Why does a man have an egg pain. Causes of testicular pain in men

The scrotum is the most important, but almost defenseless organ. The reasons why a man's eggs hurt are often associated with the presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Sometimes pain can be caused by physiologically normal phenomena, but sometimes it is a sign of the development of a pathological process.

The testicles (or testicles) are the genital organ in which seminal fluid is produced. If the production of sperm is impaired, a man may be at risk of infertility. With various diseases of the genital organs, they can be disturbed if an infection gets into them or against the background of the spread of the inflammatory process.

It hurts the right testicle or the left - there is no difference, the reasons do not differ from the position of the testicles in the scrotum in men. Sometimes testicular pain is a symptom of a boy's puberty.

However, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Pain may indicate the development of a cancerous tumor.

The main reasons why the testicle hurts (right or left) in men:

  1. physiological factor. A feeling of heaviness or even tingling can be a symptom of prolonged sexual abstinence. Usually this is a one-time stagnation, which is not a symptom of the disease. After ejaculation, the discomfort in the groin goes away.
  2. Tissue injury. Due to a bruise, fall or blow to the groin, pain appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage. The testicles begin to swell and hurt, necrosis and even gangrene may develop, if infection has also occurred.
  3. Inflammatory diseases. Eggs hurt in men due to prostatitis and other problems with. Also, such unpleasant sensations develop against the background of epididymitis, orchitis and other pathologies.
  4. Infection. Due to promiscuity and the lack of a condom, a young man can pick up a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases. Harmful bacteria cause irreparable harm to men's health, provoke inflammation.
  5. Circulatory disorders. The vascular cause is associated with a violation of the metabolic processes in the scrotum, while the left or right testis may suffer. Oxygen deficiency of the blood supply leads to varicocele, and this may result in the death of scrotal tissue.
  6. Cancer lesions. In advanced forms and with aggravating chronic diseases, oncology can develop. When a problem is detected early, cancer is highly treatable.

As soon as discomfort and pain appear in the testicular area, the factor that provoked them should be determined. After the course of treatment, additional diagnostics are prescribed, confirming the effectiveness of therapy.

Associated symptoms

At the doctor's examination, it is important to accurately describe the problem and the nature of the pain. Associated symptoms also play an important role. Additional signs will help clarify the diagnosis. The pain can be pulling, sharp or intermittent.

What symptoms can accompany discomfort in the scrotum:

  • tissue swelling;
  • change in the size and shape of the testicles;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain is given to the groin, abdomen;
  • erection problems;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • redness of the genitals, the appearance of a rash and spots;
  • problems with conception;
  • general weakness.

Sometimes testicular pain in men and its causes are associated with drug therapy and may be a side effect of certain medications. In this case, nausea, vomiting or other disorders of the digestive tract are additionally observed.

When to see a doctor

Self-diagnosis is an inaccurate, sometimes erroneous method for determining the presence of an illness at home. However, such an examination of your own body may indicate that it is time to seek help from a doctor.

The following manifestations can serve as a reason to contact a urologist, andrologist or venereologist:

  • there is an increase in pain when pressing and pressing on the scrotum;
  • it becomes unpleasant even from touching the scrotum;
  • feeling of heaviness and discomfort when walking;
  • recently a man received a bruise of the testicles;
  • an increase in the testicles, a change in their shape and appearance;
  • on palpation, foreign seals are palpated;
  • a rash and redness appeared on the surface of the penis and scrotum;
  • for a long time it is not possible to have a child;
  • the pain recurs constantly or intermittently.

For severe pain, you can drink non-steroidal painkillers based on ibuprofen or ketoprofen. In order to avoid mistakes in the diagnosis, before going to the doctor, do not use antibacterial agents for intimate hygiene, refuse to take analgesics. Medicines can interfere with lab results.


The first way to determine the presence of pathology is palpation. To the touch, the doctor determines inflammatory processes, the presence of a cyst, stagnation or torsion of the spermatic cord. Infectious diseases cannot be determined without a general smear and other laboratory tests.

According to the results of general laboratory tests, an increase in leukocytes can be detected, indicating the presence of pathology. A bacteriological smear will help to identify the presence of fungal and some bacterial diseases.

Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accurate methods to help find cysts on the testicles, determine prostatitis and connective tissue ruptures. A spermogram is prescribed if a man has problems with conception.

Venereal diseases are not able to detect a normal smear. For this, a sick person is prescribed PCR tests to help identify chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, or gonorrhea. Computed tomography is indicated when the doctor suspects the presence of a cancerous tumor.


Drug therapy is prescribed in each case individually. With some diagnoses, only surgery is indicated. Treatment of pain in the testicles is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis and identification of the cause of discomfort.


This is varicose veins of the testes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to detect the disease at an early stage; the testicle begins to ache only in the last phase. At the same time, a man experiences discomfort during sexual arousal and in the process of urination.

The main cause of discomfort is insufficiency of venous circulation.

Therapeutic therapy is divided into basic and additional treatment. The patient needs to adjust his lifestyle, reduce the number of sports activities and do therapeutic exercises. It is important to normalize body weight so that the pressure on the testicles is minimal. Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are also strictly prohibited.

In order not to overexert the rectum, constipation should be avoided. For this, a special diet rich in fiber is prescribed. If conservative methods do not help to cope with the problem or at least stop the symptoms, then surgical treatment is prescribed.


So called inflammation of the epididymis. The causative agents are most often bacteria. It should be noted that the pain occurs in the appendage itself, which is located in the upper part of the testicle, almost close to it. There is a feeling that it is the testicle that hurts.

The disease is getting older every year. Elderly people suffering from prostatitis suffer from it. In this case, the infected prostate becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of epididymitis:

  • burning, itching and sharp pain during urination;
  • urinary incontinence, nocturnal enuresis;
  • increased body temperature, fever and fever.

Epididymitis with untimely treatment can cause impotence and complete infertility.

If the doctor has identified precisely the inflammation of the appendage, then urgent hospitalization is indicated. Treatment by a urologist is carried out on an outpatient basis. First of all, the hospital will try gentle methods before deciding to perform the operation.

Treatment for epididymitis:

  1. Strict bed rest. It is necessary to provide the scrotum with rest and an elevated position (use a suspensorium or lay the scrotum on a rolled towel).
  2. Proper nutrition. Harmful, fried foods, spicy foods are removed from the diet.
  3. Cold compresses. They will help reduce the heat in the testes, for this, a bandage or ice soaked in cold water is applied to the scrotum area.
  4. concomitant treatment. The pathogen that caused inflammation of the appendage is detected and eliminated.
  5. Physiotherapy. It is prescribed mainly after the treatment of acute manifestations of epididymitis.
  6. Opening and drainage. It is indicated if suppuration is found in the area of ​​​​the appendage.
  7. Epididymectomy. This is the removal of the appendage, the most radical measure used in complicated cases.

The operation is prescribed only if the inflammation threatens the second testicle or even the life of the patient. But with timely identification of the problem, epididymitis responds well to treatment, the health of a man is fully restored after rehabilitation.


Aching pain may indicate inflammation of the testicle itself. The etiology of the symptom is usually infectious, orchitis develops. Bacteria enter the male body through the scrotum, move to the bladder and descend to the testicles. This is how infection occurs.

A typical symptom of orchitis is pain, which is why doctors recommend undergoing an examination in case of prolonged soreness. With this disease, discomfort increases during walking. Attacks are removed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen, ketoprofen.

Additional symptoms of orchitis:

  • the appearance of redness of the testicles;
  • tissue swelling;
  • general weakness;
  • body temperature increases.

Orchitis has no stages of development and begins suddenly. In this case, intoxication of the body occurs, the patient sharply feels unwell. The standard duration of treatment for testicular pain in men is about 2 weeks.


Hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the testicles. The disease occurs in children and adults, may be acquired or congenital. The main symptom is heaviness and pain in the scrotum.

There are only two main types of dropsy treatment:

  1. No operation. A man will be offered puncture or sclerosis. The first method involves the withdrawal of serous fluid from the testicular area. This is a temporary measure, the hydrocele may reappear. Sclerotherapy is getting rid of the liquid, but also filling it with a chemical substance that can completely get rid of dropsy after several procedures.
  2. Operation. In an uncomplicated case, non-fusion of the testis membranes is eliminated, the outer layer of the testis is removed, the dropsy fluid is aspirated, and the incision on the scrotum is sutured. If the hydrocele is complicated by a hernia, the incision is made already in the inguinal region, which allows you to simultaneously treat both diseases.

As a rule, the doctor gives the patient himself to make a choice: sclerotherapy or surgical treatment. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the hydrocele is complicated by other diseases of the reproductive system, only surgery is indicated.

Torsion of the cords

Adnexal torsion can leave a male without offspring. This is a dangerous pathology that requires immediate treatment. Basically, testicular torsion develops in childhood, but it can also be the result of an injury to the scrotum.

Testicular torsion is a pathological direction of the spermatic cord, due to which a man experiences pain. The testicular area may burn and throb.

The doctor can determine the torsion even with palpation. If the spermatic cord is not properly positioned, the testicles do not receive enough oxygen, which can lead to pinching. The result of such a pathological process is the stagnation of spermatic fluid in the parenchyma of the testis.

Testicular torsion treatment methods:

  1. Small deviation. There is a chance to correct the curvature of the spermatic cord without surgery, but the chance is minimal. Massage will only help if the torsion is only a few degrees.
  2. Operation. The only accurate method. The surgeon makes an incision in the tissues, the cord is untwisted. In some cases, this step is not enough, then the testicle is removed.

Then the patient goes through the path of recovery after the operation. For 2 months, you will have to give up sexual activity, maintain sexual peace. Additionally, the use of anti-inflammatory painkillers is indicated.


Treatment of injuries depends on the degree of tissue damage. Minor bruises that are not even accompanied by swelling can be treated with a cold compress and analgesics to relieve pain.

  • taking painkillers;
  • maintaining bed rest;
  • temporary sexual rest;
  • cold application (compress, ice);
  • wearing a bandage.

Analgin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen will help to cope with pain. It is recommended to avoid prolapse of the scrotum by wearing special holding underwear. Cold compresses will relieve the tissues of swelling and the appearance of redness, bruising.

If the injury was severe and there is a tissue rupture, consult a doctor. The reason to seem to a specialist may be the presence of severe swelling, blood and pus in the urine, severe pain. In case of rupture of the skin or internal bleeding, emergency surgical intervention will be required.

Sperm stasis

Usually occurs due to prolonged sexual abstinence. Seminal fluid accumulates in the testicles because there is no ejaculation - its release. The anomaly is more of a one-time nature and is treated in two ways - by sex or masturbation.

The patient may notice a thickening of the seed and even the presence of a yellow tint. The color has changed due to the long stay of the seed in the testicles. There are a lot of methods for treating ejaculate stagnation in modern medicine. Treatment can be carried out with medication, physiotherapy and even surgery.

The main methods of treatment:

  1. Physiotherapy. The patient needs to get rid of congestion in the testicles. For this, a massage is prescribed that promotes ejaculation.
  2. Medicines. To facilitate the emptying of the testicles, some drugs from the pharmacological group of alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants or sexual stimulants will help.
  3. Surgery. It is indicated in the event that the patient cannot get an erection on his own, but the production of the seed does not stop.

Problems can begin if ejaculation is not possible. This is the only indication for the operation. The patient is advised to have a regular sexual life to prevent the recurrence of stagnation.


If you start treatment on time, you can avoid negative complications. Depending on the disease of the testicles, a man may develop a chronic pain syndrome, and the pathology of the testicles can provoke inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Possible consequences:

  • the transition of an acute form of the disease into a chronic one;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased activity of spermatozoa;
  • complete infertility;
  • fatal gangrene.

That is why it is worth consulting a doctor, even if in fact the problem was temporary. To prevent dangerous complications, do not self-medicate and follow the recommendations of your doctor.


Advanced testicular diseases affect not only the quality of intimate life and sexual sensations, but also the ability to conceive. To exclude serious consequences, a man should contact a specialist when pain in the scrotum occurs.

Preventive measures:

  • treatment of inflammatory or other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • maintaining a regular sexual life with a regular sexual partner;
  • wearing a bandage or special protection when playing sports;
  • selection of suitable underwear;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations;
  • proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits;
  • annual preventive examinations by a urologist.

At least once a year, you need to visit a doctor, even if nothing bothers a man. Many patients needlessly ignore the rules of prevention. Such measures will help eliminate and even prevent the recurrence of the problem.


Learn more about the first signs of scrotal disease and when to see a doctor.

Pain in the testicles often worries adult men or young men, less often - small children. The testis is a highly sensitive organ. Therefore, their involvement in the pathological process or their mechanical damage causes a severe pain attack, sometimes unbearable. This condition may be accompanied by a reflex reaction, which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, and increased sweating.

Causes of pain

Any man can face a problem when the testicle “whines” or hurts (right or left). The reason for this often lies in sexual dissatisfaction. If the excitement does not end with a full-fledged ejaculation, then the testicles, swollen from secretions and a rush of blood, begin to subjectively disturb. Such pain resolves on its own without requiring treatment, especially after ejaculation.

The most common causes of testicular pain in men are:

  • trauma to the perineum or external genitalia;
  • infectious inflammatory processes (prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, especially those caused by sluggish mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • surgical pathology (testicular torsion, inguinal hernia, varicose veins or dropsy of the testicles, hydrocele).

The nature of pain

The peculiarities of how the testicle hurts in a man make it possible to assume the most probable diagnosis at the initial stage and, taking this into account, build a further diagnostic search. Therefore, the doctor must be told about the features of the pain syndrome. It may be as follows:

  • acute pain in the testicle, observed during trauma, acute inflammation, testicular torsion, infringement of the inguinal hernia and the passage of urinary stones through the urethra;
  • drawing pain in testicles , occurring in chronic inflammation of the testicle and nearby organs, varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord) or hydrocele (hydrocele);
  • sharp pain in the testicle among complete well-being , indicating a sudden catastrophe (acute circulatory disorder in the testicle).

However, the absence of pain in the testicle is not always a sign of their normal condition. So, with malignant urological diseases for a long time, any symptoms are absent. And the appearance of pain is regarded as a sign. Therefore, every man should make it a rule to visit a urologist once a year, and if necessary, more often.

Discomfort, based on the localization of the disease, are right-, left- or bilateral. In the latter case, we are usually talking about a common process when both testicles are involved in it.

An important role in the preparation of a further examination plan is also played by the characteristics of pain irradiation, i.e. the place where she gives:

  • if pain in the testicle radiates to the lower back, then this may be a sign of an inflammatory process in the epididymis, or when the lower back hurts, and heaviness is felt in the testicles, then the spine is most likely to be damaged;
  • if the pain in the testicle gives off to the side, then this often indicates the presence of a strangulated inguinal hernia or urolithiasis;
  • if the pain in the testicle radiates to the leg, then this indicates twisting of the spermatic cord, bruising of the testicle and hemorrhage into it;
  • if the pain in the testicle radiates to the stomach, then this is often considered a sign of epididymitis (an inflammatory lesion of the epididymis).

Injuries as a cause of pain in the testicles

The cause of pain in the testicles can be an injury to the scrotum or perineum. Non-intense bruises and blows provoke a sharp, but short-term pain. A severe injury can lead to a state of shock and even loss of consciousness (pain shock). At the same time, the situation may be aggravated by the associated bleeding (internal or external).

In the treatment of pain in the testicles, in certain cases, conservative therapy is allowed. Indications for its implementation are:

  • minor bruises of the scrotum without compromising the integrity of the skin;
  • no internal hemorrhage;
  • no signs of testicular rupture.

On the first day after the injury, the man is given complete rest. Analgesics (painkillers) with anti-inflammatory action are used, for example, Nimesil, Ibuprofen. At home, you can apply ice packs to your groin every three hours for 15 to 20 minutes. They lead to vasospasm, i.e. their diameter decreases, and, accordingly, the severity of the developing inflammatory reaction decreases. It is also recommended to wear a supportive groin bandage or elastic underwear.

Surgical treatment is recommended if the damage is accompanied by rupture of the skin of the testis, blood loss, severe hemorrhage under the skin. The purpose of surgery is to stop bleeding, remove blood clots, restore the integrity of living tissues and remove dead ones. Postoperative hospital stay lasts a week.

Inflammatory processes as a cause of pain in the testicles

The causes of pain quite often lie in the inflammatory processes of the testicles and their adnexal structures.

One of these diseases is epididymitis - inflammation of the tubule located above and behind the testicles, in which spermatozoa finally mature. This process occurs against the background of pathogenic microorganisms (gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.) entering the testicular epididymis. In addition to pain, the man complains of swelling of the scrotum and its swelling. Often, the urethra and prostate are also affected by the inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the corresponding symptoms (pain, urination disorder,).

Another cause of pain in the testicle, which is acute, can be orchitis - this is an inflammatory process of the glandular tissue, i.e. testicular tissue directly. Orchitis is sometimes a complication of mumps (mumps). This viral disease, which developed either in childhood (more often) or in adults (much less often), can provoke infertility, especially if the lesion is bilateral (observed in 10% of cases). If, for example, there is inflammation and pain only in the left testicle, then there are much fewer reasons for concern - the functions of the affected left testicle will be taken over by the right one. And vice versa. Orchitis is characterized by swelling and tenderness of the testicles. But in addition to local signs, there are also systemic ones - high body temperature, thirst, weakness, etc.

If inflammation of the testicles develops, you should immediately contact a urologist. You may also need additional consultation with an infectious disease specialist. For treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics (fluoroquinols, macrolides), anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. From folk methods, as an addition to traditional medicine, a cabbage or linen compress, hop decoctions, and propolis ointments are used. If treatment is started on time, recovery occurs in 7 to 14 days. A complication of the inflammatory process in the form of testicular suppuration requires emergency surgical intervention to create an outflow of pus and prevent further damage to the glandular tissue.

Testicular torsion as a cause of testicular pain

Sharp, unexpected testicular pain that is not preceded by trauma or infection may indicate testicular torsion. Normally, each testicle is fixed by the spermatic cord, inside which there are blood vessels and ducts that bring spermatozoa with seminal fluid out. But despite this, the testicles themselves can rotate slightly, which is regarded as a variant of the norm.

When this rotation is significant, then the testicle is able to turn around its own axis. In this case, the spermatic cord is twisted, local blood flow is stopped, and the duct is compressed, which causes pain in the right or left testicle.

Predisposing factors for testicular torsion may include:

  • low ambient temperature;
  • spasm of smooth muscles of the scrotum due to physical stress, sudden movement;
  • bruised scrotum;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence (10 - 16 years).

In 2-3% of patients in the first hours after torsion, the situation can be corrected by external reduction of the testicle. But you should not do it yourself - a urologist or surgeon will help. It happens in the following way. The patient lies on his back. The reduction is performed in the direction opposite to the torsion of the testicle, and slightly down. If the measures taken do not bring relief and the doctor fails to make a U-turn, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

Access to the testicle is through the scrotum or through the groin. During the operation, the surgeon fixes the testicle to neighboring tissues or removes the testis if it is no longer possible to save it. The postoperative period does not last long. During this period, if necessary, painkillers can be prescribed. The patient is discharged after 5-7 days. After the operation, a man should avoid heavy physical exertion for some time.

Inguinal hernia as a cause of pain in the testicles

The situation when there is an inguinal hernia, the testicle hurts is not uncommon. This condition can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • the presence of an uncharacteristic protrusion in the groin;
  • its dynamism. It increases during an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity (coughing, sneezing, exercise), and decreases in the horizontal position of a man;
  • dull pains that can radiate to the leg, abdomen, side and even back.

In the case when there is an infringement of the hernial contents, the pains are acute unbearable. They are felt in the area of ​​the testicle from the side of the lesion. This situation is an indication for urgent surgery. In other cases, surgical treatment is also indicated, but in a planned manner.

Sometimes there may be an inguinal-scrotal hernia. It is characterized by an increase in the side of the scrotum where there is a protrusion. In this case, before treatment, in order to choose the most appropriate technique, the doctor recommends undergoing an ultrasound examination.

Malignant tumors as the cause of pain in the testicles

A testicular tumor in men is one of the dangerous causes leading to pain in this organ. The malignant process can affect both the glandular tissue and the excretory ducts. The task of the doctor and the patient is to detect a neoplasm in the initial stage. To do this, relying only on symptoms, and in particular on pain in the testicles, is a mistake, because. this symptom appears in advanced stages. Therefore, a large role is given to additional diagnostic methods that are prescribed by a urologist during his regular visits:

  • radiography;
  • laboratory tests;
  • magnetic resonance imaging, etc.

It is important that the man also pays due attention to self-examination of the scrotum. First, it is visually examined in front of a mirror, and then palpated (palpated). Suspicious signs when you should immediately consult a doctor are:

  • local seals;
  • discomfort or soreness;
  • one testicle is larger than the other.

Causes of testicular pain in children

Pain in the testicle in a child is often associated with wearing tight underwear or with injury. Children can get bruised when falling, in a fight, while cycling, etc.

Other causes of pain in the testicles and their symptoms look like this:

  • testicular torsion - sharp pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • infection ("mumps") - in addition to pain, body temperature also rises, local tissue swelling occurs;
  • dropsy of the testicle - unexpressed pain, increasing with the accumulation of fluid;
  • inguinal hernia - swelling and pain in the testicles associated with the penetration of organs from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum through the existing defect.

How to help a child? The first aid strategy depends on the cause of testicular pain. Immediately after the bruise, you can put a cold compress to the groin for 20 minutes to reduce the swelling that develops. The child should be shown to the pediatrician and pediatric urologist as soon as possible.

If it is not a matter of injury, but the boy complains of pain in the scrotum, then the development of an infectious process is most likely. The urologist will help to solve the problem. To do this, it is enough to prescribe a course of antibiotics, focusing on the results of laboratory tests that determine the pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity.

Penetrating trauma, testicular torsion, inguinal hernia are usually treated promptly. The child stays in the hospital for 7-14 days.

What to do if the causes of testicular pain are unknown?

In order to prevent complications that are dangerous for men's health, it is recommended not to ignore the pain in the testicles that has arisen. You should contact a specialist if:

  • touching the testicles (one or two) causes pain;
  • the testicle is enlarged, swollen or has changed its normal shape;
  • general health worsened;
  • pain after a minor injury to the scrotum does not go away on its own within a few days;
  • when feeling the testicles, not only pain is determined, but also a suspicious compaction, tuberosity.

A doctor (primarily a urologist and a surgeon, and secondarily an andrologist, a venereologist, etc.) will conduct an examination, based on the results of which he will determine an adequate treatment strategy. In acute surgical pathology (deep injuries, testicular torsion, hernia, etc.), urgent surgical intervention is indicated. In other cases, conservative treatment is allowed.

What to do if there is pain in the testicles

Many men are interested in the question of what to do if there is pain in the testicles? the answer is unequivocal - go to the doctor, be examined and treated (if necessary). But in some cases, first aid is required:

  • in case of injury - apply an ice pack;
  • with fever against the background of an acute inflammatory process - take an antipyretic if the temperature is above 38 ° C (this may be Aspirin, Paracetamol);
  • in case of urolithiasis, when the pain radiates to the testicle, it is necessary to take an antispasmodic (No-shpa, Baralgin) and apply heat to the lower back or the area above the womb (bladder projection).

When the cause of pain in the testicles lies in sexual abstinence, then a full-fledged sexual intercourse is enough. After that, the pain goes away. But if it remains at the same level or increases, then be sure to visit a doctor.

How to prevent pain in the testicles?

Knowing the main causes of pain in the testicles, you can understand what should be the prevention of this condition. The main preventive measures are:

  • elimination of developmental anomalies in childhood (surgical treatment of inguinal hernia, varicocele, etc.);
  • regular intimate life of an adult man (to prevent stagnation of seminal fluid);
  • sexual life with a condom, if there is no certainty that the partner does not have an infection;
  • wearing underwear that does not squeeze and, therefore, does not disturb blood circulation in the organs of the scrotum;
  • prevention of traumatic impact on the scrotum;
  • regular examination by a urologist to identify the early stages of asymptomatic pathologies;
  • normalization of nutrition and drinking regimen to minimize the risks of urolithiasis.

Some anatomy and physiology

The testes (testicles) are the male gonads. They are located in the scrotum. Inside each of them there is a spermatic cord and a duct. When palpated, they are clearly defined, reminiscent of rounded rollers.

The main tasks of the testicles in the body of a man are:

  • testosterone production;
  • sperm production.

Adnexal formations of the testicles (cords, ducts) are actively involved in the maturation of spermatozoa. They also transport seminal fluid from the testicles to the outside.


The state of a man's sexual health largely depends on the condition of the testicles. If there is pain in these anatomical structures, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.

The earlier the exact causes of pain in the testicle are established, the higher the guarantee of achieving a positive therapeutic result in the shortest possible time.

The testicles are considered the most vulnerable male organ. They are protected only by a thin tissue of the scrotum, so any harmful effect can impair their health. Pain in the testicles signals damage to the organ and is a reason to seek medical help.

The testicles (testicles, testicles) are a paired gland (gonad) that performs two important functions: it produces testosterone, which is responsible for the development of the body according to the male type, and spermatozoa, which ensure the possibility of conception. Paired glands are located in the scrotum and receive nutrition from the inguinal artery and veins. The testicles are suspended on the spermatic cord. Usually the right testicle is located slightly higher than the left.

The glands are divided into lobules, and in the lobules there are tubules where spermatozoa are formed. Seminal fluid exits the tubules into the ducts. From the sides of the body are appendages. Violation of the integrity of the organ can cause a symptom such as pain. If the right testicle hurts, the causes in men may be endogenous or exogenous.

The testicles hurt as a result of trauma, sexual abstinence, hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, or due to diseases of nearby organs. Pain can vary in intensity and duration. It depends on what caused the symptom.

How the right testicle hurts in men, depending on the cause:

  • Nagging pain. Such a symptom is often a sign of infectious diseases of the urogenital area, prostatitis, orchitis. If symptoms include high body temperature or nausea, you should immediately consult a doctor. Drawing pain may indicate testicular torsion or inguinal hernia. Often occurs in case of prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse. Drawing pain can be provoked by minor injuries received while riding a bicycle or playing sports. To correctly determine the cause of the pulling pain in the right testicle in a man, you should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.
  • It's a dull pain. The causes of aching pain can be the same factors: minor injuries, infectious diseases, prostate diseases or sexual abstinence. This symptom occurs with dropsy of the testicles or inflammation of the appendages ().
  • Sharp pain. If such a symptom develops unexpectedly, then most likely it is associated with torsion of the spermatic cords. In addition to pain, the temperature may rise and vomiting may begin. If a man has a pain in his right testicle for this reason, then he needs urgent medical attention. An acute symptom may be a sign of epididymitis. In this case, severe pain spreads to the buttocks, perineum and lower back.
  • Sharp pain. This kind of pain most often occurs as a result of a significant injury. In some cases, it can lead to shock and loss of consciousness. With such symptoms, emergency medical attention is required. Sharp pain is also a sign of testicular torsion.

To understand exactly why the right testicle hurts, the causes in men can be determined by additional symptoms.

If the problem lies in the gonads themselves, then the following manifestations should be present:

  • the testicle has increased in size;
  • tubercles, irregularities are felt on the organ, and he himself has become hard;
  • pain is felt directly in the scrotum;
  • there are unpleasant sensations when touching the gland.

Pathologies that develop directly in the gonads can be as follows:

  • cysts and neoplasms in the gland;
  • twisting of the spermatic cord;
  • accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • swelling of the veins;
  • inflammatory processes in the cavity of the glands or in the appendages.

The patient needs emergency help if fever, nausea or vomiting are added to the symptoms. It should be noted that the pain arose unexpectedly, against the background of external well-being. If the shape of the testicle has changed, it has become swollen and lumpy, then this is also the reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist.

Why does the right or left egg hurt: an overview of the main causes

Orchitis and epididymitis (inflammation of the testis and appendages). The inflammatory process can occur in one or two testicles at once. The most common cause of orchitis or epididymitis in men is an infectious lesion of the organ during unprotected sexual intercourse or due to diseases of neighboring organs. In newborn babies, the infection enters through the umbilical wound.

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In children and adolescents, orchitis occurs after a viral illness: influenza, measles, mumps or herpes. Orchitis often develops against the background of epididymitis. In the acute form of the disease, the body temperature rises, severe pain occurs, and the testicle swells severely. The pain often radiates to the leg, can be felt in the lumbar region and groin. The chronic form is characterized by constant aching pain in the scrotum.

Dropsy of the testicles. Normally, a small amount of fluid is present in the vaginal membrane of the testicles. If it accumulates in large volumes, then such a pathology is called dropsy or hydrocele. The disease rarely affects the gonads at the same time, which is why the right egg hurts, but the left testicle remains healthy. The testicle increases significantly in size, becomes dense and takes a pear-shaped shape.

The cause of the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum can be an infection caused by ureaplasma, chlamydia or mycoplasma viruses. An organ injury can contribute to the occurrence of dropsy. With congenital pathology, the testicle constantly increases in size in the late afternoon, and decreases after sleep. The acute form of dropsy is accompanied by high body temperature and severe pain. If the disease has passed into the chronic stage, then the pain syndrome is defined as pulling or aching.

Mechanical damage to the scrotum. In the event of an injury, there is no question of why the right egg hurts, and not the left. But the degree of injury to the gonads may vary.

  • Injury. The testicle is slightly swollen and sore. Special treatment is not required, if the pain is severe, then the patient can undergo a novocaine blockade.
  • Infringement. It occurs in children under the age of three. It is a consequence of transferred cryptorchidism. It is characterized by acute pain, hyperemia and tissue edema.
  • Dislocation. As a result of trauma, the testicles can take an unusual position for them. The egg can get into the groin, leg or under the skin of the abdomen. In this place there is severe pain, and the gland itself swells.
  • Gap. Requires emergency measures to restore the shells. A man may experience pain shock, up to a fatal outcome.
  • Puncture injury. Causes acute pain syndrome, leading to shock and loss of consciousness. Surgery is required.

Testicular torsion. The pathological condition occurs due to the rotation of the spermatic cord and testicle. In this case, the blood supply to the organ is difficult or completely blocked. When the cord is twisted 180 degrees or more, this is fraught with the death of the testicle if it is not returned to its previous position within 6 hours.

Pathology most often occurs during puberty. The cause of torsion can also be an injury to the organ. Symptoms of torsion are very pronounced: acute pain in the scrotum, vomiting, diarrhea, in some cases, pain shock develops.

The testicle becomes larger in size, dense and bumpy to the touch. This condition requires immediate treatment. The testicle is twisted in the opposite direction, either manually or as a result of surgical intervention.

Other diseases that cause pain in the testicles:

  • Varicocele. The disease occurs due to the expansion of the veins leading to the gonads. Pathology is accompanied by severe pain. A severe form of the disease is treated surgically.
  • Neoplasms and cysts. May be accompanied by pain of varying intensity.
  • Inguinal hernia. The right testicle hurts if the hernia is located on the right side. It compresses the spermatic cords and ducts, which is why pain occurs.
  • Hypothermia. In severe cold, vasospasm may occur, and a pulling pain appears in the testicles.
  • Impaired circulation. Vascular diseases are often accompanied by a decrease in blood flow, and this, in turn, leads to testicular pathologies and pain.
  • Testicular cancer. Pain is one of the main symptoms of cancer.
  • Renal colic. If the ureter is clogged with a stone, then this formation presses on the pudendal nerve, causing pain. Usually the pain occurs in one of the testicles, depending on which side of the pudendal nerve is irritated.

The right egg hurts: how is it diagnosed and treated

Why the right egg hurts in some cases can only be understood after a doctor's examination, laboratory and instrumental research. Urine, blood tests, bacterial culture of the contents of the urethra, spermogram, ultrasound and MRI of the scrotum will help determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

  • A blood test shows the number of leukocytes, the level of neutrophils and the acceleration of ESR. High rates characterize inflammatory phenomena, for example, orchitis.
  • Urine is analyzed for the presence of erythrocytes, leukocytes and pathogenic microflora. A positive test indicates inflammation or infection.
  • The spermogram shows how active the spermatozoa are, and also whether there are bacteria in the seminal fluid (possible only with orchitis).
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum helps to identify testicular torsion, inflammation in the glands, the presence of cysts and other formations.
  • A smear from the urethra is taken to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys confirms or refutes the presence of renal colic.

To specify the diagnosis, two or three diagnostic methods are sufficient. Depending on the type of ailment, treatment may include methods such as medication, surgery, physiotherapy, folk remedies.

In the case when the right egg hurts due to an infectious lesion of the organ, antibiotics are prescribed to the patient. The doctor prescribes a drug with the substance to which the sensitivity of the bacteria is revealed. Often, the patient is prescribed Biseptol, which must be taken for ten days. Another popular drug is Levofloxacin. It has a detrimental effect on most bacteria. During antibiotic treatment, it is recommended to take medicines that normalize the bacterial flora of the intestine. Dropsy is treated with diuretic drugs.

Veroshpiron is well suited for such therapy. If the pathology is accompanied by an infection, then antibacterial or antiviral therapy is additionally carried out. If the right egg hurts badly, then the patient is prescribed analgesics: Ketorol, Baralgin, Tempalgin and others. It is possible to eliminate renal colic, which provokes pain in the testicles, with the help of Nosh-pa or Drotaverine.

For the duration of treatment, the patient is advised to observe bed rest and refrain from sexual intimacy. With varicocele, drugs are prescribed that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Among them are angioprotectors (Actovegin, Detrolex, etc.), nicotinic acid and combined drugs (Ascorutin, Tocopherol). Fastum gel, Fenalgon and their analogues will help relieve swelling and pain after an injury.

The ointment is applied to the damaged area only if there are no open wounds. After applying the ointments, the pain disappears within a day. If medicines are powerless to eliminate the pathology, then surgery is performed. The operation is done with inguinal hernia, varicocele, torsion of the gland, large cystic formations in the scrotum.

If the spermatic cord is twisted, then surgical intervention can help if it is carried out in the first hours after the development of the pathology.

Otherwise, tissues that do not receive oxygen will die. You can take painkillers for a limited period of time.

What to do if the right egg hurts for a long time? In this case, the doctor prescribes ultraviolet therapy. Warming up the scrotum lasts only 5 minutes, and as a result, blood flow in the glands increases, which leads to improved trophism in tissues and accelerated cell regeneration. For treatment at home, you can use the Mavit apparatus.

A special nozzle inserted into the rectum emits magnetic waves that easily penetrate the tissues of the urinary organs and treat them. The device is recommended for the treatment of prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, inflammation of the testicles and bladder. The course of physiotherapy is ten days. Decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants will help eliminate pain in the right egg and reduce inflammation.

These funds can be used as an additional treatment, and not the main one.

  • Healing herbs. A mixture of birch leaves, juniper berries, goose cinquefoil, harrow roots and celandine will help eliminate the pain symptom. Raw materials are mixed in equal parts. To prepare the infusion, you need to take four teaspoons of the mixture, place it in a thermos and pour boiling water (1 liter). After infusion, drink 200-250 ml before meals.
  • Wintergreen. The medicinal plant perfectly eliminates pain syndromes of various origins. Ten teaspoons of wintergreen leaves and flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos. Take three times a day, 50 ml.
  • Flax-seed. A flaxseed compress will help relieve pain and eliminate swelling in the testicles. 100 grams of raw materials are ground into powder, poured into gauze and placed in hot water for ten minutes. Then the compress is applied to the sore spot for twenty minutes. Procedures are done daily until the swelling subsides.
  • Collection of herbs for inflammation. Lime blossom, nettle, mint, elder flowers and calamus root will help to cope with inflammatory processes. Put all components 1 teaspoon into a thermos and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Drink instead of tea.

In order not to find out the reasons why the right egg hurts, men should take care of their health. Compliance with a number of rules will help to avoid many diseases.

How to avoid testicular pain:

  • when playing sports, do not neglect protective devices for the penis;
  • promiscuity should be avoided, and in case of uncertainty in a partner, use condoms;
  • undergo preventive examinations by a urologist;
  • have sex regularly
  • get vaccinated against mumps, which provokes inflammation of the testicles.

Pain in the testicles causes a man not only physically unpleasant thrills, but also psychological discomfort: fear (up to the fear of death), deprivation of will, etc.

Deep in the subconscious of men lies this pathological fear for the genitals, and for the testicles in particular. The fear of some men turns into a form of phobia, which is why they do not trust their precious organ even to the most beloved woman during sex. Usually, pain in the testicles does not carry any mortal danger for a man, but sometimes it really is a signal from the body that a failure has occurred in the genitourinary system in the form of a certain disease. Pain under the testicles or in them can be observed with prostatitis, varicocele, torsion and other serious diseases, which should be diagnosed and treated exclusively by a doctor.

Pain in the testicles: dangerous symptoms

The testes, or testicles, are the sex glands of men. Normally, every man has two testicles, which are located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum - right and left. The spermatic cords run to the top of each testicle. They consist of membranes, testicular arteries, veins of the testicular venous plexus, vas deferens. From the upper to the lower part of each testicle, along their lateral surfaces, there are appendages of the testicles, which in the lower part pass into the vas deferens. Healthy testicles are easily palpable through the scrotum. Normally, they have a rounded shape, elastic to the touch. The appendages resemble the shape of rollers. The testicles and their appendages have extremely important functions. So, the testicles perform the following functions:

  • reproduction of the male hormone testosterone;
  • reproduction of spermatozoa, due to which the female egg is fertilized.

Attachments are responsible for:

  • the passage of spermatozoa from the testicle itself into the vas deferens;
  • maturation of spermatozoa.

Testicular pain in men can occur at any age: in an adult, in a teenager or a child. In this case, the pain in the testicles can be different, depending on the reason why the testicles hurt. In any case, with pain in the testicles (regardless of whether one testicle hurts or both), a man should seek advice from a urologist.

Dangerous symptoms requiring medical attention

There can be quite a few reasons why testicles hurt in men. These include chronic diseases, and diseases in the acute period, and injuries. What to do if testicles hurt in men? Regardless of the cause, you should seek immediate medical attention when you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • when touching one of the testicles or both, there is a sharp pain;
  • the testicles have become atypically different sizes, or the shape, structure of one of them has changed (it has become harder or, conversely, softer, etc.);
  • pain under the testicles (regardless of the nature of the sensations);
  • sudden sharp pain in one of the testicles;
  • dull pain in the scrotum that gets worse over time
  • pain in the scrotum is accompanied by other symptoms: vomiting, fever, nausea, etc.;
  • the scrotum was injured, which is accompanied by pain for more than 1 hour;
  • on one of the testicles there is a bulge that was not there before.

All these signs are a reason to pay an urgent visit to the urologist. The doctor will examine, diagnose, diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. You should not delay the visit, because any pathology is easier to eliminate at the initial stages of development. You should not hope that “everything will pass by itself”, because this can only waste precious time.

Pain in the testicles: causes

Urologists distinguish different causes of the disease. A lot of men turn to specialists with complaints of pain under the testicles or directly in them. At the same time, such pains can be of a different nature. So, all the reasons can be divided into several groups:

  1. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. One of the most common reasons a man sees a doctor is because he has pain under the testicles or the testicles themselves hurt. For example, this can occur in a number of diseases: orchitis (when the testicle becomes inflamed), epididymitis (inflammation of the appendage), with prostatitis.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). With such diseases, it can hurt under the testicles or directly in them. Usually the sensations are dull, but constant. Until the root cause is corrected, the testicles will hurt.
  3. Scrotal injury. Sometimes a man can get injured in the scrotum, which is accompanied by pain. If, when you touch the damaged area, the pain persists even after 1 hour, this is a good reason to see a doctor.
  4. Hernia of the inguinal region. A hernia is accompanied by pain under the testicles or in their area if a large amount of intestine has fallen on the scrotum and presses on it physically. Tumors, as a rule, are not accompanied by pain (only in the most advanced stages).
  5. Varicocele, or varicose veins. This disease is invariably associated with pain under the testicles or in themselves. Varicocele responds well to treatment. At the first stage, the disease can be cured even by medication, but if you delay it to the last stage, you can not do without surgery or even prosthetics of the penis.

When testicular pain is a serious danger

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are some other pathological processes that can provoke pain. Such situations are very rare, but every man should be aware of them in order to have an idea how to behave if a similar situation occurs.

  1. A very serious injury to the scrotum. Sometimes, with a very severe injury, the integrity of the testicles is violated, they are damaged. This injury has nothing to do with an ordinary blow (although this can also be a shock for a man). In case of damage or violation of the integrity of the organs, the sensations are so painful and strong that a man can even lose consciousness. Also, in case of injury with any sharp object, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment and prevent possible complications, up to infertility or removal of the testicle.
  2. Testicular torsion. This is an extremely rare situation, but very dangerous. Very often happens in a dream. Doctors are still arguing about what causes testicular torsion. The symptomatology of this problem is as follows: a man, in the absence of any diseases of the genitourinary system or trauma to the genital organs, suddenly experiences acute pain in the testicles. These feelings are simply unbearable. In this case, there is a high probability that a torsion has occurred. Normally, each testicle is suspended from the spermatic cord. It contains the vas deferens and blood vessels. Sometimes one of the testicles can change position, as a result of which the cord is twisted. This leads to the fact that the access of blood to the testicle stops, the vas deferens is squeezed. This situation requires urgent medical attention and treatment, otherwise the torsion testicle may die. This situation is more common in men under the age of 30.

When pain under the testicles is not dangerous

In addition to serious reasons, there is another factor that can lead to general discomfort in the penis, as well as provoke pain under the testicles and in their area. The problem is very common among young men and is associated with sexual overexcitation. In particular, this happens in cases where the onset of sexual arousal has not been satisfied. When a man has sexual arousal, it is accompanied by a rush and accumulation of blood. In this case, the process affects both the penis and the testicles, which swell. If for some reason a man does not receive sexual discharge through ejaculation, then this can provoke pain. There is no need to treat this problem, since it is easily and quickly solved in any of two ways:

  • sexual contact with a partner;
  • masturbation.

There is a third option - to wait a few hours, since the pain will not last longer than 4 hours. However, the problem also has the opposite cause, when pain, on the contrary, occurs due to too frequent ejaculation in a short period. Such pain also disappears within a few hours and does not pose any danger to men's health. However, this is one of the reasons why men are not advised to have sexual intercourse or masturbate multiple times a day.

Diagnosis and treatment of the problem

It is very important not to wait until the problem is solved by itself, but to act. In this case, a visit to a narrow specialist is implied. Andrologist and urologist deal with the problem of men's health. Only a doctor will be able to identify the root cause of the problem, make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, which will quickly bring an effect. And the sooner a man seeks help, the easier and faster the doctor will be able to solve the problem. Therefore, it becomes obvious that it is by no means worth postponing a visit to the doctor. It is very important not to take any painkillers before visiting the doctor, as they will greatly distort the real picture. The same applies to the delivery of tests and diagnostics.

The criterion by which a man can determine that medical attention is needed is pain symptoms that last several hours and are not associated with trauma or unsatisfied sexual arousal. During the consultation, the doctor usually carries out the following activities:

  1. Collects an anamnesis, that is, a general picture of the disease, based on the patient's complaints.
  2. Conducts a finger examination, which consists in probing the diseased organ.
  3. Other diagnostic methods, which include:
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • spermogram;
  • ultrasound examination of the scrotum;
  • testicular biopsy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Diagnostic methods depend on how informative the medical history, examination and test results will be for the doctor. These data may be enough to make a diagnosis.

Methods for treating the problem

Treatment depends entirely on what diagnosis the doctor makes. That is why in this case there can be no single recipe. Other factors also play an important role: the age of the patient, general health, the degree of the disease and the severity of its course, etc. Therefore, even within the same disease, different treatment can be prescribed for two patients.

Origin of pain

Let's talk about a situation where eggs hurt. What to do in this case is of interest to many men. Let's start with the reasons. This can be facilitated by a testicle injured during active movements, for example, when playing sports. But not only mechanical damage occurs. Similar sensations occur during epididymitis (inflammatory process of the epididymis). It also happens with a hernia, when the tissues that separate the scrotum from the peritoneum weaken, and this contributes to the development of a feeling of swelling.

If the eggs hurt, what should I do first?

Do not rush to panic if you have pain in the groin. Pay attention, you may have a swollen egg. What to do in this case? To determine the exact cause, you should consult a doctor. The nature of pain and swelling can be different: from trauma to cancer.


This viral disease, characterized by swelling of the glands near the ears, in some cases affects the testicles, which causes pain. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate in childhood.

Twisted spermatic cord

It is possible that the man's cord was twisted, removing the seed. In this case, blood circulation in this organ is disturbed. This situation is very dangerous, because it can lead to the development of gangrene and the removal of the testicle. Torsion is insidious in that it is hidden. The pains come on unexpectedly, then also suddenly disappear. Because of this, men do not know why the balls hurt. What to do in this situation? As a rule, if the pain goes away on its own, we cancel the trip to the hospital, but in this case it is very risky, so an examination by a doctor is necessary.

An example of a rare case

In world medical practice, it was such that a student had several attacks of acute pain in one testicle. He constantly told university doctors that his balls hurt. Nobody knew what to do, because the real reason was not immediately revealed. There was a suspicion of the presence of some kind of virus. Once again, the pain did not go away, but only intensified, in addition, nausea and vomiting appeared. After 8 hours, the guy was taken to a urological surgeon, who opened the scrotum and found a testicle blackened from gangrene. But if the diagnosis had been made on time, the torsion of the cord could have been eliminated by surgery (and if treated in the first hours of the disease, even by external manual spinning), and the testicle would have remained in its place.

Torsion Prevention

Some men are prone to this phenomenon, therefore, in the event of a disease of one testicle, the surgeon will perform an operation on the second healthy organ for prevention purposes.

Unsatisfied arousal

Stagnant blood in the scrotum as a result of unsatisfied love passion can also be the cause of pain. I think all men understand what I'm talking about. The doctor will not help here, but everyone already knows what to do if the eggs “itch”. If there is no permanent partner, then everything is in your hands, literally.

Kidney stones and testicular cancer

The cause of pain in the organs of the scrotum may be a stone that comes out of the kidneys through the urinary canal. Until he is brought out, the pain will not stop. Well, it’s worth saying a little about such a formidable disease as cancer. It affects men between the ages of 20 and 35. At first, there will be no pain. A painless swelling that appears is an alarming sign. In this case, do not delay visiting a doctor.



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