Mood swings causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Only recently you were in seventh heaven with happiness, and now you are angry. Relatives reproach you that you are simply unbearable with your mood swings. Be careful: this could be a sign of something serious!

It happens that we are not aware of our behavior at all. We do not notice that at first we are joyful, full of enthusiasm, and a little later - sad, sentimental, whiny. We easily move from euphoria to anger, within one hour we manage to fall into hysterics and burst into fits of hysterical laughter. We don't see a problem until someone points it out to us. Have you also heard about yourself that your mood is too changeable? Don't underestimate this.

"Emotional swings", as a rule, are characteristic of women. They involve experiencing extreme emotional states. In men, they are very rare, moreover, such a lightning-fast change of mood is often difficult for them to understand, it can be the object of jokes and sarcasm. Meanwhile, the problem is not so banal. Mood fluctuations are caused by hormonal changes—often, but not always: they can be caused by something else.

stress and anger

Each person deals with them in their own way. Some do it better, others worse. When stress begins to overwhelm you and you cannot find an outlet for negative emotions, mood swings are very likely to appear. For many people, the reaction to prolonged stress is precisely the sharp changes in the emotional state. Some women either scream, or cry, or quarrel with a partner, or want to immediately be in his arms. To prevent this from happening, you need to give vent to your negative emotions in a different way.


This is one of the most serious so-called diseases of civilization. According to the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people can suffer from depression! Despite its prevalence, we know very little about this disease. Often it seems to us that depression is manifested by a constant feeling of sadness, apathy, and the inability to have fun. This is so, but not only. Sometimes depression manifests itself precisely as mood swings, and with a roll in the negative. Some people in this state are angry, even aggressive, too loud. It should be remembered that this disease is possible and it is not a cause for shame.


Excessive use of alcohol and drugs (cocaine, amphetamines) can negatively affect the emotional state. This is because at first they cause a significant improvement in mood (it is no coincidence that people talk about drugs as a high), increase energy and increase self-esteem. But when the substances stop working, the person taking them may experience a feeling of complete depression. Remember that dependence on alcohol and psychotropic substances harms not only your physical health, but also the psyche.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is essential for the body to function properly. In this sense, he will not let himself be deceived. Sleeping until noon on weekends or all week in snatches is wrong because it violates sleep hygiene. You need to rest regularly, 7-9 hours a day. Scientific studies have confirmed that just one single sleepless night already worsens the psychophysical form of a person. Sleepless nights have been noted to make us more aggressive. Lack of sleep leads primarily to mood disorders, emotional instability.

Bipolar disorder

This is a mental disorder from the group of affective. People with this condition often experience episodes of mania and depression. At first they are agitated, hyperactive and excitable, but soon become discouraged and "disconnect" themselves from the world. Typical of a manic episode are thought races, reduced need for sleep, increased energy, hallucinations, and inflated self-esteem. Depressive episodes are characterized by a decrease in mood and self-esteem, problems with concentration, slowing down of thought processes, thoughts of suicide. If you suspect this disease, you should consult a psychiatrist.

For starters, you can go. famous American psychologist Albert Ellis.

Premenstrual syndrome

Are you worried that your mood swings may be indicative of an illness? But it could be “just” PMS. From some studies it follows that every second woman faces premenstrual syndrome. Typical symptoms appear a few days before the onset of menstruation and subside after they begin. In this case, in addition to mood swings, irritability, excessive appetite, headaches, chest pain, back pain, aggression, tearfulness, difficulty concentrating, sadness, swelling, feeling hot, fatigue, vision problems are observed.


The average European woman experiences this phenomenon at the age of 49. When the level of key hormones in a woman's body drops, the body reacts to the decrease in a certain way. The disappearance of menstruation is one thing. Menopause also brings other symptoms that can be quite tiring. We are talking, in particular, about mood swings, as well as hot flashes, insomnia, excessive sweating. Responsible for this is a decrease in the production of estrogen, the most important female hormone. Sometimes menopause can start prematurely and in its early version affect women younger than 40 years old.

Other reasons

There are other reasons that can cause a sharp change in experienced emotions. You may be surprised, but for example, diet is responsible for our mood. In particular, extreme mood swings can be associated with excess caffeine and sugar. Head trauma or a brain tumor can also be responsible for extreme emotional states. Persons with a borderline state, which is something in between neurosis and schizophrenia, have a similar problem. The state of such people is called stable instability. Typical for them are not only mood swings, but bouts of intense anger, unstable self-esteem, severe anxiety, lack of meaning in life, aggression directed at themselves.

Men are considered strong by nature and not at all prone to mood swings. Research scientists have shown that the "strong" half of humanity is also characterized by a sharp change in mood, as well as the "weak" half.

The reasons for sudden changes in the emotional state can be:

  • Health problems when the disease leads to a malfunction of the hormonal system.
  • Problems associated with the physical condition of a person: constant overwork, insufficient sleep, abuse of bad habits, overeating, leading to a malfunction of the digestive tract.
  • Stressful situations, especially constant and often recurring stress.

Note! From frequent mood changes, the emotional background changes, which leads to increased fatigue, conflict and aggression.

More serious causes of mental instability, which are identified by a psychotherapist or psychologist, may be:

  1. A constant return to past grievances and anxieties, which makes it difficult to enjoy the positive current situation. A person is offended by the whole world, and does not notice the gentle rays of the sun that this world gives him.
  2. Feeling like a “victim” neglecting your needs. The head of the family works hard to create the financial stability of the family. He sacrifices his dreams and forgets his desires. He develops irritability, aggression and fits of anger.
  3. Lack of love from others, leading to loneliness and depression. Perhaps this person is loved, but from childhood he was not used to the manifestations of this positive, vital feeling.

    They did not hug him, did not kiss him, and did not even praise him, considering this to be superfluous in the upbringing of a man. Deprived of warmth in childhood, he grew up without feeling his importance and need.

  4. Dissatisfaction with friends, work, the whole world.
  5. Problems in family relationships, problems associated with a midlife crisis, psychological problems - many other things can affect frequent mood swings.

Note! A woman who takes care of her man makes him stronger, bolder, smarter, more reliable and more determined.

Frequent emotional swings are a signal of help and attention from relatives and specialists. A real man will not call his condition weakness, he will try to change it. He won’t go into a binge, he won’t turn off his phone and he won’t leave the house.

Sudden mood swings in women

Sometimes drastic changes in the emotional state of women are due to a character trait. Crying for a minor reason is not a medical diagnosis.

Mood swings as a disease have symptoms:

  • The presence of unreasonable lightning-fast mood swings.
  • Changes in attitude to nutrition: refusal of previously favorite dishes, an unreasonable increase in appetite.
  • Constant drowsiness or trouble falling asleep.
  • A state of irritability, nervousness, causeless sadness.

Mood swings in women are explained by:

The lack of substances - mediators produced by the brain and responsible for emotions: states of anger, fear, happiness and other things. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as this is a sign of illness.
Hormone imbalances caused by menopause, pregnancy, etc. The need for medical assistance, possibly the use of antidepressants.
The period of puberty. Girls are not restrained, they react negatively. Calming herbal infusions are useful.
Increased levels of tension and anxiety associated with stressful situations. Problems need to be resolved.
Lack of sex, lactation period. Replace with alternative therapies: homeopathy, aromatherapy and acupuncture. Change life for the better, add positivity.
Abuse of bad habits that affect physical health. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
Insufficiency of physical activity, affecting the general state of health. Remember that movement is life, use the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Stress and depression. The reason may be the need to combine work and care for family and children. Proper distribution of duties and work activities that do not lead to problems.
Menstrual cycles. Before the beginning of the cycle, negative emotions predominate: irritability, tearfulness, lack of restraint. Possible medical intervention.
Special days - Ekadash, depending on the lunar cycle. Fall on the 11th day of the full moon. You can avoid quarrels and misunderstandings by observing fasting, abstaining from fatty foods.

Note! For predicting and regularizing mood swings, it is useful to keep a diary with notes about the emotional state and its binding to the menstrual cycle. The diary will help in accurately predicting days with negative emotions.

You can not extinguish negative emotions in yourself, it is dangerous for mental health. It is better to let the negative inside yourself, showing the positive outside. Learn to change emotions from negative to positive.


The onset of mood swings in adolescents is explained by physiological reasons, it is called the crisis of adolescence, you need to prepare for it.

Relatives and parents need:

  • Do not aggravate the situation by strict control over the child.
  • Talk to your teen about their physical condition.
  • Do not focus on the lack of development of the child's intellect.
  • Control all aspects of a healthy lifestyle for your child.

Note! Despite the appearance of alienation in a teenager, try to get closer to him spiritually, learn trusting relationships.

If necessary, contact psychologists and psychotherapists, they will always provide assistance.

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Recently, American scientists conducted a study, they managed to find out that men, like women, are prone to sudden mood swings, as well as depression. For some reason, all women think that a man is naturally very strong and does not give in to external stimuli. But this is not at all the case, their mood can easily deteriorate from such a trifle, to which a woman will not attach any importance. Men really have a lot of worries that they themselves must cope with, first of all, they must take care of the financial support of the family.

If you think about how many difficult tasks he has to solve at work, and moreover, he will be asked one hundred percent. And few people care about his problems associated with the family. Women are used to the fact that men rarely express their emotions, thinking that they do not exist with him. But this is not so, they can sometimes worry much more than women, but without showing it in appearance.

Problems with your soulmate, health, car and lack of time - all this causes severe mood swings.

Mood swings as a consequence of a midlife crisis. This is indeed a good reason for frequent mood swings. Let's see why exactly at the age of 40, at this wonderful time for men, this crisis can come. And most importantly, during this period, there may be frequent feelings of anxiety, dissatisfaction, a sharp change in mood, apathy for many things. Moreover, all these unpleasant moments can affect both the wife and children, and work colleagues.

The reason for all this may be that it is at this age that a man spends a lot of time raising his children, he may not have time at all to relax and chat with friends. Very often, in a state of crisis, a man can leave his family, besides, he has already left work.

Another cause of frequent mood swings in guys can be a decrease in the level of the hormone testosterone. In this case, you need to see a doctor, he will not only eliminate the physical cause, but also eliminate mood swings.

Reasons for mood swings

Men can not only have frequent mood swings, but also nervous breakdowns, as a result of which they can go on a binge, stop spending the night at home, turn off the phone. The reason for this can be, as well as problems at work, and treason.

If a man has been silent and thoughtful lately, then this may mean that he cannot cope with the task assigned to him or cannot keep his promise. Only a beloved woman can bring him out of this state, demonstrating her love and care. Also, this condition may mean that he needs to make a very serious decision. Here it is better not to interfere, unless of course he asks for advice. But in such cases, he really needs time to think things over and draw the right conclusions.

But not always silence can mean problems at work, if a man suddenly becomes silent or actively shows signs of attention, then the reason for this may be treason. When a man is just starting to take the first steps towards adultery, he becomes very caring, and when this lasts for a while, he becomes indifferent.

It is worth remembering that the time of the year can also affect the mood of a loved one, for example, in the fall, a man begins to think about the upcoming work, some unfulfilled plans, about unsuccessful career growth.

During adolescence, parents will have a hard time, but not only for them, but also for the child himself. During this period, the child may experience frequent hormonal storms that cause unreasonable aggression towards relatives and strangers, a change of fun to tears. And in this situation, you should not look for the guilty or extreme. If parental care is too much, strict control over the child, all this aggravates the situation even more. Also, much depends on the very nature of the child, since each child will react differently to the same situation.

Sooner or later, the child will have a crisis, and you need to be prepared for this. Of course, it can manifest itself differently for everyone, but still you should not lose vigilance, because not a single parent wants the child to move away from the family, it is even worse when the child falls into a deep depression and can cause trouble.

The first thing to do is to start talking to the child. Nobody says that it will be easy and the child will open up to you from the very first minute. Parents should remember that they are no longer talking to a child, but to an adult who has long formed his own opinion. You will have to work hard to win back his trust.

When talking with a child, you should not show his intellectual immaturity. And be sure to build sentences so that the child himself draws a parallel between cause and effect. Do not directly ask a question where the child can answer “yes” or “no”.

Pay attention to the child's lifestyle, this includes both the diet and physical mobility. The diet should be varied and include a large amount of vitamins. And foods containing supersaturated animal fats or artificial ingredients can cause nerve problems.

There are a large number of medications, but before turning to them for help, try to figure out for yourself what caused your depression, self-control in this situation plays a big role. First, try to analyze the situation, and then try to relax and drive away bad thoughts. Many people in such situations begin to practice yoga, the exercises of which will help them learn to control their emotions.

Various vitamins or herbal tinctures also help well, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without any problems. In this case, motherwort tincture can be a very good helper, it acts as a sedative. But do not forget that you should not get carried away with it either, because sooner or later addiction can occur.

Please note that you can change in your activities, because if you are constantly doing only mental work, then try doing physical work.

And, of course, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist, as he will help you quickly identify the problem that caused depression or frequent drops in guys.

The symptom is classified into three large groups (depressive and bipolar disorders, cyclothymia), each of which also has several varieties. Types of pathology are distinguished by origin, nature of the course, severity of symptoms and the presence of manic tendencies.

Cyclothymic mood swings

Affective mental disorders, which may contain symptoms of hypothymia (low mood) and hyperthymia (pathologically elevated mood).

Hypothymia proceeds with the following signs:

  • low self-esteem;
  • apathy and indifference to everything;
  • memory and attention disorders;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • lack of motivation;
  • guilt, self-flagellation.

Signs of hyperthymia:

  • hyperactivity and energy;
  • short periods of sleep;
  • excessive excitability;
  • increased talkativeness;
  • dysfunction;
  • heightened euphoria.

Depressive mood swings

They may appear temporarily or drag on for many years. Occur as a symptom of a chronic disease or appear as a reaction to stressful situations, drugs, surgery. Depression is of different types:

  • Clinical. An extensive disorder that is difficult to treat with medical therapy. Strong antidepressants are usually used in combination with other treatments.
  • Small. It has signs of a clinical form of pathology, but is amenable to rehabilitation therapy. It lasts 1-3 weeks, with successful treatment it passes without consequences.
  • Atypical. It is characterized by psycho-emotional disorders, as well as changes in appetite, sleep, behavior, and weight.
  • Postpartum. Occurs in women after childbirth. It can manifest itself, regardless of emotional stability and character. Usually the shape is affected by hormonal disruptions in the body.
  • Dysthymia. A chronic form of the disorder that can last 1-3 years. It is expressed in a constantly bad mood, indifference, low self-esteem.

bipolar mood swings

Another name is manic-depressive psychosis. It is characterized by frequent changes of depression and euphoria. The patient may laugh, then suddenly burst into tears. This form of the disease threatens with serious mental disorders up to suicide or a threat to others. Often accompanied by alcoholism or drug addiction.

Mood swings happen to everyone from time to time. But for some reason, women are most susceptible to them. Often this is perceived as a sign of hysteria, bad upbringing, whim. In fact, the reason lies in the physiology of the female body, and sharp emotional outbursts can be a symptom of a health problem.

The main causes of mood swings in women

There is a special term "affective disorder". They denote a deviation in emotional behavior, when for a short period of time a woman is able to cry, laugh, feel anger, tenderness, etc.

According to statistics, about 15% of the beautiful half of humanity have experienced this condition. However, women who have entered the menopause are most susceptible to affective disorder.

It is noted that this problem is rare among women living in rural areas. Therefore, it can be argued that in many ways the provoking factor of affective disorder is the rapid pace of urban life and high psychological stress.

Due to a sharp change in emotional mood, loved ones and the mental health of the woman herself suffer. Therefore, doctors often advise ladies to learn to control themselves or even undergo treatment.

You can independently determine the presence of emotional instability, if you pay attention to 2 characteristic symptoms: sudden and causeless mood swings, as well as a violation of appetite. It is worth noting that a woman does not necessarily begin to feel an aversion to food, on the contrary, her appetite can increase significantly, which often leads to weight gain.

The main causes of frequent mood swings can be identified:

  • Hormonal imbalance - hormonal imbalance often causes mood swings in pregnant women or women during menopause. This is due to a sharp change in the concentration of progesterone and estrogen. However, the reason is not always so obvious, a failure in the hormonal balance can occur due to a number of diseases, for example, as a result of dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal cortex that produce these substances;
  • Premenstrual syndrome is also related to the concentration of hormones and occurs in about half of the women of childbearing age. Most often, frequent mood swings occur in the period after ovulation and continue until the onset of menstruation;
  • The presence of psychological stimuli can lead to emotional instability. Family problems, lack of understanding with a spouse, frequent conflicts with loved ones usually become provocateurs. These include stressful situations that can cause excessive psychological stress.

In most cases, a woman is able to control her emotions. But there are cases when the use of drug therapy is necessary to treat an affective disorder.

How can a woman get rid of sudden mood swings

Before resorting to pharmacological drugs, you should find out the exact cause of the instability of the emotional background. Depending on it, treatment is carried out, which may include taking hormonal drugs to normalize the condition.

Light sedatives are used, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

In the absence of allergies, a woman can drink decoctions of medicinal herbs that have calming qualities: motherwort, mint, valerian, lemon balm.

If the causes of an affective disorder do not depend on hormonal failure and mood swings do not take on a threatening nature, it is better not to use medications, but to learn how to control.

The following methods will help with this:

  • Yoga classes are aimed precisely at increasing concentration and the ability to control oneself. It is advisable to learn the basics of art under the guidance of an experienced trainer, without using tutorials;
  • Aromatherapy can reduce mood swings in women. Jasmine, chamomile, rose, mint oils quickly relieve irritability and help to achieve peace. It is enough to take warm baths with the addition of a few drops of oils or use candles, as well as incense sticks. But it is not recommended to often resort to this remedy, since the rich aroma can cause headaches;
  • Psychological help will be useful for a lady who does not know how to control her own emotions. There is a special direction - behavioral therapy, which allows you to keep your irritability "in check";
  • It is necessary to observe the correct mode of the day, giving enough time to rest. For sleep, you need to allocate at least 8 hours, since constant lack of sleep leads to nervous breakdowns. It is advisable to be more in the fresh air, taking leisurely walks, and practicing feasible physical activity. Particular attention is paid to nutrition, which should include more fruits, dairy products, vegetables.

Knowing how to cope with mood swings, even with a hormonal imbalance, you can significantly increase your own comfort and ensure the normal life of loved ones without disturbing them with sudden and unreasonable bouts of fun or irritability.



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