The unique benefits of pumpkin seeds for our health. Pumpkin seeds: composition, benefits and properties of pumpkin seeds

But few people think that her seeds are no less useful. Among the huge variety of pumpkin varieties, there are decorative, fodder, intended exclusively for animals, as well as dining rooms that people eat.

Table pumpkin came to our country from America, and very quickly took root, so now it is difficult to imagine vegetable gardens without pumpkins. Pumpkin has been known to mankind for a very long time, in particular, it was used by the ancient Aztecs. But if we use only fruits, then the Aztecs ate flowers, stems, and seeds.

Storage and use

Despite the fact that roasted pumpkin seeds are much tastier than dried ones, the latter have more benefits, so it is recommended to use dried ones. The fact is that when heated, seeds lose up to 50% of nutrients and vitamins, which means they become half as useful. The easiest way is to cook dried seeds yourself, since mostly fried ones go on sale. To do this, you need to remove the seeds from the pumpkin, and then dry them thoroughly in a warm oven or in the fresh air, laying them in a thin layer on a baking sheet. After the seeds have dried, they can be stored in glass containers, wooden or cardboard boxes, or cloth bags.

Chemical composition

If we talk about the benefits that pumpkin seeds bring to the body, then first of all it is necessary to mention fats, because healthy fats in pumpkin seeds contain almost half of the entire composition. Another 30% is occupied by proteins necessary for the structure of our body. Already a much smaller amount falls on dietary fiber: 6%, as well as a little more than 5% water and about 5% carbohydrates and ash.

Also, pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of useful macro- and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of our body. In particular, 100 grams of raw materials contain so much phosphorus that they are able to satisfy the need for it per day by 150%. The same can be said about the magnesium contained in them. The amount of manganese in 100 grams of dried seeds is 2 times the daily requirement, which is a very high concentration that is very difficult to find in any other products. They also contain a large amount of potassium, zinc and iron, which, although they do not satisfy the daily requirement, in any case help the body to function better.

Composition of pumpkin seeds (per 100 g)
541 kcal
8.4 g
24.6 g
45.9 g
13.5 g
4.3 g
4.9 g
228 mcg
0.2 mg
0.32 mg
1.7 mg
0.35 mg
0.23 mg
57.5 mcg
1.9 mg
10.9 mg
51.4 mcg
807 mg
43 mg
535 mg
18 mg
1174 mg
14.96 mg
3.01 mcg
1.39 mg
5.6 mcg
7.45 mg

Beneficial features

Studies conducted by many scientists are now proving that the substances contained in pumpkin seeds help fight cancer. In addition, they are able to increase immunity and help the body fight harmful. Regularly taking pumpkin seeds is also recommended for those people who suffer from arthritis. They help fight this disease, strengthen blood vessels and, unlike pharmacological drugs, do not have side effects. The zinc contained in the seeds helps to improve the condition of the bones, and therefore, is an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

They are also able to maintain normal blood sugar levels, and help reduce blood pressure. In addition, with regular use, they help strengthen blood vessels and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Also, when used regularly, they act as an antidepressant, as they strengthen the nervous system and help us deal with stress.

Few people know, but pumpkin seeds are well suited as an aid to seasickness. They help a lot if you get sick during sea travel or in land transport.

Previously, pumpkin seeds were advised to be consumed by pregnant women in the early stages, although now this remedy has been forgotten. Nevertheless, it has not lost its relevance: a very small amount of pumpkin seeds every day helps fight toxicosis and morning sickness.

Pumpkin seeds also work well as an emergency remedy for constipation. It is enough to include in your diet a very small amount, so that a positive effect becomes noticeable.

Pumpkin seeds can help the body cleanse itself of such a serious problem as the concentration of heavy metals. Studies have shown that, in particular, pumpkin seeds help remove lead and cadmium from the body.

As a wound healing agent, pumpkin seeds are also used for burns, applying gruel from them to the wound as a compress.

Application in cooking

Pumpkin seeds are well suited to be added to certain dishes to diversify their taste and make them more healthy. They pair best with vegetables, so you can add dried seeds to stews or stir-fry vegetables, as long as you do it after cooking. You can also add them to fresh vegetable salads to give them a savory flavor and make your diet more healthy and rich in minerals.

In cooking, pumpkin seeds are often used to make a spicy sauce: for this, they are crushed, greens are added to them, the resulting sauce is seasoned with vegetable oil of your choice and a few drops of lemon juice. The result is a delicious, original and very healthy sauce that goes well with a huge range of dishes.

If desired, pumpkin seeds can even be added to baked goods, for example, combined with baking or used separately. Well-tasting pumpkin seeds are suitable to be added to side dishes, especially to cereals at the end of cooking, as well as to various soups, preferably vegetable or cold.

Zinc and phosphorus in pumpkin seeds

The substances contained in the seeds, in particular zinc and phosphorus, are useful for the functioning of the brain, and zinc is also an indispensable and extremely important element for the health of the male body. The fact is that studies have shown that zinc can act as an effective prevention of inflammation of the prostate, so pumpkin seeds will be extremely beneficial for any man. They are especially suitable for those men who have sedentary work, especially those associated with intellectual stress. In the latter case, the use of pumpkin seeds at the same time strengthens the nervous system, improves mental abilities, helps fight stress and at the same time supports men's health, reducing the risk of prostate problems.

In addition, pumpkin seeds can be an excellent source of zinc for those who clearly need it. This is a great alternative to vitamins and various supplements, as pumpkin seeds are easier to digest and provide a lot more benefits overall. Zinc deficiency usually manifests itself in poor skin and hair condition, as well as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. So, if you need to normalize the level of zinc in the body, the easiest way to do this is to consume a small amount of dried pumpkin seeds every day. Just a month will be enough for you to notice a pronounced effect and feel much better. In addition, the combination of zinc and phosphorus contained in pumpkin seeds regulates the functioning of the reproductive system and helps our vision, as well as supports the musculoskeletal system.

Use in traditional medicine

Seeds can also help with various diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys. The best way to do this is to combine them with hemp seeds, in a ratio of one to one. Compresses are also good for these purposes, for which you need to crush a certain amount of seeds into powder, add crushed ones, add a little water there and apply to the kidney area. With a wide range of diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys, including cystitis, the following remedy helps a lot: 50 grams of seeds must be thoroughly crushed, add 20 grams and 80 grams of water. The resulting remedy should be taken little by little before meals, it will help relieve inflammation and improve the condition of the genitourinary system as a whole.

In addition, a decoction of pumpkin seeds helps to calm down, relieve tension and reduce stress levels. This is excellent if you have insomnia or sleep that is too restless.

On the basis of pumpkin seeds, some pharmacological preparations are created, in particular, there is a medicine made on the basis of pumpkin oil. It is used for the same purposes as pumpkin seeds: to support the biliary tract, to treat infections, to maintain the normal state of the liver, or to treat impaired metabolism.

pumpkin seed oil

Almost 50% of pumpkin seeds are their fatty component. It consists of vegetable oils, which have a huge number of useful properties. These substances help to remove toxins from the body, and also get rid of bad cholesterol. They protect the body at the cellular level, and also improve the condition of the heart muscle. Pumpkin seed oil is even used by doctors for the supportive treatment of tuberculosis or bowel disorders.

Due to the wide range of useful properties, pumpkin seed oil is widely used by many peoples as an additive to dishes, as it is much healthier than.

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, such a useful product as pumpkin seeds also has its contraindications. In particular, they should not be carried away by people who have ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Even if you are going to include them in the diet little by little, it is better to ask your doctor for advice first so as not to harm yourself.

Excessive use of them due to the high concentration of salts can lead to some problems in the joints, so it is necessary not to get too carried away with pumpkin seeds. Remember that it is advisable to clean with your hands and not with your teeth, as this can lead to serious damage to tooth enamel.

It should also be remembered that for all their benefits, 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain a large number of kilocalories - more than 500. This means that their use must be strictly dosed, especially for those people who are sensitive to the figure.

Today we will talk about pumpkin seeds, their beneficial properties and applications. Initially, the pumpkin appeared in Latin America, and its seeds were used only for the manufacture of natural preparations that have a general strengthening effect. Numerous useful substances, minerals, vitamins and microelements - all this contains pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds chemical composition and nutritional value

The nutritional value of pumpkin seeds makes them a very useful product for athletes and people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. The nutritional value of pumpkin seeds per 100 grams is as follows:

The energy value of pumpkin seeds per 100 grams is quite large - 541 kcal. Of these, 94 kcal are proteins, 394 kcal are fats, and only 53 kcal from carbohydrates in the energy value of pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds contain many substances useful for our body, but most of them are fats. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in many vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It is important to know the chemical composition of pumpkin seeds per 100 grams in order to appreciate their benefits.

Pumpkin seeds contain 8 essential and 12 essential amino acids. With the use of only 100 g of seeds, a person satisfies the daily need for most of the acids contained in them.

Pumpkin seeds contain B and PP vitamins. The latter is especially abundant - 14.59 mg per 100 g of the product, which is 73% of the daily requirement. Macro- and microelements, which this product is rich in, make it a champion in many respects. Phosphorus in 100 g of seeds 1233 mg is 153% of the daily norm of the human body. Magnesium - 592 mg (148%).

All records are beaten by manganese, since in order to supply the body with the necessary daily norm of this trace element, it is necessary to eat only 50 g of dried pumpkin seeds. There is a lot of potassium in the product - 809 mg, zinc - 7.81 mg and iron - 8.82 mg.

For convenience and visual demonstration, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which considers pumpkin seeds and the chemical composition per 100 grams:

What are pumpkin seeds good for?

Useful properties of pumpkin seeds have been known since ancient times. They were used to treat depression, stress, baldness in both men and women. The medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds have been used as a remedy against helminths.

Research conducted by many scientists confirms the benefits of pumpkin seeds in the fight against cancer. Due to the unique chemical composition, pumpkin seeds strengthen the immune defense, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin and its seeds are indispensable for the joints. The introduction of pumpkin seeds into the diet helps to restore inflamed joints. Some of the ingredients in this product increase the effectiveness of the fight against arthritis, without giving side effects, as drugs do. Zinc, present naturally in seeds, restores bone density, preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Pumpkin seeds are useful for the stronger sex. Scientists have not yet been able to fully explore the mechanism of beneficial effects on the prostate, but men who consume pumpkin seeds have noted positive results. In addition, they do not know about such a disease as prostate adenoma. If the problem has already arisen, it necessarily includes the use of pumpkin seeds for a successful fight against the disease.

How many pumpkin seeds per day can you eat?

For health benefits, you need to eat about 100 g of pumpkin seeds daily, dividing this amount into two or three doses. Just in case, we note that the seeds must be cleaned of white skins, and it is better to do this manually.

Useful raw pumpkin seeds, not fried. When fried, they turn into a delicacy, and are not a useful product. It is better to eat seeds without adding salt, but you can eat pumpkin seeds with honey.

Why are pumpkin seeds harmful?

There are no ideal foods, as there are always contraindications or harmful effects. Pumpkin seeds are no exception. Excessive use of them can aggravate stomach ulcers, and increased appetite can cause the accumulation of salts in the joints, making them less mobile.

Tooth enamel can be damaged if you chew on the seeds instead of cleaning them with your hands. On sale there are pumpkin seeds without peel, but before use they must be slightly dried in the oven - for 10 minutes. This will kill harmful microbes.

Another problem is related to the high calorie content of seeds, since 100 g of the product contains 550 kcal. This is a lot for people who have and want to get rid of them.

If you do not forget about the sense of proportion and treat pumpkin seeds with care, they will bring many benefits to your body.

Pumpkin seeds in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of pumpkin seed have found particular application in folk medicine. After all, this is not just a tasty, healthy vegetable that is used in cooking for preparing various dishes. The healing properties of pumpkin seeds have proven themselves so well that pumpkin seeds are often used in folk medicine to combat various diseases.


The effectiveness of pumpkin seeds for prostatitis has been proven. To treat this disease, it is necessary to twist the dried pumpkin seeds in a meat grinder and mix them with honey. You will need enough honey so that you can roll balls from the resulting mixture. Make balls the size of a cherry and dry. They should be stored in the refrigerator, and every morning, half an hour before breakfast, eat one at a time and drink it with water. Continue taking for 1-1.5 months, and repeat the course after a few weeks. You will be amazed at the positive results.

Sexual weakness

Age-related changes that cause sexual weakness upset many men. You can overcome the problem by taking 100 g of peeled crushed raw pumpkin seeds, 100 g of toasted crushed rice, 150 g of bee honey and the same amount of unsalted butter. Mix all the ingredients and take 1-2 small spoons every hour. Additionally, pumpkin seeds for men will help in the fight against such diseases and ailments as:

  • dystrophy;
  • asthenia;
  • exhaustion.

Bladder disorders

In case of violation of the functions of the bladder, it is necessary to consume 2-3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds every day. They have curative and preventive properties. Their components have a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes, and also strengthen the muscles of the bladder.


Pregnant women sometimes suffer from neurasthenia, which can be cured with a simple folk remedy. It is necessary to take 100 g of unpeeled pumpkin seeds, roasted to a coffee color, and crush them together with the skin. Add 100 g of black elderberry jam and a teaspoon of crushed eggshells to this mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting composition is taken after meals, 1 small spoonful.


Dried peeled seeds with a thin green film must be ground in a mortar. In total, you will need 300 g of the product. Add about 50 ml of water to the ground seeds and continue to grind the mixture, and then add another 10-15 g of honey or jam. The resulting mixture is taken on an empty stomach, 1 small spoonful for an hour, and after 3 hours, take 25-30 g of magnesium sulfate. After half an hour, an enema should be given. The doses of the drug are as follows:

  • 300 g for adults;
  • 150 g for children 10-12 years old;
  • 75 g for children 3-4 years old;
  • 30-50 g for babies 2-3 years old.

Benefits of pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil is a unique product obtained from pumpkin seeds, which can be used for cosmetic purposes both internally and externally. The oil improves the condition of the skin, creates a softening and regenerating effect. Due to the content of vitamin E, it fills the skin with oxygen and moisture, increasing its elasticity and giving a velvety look.

Pumpkin seed oil is suitable for dry, mature and damaged skin. Provides reliable protection against sunburn and stimulates tissue repair. Suitable for hand skin care, relieves acne, oily dandruff and seborrhea.

The product restores the functioning of cell membranes, providing a hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect. It normalizes the biochemical composition of bile, activates metabolic processes in tissues, and has a positive effect on the prostate.

Scientists have proven the beneficial effects of pumpkin seed oil in the treatment of burns. The application of dressings soaked in this agent contributes to the rapid relief of pain and inflammation. Pumpkin oil creates a healing effect in gingivitis and periodontitis, relieving symptoms after 5-6 applications on the oral mucosa.

Medicines based on pumpkin seeds

The medicinal properties of pumpkin and its seeds in modern medicine have become the basis for many drugs. Today, the medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds are known all over the world, and preparations based on pumpkin seeds are especially popular.

pumpkin seed extract

This product is a natural source of phospholipids, vitamins A and E, carotenoids, lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin A improves vision, E - neutralizes free radicals and prevents cancer.

The extract reduces the risk of kidney stones and stimulates the bladder. Due to the high concentration of zinc and selenium, the remedy restores normal sexual activity.

Pumpkin seed extract is often used in cosmetic nourishing and moisturizing creams. It is added to anti-cellulite and anti-aging creams, anti-stretch marks, etc.


This herbal preparation is based on biologically active substances obtained from pumpkin (vitamins B, C, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.). The drug creates an antiulcer, choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Helps reduce the proliferation of prostate cells and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is prescribed for hepatitis, gastritis, cholecystocholangitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, enterocolitis, atherosclerosis, cervical erosion and other diseases. When applied externally, Peponen is suitable for combating diathesis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.


This complex preparation contains biologically active substances that are extracted from pumpkin seeds. Due to the high content of carotenoids and tocopherols, this agent has an antioxidant effect that inhibits lipid peroxidation.

Tykveol is indicated for hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, esophagitis, intestinal and stomach ulcers, fatty liver, cholestasis, gastritis, duodenitis, hemorrhoids, colitis, chronic prostatitis, impaired lipid metabolism and other diseases.

The drug can be used externally to get rid of herpes, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. It also effectively heals burns and fights burn disease.


This drug, created on the basis of pumpkin seeds, creates a complex general strengthening effect, reducing the effects of stress. Vitamins, trace elements and enzymes of pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the bladder, so the drug is often used to prevent and relieve symptoms of an irritated bladder in men and women.

Tykvavit is recommended as a biologically active food supplement, as it is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Regular intake reduces the risk of developing cholestasis and cholecystitis, gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, colitis, prostatitis, cholelithiasis and atherosclerosis.


Questions about what pumpkin seeds are, the benefits and harms of these seeds for the human body, as well as whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods of treatment in particular to treatment with medicinal plants. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Pumpkin seeds are the seeds of pumpkin, an annual herbaceous plant, species of the genus Pumpkin (Cucurbita), family Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbitaceae), gourds.

Immediately, before drying, they must be removed from the pumpkin and washed thoroughly, freeing them from the pulp.

If the seeds contain pumpkin fibers, they may begin to deteriorate and rot even after prolonged drying.

Seeds must be laid out in a thin, even layer on thick, clean paper or a soft cloth such as gauze. Drying takes about three hours on average. During this time, the seeds can be periodically turned over, stirring so that they dry faster, but this is not necessary.

If it is not possible to dry pumpkin seeds with natural heat, you can use the oven. In it, they will quickly reach the desired state, but it is important to stir and turn them over for even drying. The oven should be heated to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with seeds in it for 20-25 minutes.

Ready seeds should be stored in a paper or cloth bag, or in a tightly closed container to prevent moisture from entering it.

Beneficial features:

Traditional medicine has been using them for centuries to prevent and treat various diseases. What explains the phenomenon of pumpkin seeds? Of course, their composition.

Seeds of common pumpkin, large pumpkin and nutmeg are rich in essential fatty acids (up to 50%), vitamins (C, B1, folic acid), minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper), amino acids. Especially important is the presence of zinc in the composition of pumpkin seeds (prevention of prostatitis) and iron (normalization of blood composition).

The main useful component of pumpkin seeds is fats. They are a rather peculiar product in their composition, since they contain a large amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, serve as a means of preventing cancer, and reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

These seeds are an excellent source of protein for a vegan person. They contain many chemical elements necessary for the body. Another very useful component of pumpkin seeds is zinc.

Zinc is a strong natural immunostimulant. Together with the fats contained in these seeds, it is useful in the treatment of prostatitis and all kinds of bladder diseases. In some cases, they may be useful for enuresis in children.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the strength of bone tissue, the normal functioning of nerve fibers and muscles, as well as iron, which is necessary for blood formation.

Pumpkin seeds have pronounced healing properties. They:

  • help with prostatitis; reduce pain, eliminate dysuric phenomena (urination disorders), increase potency;
  • necessary for benign prostatic hyperplasia stage I, II;
  • needed for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis; strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • recommended for diffuse liver damage: various forms of hepatitis, liver intoxication, cirrhosis, fatty liver; accelerate the regeneration of damaged liver tissues;
  • good for the treatment of cholecystitis, in diseases of the biliary tract, as a prophylactic of cholelithiasis; improve the chemical composition of bile;
  • are used as an additional remedy for peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, for diseases of the pancreas;
  • used as a laxative and diuretic; eliminate gas formation in the stomach and intestines; strengthen the kidneys;
  • have a reparative (restorative), antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improve metabolism and the functioning of the body's immune system;
  • known as a powerful antihelminthic;
  • contribute to the excretion of cadmium from the body;
  • beneficial effect on hair growth;
  • recommended by experts for acne, seborrhea and oily dandruff;
  • gruel from seeds treats dermatitis, wounds, burns;

They prevent the formation of prostate adenoma, and if it has already appeared, stabilize its growth. It is important that, unlike chemical drugs, pumpkin seeds have absolutely no side effects. But still, it is impossible to rely only on seeds for such a serious disease as prostate adenoma. It's still not a panacea. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor

These seeds are sometimes used as an antihelminthic, mainly against tapeworms. In this case, the seeds should be consumed for 14 days, approximately one handful per day, with milk or cottage cheese. At the end of such a course, you should take some effective laxative - for example, a tablespoon of castor oil ..


Pumpkin seeds are definitely a healthy product. It contains many components important for our health: amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fiber, selenium, potassium, calcium, protein. They contain zinc, iron, silicon and copper - in a word - a lot of substances that are so necessary for the immunity and health of our body.

But any product has benefits and harms, and pumpkin seeds are no exception. So, for example, they contain a lot of salicylic acid, which can provoke gastritis and even stomach ulcers. The abuse of pumpkin seeds can also cause the deposition of salts in the joints, which leads to a limitation of their mobility.

You can easily damage tooth enamel if the seeds are chewed and not cleaned in any other way. You can buy them already cleaned. Just dry them in the oven for about ten minutes before using them. So you protect yourself from germs.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men?

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for men's health are due to their composition. Approximately 50% of the mass of pumpkin seeds are extremely valuable substances - Omega-3, Omega-6 oils. These seeds contain very rare vitamins: K, D, as well as vitamins A, E, C, B12. These substances are very important for the health of a man in the conditions in which he is placed in modern life. The seeds contain natural acids (for example, folic, argitine, linoleic and glutamic), protein, pectins. Separately, it is worth mentioning the mineral, zinc, which is part of pumpkin seeds. After all, it is he who most successfully helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, and has a general strengthening effect.

They also help prevent diseases of the male genital area. Throughout life, the male body needs about 7 times more zinc than the female body. If this mineral is present in the male body in the required amount (when it comes with food or when using special multivitamin complexes), this prevents the growth of prostate tissue, thereby protecting the stronger sex from adenoma or prostatitis. Quite often, men who have reached the age of 50 begin to experience a noticeable lack of zinc, which is a consequence of approaching serious ailments.

To reduce the likelihood of such a development of events, men are advised to eat 50 to 60 pieces of pumpkin seeds every day for prevention purposes. If you have serious problems with urination, you can use a proven folk remedy - sprouted pumpkin seeds.

Male recipe:

Pumpkin seeds with honey:

Pumpkin seeds combined with honey is a vitamin-rich mixture that supports the body's immune defenses and provides us with the necessary trace elements. With honey, they will be useful after an illness has been overcome (and during an illness, too). These seeds reduce the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, have a slight choleretic effect. Pumpkin seeds carry vitamins A, E, K, as well as zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and other minerals.

Pre-peeled pumpkin seeds are crushed. You can also just pour them with honey in a ratio of 1:1 (1 cup of honey to 1 cup of seeds). Or you can grind them with a blender. Just don't turn them into powder. It would be desirable to grind them into large pieces - it will turn out tastier. Then everything is the same, we combine the seeds with honey, mix it all. The resulting mixture is placed in a jar and closed with a lid. This product can be stored in the refrigerator.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for women?

For the body of women, these seeds are very useful.

  1. They contribute to the preservation of youth, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  2. Our skin can be called the "mirror of the soul". She sensitively responds to all the negative processes taking place in the body. The zinc contained in these seeds contributes, so to speak, to the “renewal” of the skin, giving it youth and freshness. In addition, zinc is useful in the treatment of acne.
  3. Selenium, which is an antioxidant, protects the cells of our body, helps to renew them.
  4. The fatty acids and potassium contained in the seeds moisturize our skin from the inside, giving it elasticity and smoothness, and slowing down the aging process.
  5. Vitamins A and E moisturize the scalp, are useful for brittle and split ends.

The oil obtained from pumpkin seeds contains many natural phytoestrogens. Research suggests that it can cause an increase in "good" cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and is helpful for hot flashes, headaches, joint pain, and other symptoms of menopause in women.

However, the unique beneficial properties are not the only reason to chew on pumpkin seeds. Per unit mass, they contain more magnesium than most other foods, and this mineral is needed by the body to transport glucose molecules from the blood to cells, where they are used for energy. If magnesium is sufficient, the body is full of energy and protected from diabetes and metabolic syndrome, both of which lead to obesity and fat deposition in the abdomen. Unfortunately, most women do not get the recommended 320 mg of magnesium per day from food, and in fact for this it is enough to chew about 60 g of seeds per day. With this amount, you will also get about half the daily requirement of iron, which delivers life-giving oxygen to the cells and helps to cope with fatigue - and maybe even the desire to skip a workout!

And further:

Eating pumpkin seeds instead of chips will give you more protein to help you lose weight. Women who received a 30% protein meal for four days felt fuller for longer, had better fat burning and metabolic processes than those who received a similar meal with 10% protein, scientists at Maastricht University report.

If a woman gets more magnesium in her diet, her risk of metabolic syndrome (a condition characterized by excess fat in the abdomen) is reduced for her, says Obesity. Those women who received 337 mg of magnesium per day (about 60 g of shelled pumpkin seeds) were 44% less likely to develop the syndrome.

Four more reasons to eat pumpkin seeds:

1. The heart is always happy with seeds. In addition to cholesterol-lowering unsaturated fats and heart-healthy vitamin E, pumpkin seeds are rich in phytosterols, cancer-fighting compounds that can block the body's absorption of dietary cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol levels. In addition, magnesium normalizes blood pressure.

2. Pumpkin seeds relieve headaches. Approximately half of those who suffer from headaches are deficient in magnesium. Seeds increase the intake of this mineral - and it, in turn, dilates the vessels of the brain and helps prevent or relieve pain.

3. Seeds reduce the risk of diabetes. The more magnesium you get from food, the lower your risk of developing this disease. For those who got enough of it (about 300 mg per day for women), the risk of developing diabetes over 20 years was 47% lower than for those who got it little, scientists say.

4. You will be less nervous and sleep better. Do you need to calm down? These seeds are rich in tryptophan, a calming amino acid your body uses to produce mood-stabilizing serotonin and melatonin.

How to buy and store:

It is better to buy unpeeled seeds. Husking seeds is a great way to kill some free time, but if you're in a hurry, opt for oil-free roasted, shelled seeds. They can add protein to any meal to help curb hunger and burn calories. A handful of nuts can be added anywhere: to a nut-fruit mixture, to oatmeal, to any salad or pasta, to pilaf from quinoa or rice.

Don't salt the seeds. A modern person receives too much salt with food - and not from his own homemade salt shaker, but from ready-made meals and semi-finished products, where manufacturers add it. It is better to buy unsalted seeds and nuts.

Store seeds in a cool place. In a tightly closed container in the refrigerator, they can stay fresh for up to six months. In addition, they will not get lost in the locker; the appearance of the container will remind you every time of this healthy dish - and of how well the seeds complement any meal.

How to roast pumpkin seeds?

If you happen to buy a whole pumpkin - or if you have, for example, pumpkins growing in a summer cottage - do not throw away the seeds along with the fibrous entrails; it is better to prepare a delicacy useful for the figure from them. You can save a little on this, besides, a vase of seeds, which is always at hand, helps to keep from high-calorie chocolate bars. Here's what you need to do for this:

  • Free the seeds from the slippery shell by carefully picking them out of the fibrous insides of the pumpkin (best to let the kids do this). Rinse to remove any residual pulp and drain through a colander.
  • Dry the seeds. Cover the baking sheet with a clean towel and, spreading the seeds in an even layer over it, leave overnight to allow the water to evaporate.
  • Stir fry. When the seeds are dry, heat the oven to 135 ° C; Pour the seeds into a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and lightly salt with sea salt. For a glass of seeds, take from half to a whole tablespoon of oil and a small pinch of salt. Salt is appropriate here, because you yourself control the amount. Remove the towel, scatter the seeds in an even layer over the baking sheet and toast, stirring often, until dry and crispy (about 20 minutes).

Based on the book by L. Denziger “Anti-diet. Eat more to weigh less."

Are pumpkin seeds good for weight loss?

On the one hand, pumpkin seeds are a high-calorie product, so a reasonable question may arise: how can you lose weight with them? Indeed, in normal mode, you can’t eat too many seeds, as this can add extra pounds. However, during the diet, they become the only food (along with sunflower seeds) that can be eaten in large quantities. The duration of the diet is 7 days. There is also a three day option.

The diet menu when using these seeds for weight loss is as follows. To provide yourself with a daily intake of carbohydrates, for breakfast you need to eat a bowl of oatmeal on the water. Lunch consists of sunflower seeds, and dinner consists of sunflower seeds. During the diet, you need to drink a lot, it is also recommended to use vitamins from a pharmacy to make up for the lack of certain substances that are missing in seeds and oatmeal.

For the weight loss effect to work, the seeds must be eaten slightly dried and without shells. You can not add spices and drink them. The liquid should be consumed either half an hour before a meal, or after the same time after a meal. It should be remembered about some of the disadvantages of such a diet.

Of course, seeds, including pumpkin seeds, should be included in your diet, as they contain many useful substances and vitamins. But the best option would be to include them in the menu of a balanced healthy diet, which takes into account the characteristics of your body and allows you to provide it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the required doses. Only in this case, you can count not only on losing extra pounds, but also on fixing the result for many years.

Pumpkin is a useful vegetable, parts of which are used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. Most of the time it's the seeds. They boast a unique composition with a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, minerals. The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for women are described below.

The mineral composition of pumpkin seeds is truly unique. It includes iron, copper, magnesium, iodine, potassium, manganese and other essential elements. For example, a small handful of the product contains several daily norms of tocopherol, an impressive amount of choline, ascorbic acid, and the most important vitamins at once.

It is important to know the differences between roasted and raw pumpkin seeds. This will allow a woman to add the most healthy and safe product to her diet.

roasted seeds

It must be remembered that roasted seeds are less useful. Indeed, in the process of heat treatment, a huge amount of vitamins is lost. In addition, in the process, fats are oxidized, harmful peroxides and aldehydes are formed. If you eat the product fried, and even with the addition of salt, then such a treat will bring undoubted harm to the body.

Raw seeds

But in the raw product, the medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds are most pronounced. After all, in them all the "usefulness" is preserved in a paramount natural form.

Useful properties during pregnancy and lactation

First of all, it should be noted that the raw product under discussion copes well with toxicosis. Therefore, it should be added to your diet for expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy. To cope with poor health, you need to eat seeds on an empty stomach in the usual way or grind and drink water.

Another useful property of the product for expectant mothers is the prevention of constipation. This problem often worries pregnant women. The use of raw seeds helps to eliminate the existing problem and prevent the emergence of a new one.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is useful to eat such a dish because it actively removes salt and excess fluid from the body. As a result, the girl gets rid of edema.

Pumpkin seeds, which are regularly consumed during lactation, help to significantly increase the amount of breast milk. This is primarily due to the diuretic effect of the product. You can eat no more than 100 seeds per day. They are easily replaced with pumpkin seed oil in the amount of 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

But we must not forget that raw seeds are rich in proteins and fats, for this reason they can be difficult to perceive by a woman's body, weakened by a severe problematic course of pregnancy. Also, you can not use the product in too much quantity.

Recipes with pumpkin seeds in traditional medicine

Often pumpkin seeds are used in folk medicine. For example, to combat disorders in the bladder. With such a problem, 2 tbsp is taken per day. spoons of the product in any form. It strengthens the muscles of the body and soothes irritated mucous membranes.

With neurasthenia, which, for example, pregnant women often suffer, you will need to take 90 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, fry them without oil to a chocolate color, and then crush them. The skins of the seeds are also used.

The resulting mixture is combined with 90 g of black elderberry jam (berries) and 1 teaspoon of ground eggshell. After thorough mixing, the medicine is taken 3 times a day after meals, 1 teaspoonful.

For kidney diseases, you can use a special healing decoction. It is prepared from 1 teaspoon of seeds, which are brewed with a full glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos for at least half an hour. Further, the remedy is used in half a glass 2 times a day, regardless of meals.

Application in cosmetology

Due to the unique composition of pumpkin seeds, which includes many biologically active substances, they are also actively used in cosmetology.

An oil is prepared from the product, which has the following properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

As a result, the oil is used in the treatment of eczema, diathesis, herpes, bedsores, burns and other skin problems. You can use it for skin care, hair, nails, even at home.

The easiest option is to add the product to ready-made creams, masks, tonics. Their regular use nourishes, moisturizes the skin, improves its elasticity. Pumpkin seed oil is also actively fighting dandruff and acne. It helps to cope with the signs of skin aging and, in general, significantly prolong its youth.

Suitable for any type of skin. But a special effect can be achieved when using it to care for dry, mature, sensitive skin.

When fighting acne, you just need to apply warm oil to a cotton swab dipped in hot water. Cotton wool is applied to the problem area for about 10-12 minutes, after which the skin is wiped dry and rinsed with cool water. The procedures are repeated 3 times a week.

To get rid of wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes, you need to apply heated oil to problem areas. After 40-45 minutes, dry the remaining product with a paper towel. Rinse off is not required.

In case of hair loss, warm oil is carefully rubbed into the scalp and left under a warm towel for half an hour. Next, the product is washed off with warm water. For prevention, the procedure is carried out every couple of weeks. For treatment - every other day for a week.

Benefits of getting rid of worms

As part of complex therapy, pumpkin seeds are used to combat worms. They effectively affect tape and roundworms. At the same time, the product is non-toxic and absolutely harmless to the body.

For treatment, the seeds are peeled. A thin green film should remain on them. The seed in this form is thoroughly ground in a mortar. It is enough to take 270 g of the product. 40 ml of filtered water is poured into the resulting mass. The mixture is ground again, and then combined with 10 g of natural bee honey.

The medicine is taken on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for an hour, until the entire portion is over. After 3 hours, 25 g of magnesium sulfate is drunk. After another 30 minutes, an enema is given.

How to use pumpkin seeds correctly?

Pumpkin seeds are best consumed raw on an empty stomach. As noted above, the recommended serving for an adult is about 50 g. Only for medicinal purposes, the dose can be significantly increased.

You can eat the seeds whole or grind them in a coffee grinder and mix with boiled water. If you decide to add the product to any dish, it is best to choose a fresh vegetable salad for this purpose. The base should not be hot.

Contraindications and possible harm

The negative consequences of eating pumpkin seeds are possible only in rare cases. For example, if you regularly consume them in large quantities, especially after pre-roasting and with salt. The high calorie content of the discussed seeds after heat treatment will also negatively affect the figure. Extra pounds will quickly appear.

If you eat the seeds, removing the husk from them with your teeth, this can adversely affect the condition of the enamel. In rare cases, even individual intolerance to the product occurs.

Before adding pumpkin seeds to your diet, be sure to study the list of contraindications for this product:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (presence of ulcers, increased acidity, problems with intestinal motility);
  • obesity.

With extreme caution, pumpkin seeds should be consumed by patients with diabetes. In this case, the product may be used only after consultation and permission of a specialist. Similar recommendations apply to patients with cholelithiasis. In this case, you need to reduce the dosage in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Hi all!

I think that many people love all sorts of seeds.

Today I want to tell you a little about pumpkin - delicious and very healthy.

They are known as a source of the mineral zinc and the WHO recommends this product as a good way to replenish it.

Pumpkin seeds - useful properties

lat. semen cucurbitae listen)) are edible pumpkin or squash seeds, usually oval and flat. In most varieties, pumpkins are covered with a dense, hard white shell. Mature, peeled from the remnants of the pericarp and dried without heating seeds are used for food.

Useful and medicinal properties of the product

Roasted, unpeeled pumpkin seeds contain about 10 milligrams of zinc in one glass of the product, while peeled and roasted pumpkin seeds contain about 7-8 mg.

In addition to zinc, pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of other nutrients that are undoubtedly beneficial for our body.

As I said, the useful properties are very diverse. It is, for example, a good source of vegetable protein.

The chemical composition of pumpkin seeds

According to research, one cup of roasted pumpkin seeds contains:

  • 285 calories;
  • 11.87 g of proteins;
  • 12.42 g fat;
  • 11.8 g of dietary fiber.

Indigestible fibers contribute to better digestion and assimilation of food, and the content of vegetable fat will relieve the accumulation of "reserves".

  • High magnesium content

The same glass of toasted pumpkin seeds boasts 168 milligrams of magnesium, which is more than half of the daily requirement for the body in this micronutrient for an adult.

The body needs magnesium for many processes, including regulating muscle activity and nerve function, stabilizing blood sugar levels and pressure, and also being included in the structure of proteins, bones and DNA.

  • High potassium content

Potassium in our body is essential for muscle function, fluid regulation, mineral balance, and blood pressure maintenance.

In addition, this micronutrient may help minimize the risk of kidney stones and the development of osteoporosis, which often occurs with age.

  • Zinc - Immune Support

And here, too, it could not have done without zinc, because it plays an important role in immune function.

Pumpkin seeds for men's health

Studies show that pumpkin seeds may be beneficial for men in supporting prostate health, as well as in the treatment of adenoma.

Pumpkin seeds contain protective compounds known as phytosterols that are effective against prostatitis.

In addition, these substances slow down the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which provokes prostate enlargement.

pumpkin seeds for liver

Seeds restore the functions of this organ very well, help cell regeneration and have a hepatoprotective effect - they protect liver cells from harmful effects.

To improve mood

Independent studies state that the L-tryptophan in pumpkin seeds can improve mood naturally and is an effective treatment for depression.

Parallel Indian studies on L-tryptophan indicate that this substance stimulates a good night's sleep.

Large amount of antioxidants

Pumpkin seeds are unique in their abundance. The kernels contain numerous forms of vitamin E, as well as a range of other acids that are also powerful antioxidants.

Substances such as lignans (related to phytoestrogens) are also found in pumpkin seeds. No other plant-derived product contains this amount of nutrients.

Anthelmintic properties of pumpkin seeds

You can buy seeds immediately in the store, or you can prepare them yourself, knowing where they grew and what they fertilized.

  • Of course, we need fresh, ripe, grown, for example, in our own country house.
  • We take out the seeds from the pumpkin and wipe them with a paper towel or rinse them, if necessary, to remove excess pulp.
  • Because if it dries up, it will be extremely difficult to remove the unnecessary. We distribute the seeds evenly on paper and let them dry for several hours.
  • Next, lay the seeds in one layer on a baking sheet and fry them at a temperature of about 75 ° C for about twenty minutes.
  • This 20-minute roasting limit is extremely important - it is optimal for retaining fat in the kernels of the seeds and prevents the destruction of some nutrients.
  • Interestingly, a roasting temperature in the region of 90°C reduces the amount of nutrients in the seeds, but fully reveals the nutty flavor of the seeds.

Pumpkin seeds in cooking

As short culinary recipes, with pumpkin seeds, the following can be recommended:

  • add to vegetable stew;
  • sprinkle on top of mixed green salads;
  • chop with fresh garlic, parsley and cilantro, then add olive oil and lemon juice - for
  • delicious salad is ready;
  • add to your favorite pastries, pre-chopped;
  • add to the oatmeal cookie dough along with raisins and muesli.

A couple of tips on how to use pumpkin seeds for health

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, raw, unroasted kernels are needed along with a thin film that is under the peel. They need to be consumed 10-15.0 daily.

In order to get rid of worms, you need to eat 100 g of peeled raw seeds every day on an empty stomach for a week. Drink plain water.

With prostatitis, you need to mix unroasted seeds twisted in a meat grinder with honey so as to get a fairly thick mass.

Make cherry-sized balls out of it and eat one thing every morning on an empty stomach. The benefits for men's health will be very tangible.

Pumpkin seeds contraindications - Be careful!

All of the above is great, of course. But we all know that absolutely everything in this world has not only pluses, but also minuses. And pumpkin seeds are no exception.

In general, if you are pursuing medical goals, then you should consult a doctor about how to use pumpkin seeds and whether it is generally possible.

When clicking this tasty and healthy product, it is worth remembering about contraindications:

  • The salicylic acid present in pumpkin seeds can be harmful to the stomach and intestines prone to ulcers and gastritis.
  • If you gnaw a lot and actively on unpeeled seeds, then tooth enamel may suffer.
  • If you bought ready-made peeled ones, then you should still rinse them in order to protect yourself from all kinds of microbes.
  • Nursing mothers need to remember that pumpkin seeds can cause allergies in a baby, especially in the first month of life. For the same reason, children should be given the product with caution.
  • Well, do not forget that this product has a high calorie content.
  • This is especially true for those who are struggling with their weight.

Video about the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds

Be sure to watch this video about the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds for our health.

Now, probably, I told you everything I wanted about pumpkin seeds. Hope you found this article helpful.

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Alena Yasneva was with you, Be healthy and take care of yourself!



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