I'll ask the question myself, and I'll answer it myself. :rolleyes: I think this is useful information
Replacement of antiretroviral therapy: why, when and how
As a rule, once started, antiretroviral therapy is not canceled. Often, its regimen has to be changed due to acute and long-term side effects, comorbidities, and inability to suppress HIV reproduction. However, in each individual case, the tactics depend on a number of circumstances, including why it is necessary to change the ART regimen, what antiretroviral drugs the patient has previously taken, and what treatment options remain. For example, if a drug in the first ART regimen caused a side effect, it is easy to replace it with another one. The situation is quite different in patients with advanced HIV infection, in whom a new regimen is required because many regimens have already been exhausted due to side effects, virological failure, and drug resistance. It describes the circumstances that require replacement of ART, data from clinical studies and tactics for switching to new regimens.
Acute side effects
Side effects of ART are common and sometimes lead to a drug change. They are rarely life threatening, but they can cause a lot of discomfort to patients, which negatively affects their desire to comply with the treatment regimen. A number of studies have shown that side effects cause changes in ART regimens more often than virological treatment failure. In these studies, the majority of drug changes due to drug intolerance occurred during the first 3 months of ART. The vast majority of patients in these studies received regimens based on protease inhibitors.
There are no unequivocal recommendations on when to change the ART regimen in case of side effects. Given that in many patients side effects improve within a few weeks of ART, doctors often prescribe short-term symptomatic treatments (eg, loperamide for diarrhea and prochlorperazine or metoclopramide for nausea). Efavirenz-induced CNS disturbances usually resolve on their own after a few weeks, and it is usually sufficient to explain this to the patient and reassure them. If an acute side effect occurs that is characteristic of a particular drug, that drug is usually replaced with another drug of the same class that does not cause such a side effect (for example, for gastrointestinal disorders caused by zidovudine, it is changed to abacavir or tenofovir).
The decision to switch antiretroviral drugs is based on the severity of side effects, the effectiveness of symptomatic therapy, options for substitution, and the associated risk. Side effects adversely affect adherence, and if a patient reports that they have started missing medications due to side effects, the doctor should consider changing the therapy regimen. According to available data, changing the initial ART regimen due to side effects does not lead to further virological treatment failure.
Long-term side effects
Some side effects develop months or even years after starting antiretroviral therapy. These include neuropathy, changes in body composition (lipodystrophy), and metabolic disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (particularly dyslipoproteinemia and insulin resistance). Therefore, when deciding which drug to replace with the development of long-term side effects, they rely on epidemiological data indicating the association of a side effect with a particular drug.
Lipoatrophy (in particular, the loss of subcutaneous tissue on the face, limbs and buttocks) is one of the manifestations of lipodystrophy. A number of studies have shown that the use of thymidine analogues, especially stavudine, is a risk factor for lipoatrophy. Although the loss of adipose tissue is considered irreversible, a number of small studies have shown that replacing stavudine with zidovudine or abacavir can provide good results. Very notable are the results of one study in which patients with lipoatrophy were randomly divided into two groups: one group continued to receive stavudine or zidovudine, while in the other, thymidine analogues were replaced with abacavir. After 24 weeks, in patients treated with abacavir, computed tomography showed a statistically significant increase in subcutaneous tissue volume on the abdomen, and two-photon x-ray absorptiometry showed the same increase on the thigh. Although the changes that developed during this time were not clinically significant, follow-up over the next 2 years showed that the volume of adipose tissue increased even more. This suggests that such tactics are justified in patients who do not have contraindications to such substitutions, for example, a history of hypersensitivity to abacavir or confirmed resistance to it. In addition, in patients who have already received regimens with one or two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the risk of virological treatment failure when prescribing abacavir is increased, which may be due to the presence of mutations that cause resistance to drugs in this group, therefore it is undesirable to prescribe abacavir to such patients.
Observations show that protease inhibitors can exacerbate lipoatrophy that develops during treatment with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. However, in general, substitution of a protease inhibitor with another drug is unlikely to result in clinically significant changes in adipose tissue volume, at least in the short term.
Trunk obesity
Epidemiological data link male-type obesity (increased visceral adipose tissue) with treatment with protease inhibitors. In one study in male-type obese patients, after replacing protease inhibitors with abacavir, nevirapine, adefovir, visceral fat volume decreased more than in the control group, who continued to receive protease inhibitors. However, in patients in whom protease inhibitors were replaced by other drugs, lipoatrophy increased. In a study of metabolic disorders in a large randomized trial 24 months after the replacement of protease inhibitors with abacavir, nevirapine or efavirenz, there was no marked improvement in the distribution of adipose tissue. In general, the benefit of replacing protease inhibitors with other drugs has not been proven, so such a replacement cannot be recommended as a treatment for visceral obesity. Today, other treatments for this condition are being actively explored.
Hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia are clearly associated with certain protease inhibitors and may develop during the first weeks of treatment. These disorders can be eliminated if the drug that caused them is replaced with another protease inhibitor or drug of a different class. For example, in a small study, the replacement of ritonavir with nelfinavir or the combination of nelfinavir with saquinavir improved the plasma lipid profile. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors can also cause dyslipoproteinemia in HIV-infected people. In two randomized controlled trials, stavudine (in combination with lamivudine and efavirenz or nelfinavir) affected lipid metabolism to a greater extent than zidovudine and tenofovir. In a number of studies, the replacement of stavudine with tenofovir reduced total cholesterol and LDL levels, but the effect of such a replacement on triglyceride levels was mixed.
Insulin resistance and diabetes
The effect of drug substitution on insulin resistance is less well understood than in the case of dyslipoproteinemia. Indinavir is well known to reduce insulin sensitivity in healthy, HIV-free volunteers. However, other protease inhibitors may have a direct or indirect effect on insulin sensitivity. There is evidence that replacing the protease inhibitor with abacavir, efavirenz, or nevirapine improves insulin resistance. Therefore, in patients with risk factors for diabetes mellitus (eg, obesity, family history of diabetes), substitution of the protease inhibitor with another drug is reasonable, although it is not clear to what extent this tactic helps to prevent diabetes mellitus. Since insulin resistance increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in general, reducing insulin resistance may reduce the risk of long-term complications.
Life-threatening side effects
Life-threatening side effects are rare but are an important reason for switching to ART. Severe toxidermia (eg, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or erythema multiforme exudative) is an absolute indication for ART replacement. Such toxidermia most often develops during the treatment of NNRTIs: delavirdine (rarely), efavirenz (0.1% of cases) and nevirapine (1% of cases). Lactic acidosis can be life threatening; it most often develops during treatment with stavudine, but it can be caused by any nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Retrospective studies show that when clinical symptoms of hyperlactatemia and lactic acidosis appear, the suspected drug (usually stavudine or didanosine) can usually be replaced without any risk with another nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with similar virological activity, but with less pronounced mitochondrial toxicity (usually abacavir). , lamivudine or tenofovir). As a rule, before prescribing a new drug, they take a break in treatment so that unwanted symptoms disappear. Other life-threatening side effects are didanosine-induced pancreatitis and hypersensitivity to abacavir. When these complications occur, the drug that caused them is canceled and the patient is never prescribed again.
Switching ART in Viral Suppressed Patients
If viral replication is suppressed, it is important to consider how the patient was previously treated when considering changing ART for any of the reasons discussed above. If the patient has already experienced a virologic failure on NNRTI treatment (regardless of whether a drug resistance study has been performed or not), or if the isolated strain of the virus is confirmed to be resistant to this drug class, switching to nevirapine or efavirenz regimens is contraindicated in this patient. In addition, previous treatment with one or two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors increases the risk of virological failure when switching to abacavir due to the accumulation of mutations conferring resistance to the virus against nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. It is also important that when replacing protease inhibitors or NNRTIs with abacavir, a regimen with three nucleoside reverse transcriptases is usually prescribed, which, as an initial regimen, is inferior in virological activity to regimens based on efavirenz. When replacing protease inhibitors with abacavir, nevirapine, or efavirenz, the rate of virologic failure is increased. Thus, switching to a combination of three NRTIs without adding additional drugs is possible only in selected cases.
Accompanying illnesses
Often the need to change ART is dictated by changes in the patient's condition. For example, some antiretroviral drugs are undesirable during pregnancy. Efavirenz has been shown to be teratogenic in animals, and few cases of human birth defects have been reported, so if pregnancy occurs, the drug should be substituted with nevirapine or the woman should be given an appropriate protease inhibitor regimen. Nevirapine should be used with caution in pregnant women, as they have an increased risk of fatal hepatitis. The risk of this complication is particularly high in women with higher CD4 counts, so women with a CD4 count of more than 250 microliters of nevirapine are generally not prescribed. Amprenavir solution for oral administration is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it contains a large amount of polyethylene glycol. Hyperbilirubinemia caused by atazanavir and indinavir is theoretically dangerous for the newborn.
Drugs that are used to treat comorbidities often have drug interactions with antiretrovirals. A prime example is the interactions of rifampicin (a first-line drug for the treatment of tuberculosis) with NNRTIs and protease inhibitors. To avoid these interactions, it is possible to replace nevirapine with efavirenz, change the dose of efavirenz, or, in the case of treatment with protease inhibitors, replace rifampicin with rifabutin. Other important drug interactions include interactions of lipid-lowering agents (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) with protease inhibitors, oral contraceptives with NNRTIs and protease inhibitors, and ergot alkaloids with protease inhibitors. The activity of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and lamivudine against hepatitis B virus prompts the inclusion of these drugs in ART regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis B.
Insufficient immunological response
Some patients on ART do not have a significant increase in the number of CD4 lymphocytes, despite the suppression of the reproduction of the virus. In a Swiss cohort study, 38% of participants who achieved suppression of HIV reproduction for more than 5 years on ART failed to achieve an increase in the number of CD4 lymphocytes even up to 500 µl. Usually the causes of this phenomenon remain unknown, as well as its clinical significance, although it causes concern to both the patient and the doctor. There is no indication that boosting the regimen (adding antiretrovirals) improves the immunological response when there is insufficient CD4 lymphocyte growth.
Complications of HIV infection
Patients in whom ART suppresses viral reproduction rarely develop complications such as opportunistic infections and AIDS-defining malignancies. Little is known about changing the ART regimen in the event of an AIDS-defining illness. Undoubtedly, the regimen should be changed if the patient is viraemic and if there is a good alternative for maximum suppression of HIV reproduction and restoration of immunity. Other infections, such as herpes recurrences, shingles, pneumonia, and human papillomavirus infection causing dysplasia and cancer of the cervix and anus, may develop in patients with persistent viral suppression and are not an indication for switching ART.
Clinical manifestations of HIV infection shortly after initiation of ART (within the first 3 months) should be interpreted with caution. During this period, patients with low CD4 counts (especially <100 μl) at the start of ART may develop an immune reconstitution syndrome characterized by unusual manifestations of opportunistic infections (particularly those caused by atypical mycobacteria and cytomegalovirus) and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. . The syndrome develops as a result of an improved immune response to a latent infection; exacerbations of infections do not mean the ineffectiveness of therapy, so it is not necessary to change it. In such cases, antimicrobial therapy and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment (for example, the appointment of glucocorticoids and other anti-inflammatory drugs) is necessary.
Replacement of ART for virological treatment failure
Therapeutic guidelines suggest the following criteria for virological treatment failure: HIV RNA >400 copies/mL after 24 weeks of treatment, HIV RNA >50 copies/mL after 48 weeks of treatment, or resumption of viremia after successful viral suppression. A single rise in the level of viral RNA must be confirmed by a second measurement, because a separate rise (“splash”) develops in almost 40% of patients and does not indicate a virological failure of treatment. If the increase in viral load is repeated or stable, the risk of virological failure is increased.
Reasons for treatment failure
If the patient fails to suppress the reproduction of the virus, you need to find out what caused it. If noncompliance, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic causes can be ruled out, failure may be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the current regimen. In case of treatment failure, first of all, it is necessary to carefully analyze which antiretroviral drugs in which dosage forms and combinations the patient received, the duration of treatment of each of the previous regimens, their side effects and the dynamics of viral load and CD4 lymphocyte count. This information is needed to assess the likelihood of mutations conferring resistance to individual drugs or entire classes of drugs. It is important that the patient continue on their current regimen while the cause of treatment failure is being clarified, as discontinuation of ART - even if it is virologically ineffective - can lead to a rapid increase in viral load, a decrease in CD4 counts, and the onset of clinical manifestations of HIV infection.
Drug susceptibility testing
A susceptibility study provides information only on the predominant strains of the virus circulating in the blood at the time of blood sampling for testing. If the drug to which resistance has developed is withdrawn, the strain carrying the resistance mutation will no longer predominate and become more difficult to detect. Therefore, the study of resistance should be carried out against the background of treatment with a regimen that turned out to be virologically ineffective. In separate studies, an ART regimen based on genotypic and phenotypic testing was significantly more effective than a regimen based on drug history alone. Current clinical guidelines suggest testing resistance in all patients who fail ART, but whether genotypic, phenotypic, or both should be preferred is not clear. The combination of a detailed drug history and drug resistance testing provides the most complete assessment of current and archived resistance mutations and allows the best choice of next ART regimen.
Virological response to treatment depends on the concentration of drugs in the blood. In addition, drug concentration is an independent predictor of virological response. With a greater number of active drugs (to which resistance has not been identified) and higher drug concentrations in the blood, the virological response to treatment is better.
Sufficient concentrations of antiretroviral drugs, especially protease inhibitors, can be achieved without their monitoring. Ritonavir, being a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, at low doses increases the concentrations of amprenavir, atazanavir, fosamprenavir, indinavir, lopinavir, saquinavir and tipranavir, as well as new protease inhibitors that are still being tested. Because drug resistance is relative, increasing drug concentrations may be sufficient to overcome partial drug resistance. For example, in a study in 37 patients treated with the standard indinavir-based regimen 3 times daily for viremia, serum indinavir concentrations increased 6-fold after the addition of ritonavir, and in 58% of patients (21 of 36) viral load through 3 weeks decreased by 0.5 lg or more or fell below 50 copies per 1 ml. The authors concluded that the increased concentrations of indinavir due to ritonavir were sufficient to overcome resistance to this drug.
There is an indicator that reflects both the concentration of the drug and the sensitivity of the isolated strain of the virus to it - the so-called suppression coefficient (IQ, from the English inhibitory quotient). It is the ratio of drug concentration to drug sensitivity (for example, the concentration of a protease inhibitor sufficient to suppress 50% of virus strains isolated from a given patient). A number of retrospective studies have shown that in patients who switched ART regimens, a higher suppression ratio had a better virological response, and that this ratio was a more valuable predictor of response to treatment than drug concentration and data on drug resistance to the drug, taken separately.
Selecting the next scheme
How to choose a new ART regimen when treatment has failed virologically? Previously, the tactics were simple: they prescribed drugs that the patient had not yet taken. However, even the first clinical studies have shown that with such tactics, the maximum suppression of virus reproduction was achieved only in 30% of patients. The same studies identified factors that improved virological response: low viral load at the time of switching therapy, the use of 2 protease inhibitors in the new regimen instead of one, and the use of a drug from a new class (for example, NNRTIs). In the early studies that looked at drug resistance, it was concluded that for a new ART regimen to achieve a good virological response in patients with virological treatment failure, it must contain at least three active antiretroviral drugs (i.e., drugs that sensitivity to which was confirmed in the isolated strain).
In clinical practice, it is often necessary to change the ART regimen both in patients with suppressed reproduction of the virus and in patients in whom it was not possible to suppress the reproduction of the virus. If viral reproduction is suppressed, the goal of switching ART is usually to eliminate acute and long-term side effects and improve the patient's quality of life. However, switching to ART is usually safe if treatment history and other considerations are taken into account. The benefit of switching ART should be weighed against the risk of new side effects and virologic failure.