Polycystic and hormones. Polycystic ovaries: symptoms and treatment

Polycystic ovaries is a complex of symptoms that is characterized by dysfunction of the ovaries against the background of neuroendocrine disorders (malfunctions of the pancreas, adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland).

In the ovaries, the process of folliculogenesis is disrupted, which leads to anovulation, and an excess of androgens (male sex hormones) leads to the development of hirsutism (increased hair growth) and obesity.

The term "polycystic" is explained by the presence of multiple small cysts in the ovary, due to which the ovaries increase in size.

The generally accepted name for this condition is polycystic ovary syndrome, and not a disease, since the symptom complex characteristic of polycystic ovaries occurs in various diseases.


Distinguish between primary polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) and secondary polycystic ovary syndrome.

Secondary polycystic ovary syndrome develops against the background of hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity.


The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome has not been established. Predisposing factors include:

  • trauma, stress and infection in childhood;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the presence of relatives with hypertension or diabetes;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • numerous abortions;
  • obesity.

Symptoms of polycystic ovaries

The manifestations of polycystic ovaries are numerous and varied:

Violation of the menstrual cycle. Irregular menstruation, with long (6 months or more) delays, scanty or heavy periods. The disorder of the menstrual cycle begins with menarche (with the first menstrual bleeding).

Infertility. Infertility is explained by chronic anovulation or rare ovulation (during the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, it cannot break through the too dense ovary membrane).

Obesity. The distribution of excess adipose tissue occurs according to the male pattern (in the lower abdomen and in the abdominal cavity, while the arms and legs remain of normal size).

Hirsutism, alopecia. Characterized by increased hair growth on the face and body and male pattern baldness of the scalp (bald patches on the forehead and crown).

Curettage of the uterine cavity. Scraping of the uterine mucosa after histological examination indicates endometrial hyperplasia. Curettage is performed in cases of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Treatment of polycystic ovaries

Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome is long, stretching for months and even years.

Treatment goals:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • restoration of ovulation and further occurrence of pregnancy;
  • elimination of cosmetic problems;
  • weight correction.

Therapy for polycystic ovaries begins with the appointment of a diet and normalization of weight.

It is recommended to limit the intake of fats (special animal origin), liquid carbohydrates. Avoid smoked, salty and spicy foods. Sports are also effective. Often, normalization of weight leads to a regular menstrual cycle and the restoration of ovulation.

To eliminate cosmetic defects and correct the menstrual cycle, hormonal preparations with antiandrogenic activity (Zhanin, Yarina, Diane-35) are prescribed. Reception of hormonal contraceptives continues 6-9 months.

After the restoration of the menstrual cycle, they begin to stimulate ovulation with Clomiphene (clostilbegit) from the 5th to the 9th day of the cycle. Treatment with Clomiphene is carried out under the control of basal temperature and ultrasound (to determine the dominant follicle).

In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, surgical intervention is resorted to. Surgical intervention is carried out laparoscopically (3 punctures in the anterior abdominal wall), during which a wedge-shaped resection of the ovaries or electrocautery of the ovaries is performed (opening of cysts with an electrocoagulator).

Pregnancy after surgical treatment occurs within 6-9 months, but the more time has passed after the operation, the less likely it is to become pregnant.

Complications and prognosis

Polycystic ovary syndrome is dangerous for the development of the following conditions:

  • miscarriage (premature birth, miscarriage);
  • hyperplasia and endometrial cancer;
  • increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension.

The prognosis for polycystic is favorable. Timely and high-quality therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome restores a woman's ability to conceive, and, consequently, to give birth to a child in most (70-90%) cases.

The only condition is the intake of hormonal drugs (Utrozhestan, Duphaston) to support pregnancy.

This is a disease of the female reproductive system, which occurs quite often (ICB10 code E28.2). It is a pathologically altered ovarian tissue with the development of single or multiple cysts on it, both on one and on both sides. Has a benign course. But in some cases, degeneration into oncology is possible.

This problem worries many women who have been diagnosed with this. The disease is distinguished by primary polycystic and polycystic ovary syndrome.

1. Primary polycystic.

This type of pathology is genetic in nature and may be congenital. Begins to appear in puberty at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. There is evidence of the hereditary nature of the pathology. The course of the disease in primary polycystic ovaries is complex, difficult to treat.

2. Secondary polycystic.

The disease is not independent in nature, but is a combination of symptoms, and is called polycystic ovary syndrome. It develops at a later age, when the function of the reproductive system has fully formed. It is manifested by the pathology of the ovaries, which develops against the background of endocrine disorders. As a result of hormonal failure in the work of the endocrine glands, cysts form on the surface or in the ovary itself. This pathology affects the reproductive function of a woman, that is, infertility develops. Secondary polycystic ovaries is a disease that requires a girl to be patient and follow all the doctor's recommendations in order to restore childbearing function.

Causes of polycystic

They can be very diverse. First of all, this is the occurrence of a malfunction in the work of neuroendocrine systems, as a result of which all the functions of these organs begin to suffer.

  • Pituitary gland and hypothalamus - there is a violation in the activity of the adrenal glands and ovaries.
  • The cortical layer of the adrenal glands - there is an increased production of androgen secretion.
  • Ovaries - there is an increase in the production of estrogen secretion and, as a result, the absence of ovulation.
  • Pancreas - increased production of insulin when body tissues are resistant to it.

Such a failure in the work of the entire neuroendocrine system leads to an imbalance of male and female hormones. As a result of this process, the ovarian capsule thickens, the egg does not come out, the follicle does not burst, but increases in size and fills with fluid. A cyst is formed. Polycystic ovaries can be the cause of obesity type 2 diabetes. Such a polymorphic picture, which is based on the symptoms of polycystic ovaries, is due to hormonal dysfunction of the endocrine glands. This pathology leads to persistent phenomena of violations of the reproductive function of women.


The disease manifests itself polymorphically, that is, it can correspond to other dyshormonal disorders. For example, they occur in the pubertal period during the first menstruation or a few years after childbirth. The totality of all clinical symptoms of the disease, confirmed by laboratory and diagnostic methods, allows you to correctly diagnose and start treatment. When examining patients, the following symptoms of the disease are very often detected:

  • Violations of the menstrual cycle in the form of a delay in menstruation for a long time or their absence. Sometimes scanty discharge can alternate with heavy menstruation.
  • Obesity 2-3 degree with a tendency to increase weight. Fat deposits can be formed according to the male type, that is, located on the waist and abdomen. In parallel, the presence of type 2 diabetes is possible.
  • Hirsutism, that is, male-type hair growth on the face, in the form of "antennae" on the upper lip, on the legs, on the shoulders. Pain in polycystic ovaries in the lower abdomen is pulling, moderate, sometimes constant or periodic.
  • Characteristic basal temperature throughout the cycle without a jump in increase, which indicates the absence of ovulation. Diagnosis of polycystic disease

The most common reasons for women to visit a doctor are complaints about the inability to get pregnant, that is, infertility. To make a diagnosis, in addition to objective symptoms, additional studies are carried out.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovaries includes:

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries - during the examination, there is a bilateral increase in the organ in a volume of up to 9 cm3, a thickening of the ovarian capsule, the presence of cystic formations up to 10 mm in diameter. Cysts can be either single or multiple.
  • Laboratory diagnostics for the quantitative composition of hormones of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries
  • Analyzes for the content of glucose in the blood, insulin, cholesterol in order to identify the pathology of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy to clarify the diagnosis with doubtful results of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.
  • MRI to rule out ovarian cancer.

The diagnosis of the disease is made after examination of the patient on the basis of: 1. Objective data of examination, absence or violation of the menstrual cycle.2. Laboratory confirmation of the presence in the blood of an increased amount of male hormones.3. Signs of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound examination.

How to treat

Treatment of the disease is aimed primarily at restoring the menstrual cycle and ovulation, and is carried out both by conservative and surgical methods. In addition to the main treatment, it is possible to use traditional medicine recipes. As a rule, treatment begins with a preparatory stage.

1. Weight loss.

The majority of patients suffering from the disease have extra pounds. Reset them allows a diet for polycystic ovaries. The diet is compiled by a nutritionist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman, as well as the body mass index. Diet food is combined with physical activity and gymnastics.

  • Daily calorie intake should be 1200-1800 units with obligatory fractional meals in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  • Avoid fried foods. Steam cooking.
  • Remove animal fats from your diet, give preference to vegetable fats.
  • Limit the consumption of foods containing sugar - honey, confectionery, jam, sweets.
  • 1-2 times a week to spend fasting days /fruit, kefir, water/.
  • Do not eat spicy, smoked, canned foods.
  • You can eat fish, diet rabbit meat, chicken, turkey. After losing weight, they begin the second stage of treatment for polycystic ovaries.

2. Hormone therapy.

At this stage, the task of the doctor is to restore the menstrual cycle and ovulation. For this, hormonal therapy is prescribed, including drugs with a low content of estrogen. These are contraceptives, which include MARVELON, LOGEST, FEMODEN. Course treatment is carried out for three months followed by a break for 30 days. Mandatory laboratory control of analyzes of the level of hormones, as well as an examination using ultrasound to check the dynamics of the process after drug treatment.

3. Stimulation of ovulation.

This stage of treatment is indicated for women planning a pregnancy. Metmorphine in polycystic ovaries gives a good result as a drug that reduces blood glucose levels. Application within one to two weeks is shown. During this time, the process of glucose absorption in the digestive system slows down, which leads to inhibition of glucose synthesis in the liver. In parallel, general strengthening therapy, vitamins of group B, C are prescribed. Conservative treatment is selected by your doctor strictly individually. If there are any problems or intolerance to the drug, the drug therapy is adjusted.

4. Folk remedies.

Treatment of polycystic ovaries with traditional medicine at home is auxiliary and is carried out as an addition to the main treatment. Herbal preparations, such as boron uterus for polycystic ovaries, are used as a tincture or aqueous solution, red brush tincture, dandelion root decoction. The presence of phytohormones in the grass has a positive therapeutic effect. The use of folk remedies is possible only after consulting a doctor in combination with the main therapy.

5. Surgical treatment.

In the absence of positive dynamics in the treatment of polycystic disease by conservative methods, they resort to surgical intervention. This method replaces the usual stimulation of ovulation and gives good results in terms of conceiving a child. Laparoscopy for polycystosis is performed under general anesthesia, and several types of operations are distinguished, depending on the patient's condition and the course of the disease.

Ovarian resection with polycystic - usually a wedge-shaped resection of the altered ovary. Most of the damaged organ is removed, resulting in reduced androgen production. The hormonal background normalizes, and ovulation occurs.

Cauterization- This is a less traumatic operation with a slight increase in the ovary and consists in "cauterizing" the ovarian cysts with a laser, which helps to reduce the production of androgens to a normal amount.

Decortication of the ovary- the thickened and sclerosed ovary membrane is removed. Cystic formations are pierced. After the operation, ovulation occurs within 6 to 12 months. Control over the restoration of ovarian function is carried out using laboratory tests and measurement of basal temperature. If after 2 - 3 cycles ovulation is not restored, the appointment of hormonal drugs is indicated.

The prognosis for the treatment of polycystic ovaries is mostly positive. But 20% of women who underwent a full course of ovulation stimulation were unable to restore ovarian activity. In this case, artificial in vitro fertilization / IVF / is possible. Thus, modern methods of treating infertility in women give good results in terms of the possibility of conceiving a child.


This drug is often prescribed for polycystic ovaries. It is important to know that during the period of drug treatment, pregnancy should not be planned. Reception helps to reduce androgens. The term of taking the drug is determined by your doctor!

If you have experience in the treatment of polycystic, then leave your comment or feedback on the treatment method.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) is a disease of the endocrine system. In recent years, this disease is detected quite often.

In polycystic disease, a woman's ovaries increase in size. Small bubbles appear in them, which are filled with liquid.

Usually this disease is found in women who have an excess of androgens (male sex hormones). With polycystic ovary syndrome, the egg does not mature and ovulation does not occur. This fact is of particular concern to women.

There is no rupture of the follicle. It fills with fluid and turns into a cyst. Therefore, the ovaries gradually increase. Sometimes they exceed the normal size by 5 times. Polycystic is the main cause of infertility.

What symptoms and signs should alert you

Characteristic signs can appear in a woman of any age. If the disease occurs during puberty, then menstruation may not come.

Symptoms of the disease

  • excess hair growth on the face and body (hirsutism);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • very poor health during menstruation;
  • acne on the back, face, neck;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which manifests itself in increased oiliness of the skin and hair;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • long delays in menstruation;
  • sudden and significant weight gain;
  • obesity;
  • baldness;
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen, having a pulling character;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • infertility.

Different women may have different combinations of symptoms. The first sign to look out for is irregular menstrual cycles. Often the disease is detected at the age of 12 to 14 years, when the first menstruation appears.

Very often, polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by diabetes, candidiasis and chronic skin diseases. The disease is combined with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands (endocrine glands).

Some girls have no obvious signs of illness. But ultrasound can detect changes in the ovaries. The consequences of the disease are infertility, chronic pelvic pain, darkening of the skin in certain areas of the body (under the breast, in the groin).

Causes that can provoke polycystic

Doctors do not have an unambiguous opinion about the causes of this disease. There are a variety of theories that try to explain this pathology. The disease is associated with the inability of the body to process the hormone insulin. If its level is quite high, then the production of androgens begins.

Another theory states that the protein coat of the ovaries thickens. This leads to the intensive formation of androgens. Some experts believe that the synthesis of androgens is disrupted in the adrenal glands. This theory is also not 100% confirmed. It is impossible to explain exactly why the hormonal system of a woman suddenly failed. It is believed that this occurs under the influence of genetic factors.

Obesity plays an important role in the development of the disease. It very often leads to polycystic disease. However, some women develop ovarian disease first and then obesity. Lipid metabolism is disturbed in 40% of patients suffering from androgen excess.

Such women are at risk of developing diabetes, as their cells lose sensitivity to insulin. Doctors believe that obesity itself can lead to menstrual irregularities. Obesity provokes increased production of androgens. Therefore, women need to be sure to monitor their weight.

Indirect causes of polycystic ovaries can be the following reasons: frequent tonsillitis, SARS, chronic diseases.

How diseases are diagnosed

Usually, doctors can immediately make a diagnosis based on the characteristic symptoms of the disease. It is confirmed by the data obtained as a result of the survey. Patients undergo the following procedures:

1. ultrasound

A study of the pelvic organs is being carried out. Changes in the tissues of the ovaries are revealed. They contain fluid-filled cysts. The ovaries are enlarged, their shell is thickened. The specialist notes the proliferation of connective tissue.

2. Blood chemistry

It makes it possible to identify existing violations of metabolic processes. Patients usually have high cholesterol. Sometimes glucose is elevated, which indicates the likelihood of diabetes.

3. Blood test for hormones

With polycystic ovary syndrome, an increased level of male sex hormones and LH is found in the blood. In the second phase of the cycle, there is a lack of progesterone.

4. Biopsy

Sometimes doctors do curettage of the endometrium. A small area of ​​the inner uterine membrane is examined under a microscope. The procedure is prescribed for patients with dysfunctional bleeding. Specialists can confirm or deny the version of the presence of a tumor.

Treatment of polycystic ovaries (types and methods)

The main goal of the doctor is to normalize the production of hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle. Specialists often prescribe an artificial analogue of the female hormone progesterone - progestogen. Birth control pills are also often prescribed, which are designed to restore normal menstrual cycles.

There are contraceptives that block androgen production and increase estrogen production. They help to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as acne and excess hair. Women are selected different drugs, based on individual characteristics.

If the body and face are covered with acne, then a specialist may recommend using isotretinoin. It normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. But this medicine has side effects. Therefore, it is not prescribed to all patients. It is prohibited for those who are planning a pregnancy.

To improve the production of insulin, the doctor may prescribe metmorphine. The drug helps to get rid of excess weight and reduce pressure. It also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. Infertility is also treated with clomiphene citrate.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, do not despair. There are many good folk recipes that help to improve the functions of the hormonal system. They can be used alone or combined with medication. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.

The most effective recipes:

1. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from viburnum berries and mix it with natural honey (it is better to take flower honey). The drink should be consumed for at least 4 months. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach, increasing the dose gradually. In the second week, drink the drink in the mornings and evenings. The initial dose is a little less than half a teaspoon. At the end of the course, the dose should be a tablespoon. After a month of taking this natural medicine, you need to take a break for 1 month. After this, take the remedy in the reverse way - start with a large dose, gradually reducing it.

2. Mix a large spoonful of meadowsweet herb with a tablespoon of raspberry leaves. Pour the herbs with 1 liter of boiling water. The decoction should be drunk in a day. The course of treatment takes 3 months.

3. Make a decoction using pine or spruce needles. The proportion is three large spoons of needles per liter of boiling water. The decoction should be taken in small portions. During the day you should drink all the liquid. The course lasts a month.

4. Buy a peony tincture at the pharmacy. Make a solution by mixing 1 small spoon of tincture with the same amount of water. It must be drunk three times a day. The course of treatment takes a month. This is followed by a break for 10 days, after which you need to do another course.

Natural healer Borova uterus

The upland uterus is the main component of many folk recipes. It has long been successfully used by healers for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.

This plant can be found in Siberian coniferous forests. It is really possible to buy a unique weed at a pharmacy.

Studies have shown that it contains organic acids, coumatin, arbutin, vitamin C, saponins and other components that have a beneficial effect on women's health. With polycystosis, it is recommended to take an infusion of a boron uterus.

To do this, take 2 tablespoons of grass and pour them with two glasses of hot water. Cover the container and let the liquid brew for 2 hours. The plant is not recommended to boil, as it loses some of its useful qualities.

The best option is to infuse weed in a thermos. Next, the liquid must be filtered. Take in small portions (one tablespoon) throughout the day. The course of treatment takes several months. Before taking the infusion, be sure to consult your doctor.

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovaries

A radical measure in the treatment of the disease is laparoscopy. The operation takes place using a laser beam or a hot needle. The ovary is cauterized in certain places. The technique makes it possible to stimulate ovulation. This gives the woman the opportunity to conceive a child.

But such intervention is used as a last resort. Experts believe that the suture can lead to deformity of the ovary. This may reduce the chances of pregnancy.

Operational method of treatment

If the conservative treatment of the disease does not lead to a positive result, then the doctors offer the patient surgical intervention.

Main methods:

  1. wedge resection;
  2. electrocautery.

The first method is an operation that is performed laparoscopically. The patient is made miniature incisions on the abdomen in the region of the ovary. This uses general anesthesia. The surgeon removes a piece of tissue that produces an increased amount of hormones. After the operation, the woman's hormonal status normalizes. This leads to the restoration of a normal menstrual cycle.

The second method is also laparoscopic. The operation is also performed under general anesthesia. Doctors apply a targeted effect on the part of the ovary that produces excessive amounts of hormones.

As a result of surgical treatment, patients gain the opportunity to conceive a baby six months after the operation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with such a diagnosis

The disease is characterized by a violation of the process of formation of hormones. Therefore, it leads to the fact that a woman does not ovulate. An egg is not released from the ovary. Doctors call this condition infertility. A blood test reveals an increased amount of male hormones. In this case, pregnancy is not possible.

The disease can occur in women of any age. But sometimes with polycystic ovulation occurs. Then pregnancy is possible. Some women with PCOS give birth safely to healthy babies. Therefore, everything is individual here. You should be examined and treated by a specialist. If the patient manages to restore ovulation, then she can conceive a child.

stimulation and ovulation

There are women who ovulate normally and with polycystic disease. They can conceive and carry a child without treatment. But if pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then the doctor draws up an individual treatment regimen. Hormonal diseases are treated for a long time.

Therefore, a long-awaited pregnancy usually occurs at least a year after the start of treatment. First, a woman is prescribed contraceptive hormonal pills. These are the main drugs that help achieve ovulation. They must be taken for at least three to five months.

After the pills are canceled, the woman ovulates. She gets a chance to conceive a baby. Thus, hormonal pills help to regulate the cycle.

If the disease is accompanied by irregular menstruation, then ovulation is absent. In such cases, doctors prescribe its stimulation. On certain days of the menstrual cycle, a woman must take hormones in the form of tablets (shots).

This method allows you to achieve the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries. In the middle of the cycle, it bursts, releasing the egg. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

Impact of polycystic ovaries on current pregnancy

For a pregnant woman, polycystic disease can threaten miscarriage, fetal fading and premature birth. Problems may arise with the health of the future mother herself. Severe weight gain, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes are the main disorders that occur in pregnant women.

In polycystic patients, maintenance therapy is prescribed. Pregnancy that arose with this disease must be saved. Conception with such a disease is a real miracle. By following all the recommendations of the doctor, you will be able to bear the baby.

Diet - lose weight and beat the disease

This disease is often accompanied overweight, which further complicates the situation. To normalize the menstrual cycle, you need to get rid of excess weight.

In the treatment of polycystic disease, doctors pay great attention to the treatment and prevention of obesity. Diet and physical activity are important conditions for those who want to restore health.

If we add special preparations that normalize metabolic processes to such measures, then positive results can be obtained.

Sometimes it is enough to eliminate excess weight so that a woman's menstrual cycle is restored. In this option, the problem of infertility disappears on its own.

Proper nutrition is very important for the hormonal system. Doctors recommend eliminating all harmful foods from the diet. These include sweet, spicy, fried, fast food, carbonated sweet drinks, fatty, alcohol. Baking, sugar, sweets are prohibited.

The basis of nutrition should be fresh vegetables and fruits. To them should be added cereals, cereals, lean meat and fish. The diet should maintain an equal ratio of carbohydrates and proteins. It is better to make food fractional. Thus, you need to eat little, but often.

Rigid diets with strict restrictions are prohibited. It is necessary to gradually change your eating habits, moving from junk food to healthy and healthy. Avoid anything that contains synthetic additives.

You should use products without preservatives, dyes and flavors. Many manufacturers offer products stuffed with chemicals. They cause hormonal imbalances in the body. In the treatment of polycystic, close attention should be paid to the composition of the products.

It is very important to reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet. In women with PCOS, liver function is usually affected, causing a range of additional problems. Therefore, patients need to normalize their cholesterol levels. This can be done by giving up fatty and fried foods.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common problem associated with hormonal imbalance, although the symptoms of this condition are not always the same in different women. Polycystic ovaries is not a single disease, but a set of symptoms. It is diagnosed on the basis of a number of signs, the main of which is the absence of regular ovulation.

Other common symptoms that women with PCOS experience are hair loss and hirsutism (excessive growth of body and facial hair). Also, with PCOS, women very often have problems conceiving, since ovulation occurs extremely irregularly, which can also affect the quality of the eggs. The inability to ovulate is due to insufficient amounts of estradiol and progesterone. Because of this, testosterone rises and secondary symptoms of PCOS develop, such as hair loss, acne, and infertility.

If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, determine which type of PCOS you are suffering from. Thanks to this, it is possible to radically change the way of therapy and achieve faster success in treatment.

For a correct diagnosis of PCOS, the patient must have any two of the following three features (according to established criteria, Rotterdam, 2003):

  1. Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea (menstrual dysfunction) or anovulation (lack of regular ovulation).
  2. Excess androgens (“male hormones”) – measured through laboratory testing (testosterone, DHEA and androstenedione) and based on symptoms such as acne and hair loss.
  3. Polycystic ovaries are visualized by ultrasound: follicles grow but do not ovulate ("pearl necklace").

The main rule: you should never make or accept from a doctor a diagnosis of "polycystic ovary syndrome" based only on ultrasound data. It is better to consult an experienced doctor who can correctly diagnose all the symptoms and identify the cause of the disorder.

Polycystic ovaries is useless to treat until the root cause of the lack of ovulation in each case is established. The causes of PCOS can vary from girl to girl. Therefore, so often natural remedies work well for one woman with PCOS and do not work well for another.

Below is a brief overview of the four types of PCOS so that you can first determine if you have it and what causes it.


  1. Insulin resistant polycystic ovaries

This is the "classic" and most common option. The culprit in the development of this type of PCOS is that the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, causing the levels of sugar and this hormone in the blood to become unbalanced. High insulin and leptin prevent ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce testosterone.

What is the reason? Insulin resistance is caused by obesity, excessive consumption of sugar and trans fats, smoking, environmental toxins.

Diagnostics. Check fasting insulin and glucose levels. LH (luteinizing hormone) or cholesterol levels may also be elevated. Obesity may be present. Normal weight in insulin resistance can occur after dieting or eating disorders.

Treatment. The first step is to avoid high sugar intake. The best supplements for insulin resistance are magnesium, lipoic, alpha-lipoic or R-lipoic acid, and berberine. OCs are not a treatment for this type of PCOS as they only worsen insulin sensitivity. Improvement in this type of polycystic ovaries begins to appear gradually, after about six months of treatment.

  1. PCOS associated with the immune system

This is the second type of polycystic ovaries that occurs due to chronic inflammation. Inflammation prevents ovulation and destroys hormone receptors, stimulating the production of adrenal androgens such as DHEA sulfate. Women who have had immune dysfunctions and autoimmune conditions in the past (including family members) are more likely to develop this type of PCOS. Inflammation, or chronic activation of the immune system, can result from stress, environmental toxins, intestinal permeability, and inflammatory foods such as gluten or A1 casein.

Cause. Immune system dysfunction causes chronic inflammation, which eventually leads to elevated androgens. Usually in such cases, someone in the family has autoimmune diseases or the woman herself has a history of skin diseases, recurrent infections or joint pain. Other symptoms may include recurring infections and headaches.

Diagnostics. Blood tests for inflammatory markers such as CRP (C-reactive protein), ESR, vitamin D deficiency, thyroid antibodies (anti-TPO), and food sensitivities/allergies should be considered first. There may be deviations in the general clinical analysis of blood. Also, a girl in this case may have elevated DEA-S04 and adrenal androgens.

Treatment. Reduce stress and exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides and plastics. Eliminate "inflammatory" foods - wheat, dairy products and sugar from the diet. Treat leaky gut with zinc, berberine, and probiotics. Take magnesium supplements - they are anti-inflammatory and normalize adrenal hormones. Improvement occurs slowly and gradually over 6-9 months.

  1. Polycystic ovaries after taking hormonal contraceptives

This type of PCOS is one of the most common and somewhat easier to treat. At the very least, it's easier to diagnose, and its cause is fairly obvious. In addition, such polycystic disease is much better and faster to treat with the help of natural remedies. It occurs after the use of oral contraceptives. Birth control pills suppress ovulation. for most women, the body returns to normal within about the first six months, but for some, this period drags on for years and requires treatment.

This is the second most common type of PCOS. And since there is a reason why it occurs, it must be reversible.

What is the reason? After a long period of taking pills and a forced “rest”, it is difficult for the body to restart its own process of producing estrogens and progesterone.

Diagnostics. It often happens that a girl had regular periods before taking COCs, and the pills were prescribed to her for contraception or to fight acne. These women may also have elevated levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) and possibly prolactin.

Treatment. If LH is elevated, then it is best to apply natural treatment with herbs such as peony and licorice. If prolactin is high, then grass helps a lot. However, Vitex should not be taken if LH in the blood is elevated! Vitex stimulates LH, so the situation with PCOS can only get worse. Because of this, many women with PCOS feel even worse after taking Vitex. Do not take it if your luteinizing hormone is already high in your blood.

Both peony and vitex work on the pituitary-ovarian axis and are powerful herbs. They are not recommended to be used too early in the morning or late in the evening. Do not take them if you are not yet past puberty or are just stopping OCs. Wait at least 3-4 months after stopping the pills. Do not use peony or vitex for more than 10-12 consecutive weeks. They shouldn't take that long. If they suit you, they will start working fairly quickly (within 3-4 months). Further, after the abolition of their intake, menstruation should remain regular. Do not take licorice if you have high blood pressure. It is best to consult an experienced doctor before starting treatment.

  1. Polycystic ovaries associated with poor ecology and external circumstances, or PCOS of unknown etiology

In this case, it is important to find the exact cause of the polycystic ovaries. You need to find out which foods, drugs or habits have affected the hormonal background and ovulation. Usually in this case there is some one reason that blocks it. Once found, PCOS usually goes away within 3-4 months. Common hidden causes of PCOS most often include:

  • too much soy in the diet, because it is also an antiestrogen and can block ovulation in some women (a small amount of it does not harm);
  • thyroid disease, as the ovaries need the hormone T3;
  • a vegetarian diet because it causes zinc deficiency;
  • iodine deficiency - iodine is needed by the ovaries;
  • artificial sweeteners, as they impair insulin and leptin sensitivity
  • too little starch in the diet, as the hormonal system needs a low-carbohydrate diet.

If the cause is found correctly, treatment should quickly help restore the endocrine system.

Cause. These women have hypersensitivity, so even the choice of food can affect the body's ability to ovulate. There are girls who recover ovulation after giving up all soy products or sweeteners. It is also important to rule out thyroid disease, as hypothyroidism can interfere with normal ovulation.

Diagnostics. If you don't fit into any of the other types of PCOS, or if you don't respond well to treatment, your thyroid or lifestyle/habits may be the cause.
Of course, it is not always possible to accurately determine the type of PCOS, and the symptoms can be mixed. Therefore, to accurately determine the cause, a woman may need to do an ultrasound scan and donate blood for hormones for some time. Don't accept the diagnosis of PCOS too quickly. Proper diagnosis requires a blood test that should show high levels of testosterone and other male hormones such as androstenedione and DHEA. Never accept this diagnosis if it was made from only one ultrasound (no blood test for hormones).



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