Polysorb MP: detailed instructions for use. How to take Polysorb, the principle of action and indications

The term "sorbents" in medicine, and not only, means substances of various aggregate states that are capable of absorbing third-party substances in a gaseous or liquid state from the environment. The process of sorption or absorption according to the mechanism of implementation is divided into two types:

  • adsorption is the absorption of substances by chemical interaction of the sorbent with them;
  • absorption is an absorption that occurs due to the formation of a solution in a solid or liquid state between the sorbent and the absorbed substance.

In medicine, sorbents are most often used to remove toxic substances from the body that are formed during inflammatory processes, or they get there as a result of poisoning of various origins. One of the most popular sorbents in modern domestic medicine is the drug Polysorb, which is often also found under the name Polysorb MP (the abbreviation "MP" denotes its scope - medical oral). Simple in composition and very effective medicine is widely used in the treatment of various pathologies.

Polysorb - description and composition

The basis of this sorbent is colloidal silicon dioxide, a colorless crystalline substance with a high degree of strength and hardness. A distinctive characteristic of silicon dioxide is its resistance to acid attack, as well as the absence of reaction when interacting with water. The mechanism of action of Polisorb is referred to as adsorption.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug has an adsorbing effect on toxins of exogenous and endogenous origin, removing them from the body. In addition to toxic substances, Polysorb absorbs pathogenic microorganisms and toxins of bacterial origin, radioactive substances, allergens of various origins, toxic substances and decay products of heavy metals in the human body. The maximum amount of absorption by the drug is 300 mg / g. At the same time, the characteristics of silicon dioxide do not allow it to dissolve under the influence of aggressive substances in the gastrointestinal tract, and it is excreted unchanged from the body.

Release form

Polyorb is available as a powder for suspension. One bottle of the drug, depending on the packaging, may contain 12 or 24 grams of powder.

Indications for use

The range of indications for the use of Polysorb is quite wide. It includes almost all diseases, the manifestation or consequence of which is intoxication. This tool is most often used for:

  • intoxications of various genesis in acute or chronic course;
  • allergies to drugs and food;
  • viral hepatitis and other forms of jaundice;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • purulent-septic pathologies;
  • acute poisoning, regardless of the type of poisonous substance.

In addition, quite often Polysorb is used as a prophylactic for people who live in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions or work in hazardous industries.

How to use

In most cases, this sorbent is prescribed according to the universal dosage table, which is based on the patient's weight. Its use is relevant for the regular course of most diseases in which Polysorb is prescribed. The table for dosing the drug looks like this:

For convenience, the volume of the drug is measured in spoons. Approximately, one teaspoon of Polysorb dry matter contains one gram of the drug, and a tablespoon contains three grams. Knowing this ratio, dosing this sorbent is quite simple. The term "approximately" in the dosage of the drug Polysorb should not cause concern. The characteristics of silicon dioxide exclude the possibility of an overdose of this medication.

An important factor in the use of this sorbent is the need to use it in a dissolved form. Do not use dry preparation.
In addition, the manufacturer of Polysorb provides fairly clear instructions for using the drug for various diseases. This recommendation does not exclude the need for exclusively medical prescription of the sorbent (self-treatment is unacceptable), but at the same time it allows you to navigate the intricacies of its use. This user manual looks like this:

Pathology Dosage of the drug Nuances of use Number of appointments per day Duration of therapy
Allergic reactions to food Taking the drug should be combined with a meal or immediately after it. Three times a day. Up to two weeks.
Allergic reactions of a chronic nature The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. Three times a day. Up to two weeks.
Poisoning of various origins Polysorb with this diagnosis is prescribed for gastric lavage. To do this, 10-12 grams of the powder is diluted in a liter of water and a classic wash is done. Washing in case of poisoning is mostly one-time. After it, the drug is used according to the table with the patient's body weights. Three times a day. Up to five days.
Infectious lesions of the intestinal tract The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. During the first day after the start of treatment, Polysorb is taken every hour, starting from the second day - four times a day. Four times a day. Up to one week.
Viral hepatitis The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. Up to four times a day. Up to ten days.
Renal failure in a chronic form The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. It is used as an element of complex therapy. Up to four times a day. Up to one month.
Toxicosis during pregnancy The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. Polysorb is taken before or after a meal. The time gap between taking the suspension and food should be at least one hour. Three times a day. Up to two weeks.
hangover syndrome The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. Immediately after the manifestation, five doses of Polysorb are carried out at intervals of one hour. In parallel with such therapy, it is necessary to increase fluid intake as much as possible. Five times a day. Up to two days.
Preventive therapy for hangover syndrome The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. The dose of Polysorb is applied before alcohol consumption, after its cessation and the next morning. Three times per course. Two days.
Preventive therapy for people with harmful living or working conditions The drug is dosed according to the table with the patient's body weight. Polysorb is taken before or after a meal. The time gap between taking the suspension and food should be at least one hour. Three times a day. Up to two weeks.

Contraindications to the use of Polysorb and possible side effects

Polysorb is not prescribed for:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. In particular, this applies to the phases of exacerbation of these pathologies;
  • internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal atony;
  • individual intolerance to silicon dioxide.

As for the likely side effects, there are very few of them and the frequency of all of them belongs to the “very rare” category. So the reception of this sorbent may be accompanied by:

  • allergic reactions,
  • constipation
  • disturbances in the normal activity of the stomach.

In addition, prolonged use of the drug may affect the natural intensity of absorption of a number of vitamins and calcium, which is why when using Polysorb, preventive therapy using multivitamins and calcium-containing preparations is often prescribed.

Cost in pharmacies

Polysorb in pharmacies can be found at a price of 38 rubles per bottle with 12 grams of the drug.


As analogues of Polysorb can be prescribed:

A drug Price Description
Smecta from 30 rub. Adsorbent of natural origin. In addition, its effectiveness is based on the stabilization of the mucous barrier, an increase in the amount of mucus, and an improvement in its gastroprotective properties.
Neosmectin from 130 rub. A drug with selective adsorbing activity. The discoid-crystalline structure of Neosmectin allows pathogenic microorganisms to be selectively adsorbed on its surface. Also, the drug increases the volume of mucus and enhances the gastroprotective properties of the mucous barrier in the gastrointestinal tract.
Microcel from 260 rub. Enterosorbent with pronounced sorption and non-specific detoxification effects. It binds toxins and pathogenic microorganisms on its surface and removes them through the enteral route.
Enterodes from 200 rub. A drug with a pronounced detoxification effect, which is achieved by binding toxins of various origins and their removal from the body through the intestines. It has a rapid therapeutic effect, which is observed already 20 minutes after administration.
Enterosorb from 120 rub. Classic enterosorbent. It has a fast action and high efficiency in removing toxins.

Polysorb MP is an inorganic non-selective polyfunctional enterosorbent
Preparation: POLYSORB MP
The active substance of the drug: non appropriated
ATX encoding: A07BC
KFG: Enterosorbent
Registration number: Р №001140/01-2002
Date of registration: 04.05.08
The owner of the reg. Award: POLYSORB ZAO (Russia)

Polysorb mp release form, drug packaging and composition.

1 sachet
silicon dioxide colloidal
1 g

Single use sachets.

Powder for suspension for oral administration is light, white or white with a bluish tinge, odorless; forms a suspension when shaken with water.
1 bank
silicon dioxide colloidal
12 g
25 g
35 g
50 g

Plastic jars (1) - packs of cardboard.

Powder for suspension for oral administration is light, white or white with a bluish tinge, odorless; forms a suspension when shaken with water.
1 package
silicon dioxide colloidal
50 g

Double polyethylene bags.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Polysorb mp

Polysorb MP is an inorganic non-selective multifunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm and with the chemical formula SiO2. Polysorb MP has sorption, detoxification, antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties.

The drug adsorbs from the contents of the intestine and removes from the body exogenous and endogenous toxins of various origins, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol.

Polysorb MP also adsorbs some metabolic products of the body (including bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes).

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

After taking the drug Polysorb MP inside the active substance is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is rapidly excreted from the body unchanged.

Indications for use:

Acute and chronic intoxications in children and adults of various etiologies;

Acute intestinal infections (including food poisoning);

Diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious etiology;

Intestinal dysbacteriosis (as part of combination therapy);

Purulent-septic conditions;

Acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances (including drugs, ethanol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals);

Food and drug allergies;

Hyperbilirubinemia (including with viral hepatitis);

Hyperazotemia (including in chronic renal failure);

Living in ecologically unfavorable regions and working in hazardous production conditions (for the purpose of prevention).

Dosage and method of application of the drug.

For adults, the drug Polysorb MP is prescribed in an average daily dose of 100-200 mg / kg of body weight (6-12 g). Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times / day. The maximum daily dose in adults is 330 mg/kg body weight (20 g).

The daily dose of Polysorb MP for children depends on body weight.
Patient's body weight (kg)
Recommended dose (mg/kg)
Daily dose (g)

1 teaspoon of Polysorb MP "with top" contains 1 g of the drug, 1 tbsp. spoon "with top" - 3 g.

The drug is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension. To obtain a suspension, the required amount of Polysorb MP is thoroughly mixed in 1/4-1/2 cup of water.

The drug is taken 1 hour before meals or other medications. Before each dose, it is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension.

For food allergies, the drug should be taken immediately before or during a meal.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. The course of treatment for acute intoxication is 3-5 days; with allergic diseases and chronic intoxications - up to 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks it is possible to repeat the course of treatment.

Features of the use of Polysorb MP in various diseases and conditions

In case of food poisoning and acute poisoning, it is recommended to start therapy with gastric lavage with a 0.5-1% suspension of Polisorb MP. In case of severe poisoning on the first day, gastric lavage is carried out through a probe every 4-6 hours, along with this, the drug is also given orally. The average single dose in adults is 100-150 mg/kg of the patient's body weight 2-3 times/day.

In acute intestinal infections, treatment with Polysorb MP is recommended to begin in the first hours or days of the disease as part of complex therapy. On the first day, the daily dose of the drug is taken for 5 hours with an interval between doses of 1 hour. On the second day, the frequency of taking the drug is 4 times / day. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days.

In the treatment of viral hepatitis, Polysorb MP is used as a detoxifying agent in an average daily dose during the first 7-10 days of illness.

In case of acute allergic reactions (drug or food), gastric lavage with 0.5-1% suspension of Polysorb MP is recommended. Further, the drug is prescribed in usual doses until the onset of a clinical effect.

In chronic food allergies, courses of Polysorb MP therapy lasting 7-15 days are recommended. The drug is taken immediately before meals. Similar courses are prescribed for urticaria, Quincke's edema, eosinophilia, hay fever and other atopic diseases.

In chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia), courses of treatment with Polysorb MP at a dose of 150-200 mg / kg / day are used for 25-30 days with a break of 2-3 weeks.

When monitoring bowel cleansing, a 0.1% suspension of Polysorb MP is used. The course requires 25-50 g of the drug, subject to 1-2 procedures with Polysorb MP.

Side effects of Polysorb mp:

Rarely: allergic reactions, constipation.

Contraindications to the drug:

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;

Gastrointestinal bleeding;

intestinal atony;

Individual intolerance to the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The appointment of the drug Polysorb MP during pregnancy does not adversely affect the fetus. When using Polisorb MP during lactation, no adverse effects on the child have been established.

It is possible to use the drug Polysorb MP during pregnancy and lactation according to indications and in recommended doses.

Special instructions for the use of Polisorb mp.

With prolonged use of the drug Polysorb MP (more than 14 days), malabsorption of vitamins and calcium is possible, and therefore it is recommended to take prophylactic multivitamin preparations and preparations containing calcium.

Externally, Polysorb MP powder can be used to stop bleeding from small wounds, as well as in the complex treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns.

Drug overdose:

Currently, there are no data on an overdose of the drug Polysorb MP.

Interaction of Polysorb MP with other drugs.

With the simultaneous use of the drug Polysorb MP with other drugs, a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the latter is possible.

Conditions of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

The terms of the storage conditions of the drug Polysorb MP.

The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 45°C. Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

The shelf life of the aqueous suspension of the drug is no more than 48 hours.

After opening the package, the drug should be stored in a tightly closed container.

In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight, starting with the traditional diet and ending with exotic methods from the category of tablets with worms. One of the popular methods of combating excess weight is the use of enterosorbents. As a drug, activated charcoal or its analogue, polysorb, is usually chosen. Polysorb for weight loss is used everywhere, but not everyone can achieve the desired result. So, what should you know in order to competently get rid of body fat with the help of sorbent drugs? What is Polysorb and how should it be taken?

Polysorb is a drug from the group of intestinal sorbents, the main pharmacological action of which is the binding and neutralization of toxic substances in the intestine. The tool is made on the basis of colloidal silicon dioxide, has a smooth structure and does not cause damage to the mucous membrane of internal organs. At the same time, the sorption capacity of the drug is somewhat reduced relative to that of black activated carbon.

Outwardly, polysorb looks like a white or slightly bluish powder, odorless. When immersed in water and stirred, it forms a suspension of a cloudy consistency. In this form, the drug is taken orally.

The indication for the use of the drug is:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • poisoning with chemicals through the mouth;
  • drug poisoning (even with parenteral administration);
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • increased content of some endotoxins associated with their release into the intestine.

When taken orally, the drug is not absorbed and leaves the intestines along with the feces, without undergoing changes in its chemical structure. At the same time, neutralized toxic components are on the surface of the sorbent, which reduces its effectiveness (part of the toxic substances are released before the patient leaves the body).

Note: the list of indications for the use of Polysorb does not include the fight against excess weight. The drug has no effect on existing body fat and blood lipid levels. However, it can be used with some success for weight loss.

Composition and properties

The composition of the drug "Polysorb" does not include auxiliary chemical or organic compounds. The product consists exclusively of pure colloidal silicon dioxide. With a low quality of the drug, there may be a minimum amount of technical impurities that do not affect the pharmacological effect of the drug.

Polysorb is a non-selective drug that can act on different types of toxins. Moreover, its effectiveness in relation to each of them will be lower than when using specific antidotes. The sorption capacity of silicon dioxide is 300 mg/gram. Polysorb has a fairly large weight. Therefore, taking the drug against the background of intestinal atony can lead to its accumulation in the intestinal cavity and the development of mechanical obstruction.

Indications for use

Among the indications for taking Polysorb inside include:

  • acute and chronic oral poisoning with chemical and biological toxins;
  • intestinal infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • endotoxicosis in pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis and other therapeutic diseases;
  • prevention of poisoning among workers of chemical enterprises and residents of ecologically unfavorable settlements.

It is worth noting that the drug can also be used topically for the treatment of purulent and long-term healing wounds. In this case, the agent is used in a dry form, sprinkling it on the wound and covering it with an aseptic bandage. After a few hours, the bandage is removed, the wound is washed from the particles of the sorbent.

Is it possible to lose weight by taking Polysorb?

As mentioned above, the instructions for use do not prescribe the use of polysorb for weight loss. However, despite the absence of an effect on the fat layer, the agent can still be used for this purpose. The fact is that the cause of obesity is often a violation of the process of absorption of food in the intestines. In this case, the balance of nutrients is disturbed, which leads to increased deposition of fats. Polysorb has a cleansing effect on the intestine, which helps to normalize the absorption of nutrients.

The second property of the sorbent, which makes it possible to use it as a means for weight loss, is its non-selectivity. In addition to the direct neutralization of toxins, silicon dioxide precipitates on its surface and part of the nutrients obtained from food. Accordingly, the number of calories received by a person is somewhat reduced, which leads to less formation of adipose tissue.

Methods of using the drug

How to take Polysorb for weight loss? The technique is somewhat different from that if the agent is used in the treatment of poisoning, however, the general rules for admission are preserved. So, the drug is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension. In this case, the required amount of medicine should be poured into ½ a glass of water, mixed thoroughly and drunk until the particles of Polysorb have settled to the bottom.

The total daily dose of powder for an adult is 6-12 grams. It should be divided into three steps. Each of the receptions is carried out shortly before meals (30-40 minutes) or immediately after it. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which you should take an equal break in time. Long-term continuous use of Polysorb can adversely affect the functioning of the intestines.

The feasibility of using the drug

Reception of enterosorbents is expedient only as a part of complex therapy of obesity. It includes:

  • a diet in compliance with the necessary proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (selected individually for each patient);
  • sports activities, consisting mainly of dynamic aerobic loads (running for 40-60 minutes daily, jumping, outdoor games, cycling);
  • a thorough examination of the body with subsequent correction of endocrine disorders, malfunctions of the digestive system.

The use of polysorb as an independent fat-burning agent will not bring the expected results.

Cleansing the body

In addition to losing weight, taking Polysorb helps cleanse the intestines and the whole body from poisons obtained in small doses from the environment (industrial emissions, car exhaust fumes). The drug cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxic substances, and also removes toxins that accumulate in the intestines during the life of the body.

What diseases can be treated with Polysorb?

Polysorb can treat all diseases that are included in the list of indications for its use (poisoning, allergies, intestinal infections). In addition, enterosorbents are part of the complex therapy of some internal diseases, which are accompanied by the development of endotoxicosis.

Note: the appointment of intestinal sorbents is justified even in cases where the toxic substance enters the body not through the intestines. The fact is that most of the toxicants are partially released into the intestines from the bloodstream. If you do not remove these substances at the time they are in the digestive tract, they will be absorbed back and increase intoxication.


The daily dose of the drug "Polysorb" for adults is 6-12 grams, which is equal to 2-4 tablespoons with a slide. The course dose of the drug is 42 grams (14 spoons) with a course duration of 1 week and taking 6 grams of medication daily. If necessary, an increase in dosage is allowed. However, if the remedy is used in combination with other weight loss measures, its amount should not be increased. This will not affect the final result.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of enterosorbents, including Polysorb, is extremely rare, since the dose of the drug for this must be very large. Due to the absence of systemic effects, simultaneous administration of Polysorb in doses many times higher than therapeutic ones usually causes mechanical intestinal obstruction. The powder accumulates in the intestinal lumen, blocking it and not allowing the stool to leave the body.

Side effects

Polysorb has practically no side effects. With prolonged uncontrolled use, constipation may develop. In addition, the drug in high doses can lead to malabsorption of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body. Therefore, the course of treatment with enterosorbent must be accompanied by parenteral administration of multivitamin complexes.

Note: taking vitamins is also possible in the enteral version. However, this should occur in the intervals between the uses of Polysorb (an interval of at least 1 hour before and after taking the sorbent). Otherwise, vitamin complexes will be bound by silicon dioxide and will not enter the bloodstream.

Polysorb is a drug with good sorbing properties. However, it is not a means for weight loss and does not produce a fat burning effect. Its use for the purpose of weight loss is possible only with an integrated approach to solving the problem. At the same time, the drug itself plays a far from paramount role in losing weight. Attempts to use Polysorb as an independent fat-burning agent are not successful. Thinking about losing weight with the help of sorbents, you should not forget about it!

The composition of the medicinal product Polysorb MP

Polysorb is highly purified (not less than 99.9% of the main substance) and highly dispersed pyrogenic silica with the chemical gross formula SIO2.

Dosage form

powder, powder for oral suspension, powder for oral suspension 1g

Pharmacotherapeutic group


Pharmacological properties

Polysorb is a new generation sorbent based on highly dispersed silicon, which has unique sorbent properties that provide effective and rapid detoxification, both for external and internal use. 1 g of Polysorb structures 15-20 g of water, is able to bind 300-800 mg of protein, 1x10 or more microbial bodies, protein complexes of bilirubin and bile acids, and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Polysorb neutralizes thermolabile and thermostable microbial toxins of protein nature. Adsorption rate (1-4 min.). Outwardly, it is a light white powder with a bluish tint, odorless and tasteless. Unlike preparations of coal nature, Polysorb in therapeutic doses does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and microelements, and does not impair intestinal motility. It sorbs microorganisms, endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various nature from the gastrointestinal tract (including metabolic products, food and other allergens, toxic compounds, etc.). When applied, Polysorb has a hemostatic and wound-healing effect; in the case of purulent-inflammatory processes, it prevents the progression of necrotic changes. Promotes the rejection of non-viable tissues, provides active decontamination, detoxification of the lesion and the body as a whole. It reduces the adhesion of the dressing to the wound, increases the sensitivity of the wound microflora to antibiotics, prevents the diffusion of toxins into the tissue, and shortens the treatment time. Removes slags, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals from the body, preventing their adverse effects on the body. Due to the high purity and uniformity of Polysorb, its high chemical resistance in the gastrointestinal tract, and the fact that it does not penetrate into the internal environment of the body, both externally and internally, Polysorb and preparations based on it not toxic.

Indications for use Polysorb MP

Acute intestinal infections (including toxic infections), food and drug allergies, endogenous and exogenous intoxications (including acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances). Contraindications Relative


Relative contraindications to the use of the drug are: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, esophagitis.

Usage Precautions

Polysorb can be used both in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs. In the latter case, it does not absorb these drugs, but prolongs and enhances their action. Polysorb does not have a damaging effect on the skin, mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs, does not disrupt the functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine and nervous systems. Long-term (up to 6 months) intragastric administration of Polysorb does not violate the parameters of metabolism, hematological parameters, immunological status. The drug does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.

Interaction with drugs

Polisorb reduces the effect of other drugs taken at the same time.

The children's body is in the process of formation and can not always fight back bacteria, allergens and toxins. And at the same time, the child continuously learns the world, managing to contact with a much larger number of harmful and toxic compounds than adults. That is why it is so often necessary to give Polysorb to children. The instructions for use even have a special section with detailed dosages for different ages.

You will learn:

When to give a sorbent to a child?

The need to use sorbents is most often associated with food poisoning, and this is a completely correct approach. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are direct indications for the use of Polysorb. However, it should be borne in mind that not only food can poison the children's body: most bacteria and viruses that cause colds are quite toxic. An adult feels their influence as a characteristic ache in the muscles and joints, and for children under one year old, such poisoning can be deadly. Polysorb for children in such a situation is practically the only way to get rid of nausea and weakness.

Polysorb can be given to a child at a temperature - to reduce the negative effect of heat on the body. If we are talking about SARS, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, bronchitis and any infectious diseases, the sorbent will be necessary even after the acute phase - until complete recovery.

Allergic reactions, dermatitis and eczema for a child are very painful, and are found in many babies. Polysorb for children in this situation becomes a real salvation: it binds allergens and toxins, facilitates the work of the liver, and most importantly, does not harm the health of the baby. The removal of dangerous compounds from the body of an allergic person may take some time, and it is reasonable to give Polysorb a course lasting 1 month or longer. This is especially true for seasonal reactions.

How to give Polysorb?

Since Polysorb is non-toxic and does not contain auxiliary compounds, its overdose does not greatly affect the children's body. However, do not forget that even the highest quality sorbent can capture and remove not only toxins, but also vitamins, beneficial compounds, and trace elements. That is why the developed instructions on how to take Polysorb, and in it you can find children's and adult dosages, converted into grams, as well as into a teaspoon and a tablespoon for convenience.

The instruction also gives answers to the most common questions, for example, from what age and how many times a day to give the drug, how to dilute, is it possible to give Polysorb to children in milk or add it to infant formula, is it worth forcing a child to take medicine and how to to persuade the baby to drink an unpleasant suspension.

The brevity of the instructions, unfortunately, limits the amount of information, but we can consider all issues in more detail. So, from what age to give the drug and what is the dosage for children?

Polysorb for children up to a year

Polysorb is well tolerated and approved for use by pregnant women and during lactation. Moreover, due to the absence of dyes and flavors in the composition, it is the safest in the treatment of asthmatics, children with liver and kidney diseases. The porous structure of silicon dioxide allows the most gentle binding of gases and toxins, without leading to constipation and even stimulating peristalsis in some cases.

The dose of Polysorb for children is calculated from weight and ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 teaspoons per day.

It is absolutely not necessary to give such a volume of the drug once, it is optimal to divide the dose into 3-4 parts and drink the diluted powder in the morning, at lunchtime, at 6-7 pm and directly at night. If we are talking about allergies, then the duration of the intake will be 14 days, and a single dose will be approximately ¼ teaspoon per third of a glass of water or juice.

In case of poisoning, the child is given a single solution to drink a solution of 2 tablespoons of the drug in a full glass of water. This will allow you to stop vomiting in 1-4 minutes and quickly absorb toxins. The second, third and subsequent receptions must be calculated based on their body weight.

Children 1-3 years and older

Weight up to 10 kg usually occurs in babies up to a year. Accordingly, the amount of sorbent for this age is minimal. Children weighing from 11 to 20-22 kg will need a larger daily amount of sorbent, only the dose in case of poisoning remains unchanged, which is important to give immediately. Treatment for viral infections, allergies and chronic diseases will require about 2 heaping teaspoons per day. The drug should be diluted for each dose separately.

The problem of children 2-3 years old in this case is not in doses, but in whims. It is difficult to force a three-year-old to drink a rather strange suspension, and the baby still does not understand the word “must”.

Kissels, juices with pulp and tender soufflés, washed down with plenty of water, come to the rescue. Reviews show that every child has a favorite dish that can be "seasoned" with Polysorb. It is possible to use even broths - if you dilute the drug in a liquid puree soup, the sorbent will be more pleasant and easier to drink.

Older children, weighing from 21 to 30 kg, can be shown a trick with insoluble "sugar" and add Polysorb to the compote. Nutrition at this age is already very diverse, and there is an opportunity for an exchange: to drink a tasteless sorbent in exchange for a favorite fruit. The dosage at one time will be about 60 ml, that is, about a teaspoon with a slide in half a glass of water.

Senior preschoolers and younger schoolchildren weighing from 31 to 40 kg receive about 75-100 ml of Polysorb at one time. Allowed options with juices are gradually being replaced by a more correct one - with water. Adolescents up to 60 kg already receive a tablespoon without a slide, and those who have overcome the mark of 60 kg calculate a single dose as a tablespoon with a slide. If Polysorb is prescribed for cleansing, as a concomitant drug for long-term therapy or for intestinal infections, the doses calculated by the pediatrician should be considered as a priority. The instructions describe the basic treatment plan and the most average dosages.

Polisorb against intoxication

A variety of indications for the use of Polysorb in children may raise doubts in a hyper-responsible mother, however, if we summarize all the reasons for taking the sorbent, it turns out that the drug solves one problem: it fights intoxication.

That the symptoms caused by bacteria and viruses are very different from the signs of food poisoning is quite logical, since toxic compounds are completely different and affect the well-being of the child in different ways. However, despite these differences, they remain toxins and have a similar structure. Which, in turn, is perfectly absorbed into the grains of silicon dioxide.

The mechanism of operation of the sorbent is the same with both liquid and gaseous poisons that enter the digestive tract or arise there during the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Such versatility allows the use of a drug approved from birth for a wide variety of diseases.

The elimination of toxins and poisons allows the body to release forces to resist the disease, instead of wasting energy on neutralizing the poisoning. For a child, such savings are even more important than for an adult and allows you to overcome colds, allergies, rotaviruses and exacerbations of chronic diseases with minimal losses.



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