as functional cardialgia;
  • neuroses;
  • states of hysteria;
  • as an anti-vomiting agent for air and sea sickness.

How to use

Validol tablets: 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, keeping under the tongue until completely dissolved.
Validol capsules: 1 capsule per day, up to 4 times.
A single dose for adults is up to 2 tablets or capsules, a daily dose is up to 4 tablets or capsules. The daily dose can be increased if necessary.

Release form, composition of the drug

Validol is available in capsules (pack of 20 pieces, 0.1 g each) and tablets (pack of 6 and 10 pieces/60 mg).

1 tablet of Validol contains:

  • solution of menthol in isovaleric acid menthyl ester (natural menthol - mint extract - 4.9%) / 0.06 g (60 mg);
  • Excipients: powder or crushed sugar, Ca stearate.

The color of the tablet is white or slightly yellowish. The shape is flat-cylindrical with a chamfer and a dash. They have a characteristic menthol smell. Grayish inclusions and a powdery coating are allowed on the surface of the tablets.

Beneficial features

The drug Validol has a reflex vasodilator effect of a moderate nature and a calming effect on the central nervous system, while having a sedative effect on it.

As a result of using Validol, regional blood circulation improves and the severity of pain decreases.

In its effect on the body, Validol resembles menthol. The therapeutic effect of Validol is due to a reflex reaction associated with irritation of nerve endings. Irritation of receptors on the surface of the mucous membranes is characterized by stimulation of the release and formation of enkephalins, dynorphins, endorphins, peptides, which play an important role in the regulation of pain, vascular permeability and other metabolic processes.

Under the influence of irritating substances, a number of other endogenous physiological active substances (histamine, kinin) are released. When taken sublingually, the effect of the drug begins 5-7 minutes after administration. The components of Validol are partially transformed in the liver. Transformation products are excreted from the body through the intestines with bile. The drug is excreted unchanged in the urine and air that a person inhales.


Validol is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the constituent components of the drug;
  • myocardial infarction in the initial stage;
  • children's age due to lack of experience in pediatrics.

In the first time after taking Validol, you should be careful when operating complex mechanisms and vehicles, as well as any other work with increased attention. Possible side effects: dizziness and drowsiness.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be taken if the expected therapeutic effect for the mother is much higher than the potential risk for the unborn child.

If chest pain does not go away after taking it, it is necessary to exclude acute coronary syndrome. In combination therapy for the treatment of angina attacks, if there is no positive effect in the first 5 minutes, it is recommended to prescribe nitrates.

Since Validol contains sugar, it is prescribed with caution to people with diabetes.

Side effect

In very rare cases, after using the drug, the following are possible:

  • nausea;
  • lacrimation.

These phenomena go away on their own. No medical procedures are required.

Interaction with other drugs

  • simultaneous use with nitrates can reduce headaches resulting from the use of nitrites;
  • if you take sedatives together with Validol, the effect of the latter will increase;
  • taking neurotropic drugs that depress the central nervous system, together with Validol, will contribute to better falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • the effect of antihypertensive drugs due to combined use with Validol will be enhanced.


What is the drug for and what is it made of? How often can it be used? What exactly is Validol taken for? The drug is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • for the therapeutic treatment of angina pectoris;
  • with neurocircular dystonia;
  • nervous disorders of various types;
  • as an antiemetic for motion sickness.

Validol tablets are taken by holding them under the tongue until completely dissolved. Thus, you can use no more than 3 tablets per day. "Validol" capsules are drunk no more than 4 times a day. The dose for adults is no more than 2 units of tablets or capsules, and the daily dose should not exceed 4. In exceptional cases, the intake of Validol in capsules is increased.

Manufacturers produce the medicine "Validol" in 20 pieces per package, if these are capsules, and in tablets - 6 or 10 pieces weighing 60 mg.

Validol tablets contain the following chemical ingredients:

  1. About 5% natural menthol or mint extract. In terms of content, 1 tablet contains 0.06 milligrams of the substance.
  2. Excipients are used as excipients to impart flavor characteristics to the drug. This is a powder made from sugar and calcium stearate.

The color of the tablets is crystal white or slightly yellowish. The shape is a flat cylinder, and there is a chamfer in the middle. The smell is quite strong, menthol. During production, inclusions of a gray tint and a coating of white powder are allowed.

Advantages of the drug

The use of Validol internally promotes vasodilation and also has a calming effect on the nervous system, while the patient does not fall asleep. Validol contains components that help improve blood circulation and reduce pain.

In general, this drug resembles menthol in its taste properties. The action of "Validol" is associated with reflex functions of the body or with an impact on nerve endings.

This effect occurs when:

  • stimulation of pain and the formation of enkephalins;
  • interaction between cells of the nervous and immune systems;
  • substances capable of producing particles to reduce headaches;
  • peptides that play a role in regulating pain;
  • vascular patency;
  • other metabolic processes.

Using the drug internally causes the release of some active components, such as kinin and histamine. After taking the medicine, you can feel the result after 5 minutes. The components included in the medicine partly remain inside the liver, and other products are excreted in the feces. The composition of the product does not change when excreted in urine or air.

In what cases should you not take the drug?

The instructions for use also stipulate cases in which taking the medicine is impossible.

These include:

  • intolerance to both individual components and the complex of ingredients contained;
  • low blood pressure;
  • initial stage of heart attack;
  • failure to reach adulthood.

The use of Validol when driving should be carried out with extreme caution. Also, you should not get carried away with it when doing work that requires special attention. Side effects such as dizziness and the desire to sleep cannot be excluded. How to take the product during pregnancy? The answer to this question can be obtained from your attending physician. As a rule, he prescribes taking a medicine in cases where the effectiveness of taking the medicine may exceed the risk for the birth of a future person. But these are only exceptional measures.

If it is not possible to lower blood pressure and, for example, pain in the chest area does not go away, then you need to act in other ways. To relieve high blood pressure, you need to use combination therapy. For this purpose, nitrates are additionally prescribed.

The indications for the use of Validol also have this important property: the drug cannot be prescribed to people with diabetes mellitus, since the drug also contains sweet foods.

Adverse events after taking the medicine

What Validol helps with has already been discussed above, but the question arises, does this product have side effects?

The instructions for use of Validol, along with the positive effects, also describe side effects:

  • feelings of nausea;
  • possible dizziness;
  • increased secretion of tears.

There is no need to take special measures to eliminate these factors. They will gradually pass without the help of doctors.

Does Validol increase or decrease blood pressure? This primarily depends on the patient’s health status.

When the product interacts with other drugs

It is possible that some actions of the drug may be enhanced when taking other medications concomitantly. But it is possible that there are cases of incompatibility of such solutions.

List of possible interactions:

  • when taking nitrates simultaneously, there will be a decrease in headaches and heart pain;
  • if you use Validol with glucose, it is possible that the pressure will increase slightly;
  • “Validol” for high blood pressure, taken together with drugs that have a calming effect on the nervous system, will help you fall asleep peacefully;
  • combined use with drugs that lower blood pressure will help enhance this effect.

“Validol” with glucose can be consumed, but only after consulting a specialist.

Cases of overdose

An overdose of Validol entails various negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to know how to take Validol correctly.

List of these phenomena:

  • Validol with glucose can cause an increase in blood sugar;
  • an overdose of Validol in some cases causes dizziness and migraines;
  • possible distortion of the heart;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • negative effect on the central nervous system;
  • allergic manifestations.

If these cases occur, you should rinse your stomach.


In the modern pharmaceutical industry there are many analogues of Validol.

Its substitutes are:

  • “Drops of Zelenin”;
  • "Aurocard";
  • "Corargin";
  • "Pumpan";
  • "Convaliant-valerian drops";
  • other medicines.

Substitutes for the drug have the same effect and have virtually no differences from the original. Analogues of Validol may differ only in price.

Validol is a truly mysterious remedy. At least in the fact that he managed to live two full lives. Born in the 9th century in Germany and successfully used in the Western pharmaceutical market for almost 30 years, it was supplanted by competitors. He unexpectedly found his second birth in the USSR. Validol was always in the first aid kit, in the purse, in the jacket pocket of every adult who felt where his heart was located. Despite the abundance of cardiotropic drugs, it still does not leave pharmacy shelves.

Instructions for use of Validol in capsules

This drug is popular mainly because the onset of its therapeutic effect occurs almost at lightning speed, within a maximum of five minutes, due to the inclusion of a reflex reaction leading to vasodilation. Among the various forms of release of the drug (tablets, drops, capsules and solution), the most popular was the encapsulated form. Bursting under the pressure of the tongue, the gelatin shell releases the medicine contained under it, this allows the effect to develop even faster.

Composition and pharmacological properties of the drug

The drug is prepared by dissolving menthol in isovaleric acid menthyl ester. Once on the surface of the oral mucosa, binding to receptors there, the substance causes their activation, which leads to a number of physiological reactions.

Stimulation of “cold” receptors in the mucous membrane of the sublingual region leads to dilation of the blood vessels of the heart and improvement of blood flow in the coronary arteries. The optimal dosage of menthol has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

According to recent data, irritation of peripheral nerve endings leads to the release of opioid peptides (endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, etc.), which reduces the severity of pain and improves the emotional state of a patient who has just suffered an attack of angina.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for patients with a history of cardiovascular pathology, who are often subject to emotional overload, experience nervous tension, or are in a state of chronic stress. Validol is indicated:

  • as part of complex therapy for attacks of angina pectoris, rapid heartbeat, and prevents the development of myocardial infarction;
  • for cardialgia (pain in the heart) of a functional nature;
  • in combination with other drugs in the treatment of disorders of the autonomic nervous system;
  • as an adjuvant for hysteria and neuroses;
  • to relieve headaches;
  • for kinetosis - to alleviate seasickness and air sickness (nausea and vomiting);
  • with toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • with muscle cramps.

Directions for use and doses

Validol in capsules is prescribed sublingually (singing the tongue) and is kept until the gelatin shell is completely dissolved. For adults, a single dose is 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 capsules), the maximum daily dose is 4 capsules of 0.05 g or 2 capsules of 0.1 g. You can increase the daily dosage to the maximum allowable - 0.6 d. However, before taking this step, the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug should be established.


The only contraindication according to the instructions is personal intolerance to the components of the product (in this case, the active ingredients and components of the gelatin capsule). In general, we can say that the drug is well tolerated.

Interaction with other drugs:

  • combined use with nitroglycerin reduces the intensity of headaches caused by taking nitrates;
  • parallel use with antihypertensive drugs may enhance the reduction in blood pressure;
  • exacerbates the effect of sedatives, can also improve falling asleep and sleep quality;
  • combined use with narcotic analgesics, psychotropic drugs and alcohol-containing substances worsens their effect.

Interaction of Validol capsules with alcohol

The fact of positive interaction between menthol in menthylisovalerate and ethyl alcohol is questionable. It is known that alcohol has a vasodilating effect, just like Validol. In addition, although the latter causes a sedative effect, combining it with alcohol can cause a paradoxical reaction and increase the state of anxiety and agitation.

The drug has both local and systemic effects, being absorbed and penetrating into the bloodstream. The main transformation of the substance occurs in the liver with the participation of glucuronide enzymes. Alcohol is inactivated with the participation of another enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. Despite the fact that their metabolic pathways do not cross, both substances are foreign to the body and force the liver to work intensively, overloading it.

Therefore, combining these two substances is unsafe, possible reactions are poorly understood and may be unexpected. This combination is especially dangerous in patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Use of the drug among children

Due to the fact that the use of Validol in childhood is extremely rare, and there is no convincing evidence of the safety of its use, prescription in childhood should be carried out exclusively by a pediatrician; self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous!

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The main indications for its recommendation are neurotic disorders diagnosed in a child, hysteria, and stressful conditions. In this case, the dosage is no more than 0.05 g (1 capsule) under the tongue.

Side effects

The practice of more than one decade and positive reviews from patients indicate that the drug is well tolerated. In rare cases, nausea, dizziness, lacrimation, pain in the iliac region, and allergic manifestations (urticaria, Quincke's edema) may occur. These conditions go away on their own after reducing the dosage or stopping the drug and do not require special treatment.


High concentrations of active substances in the blood potentiate the influence of positive effects and can sharply and greatly reduce blood pressure. There is a possibility of distortion of their action with the development of cardiac dysfunction, the occurrence of intense headaches and nausea to vomiting, overexcitation with a subsequent state of depression of the central nervous system.

There is no specific antidote. In rare cases, gastric lavage and hemodialysis are required. Depending on the observed reactions, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Analogues of Validol in capsules

Among the drug’s analogues, there are a number of medicines that have a similar composition and release form:

  • Corvalol-N No. 10 and 30 in capsules (PJSC Farmak, Ukraine) is an over-the-counter product containing: mint oil, alcohol ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, menthol solution in menthyl ester of isovaleric acid, hop oil. Indicated for neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, complex treatment of arterial hypertension, as a means for dilating coronary arteries and for tachycardia, as well as for spastic intestinal pain.
  • Cormenthol 0.1 g No. 15 in capsules (Biofarm, Romania), composition: solution of levomenthol in menthyl isovalerate, vitamin E, olive oil. Recommended by doctors for mild attacks of angina, neuroses and hysteria, as an antiemetic for kinetosis.
  • Corvalment 0.1 No. 30 in capsules (KVZ, Ukraine). This is an almost complete analogue of Validol with a similar composition, the indications, contraindications and side effects are the same.
  • Barboval No. 10 in capsules (PJSC Farmak, Ukraine) - similar in composition to Corvalol N, with the addition of phenobarbital, i.e., it has an enhanced sedative and hypnotic effect.

In cases where taking Validol is not recommended for some reason, the attending physician may recommend a number of substitutes that are similar in their spectrum of action:

  • Advocard (FarCoS, Ukraine) is a metabolic drug for the complex treatment of angina pectoris of various variations, with post-infarction changes in the myocardium, myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy).
  • Pumpan (Richard Bittner AG, Austria) is a plant-derived anticoagulant that has the ability to stabilize high blood pressure and slow down heart rate).
  • Kratal (Borshchagovsky Chemical Plant, Ukraine) – cardiotonic, antioxidant, antihypoxant, antiarrhythmic, antiplatelet agent based on hawthorn, motherwort with taurine.
  • Tonginal (Richard Bittner AG, Austria) is a homeopathic medicine with complex action.
  • Rhythmokor (FarKoS, Ukraine) – consists of potassium and magnesium gluconates. An antihypoxic agent designed to help normalize heart rhythm and also enhance the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Tricardin (Belmedpreparaty, Belarus) – a soothing and blood pressure-lowering herbal remedy, etc.

Validol during pregnancy and lactation

The drug has shown high efficiency and received many positive reviews when recommended to pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is prescribed for severe toxicosis with nausea and frequent, repeated vomiting. It also helps reduce excess salivation and eliminate bloating.

Be that as it may, there have been no large-scale studies on the effectiveness and safety of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation, so the responsibility for prescribing it lies with the doctor, who must correctly weigh the benefits and possible harm in relation to the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Validol is absorbed into the blood and passes into breast milk; it is not indicated during breastfeeding, only when absolutely necessary and on the strong recommendation of the treating doctor.

Price of Validol in capsules in comparison with analogues

Price for a large package with a dosage of 0.05 g No. 40–58 111 rub.

Terms of sale, terms, storage features

Validol is an over-the-counter drug and no official prescription is required for its purchase. However, it should be noted that the patient assumes full responsibility for possible negative consequences, so it is still recommended to be observed by a doctor during the entire period of use of the medicine.

The maximum shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of production. It should be stored in a dry, cool place, out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

For many patients who feel pain in the heart area, doctors recommend using Validol tablets. This drug has a cardiac effect and is used as an auxiliary drug to eliminate symptoms of various cardiovascular diseases. What is the drug Validol and what are its features, we will consider in the article.

Pharmacological properties

Instructions for use of Validol tablets contain detailed information about the pharmacological properties of the drug. According to her, the medicine has a mild vasodilator and sedative effect. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to irritation of nerve ending receptors by the active components of the drug. When the drug enters the oral mucosa, dynorphins, peptides, endorphins and enkephalins are released. These biologically active compounds play an important role in the process of reducing pain. The effect of Validol is observed within 3–5 minutes after the tablet is dissolved.

Composition and description

Validol Tablets contain an active component such as a solution of menthol in menthyl isovaleric acid ester or natural menthol, mint extract. In addition, Validol contains calcium stearate and powdered sugar.

Externally, the tablets have a white or yellowish color, sometimes with grayish inclusions. The medicine has a characteristic menthol smell. The product is produced in blisters of 10 pieces in a cardboard package.

Indications for use

In doctor's prescriptions when prescribing treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you can often see a drug such as Validol. This is explained by the wide scope of application of the drug. Indications for use of the product are as follows:

  • neuroses of various origins;
  • hysteria against the background of emotional overload and other conditions;
  • angina attacks;
  • initial stage of coronary heart disease;
  • periodic pain in the heart area.

When considering the question of what Validol tablets help with, it should be mentioned that the drug is often used as an antiemetic. It can be prescribed to patients with sea or air sickness, women during toxicosis and for other conditions in patients.

Features of taking the medicine

How to take Validol? The instructions for use indicate that in order to achieve the required therapeutic effect, the medicine should be taken sublingually, that is, under the tongue. The tablet must be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

Validol tablets should be used with special instructions.

The dosage is selected by the attending physician. It is usually recommended to dissolve the tablet 2-3 times a day if symptoms such as chest pain, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, nausea, nervous overexcitation, strong emotional experiences and other conditions appear.

The maximum daily dose for a patient is 4 tablets per day, but if necessary, the dosage can be increased by the leading physician. Patients who take Validol, but no effect is observed after 15–20 minutes, are recommended to use analogues of the drug.

Important! When taking the drug orally (internally), the effect may be weak or completely absent.


Despite the natural composition of the drug, some patients may develop side effects if certain contraindications are not observed. Contraindications for Validol include the following:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • diabetes mellitus (it is forbidden to take Validol containing glucose);
  • acute myocardial infarction (the drug smoothes out the symptoms, so the doctor may not recognize them in a timely manner).

Side effects

Validol can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor. The specialist will select the correct dosage and give recommendations on how many tablets can be taken for a particular patient’s condition. If you take too much of the drug, unwanted side effects may develop. These include the following conditions:

  • lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • attack of nausea;
  • malaise.

If the dosage of Validol is not observed, the patient may experience dizziness and nausea

What happens if side effects occur? If symptoms appear, you should drink plenty of clean water and stop taking the drug. Usually this condition goes away on its own and does not require emergency treatment.

special instructions

Compliance with special instructions for the use of Validol will help to achieve an optimal therapeutic effect and avoid undesirable consequences and complications.

  • be sure to take into account the permissible amount of the drug taken, which is indicated in the doctor’s prescription;
  • Do not combine the product with alcoholic beverages;
  • a child can take the pill only as prescribed by a doctor under parental supervision;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, the medicine is allowed only if the expected benefit outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

If the instructions for use are followed and the doctor's instructions are followed, Validol does not affect reaction speed and concentration.

Use during pregnancy

Why and in what doses is Validol prescribed during pregnancy? The pharmacological properties of the drug make it possible to use it during pregnancy to treat cardiovascular diseases in expectant mothers. In addition, the medicine is used as an antiemetic during toxicosis.

During pregnancy, Validol should be taken only with the permission of a doctor.

Before prescribing Validol, the attending physician assesses the situation and decides how useful the drug will be in a particular case. Pregnant women are recommended to dissolve one tablet of the drug when symptoms of toxicosis, palpitations, anxiety and other manifestations appear. The maximum daily dose and duration of therapy is selected by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s condition. Reviews of the medication among pregnant women are predominantly positive.

Important! Despite the wide selection of analogues on the modern pharmaceutical market, Validol takes a strong position and is not inferior to many expensive drugs.


In some situations, Validol is contraindicated in patients or does not give the desired effect. In such cases, it is recommended to use analogue drugs that have the same effect. These include the following medications:

  • Corvalol – has an antispasmodic, calming effect. Corvalol is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The drug has a vasodilating effect, which makes it possible to use it for spasm of coronary vessels, tachycardia, insomnia and other conditions;
  • Cavinton - dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood flow, restores normal blood pressure. The drug is prescribed for pathologies accompanied by circulatory disorders in the brain, for hypertension, during menopause in women and for other diseases;
  • Corvaldin is a sedative, antispasmodic drug that is also used as a sleeping pill. Indications for use: insomnia, neurotic disorders, tachycardia, irritability, strong emotional experiences, etc.;
  • Corvalment is a menthol-based medication. Doctors prescribe this medicine for angina pectoris, neuroses, motion sickness syndrome, hysterical states of the patient, tachycardia and other conditions;
  • Barboval is a sedative, vasodilator, and hypnotic drug. Barboval is used for hysteria, for the treatment of the initial stage of hypertension, among patients suffering from insomnia and other disorders of the central nervous system.

Each of the above remedies has its own indications and contraindications. Self-medication with their help is not allowed, despite the fact that most of them are well tolerated by patients.

Validol price and terms of sale

The cost of the drug is relatively low, in Russian pharmacies it is approximately 55 rubles. The product is available without a doctor's prescription. It is recommended to store the tablets in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight and out of the reach of children.

Validol is dispensed without a doctor's prescription

Instructions for medical use - RU No. P N015115/01

Last modified date: 15.06.2017

Dosage form

Sublingual capsules.


1 capsule contains:

Active components:

Levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate (validol) - 100 mg.

Composition of the shell of gelatin capsules:

pharmaceutical gelatin, glycerol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water.

Description of the dosage form

Soft gelatin capsules, spherical, light yellow in color.

The contents of the capsules are a clear, colorless or slightly colored oily liquid with a menthol odor.

Pharmacological group

Coronodilating agent of reflex action.


It has a sedative effect and has a moderate reflex vasodilator effect due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings. Stimulates the production and release of enkephalins. endorphins and a number of other peptides, kinins (due to irritation of mucosal receptors), which take an active part in the regulation of vascular permeability and the formation of pain.


When administered sublingually, it is absorbed from the oral mucosa. After absorption, it is biotransformed in the liver and excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronides.


Functional cardialgia, neuroses, and also as an antiemetic for sea and air sickness.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Validol is prescribed to adults under the tongue. The capsule should be kept in the mouth under the tongue until completely absorbed. Take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.

The daily frequency and duration of administration is determined depending on the effectiveness of treatment. If the effect is not sufficiently pronounced or when some patients do not experience an effect within the next 5 minutes after taking the drug, it is necessary to contact your doctor to prescribe another therapy.

Side effects

With long-term use of validol, mild nausea, dizziness, and lacrimation may occur. These phenomena usually go away on their own.



headache, nausea, agitation, cardiac dysfunction, decreased blood pressure, depression of the central nervous system.


stop the drug. Symptomatic therapy.


When used together with drugs that depress the central nervous system, it enhances the inhibitory effect of the latter.

The simultaneous use of Validol with nitrates reduces the headache that occurs when using them.

Release form

Sublingual capsules 100 mg.

10 capsules in a blister pack, 2 blister packs each along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.



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