Why does mydocalm hurt my bladder? What causes bladder pain in men?

The bladder is an organ of the urinary system, it is responsible for storing and removing urine from the body. Pain in the bladder area is not uncommon and it indicates various pathologies.

Due to the anatomical features, bladder diseases are often diagnosed in women; however, men are no exception, although their risk of developing such diseases is lower. If a man’s bladder hurts, this may mean the formation of numerous diseases of the urinary system, and we will talk about them in our editorial office.

Plays an important role in the body; its task is to collect accumulated fluid and, when completely filled, remove it. Urine excretion occurs reflexively thanks to muscle tissue that reacts to the filling of the bladder volume.

The accumulated urine stretches the walls of the organ, after which the muscle tissue receptors send impulses to the urination centers, as a result of which the person feels the urge to urinate.

Important. The functions of the lower sphincter of the bladder are aimed at retaining urine; when it is dysfunctional, a person experiences spontaneous emptying.

All organs are interconnected, and they are all susceptible to infection, this applies to both women and men. The kidneys act as a filtrate in the body; they pass fluid through themselves and waste products (urine) enter the ureter. Urine accumulates in the bladder and is subsequently eliminated from the body through the urethra.

Bladder pain in men appears as a result of various pathological factors, the most common cause being the inflammatory process. Bladder dysfunction also contributes to the pain syndrome. Accurate diagnosis is achieved only based on the results of a complete examination and examination by a doctor.

When making a diagnosis, the following are taken into account:

  • pain intensity;
  • localization of the inflammatory focus;
  • accompanying symptoms;
  • the presence of previous operations and diseases of the urinary system.

Pain in men is conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  • associated with the process of emptying;
  • not related to urination.

Table No. 1. Pathologies in men, divided into groups.

Group Possible pathologies

The most common diseases that are accompanied by pain when urinating include:
  • urolithiasis disease.

This group includes diseases that are accompanied by periodic pain in the bladder area in men and they do not always appear precisely during the process of emptying. This:
  • neoplasms;
  • BPH;
  • bladder injuries;
  • intestinal diseases.

When such diseases occur, pain can radiate from the bladder to other areas of the urinary system or vice versa.

In frequent cases, men feel pain above the pubic area.


In general, the causes of bladder pain in men are divided into two categories:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the urinary organs and organs of the reproductive system.
  2. Infectious lesions of the urinary and reproductive system.

Attention. Pain in the bladder area cannot appear immediately when inflammation occurs; additional reasons are needed for this, for example, the addition of a bacterial lesion or the inflammation becoming chronic.

The walls and tissues of the bladder are able to resist various pathogens, since the accumulated fluid has many different toxic breakdown products. Therefore, the pain that appears indicates that the pathological process in a man has been developing for quite a long time.

The most likely causes of the formation of the inflammatory process include:

  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • weakened immune system;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • severe stress;
  • frequent intense physical activity.

Important. Infection can spread in the organs of the urinary system in two ways: down from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureteric canals and vice versa.

The presence of stones causes the most severe pain in the bladder. The stones present inside contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane and blockage of the urination channel. In the most severe cases, this leads to death, which is why it is so important to undergo appropriate diagnostic measures and begin treatment if pain appears in the bladder area.

Another cause of discomfort and pain is prostate adenoma. Men over 45 years of age are often at risk of developing pathology.

The nature and intensity of pain depends on the severity of the concomitant disease:

  • the chronic nature of the pathology is accompanied by aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • The acute stage of the disease causes severe, cramping, periodic pain (often appearing during bowel movements).

Important. Chronic disease leads to the spread of inflammation to the kidneys, which is dangerous due to the formation of renal failure. As a result of a severe pathological condition, self-intoxication of the body occurs, and a prolonged process of poisoning can lead to death.

Clinical manifestations

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system have a single typical clinical picture:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • emptying, as a rule, occurs in small portions;
  • burning and discomfort when excreting urine;
  • cramps and pain during bowel movements, intensifying towards the end of the process;
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, often radiating to the genitals and rectum;
  • in some cases, spontaneous emptying;
  • high body temperature;
  • urinary retention (inability to pass urine);
  • presence of blood or pus in the urine;
  • strong unpleasant odor of urine.

The signs presented above are only a general picture of all possible diseases of the urinary system. Each individual disease has its own typical manifestations, in some cases the symptoms may intensify, and in others, on the contrary, they may be mild.

It is difficult to recognize the disease and establish an accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms alone. For this purpose, there are various diagnostic methods in medicine.

Attention. The hidden nature of the pathology is dangerous because the problem is actively developing inside and can be identified in the later stages, when intensive therapy is required, and sometimes the patient can only be helped through surgical intervention.

Diseases of the urinary tract accompanied by pain in the bladder area

Bladder pain in men can occur as a result of multiple pathologies, each of which has its own typical symptoms.

Table No. 2. The most common pathologies of the bladder, provoking pain in the bladder.

MVS disease Description

The formation of stones blocking the path of fluid excretion. They can be located in:
  • kidneys;
  • ureter;
  • bladder;
  • urethra.

Stones injure and damage the mucous membrane of the bladder, causing pain that can radiate to the head of the male genital organ. As a result, inflammation develops.

This is an inflammatory process in the bladder. The acute form of the pathology is accompanied by severe spasmodic pain. A man has a frequent urge to perform micturition (urination). The process of emptying itself is painful.

The prostate gland, when inflamed, blocks the urethra, which prevents urine from exiting. When filled with a large volume of fluid, the walls of the bladder stretch and cause severe pain. This process threatens to rupture the organ. Prostate adenoma can occur as a result of infection or as a result of various types of injuries.

In almost all cases, neoplasms provoke pain in the lower abdomen. The disintegration of the tumor leads to an increase in their size and the appearance of secondary cystitis.

Injuries to the bladder lead to partial or complete dysfunction of the organ. It is often accompanied by the absence of urine or blood impurities predominate in the excreted urine. Severe pain in the bladder area indicates significant damage to the organ.

Inflammation of the seminal vesicles as a result of their infection. As a rule, it develops against the background of existing inflammation of the prostate or bladder. When ejaculating, a man feels acute pain in the penis and prostate. Frequent erections and rapid excitability are noted.

When making a diagnosis, all available signs and reactions are taken into account, since pain can be provoked, as we have already seen, by a variety of pathologies. In addition to those indicated in the table, there are many other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Overactive bladder

This pathological condition is acceptable, as a rule, for older men.

The main signs of hyperactivity are:

  • frequent sudden urge to micturate;
  • spontaneous emptying;
  • feeling of fullness of the bladder, but when going to the toilet a small amount of urine is released.

The symptoms associated with this condition cause severe discomfort and serious social problems.

The development of hyperactivity is promoted by:

  • excessive activity of contracting muscle tissue;
  • infection in the bladder;
  • injuries of various kinds;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • stroke.

Important. Independently ridding yourself of typical manifestations threatens the development of serious pathologies. This problem is subject to specialist supervision and conservative treatment.

First of all, to get rid of bladder overactivity, a specific miction schedule is prescribed, which allows you to gradually strengthen the muscle tissue of the organ. However, you cannot do without taking medications that reduce muscle activity.

Urinary retention

This pathological condition is characterized by the impossibility of independent miction; in such situations, immediate surgery is required. Such reactions are caused by the presence of inflammation of the prostate or the appearance of neoplasms of various nature.

Other causes of urinary retention include:

  • obstruction of urine excretion by stones;
  • prostate abscess;
  • bladder injuries;
  • obstruction of the ureters and urethra;
  • pathologies of a neurological nature

Doctors identify the following causative factors:

  • severe form of intoxication;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • severe stressful situations;
  • forced cases of urinary retention.

Under such circumstances, a man’s bladder is under tension and increases in size, hence the pain in the lower abdomen. Treatment for prolonged urinary retention is carried out immediately; any delay can lead to serious consequences.

Bladder neck sclerosis

This pathology is characterized by the formation of scar tissue, which, with further growth, blocks the passage of the urethra. The condition is accompanied by severe pain, which often makes it impossible to empty the bladder.

The main cause of cervical sclerosis is the consequences of surgical intervention in the prostate area.

The consequences of pathology can be:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the urethra;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • Vesicoureteral reflux.

The problem can be eliminated with surgical treatment. One effective method is cystostomy. The operation involves installing a device to drain urine into the bladder. After surgery, the patient requires special care.

Residual urine volume

The volume of the bladder ranges from 350 to 700 ml. Throughout the day, a person has an outflow of urine; normally, it should be excreted in the full accumulated volume, the permissible remainder is 50 ml.

But, if a man feels pain characteristic of a full bladder, this indicates that there is still some amount of fluid left in the organ. The accumulation of urine up to 1 liter threatens to flow back into the ureters, and then into the kidneys, thus causing inflammation, even leading to pyelonephritis.

The reasons contributing to the appearance of such a pathological condition are:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • weakness of muscle tissue.

The goal of treating pathology is to eliminate the cause.

Attention. Hyperactivity and hypoactivity of the bladder are promoted by neurogenic factors, that is, the presence of any mental disorders, as a result of which disturbances occur in one or another part of the nervous system responsible for supplying the impulse for the accumulation and excretion of urine.


After obtaining a medical history and examining the patient, the doctor gives a referral for examination. The main diagnostic methods are:

  1. Ultrasound. All organs of the urinary system, including the prostate, are examined.
  2. X-ray with contrast. The presence of stones in the organs of the MVS is determined.
  3. Cystoscopy. An examination of the internal cavity of the bladder is carried out.

Along with instrumental diagnostic methods, the patient must undergo laboratory and biochemical blood and urine tests. This method allows you to get a picture of the inflammatory process and identify the concentration of salt stones.


Treatment of bladder pain in men depends entirely on the cause, intensity and nature of the disease.

Pain syndrome is eliminated in two ways:

  1. Physiotherapist.
  2. Medication.

In severe situations, if indicated, the doctor determines the need for surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment includes:

  1. Taking antibiotics. Allows you to kill pathogenic bacteria that have caused the development of pathology. Before taking such medications, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological culture of urine to test for sensitivity to antibiotics.
  2. Taking symptomatic medications. This group of medications is aimed at combating the symptoms that appear. They allow you to reduce or completely eliminate pain, cramping, burning and other typical signs of inflammation.
  3. Taking diuretics. This group consists of diuretics and herbal decoctions. They are aimed at removing urine, along with which all pathogenic microorganisms will leave the body. If a patient is diagnosed with urolithiasis, these drugs should be taken with extreme caution and only as recommended by a doctor.
  4. Taking vitamins and minerals. The vitamin-mineral complex helps strengthen the body's strength and speed up the healing process.

As we have noted more than once, treatment will completely depend on the type of pathology and the severity of its course. For example, if a tumor on the bladder was identified in a man during diagnostic procedures, then in this case a biopsy is taken to determine the nature of the tumor, and then the need for its surgical removal is determined.

Important. Physiotherapy procedures should be approached with extreme caution, because if there are any tumors on the organs of the MVS, they are strictly contraindicated. All treatment measures must be discussed with the attending physician.

When diagnosed with overactive and hypoactive bladder, the doctor, in addition to drug therapy, prescribes a course of restorative procedures:

  • physical exercises aimed at strengthening the bladder muscles;
  • physiotherapy;
  • individual selection of drugs that eliminate psycho-emotional disorders;
  • catheterization, which allows the patient to empty the bladder several times a day;
  • training procedures for urination using the muscles of the back and abdomen.


Prevention of any pathology associated with the urinary system consists of following simple but important recommendations.


  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • regularly undergoing mandatory preventive examinations;
  • avoiding hypothermia and stressful situations;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the urinary system, neurological disorders and circulatory pathologies;
  • use of protective equipment during intimacy;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • drinking enough fluid.

Any bladder disease is accompanied by discomfort and sometimes brings a lot of problems and pain, so when the first signs appear, you should not hope that everything will go away on its own. If there is an increase in typical symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a qualified specialist.

Advice. After treatment for bladder diseases, in order to fully restore the body, men should abstain from intimacy for a while.

The video materials presented in our article will allow readers to familiarize themselves with the rules of behavior when the first symptoms of pain in the bladder appear.

The hollow organ in which urine enters through the ureters accumulates and serves for its subsequent removal through the urethra is called the bladder. It is located in the pelvis, behind the pubic bone. Most bladder pain in women and men is concentrated in the lower abdomen. However, pain in this area does not always indicate precisely his illness, since it can be a consequence of dysfunction of the kidneys, ureters and genital organs.

The bladder hurts due to various diseases; only a specialist can determine the root cause of this condition, so self-diagnosis and self-medication are not recommended.

Bladder pain: symptoms

As mentioned above, the causes of pain in the bladder can be various diseases. Most often, the bladder hurts due to cystitis - an inflammatory disease that indicates stones in the kidneys or bladder, tumors, chronic diseases of the genital organs, etc.

In addition to pain in the bladder, symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Frequency of urination;
  • The presence of pus or blood in the urine;
  • A burning sensation and pain when urinating, which disappears after the process is completed;
  • Fever;
  • Strong smell of urine;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the lumbar region and deterioration in the patient’s general well-being.

In children and the elderly, these symptoms may not be as pronounced; diagnosing the disease is a little more difficult than in adolescents and adults.

Patients with cystalgia may also complain that their bladder hurts; the symptoms of this disease are similar to those that occur with cystitis, but there are some differences, namely:

  • The mucous membrane of the bladder is slightly or not at all inflamed;
  • There is no pus in the urine.

In the presence of stones, in addition to wave-like pain in the bladder, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Change in the color of urine due to the high content of leukocytes and red blood cells in it;
  • Frequent and sudden urge to urinate, accompanied by characteristic pain in the genitals;
  • Pain in the lower back and hips;
  • Priapism (in children).

Another reason why the bladder hurts is the rupture of the organ itself. The patient experiences sharp pain in the lower abdomen and an unbearable urge to urinate, which cannot be accomplished; instead of urine, blood may flow.

Bladder pain in women and men

According to statistics, bladder diseases are much more common in women than in men, which is due to the structure of the body of the fairer sex. The bladder hurts especially often in pregnant women, as the growing fetus begins to put pressure on the organ.

In men, bladder pain is most often due to diseases of the prostate gland (prostate adenoma, prostatitis), as well as when problems arise with the excretory system. When kidney stones or pyelonephritis are detected in a man, in addition to severe pain, chills, fever and increased body temperature occur.

In women, the main causes of bladder pain are ectopic pregnancy and diseases of the internal genital organs, such as:

  • Endocervicitis;
  • Salpingo-oophoritis;
  • Ovarian apoplexy;
  • Endometritis.

Bladder pain: diagnosis and treatment

If pain and other symptoms characteristic of diseases of the kidneys, genitals or bladder occur, the patient should seek medical help as soon as possible. In the hospital, to make a correct diagnosis, the patient will be thoroughly interviewed and examined, appropriate tests (urine and blood) will be prescribed, urological examinations (in men), ultrasound of the bladder and cystoscopy will be performed.

If a man or woman has bladder pain due to cystitis, treatment will depend on the causes that caused it, as well as on the form of the disease. In case of acute cystitis, a special diet and drinking regime are prescribed, as well as antibacterial agents and herbal preparations. Antibiotics may be prescribed if an infectious-inflammatory process has begun.

For chronic inflammation of the bladder, treatment begins with eliminating the root cause - stones, diverticula, stricula or prostate adenoma. In parallel, local instillation therapy is used, in which drugs in liquid form are injected into the internal cavity of the bladder.

Based on the above, we can conclude that when the bladder hurts, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible, because it is impossible to independently diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment without medical knowledge.

To understand why it hurts, you must first identify the causes of such pain. The prescription of adequate treatment and the speed of recovery often depend on how correctly the causes of pain symptoms are identified.

What is taken into account when making a correct diagnosis?

If you experience pain in the bladder, it is important to find out some points:

  • the nature of their occurrence;
  • intensity;
  • when and why they appeared;
  • what diseases or operations were previously suffered;
  • where they are given or distributed;
  • what they are accompanied by;
  • what other symptoms accompany them;
  • where they are localized.

The correct diagnosis of the problem also depends on the place and time of occurrence of pain symptoms in the urinary organ. For example:

  • constant pain characterizes a chronic disease of the genitourinary system;
  • their strengthening in the urethra during bowel movements may indicate the presence of stones;
  • pain after urination or at the very end indicates inflammation in the urethra.

Symptoms of the disease in women

In women, pain in the bladder is usually due to the structure of their body. The urinary tract is located in such a way that various types of infections can linger there quite easily.

Important. Pregnant women are often susceptible to similar diseases due to changes in their body and weakening of its protective functions.

The causes of pain in women can be:

  • inflammation of the bladder itself;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • kidney diseases.

If pain symptoms in women often occur when moving, this may indicate the presence of stones inside the bladder that are moving around in it.

Important. When women complain of pain when urinating, the urologist first sends them for a consultation with a gynecologist, since the cause of their painful symptoms may be diseases of the genital organs, which must be correctly diagnosed in order to prescribe the necessary urgent treatment.

Symptoms of the disease in men

Bladder pain in men is mostly determined as a consequence of disruption of the entire genitourinary system. If the kidneys contain stones or an inflammatory process occurs, they may be accompanied by chills, fever and increased temperature.

It is also necessary to perform an examination for the presence of stones. In their absence, the fundamental factor in the resulting pain is urinary retention, which means it is necessary to identify the reasons that caused such a delay.

Most often, a man's bladder hurts when prostate adenoma occurs. It happens that representatives of the stronger sex do not notice the manifestations of this disease, since it is often asymptomatic. The disease can begin to bother you if there are problems with the blood circulation or vascular system, or with stress. The pain may begin in the groin, testicles, or simply in the lower abdomen, accompanied by painful urination. For any ailments of this kind, it is necessary to urgently make a diagnosis in order to choose the right treatment method.

Men and even children may have discomfort in the head of the penis, which signals a bladder problem. A thorough examination and appropriate treatment are required. Otherwise, it may even occur that the urethra is blocked by stones or a tumor, causing very severe unbearable pain.

Factors causing pain

The main causes of bladder disease in men and women are generally considered to be:

  • inflammation of the walls of the organ (acute or cystitis);
  • inflammation of the urinary tract (urethritis);
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages or development, characterized by pain in the bladder in women;
  • failure of blood circulation of a hormonal or menopausal nature in the walls of the urinary organ;
  • the occurrence of tumors, polyps on the surface of the bladder wall;
  • traumatic disorders in the urethral region;
  • urolithiasis, which is accompanied by;
  • with benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • the presence of stones in the urinary organ.


A good result is obtained by a differential diagnostic method based on comparing the symptoms manifested in the patient with the established rules of medicine, which characterize the frequency of occurrence of the corresponding pathologies in people of different ages and genders, namely:

  • inflammation of the bladder walls is more common in girls and young women;
  • urethral diseases are common in young men (urethritis, prostatitis);
  • adenomas, which cause unpleasant sensations in the urinary organ, characteristic of older men;
  • Tumors of the urinary organ are somewhat more common in men than in women, regardless of gender, in people over 40 years of age.

If you compare all such patterns with the complaints of patients when interviewing them, based on how the bladder hurts, it is quite possible to understand the causes of the disease and prescribe the right treatment:

  • The nature of the pain of cystitis or both sexes manifests itself in the same way (severe pain, continuous urge to urinate), but in men these pains can even be felt in the head of the penis. Such symptoms are usually associated with hypothermia and after warm sitz baths the pain decreases.
  • The occurrence of severe pain in the lower back, radiating down the abdomen and with frequent urination, indicates the movement of kidney stones, and therefore the development of urolithiasis. These pains may occur periodically, especially while driving on uneven roads or while walking quickly.

  • If a man's bladder hurts, it is often associated with prostate adenoma or prostatitis, and the pain can be mild, aching, and felt in the lower abdomen, in the perineal area. As a rule, pain in the bladder area in men is monotonous and constant, forcing them to wake up frequently at night to urinate, which, although painless, is quite painful.
  • Periodic, nagging pain, often localized in one place, means the presence of tumor lesions (for example, adenocarcinoma), especially if there is blood in the urine.
  • Sometimes intense characteristic pain in the lower abdomen is associated with the presence of closed abdominal injuries (if the bladder was full, there may be it), fractures of the pelvic bones (dangerous). In such situations, the patient is unable to urinate, and there may be blood coming from the urethra.

If a woman’s bladder hurts, the reasons are often related to such things as:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • blood flow disturbances during menopause;
  • spinal lesions;
  • various gynecological diseases.

In such cases, it is usually not the urinary organ that needs to be treated, but rather the disease itself that caused them.


To treat the bladder in men and women whose ailment is associated with pain, it is advisable to understand its importance and functionality. This internal organ is considered one of the most important urinary systems of the human body. The urinary organ is a container where fluid accumulates for subsequent excretion. It is located in the pelvic area in the lower abdomen and has three layers of membrane:

  • internal (mucous);
  • muscular (medium);
  • serous membrane.

On one side, the bladder is connected by two channels (left and right) through which urine continuously accumulates from the renal pelvis.

Regulation of the urinary process occurs in the brain, which, having received a signal about the excited, stretching walls of a full bladder, nerve impulses from the spinal cord sends a signal to empty it through muscle contraction of the walls, directing fluid into the urinary canals.

To get rid of pain symptoms in the urinary organ, you must first treat the disease that caused them. For example, if cystitis is detected after diagnosis, then:

  • prescribe a special diet combined with a strict drinking regime;
  • use antibacterial agents to combat pathogenic microbes;
  • antispasmodics are prescribed to eliminate bladder spasms;
  • if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed.

If other diseases (stones, adenoma, bladder) are detected, their treatment using local therapy is also prescribed. The following doctors usually treat diseases associated with inflammation and pain:

  • urologist;
  • oncologist;
  • gynecologist.

The doctor interviews the patient, records all his complaints, gives directions for tests,, if necessary, refers for diagnostics, and prescribes the necessary treatment.

Sometimes you need to know what to do if you experience severe pain. In such cases, to weaken them, you need to drink 2 glasses of plain water. This will well reduce the acidity of urine and, accordingly, reduce pain. It is very good to drink 1 glass of water every 20 minutes. If the pain does not go away, you need to take a pain reliever. Can I have some more:

  • take a warm (but not hot) bath;
  • steam your feet;
  • put a heating pad between your legs.

In any case, you need to see a doctor and completely recover from the disease, otherwise it may become chronic, which will be more difficult and longer to cure.

Symptoms of the disease are sometimes invisible, and even pain may not always appear. But it is important to listen to yourself, at the slightest ailment or discomfort associated with the bladder, be sure to get examined in order to start treatment on time.

Many women have experienced pain in the bladder area. In most such situations, when the pain disappears on its own after a few hours, the fair sex does not attach much importance to this phenomenon. However, the situation is completely different when the pain is so severe that it causes discomfort and disrupts the usual way of life. Then the woman has a question: what causes the bladder pain, what treatment is necessary. Let's try to answer it by naming the main factors that cause pain in this case.

How are bladder pain diagnosed and treated?

Before prescribing treatment for bladder pain in women, doctors conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. After all, therapy is selected depending on the type of disorder and the type of pathogen.

So, among the most common causes of such symptoms, cystitis should first be noted. This disease is characterized by the appearance of pain and cutting when urinating. Therefore, it is quite difficult to confuse it. Treatment directly depends on the type of pathogen, which is identified by conducting a bacteriological examination of urine. Taking into account the results obtained, an antibacterial agent (Fosfomycin, for example), as well as uroseptics (), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) are prescribed for severe pain.

If the bladder hurts due to a gynecological disease, then treatment is aimed, first of all, at the disorder that provoked the pain. This can occur with endocervicitis, salpingoophoritis, ovarian apoplexy, and endometritis. Diagnosis of the disease in such cases cannot be done without ultrasound. As for treatment, it depends on the cause of the pain.

So, if pain is observed against the background of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (endocervicitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis), then anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed (Monural, Cyston, Nolitsin), the dosage and frequency of administration of which is determined by the doctor.

If pain occurs due to a gynecological disorder such as apoplexy, the main type of treatment is surgery. Conservative treatment is permissible only in mild cases, when hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity is insignificant.

Thus, when a woman has bladder pain and frequent urination, before treatment, it is necessary to conduct studies such as a general blood test, ultrasound, and urinalysis, which will help determine the cause of the development of symptoms.

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The bladder is a hollow organ that consists mainly of muscle. It is located in the pelvic area. The shape and size of this organ changes depending on how it is filled. The complete organ looks like a pear, with its wide side at the top and the narrow side at the bottom. Once empty, it looks like a saucer. Its capacity for an adult is approximately 500 ml.

Why does pain occur?

If your bladder hurts, this indicates a serious reason. This may be related directly to this organ, or maybe not. So, why does your bladder hurt? This can be caused by disease of the kidneys, ureter, coccyx, genital organs (in women), etc. It follows that if the urinary organ is healthy, look for causes in other parts of the body.

If the disease is chronic and the bladder is affected, the pain will be constant. In some cases, the process of urination will be painful. In this case, women will feel heaviness, and the pain will be localized in the pelvic area and pubis. When emptying occurs, the pain may intensify. This may be at the beginning of the process, during or after it. If an unpleasant feeling occurs at the end of urination, this means that the urinary organ is inflamed. When pain is felt directly when urinating, this may indicate the presence of stones. During movement, they change their position, thereby injuring the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Diseases that may cause pain

There are reasons why bladder pain occurs. This:

  • bladder diseases;
  • inflammation of the ureter;
  • kidney disease;
  • acute inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder;
  • diseases of the genital organs in women.

In case of acute inflammation, the process of urination is disrupted and pain appears. And when women consult a urologist, he refers them to a gynecologist to identify the cause. This will help diagnose diseases of the genital organs and begin the necessary urgent treatment.


Typically, a pain symptom occurs in women during physical activity. This occurs due to the movement of stones in the bladder. As for the male sex, their pain is localized in the area of ​​the head of the penis. And if a child complains of discomfort, then he should be carefully examined and treated in a hospital. When urinary retention occurs, it can complicate the progression of the prostate adenoma, or the calculus can close the lumen of the urethra. In this case, unbearable pain and heaviness appear, the patient becomes very ill, and he is ready for any treatment so that only doctors can relieve the pain syndrome.

Upon admission to the hospital, the patient usually says that he is bothered by pain in the bladder:

  • If pain is present regardless of whether you move or not, this may indicate a growing malignancy in the urinary organ.
  • Cystitis also causes severe pain in the bladder. If the inflammation is diffuse, then when the bladder fills with urine, unpleasant sensations appear. Discomfort increases at the end of urination and after it. Then everything goes on until the bladder is filled again and emptying occurs. If cystitis is severe, frequent urination occurs and women experience constant pain. When the inflammatory process affects only the outlet of the bladder, pain in the bladder appears at the end of emptying and persists for some time after it. This occurs due to the fact that the sphincter constantly contracts, thereby injuring the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed. Cystitis is usually accompanied by 3 symptoms: frequent urge to urinate, pain during bowel movements and the presence of pus.
  • Often, a sharp pain symptom in the bladder, in which urination is impaired, appears due to various pathological processes in the woman’s genitourinary system. Inflammation of the mucous membrane also appears.
  • In almost 70% of cases, pain occurs due to stones and cystitis. At the final stage of emptying, severe pain begins.
  • Also, a pain symptom may occur due to a tumor present in the bladder.
  • The cause of pain in the bladder area is prostate adenoma. If sudden urinary retention occurs, the patient’s terrible torment begins. There is an inability to defecate, even if you really want to go to the toilet. In this case, the bladder is distended, painful on palpation, and heaviness is felt in it. The patient agrees to any treatment that will reduce pain. Pain syndrome appears as urine accumulates in the bladder, as well as during urination. Then, as urine enters the urinary organ, the painful sensations appear again. If the urge becomes more frequent, then we can assume that this is inflammation of the organ, cervical or diffuse cystitis.
  • If the patient has suffered an injury, after which pain appears in the lower abdomen, and there is a frequent desire to empty the urine, urine may not be released. After the patient begins to strain while trying to urinate, blood may appear. This is a sign that the urinary organ is ruptured. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary.

If there is dull but constant pain in the urinary organ, this means that the peri-vesical tissue is inflamed. In this case, you can feel the tumor above the pubis. It is often confused with a urinary organ filled with urine. To resolve the issue of the cause of this formation, you can resort to catheterization of the bladder.

Treatment of pathology

If you have pain in the bladder area, then you need the help of a specialist. Treatment is carried out by an oncologist and a urologist. It is their consultation that is necessary to find out why the bladder hurts. At the appointment, the doctor will examine you, listen to all your complaints and then write a referral for tests. If you have already been examined before, and you have the results, you need to take them with you to your appointment with the doctor.

If a doctor has diagnosed inflammation of the urinary organ, this means that it has become infected. This may occur due to an intestinal infection entering the urethra from the anus. You should consult a gynecologist. In another case, if chemicals begin to irritate the mucous membrane of the organ, recommendations from a urologist are necessary.

How can you reduce pain?

If the pain intensifies, you need to drink 2 glasses of water. This will help reduce acid levels in your urine and reduce pain. After this, you should drink 1 glass of any liquid for 3 hours - every 20 minutes. If the pain is unbearable, you can take a painkiller.

  • Pain while going to the toilet can be reduced by taking warm baths.
  • You can steam your feet.
  • Heating pads help a lot. You should lie on one with your back, and the second should be held between your legs. This way the urethra will warm up. At the same time, take medications for cystitis.
  • In addition to traditional medicine, you can use folk recipes.

Inflammation of the bladder must be cured completely so that the disease does not become chronic. This will take no more than 20 days.

Don't turn a blind eye to this problem, hoping that it will go away on its own. Pay close attention to your health. React to the slightest symptoms because they may indicate a serious illness. And if treatment is not started on time, then the situation can become dire. There are many diseases that are not accompanied by any symptoms, and then it turns out that it is no longer possible to cure them. But on the other hand, there are diseases with characteristic symptoms and it is impossible to confuse them with others. To make an accurate diagnosis, you must do what the doctor says. It is important to start treatment on time and fight the problem, and not sit idly by, waiting for everything to work out somehow.

By secret

  • Incredible... Chronic cystitis can be cured forever!
  • This time.
  • Without taking antibiotics!
  • That's two.
  • During the week!
  • That's three.

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