If you see mushrooms in a dream. What do mushrooms mean in a dream? Why do you dream about picking poisonous mushrooms?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of Mushrooms and what do they mean:

Picking mushrooms in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant chores or a profitable and well-paid job. To trample and break mushrooms on the ground means to fight against one’s own inertia. Collecting fly agaric mushrooms in a dream is a sign that you have lost your way; champignons are a symbol of imitation of other people’s tastes and inclinations.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Mushrooms?

Mushrooms - A dream about mushrooms means unhealthy desires and an unreasonable rush to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures. Eating them means humiliation and shameful love. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows neglect of property in the pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about picking mushrooms?

Dreaming of mushrooms is a bad symbol, a warning about problems and troubles associated with the unbridled desire for excessive enrichment. In reality, the dream warns you to be careful in your desire to get more money, since the methods will quickly cross the line of the law, for which you will be punished in court.

If you dream of mushrooms in a dish, beware of humiliation and shameful actions, the truth will quickly be revealed to the public. A woman dreams of mushrooms as a sign of dubious pleasures, a man dreams of deteriorating health.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Mushroom

In fairy tales, evil witches and sorcerers use mushrooms to make poison from them, and this image is imprinted in our subconscious. A dream about cooking mushrooms is a warning about the infidelity of friends. You probably already doubt the sincerity of your friend’s intentions, and now it’s time to talk to him frankly.

Why do you dream of wormy mushrooms - expect illness or deterioration in health. However, if you dream of a porcini mushroom, good luck and prosperity will accompany you in the near future, which you are subconsciously sure of.

Romantic dream book

Dream about mushrooms

Eating mushroom soup in a dream means you will soon suspect your loved one of infidelity. But this does not mean that the suspicions are justified. You have screwed yourself up a lot, so don’t jeopardize a strong union just because of your own suspiciousness. It’s better to talk frankly with your loved one. Mushrooms in a basket brought home are big troubles in the family circle through your fault. Be more tolerant with your partner so that quarrels end faster.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Mushrooms, according to the seer?

Collect porcini mushrooms - you will achieve success even where it was difficult to imagine. You can safely take on projects and expect profit. Chanterelle mushrooms - to financial prosperity. Seeing cut off mushroom caps in a dream means you will witness other people’s ups, your successes will not please you yet.z>

Great modern dream book

Mushrooms - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw mushrooms in a dream - in real life a prospect will open that seems true, but at the end of the road an unpleasant surprise awaits you; you will rush to invest capital in a promising business and cross the path of your competitors - it is possible that they will sue you; you will come to get pleasure, but you will find trouble; Until you leave, they will shout your name.

It’s like you’re eating mushrooms - you are a deeply feeling person and have a wide range of emotions; you have recently seen the meaning of life in search of new experiences; the greatest impression is given by love and everything connected with it, but what you do sometimes seems shameful to you; Do not share your doubts with anyone, otherwise they will humiliate you.

A young woman dreams that she eats mushrooms - this woman is ready to sacrifice a lot in order to indulge in pleasure; even the loss of moral purity does not frighten her; this woman must remember that all her sins (as well as sinful thoughts) are recorded by an angel on her wing.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Soon you will do something that will surprise everyone around you, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Mushrooms?

Mushrooms dream of unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital, which can lead to a lawsuit. Eating mushrooms means humiliation and low feelings. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows dubious pleasures in the future.

Ancient French dream book

What do mushrooms mean in dreams, interpretation:

Seeing mushrooms in a dream means long life and good luck. Morels promise good health to those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms give long life to those who eat them. Mushrooms with red caps are dreamed of by those who will have good luck in solving protracted matters, mushrooms with black caps - alas, foreshadow sadness.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about mushrooms

If in a dream you pick mushrooms, then the purchase you are about to make will undoubtedly be successful. White (boletus, boletus) – Help from outside; collecting is a successful enterprise; acquire secret knowledge. Tea mushroom - To mistrust and doubt.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of picking mushrooms

Short-term positive eroticism.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Edible for good luck; poisonous to deception.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about a mushroom

Mushrooms seen in a dream foretell a long life.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about mushrooms

Mushrooms symbolize caution and suspicion. In fairy tales, evil witches brew a brew from poisonous fly agarics and use this potion to bewitch people and cast spells on them. In some cases, mushrooms can mean wisdom. In many legends, the boletus mushroom is considered the guardian of the forest and its good spirit. A meeting with this spirit promises a person good luck and prosperity.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a mushroom meadow, it means in reality you must be very careful. Your imaginary friends will try to mislead you. Seeing a basket full of mushrooms in a dream is evidence that in the near future you will have to refute unfounded suspicions.

A dream in which you saw that someone had picked mushrooms before you and you only got cut off stems means that due to your excessive suspicion you will miss your chance. Wormy mushrooms are a bad sign. Represents illness and disaster. If in a dream you feel like a mushroom, it means in reality you will have to take on great responsibility.

Eating mushroom soup in a dream means that in reality you will suspect a person close to you of an ignoble act. To see in a dream how mushrooms the size of a house grow before your eyes means that your wisdom will be appreciated by others.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a mushroom, what does it mean?

They warn about deceptive pleasures and illusory plans. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is an honorable reward. Picking mushrooms means a lot of small work ahead. Seeing fly agarics and toadstools means lies and deception. Mushrooms grown in an unusual place - you have started a risky venture. Eating mushrooms is a reward at the expense of others.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing Mushrooms, how to unravel the symbolism

If a woman dreams of MUSHROOMS, this means that something out of the ordinary will happen soon. All dream interpreters agree that seeing mushrooms in a dream means being overwhelmed by some unreasonable desires.

For an unmarried woman, eating mushrooms in a dream means suffering deep humiliation or allowing herself to be drawn into a shameful affair or a dubious scam.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about mushrooms

Picking mushrooms or eating a mushroom dish in a dream is a negative sign, predicting humiliation and shameful love. You are overcome by unhealthy desires, which can feed ruthless gossip. Such a dream warns a young woman about neglect from men, loss of self-esteem in search of pleasure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Help through advice; seeing poisonous things is a happy occasion; eat - long life; collecting is a reward, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Mushrooms?

If you dream of lousy mushrooms - maremukha and others, then, they say, this is a good dream, this person will have some kind of profit. Picking mushrooms means the woman will have children. If you dream of dried mushrooms, then this is against any misfortune. Eating mushrooms means you will live to a ripe old age; seeing them means you will meet a fool, as the dream book predictor reports.

Interpreter of dreams by Maria Fedorovskaya

See Mushrooms

Mushrooms dream of illness, poor health, the dream can mean aging, simply a bad condition, for example, you will look bad.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of mushrooms from your dream

Yes – health and longevity; pregnancy (woman). Mushrooms on a stump or tree - wisdom; mysterious influences on the sleeper.

Semyonova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

There will be help if you ask for advice, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book


Prosperous old age.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do you dream about cutting a mushroom from spiritual sources?

To big troubles soon.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Picking mushrooms - labor will be rewarded; eat in sour cream - you will live in contentment; poisonous to see - a lucky chance will help you out of a dangerous situation; to eat - extreme old age.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Collect a successful marriage, improved family relationships. Seeing means aging, deterioration of appearance. There is a long life with a clear mind.

Sonniak Simona Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Mushrooms - Pregnancy, prosperous old age; collect - your work will be rewarded; eat - extreme old age; eat in sour cream - you will live in contentment; to see poisonous ones - a lucky chance will help you out of a dangerous situation.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about mushrooms?

For good, for profit, a gift, good advice you will receive, to give birth to a boy (for a pregnant woman), pregnancy, a groom will be (for a girl) // death, bad, there will be need, illness, tears, a quarrel, rain, to meet a fool; collect - profit, pregnancy // bad, illness, you will cry (the better the mushrooms - the more bitter), loss; there is – longevity, reward // danger; inedible mushrooms - profit, for good, a lucky break; dried mushrooms are a misfortune.

If in a dream you see how the little birds grow in very large numbers, you will have a desire to save more money.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about mushrooms?

A symbol of sexual frustration and great strength. Pluto.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Mushrooms by day of the week?

Collect mushrooms. A dream in summer means that good luck awaits you in the coming days; a dream seen in the fall means that you will consult with different people, trying to find a way out of a difficult situation; a dream in winter means that you will yearn for bygone times. A dream seen in the spring means peace. Finding a very large white mushroom means a long and happy life.

Fry mushrooms. A dream in the spring means that you risk ruining your quiet life through negligence; a dream seen in the summer means that you will become a participant in an incident that will greatly excite you, but will end quite happily for you; if you had a dream in the fall, this dream means that you will be deceived and pitted against a good person; seen in winter, it means that you are going to take on some difficult, dangerous and completely unnecessary business at the wrong time. In Ukraine they say that dried mushrooms are bad luck.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Mushrooms - support with advice, participation, picking mushrooms - for women - for pregnancy, for others - reward for work. Seeing a prepared dish with mushrooms is a sign of pleasure. Mushrooms in sour cream - to complete prosperity in the house. Eating mushrooms means living to a ripe old age. Poisonous mushrooms - a lucky chance will save you from danger.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Mushrooms?

Collecting means profit, frying means improving health. Mushroom soup - to a happy, well-fed and calm life. Imagine a huge basket filled with edible mushrooms. You bring them home, fry them or make soup.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Why do you dream of Mushrooms, symbolic meaning:

Poisonous mushrooms may look attractive but be dangerous; mushrooms grow in shaded areas, some in manure. Dreams about poisonous mushrooms can be a warning about interesting but unfamiliar objects, or simply mushrooms mean something useful that should grow on its own.

In real life: Are you connected to something that grows better if left alone? Do you need to experience the unpleasant side of a situation to fully appreciate the outcome?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about going mushroom picking?

To well-being, satiety, a happy life, good health. Imagine a forest clearing where many mushrooms grow. Then imagine that you are picking mushrooms and bringing home a basket full of mushrooms. Then clean the mushrooms, cook mushroom soup and eat it with your loved ones. If you dream of improving your health, imagine also eating fried mushrooms.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Collecting waves in a dream means anxiety and worry. Mushrooms - To a coffin or news of someone’s death.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To see in a dream how you are collecting little birds in a basket - you will have a bountiful harvest in the garden. A large basket of vigorous mushrooms means money. Chanterelles (saffron milk caps) - Questionable acquisitions.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Mushrooms can dream of illness.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about mushrooms?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Mushrooms in a dream have the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about mushrooms- this means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures.

There are mushrooms- means humiliation and shameful love. A young woman has such a dream- portends neglect of property and dubious pleasures in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Mushrooms- warn about deceptive pleasures, illusory plans. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is an honorable reward.

Collect mushrooms- There is a lot of small work to be done.

See fly agarics, toadstools- to lies and deception.

Mushrooms grown in an unusual place- you have started a risky venture.

There are mushrooms- reward at the expense of others.

Freud's Dream Book

Mushroom- is a symbol of the penis.

If you see a lot of mushrooms, collect them- you lead a very active and rich sex life, but are not very picky in choosing partners.

If you clean mushrooms- you dream of leading a more orderly lifestyle.

If you are holding a mushroom in your hand- you are prone to self-satisfaction.

If you cook mushrooms (fry, boil, salt, etc.)- you are predisposed to diseases of the genital organs.

If you throw away mushrooms- you are prone to homosexual (lesbian) relationships.

If the mushrooms turn out to be wormy- you will soon have children (grandchildren).

Dream book of lovers

If a girl dreams of mushrooms- this means that in the future she will not feel love for her husband, but will begin to neglect her family and seek dubious pleasures.

Aesop's Dream Book

Mushrooms- symbolize caution and suspicion. In fairy tales, evil witches brew a brew from poisonous fly agarics and use this potion to bewitch people and cast spells on them. In some cases, mushrooms can mean wisdom.

In many legends, a mushroom- the boletus is considered the guardian of the forest and its good spirit. A meeting with this spirit promises a person good luck and prosperity.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a mushroom meadow- this means in reality you must be very careful. Your imaginary friends will try to mislead you.

Seeing a basket full of mushrooms in a dream- evidence that in the near future you will have to refute unfounded suspicions.

A dream in which you saw that someone had picked mushrooms before you and you only got the cut off stems- means that due to your excessive suspicion you will miss your chance.

Wormy mushrooms- bad sign. Represents illness and disaster.

If in a dream you feel like a mushroom- this means in reality you will have to take on greater responsibility.

Eating mushroom soup in a dream- this means in reality you will suspect a person close to you of an ignoble act.

To see in a dream how mushrooms the size of a house grow before your eyes- this means that your wisdom will be appreciated by others.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Mushrooms in a dream- symbolize a random and somewhat dubious acquisition.

Seeing in a dream a mushroom clearing with strong, good mushrooms- may indicate unplanned profits that should be handled with caution.

Toadstools or fly agarics in a dream- most often mean that someone is making or is going to make you some tempting offers that may be disastrous for you.

Jewish dream book

Mushrooms- to big troubles soon

Solomon's Dream Book

Mushroom- prosperous passion.

Dream book for the whole family

If a woman dreams of mushrooms- this means that something out of the ordinary will happen soon.

All dream interpreters agree that seeing mushrooms in a dream- to be overwhelmed by some unreasonable desires.

For an unmarried woman to eat mushrooms in a dream- suffer deep humiliation or allow yourself to be drawn into a shameful relationship or dubious scam.

Dream book for a bitch

Mushrooms- you should not rush into concluding a contract or accepting any offer; think everything over and weigh it carefully.

New family dream book

Mushrooms- mean unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital. No matter how much it comes to trial!

There are mushrooms in a dream- in reality experience humiliation and shameful love.

Modern combined dream book

Mushrooms seen in a dream- an unfavorable sign. It foretells the emergence of unhealthy desires, and you will waste your wealth on vain pleasures and lawsuits.

Eating mushrooms in a dream- predicts humiliation and shameful love.

A dream like a girl- prophesies the abandonment of moral principles for the sake of base pleasures.

Eastern women's dream book

Mushroom- an unfavorable sign. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of unhealthy desires, and you risk wasting your wealth on dubious pleasures.

There are mushrooms- to an indecent love affair. For a girl such a dream- means moral failure.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

One but big mushroom- problems of the gastrointestinal tract; There is- you can be deceived. White mushroom for a woman- to unwanted pregnancy, man- to secret pleasure.

Children's dream book

Mushroom- soon you will do something that will surprise everyone around you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Mushroom- a reminder that the absence of impatience will be rewarded handsomely.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Rotten mushroom- dreams of those who have a worn-out body.

Large basket of vigorous mushrooms- to money.

If you dream that you are picking mushrooms and suddenly find a completely rotten specimen- someone will betray you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Rotten mushroom- failure will be your companion throughout the year.

Mushrooms- may dream of illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Mushrooms- to a coffin or news of someone’s death.

tea mushroom- to mistrust and doubt.

Rotten mushroom- to illness.

rotten mushroom- the old man will die soon.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Collect mushrooms- work will be rewarded; eat in sour cream- you will live in contentment; poisonous see- a lucky chance will help you out of a dangerous situation; eat- extreme old age.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing mushrooms in a dream- portends pregnancy and fatigue or satisfied passion.

Picking mushrooms in the forest- means that your work will be duly rewarded.

Buy mushrooms- means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital as soon as possible, which can lead to illusory pleasures, and even to legal proceedings.

There are mushrooms in a dream- to extreme old age.

Cook them in sour cream- you will live in contentment. Treating mushrooms means experiencing humiliation and secret love.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream- they say that in reality a lucky chance will help you out of a dangerous situation. To a young girl- such a dream foreshadows in the future disdain for material wealth, but a craving for carnal pleasures.

Dried mushrooms- portend that you will soon rest, significantly improve your health and bring your weight back to normal.

Buy or sell dried mushrooms- portends that the purchase you intend to make will be a successful acquisition.

Women's dream book

I dream about mushrooms- to unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital, which can lead to a lawsuit.

There are mushrooms- to humiliation and low feelings. A young woman has such a dream- foreshadows dubious pleasures in the future.

General dream book

In a dream you are picking mushrooms in the forest- receive a big gift.

Boil mushrooms in a dream- big changes will soon take place in your home.

You watched someone cook mushrooms- soon you will have to do minor repairs to your home.

Salt mushrooms- to change jobs.

A dream in which you watched someone pickle mushrooms- means ill-wishers will make sure that you are kicked out of work.

Fry mushrooms- success awaits your new endeavors.

In a dream you watched someone fry mushrooms- in the near future, friends will help you cope with a seemingly insoluble problem.

You dry mushrooms in your sleep- soon you will have minor troubles at work.

Buying mushrooms- means that the next day you will be mired in gossip.

You dreamed that you were selling mushrooms- because of you, one of your colleagues will have a lot of trouble.

Eating mushrooms in a dream means a scandal at work- you are watching someone eat mushrooms. Your colleagues will slander you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Picking mushrooms in a dream- a harbinger of pleasant troubles or a profitable and well-paid job.

Trample and break mushrooms on the ground- means fighting your own inertia.

Collect fly agarics in a dream- a sign that you have lost your way, champignons are a symbol of imitation of other people's tastes and inclinations.

Italian dream book

Mushrooms- short-term positive eroticism.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Mushrooms- edible for good luck; poisonous to deception.

Lunar dream book

Mushrooms- there will be help if you ask for advice.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Mushrooms- seen in a dream, foretell a long life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

There are mushrooms- health and longevity.

Mushrooms on a stump, tree- wisdom; mysterious influences on the sleeper.

Culinary dream book

If in a dream you pick mushrooms- the purchase you are about to make will undoubtedly be successful.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

There is only one mushroom, they do something with it- something associated with the male organ of love.

Growing see- your soul has difficulty navigating spiritual life / gentle soul.

Mushrooms sprout from your things- a life completely devoid of any changes.

Wander through a forest of giant mushrooms- contemplation of evil in your soul / your vices.

Trample on the ground, break, etc.- fight your own inertia.

Gather- small work / a lot of work, a lot of success.

Picking mushrooms, sorting- attach too much importance to everything related to eroticism.

Cook- surprise.

Fried or boiled mushrooms– experience satisfaction from other people’s weaknesses / enrich themselves at the expense of other people’s weaknesses / for men - fatigue; for women - pregnancy.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Mushrooms- for good, for profit, a gift, good advice you will receive, to give birth to a boy (for a pregnant woman), pregnancy, a groom will be (for a girl) / death, bad, there will be need, illness, tears, a quarrel, rain, to meet a fool; gather- profit, pregnancy / bad, illness, you will cry (the better the mushrooms, the worse), loss; There is-longevity, reward/danger; inedible mushrooms- profit, for good, a happy occasion; dried mushrooms- misfortune.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Picking mushrooms or eating a mushroom dish in a dream- a negative sign predicting humiliation and shameful love. You are overcome by unhealthy desires, which can feed ruthless gossip.

A young woman has such a dream- warns of neglect from men, loss of self-esteem in search of pleasure.

Esoteric dream book

Collect mushrooms- successful marriage, improved family relationships.

See- to aging, deterioration of appearance.

Eat- long life with a clear mind.

Poisonous mushrooms- to see to deception.

Gather- to treason.

Cook, eat- to disappointment.

Destroy- you will have to reveal deception or betrayal in time, but this will also result in disappointments and tears for you.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about lousy mushrooms- maremukhi and so on, then, they say, this is a good dream, this person will have some kind of profit.

Collect mushrooms- the woman will have children.

How to dream about dried mushrooms- this is against any misfortune.

There are mushrooms- you will live to a ripe old age, see- you will meet a fool.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Mushrooms- assistance through advice; poisonous see- Lucky case; There is- long life; gather- reward.

Collection of dream books

Mushrooms- to the reward of labor.

Collect mushrooms- portends unexpected luck in professional affairs.

Mushrooms in a basket- soon you will become a parent.

Seeing or eating edible mushrooms- it's time to stop eating meat, poisonous- danger sign; mushrooms with rounded shapes for men and elongated mushrooms- phallic shape, for women- a symbol of sexual dissatisfaction.

Mushrooms- dream of illness, poor health, a dream can mean aging, just a bad condition, for example, you will look bad.

Seeing mushrooms in a dream- to long life and good luck.

Morels- promise good health to those who collect them.

White mushrooms- long life to those who eat them.

Mushrooms with red caps- dreams of those who will have good luck in resolving protracted cases, mushrooms with black caps- alas, they portend sadness.


What do mushrooms mean in a dream?

In the world of dreams and daydreams, everything is always shrouded in some mystery, mystery.

And expecting a dream to show us the future in the form in which it appeared to us is pointless and naive.

However, those who know how to use dream books and analyze, listen to intuition and use imagination know how to look into the future and find out what the dream promises.

Did you dream about mushrooms? This can be either a good or bad warning sign for you.

Before finding out why mushrooms are dreamed of, it would be useful to take into account some important details. For example:

  • You dreamed that you saw a clearing dotted with mushrooms.
  • You are cooking mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms can be of different types: large or small, edible and poisonous.
  • You were picking mushrooms in the forest in your dream.
  • Have you seen wormy, unpleasant-looking mushrooms?
  • You've discovered big, beautiful mushrooms.
  • You happened to eat mushrooms in a dream.

There are relatively few situations, but each such dream has its own unique and important meaning. Remember well everything you can from this dream - what were the mushrooms like, what did you do with them, or did you just look? And then you can look for the meaning of the dream.

Seeing mushrooms in a dream

If in your “mushroom” dream you happened to see mushrooms with your own eyes, but you didn’t touch them, didn’t eat them, didn’t smell them, and so on, these dreams can have a variety of meanings, both pleasant and good, and not particularly favorable and rosy.

Let's find out why you dream about mushrooms that you have never touched, but only contemplated.

1. Frequent dreams – mushroom meadow. As the dream book says, this is a symbol of the fact that you are surrounded by unfaithful, imaginary friends. Beware of hypocrisy, betrayal and lies from people who are nearby.

Most likely, you trust someone who can take advantage of your trust and betray you, commit some kind of meanness. Such a dream where you see mushrooms growing in a clearing, any kind - champignons, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms - is a warning of danger.

Be alert, do not open up to everyone around you, and try to take a close look at all the people with whom you have to communicate in one way or another.

2. But to see poisonous mushrooms in a dream - toadstools, fly agarics, and so on - oddly enough, this dream, on the contrary, carries a very favorable sign. A good meaning is attributed to such a dream.

It promises a happy occasion that will certainly and very soon happen on your life path and change it for the better. It will be a pleasant, joyful surprise, from a completely unexpected side!

3. Seeing wormy mushrooms in a dream is a bad sign. According to Miller's dream book, wormy mushrooms warn you that you are at risk of getting sick in the near future, falling into the blues or depression. Not the healthiest period in your life awaits you; try, if not prevent it, then at least alleviate it in advance.

4. Sometimes in a dream you see absolutely incredible things, for example, huge, simply gigantic mushrooms, the size of a whole house. The meaning of such a fabulous dream is wonderful!

Your efforts will be justified, your merits will be appreciated, and you will receive a generous reward. If not in the form of crisp large bills of high denomination, then in the form of recognition, respect and an excellent reputation.

What did you do with them?

Quite often there are dreams in which you not only have to see mushrooms, but also do something with them.

Search, collect, cook or eat – sometimes even raw! Let's see why we dream of mushrooms, with which actions are associated.

1. The most common question is: why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest, in a clearing, anywhere. This is a wonderful dream, which is a harbinger of great happiness, good luck and great events.

  • For businessmen or entrepreneurs, this dream means profit, prosperity and complete success in business.
  • And for unmarried women - a happy marriage!

In any case, if in a dream you happened to pick mushrooms in the forest - champignons, milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms or honey mushrooms, this is a sign of quick success and happiness.

2. What does it mean if you are looking for mushrooms in the forest, but you see that someone has already collected them before you, and you see only stems?

This means that, probably, a situation may soon arise on your way, or has already arisen, in which you show excessive and groundless suspicion. Moreover, Miller’s dream book indicates that due to this very suspicion you will miss the chance - and lose something.

3. Suspicion is also associated with dreams in which you happened to eat mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup, salted milk mushrooms or honey mushrooms, fried champignons, and so on. The meaning of this “mushroom” dream is:

You suspect one of your family or people close to you, and this suspicion may well turn out to be unfounded and lead to conflict, or even a break in good relationships through your fault. Do not rush to make such decisions and blame someone without reliable and accurate circumstances.

4. Another thing is to eat mushrooms in sour cream in a dream, especially white ones. Seeing such food in front of you and enjoying it is a symbol of the fact that temptations and pleasures await you. But be careful - this can border on sin, shame and loss of good reputation, so better not go to extremes.

5. A dream in which for some reason you had to eat raw mushrooms, even poisonous ones, promises you longevity and good health. Rest assured, you will definitely live to see deep, noble gray hair.

6. And if you are preparing some kind of mushroom dish in a dream, it means that you will soon have to make some important decision. And at the same time, all the main responsibility will fall on you.

Take courage and don't look for advice. Make the right decision yourself, trusting your intuition and listening to your heart.

What to do with the interpretation of sleep?

In fact, “mushroom” dreams often hint to us about some hidden thoughts, suspicions, gossip, but often promise very good changes. It is very important to understand correctly what this or that dream means.

If you receive a not very pleasant interpretation of a dream, you have the opportunity to analyze the knowledge gained, look around, take a very careful look at your life from the outside and understand what actions to take in order to prevent the predicted unpleasant event.

But having received, on the contrary, a good, joyful prediction, you should also perceive it correctly. If you are predicted to be healthy, this does not mean that after such a dream you can not take care of yourself and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Treat dreams and their meanings wisely and soberly, and then you will be able to fully control your own destiny.


Why do you dream of eating mushrooms?

Sleep for a person is a time when the human body can rest and gain strength and energy. True, during sleep only the human body rests, and his brain continues to work actively. It is fragments of pictures that a person sees in a dream.

It is believed that what is seen in a dream sometimes reflects a person’s experiences, and sometimes allows a person to pay attention to a specific fact.

Many dreams remain in the memory in the morning, and sometimes a person really wants to know why this or that object or event was dreamed about. In this article I would like to understand why you dream about eating mushrooms.

For a single man, dreaming about edible mushrooms can portend a happy marriage; for a married couple, mushrooms can be a symbol of strengthening relationships. If in a dream a young girl dreams that she eats fly agarics, then this is a warning about an unhappy marriage.

A dream about a mushroom meadow, the collection of strong mushrooms, brings prosperity to the family, profit, an unexpected reward or help. Porcini mushrooms in a dream symbolize success at work, successful business development, and so on. Poisonous mushrooms seen in a dream speak of longevity or warn of betrayal of friends. Mushrooms with red or brown caps seen in a dream promise pleasant events and love passion. Eating mushrooms in a dream brings good luck, as well as abundance to the house.

What do dream books say about mushrooms?

Miller's Dream Book. If in a dream you dream that a person eats toadstools, then this indicates that he needs physical or mental rest, and can also mean unrequited love.

Picking mushrooms in a dream is a warning that it is necessary to postpone the implementation of your plans; it is better to reconsider the decision made.

Vanga's dream book. A dream of a large clearing of beautiful mushrooms prophesies an unexpected pleasant surprise in the near future for a person, which will undoubtedly make a person happy.

Wormy mushrooms in a dream portend betrayal or trouble. If a person dreamed that he stepped on a mushroom, which then exploded, then the dream warns of a nuclear danger.

Dream book of Nostradamus. According to this dream book, edible mushrooms dream of wisdom, inedible ones - of damage or the evil eye. This may be a warning that a person should be on guard in reality, it is necessary to be more attentive to personal belongings, because it is through them that damage can be caused to a person. The connection between mushrooms and damage is explained by the fact that mushrooms are often used during the preparation of various magical potions. A wormy mushroom can promise illness. But dreaming of boletus mushrooms can guarantee a successful outcome of the transaction.

Dream book of Evdokia. Mushrooms in a dream are associated with an unhealthy desire or desire for enrichment, which can later result in dubious actions or judgment. Eating mushrooms in a dream means humiliation or shameful love. Such a dream for a young woman can speak of her extravagance, disdain for property, dubious pleasures and even pregnancy. For men, such a dream brings with it poor health or overwork. And dreaming about mushrooms in old age promises a prosperous old age.

Italian dream book. Mushrooms seen in a dream are characterized as positive short-term eroticism.

Dream book for birthday people from September to December. Mushrooms dream of illness.

Dream book for birthday people from May to August. Seeing a large basket of mushrooms in a dream means money.

Folk Russian dream book. Edible mushrooms dream of good luck, poisonous ones warn of possible deception.

Dream interpretation of dreams. Mushrooms foretell a long life for a person.

Aesop's Dream Book. Mushrooms in a dream urge a person to be careful. They should alert a person and arouse suspicion. Indeed, in many fairy tales, various potions are brewed from mushrooms. Although in some cases mushrooms can mean wisdom. For example, in many legends, mushrooms are considered the guardians of the forest. In this case, a mushroom seen in a dream can bring good luck to a person. Seeing yourself eating mushrooms or mushroom soup in a dream means suspecting a loved one of an unfavorable act.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. A dream where a person eats mushrooms will bring him a reward in reality, which will be at the expense of other people.

Erotic dream book. Eating mushrooms carries a negative sign.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Eating mushrooms in a dream means living a long time.

Ukrainian dream book. If you dream that a person eats mushrooms, then he will have a very long life.

From all of the above we can conclude that, as many dream books as there are, there are so many opinions. In general, one cannot unambiguously judge a dream by only one sign or dreamed object.

The entire dream is important, and in its interpretation the main thing is all the details seen, and not just one fragment. That is why a person cannot rely with one hundred percent certainty on the predictions received in one of the dream books.

It’s not for nothing that they say that only an experienced psychotherapist can correctly interpret a dream, who can take into account not only the images a person sees in a dream, but also the person’s state itself, his mood, thoughts, experiences, etc.


Dream interpretation of collecting mushrooms

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book defines mushroom picking as upcoming chores. Poisonous mushrooms warn against possible tricks associated with increasing pay or receiving praise.

Picking mushrooms in the forest - events will take an unexpected turn; in the mountains - unforeseen obstacles and difficulties will appear. Picking mushrooms on the road indicates committing rash acts.

Who dreamed of picking mushrooms? Who did you pick mushrooms with? How many mushrooms did you collect? What were the mushrooms you picked in your dream? Where were you in your dream when you were picking mushrooms?

Who dreamed of picking mushrooms?

A woman dreams that she is picking mushrooms

A woman dreamed of picking mushrooms - to improve relationships with loved ones, receiving rewards in reality. Picking bad mushrooms - a close relationship with a man will end in humiliation, you will be treated carelessly.

Who did you pick mushrooms with?

Picking mushrooms with a dead person in a dream

If you dream of picking mushrooms with a dead person, you will have to go through a lot of troubles and worries, which will lead to an unstable emotional state. You should calm down and think everything through carefully.

How many mushrooms did you collect?

Why do you dream about picking a lot of mushrooms?

Why do you dream of picking a lot of mushrooms? There is a lot of small work to be done. If the mushrooms were noble - you will enjoy the actions performed, if they were poisonous - the work will not bring satisfaction.

What were the mushrooms you picked in your dream?

Picking edible mushrooms in a dream

A dream about collecting edible mushrooms promises good luck in all areas. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with success, you can safely begin implementing creative projects.

I dreamed that redheads were collecting

Collecting redheads in a dream means you will experience a frenzied, uncontrollable passion for a member of the opposite sex. A passing hobby will end as quickly as it began.

I dream that I am collecting saffron milk caps

The Felomena dream book describes the collection of saffron milk caps as a useless fuss. The actions you take will not bring any results. Think about using your own efforts more rationally.

Why do you dream about picking boletus mushrooms?

I dreamed that I was picking boletus mushrooms - a good sign. In reality you will get a good profit. Your business will be profitable, do not stop there.

Collect rotten mushrooms in a dream

Dreaming of picking rotten mushrooms is a negative sign. For a woman, a dream foreshadows humiliation and betrayal on the part of her beloved. For a man, circumstances will arise at work that can lead to troubles in business.

Where were you in your dream when you were picking mushrooms?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field? Your aspirations are aimed at achieving many results. The efforts made will not be in vain, you will receive a reward. Do not doubt the success of the enterprise, act!

How are other dream books interpreted?

Vanga's Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book


Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? What do dream books say?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream is very interesting. Its correct interpretation depends on the details. It is very important whether the mushrooms in the dream are edible or poisonous. Each source interprets this dream in its own way. Below are the interpretations of this dream by various dream books.

Dream interpreter from A to Z. Interpretation of dreams

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream means that all a person’s efforts will be rewarded. Mushrooms in a dream can also be a sign of pregnancy, satisfied passion, or extreme fatigue. Buying them means unreasonable haste and unhealthy desires in matters of capital accumulation. They can bring the sleeper to litigation. Eating mushrooms means aging. If a person cooks them in sour cream in a dream, then in reality he will live for his own pleasure. Treating someone with mushrooms means being humiliated in reality. This dream can also mean secret love. When a dreamer sees poisonous mushrooms in a dream, in reality a lucky chance will allow him to get out of a difficult and dangerous situation. For a young lady, this dream promises an irresistible craving for carnal pleasures, but neglect of material things. Dried mushrooms dream of improved health, weight loss and relaxation. Selling or buying them in a dream means a good acquisition in reality.

Dream book of Grishina. Dream interpretation

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream can foretell great success, small matters and great work. If a person in a dream walks through a forest where there are a lot of huge mushrooms, in reality he should not expect any changes in life. Cooking - to surprises. Growing mushrooms in a dream are a sign that it is difficult for the sleeper to understand spiritual issues. Breaking and trampling them in a dream means confronting your own inertia in reality.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Picking mushrooms in the forest, according to this dream book, means receiving some kind of reward. Mushrooms in a dream also could mean receiving help that will come through advice. Eating them means longevity. If you dream of poisonous mushrooms, it means a happy occasion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? Such dreams, as a rule, foreshadow dubious acquisitions and income. A forest clearing with beautiful, strong mushrooms promises unplanned profit. However, the one dreaming with her needs to behave carefully. Fly agarics, toadstools and other poisonous mushrooms mean a very tempting offer, which the sleeper should not agree to. It can be disastrous.

Modern dream book: picking honey mushrooms in a dream

This dream means that the sleeper will accidentally cause severe moral pain to one of his loved ones or acquaintances, as a result of which he will break off relations with this person for a long time. Drying honey mushrooms on a thread means victory over your enemies. For a woman, this dream means many fans. Eating honey mushrooms fried means a successful career.

French dream book

Mushrooms dream of longevity and good luck. If they have red hats, it means the successful completion of protracted affairs, and if they have black hats, it means sadness. Morels are a symbol of good health to those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms portend longevity for those who eat them in a dream.


Why does a woman dream of fresh porcini mushrooms?



Seeing mushrooms denotes the desire for prosperity in your home. Picking mushrooms is a pleasant surprise and good. that you didn’t collect wormy mushrooms, it means that troubles and intrigues of spiteful critics will bypass you. Good luck!


a woman is on a diet and she wants to eat.


MUSHROOM - seeing mushrooms in a dream means long life and good luck. Morels promise good health to those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms give long life to those who eat them. Mushrooms with red caps are dreamed of by those who will have good luck in solving protracted matters, mushrooms with black caps - alas, foreshadow sadness.

If you dream of mushrooms, this means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures. Eating mushrooms means humiliation and shameful love. For a young woman, such a dream foretells neglect of property and dubious pleasures in the future.

Dream Interpretation:
Mushrooms mean unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital. No matter how much it comes to trial!
Eating mushrooms in a dream means experiencing humiliation and shameful love in reality.

Dream Interpretation:
Seeing mushrooms in a dream means long life and good luck. Morels promise good health to those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms give long life to those who eat them. Mushrooms with red caps are dreamed of by those who will have good luck in solving protracted matters, mushrooms with black caps - alas, foreshadow sadness.

Dream Interpretation:
Unfavorable sign. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of unhealthy desires, and you risk wasting your wealth on dubious pleasures. Eating mushrooms means an indecent love affair. For a girl, such a dream means moral failure.

Dream Interpretation:
If you dream of mushrooms, this means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures.
Eating mushrooms means humiliation and shameful love. For a young woman, such a dream foretells neglect of property and dubious pleasures in the future.

Dream Interpretation:
Seeing mushrooms in a dream is an unfavorable sign. It foreshadows the emergence of unhealthy desires, and you risk wasting your wealth on dubious pleasures. If you eat mushrooms in a dream, then you are destined for an indecent love affair. For a girl, such a dream means moral failure.

Dream Interpretation:
If in a dream you pick mushrooms, then the purchase you are about to make will undoubtedly be successful.

The dream book Junona.org - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 40 of the best dream books: Miller's dream book, Nostradamus's dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Freud's dream book, Loff's dream book, Hasse's dream book, Russian dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book, Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima's dream book, gypsy dream book, Chinese dream book, Veles dream book, Longo's dream book, Indian dream book, modern dream book, esoteric dream book, Islamic dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, Azar's dream book, Assyrian dream book, erotic dream book, love dream book, Ukrainian dream book and others.

Alisa in a wonderful country

I looked in the “book of witches”: your dream has 2 meanings:
1- get help with advice (collect - reward)
2- to troubles, the better the mushrooms, the worse the troubles.


I once dreamed that I was picking mushrooms with... Oleg Yankovsky, for some reason...
Well, if they say here that picking mushrooms means good luck and prosperity, now I know what Yankovsky dreams about...!

The independent work of our subconscious during deep sleep at night appears to us in the form of magical fantastic stories, the name of which is dreams, night reveries or daydreams. These fantasies should be taken seriously and carefully, try to understand, unravel and comprehend what they want to convey to us, or maybe warn about something, good or bad, unknown, standing on our doorstep? Is it up to us to figure it out and find out why a woman dreams of mushrooms? In order to accurately and as reliably decipher the magical clues given to us, first you need to remember all the details of the dream, preferably down to the smallest detail, perhaps even write down what escapes your attention.

The mushroom itself is a mysterious and incomprehensible, semi-mystical creature, appearing in many tales and traditions, and has attracted people's attention since ancient times with its unusualness. He is an intermediate form between the animal and plant worlds, between the above-ground and the underground, the present and the otherworldly, living on both sides of the mirror.

A person sees only a tiny part of the huge branched organism of the mycelium with his own eyes on the surface of the earth and can touch it with his hands. Only fruits called mushrooms can we see, pick, and even prepare the most delicious dishes from them. But they can also kill a person very quickly, instantly poisoning his body. The main part of this living creature is hidden from us in the underground world, piercing vast distances with invisible threads.

Dreams in which mushrooms are present can have hundreds and even thousands of different, sometimes contradictory interpretations and meanings. It all depends on the smallest details:

  • what kind of mushroom did you dream about?
  • number of mushrooms;
  • names of mushrooms, whether they are edible or poisonous;
  • actions performed with them: collected, looked at, eaten, accepted or given as a gift, or maybe simply trampled on.

Maybe it was a simple meal made from mushrooms, like mushroom soup, or maybe an expensive gourmet dish from a restaurant kitchen?

All these endless questions are answered by numerous dream books that have been popular among the people for thousands of years and compiled by ancient and modern dream interpreters.

Most dream books tend towards positive and joyful interpretations of dreams in which various mushrooms appear. They predict a good, prosperous and rich life; imminent marriage or pregnancy; good luck in home and business affairs; help from loyal friends and relatives; reward for conscientious work; the absence of big troubles and potholes on the road of life. But there are also negative predictions that carry negative information - serious illnesses, premature aging, foreshadowing evil deception and troubles, a serious risk of getting into an awkward situation and even death, your own or those of loved ones! You need to understand this in more detail and scrupulously in order to, if possible, prevent negative events in your life or at least reduce them to a minimum.

What dreams predict good things for us?

Of course, those dreams in which we experience pleasure and peace are bright, colorful, with the participation of people close to us, relatives, friends. When you wake up enchanted by what you see, with a light heart and a good mood!

Certain varieties of dreamed mushrooms have their own meaning:

  1. Honey mushrooms will dream of small money matters, pleasant chores, or predict the birth of a long-awaited heir in the family.
  2. Chanterelles will notify you of a pregnancy that will take place in an unconventional manner, with complications, or of empty chores that will not change anything in your life and will not bring anything new; for a young woman, fried chanterelles will predict the imminent birth of a daughter, similar in appearance to her mother.
  3. Russulas will predict an easy and interesting life.
  4. Dreaming of champignons predicts the imminent birth of a child, flirtation and romance with a wealthy, reliable man, an established family life, an unexpected gift or big profit.

You need to be careful and notice the smallest details in a dream in order to correctly interpret the dream .

It all depends on what kind of mushroom you dreamed of. And what actions took place in your dream.

Clean, strong, edible mushrooms in a forest clearing foreshadow a quick, long-awaited gift or an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. To see one large mushroom - boletus - means to show extraordinary wisdom in business, to give valuable advice to a relative or friend, to prove oneself a real connoisseur of life.

Why do you dream about edible mushrooms? Mushrooms with bright red caps, for example, boletus, will be the harbingers of a bright and ardent, unusually strong passion that will bring new impressions into your life and make you look at many things from a different, previously unknown side.

Finding mushrooms in a dream is a good sign! Perhaps this will destroy your familiar world and force you to take a new path.

I dreamed about a full basket of selected mushrooms:

  • to wealth and prosperity in your home;
  • to quick cash receipts;
  • for expensive gifts.

For an unmarried girl, this same basket is a sign of an imminent wedding, a meeting with the long-awaited betrothed. For a woman who has been married for a long time - longevity and happiness in family life, a calm old age in the circle of her family.

For a girl, picking mushrooms alone in a dream means an imminent meeting with her chosen one, for a young woman who has recently gotten married - a possible addition to the family, for an older person - veneration in the family and recognition of her merits.

If a woman dreamed that she was picking mushrooms with close relatives, and they helped her and put mushrooms, filling her basket, this means that there is prosperity in the family and her relatives will never leave her in trouble, she can always count on their help and support , attention and care. If you dreamed of a beautiful, bright new house, around which there are many colorful mushrooms growing, pleasing to the eye, then this means that you are under the reliable protection of family and friends, who will always be your support in sickness and health. And the more mushrooms you see, the more numerous the ranks of your good friends are.

Picking mushrooms accompanied by your husband or loved one will predict a pleasant pastime in his campaign, warn of an imminent meeting, and getting a lot of pleasant impressions and troubles from this. But if your bucket or basket suddenly becomes empty in a dream, then this is a warning - you should not give free rein to your emotions in reality, you can turn everything into a big scandal and quarrel, say too much in the heat of the moment and later regret it. Although this quarrel will serve to strengthen your relationship after a big open conversation. The main thing is to be sincere and friendly during this conversation and demand the same from your other half. In any case, it is better to forgive or give in than to stir up a useless scandal and spoil the relationship with your loved one.

In general, a full basket of edible selected mushrooms symbolizes joy, good luck, cash receipts, gifts, love of loved ones, care shown towards you. And also everything that makes a woman’s life valuable:

  • birth of children;
  • marriage;
  • own health and that of family members;
  • carefree life;
  • cozy home;
  • respect and love for children.

If a woman in a dream collects mushrooms from a tree or stump, then, most likely, this dream speaks of the wisdom she has finally acquired in life and that her loved ones will expect practical and useful advice from her, help in family and household matters.

For someone who has been busy with many days of painstaking and exhausting work, picking mushrooms in a dream means that it will soon be completed and the results will be very pleasing, bringing new cash income and satisfaction from the work done.

Why do you dream about mushrooms you collected in a dream? Picking mushrooms for pickling in a dream means that pleasant family chores are ahead, and perhaps an offer for a more profitable job will come.

Picking mushrooms can warn of the need to carefully check your life plans, think carefully and weigh everything before making a fateful decision. Be attentive and careful, and then your life will change for the better.

You dreamed of large mushrooms that are significantly larger than your height, a very good sign, this means that your life and wisdom will be appreciated by others, and you will earn universal respect and honor.

Mushrooms are rightfully considered a very tasty food; many dishes are prepared from them. Often a person sees in a dream:

  • what he eats himself;
  • treats other people with mushrooms;
  • treat him himself.

If you dream that you are eating salted mushrooms, then everything in your life depends not only on you, but also on your true friends and loved ones. They will help you find a way out of a delicate situation, save your good name and reputation, save and protect your honor and dignity, and stop attempts to discredit you. And eating mushrooms in sour cream, in general, is a direct indication not only of longevity, but also of a prosperous, comfortable life and wealth, the prosperity of your family. A festive dinner in a family circle with mushroom dishes on a beautifully set table promises you abundance in the house, good luck and wealth.

But preparing a dish of red chanterelles is a completely different matter; it means making an important decision that will affect your entire future life and, possibly, career, a new and successful assignment, raise, promotion; eating them means upcoming festivities and celebrations .

If in a dream you collect milk mushrooms, strong, juicy, crispy, and then salt them, it means that in reality you will have a responsible and difficult job or a task that takes a lot of effort and time. You should show patience and endurance, and you will do everything with honor and will have the opportunity to climb the career ladder, consolidating your great success, leading you to material rewards. Young boletus and saffron milk caps will also predict success in business and work if you carefully and painstakingly fill your large basket to the top with them in a dream.

Collecting and cleaning the little ones is a sign of a suddenly revealed craving for money-grubbing and hoarding, saving money for future use for some vague and illegible purposes.

Collecting, cutting and peeling mushrooms, preparing dishes from them - means the absence of financial difficulties, material wealth and financial well-being, bringing your wildest fantasies and plans to life, a successful investment of money and filling the family budget.

These will be unpleasant dreams, when a person wakes up with a feeling of depression and anxiety, often cannot remember elusive details, but knows for sure that the dream was bad, unpleasant and even creepy. These are roughly the dreams:

  • old, rotten mushrooms that fall apart in your hands;
  • before our eyes, turning into dust and decay, selected, freshly picked mushrooms;
  • they collected beautiful toadstools and fly agarics, or, in general, ate them.

The meaning of dreams about mushrooms is great and extensive; we still have a lot to learn about them. It is worth spending your time and attention to learn as much as possible about this.

Such dreams foreshadow us with troubles, failures, difficult life moments, betrayals and losses. It is necessary to understand this in more detail, since everything here also depends on the details and little things seen, noticed and realized by you.

Seeing a lot of old, wormy mushrooms in a dream, and even more so picking them, means poor health, illness, and approaching old age.

Collecting blackened mushrooms means that big troubles are coming from your husband or children; perhaps big changes are coming in your family life and these changes will not be pleasant.

Pulling mushrooms by the roots, trampling them, crushing them instead of collecting them means that a woman will face very big troubles that she herself will not be able to cope with and she will need someone’s help, most likely strangers and close people. Collecting bright and beautiful fly agaric mushrooms means that in real life everything will not go as the woman expects and the dream tells her that she has lost her way and changes for the worse will occur in her life. It is worth reviewing your life and behavior in advance in order to avoid major troubles, discuss everything with a close friend and ask for practical and independent advice, ask to evaluate everything from an outside perspective and with an open mind.

It also happens that a woman has a dream in which she eats bad mushrooms - old, wormy, or poisonous toadstools and fly agarics. This is a bad dream.

If a woman sees that she is eating inedible bright mushrooms, this is:

  1. To gossip and rumors behind your back.
  2. To accusations of infidelity and treason.
  3. To scandals in the family and disobedience of children.
  4. To betrayal of friends.

The same dream for a girl foreshadows an unsuccessful and unhappy marriage, in which she will experience humiliation and insults, and loss of self-esteem. This dream can also indicate the need for good rest, mental and physical.

Wormy and old mushrooms that you pick up foreshadow adultery and troubles, betrayal of your husband, and his possible departure from the family. Or the acquisition of a dangerous vice for the family - drunkenness, gambling, drug addiction. Also, dreaming of inedible mushrooms can warn of a possible evil eye and damage to you.

Try not to give your enemies a chance - be attentive and careful.

Do not leave your personal belongings unattended or scatter outside the walls of your home, because most of the hexes and conspiracies are performed on personal belongings, and mushrooms are used as a magic potion.

If you dreamed of a mushroom in which you see a worm, then this portends you an imminent serious illness.

Searching for mushrooms in a place unusual for mushrooms to grow indicates that in real life you will soon become an attractive object of gossip, malicious gossip and offensive rumors.

You dream of a large mushroom meadow that is emptying before your eyes

Why do you dream about a mushroom meadow? If in a dream the clearing is bare and empty, it means that you were slow and leisurely and missed your chance to change your life for the better. And in the near foreseeable future you will no longer have such a chance:

All this means that you have people around you who are not really your friends. .

And if you do not take emergency measures, they will prevent you from realizing your great hopes or ruin the holiday in your home. Imaginary friends will definitely mislead you and try to benefit themselves from your adversity; you will have to refute unfounded rumors and accusations.

If you dreamed that you yourself were a mushroom, it means that in real life you will have to take on a very great responsibility and carry this difficult burden throughout your entire life.

Dried or dried mushrooms strung on a string in a dream are a harbinger of routine and ascetic life, where every day will be dull and similar to the previous one like two peas in a pod. Buying or selling such mushrooms portends a happy and successful purchase in reality.

If a wormy mushroom gets into a basket of mushrooms in a dream, then most likely a very close friend or friend will betray the woman in reality. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings so that the blow is not sudden and painful.

Someone persistently treats you to mushrooms in a dream

Most likely, in life you will have to listen to accusations of something you have never done. And even in my thoughts I couldn’t allow something like this to happen.

Why dream of washing and peeling mushrooms? Carefully cleaning and sorting mushrooms in a dream means fatigue from the fast pace of life and the need for a long rest.

Throwing away mushrooms in a dream is also a bad sign. Most likely you will have to:

  • rebuild your own life, going through adversity and deprivation;
  • lose someone close to you or relatives;
  • lose acquired property.

Eating raw mushrooms means experiencing, in reality, unfounded suspicions towards your loved ones. There are a lot of mushrooms, which means that in reality your big problem is out of your control. You will try your best to take over the situation, but you shouldn’t do this. Everything will be decided on its own, and you just need to reach out and take the well-deserved prize. You shouldn’t waste precious time and energy on something that will already be yours after some time.

It’s bad to see in a dream how someone is brewing a potion or some kind of brew from mushrooms. This dream tells the woman that someone from her inner circle is trying to harm her, to discredit and slander her in every possible way.

To see mushrooms in someone’s hands in a dream, or the appearance of someone else’s mushroom picker, means the need to be careful. You can voluntarily or unwittingly harm someone close to you. Insult, offend for no reason, humiliate with a word, cause mental pain, make an enemy for the rest of your life.

Buying mushrooms in a dream is very bad. Most likely, you will face lost profits, unreasonable haste in the desire to increase your capital, an unhealthy desire to enrich yourself at the expense of others and, as a result, possibly a lawsuit.

If in a dream mushrooms grow from personal belongings, then in real life no changes will happen, everything will go smoothly and measuredly,

Dreams about mushrooms always bring us warnings and hints, we just need to be able to read and understand them correctly. It would also be a good idea to interpret them in relation to the day of the week on which the dream occurred. Be able to identify dreams that are truly fateful, especially those related to financial situation, financial well-being, suggest ways to resolve disputes and conflicts, reconcile the parties, ways out of material problems, predict with equal probability harmful and beneficial consequences.

Mushrooms are often called a gift of nature, and rightly so. This meat replacement product has excellent taste. If you dream about it, then only to material wealth, well-being, all the best things in life.

I dreamed about mushrooms in a dream, what does it mean?

It is believed that picking mushrooms indicates money and income. Collect them in the forest- increase your wealth.

According to Miller's dream book a passion for picking mushrooms means that a sleeping person has bad or destructive habits in his life; he can do a lot for the sake of excitement, and can even break the law.

Vanga's Dream Book portends good luck for the sleeping person when collecting, but if there are toadstools in the basket, then this is due to the betrayal of a close friend.

Picking mushrooms in a dream

Many dream books give an interpretation that if you went into the forest picking mushrooms in a dream- this is to increase wealth.

For a woman to find and collect them in a dream means:

  1. a caring and attentive husband, obedient children;
  2. wealth in the house;
  3. peace of mind and confidence in the future;
  4. well-being in the family;
  5. respect for work colleagues;
  6. a little flirtation or office romance.

Find a large white mushroom in a dream- to the groom, lover.

If a woman dreams of mushrooms

When a woman dreams of mushrooms- good sign. It means profit in material terms and “on the love front.”

If you have a dream pregnant woman, then the pregnancy will proceed without pathologies and abnormalities, and she will give birth to a healthy child.

For girls who are married- this is a sure sign of getting pregnant.

When the girl dreamed of a lot of forest fungi, then the choice of grooms will be large. In a dream, these “gifts of nature” can give a young woman in reality the only man with whom she can link her destiny forever.

Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms?

Woman collecting porcini mushrooms- great luck. Such a dream leads to:

  1. advancement up the career ladder;
  2. improving family relationships;
  3. addition to the family;
  4. the arrival of long-awaited guests.

For a sleeping person to see white mushrooms- a pleasure, both in a dream and in reality. All doors open before him, he is accompanied by good health and a happy life.

When unmarried girl she dreams that she found a white fungus - there will be a wedding!

If you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

IN in most dream books, collect mushrooms- to make a profit, a positive solution to long-planned plans.

When a woman dreams that she is collecting honey mushrooms or boletus– she will receive monetary reward in the form of a bonus or other incentives.

When she found a big white mushroom- a new admirer will appear.

According to the dream book for a woman, picking mushrooms in the forest means:

  • pleasant meeting;
  • friendship, love, marriage;
  • obtaining significant income;
  • positive resolution of cases;
  • longevity;
  • career advancement.

But in some dreams there is a warning about possible betrayal, danger, and deceit. In such dreams, the mushrooms turned out to be inedible and poisonous.

Why do men dream about mushrooms?

The interpretation in the dream book is different for men and women. If businessman man visions of collecting fungi in the forest come, this means:

  • obtaining good profits from the implementation of the project;
  • profitable deal;
  • embodiment of ideas;
  • arrival of profitable investors.

For men, edible fungus and mean that he has many true friends.

A man who has a pregnant wife, a dream about collecting mushrooms promises the birth of a son.

Why do you dream about honey mushrooms?

  • Honey mushrooms- are associated in a dream with cohesion, as they grow in clusters. They indicate a strong team, mutual understanding, good relationships. Collecting them in a dream is a good sign.
  • Collect milk mushrooms- fulfillment of desires.
  • Picking champignons promises an unexpected, chance meeting on the street.
  • If you had to walk through the forest and find chanterelles– to well-being, additional income.
  • To a woman You may dream of such gifts of nature for the birth of your daughter.
  • Dreams are not always accompanied by pleasant events with the collection of saffron milk caps. There is some kind of cunning, secret, deception hidden here.

Picking edible mushrooms in the forest

Dreams where people gather in the forest edible forest gifts, in the dream book means:

  • long life and health;
  • good luck, prosperity;
  • material income;
  • getting rid of failures;
  • happy marriage.

If you dream about a lot of mushrooms- to true friends, successful transactions, cash receipts.

When the gifts of nature in the forest are great and a lot, a pleasant event awaits you that will make significant changes in your life.

For a woman or girl picking mushrooms in a dream - a new man who can become loved.

Why do you dream about wormy mushrooms?

Seeing things unfit for food in dreams mushrooms filled with worms, does not carry anything good.

Miller's Dream Book associates such a dream with fraud or your disastrous mistake.

Other dream books interpret this as:

  • expect meanness from an old enemy;
  • you are guaranteed to feel unwell, feel unwell;
  • Be careful, you may encounter lies, misfortune, evil plans, failures.

They can be either a healthy and tasty product or a deadly poison, so dreams with their participation can have a double meaning. The meaning largely depends on the details of the dream, the characteristics of the dreamer, the type of mushrooms and much more.

Interpretation of sleep

Meaning for a woman

She dreams of a mushroom if she is overcome by forbidden desires, mercantile desires to obtain material value through the intimate sphere. The desire to get rich can lead a woman into dangerous jungles.

Favorable meaning of the dream - this is pregnancy, mutual love, a blessing for some business.

Unmarried girls such dreams promise dubious pleasures, deceptive vows on the part of the admirer.

For pregnant women, mushrooms in a dream foretell family well-being and the love of a spouse. Fried mushrooms speak of a woman’s envy of another family’s wealth. Seeing a large mushroom with a thick stem in a dream means the birth of a boy.

For a man

For men, such a dream portends unexpected complications., obstacles on the way to the goal. In love affairs, it foreshadows the appearance of a rival, in the professional sphere - rejection from colleagues.

Seeing mushrooms on your hands means that you have offended a close friend. Picking mushrooms in a clearing means receiving a reward for your services.

See a girl picking mushrooms portends the pregnancy of the beloved.

Edible mushrooms

In many ways the interpretation of a dream depends on the type of edible mushrooms:

  • Honey mushrooms portend prosperity and profit, an increase in capital due to unexpected income.
  • Champignon they talk about an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, an event that will bring material benefit to the dreamer in the future. Eating champignons means imitating someone, falling under the influence of a charming person, thereby betraying your principles.
  • Chanterelles indicate busyness, vanity, which will only bring a person fatigue and regret about lost time. Cooking chanterelles speaks of making an important life decision.
  • Milk mushrooms portend a stupid quarrel out of nowhere between blood relatives. Collecting milk mushrooms means provoking the spread of gossip and rumors. For adventurous people, the dream foreshadows a streak of failures and hardships.
  • Saffron milk caps indicate that the dreamer has fallen under the influence of others and cannot distinguish his own opinion from the imposed one. A lot of saffron milk caps means an awkward situation.
  • Oyster mushrooms indicate envy of colleagues, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team.
  • Butter dream of troubles, problems in relationships with the opposite sex. If a married woman eats a plate of butter in a dream, it means an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Boletuses (redheads) they talk about losses and troubles, about trials along the way that will strengthen the dreamer’s character and make him stronger and more persistent. A dream about these red mushrooms portends receiving help from an unfamiliar person.
  • boletus indicate fair punishment, retribution for and reward according to deserts.
  • Boletus are harbingers of a new addition to the family, be it the birth of children or a wedding, and also speak of good health and well-being.
  • Dried mushrooms portend disappointment and financial loss. For women, such a dream promises the preservation of beauty until old age, and for men - obtaining a good position through dubious means.
  • Mushroom soup portends a well-deserved rest, peace, and newfound well-being. Eating mushroom soup means a happy marriage. Pour mushroom soup into bowls - wait for guests.
  • Fried mushrooms they talk about the dreamer’s inability to keep his mouth shut, even if what is said is the absolute truth.
  • Boiled mushrooms indicate the dreamer’s good health and family happiness.
  • Marinated mushrooms They say that you will have to fight for your happiness. In love, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a third wheel.
  • Frozen mushrooms indicate career growth and success in entrepreneurship, but also speaks of problems in personal life. The dreamer is faced with a choice - either career or love.
  • Salted mushrooms in a jar indicate a person’s carelessness, his craving for extreme sports and danger. The dream predicts serious problems and serious injuries.


The meaning of the dream also depends on the type of inedible mushrooms:

  • Toadstools they warn about danger from a close friend, advise to be vigilant and not to trust anyone. The dream also warns of the possibility of the evil eye or damage.
  • Fly agarics are a positive symbol and indicate good luck in business. A mushroom with a large red cap predicts a meeting with a beautiful and interesting person, in whom the dreamer will find a friend and like-minded person.
  • Rotten or mushrooms with worms warn of troubles and harm to the dreamer’s health. For married people, the dream speaks of a spouse.

Clean and buy them - what does it mean?

Cleaning mushrooms in a dream speaks of a person’s subconscious desire to change his life, to get beyond the usual. Peeling mushrooms with a knife foreshadows the opportunity to change everything in life.

Buying or receiving mushrooms from someone means a successful acquisition, receiving an expensive gift, monetary reward for a person’s work. Taking mushrooms from someone’s hands means mutually beneficial cooperation with some person.


Seeing a clearing of mushrooms in a dream indicates that the dreamer has surrounded himself with hypocritical and deceitful friends. A round mushroom meadow foreshadows betrayed trust, betrayal of a loved one, and dashed hopes.

Seeing a clearing of mushrooms in a dream, but not picking them, means getting a lucky chance, but not taking advantage of it for fear of being deceived.

For a young girl, such a dream indicates that her lover is not what he seems. There is a danger that a young man may leave a pregnant girl alone.

For men, on the contrary, such a dream portends success in business, victory over competitors, conclusion of a profitable contract.

If you suddenly see that mushrooms have grown on your back, this indicates a painful state of the body, health problems. Large mushrooms along the spine indicate psychological problems, frayed nerves, and chronic fatigue.

Such a dream also indicates that someone is spreading unseemly rumors behind a person's back.



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