How to distinguish a bruise from a cracked finger. Types of fractures in a child and how to recognize them

You can never confuse a fracture with a displacement with anything, and even more so an open fracture, when bone fragments are visible from the wound. In these cases, the deformation of the damaged part of the body is immediately evident. It is clear that one cannot do without medical assistance: it is necessary to give the bones the correct position, fix them securely, and with an open wound, treat it. These fractures usually occur when the arms and legs are injured.

Much more often you have to deal with less obvious injuries: there was a strong blow or a fall, the bruised place hurts, swells, a hematoma appears, it is difficult to move, but it is not clear whether the bones are damaged, or it is only a bruise of the soft tissues. Usually such doubts arise:

  • when you hit your toe on the leg of a cabinet or bed with a swing,
  • twist your ankle, slipping on the ice,
  • when hitting the chest or shoulder, when there is a risk of fracture of the ribs or collarbone,
  • with awkward jumps from a height, when there is pain in the spine
  • when falling on the hip.

If at the time of the injury you did not hear an ominous crunch, and after you came to your senses, you did not find visible deformations on the body, it will be quite difficult to establish the severity of the injury. What criteria are used for this?

Signs of a fracture

There is an opinion that a fracture hurts more than a bruise. In fact, it is not. Pain receptors are the same everywhere: in the muscles, skin and ligaments, in the periosteum. Therefore, it is pointless to conduct a diagnosis based on the intensity of pain sensations. Moreover, some fractures almost do not hurt, and at first a person may not be aware of the severity of what happened. So, for example, it happens in older people with certain types of hip fractures.

The second sign is swelling of the tissues and the size of the hematoma (bruise). Indeed, fractures are usually accompanied by more massive damage, which means severe swelling and more bruising. Moreover, swelling and hematoma can increase within a few hours after the fall and even the next day. But there are exceptions. For example, with bruises of parts of the body where there is little fatty tissue, but a lot of blood vessels (thorax, ankle, front surface of the lower leg, head and face). The site of the injury literally swells before our eyes, and then this huge hematoma can also slide down, under the influence of gravity, painting the skin in different shades of crimson and blue-green over a decent distance. The consequences of such injuries look scary, although the bones are intact and nothing threatens health. Conversely, with fractures of bones hidden under a thick layer of muscles, swelling may be barely noticeable, and there may be no bruising at all.

The third sign is a violation of movement in the damaged part of the body. When a bone breaks, it loses its strength, which means it does not perform its supporting function, so movement is impossible. However, this rule does not work for subperiosteal fractures, bone fractures and impacted fractures.

Thus, it is unfounded to say that this is just a bruise or a whole fracture in most cases is stupid. You can be wrong with a probability of 50 to 50. The only way to accurately diagnose is an x-ray. Another question is how dangerous are such fractures? Can they seriously harm health if their symptoms are so similar to a common bruise?

Should I see a doctor if I suspect a fracture?

In most cases, non-severe fractures heal on their own, without examination, plaster or medical care. To do this, it is enough to spare the place of impact and ensure its immobility. In the practice of traumatologists, it is not uncommon for a patient, having made an x-ray of a fresh fracture, to find out that there is already an accreted one nearby, which he had not known about before. But not always such injuries pass without consequences.

A case from one's life. The attendant was clearing the steps of ice, slipped and hit his chest painfully. The wife's female intuition told her that it was better to play it safe and call an ambulance. However, the paramedic, having arrived at the call, suggested that the man once again not “shine” on the x-ray - all the same, plaster is not applied when the ribs are fractured. Left everything as is and left. In the morning, awkwardly turning around, the man felt a prick in his chest and began to swell like a balloon. A few minutes - and it became difficult to breathe. If not for the operational work of another team of doctors, the attendant would have died of pneumothorax - a lung injury caused by a fragment of a rib that damaged soft tissues. The attendant returned to work after the operation, in the middle of spring, when it was no longer necessary to clean the steps from ice.

No less dangerous situations arise with impacted fractures of the femoral neck, if you fall on your side with a swing. External signs of injury may be minor, the pain is tolerable, which allows a person to continue walking and even running. But at some point, bone fragments can shift, which greatly aggravates the condition. Firstly, an operation is required to compare them, and secondly, complete destruction of the femoral head is possible due to impaired blood supply. And the result is prosthetics or complete immobility.

A compression fracture of the spine can lead to chronic back pain, paresis and paralysis due to compression of the intervertebral nerves and even the spinal cord. An inattentive attitude to a broken toe can subsequently lead to its deformity. And you can no longer wear dress shoes.

Of course, all these complications are rare. Therefore, in extreme cases, you can rely on luck and not seek medical help, the chance to “lick the wounds” on your own with uncomplicated fractures is quite high. But still, if you hurt yourself not at the end of the world, but somewhere in civilization, it is better to take a picture at any nearest emergency room. And in case of a fracture, take all necessary measures for its speedy healing.

A fracture and a bruise have similar symptoms, but the treatment and consequences of both injuries are different. It is difficult to distinguish from a fracture, as well as to understand the nature of the injury when struck with the edge of the palm, on the nose or in the back. Soft tissues, ligaments and bone structures can be damaged due to damage. And if there are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then even a small impact is enough to get a serious injury.

The reason for the deformation of bone structures and compression of soft tissues can be the same effect. , as well as, get when falling, direct impact, during an accident. A bruise or fracture may be the result of unsuccessful sports training. Often, leg injuries complement each other: a crack, dislocation, ligament rupture, extensive contusion - all this occurs simultaneously with intense mechanical action.

Foot injuries are always more difficult to diagnose. If a person stepped on the foot unsuccessfully, then it seems that it should not be, but this does not exclude the appearance of cracks. Similar violations are caused by the fall of heavy objects from above. You can injure your finger while walking - by tripping over a stone or other object.

As for the classic manifestations of a bruise, these are:

  • pain- the most acute at the time of injury, after a few hours the sensations in the diseased areas become dull;
  • puffiness- spreads during the day, then decreases;
  • hematoma- develops gradually, reaches a maximum in the first day, then resolves.

The following symptoms are temporary stiffness, numbness or tingling, local hyperemia.

Severe pain, heaviness of movement, redness. These are all signs of a broken toe. However, similar manifestations can occur in some other cases, for example, when the finger is bruised or there is a sprain. Meanwhile, it is very important to correctly diagnose an injury, because the tactics of first aid and further treatment depend on it.

Identifying a broken or bruised toe is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are several signs to look out for:

  1. An injured finger during a fracture is particularly painful. It does not subside with time and increases with palpation. A bruised toe is less and less worrisome every hour.
  2. Swelling with a broken toe can be noticed by the victim only after a few days. The bruise is characterized by instant swelling, which significantly decreases or disappears over the next 8-12 hours.
  3. It is possible to find out whether a fracture occurs in a particular case or a bruise by comparing the same fingers on both feet. Deformation changes during a fracture visually reduce the finger.
  4. If the integrity of the bone is broken, it is difficult to move the foot. A bruised toe in most cases does not interfere with normal movement. The victim can independently call a taxi or an ambulance and get to the hospital himself.

The main signs of a broken finger

All the symptoms that make it possible to determine what exactly happened to the finger: a bruise or a fracture can be divided into two large groups:

  1. authentic;
  2. probable.

The first group includes the following symptoms:

  • visual reduction of one finger, which was not observed before;
  • deformation of the phalanx of the leg;
  • on palpation, a broken fragment or part of the bone is felt;
  • the finger bends in places where it could not bend before.

The second group includes such signs that do not directly indicate a fracture. This may include:

  • Sharp pain in the damaged area (pain after a fracture or bruising of the finger is tolerable, the person does not lose consciousness, as is the case with fractures of other parts of the leg). This is due to two special processes. In the acute period, already in the first seconds after the injury, a sharp pain touches the area of ​​the periosteum. A few hours after the injury, the victim begins to complain of prolonged dull pain. Bursting pain refers to those cases when, after a violation of the integrity, swelling occurs.
  • Increased pain on palpation of the damaged area, especially if you tap on the tip of your finger.
  • Feeling a rise in local temperature;
  • Complication of movement in the damaged joint (not always);
  • Sharp swelling.

In order to determine the type of injury and its complexity, first of all, you need to conduct an external examination, observe the changes for 5 minutes. An injured foot should be examined very carefully. You need to run your fingers along the entire bone.

Displaced finger fracture

Closed fracture with phalangeal displacement in adults is rare. Such a phenomenon can only occur as a result of a very severe injury, it is also accompanied by smearing of muscles and ligaments.

Since the bones in children are more elastic, the displacement in the case of a fracture in the little finger in them has an angular appearance. Moving to the side, the ligaments and cartilages pull out of themselves bone fragments. Thus, timely diagnosis is difficult, the finger is relatively slightly deformed and often grows together in this position.

How to detect a violation of the integrity of the bone if there is no displacement

Determining a fracture, doctors can immediately differentiate it in accordance with the classification accepted in medicine:

  1. in the direction of the fracture - oblong or transverse;
  2. according to the type of fracture line - screw, oblique;
  3. according to the fault mechanism - direct and indirect.

Of course, it is possible to make an accurate diagnosis only after an x-ray, but in order to suspect an injury, you can feel the injury site. First, the movements should be oblong, and then transverse and oblique.

Trying to listen to your feelings, you need to take into account that there can be several fractures, as well as the number of fragments. It is possible to break a finger without them if you fall on your leg straight. Several fragments can result from a blunt and smooth object falling on the leg. The bone is destroyed into small fragments if an uneven object acts on the finger.

Finger injury and how it manifests itself

If a finger fracture concerns a violation of the normal structure of the bone itself, then a bruise is a pathology that happens to soft tissues. Such an injury occurs in the event of a strong blow. In this case, the skin is not broken. Finger bruising can occur simultaneously with sprains or bone fractures. The main symptoms of damaged soft tissue are:

  • the presence of a hematoma is a blue or even black spot that is visible from under the skin and is an accumulation of a small amount of blood;
  • swelling in the damaged area;
  • slight complexity of mobility;
  • pain that increases during palpation or movement (occurs due to pressure on the problem area of ​​a certain amount of blood).

The state of the victim meanwhile does not differ by strong changes. In most cases, the hematoma resolves on its own. Rarely, blood clots have to be removed exclusively by surgery.

According to statistics, a fracture occurs less frequently than a bruised little toe on the leg. How to distinguish other injuries from a broken toe can be found in the medical literature or on the Internet. However, an accurate diagnosis must be made only by a traumatologist. He is also involved in the treatment of all pathological changes after an injury.

You can get injured literally at every step. Both adults and children are at risk. And it doesn’t matter if you are engaged in a traumatic sport or just go to the kitchen to drink water, one awkward movement can lead to a blow, sprain or fracture. Therefore, you need to know how to act with the victim in various situations. The algorithm for providing first aid directly depends on the type of injury. But an inexperienced person is not always able to correctly recognize the type of damage. How can you tell a fracture from a bruise? This is one of the most difficult questions for those who are learning to provide first aid. Let's try to find the answer.

What is an injury?

A bruise is an internal injury to tissues or organs that is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. This type of injury can be the result of a fracture, dislocation, or sprain. A bruise appears as a result of a fall or a strong blow. Soft tissues and organs located in the injured area suffer. At the site of impact, a hematoma is formed - an accumulation of liquid or clotted blood. If the bruise of the arm or leg was severe, the tissues around the bruise flow, impairing the mobility of the limb.

What is a fracture?

A fracture is a complete or partial violation of the integrity of a bone or cartilage. Accompanied by injury to surrounding tissues: muscles, skin, blood vessels, nerve endings. Fractures can occur for two reasons:

  • as a result of external forces acting on the bone that can break the strength of the skeleton;
  • with a slight injury, if a person suffers from a disease that changes the structure of bone tissue.
  • The fracture may be open or closed. With an injury of the first type, the skin is injured, severe bleeding appears. Damaged bone is visible on the surface. In the second type of injury, the skin remains intact, there is no external bleeding. A hematoma may appear.
    The symptoms of a bruise and a closed fracture are very similar. At first glance, both injuries have no features other than a bruise. Therefore, people have a question: “How to distinguish a fracture from a blow?”

    Learning to distinguish a fracture from a blow

    Understanding how to distinguish a fracture from a blow is not as difficult as it might seem. Main signs:

  • If a person has a fracture, the pain makes itself felt for several hours. May intensify over time. When bruised, the pain gradually subsides.
  • With a fracture, the swelling of the damaged area increases by 2-3 days. When hit, it appears immediately after the hit.
  • If the integrity of the limb bone is damaged, it is impossible to carry out motor activity due to the appearance of severe pain. For example, in the case when the hand is injured, you cannot clench your fist. If the leg is injured, it is not possible to fully straighten it.
  • With a fracture with a displacement of the bone, the limb can be deformed. It may also change its length compared to healthy.
  • To understand what type of injury a person has, you need to press on the damaged area in the longitudinal direction. If an arm or leg is injured, ask the patient to carefully transfer support to it. With a fracture, there will be a sharp pain in the damaged area.
    If you cannot independently determine what type of injury the victim has, do not try to provide first aid. It is better to wait for the arrival of the doctor.

    How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised finger?

    It is not so easy to understand by external signs what type of injury the victim has. Both with a closed fracture and with a blow, the same symptoms appear:

  • swelling appears on the affected area;
  • the skin turns blue;
  • the injured area hurts.
  • You can distinguish a fracture of the little finger from a blow by the following signs:

  • the length of the damaged phalanx has changed;
  • constant sharp pain in the finger;
  • palpation can detect bone deformity.
  • With a bruise, pain in the finger will occur during physical activity. It will pass in a couple of days. If the patient has a fracture, the pain will only increase with time. The swelling will also get worse. How to distinguish a fracture from a blow on your own? Practical experience is important here. There is always a chance that a person without medical education will make a mistake. Therefore, you should not engage in treatment on your own. It will be useful to visit the hospital and undergo an x-ray examination to get an accurate diagnosis.

    Fractured or bruised toe - how to understand?

    It is possible to distinguish a fracture of the little toe from a blow by the same signs as the type of damage to the phalanx of the hand. There is constant pain, which becomes unbearable in a few days. The swelling gradually increases. The finger is getting shorter. When feeling, you can detect the protrusion of the bone. If the fracture is displaced, severe deformity of the finger will be noticeable. With a bruised toe, it will be difficult for the victim to transfer support to the injured limb. As in the case of a phalanx bruise on the arm, acute pain will appear during motor activity, which will quickly pass if the treatment is carried out correctly. We figured out how to distinguish a fracture from a bruised toe or hand. Now let's find out how to properly provide first aid.

    Actions on impact

    You can provide first aid by following the algorithm below:

  • apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth to the impact site;
  • if there is damage to the skin, treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a bandage;
  • with severe pain, anesthetics are taken.
  • A bruise is treated with special anti-inflammatory ointments. They relieve swelling, promote resorption of the hematoma and relieve pain. The recovery period after a stroke lasts 7-14 days.
    If a hematoma is formed after the impact does not go away for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In rare cases, surgery is required to cope with the disease.

    How to help with a broken finger?

    First aid for a fracture is of great importance for further treatment. It is important not to make the situation worse. First of all, with a closed fracture of the finger, you need to immobilize it. For this, a tire is made from improvised materials. A pen, an ice cream stick, a twig will do. The tire is applied from the inside of the finger and secured with a sterile bandage or any other tissue.
    If the fracture is open, you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. In case of bleeding, a gauze bandage or cotton swab is applied to the damaged area. Then fix the injured finger. To relieve the pain symptom, use "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Nurofen". In case of a fracture, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is impossible to cope with such an injury on your own. You have learned how to distinguish a fracture from a blow. We got acquainted with the first aid technique for injuring a finger or toe. Following the instructions, you can easily help the victim. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you should not touch the injured limb. Incorrectly provided first aid will only aggravate the patient's condition.

    Publication date: 05/23/17

    Fractures and bruises are the most common injuries in people of all genders and ages. The causes of these injuries are very diverse, arising both at home and during sports, traffic accidents or at work. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to be able to accurately diagnose these injuries, since quite often a bruise is mistaken for a broken bone and vice versa. The choice of the method of first aid and further treatment of the injury depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis, because these same methods differ very significantly.

    Signs of a fracture

    A fracture is called damage to bone tissue, accompanied by a violation of the periosteum, or without this accompaniment. Fractures are closed, when the skin at the site of injury is not damaged by bone fragments, or open, when the integrity of the skin is violated by bone fragments (roughly speaking, a bone is visible in an open wound). Damage to muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and tendons is possible with both types of fractures.

    Depending on the fracture line, they are divided into:

    • splintered,
    • transverse,
    • longitudinal,
    • helical,
    • regional and many others.

    Almost any fracture can be with or without displacement of bone fragments. The easiest way to confuse with a bruise is a marginal or any other fracture without displacement.

    At the time of the fracture, severe pain occurs, since the periosteum is equipped with a huge number of pain receptors, which, when irritated, cause pain.


    Bruises are also accompanied by pain, but it gradually subsides, while with fractures, the pain syndrome either persists for a long time or intensifies. The maximum gain occurs when you try to move the damaged part of the body.

    In case of a hand injury, squeezing the hand into a fist or taking an object is almost impossible. Severe pain will not allow you to lean on the injured leg. With a fracture of the ribs, acute pain occurs in the process of inhalation or turning the torso. But there are a number of injuries in which functional impairments are rather weakly expressed. For example, impacted fractures of the femur or humerus, fracture of the metatarsal, fibula.

    Important! In some cases, for example, when an athlete's adrenaline levels go off scale, pain may not be felt at all.

    Edema may appear almost instantly, or may increase over time. The duration of the manifestation of a bruise or hematoma depends on the amount of muscle tissue surrounding the injury: the greater the muscle mass, the later the bruise will appear. With some types of fractures, soft tissue damage does not occur, and a hematoma with swelling does not develop.

    Features of diagnosing various types of fractures

    Open fractures are the easiest to diagnose. Even a person who does not have a medical education, seeing fragments of bone in a wound, will be able to accurately make the correct diagnosis.

    It is quite easy to determine a displaced fracture: the limb at the fracture site is deformed in axial or longitudinal projection. With longitudinal deformation, shortening or lengthening of the limb is observed. Axial displacement is determined by a significant curvature of the damaged part of the body:

    • The bone is rather badly damaged;
    • the so-called "false joint" is determined, in which the bending angle is very large;
    • observed pathological mobility at the fracture site.

    Some types of comminuted fractures are detected by careful palpation, during which crepitus is felt (crunching, like a crunch of snow). It is strictly forbidden to provoke crepitus and displace fragments of damaged bones, as these actions can lead to additional injury to the periosteum and surrounding soft tissues.

    The most difficult is the diagnosis of closed fractures:

    • It is possible to preliminarily determine a fracture of the limbs using the axial load syndrome, in which there is not a strong pressure on the limb in the longitudinal direction.
    • In the case of the lower extremities, a light tapping of the heel with a fist is used, which provokes pain in the area of ​​​​damage.
    • Similarly, fractures of the hands are detected, only pressure is applied to the wrist or fingers.

    With bruises, the axial syndrome shows negative results.

    Important! It should be emphasized that a final diagnosis of a fracture is possible only after an X-ray examination.

    Signs of a bruise

    A bruise is a compression injury to the soft tissues of the human body of a closed type. The skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles are susceptible to injury, while their integrity is absolutely not violated.

    The main symptom of a bruise is pain that appeared during the injury and gradually subsides. Any bruise is accompanied by edema, which develops during the first day, then gradually decreases and disappears. If edema occurs, there may be a violation of the motor functions of the muscles and nearby joints.


    The main difficulty in diagnosis is that such symptoms are typical for closed fractures without displacement, and it is simply not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis without fluoroscopy or tomography.

    First aid for bruises consists in immobilizing the injured part of the body with a splint or fixing bandage. Then, during the first day, a cold is applied, and analgesic therapy is performed. In the future, all symptoms of bruises gradually disappear. In especially severe cases, heat is prescribed to the damaged area and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Summing up all of the above, we can summarize that the patient's injured part of the body must be immobilized as much as possible and seek qualified help from a traumatologist as soon as possible. Only in a medical institution, specialists will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.



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