Propalin for dogs: an effective remedy for urinary incontinence. Effective French drug Propalin for dogs: instructions for use as part of complex therapy for urological pathologies

Propalin is a great help for minor embarrassments in dogs in the form of a syrup that helps against urinary incontinence in cases of disturbances in the animal’s urinary system as a result of injury, illness, or surgery.

Happy are those animal owners whose pets live to old age next to the people who love them, healthy and full of strength. However, time does not spare anyone, the body wears out and one fine day it is no longer able to cope with all functions to the fullest. Urinary incontinence is a common condition in older dogs. Sometimes this pathology also affects young animals. This may be the result of illness, the postoperative period, the consequences of difficult childbirth, or sterilization.

The problem is very unpleasant, but its solution, oddly enough, is simple. Simple and tasty. It's called Propalin. Gently saves your pet's self-esteem from embarrassment, and you from shy pity and unpleasant cleaning.

Why does Propalin help?

This preparation has the consistency of syrup, it has a uniform structure and a colorless, opaque shade. Packaging in plastic bottles is very convenient: you can choose from 30 ml or 100 ml (depending on the weight of the dog, the consumption of the medicine is quite economical). Each package comes with a dosing syringe for precise dosing of the suspension.

Why does an animal experience urinary incontinence? It's simple, the muscles of the urethra weaken and do not retain waste in the bladder. The active component of Propalin is aimed precisely at restoring the tone of the smooth muscles of the dog’s urinary system. This component is hydrochlorinated phenylpropanolamine (50 mg per 1 ml of syrup).

Quickly absorbed into the circulatory system, the drug reaches its intended destination and within a couple of hours begins its beneficial effects:

  • tones the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethral canal;
  • normalizes muscle function and stimulates contraction;
  • restores the interaction between brain cells and bladder;
  • the animal gains lost control over the process of coping with minor needs.

Residues of the drug are removed from the animal’s body along with urine during urination.

How to use Propalin correctly (Instructions for use)

There are no complicated instructions for using the syrup. However, several recommendations must be followed:

  1. The suspension is mixed with food.
  1. Maintain the exact dosage.
  1. The course of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, but in principle there are no restrictions.
  1. Once opened, the bottle of medicine can be used for 3 months.
  1. Store the drug in a warm (+15-+25C) and dark place.
  1. The plastic dispenser is not used for other purposes after Propalin has been added to it.

Calculation of syrup dosage based on pet’s weight:

  • I scheme: 3 drops per 4 kgweights during morning and evening feeding. If the dog weighs >25 kg- 0.75 ml 2 times a day.
  • II scheme: 1 drop per 2 kgpet three times a day or 0.5 ml with a weight >25 kg.

If there is a clear improvement in the pet's condition, the dose is reduced (determined by the doctor!).

Are there any restrictions for taking Propalin?

Any medicine always has at least one limitation - individual intolerance to the substances that make up the medicine.

In the case of Propalin, there are a number of contraindications that are important to observe for the tailed patient:

  • expectation of offspring by a dog;
  • breastfeeding newborn puppies;
  • treatment of other diseases, including the use of sympathomimetics, anticholinergics or antidepressants (Propalin can be given after completion of therapy with these drugs).

Apart from allergic manifestations, no other side effects are observed, as well as other complications. The main condition is to comply with the dosage of syrup.

There is another medication that can successfully cope with an unpleasant problem. It is called Dietrin, and is sold in regular pharmacies intended for humans. The composition of the medicine is absolutely identical (phenylpropanolamine) to Propalin. The only difference is the release form (pills). In the absence of syrup for dogs, you can use Dietrin capsules without compromising the results.

Price and analogues

This product is the cheapest, a 100 ml bottle will cost you 1184 rubles, or 1500 rubles. And you can find it for 850 rubles. Approximately within these limits, depending on who and where you buy it from. Propalina syrup in 30 ml will cost less, about 420 rubles.

An analogue of this medicine can be Dietrin in capsules.

For the treatment of urinary incontinence caused by weakness of the sphincter mechanism, it is recommended to use Propalin for dogs. You can buy the drug in Moscow via the Internet or in veterinary pharmacies. However, you should not prescribe medicine to an animal yourself. After all, sometimes a dog urinates in an apartment not because it has any physiological problems, but because of a banal lack of training. Young puppies under the age of one year can go to the toilet right in the apartment because they do not yet understand that they need to go outside. Also, the pet may urinate in the house due to lack of cleaning in the home. The smell of dirty, sweaty clothes and old carpets can provoke pets (especially males) to mark their territory.

You can buy the drug in Moscow in the form of a suspension (volume 30 and 100 ml). The set includes a special syringe-dropper for convenient use. The price for Propalin is 1500-1800 rubles per 100 ml, and 600-800 rubles per 30 ml.

The medicine helps the sphincter remain tightly closed, which automatically prevents urine leakage. The active ingredient of Propalin is phenylpropanolamine. This synthetic compound activates the animal's sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's automated reactions. Thus, immediately after taking the suspension, the animal’s sphincter tightens, and urination occurs only after conscious effort.

As for the long-term effect, a month-long course literally tightens the muscles around the urethra, which also helps prevent accidental urination.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Instructions for use

The required dosage of the suspension is calculated by the veterinarian based on the weight and general health of the dog. In order to minimize the occurrence of unpleasant side effects, the entire daily volume of the medicine can be divided into 2-3 doses.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the bottle of suspension.
  2. Insert the dosage syringe with the piston fully pressed into the bottle.
  3. Slowly pull back the plunger until the medicine in the syringe reaches the desired level. If there is very little liquid left, you can carefully twist the bottle to collect the remaining liquid from the very bottom.
  4. The suspension may be mixed with food. But to be sure that the entire prescribed dose has entered the animal’s body, it is better to hold the dog’s head between your knees and pour the drug from the dispenser directly into the throat.

Advice! To prevent the appearance of air bubbles in the syringe, and thereby not reduce the dosage calculated by the doctor by a few milligrams, it is necessary to draw liquid from a bottle tilted at an angle.

After the dog swallows the medicine, you need to monitor the animal for at least 3-4 minutes. Sometimes the pet regurgitates the drug literally immediately after taking it. After completing the procedure, you need to screw the bottle tightly and rinse the dispenser syringe thoroughly under running water. Propalin must be stored in a clean, cool and dry place. However, cooling the suspension below 15 degrees is prohibited, so you should not leave the drug in the refrigerator. If the drug has not been completely used three months after opening the bottle, it must be thrown away.

Indications for use

The medicine has a fairly large number of side effects and contraindications, so it is prohibited to prescribe it to an animal yourself. For example, if a dog’s urinary incontinence was caused by kidney disease or old age, then Propalin will be absolutely ineffective. The medication affects only the urethral sphincter.

Functional insufficiency of the urethral sphincter is diagnosed in only 20% of male dogs. Weakening of the sphincter in the urethra is most often observed in bitches after giving birth (especially if there were several puppies in the litter). The muscles in the urethral area lose tone, resulting in periodic leakage of urine. At the same time, the dog may not feel any urge, and will not even have time to ask to go outside. Breeds that are most prone to developing the disease:

  • golden retrievers;
  • Labradors;
  • Siberian huskies;
  • husky;
  • Newfoundlands;
  • English bulldogs.

The first suspicion of urethral sphincter incompetence should arise from the owner of a dog who suddenly began urinating in the house at an uncharacteristic time for walking. Such changes should especially alert the owners of those animals that previously always “asked” to go outside to go to the toilet. Symptoms of urinary incontinence are not difficult to notice even without medical education. The animal cannot wait until the planned walk, and during the process of unscheduled urination does not show any changes in behavior (the dog does not seem to notice that it is urinating). It is also necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian if a slight leak of urine is observed while the pet is running, playing, sitting, or even sleeping.

Contraindications and side effects

Since Propalin is a synthetic medicine, it is not suitable for everyone. In particular, the medicine is prohibited from being given to pregnant and lactating females. The drug is also used with caution in animals with diabetes, Cushing's syndrome and kidney or liver disease, and can also provoke the development of the following side effects:

  • diarrhea or soft stools;
  • the appearance of unreasonable restless behavior in the animal;
  • a sharp increase in heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

Most side effects go away on their own immediately after stopping treatment. However, it is worth considering that the effect of the drug does not last long, and after a long break in taking the medicine, involuntary urination may reappear.

Attention! In case of an overdose of the drug, side effects that are more life-threatening to the animal may develop. In particular, the dog may experience convulsions, tremors and even lethargy.

You also need to pay attention to the fact that Propalin can negatively interact with some medications. In particular, the drug can provoke the development of severe side effects if the pet undergoes additional treatment:

  • beta blockers;
  • atropine;
  • insulin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Propalin can also weaken the work of drugs that normalize urine pH. You should definitely consult a veterinarian before giving your animal any medication (including vitamins).

Since disturbances in the tone of the urethral sphincter cannot be completely cured with oral medications alone, the animal will have to be given Propalin throughout its life. Even if the animal has completely stopped suffering from involuntary urination upon adoption, it is still necessary to visit the veterinarian at least once every six months. But if any side effects occur, you must immediately make an emergency appointment. We also must not forget that the dosage of Propalin is calculated based on weight, individually for each animal. Therefore, it is recommended to weigh your dog periodically. If there is a sharp increase or decrease in weight, you should consult your doctor to recalculate the required dose of the medicine.

It must be remembered that even if a pet suffers from urinary incontinence, this does not mean that he cannot lead a normal life. Firstly, you can purchase special veterinary diapers. Secondly, if functional insufficiency of the urethral sphincter is confirmed, it is necessary to regularly give the dog Propalin. Thanks to two simple rules, even if an incident happens to an animal, the carpets and furniture in the apartment will not be hopelessly damaged. The medicine quickly enters the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract, but is also quickly eliminated from the body. Therefore, it is imperative to give Propalin to your dog at least 2-3 times a day.

Dogs, like people, can be susceptible to a wide variety of diseases. Often after surgery or due to old age, pets experience such an unpleasant symptom as urinary incontinence. To eliminate this problem and make life easier for the pet, owners can use the drug Propalin for dogs. Reviews from owners indicate that this product is usually well tolerated by animals and rarely causes adverse reactions.

Operating principle

Propalin is prescribed to animals that suffer from urinary incontinence caused by functional insufficiency of the urethral muscles. The main active component in this drug is phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (one milliliter of the drug contains 50 milligrams). Once in the dog’s body, this substance is quickly absorbed into the blood and after a few hours has an intense effect on the relaxed muscles of the bladder and urethra. A sympathomimetic medicine tones the urethral sphincter and stimulates muscle contraction. The drug is eliminated from the body naturally during urination.

Propalin for dogs is produced in the form of a colorless syrup. This product has a uniform consistency and is packaged in plastic bottles with a volume of 30 and 100 milliliters. The syrup usually comes with a convenient syringe with markings without a needle, which allows you to dose the volume of the veterinary drug.

Rules of application

The instructions for use, which are always included with the medicine, contain important tips for using Propalin.

1) The dog must be given medicine during meals; the syrup must be mixed into the food.

2) A single dose of veterinary medication depends on the dog’s body weight. It is recommended to give the syrup according to one of two schemes:

  • twice a day: for 4 kilograms of animal weight you need to use 3 drops of syrup;
  • three times a day: per 2 kilograms of dog weight – 1 drop of syrup.

In cases where the pet’s weight exceeds 25 kilograms, the drug should be given as follows:

  • twice a day, 0.75 milliliters;
  • three times a day, 0.5 milliliters.

If improvements occur, the single dose can be reduced.

3) There is no restriction on the duration of treatment. The optimal treatment course for this drug should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

4) An open bottle must be used within three months. At the same time, it is recommended to store it in a dark place at a temperature of +15...+25 degrees.

5) The used container or dispenser syringe must be disposed of. It is prohibited to use them for any other purposes (food, medicinal, etc.).


Propalin should not be given to pregnant or lactating dogs, as well as to animals that are intolerant to the components of the drug. While using this drug, you should not give your pet sympathomimetics, anticholinergic drugs, or antidepressants.

When used correctly and following the recommended dosage, the medicine does not cause complications or side effects. In rare cases, animals taking Propalin may experience allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


Owners who have used Propalin to treat their pets leave reviews and give recommendations to other dog owners:

“I am the owner of a 5-year-old lapdog Alma. Six months ago I had to take my pet to the veterinary clinic for sterilization (there were serious health problems that were life-threatening to the dog). The operation itself was successful, but a month after it, I noticed that Alma’s urine began to leak. I had to go to the veterinary clinic again. The doctor explained that this symptom often occurs in bitches after surgery, and prescribed Propalin. I bought this medicine, studied the instructions (the instructions were in the box with the medicine) and started giving the syrup to the dog. The first thing I liked was that Alma did not refuse food to which I added this remedy. She also did not experience any adverse reactions. After two weeks, the alarming symptoms completely stopped, but to consolidate the result, I gave the medicine to my pet for a month. I can say with confidence that Propalin gives an excellent effect, I recommend it to all owners who are faced with the problem of urinary incontinence in dogs.” Sofia, St. Petersburg.

Cost of the drug

The price of Propalin may vary significantly in different veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. The cost of syrup in a 30-milliliter package averages 350-400 rubles. The price of medicine in a 100-ml container reaches 700-800 rubles.


Dog owners who cannot find Propalin in veterinary pharmacies are usually looking for something to replace this product with. This medicine has an analogue - the drug Dietrin, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy for people. It contains the same active substance - phenylpropanolamine. Despite the fact that Dietrin is produced in capsules, many veterinarians advise replacing Propalin with this particular medicine.

For urinary incontinence, the veterinarian most often prescribes a medicine called Propalin. The drug is sympathomimetic and is administered orally. Many breeders and owners leave positive reviews about this product. What is the medicine, what are the contraindications? Read further in the article.


What it is?

The active ingredient Propalin for dogs contains phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. The auxiliary component is sorbitol syrup. Propaline for dogs looks like a homogeneous suspension without color. Phenylpropanolamine in one milliliter of a five percent solution contains fifty milligrams. One hundred milliliter plastic bottles are packaged and packaged in a cardboard box; the kit includes a dispenser syringe.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed to dogs that suffer from urinary incontinence, in cases where this disease was caused by a functional insufficiency of the sphincter in the urethra.

The active ingredient Propalin for dogs is a synthetic sympathomimetic. Thus, phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride has a positive effect on some receptors. The tone of the urogenital diaphragm increases, and contractions of the urethral sphincter intensify. Propalin for dogs, when administered orally, is absorbed quite quickly from the animal’s gastrointestinal tract.



Propalin is used for dogs in the form of a mixture with animal food. The dosage is three drops per four kilograms of the pet’s weight. It is recommended to give Propalin to dogs twice a day or one drop per two kilograms three times a day.

For those dogs whose weight exceeds twenty-five kilograms or more, Propalin for dogs is given according to a different dosage. They are entitled to 0.74 milliliters per twenty-five kilograms. The medicine can be used for a long time, since there are no restrictions. To learn how to give your pet a liquid drug, see the video below.


Contraindications for use exist only for those animals that have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Lactating or pregnant females should also not use the drug. As for the simultaneous use of the drug with other drugs, this is not recommended. In particular, this applies to tricyclic antidepressants, sympathomimetics and anticholinergic drugs.

Side effects

When using the medicine in accordance with the indicated doses and instructions, no complications or side effects were found.

Video “Urinary incontinence in spayed bitches”

We bring to your attention the following video, from which you will learn more about the problem of urinary incontinence in dogs.

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Medicine made in France. Used internally for dogs experiencing problems with involuntary urination. This problem manifests itself as a consequence of insufficiency of the urethral sphincter. Packaged in bottles. Each package contains a dispenser syringe. The syrup can be found in volumes of 100 ml and 30 ml.

Active substances

Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride in an amount of 50 mg. This substance strengthens the muscles of the urine excretion pathways.

Propalin for dogs - instructions for use

The effect occurs within 1-2 hours after application. The drug is safe for animals and leaves the body naturally. Propalin should only be given to your dog after consultation with your veterinarian.

Indications for use of the drug

The product is prescribed to dogs only in case of involuntary urination.

Directions for use and dosage

  • For 4 kg of dog weight - 3 drops of syrup. The drug should be given to the animal in this proportion twice a day.
  • For 2 kg of weight - 1 drop of syrup. This proportion is given three times a day.
  • For dogs over 25 kg – 0.75 ml per 25 kg. So the syrup should be given to the dog twice a day. In the proportion of 0.5 ml per 25 kg - three times a day.

The drug is given to the animal during meals.

Contraindications. Side effects

The use of the drug is prohibited:

  • Dogs at any stage of pregnancy;
  • Dogs that cannot tolerate the composition of the drug;
  • Dogs during lactation.

No side effects were identified during proper use of the drug. In rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible.

Propalin for dogs - reviews

Christina writes. My cocker suffered from a whole bunch of different diseases for almost a year and a half. Among them, urinary incontinence was not the worst problem. The dog came to me when he was quite an adult. And the problems, as I understand it, were caused by improper feeding. Naturally, the dog is large. Therefore, the problem of urinary incontinence worried me a lot, because the smell was everywhere.

The veterinarian prescribed Propalin. What I liked most was the lack of side effects and gentle effect on the body. It really turned out to be a wonderful and effective remedy.

Price Weeding for dogs

  • Propalin for dogs 100 ml costs about 1025 rubles.
  • For a 30 ml package the price is about 400 rubles.

You can buy Propalin syrup in veterinary pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Storage of the drug

The product should be stored in a place inaccessible to moisture and direct sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 20°C. The open product should be used within three months. The shelf life of unopened Propalin packaging is 2 years.

Analogues of Propalin for dogs

A little about how to replace Propalin. An analogue of the drug is Ovestin. This product is designed for human use, but can also be used in dogs in human doses. Available in three forms: cream, tablets and suppositories. The average price for each type of drug per package is about 1,200 rubles.



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