Levomekol ointment: can it be given to children, instructions and indications. Levomekol ointment for children: instructions for use

“Levomekol” is an ointment, instructions for use of which will be discussed in today’s article. It has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect against staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as other microorganisms. This drug improves the regenerative abilities of tissues and is probably why it is very popular among both doctors and patients.

In what cases is Levomekol ointment used?

As an excellent healing composition, the described product is used to treat purulent wounds (it retains antibacterial properties even in the presence of necrotic masses). The drug also helps with hemorrhoids, boils, trophic ulcers and 2nd-3rd degree burns. This ointment is both an antibiotic and a reparative that cleans the wound and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. As a rule, doctors prescribe the drug to treat wounds that become infected as a result of infection with mixed microflora.

Release form of ointment "Levomekol"

Most often in pharmacies you can see small packages of the drug “Levomekol”. The ointment, the instructions for use of which are discussed, is packaged in 40- or 60-gram aluminum tubes. But the pharmacy chain also has this product in dark glass jars, 100 and 1000 g. Remember that a high-quality ointment should have a uniform structure, white, without impurities, color and not a very thick consistency.

How to apply Levomekol ointment externally

As a therapeutic agent, Levomekol is used both externally and for wounds located in the body cavity. It is applied in a thin layer to a superficial wound, after which the area is covered with a sterile gauze cloth folded in several layers. You need to treat the affected area once or twice a day until it is cleared of pus. As a rule, this happens no later than ten days.

How is ointment used for cavity wounds?

If the wound to be treated is large and deep or located in the body cavity, then napkins with the drug Levomekol applied to them are inserted into it. The ointment, the instructions for use of which are currently being reviewed, is heated to body temperature (35 ° C) before use. In addition, it should be remembered that the napkins should not be placed tightly in the wound, but at the same time fill it well. After this procedure, a fixing bandage is applied to the affected area. The wipes are changed as soon as they become saturated with pus or necrotic masses accumulate on them (sometimes this has to be done several times a day).

How to inject ointment into narrow deep wounds

For deep and narrow wounds that do not allow gauze pads to be inserted into them, there is a method of treating with ointment using a catheter, into which the drug is injected with a syringe. To do this, insert a rubber drainage tube into the affected area, into which the ointment injected into it is squeezed out from a syringe. It goes down the drainage and thus reaches the bottom of the wound.

In what other cases is Levomekol used?

The described drug has proven itself to be excellent for the treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients, as well as for the treatment of purulent pimples, cuts, puncture and lacerations, weeping eczema or torn calluses. Inflammatory purulent processes in the outer part of the human hearing aid are treated by introducing thin tourniquets soaked in ointment into them, where they are left for 12 hours. By the way, also on flagella, ointment is administered to treat sinusitis. After the turundas are inserted into the nasal passages (the nose is washed with salt water before the procedure), you need to lie down with your head thrown back and remain in this position for half an hour. The course of treatment lasts at least five days.

  • When applying the described drug, do not use other medications, including those used externally.
  • Avoid contact of the composition with mucous membranes and eyes. In these cases, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
  • If you accidentally swallowed the ointment, then the stomach should be cleansed by drinking water with activated carbon dissolved in it.

How exactly does the composition affect wound healing?

After the ointment is applied to the wound, its components quickly penetrate the mucous membranes or skin tissue. Regenerative reactions begin at the cellular level. Thus, with the help of this remedy, excess fluid formed as a result of inflammation between the cells is removed, swelling and pain are reduced, and the cells begin to increase the consumption of oxygen molecules, which actively promotes their further regeneration. In addition to the above, the drug strengthens the immune defense, which does not allow a secondary infection to occur.

Levomekol ointment during pregnancy

By the way, it should be said that even when treating large surfaces of the skin, an overdose of this product was not observed. In addition, it is approved for use in pregnant and lactating women with small wound areas, since this composition does not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream. It is prescribed to women for sinusitis and otitis, and is also used to treat abrasions, cuts and minor burns. But in each case in which the use of the described remedy is necessary, the patient should consult a doctor.

Levomekol ointment in gynecology

  • bacterial vaginosis or vulvovaginitis, accompanied by inflammation;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages, as well as in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

In all these cases, tampons with ointment are used, inserted into the vagina (preferably at night). They help deliver the active substance, absorbed into the mucous membrane, to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. But the duration of treatment and its features must be clarified in each case by a gynecologist.

How to apply ointment to gynecological sutures

When treating sutures placed on postpartum tears, as well as in cases of their divergence, a single scheme for using the drug “Levomekol” is used. The ointment, instructions for use of which are provided to your attention, is not applied immediately. First, the perineum is washed, treated with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, and then, blotted with a soft towel, allowed to dry. The composition is generously applied to a gauze napkin and applied to the wound surface. After putting on clean swimming trunks with a pad, leave the napkin with ointment for 2-6 hours, after which the bandage is removed.

Can the ointment cause side effects?

The use of the drug may cause skin rashes, swelling, itching and burning as symptoms of an allergic reaction to the components of this drug. Treatment with ointment in case of individual intolerance to chloramphenicol, miluracil and ethylene glycol is unacceptable. You should also not use the Levomekol composition for the treatment of fungal infections, eczema and psoriasis.

special instructions

Levomekol ointment, despite its long history in medical practice, has earned justifiable success. It is used by surgeons, gynecologists, proctologists, traumatologists and therapists. But we repeat once again that you cannot use it without first consulting a specialist. After all, you may incorrectly assess the condition of your wound and thereby delay the healing process. Don't risk your health! Don't self-medicate!

Simultaneously with the effect on harmful bacteria, such an ointment accelerates regenerative processes, as a result of which wounds cleanse and heal faster. The drug is especially often used by surgeons, because Levomekol helps with purulent wounds and promotes the healing of sutures. Can this medication be used in childhood and when is it prescribed to children?

Release form and composition

The drug looks like a white or white-yellowish homogeneous mass of medium density, packaged in a polyethylene or aluminum tube in quantities of 30, 40 or 50 grams. Each tube is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions.

The action of Levomekol is provided by two active compounds:

  • methyluracil, presented in 1 gram of ointment with a dosage of 40 mg. This substance is also called dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine.
  • chloramphenicol, of which 1 g of medication contains 7.5 mg.

Additionally, the medicine contains macrogol 1500 and 400, thanks to which the ointment is easily applied to the skin and penetrates into the tissues. There are no other compounds in the medicine.

Operating principle

After applying the medicine to the skin, the components of Levomekol easily penetrate into infected tissues and have an antimicrobial effect. Chloramphenicol in its composition affects both many gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. It is effective against E. coli and staphylococci, as well as against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Thanks to methyluracil, Levomekol stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues. This component stimulates the formation of new cells and restores their normal structure. It also removes excess fluid from tissues, which leads to the elimination of swelling. In addition, methyluracil has the ability to activate the production of interferon.

The simultaneous effect on pathogenic bacteria and the anti-edematous effect provide the anti-inflammatory effect of Levomekol. At the same time, the ointment does not damage cells that are not affected by bacteria, and acts even if there is necrotic mass and pus in the wound.


Treatment with Levomekol is prescribed when purulent wounds appear. It is recommended to lubricate infected skin from the very beginning of wound formation, when there is active inflammation, exudation, formation of pus and tissue breakdown. In addition, the ointment is in demand:

  • For panaritium, boils, dermatitis, streptoderma and other purulent skin diseases.
  • With external purulent otitis.
  • For severe burns.
  • For trophic ulcerative lesions.
  • For balanoposthitis.
  • For inflammation of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • For purulent rhinitis, adenoids and sinusitis.

For prevention, the drug is used for cuts, surgical sutures, bedsores, scratches, chickenpox, weeping eczema, puncture wounds, diaper rash and other skin injuries. This treatment speeds up healing and prevents infection.

Sometimes Levomekol is recommended for a “cold” on the lip, but this problem is caused by the herpes virus, so the remedy is ineffective. In addition, the child may lick his lips, which will lead to unwanted ingestion of the ointment, and the drug tastes bitter.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Levomekol is not used in children under one year of age, since in the body of infants the biological transformation of one of the active compounds of the ointment occurs more slowly, which can have a harmful effect on the baby.


Levomekol is not used in children with allergies or hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the ointment. Any diseases, including chronic pathologies, are not a contraindication to local treatment with such a medication.

In this case, you should not allow the medicine to get inside or into your eyes. If a child accidentally swallows the ointment, gastric lavage and activated charcoal are recommended, and if Levomekol gets into the eyes, it is necessary to rinse the conjunctiva with a large volume of clean water.

Side effects

The drug is considered low-hazard because it acts mainly locally. However, occasionally, treatment with Levomekol can cause an allergic reaction, for example, in the form of skin rashes.

Instructions for use

The drug is used externally, lubricating the affected area with a thin layer of Levomekol, after which the skin is covered with gauze or a piece of clean cloth. The infected surface should be treated once or twice every day until the purulent discharge is completely cleared and the wound begins to heal. Most often this happens by 5-10 days of using Levomekol.

For fairly deep wounds, the drug is applied to gauze laid in several layers, and then such a napkin is placed into the wound cavity. Such filling should not be dense, but rather loose. The damage must be treated daily until the necrotic and purulent masses are completely removed from the wound.

If a small patient has purulent inflammation in the outer part of the ear canal, then thin flagella from a bandage are impregnated with Levomekol. They are placed shallowly in the ear before bed and left overnight. The same method of application is prescribed for sinusitis, but flagella with ointment are inserted into the nasal passages. For a purulent runny nose, the medication is applied to the mucous membrane 1-2 times a day using a cotton swab.

Boils and purulent pimples are treated with Levomekol two or three times during the day, and then again at night. The medicine is applied to them in a thin layer. When the abscess has opened, the wound should be washed with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or another), and then continued to be lubricated with Levomekol twice a day until the damage is completely healed and the integrity of the skin is restored.

Terms of sale and storage

Lekomekol is an over-the-counter medicine and is therefore freely sold in pharmacies. The price of one tube with 40 g of ointment varies from 100 to 120 rubles.

"Levomekol" is available in the form of a white ointment with a slight characteristic odor. The ointment is packaged in polymer tubes of 40, 100 and 1000 g. The drug has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial effects. With frequent use of many antibiotics, the body begins to become accustomed to it, but to Levomekol such resistance develops slowly.

Methyluracil, which is part of the drug, actively stimulates metabolic processes in cells, restores tissue and quickly heals wounds. Studies have also shown that it has a good effect on and increases it. And the base of the ointment - polyethylene oxide - penetrates deep into the tissues without damaging the membranes, so when you spread it even on top of pus.

"Levomekol" is prescribed for purulent wounds of various types, including E. coli, staphylococci and pseudomonas infection. It is recommended for cleaning wounds from dead and purulent masses, for restoring infected tissues and reducing swelling. Doctors also prescribe the drug for infectious diseases and treatment. The medicine draws out pus well and in most cases leaves no traces.

Instructions for use of "Levomekol"

"Levomekol" is strictly used topically and externally. You need to take sterile gauze pads or cotton pads, soak them in ointment, apply them to the cleaned wound and secure them well with a bandage. If the cavity is filled, then the ointment is injected there through the drainage tube using a syringe. For this procedure, the ointment is heated to 40°C. The dressing should be changed daily until the wound is completely clear of pus.

If Levomekol ointment is prescribed for infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin, then you should first clean the affected area and apply a thin layer of ointment. This should be done twice a day until recovery. The ointment can also be used as a complex treatment.

In rare cases, the drug can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes due to hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the ointment. Before using the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. Dispensed from the pharmacy without

The article provides detailed instructions on what Levomekol ointment is used for and why it helps most effectively. Indications in gynecology, treatment of children, comparison with Vishnevsky ointment.

Levomekol has long been considered an essential medicine and is found in every home medicine cabinet. This external remedy is well-deservedly popular because it copes with any skin problems quickly and effectively. It has a good antibacterial effect and promotes rapid restoration of tissue structure in case of damage of various types.

The drug is actively used in surgical practice for the speedy healing of postoperative sutures, treatment of abscesses and purulent wounds. It is available because it is inexpensive and available at any pharmacy.


Available in tubes of 40g or in dark glass jars of 100g and 1000g. The consistency is medium-dense, the structure is homogeneous, slightly yellowish in color. ATX code: D06C

It contains only two active ingredients.

  1. Chloramphenicol is a complex chemical compound with antibacterial action, active against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.
  2. Methyluracil is a chemical substance that exhibits anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration and healing of damaged tissues, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Methyluracil easily penetrates the tissues of the human body, relieves swelling, activates metabolism at the cellular level, acts as an immunomodulator, stimulating the production of interferon.

The ratio of active ingredients per 1 gram: chloramphenicol 7.5 mg and methyluracil 40 mg.

Excipients: polyethylene oxide-400 and polyethylene oxide-1500 contribute to the uniform distribution of the active components and facilitate the penetration of the drug into the tissues. The ability for deep penetration is not associated with disruption of cell membranes, the ointment acts gently, without causing burning or unpleasant symptoms.

What is Levomekol ointment used for in medicine? Indications

The drug is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. Levomekol ointment is used externally to treat a number of pathologies:

  • purulent wounds and ulcers on the skin infected with pathogenic microflora;
  • postoperative sutures;
  • traumatic skin injuries;
  • 2nd and 3rd degree burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils, carbuncles, abscesses, pimples, acne;
  • calluses;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema is dry and weeping;
  • necrosis;
  • frostbite;
  • diaper rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • purulent otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Contraindications for use are the presence of hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components. Avoid contact of the ointment with the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. In such cases, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with plenty of water. If the ointment is accidentally swallowed, the patient's stomach is washed and activated charcoal is given. When treating even very large areas of skin, no cases of overdose or complications were identified.

Instructions for use

Levomekol ointment is a medicine for external use. Unless the doctor has prescribed otherwise, the product is usually applied evenly in a thin layer to the affected area, then the treated skin is covered with a sterile napkin and secured with a bandage.

Depending on the severity of the lesion, the drug is applied once or twice a day. The course of treatment is until the wound is completely cleansed and the tissue heals. Typically, the treatment period is limited to 5-10 days and ends with complete cleansing and healing.

For deep purulent wounds complicated by infection the ointment is heated to a temperature of 35°-36°C, then a gauze pad is soaked in it and injected directly into the wound. If the wound opening is very large, several wipes may be needed until the wound is completely filled. The filling should not be too dense. Afterwards a sterile fixing bandage is applied. As the napkins become saturated with pus, they are periodically changed, the frequency of changes depends on the severity of the lesion and the volume of purulent secretion.

In very narrow and deep wound openings, puncture wounds, a sterile rubber tube (drainage) is inserted into which the drug is injected with a syringe.

What else does Levomekol ointment help with: bedsores and external purulent otitis media. To prevent bedsores in bedridden patients, the ointment is applied once a day to problem areas; during treatment, the application regimen depends on the severity of the skin lesion.

For external purulent otitis, thin sterile tourniquets are soaked in a warm preparation and shallowly inserted into the ear canal for 12 hours; it is better to do this at night.

For sinusitis soaked tourniquets are inserted into the nasal passages.

For the purpose of treatment purulent acne the affected skin is lubricated at night with a thin layer of ointment. If the pimple opens up the next morning, the drug is placed in the resulting hole and the surrounding tissue is treated.

When treating with Levomekol, other external agents are not used.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy. How to treat children with ointment

Pregnant and lactating women can also safely use Levomekol for treatment, since this external agent is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

If you have cracked nipples during lactation, you need to stop breastfeeding for a while, and it is best to use another remedy on the advice of a doctor. Indications for treatment with Levomekol during pregnancy, if there is no individual intolerance:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • cuts;
  • abrasions;
  • insect bites;
  • ingrown toenail, panaritium;
  • minor burns;
  • ulcers;
  • acne.

What is levomekol ointment used for in pediatrics?

In pediatrics, the drug can be prescribed even to newborns. It is used to treat umbilical wounds, abscesses after injections or vaccinations, scratches, abrasions, bruises, and to treat skin with diaper dermatitis, prickly heat and diaper rash in order to prevent infection and speed up skin regeneration.

Before using the ointment in newborns and children, first perform a skin test by applying the ointment pointwise to the crook of the elbow or under the knee, and observing whether redness or rash appears at the site of application. If there is no allergic reaction, the medicine can be used, but in any case, preliminary consultation with a specialist is required.

What else does Levomekol ointment help with: features of acne treatment

As practice shows, the drug copes well with acne and acne. The method of its application depends on the number and nature of the rash.

Multiple small pimples on the face. Apply the ointment to problem skin for several hours and then wash off. Within 2 weeks, the skin will cleanse, smooth out, and small scars will disappear.

Single red painful pimples Do not squeeze out under any circumstances. Apply Levomekol in a thin layer, and leave for 2-3 hours. You can cover it with a sterile napkin and secure it with an adhesive tape. Then the remaining ointment is washed off. After just 2 days, the inflammation will go away, the pimple will shrink, and after a couple of days it will either open up or resolve without a trace. The same applies to acne on the back, chest and other parts of the body.

Acne. For severely inflamed acne on the face, the ointment is applied to the skin overnight. A thin layer will be enough. In the morning, wash your face without soap and dry your face. This is done every evening until the face is clear. Usually the course of treatment takes 2 weeks. In addition, scars from previously squeezed out pimples will disappear and the skin will become smoother. The color will become natural and healthy. Due to the fact that the product acts deeply, new acne does not appear during therapy. Subsequently, single recurrent lesions are possible, which can be treated pointwise.

"Cold" on the lip

Why is Levomekol ointment used for herpes? The drug acts as an antibiotic. When treating the herpes virus, which manifests itself in the form of painful blisters on the lips, it is powerless. But still, it can be used for this disease during the healing period, but it must be applied carefully so that the drug does not get inside. You should also avoid licking your lips.


Boils are an inflammatory process in the hair follicle caused by a staphylococcal infection. Levomekol ointment will help get rid of the boil. The procedure is simple:

  • cleansing the lesion with hydrogen peroxide 3% or chlorhexidine;
  • spot application of the drug;
  • fixation with sterile material.

The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day and always at night. When the abscess opens, rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide, place Levomekol in the hole and secure with a sterile bandage. From now on, it will be enough to change the bandage 2 times a day and apply a new portion of ointment. It usually takes 3 days for complete healing.

Levomekol for postoperative sutures

Levomekol is the best remedy that is used for postoperative sutures and for birth ruptures (cuts) of the perineum in women. For non-union sutures and divergence, the drug is also indispensable.

Rules for treating perineal tears and other postoperative sutures:

  • wash the perineum with laundry soap;
  • treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin;
  • dry with a clean cloth;
  • soak a gauze pad generously with warm ointment;
  • apply to the seam;
  • cover with a clean, dry cloth;
  • wear well-fitting underwear.

This levomekol application remains for 6 hours, no more. If the suture is inflamed, the procedure is performed 2 times a day, in the period after the inflammation is eliminated - 1 time. The course of therapy lasts 5 days.

Application in gynecology: instructions

Tampons with Levomekol are widely used in gynecological practice in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • inflamed erosion of the cervix with vaginitis;
  • after cauterization of erosion;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • divergence or inflammation of postpartum vaginal sutures;
  • abrasions and minor injuries to the vagina.

The course of treatment is 10 days, at night. Tampons soaked in Levomekol are inserted deep into the vagina and removed in the morning. If necessary, treatment can be continued for another 5 days. If the sutures diverge, the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor observing the patient.

Treatment of wounds, cuts, bites, skin breaks, burns

What else does Levomekol ointment help with? Any wound treated in time with the product will not become infected and will heal quickly. If time is lost and suppuration appears, the treatment regimen is the same as for the treatment of postoperative sutures: washing to remove purulent contents with 3% hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, applying ointment, fixing with a bandage. If the wound is very festering, treatment is carried out 3-4 times a day and always at night.

For small, low-traumatic burns of 1st or 2nd degree, the medicine is applied directly to the affected surface in a thin layer and fixed with a bandage. For deep burns and those complicated by pathogenic microflora, after washing the wound with a furatsilin solution, apply napkins soaked in ointment. In such cases, the course of treatment and frequency of procedures are agreed upon with the attending physician. Treatment of burns lasts from 5 to 10 or more days, depending on the severity.

Treatment of sinusitis and otitis

For runny noses in adults and children, especially chronic ones, Levomekol is used to lubricate the nasal passages for several days, morning and evening.

According to the instructions, to treat sinusitis, make gauze turundas (twisted napkins), which must be soaked generously with warm ointment and inserted deep into both nasal passages, at this time you need to breathe through your mouth, tilt your head back. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day, for a course of 5-7 days. You can also put 1 turunda at night, but this is not recommended for children, so that unforeseen situations do not arise during sleep.

For purulent otitis media, turundas with warm ointment are injected shallowly into the ear. The procedure is best done at night. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, but usually the inflammation goes away in 5-10 days.


During the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, Levomekol will relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, accelerate the restoration and healing of anal tissue. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • in the evening, after defecation, the anus is washed with laundry soap and dried with a clean napkin;
  • apply a thin layer of ointment; you can also soak a napkin in the ointment and apply it to the inflamed area;
  • then the medicinal application is fixed with a clean napkin and linen.

The course of procedures is 10 days.


For balanoposthitis, the use of Levomekol ointment will help to quickly cleanse the skin of the glans and foreskin of the penis from microbes, pus and necrotic inclusions, relieve inflammation, and speed up the process of skin restoration. The ointment is applied after washing with a disinfectant solution, 1-2 times a day, and after visible recovery for preventive purposes - for another week at night.


Analogues of Levomekol ointment are medicines containing the same components, but differing in name, or ointments that are similar in effect. The most famous among them are: Levomethyl, Netran, Levosin, Lingesin, Protegentin, Streptonitol, Fastin.

Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment: which is better?

You can often hear the question: “Which ointment is better, Levomekol or Vishnevsky?” After all, both are used to treat festering wounds. There is no definite answer to this question, and if a person successfully uses Vishnevsky ointment, there is no point in changing it to Levomekol or any other drug.

These ointments differ in composition and physical characteristics, but are similar in action. Both of them have an antiseptic effect, penetrate deeply into the skin, help cleanse and heal the wound, and kill bacteria.

But it causes blood flow to the inflamed area, stimulating local blood circulation, thereby aggravating the pain syndrome. Levomekol, on the contrary, relieves inflammation and reduces swelling. Vishnevsky's liniment cannot be used for unopened abscesses, but only to stimulate healing. It heats up the inflamed area, increasing the formation of pus. But Levomekol promotes rapid opening of the abscess, cleansing and tissue regeneration.

Vishnevsky ointment is more liquid, smells unpleasant, stains clothes, which cannot be said about Levomekol ointment.

The range of use of Levomekol ointment is wider than that of Vishnevsky's liniment, but in each specific case, the prescription must be made by a specialist.

Levomekol is a well-known drug that has a bactericidal effect against many pathogenic microorganisms. The combination of active substances chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and methyluracil, which are part of the ointment, ensures its high effectiveness in gynecological practice.

Levomekol in gynecology is a popular drug in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. The drug is part of complex antibacterial therapy for many diseases.

Dosage form

Levomekol ointment is presented in two applications. These are aluminum tubes with a capacity of 40 g or glass jars of 100 and 1000 g of product each. The composition of the ointment is absolutely identical regardless of the form of release of the drug. If the affected area is small, limit yourself to using a lower dosage.

When the inflammatory process progresses with a significant release of purulent infiltrate, it is recommended to purchase the medicine in a larger package. A dosage of 1000 g is indicated for use in inpatient departments for treating wound surfaces after surgical procedures.

Chloramphenicol in the form of an active substance has high antibacterial activity against gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms. Many strains of pathogenic flora are sensitive to the drug. The effectiveness of chloramphenicol is explained by its ability to disrupt microbial protein synthesis.

Methyluracil, which is part of the combination drug, has high anti-inflammatory and regenerating characteristics. Accelerates tissue epithelization and promotes rapid wound healing. It is widely used in the treatment of any wounds and erosive-purulent processes.

Additional substances that are part of the drug contribute to its uniform application in the affected area.

Levomekol is not produced in the form of suppositories. To achieve effectiveness when used topically, the ointment is used in combination with methyluracil suppositories. This combination of drugs is often used in gynecological practice.

Indications for use

The over-the-counter availability of the drug, low cost and constant availability in pharmacies create the prerequisites for independent use. Despite the relative safety of the drug, which is non-toxic in the permissible dosage, its use must be rational.

Levomekol is not a prophylactic drug to prevent the disease. Even if there is a purulent infiltrate in the affected area, consultation with a specialist is required.

Levomekol ointment, widely used by doctors in gynecology, is indicated in the following cases:

  • bacterial infections of the pelvic organs (vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes);
  • erosions resulting from inflammatory processes in the vaginal and cervical canal areas;
  • ruptures of the cervix and body of the uterus, vagina, perineum due to active labor;
  • infection of sutures after surgical interventions;
  • inflammatory foci with purulent contents in the intimate area (boils, etc.).

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, Levomekol is used in the form of tampons soaked in ointment. In case of purulent skin infections, the ointment is applied directly to the affected area.

The diagnosis of erosive lesions in the cervical area requires special attention. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo colposcopy followed by histological examination of the tissue fragment. This precaution is explained by the negative effect of methyluracil on oncogenic activity. If test data indicate developing cancer, the ointment is contraindicated for use.

When using ointment during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the issue of safety and rationality should be discussed with your doctor. In most cases, the ointment is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

However, given that the drug practically does not penetrate into the blood, gynecologists prescribe an ointment for external use in an acceptable dosage for pregnant and lactating women. The ointment used in the treatment of cracked nipples requires stopping breastfeeding until the woman recovers.

Mode of application

Instructions for use of the ointment contain information to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug, indications, and existing restrictions. The treatment regimen is developed by the doctor according to the medical history after reviewing the test results.

The classic scheme for using medicine to treat a wound surface involves a course of treatment for 10 days. Sometimes doctors insist on longer treatment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that prolonged exposure to chloramphenicol provokes the appearance of a hypersensitivity reaction upon repeated use, regardless of the form of application. Further treatment is continued with agents that promote regeneration of the wound surface.

Before starting therapy, the affected area is cleaned. Then they are treated with antiseptic solutions. The following drugs can be used as antiseptics:

  • Furacilin;
  • Fukortsin;
  • methylene blue solution;
  • brilliant green solution;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

The disinfected area must be sufficiently dry before further treatment with ointment. Air baths are used for 5-10 minutes.

Wound treatment is carried out in the form of applications. A sterile bandage is folded into several layers and soaked in ointment. After removal from the refrigerator, the ointment is heated to body temperature (36-37 degrees) to soften it. Applications are changed several times a day (as recommended by a doctor) until the wound surface is completely healed. Despite the presence of purulent contents, Levomekol is effective. To prevent ointment from contaminating linens, use sanitary pads or additional gauze wipes.

At the pharmacy you can buy VoskoPran with Levomekol ointment. This is a sterile dressing made of synthetic mesh impregnated with a drug. It is very convenient to use, as it can be modeled on wounds of any configuration. Its mesh structure promotes free air exchange and drainage of purulent exudate. The synthetic ointment base prevents gauze fibers from entering the wound and prevents injury to the wound when removing the bandage.

Tampons with Levomekol are used in gynecology in the presence of inflammatory processes in the vagina, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. If in the vagina the medicine acts directly on the source of inflammation, then when treating distant organs, the effect is expected after the penetration of the active substance through the vaginal mucosa.

Given the insignificant penetration of the drug into the systemic circulation, the use of local therapy is not limited to. In some cases, the use of systemic antibacterial agents is indicated.

Tampons are prepared independently by twisting several layers of gauze in the form of a tourniquet. By folding the tourniquet into a loop, the tampon is secured with a bandage, thanks to which it can be easily removed after use. Prepared tampons are treated with ointment immediately before insertion into the vagina.

Before using tampons, it is necessary to toilet the genitals.

After using an air bath for 10 minutes, a tampon with ointment is inserted deep into the vagina. Usually therapy is continued for 7-10 days. The doctor can adjust therapy according to your medical history.

When using Levomekol, it is necessary to take into account its incompatibility with drugs that negatively affect the hematopoietic system:

  1. sulfonamides;
  2. cytostatics;
  3. pyrazolone derivatives.

Like any drug, Levomekol can cause unpleasant symptoms of individual intolerance in the form of:

  • skin rashes (urticaria);
  • severe allergy to the constituent components;
  • itching of varying intensity;
  • tingling and burning sensation at the site of inflammation;
  • the appearance of swelling in the affected area;
  • general condition disorders.

The appearance of any of the above signs is a reason to immediately seek help from your doctor.

Analogue drugs

The following drugs have a similar effect:

The use of Levomekol should be preceded by a consultation with a gynecologist. A set of diagnostic measures will confirm or refute the rationality of using this drug. A competent approach and adequate therapy contribute to achieving a positive result.



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