What competitions to hold winter fishing. Fishing competitions and fishing contests

Winter fishing Sobolev Oscar Yakovlevich


I. General provisions

The nature of the competition

1. Competitions are team, personal-team and personal. In teams, the results count only for the team as a whole; in personal-team results are credited simultaneously to the participants and the team as a whole; in personal results are counted to each participant separately.

2. In competitions of any scale, a championship among men and women, boys and girls (14-18 years old) can be held. Boys and girls with sufficient physical and technical training may participate in championship for men and women.

Scale of competition

Competitions are held: a) in primary physical education teams; b) district and city; c) regional, territorial and republican ASSRs; d) championships of the RSFSR.

II. The order of the competition

Sports fishing with winter gear

1. Ice fishing competitions can be held when the ice cover is at least 10 cm thick. The air temperature at which competitions can be held is determined by the organizers depending on the characteristics of the climatic zones.

2. In jig fishing competitions, it is allowed to use one fishing rod equipped with one jig. The weight, color and shape of the jig is arbitrary.

It is allowed to use any artificial (beads, rubber, wool, etc.), animal and vegetable baits, except for live and dead fish. You can use bait, but without the use of stationary feeders or any packaging.

3. At competitions in lure fishing, it is allowed to use one fishing rod equipped with a winter lure with one hook. The length of the body of the spinner without a hook must be at least 25 mm. Any attachment to the hook of the spinner (except for colored threads and cambric) is prohibited.

4. For competitions with winter gear, a section of a reservoir is selected with as many similar conditions as possible in terms of bottom topography, depth, vegetation, which is divided into zones according to the number of participants in teams. Each zone must have one participant from each team; zones are distributed among the participants by lot. The dimensions of the zones must be established taking into account that each athlete has at least 100 square meters. m.

The zones are marked with stencils with the letters A, B, C, etc. (the height of the stencils is 60–70 cm), and their boundaries are marked with cords or flags. The width of the neutral zone between the zones is at least 5 m (Fig. 65).

Rice. 65. Approximate plan for the layout of the competition area

5. Competitors may roam freely in their zones, drill an unlimited number of holes, but only occupy two in any part of the zone. Fishing is allowed no closer than 5 m from each other and from the reserve hole. Spare hole is marked with a flag issued by the organizers of the competition. The diameter of the hole must not be dangerous for movement on ice. Holes can be drilled only after the signal "Start!"

6. At individual and team competitions in sports fishing with winter gear, starting from regional and above, additional competitions for individual championship among winners in zones lasting at least 2 hours are held. The number of their participants is determined by the provisions of the relevant competitions.

In individual-team competitions where an additional championship is held, the right to assign a sports category gives the result shown by the participant in personal superiority.

III. Requirements for this type of competition

1. Participants who have taken places in their zones are given time to prepare gear, prepare bait, and dismantle the bobbin.

2. For 5 min. before the start, a warning sound or light signal is given (rocket, etc.).

3. For 15 min. before the finish, a warning sound or light signal is given, and after 15 minutes. - a signal announcing the finish. After this signal, only playing the fish is allowed if the bite was before it.

4. During fishing, the tackle must be in hand. When the athlete puts it down, it must be removed from the hole. It is possible to have spare gear prepared and to change gear during the competition. It is also permitted to have the necessary spare accessories.

5. A team (or participant) that does not appear or is late for the start is removed from the competition.

6. Only those types and sizes of fish that are allowed to be caught by the fishing rules in force in the area or the regulations for these competitions are accepted for credit. (For example, on the territory of the RSFSR, fishing rules allow catching fish no smaller than: bream - 30 cm, pike perch - 40 cm, pike - 32 cm, etc.)

7. A participant who has caught the maximum norm established by the regulations on these competitions to the finish must stop fishing, inform the controller-judge about this and hand in his catch, the size and quantity of which are immediately recorded in the protocol.

8. Participants have no right to help each other in fighting fish, transfer fish or accept it from other participants or unauthorized persons.

9. During the competition, the participants keep the catch in plastic bags, which are provided to the athletes by the organizers of the competition. Contaminated fish (in snow or with frozen pieces of ice) will not be accepted for offset.

10. When determining the places occupied by participants in the zones, participants who did not appear at the start and finish or were without a catch receive the last place in the zone plus one.

11. Duration of winter fishing competitions should not exceed 3 hours.

IV. Regulations on competitions

1. Regulations on competitions are developed and approved by the organization conducting them. It should not contradict these rules and regulations of fishing. Changes and additions to the provision can only be made by the organization that approved it no later than 1 hour before the start of the draw.

2. The regulation is sent to the organizations participating in the competitions within the following terms:

a) about the championships of the RSFSR - no later than mid-December of the year preceding the championship;

b) about zonal qualifying competitions - no later than 3 months before the start of the competition;

c) about regional, city and district competitions - no later than 1 month before the start of the competition.

3. Regulations on the championships of the RSFSR and zonal qualifying competitions must provide for a training session lasting at least 3 hours on the reservoir where the competitions will be held, but not within the competition area. In the regulations for competitions of a smaller scale, training is provided for at least half of the participants who are not familiar with the reservoir.

V. Competitors

1. Participation in competitions is allowed for members of the DSO and fishing and sports societies, included in the application of the relevant organization and having a doctor's permission.

2. Competitors are obliged:

a) know the rules of competitions for this type of sport fishing, as well as the regulations on these competitions and strictly observe them. In case of violation of the rules and regulations and ignoring the remarks of the judges, the participant is suspended from the competition;

b) have and wear during the competition the appropriate bib number;

c) to perform in a uniform for his team, when it is provided for by the regulations. In competitions where various sports societies participate, have the emblem of their society;

d) not interfere with the work of the panel of judges and not interfere with the work of judges. The participant receives all necessary information on competition issues and their results through a representative, coach or team captain;

e) have gear prepared and in accordance with these rules;

f) be on time at the start and finish;

g) not to leave the territory of the zone without the permission of the judge-controller.

3. The participant has the right to file a protest about the refereeing. The protest is submitted in writing through a representative, coach or team captain.

VI. Representatives and trainers

1. Organizations participating in competitions, if it is allowed by the Regulations, allocate their representative. In the absence of a representative, his duties are performed by the coach or team captain.

2. Representative, being the team leader:

a) is responsible for the organization and discipline of the team members at the competitions;

b) is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on them and be present at the meetings of the panel of judges;

c) has the right to be present at the draw, receive information from the judging panel on all issues related to competitions and their results, file protests regarding the conduct of competitions and refereeing.

3. The coach accompanies the team from the beginning to the end of the competition. He is not allowed to enter the area where the competitor is located. However, he can stay in the neutral zone during the competition and give his recommendations to the athletes.

4. Representatives and trainers are obliged during the competition to comply with the requirements and comments of the judiciary. About the representatives and coaches who do not adhere to the rules and regulations of the competition and ignored the remarks of the judges, the panel of judges must inform the organizations that sent them.

VII. Panel of judges

1. The panel of judges is appointed by the organization conducting the competition. The composition of the panel of judges includes: chief judge, deputy chief judge, chief secretary, secretary judge, senior judges in the zones (one in each), judge-controllers in zones.

Depending on the scale of the competition, the composition of the judging panel may be reduced or increased.

2. The chief referee directs the competition and heads the work of the panel of judges, distributes duties among the referees, is responsible for providing medical care, controls the correctness of the course of the competition, resolves issues that arise, considers incoming protests and applications and makes decisions on them. Removes from participation in competitions violators of the rules, as well as participants who have committed unsportsmanlike behavior.

Conducts briefings for referees, meetings of the panel of judges to determine the results of competitions and other issues.

The chief referee has the authority to remove referees who do not cope with their duties.

Not later than two days later, submits a written report and other documentation to the organization that held the competition.

The chief referee is authorized to cancel or temporarily interrupt the competition due to adverse weather conditions that interfere with the normal course of the competition. If more than half of the allotted time has passed before the end of the competition, the competition is considered to have taken place. They can be continued if the reasons that caused the break disappear.

3. The Deputy Chief Judge works on the instructions of the Chief Judge, and in his absence replaces the Chief Judge and enjoys his rights.

4. The Chief Secretary accepts applications for participation in competitions, registers judges, conducts a draw and draws up all the documentation for these competitions.

5. Judge-secretary works under the leadership of the chief secretary and takes part in summing up the results of the competition and preparing all the documentation.

6. Senior judges in the zones are responsible for the course of the competition in the zones, supervise the work of the judges-controllers, draw up the results of the performances in the zones and hand them over with the catch to the main secretariat of the competition.

7. Judges-controllers work under the direction of senior judges in zones. Monitor the observance by the participants assigned to them of the rules and regulations on these competitions. When fishing outside the zone or in case of non-observance of the distance, the participant is warned, and in case of repeated violations, the senior judges are informed about this. They take part in determining the results of the participants in their zone.

8. All judges participating in the competition must perform their duties correctly and objectively.

9. Judges control the compliance of the rescue and the methods of catching with the requirements of these rules.

VIII. Analysis of the protests

1. Protests are submitted in writing by a representative, coach, team captain or participant - depending on the scale and nature of the competition - to the panel of judges immediately after the event that caused the protest, but before the announcement of the results of the competition.

2. The team leaders (participants) who have filed a protest have the right to be present during the dismantling of the protest by the panel of judges. Decisions on protests are made without the presence of team leaders (participants).

3. Decisions on protests are made and brought to the attention of the participants who declared them before the announcement of the results of the competition. The declared protests and the decisions taken on them are recorded in the minutes.

4. Protests related to the membership of a participant in a particular sports organization and his right to compete in these competitions are transferred by the panel of judges to the decision of the organization holding the match.

5. Decisions of the main panel of judges on the declared protests are final.

IX. Definition of results

1. The fish presented for the offset is weighed with an accuracy of up to 5 g either in the same container or in bulk. Weight above the norm permitted by the regulation of these competitions is not counted.

2. For the fish presented for the offset, the participant is awarded 1 point for each specimen and 1 point for each gram of weight. For early presentation of the catch (±2% of the weight of the allowed norm), the participant is additionally awarded 1 point for each minute left before the finish. The sum of points for the weight of the catch in grams, the number of specimens and the early termination of fishing give the result of the participant in this type of competition.

3. At competitions in team and individual competitions, three winners are determined (first, second and third place).

4. Winners in the team standings are determined by the smallest amount of places occupied by the members of these teams in their zones.

5. Winners in the individual competition are determined by the highest amount of points awarded for the catch.

6. In case of equality of points, the advantage is given to the team or participant with the largest number of fish in the catch.

X. Organizing Committee

1. For the preparation of competitions, the organization conducting them creates an organizing committee.

The organizing committee selects the competition area, divides it into zones, prepares the necessary equipment, ensures the placement of participants, representatives, coaches and judges, and also resolves all issues related to their reception and dispatch.

2. During the competition, he takes measures to prevent the penetration of unauthorized persons into the area of ​​the reservoir reserved for performances.

3. At the end of the competition will dismantle the competition area.


To item II, 2. When feeding, you can use any type of feeders. In this case, you should lower the feeder, pour out top dressing and immediately remove the feeder from the water. Various packages, such as mesh bags with top dressing, are prohibited. From above, you can pour any bait in any quantity into the hole.

To paragraph II, 4. As practice has shown, the outer sides of the zones should also have a five-meter neutral strip, excluding contact between fans and athletes. Only judges and coaches can be in it.

To paragraph II, 5. It is good when the organizers of the competition give out two flags to the athletes. It is desirable that both of them have a number corresponding to the start number of the athlete. With one flag, the participant indicates the spare hole, with the other the one on which he is fishing at the moment. Holes marked with other objects are considered free.

To paragraph II, 6. Regardless of the rank of the competition, it is desirable to hold an individual championship among the winners in the zones. Only individual championship guarantees against accidents and allows you to more likely identify the strongest athletes. If an individual-team competition is held in one stage, it often happens that all the prizes are occupied by participants from the same zone (with the highest concentration of fish).

To item III, 2. Usually 5 minutes are given. for the preparation of gear and sports equipment. Drilling holes and feeding fish before the start signal is not allowed.

To p. III, 11. Individual-team and team competitions in catching with winter gear last only 3 hours. And the personal championship, if it is held on the same day as the personal-team competitions, can be reduced to 2 hours, but such a reduction should not be abused, since 3 hours. - the optimal time for which athletes are guided.

To paragraph VI, 3. The coach, before entering the neutral zone, must obtain the consent of the controller-controller.

To paragraph X, 1. The results of the competition largely depend on the work of the organizing committee. It is very important that its members choose a site for fishing in advance, check the presence of fish, its distribution in this area. Negligence in choosing a place can significantly affect the quality side of the competition (some participants may even be left without a catch). On the selected site, before breaking up the zones, it is necessary to make preliminary preparations: remove debris, fill up old holes, put up tents for the judiciary. If the zones are separated from each other not by a cord, but by flags, then they must be set so often that athletes can easily determine the border of their zone.

Table 1

table 2

Continuation of the table. 2

Table 3

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I have taken part in fishing competitions dozens of times.

It is not difficult to get into competitions, with the exception of the championships of Russia, Europe and the World. As a rule, the rest of the competitions are open, that is, anyone can take part in them.

To do this, you need to have “a little” money in your pocket from 500 rubles to several thousand (since you have to pay for participation), a serviceable car and good reliable comrades (as a rule, competitions are team, tandem or three participants).

How to enter the feeder competition?

I will write, perhaps, the simplest way.

Today, every home has a computer or some other gadget. Go, for example, to the site " Fishing without limits. Central forum of fishermen", register there and that's it. Almost all competitions held in Russia are open to you.

For those who want to get a sports category, you need to pay attention to the words RATING or DISC in the name of the competition. It will be enough for you to take from the first to the twelfth place. At festivals and other tournaments - the maximum that you can count on is: a cup and a medal for the first three places, prizes from sponsors (bait and other trifles).

If you live not far from Moscow, then you have the choice to check yourself in " carp league" or at " gatherings are the festivals. They have a lot to learn and gain experience, but I would advise the rest to choose the nearest cities and see who competes and how much.

Having chosen the appropriate competitions, we register directly for this event. Don't be afraid that the registration may be over, sign up for the reserve and closely follow the progress of the confirmation of the teams, which takes place in the last week before the competition. There is a chance that someone will withdraw the application for participation.

In anticipation, we do not waste time in vain. As a rule, you need to replace everything with what you are used to catching fish - feeder, reel, fishing line, cage, feeders, hooks, bait and so on ...
Sample kit:

  • Feeder - medium class, length 360 cm;
  • Coil - 4000, with a baitrunner (allows you to go to the toilet);
  • It’s better to forget about the “braid” for the duration of the competition, we take a black feeder line no thicker than 0.24 mm, a leader line 0.14-0.18 mm. I do not use fluorocarbon, since the breaking load is small for these diameters, and thicker ones are left without a catch. With a lot of pressure, the fish is cautious;
  • Synthetic cage at least three meters. According to the rules of the competition, the use of a cage of a shorter length is prohibited, and metal ones are also prohibited. Fish are accepted for weighing only in a live form;
  • It is better to take a landing net with a long handle, at least 230cm. Often you have to fish from bridges or a high bank;
  • Plastic feeders, preferably without a bottom, weighing from 14-56 gr. If the reservoir has a depth of up to 1 meter, you have to use the low weight of the feeder. When falling on the water, it is almost inaudible;
  • Hooks No. 10-14, 0.40-0.60 mm thick.

We do not spare money for bait, the more expensive the better. Take three packages - carp, roach, bream. Do mix - 15% roach, 25% bream and 60% carp. Naturally, the mixture must be filled with aromatics. You should not use one smell, a combination is better, for example: plum-corn, strawberry-vanilla, chocolate-caramel. We also do not forget about hemp seeds, which can be prepared directly on the pond. By autumn we add fish smells.

What to catch at feeder competitions?

It is better to use sandwiches: maggot corn, worm corn, bloodworm worm. I do not advise catching boilies, they are not for competitions.

As for the equipment, everything is simple DO NOT COMPLEX! In what is convenient and comfortable for you to catch, in that you should be. At competitions, they don’t evaluate what you are wearing, and honestly, those around you are not up to you. Don't forget to bring your raincoat and boots.

If you don’t have a special chair or platform, it doesn’t matter either, you can fish from a regular chair.

Well, after reading it, the desire to participate in competitions did not disappear? then a few more tips.

Upon arrival at the reservoir, do not waste time. It would be better to mix the bait before the signal ‘ENTER THE ZONE’, this is not prohibited by the rules. The bait before the ‘START’ signal will infuse and become saturated with aroma. Do not pour live food into it; it must be presented to the judges in a measured container.

Time after command ‘ entrance to the zone’ Better spent on knitting gear and tapping the bottom. Be sure to fix two points, let it be the lower and upper edges. If there are none, look for the difference in soils, clip on their borders.

The very tactics of fishing in competitions are slightly different from ordinary power fishing. Don't wait too long between casts.

The first 15-20 minutes just feed, do not forget to add maggots, bloodworms to the feeder. All this has a beneficial effect on the bite.

Another piece of advice - agree with your neighbors on which landmark will cast. And so that in the event of a fish swim when playing, they took out the tackle. After all, if this is not done, in the end both teams will suffer. So many understand this and go to the meeting.
Good luck to all!

Alexander Kumerkin

on holding open personal-team competitions for fishing with a jig from the ice on the basis of the village. Alakurtti as part of the action "I choose sport as an alternative to addictions".

1. Goals and objectives:

Popularization of catching fish with a winter mormyshka
development of fishing sport;
improve the skills of the participants.
promotion of modern principles of sport fishing;

2. Competition management

The overall management of the competition is carried out by the organizing committee.
The direct organization and holding of the competition is entrusted to the Main Jury.

3. Place and time of the competition

The competition is held - February 20 - on Lake Kuotojärvi.

4. Participation in competitions

Employees of schools and preschool institutions and residents of the village are allowed to participate in the competition. Alakurtti. The number of participants is not limited
The team consists of 4 people, 1 of them is a woman.
Non-resident teams, if necessary, the organizing committee of the competition provides judges-controllers

The official application for participation is submitted to the Organizing Committee upon arrival at the lake in the following form:
The application states:
team name;
Full name, year of birth
team captain

Participants are required to carry the necessary rescue equipment to ensure safety in emergency situations.

5. Rules for the competition

Competitions are individual-team and are held in two rounds lasting 2 hours each.

Competitions are held according to the Sport Fishing Rules approved by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2000 and clarifications (section 4 - sanctions)
The main points of the rules concerning these competitions are given below.
It is allowed to use one fishing rod, with a winter lure made of any material of its vertical or horizontal location on the fishing line.
The spinner of a vertical arrangement is equipped with one hook. The hook can be single, double or triple. Triple or double hooks must be suspended, and single hooks can be either soldered or suspended.
Horizontal baubles can be equipped with single hooks soldered at the ends of the baubles and one hanging hook - single, double or triple.
Catching is carried out in the area determined by the Referee Board of the competition (scheme). Within the zone, participants are allowed to change fishing spots an unlimited number of times.
While fishing and moving around the pond, the participants of each team must be no closer than 5 meters to each other.
It is not allowed to leave fishing rods with baubles in the water.
During fishing, ice axes must be in a vertical position, blades down.

The following types of fish are accepted for offset - perch, ruff, burbot.

6. Start-finish order, weigh-in

Approximate starting point is the mouth of the Kutojoki River.
The immediate place of the start-finish and weighing of the catches is determined by the panel of judges and brought to the attention of the participants of the competition on the formation

8. Financial conditions:
All expenses associated with the participation of teams in the competition (travel to the competition site, accommodation, etc.) are borne by the organizations sending them (clubs) or they are carried out directly by the team members themselves.

9. Awarding of winners

Teams that win prizes in the individual competition are awarded with diplomas. There will also be individual awards.

10. Brief description of the body of water at the competition site

The competition is held on Lake Kutujärvi. The average depth of the lake is 1-2 meters, the maximum depth is 3.5 m. The bottom is predominantly silty, sandy near the shores. In some places there are thickets of reeds on the banks. There is no flow.
The predominant fish when fishing with a lure is perch. The average weight is 5-20 g, it comes across up to 200 g. There are pike, burbot, trout.


"--" February 20--.

8:30 – arrival, registration of participants;
9.30 - building teams, opening the competition;
10.00 - start of the first round;
14.15 – finish of the first round;
14-30 - weighing;

1. Goals and objectives of the competition:
Popularization of fishing sport;
Identification of the strongest anglers;
Improving the skills of participants;
Exchange of experience in fishing skills, strengthening of ties between athletes and winter fishing enthusiasts.

  1. Management of the preparation and conduct of competitions

The general management of the preparation and holding of the competitions is carried out by the Council of Veterans and the administration of akimap.Kushmurun with the information support of the site "Our Kushmurun" site
The responsibilities of the organizing committee include:
determination of the dates and venue of the tournament;
formation of a panel of judges;
acceptance of applications for participation in the tournament from registered visitors of the site "Our Kushmurun"
coordination of actions for the successful conduct of the tournament;
raising funds for the tournament;
purchase of prizes for awarding winners;

  1. Place, time and schedule of the competition

Competitions are held on February 11, 2017 on the territory of Lake Trotskoye or another name for Lake Zharkol, the southwestern direction of the village of Kushmurun, the local place is determined by the commission.
Competition schedule:
8.45 – 9.45 – registration of participants;
9.45 - solemn formation of participants, announcement of the rules and conditions of the tournament;
10.00 - start of the competition;
14.00 - end of the tournament, arrival at the place of weighing;
14.30 - additional competitions;
15.00 - rewarding, an ear from the administration, a common table.


Depending on the organizational, technical and weather conditions, the start and finish times, the total time of the competition may be changed.

4. Order of the competition

Everyone is allowed to participate in the competition, regardless of gender and age. Participants compete in the individual competition.
The fee for participation in the competition is 300 tenge.
At the end of the competition, the participant has the right to take with him the entire catch, or release it at his own request.
Participants of the competitions get to the competitions by private transport or by free bus from the stop "MagazinDastarkhan" at 8-00 o'clock and from the stop shop "Yuzhny".

In the village of Kushmurun from the territory of Lake Zharkol, the bus will depart by the same route at 17-00.
At competitions in winter fishing, it is allowed to use two fishing rods, with any tackle: winter lure, balancer, mormyshka, devil, goat and other tackle not prohibited by current legislation, with the exception of vents. The hook can be single, double or triple. The use of bait and additional sinker is allowed. It is not forbidden to use any animal, vegetable and artificial baits. While fishing and moving around the pond, it is forbidden to approach other competitors closer than ten meters.
Competitions consist of one stage.
During breaks, breaks, exits from the sector - the tackle of the participant must be taken out of the water. Tackle can be in the water only in the presence of a participant in the sector.
The beginning of the competition is indicated by a sound or light signal. Five minutes before the end of the competition, a warning signal is given. After the signal about the end of the competition, all participants gather at the weighing point with their catch.
During the competition, athletes keep their catch in a clean form, in a uniform container provided by the organizers of the competition. Competitions begin and end with clear time frames.

Athletes are not allowed:
Violate the boundaries of the area allocated for the competition or part of the reservoir. Within the established section of the reservoir, athletes are allowed to change fishing spots an unlimited number of times.
Make noise, interfere with other fishermen. Departure from the competition area, going beyond the designated border of the competition area means that the participant has stopped the competition.
Drink alcohol BEFORE and DURING the competition

Sanctions applied to athletes:

  • all warnings and violations of the rules are recorded by the judge.
    an athlete may be withdrawn from the competition for unsporting behavior, including being in a state of intoxication.
    a proposal to disqualify an athlete is made by the Chief Referee.
    an athlete who is seen in rigging the results, putting a fish caught out of time, or transferring his fish to another participant, is removed from the competition.


  • Each competitor has the right to submit protests. The protest is submitted in writing.
    protests are accepted no later than 30 minutes after the finish of the competition. Decisions on protests, with the exception of those relating to the distribution of places, will be taken by the panel of judges before the results of the competition are approved.
    the competitor who filed a protest must be present at the meeting of the panel of judges during the analysis of the protest.
    the decision on the protest is made by an open vote of the panel of judges by a majority of votes.
    The decision of the panel of judges on the protest is final.
  1. Definition of winners

The winners and prize-winners of the competitions are determined by the weight of the fish caught. In case of equal weight for two or more participants, the winner is determined by the number of fish caught. Fish are taken into account: perch, roach, bream, pike without restrictions.
According to the results of the competition, winners are determined in the following categories:
"The Biggest Catch" 3 places,
"The Biggest Fish", 1st place
"The smallest fish", 1st place
"The youngest participant", 1st place

"The oldest participant in winter fishing" - 1st place.
A participant who takes 1st place in one of the nominations cannot become a winner in others.

  1. Additional competitions

At the end of the main competition program, additional competitions will be held among the participants and their fans: “Speed ​​Driller” (drilling two holes at speed), “Winter Fisherman’s Run” (100-meter run with a box and a drill in hands), “The largest group support"

7. Awarding of winners

The winners of the competitions "The Biggest Catch", "The Biggest Fish" are awarded with valuable prizes, medals and diplomas of the corresponding degrees. The winners of the nominations "The smallest fish", "Speed ​​driller", "Winter fisherman's race", "The oldest participant", "The youngest participant", "The largest support group" are awarded with valuable prizes (from sponsors of the competition), and diplomas.

  1. Additional Information

The participant is obliged to know and comply with the Rules of Amateur and Sport Fishing of the village of Kushmurun and the rules of the competition. For violation of the rules of the competition, the athlete is responsible in the form of comments or removal from the competition.
The athlete cannot interfere with the work of the judges.
Competitors are obliged to comply with these Regulations, the rules and regulations of the competition, observe safety measures on the reservoir, and ensure the safety of public and personal property.
Due to adverse weather conditions, the competition may be suspended or cancelled.
If the weather conditions do not improve, or the daily routine does not allow the competition to continue, then the competition is considered to have taken place if its duration is at least one hour.
You are allowed to carry an unlimited number of spare gear and accessories.
The control over the behavior of the participants in the competition on the reservoir, their compliance with the rules of the competition, the observance of security measures is carried out by both the controller judges and the participants themselves.
Each participant is obliged to immediately stop fishing in order to provide the necessary assistance to any person on the water and in distress.

Contact phones:

87759659535-Abzhanov Abidulla Aklashevich - akim of the village of Kushmurun.

87053316325-Conversation Nikolai Anatolyevich - chairman of the council of veterans of the village of Kushmurun.

87774157000-Katalevich Yuri Afanasevich - site "Our Kushmurun".

There are currently several tournaments for spinning players in Russia. The most popular of them are Adrenaline, Jig Betting and Pro Anglers League (PAL). If the latter attracts professionals, then everyone can take part in Adrenaline and Jig Betting.

Spinning fishing competitions "Adrenaline" and "Jig-betting"

If there is a boat, tackle and a team, then everyone can become a member. In these competitions, children and women are a separate nomination. Prizes are distributed according to the weight and size of the fish, and here at the awards, the winners receive not only cups, but also quite decent amounts.

For example, the main prize of the winning team at Adrenaline 2015 was 1,000,000 rubles, so go for it!

"Jig-betting" is traditionally held on the Cheboksary reservoir. These are the most massive fishing competitions, up to a hundred, and sometimes more, crews take part in them. The tournament consists of two stages, during the fishing there is a video recording. Used, as the name of the competition, only jig fishing. Lures are allowed:

  • Silicone;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Foam.

One fish from each nomination is provided for the final weighing. Participants catch:

  • pike;
  • Sudak;
  • Bersh;
  • perch.

The tournament is announced in advance, so if you wish, you can test your strength by participating in fishing competitions and have a great time on the waters of the country.

Fishing competition

Competitions among amateurs and professionals of fishing are held in the following disciplines:

  • Fishing with spinning tackle from a boat and from the shore
  • Float fishing
  • Feeder fishing
  • Winter lure fishing
  • Mormyshka fishing from ice

When catching peaceful fish, the offset is made according to the weight of the fish caught. Obviously, the bigger it is, the better. Both teams and individuals can participate. Winners among spinners are determined not only by weight, but also by the species composition of the fish. In addition to fishing championships, cups and festivals are held in a particular discipline.

Winter fishing competition

For several years in a row, Russia has been hosting the Championship for ice fishing with mormyshka. Women also take part in it, many of whom are candidates and masters of sports of international class.

This suggests that the sport of fishing is developing very quickly in our country and covers a wide audience. Winter fishing competitions are traditionally more massive than other types of fishing. This is facilitated by the weather, and the winter festive mood, and the practically unlimited fishing area.


Fishing competition 2017

Volzhanka Cup Discipline: Winter Mormyshka

Istra reservoir, Moscow region

The Republic of Mordovia "

FRS Championship of the Republic of Moldova Discipline: Winter lure

Kemerovo region »

Closed Kuzbass Cup Discipline: Winter Mormyshka

Belovskoe vdkh. Rainbow

Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory »

Rubtsovsk Cup Discipline: Winter lure

pond Talovka (reserve lake Gorkoe-Peresheechnoe)

Altai region "

Altai wintering-2017 Discipline: Winter mormyshka

lake Utkul (spare reservoir Pravdinskoye)

Krasnoyarsk region "

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sharypovsky District, Steam Village, Big Lake.

Omsk region »

Cup of the city of Omsk Discipline: Winter mormyshka

Lubinskaya staritsa, 2 rounds, individual and team

Kemerovo region »

Championship of Novokuznetsk Discipline: Winter Mormyshka

Novokuznetsk Kulyanovskoye Vdh. personal-team

Volgodonsk, Rostov region »

Championship Volgodonsk Discipline: Spinning from the shore

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Tips for those wishing to take part in fishing competitions from Alexander Kumerkin

I have taken part in fishing competitions dozens of times.

It is not difficult to get into competitions, with the exception of the championships of Russia, Europe and the World. As a rule, the rest of the competitions are open, that is, anyone can take part in them.

To do this, you need to have “a little” money in your pocket from 500 rubles to several thousand (since you have to pay for participation), a serviceable car and good reliable comrades (as a rule, competitions are team, tandem or three participants).

How to enter the feeder competition?

I will write, perhaps, the simplest way.

Today, every home has a computer or some other gadget. Visit, for example, the site “Fishing without borders. Central Forum of Fishermen, register there and that's it. Almost all competitions held in Russia are open to you.

For those who want to get a sports category, you need to pay attention to the words RATING or DISC in the name of the competition. It will be enough for you to take from the first to the twelfth place. At festivals and other tournaments - the maximum that you can count on is: a cup and a medal for the first three places, prizes from sponsors (bait and other trifles).

If you live not far from Moscow, then you have the choice to test yourself in the “carp league” or at “gatherings” - these are festivals. They have a lot to learn and gain experience, but I would advise the rest to choose the nearest cities and see who competes and how much.

Having chosen the appropriate competitions, we register directly for this event. Don't be afraid that the registration may be over, sign up for the reserve and closely follow the progress of the confirmation of the teams, which takes place in the last week before the competition. There is a chance that someone will withdraw the application for participation.

In anticipation, we do not waste time in vain. As a rule, you need to replace everything with what you are used to catching fish - feeder, reel, fishing line, cage, feeders, hooks, bait, and so on ... Sample kit:

  • Feeder - medium class, length 360 cm;
  • Coil - 4000, with a baitrunner (allows you to go to the toilet);
  • It’s better to forget about the “braid” for the duration of the competition, we take a black feeder line no thicker than 0.24 mm, a leader line 0.14-0.18 mm. I do not use fluorocarbon, since the breaking load is small for these diameters, and thicker ones are left without a catch. With a lot of pressure, the fish is cautious;
  • Synthetic cage at least three meters. According to the rules of the competition, the use of a cage of a shorter length is prohibited, and metal ones are also prohibited. Fish are accepted for weighing only in a live form;
  • It is better to take a landing net with a long handle, at least 230cm. Often you have to fish from bridges or a high bank;
  • Plastic feeders, preferably without a bottom, weighing from 14-56 gr. If the reservoir has a depth of up to 1 meter, you have to use the low weight of the feeder. When falling on the water, it is almost inaudible;
  • Hooks No. 10-14, 0.40-0.60 mm thick.

We do not spare money for bait, the more expensive the better. Take three packages - carp, roach, bream. Make a mixture - 15% roach, 25% bream and 60% carp. Naturally, the mixture must be filled with aromatics. You should not use one smell, a combination is better, for example: plum-corn, strawberry-vanilla, chocolate-caramel. We also do not forget about hemp seeds, which can be prepared directly on the pond. By autumn we add fish smells.

What to catch at feeder competitions?

It is better to use sandwiches: maggot corn, worm corn, bloodworm worm. I do not advise catching boilies, they are not for competitions.

As for the equipment, everything is simple DO NOT COMPLEX! In what is convenient and comfortable for you to catch, in that you should be. At competitions, they don’t evaluate what you are wearing, and honestly, those around you are not up to you. Don't forget to bring your raincoat and boots.

If you don’t have a special chair or platform, it doesn’t matter either, you can fish from a regular chair.

Well, after reading it, the desire to participate in competitions did not disappear? then a few more tips.

Upon arrival at the reservoir, do not waste time. It would be better to mix the bait before the signal ‘ENTER THE ZONE’, this is not prohibited by the rules. The bait before the ‘START’ signal will infuse and become saturated with aroma. Do not pour live food into it; it must be presented to the judges in a measured container.

The time after the command ‘enter the zone’ is better spent knitting tackle and tapping the bottom. Be sure to fix two points, let it be the lower and upper edges. If there are none, look for the difference in soils, clip on their borders.

The very tactics of fishing in competitions are slightly different from ordinary power fishing. Don't wait too long between casts.

The first 15-20 minutes just feed, do not forget to add maggots, bloodworms to the feeder. All this has a beneficial effect on the bite.

Another piece of advice - agree with your neighbors on which landmark will cast. And so that in the event of a fish swim when playing, they took out the tackle. After all, if this is not done, in the end both teams will suffer. So many understand this and go to the meeting. Good luck to everyone!

Alexander Kumerkin


A fishing tournament was held in the vicinity of Nadym

On the banks of the river with the outlandish name Longyugan in the village of the same name in the Nadymsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets district, fishing competitions “A catch for every fisherman” took place. This "tournament" of fans of "quiet hunting" was organized with the participation of the Administration of the municipality Nadymsky district. The Cup of the Head of the Administration became the main prize of the rivalry.

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Everyone could take part in these competitions. Moreover, the type of fishing rods used was not specified. With the same success on this day, the fish went to spinning and to a home-made fishing rod, made right on the shore from a freshly broken branch.

The main condition was the ability to use only one fishing rod of any type for fishing. At the same time, the participants had the right to have spare tackle with them in case the fishing rod became unusable.

The regulation did not define the type of bait chosen. Competitors used a wide variety of complementary foods. From self-made according to a secret recipe to simple canned corn.

In total, 13 teams took part in the competition, which were formed from employees of enterprises and organizations of the Nadym region. Members of 6 family teams compared their success in fishing in a separate classification. 10 craftsmen of fishing competed in the individual competition.

The conditions of the competition and the prizes were announced by the organizers before the start of the competition. Their beginning was a call to a megaphone for a representative of the organizing committee to go to the river bank and cast a fishing rod.

Each registered participant or team was allocated a fenced area of ​​the coast, from which fishing was carried out.

Awards were provided for the winners in the team classification, individual classification. The winner among the family teams was revealed. Separately, incentive prizes and awards were provided for those who were able to present the first fish caught, the largest fish or the smallest fish.

The competition started at exactly 10 am. And in two minutes the winner of the prize in the first nomination "The first fish caught" became known. The representative of the Neptune team became the lucky fisherman.

This article will help you choose your jerking reels.

In this article, you will learn how the summer fishing competitions were held in Irkutsk.

One of the first prizes was for the youngest competitor Roman Timoshenko. The boy represented the Friendly Family team. The largest fish, an ide, whose weight was one and a half kilograms, was also caught by a representative of the younger generation - Artem Mareev from the "Amateurs" team.

On this day, many young participants gathered on the shore. First of all, “Merry Starts” were specially organized for them. Anglers of all ages took part in fun competitions with pleasure.

In total, sport fishing lasted three hours. The weather that day pleased the fishermen and their companions with sun and warmth. As a result, three hours passed unnoticed, and the time has come to determine the winners. According to the rules of international competitions, the most dexterous and successful anglers were determined after weighing the catch. The winner was the one whose mass of the catch was the largest.

Two kilograms two hundred grams were able to catch in three hours the representatives of the Eremin family, the “Animated” team.

Their catch was the most successful among all the participants in the family rivalry. For this, the Eremins received the first prize. In the team standings, representatives of the Rybolov team were able to present the largest catch.

Galina Sarzhevskaya became the winner in the individual competition. The last prize awarded during the awards ceremony was the prize for the smallest fish. He went to the Gazpromdobychafish team. Valuable gifts and prizes following the results of the competition were awarded to all participants.

Interested in flies for lenok fishing? Read more in our article.

Here you will find out who won the Victor Popov Cup in fishing.

There is a lot of interesting and useful information on our website http://lovisam.net.

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