How should a healthy person feel? How to determine the state of health in appearance

A survey of medical professionals - dermatologists, general practitioners, dentists, surgeons, psychologists, nutritionists - helped to identify the best indicators of health.

Regular menstrual cycle

Regular menstrual cycles (27 to 35 days apart) are a sign of reproductive health. Regular cycles suggest normal ovulation and reflect that hormone levels from the brain to the ovaries are balanced.

Women who have health problems are overweight or underweight, prone to irregular menstrual cycles.
Such problems cannot be ignored.

Strong hair and nails

Thick hair and strong, fast-growing nails are a sign of good health. Conversely, thinning hair, brittle or cracked nails are a sign of nutrient deficiencies such as iron, vitamin D and other key vitamins.


If every morning you get out of bed ready to run to the gym, then your health is in order.

The presence of a disease and deficiencies in vitamins make a person lethargic, devoid of energy and tired.

emotional stability

Healthy people try to understand the emotional needs of both themselves and others. They are attentive to what others feel. When they do something bad, they seek to fix it.

No headaches

Headaches are the result of stress and tension, and this is normal. In a healthy person, they pass quickly. Sometimes migraine or other headaches are not uncommon, but if medications no longer help and other causes have been ruled out, then it makes sense to consider other treatment options such as Botox and surgery, depending on the origin and type of headache.

good breath

Good breathing people take for granted. As long as there are no problems.

Good breathing is a sign of a healthy person.

Good circulation

Even with good circulation, there may sometimes be a sensation of tingling or numbness, but this quickly disappears. This can happen when sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position.

However, tingling and numbness can signal nerve compression, often referred to as a pinched nerve. Long-term symptoms should not be ignored as they may indicate a problem that requires a number of surgical interventions.

Fresh breath

Fresh breath is the key to overall health, as most of the immune system takes place in the gut. Fresh breath is an indication that gut health is in balance. For example, excessively "sweet-smelling" breath may indicate diabetes, bad breath may be associated with reflux, fishy odor may indicate kidney failure, and sour may be a sign of sleep apnea.

healthy skin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. The condition of the skin of the face and neck not only reflects a person's genetic characteristics and health, but also reflects the effects of environmental factors. Skin color should be well vascularised, somewhat pink.

Roundness of the face

The roundness of the soft tissues of the face is usually a sign of health and youth.

During periods of illness, dehydration and malnutrition, the skin loses its natural energy and looks wilted.

eye clarity

The eyes can "tell" about the general state of health and the psychological state of a person - whether he is well rested or tired, energetic or depressed. The eyes may be white, clear, bleeding, or yellow, indicating a minor or serious illness.

Normal body fat percentage

The most important sign of health is the percentage of body fat. When there is a lot of fat, this means that the body accumulates more adipose tissue than muscle. The amount of fat in the body affects metabolism, blood sugar, heart rate, energy and emotional well-being.

No acne

Acne in adult women is a sign of hormonal abnormalities, and can also be a sign of polycystic ovaries.

Adult women with acne and other symptoms of polycystic ovaries may need hormone therapy.

Proper nutrition

Eating enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains and dairy products is a sign of a good diet.

Healthy gums

Healthy gum tissue is a sign that the body is functioning normally. Healthy gums are the absence of inflammation and bleeding, normal texture and color.

No obsession with food

If a person eats to live, and does not live to eat, then everything is in order. It is important to eat healthy food in normal amounts.

Ask for help when needed

This is a sign of a healthy person because it demonstrates that the person knows that vulnerability can actually be a sign of strength. Asking for help will help you find a solution instead of making things worse because your ego or fear got in the way of asking for help.

pink tongue

Light red or pinkish shade with a thin white coating is the norm. Any other color or coating may be a sign of dysfunction or imbalance in the body.

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How do you determine that you are completely healthy? On this score, experts give a lot of conflicting information. Some say that a normal body mass index is correlated with health, others insist that this condition is not a decisive factor. Someone says that the main indicator is digestion, which works like clockwork, while someone focuses on the rejection of junk food. The criteria that we will list today could well indicate that your body is completely healthy. You have no prerequisites to refute them.

Strong shiny hair

Brittleness, dryness, hair loss and thinning are signals of a malfunction in the internal systems (hypothyroidism or stress), and also indicate a lack of vitamins or poor absorption of nutrients. On the other hand, you will never think about problems if you are the owner of luxurious thick and shiny hair. Too much effort is required from the body in order to create new cells in the hair follicles or on the scalp. A good balanced diet provides the best chance for strong hair growth. If you're forced to stick to a strict diet without enough protein, vitamins, and healthy fats, your internal systems will go into austerity mode. This will certainly affect the condition of the hair.

strong nails

Another indicator of health is located at your fingertips. It's about nails. If the nail plates change their color, acquire characteristic spots of pitting, this may indicate systemic or skin ailments. Any changes in color, structure, or excessive brittleness indicate some kind of local disease (fungal infection, lupus, or anemia). In the event that your legs can be considered ideal, you can be congratulated on excellent health.

Healthy teeth and gums

Oral health is a key indicator of the state of internal organs. Healthy gums do not have inflammation and redness, and teeth should show perfect whiteness, strength and absence of caries. Poor hygiene and cravings for sugary foods can lead to poor oral health. However, bacteria that multiply rapidly in the acidic environment of the oral cavity freely enter the esophagus, stomach, and then into the intestines. Although most of these microorganisms are completely harmless, there are groups that cause heart disease and are very dangerous for the development of the fetus in pregnant women. To avoid such troubles as periodontitis, gingivitis and caries, stock up on dental floss, and visit the dentist every six months.

Waist circumference

A few years ago, a normal body mass index was considered the standard of health, but now doctors have found a new criterion that is a sign of your physical well-being. It's about the size of the waist. There are reasonable explanations for this. The visceral fat that surrounds the abdominal organs contains many potential health risks. A 2008 scientific study found that excess waist fat was associated with a high risk of premature death. This is due to the increased metabolic activity of visceral fat cells. They secrete hormones that adversely affect the biochemical balance of the body.

Good dream

When you don't get enough sleep, the next day you feel like a broken trough. But if insomnia torments you on a regular basis, you run the risk of ailments such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Studies show that lack of sleep leads to increased levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for appetite. That's why a good night's sleep is essential to your health and longevity. Go to bed earlier - and you will increase the function of the immune system, improve metabolism, memory and other vital functions. During sleep, the cells of the body are completely restored. Therefore, if you wake up in the morning in a great mood, this can be considered a sign of good health.

The work of the intestines

“There is no better way to know what is going on inside your body than to see what comes out of it,” are the words of gastroenterologist Vasudha Dhara. According to the expert, there is a wide range of normal bowel movements. At the same time, feces can come out at different intervals (not necessarily once a day or only in the morning). There is no "correct shape" and a strong smell does not indicate the development of disease-causing bacteria in the intestines. Every person's gastrointestinal tract works differently. However, any long-term changes - constipation, heaviness, diarrhea, bloating - indicate that you need a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Social support

This criterion is important for mental well-being. According to a study published in the journal Health and Social Behavior, strong social connections can help relieve elevated levels of stress, protect coronary arteries, boost immune function, and improve bowel function. Next time, don't forget to thank your friends for extending your life.

Language status

In Chinese medicine, it is not in vain that much attention is paid to the condition of the tongue. This is not a replacement for standard diagnostics, but indicates the status of internal systems. If the tip of the tongue is red, this indicates emotional tension, heart palpitations and insomnia. A thick light coating in the back of the organ indicates problems with digestion. Teeth marks on the sides of the tongue signal low energy levels and constant thinking.

Balanced Diet

You can't achieve perfect health by eating trans fats, fast carbs, and processed foods. But you can count on it if you have enough vegetables, fruits, and monounsaturated fatty acids in your diet. A diet based on plant fiber, fish, nuts, and seafood reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, certain cancers, gastrointestinal problems, and regulates blood sugar levels. One recent scientific study showed that if you add healthy foods to your diet, your physical well-being will dramatically improve within a year.

Normal blood pressure, heart rate and physical activity

Other important indicators of health are blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate. When you come to see a doctor, the first thing he picks up is a blood pressure monitor. The blood pressure of a middle-aged adult should not exceed 140/80, the pulse at rest should be no more than 70 beats per minute, the normal respiratory rate should vary from 16 to 20 breaths per minute. In addition, each person needs to regularly pay attention to physical activity and sports. If you practice moderate physical activity (for example, 30-minute walks in the fresh air 5 times a week), you can consider the activity plan completed.

mental health

Emotional health is directly related to physical well-being. Clinical trials show that depression exacerbates some chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer. Therefore, pay attention to meditation, yoga, deep breathing practice. Maintain your mental and emotional well-being and your body will thank you.

Day after day we are flooded with information about various diseases, but rarely do we hear what it means to be in good health. Not all of us certainly look the same, because we have different body types, shapes and weights, and what is good for one person may be harmful for another. A healthy person can easily perform general sports activities.

If someone is physically healthy, it usually means that they have healthy habits, such as regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Emotional and spiritual health should also be taken into account when assessing overall health. Having a generally positive attitude towards life, interaction and communication with other people, and faith are also factors that can indicate a healthy person.

In general, if you feel well, it is likely that you are healthy. The other side of the coin is that you may not feel well, even if the doctor can't find anything wrong.

The simplest answer is: a person is healthy if he is not sick. However, people can be very sick and not know it. Blood tests may be used in this case to see if you are sick, even if you feel well.

Various medical tests may be needed. For example, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer often have no warning signs.

1) You feel good.
2) The doctor says that you are not sick.

well-being usually consists of the following manifestations:

1) You have enough energy to carry out daily activities and stay happy.
2) You sleep well and calmly, and wake up easily, feeling cheerful after sleep.
3) You have regular bowel movements.

External signs of a healthy person

Often, most of us define good health through the appearance of a person. A normal physique, a healthy complexion, even a pleasant voice and smile - all this gives us the impression of a healthy and strong individual. Let's look at physiological/physical signs that can tell us if we are in good or bad health.

  • Healthy Gums.

Here is a brief description of healthy gums: Healthy gums are strong, fleshy and resistant to movement; the oral mucosa should be “reddish pink” or “coral pink” with a fine texture. The gums should not be pale, purple or dark red. Healthy gums have a smooth, arched or wavy appearance around each tooth. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals, the presence of a serious illness affects the gums quite quickly.

  • Healthy hair.

A healthy person has healthy hair. Healthy hair is easy to spot. They are shiny and bright, not looking like flakes or showing any visible damage. Unhealthy hair can be a harbinger of health problems. According to dermatologists: "We used to think that hair is just protein, but now we understand that there are a number of internal conditions that affect the health of our hair." Yes, hair can be a reflection of a wide variety of health problems!

Dry, limp, thin hair can be caused by more than just hair dyes or swimming in chlorinated water. This may be an indicator of an underactive thyroid known as hypothyroidism. Other signs of hypothyroidism are fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, and feeling cold all the time.

Scaly or ruddy spots on the scalp, crusts usually mean psoriasis. Psoriasis is often accompanied by other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Thinning hair all over the head - the cause may be a sudden, psychological or physical stress, such as a divorce or job loss. Another reason could be a high fever from the flu or an infection. Diabetes can also lead to thinning hair or even hair loss. A number of medications and hormonal changes also cause hair loss as a side effect.

Dry, brittle hair that breaks easily - most often, hair becomes more brittle as a result of chemical treatments and dyeing. However, some medical conditions also lead to hair breakage. Among them: Cushing's syndrome, a disease of the adrenal glands that leads to excess production of the hormone cortisol. Excessively dry hair can also indicate that your diet is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Healthy Language.

The appearance of the tongue also reflects the overall health of a person. A healthy person has a reddish-pink tongue. In addition, a healthy tongue should not be lined. After the gums, the tongue is the second most common site for various bacteria and pathogens in the mouth that have entered from outside or inside the body. Due to optimal conditions of humidity and temperature, the tongue is a preferred site for colonization of germs and bacteria.

Our tongue can show us when we are sick. Too smooth tongue can indicate anemia or vitamin B-12 deficiency. A swollen tongue may be a sign of an infection. Taste problems can also be a sign of an infection or a side effect of certain medications. It can also be a sign of nerve damage. Ulcers on the tongue appear due to stress or fatigue. These lesions are usually very painful and sometimes just appear for no known reason.

A white coated tongue usually means you are dehydrated. Smoking or drinking alcohol can cause this condition. Red tongue is a sign of various nutrients. Watch what you eat! If your tongue has bright red spots on its upper surface, this is harmless and usually goes away on its own, but it could be caused by hormonal changes, allergies, or even possibly stress.

  • Regular bowel movements.

Regular stools are also very important when it comes to health. But in most cases, less frequent stools is not necessarily a cause for concern. Regular bowel movements (or bowel movements) can vary from person to person, but there are a few fairly common causes of constipation. Frequent bowel movements are not necessarily a sign of constipation. The sign of constipation has more to do with the consistency of the stool (or feces) and the difficulty of defecation.

Gentle bowel movements are much more important than the fact that they are frequent. Most importantly, regular bowel movements should be free of tension or pain. Your stool can also reveal a lot about your health. As you know, the gastrointestinal tract is a fairly high-tech processing unit. The digestive tract absorbs all the nutrients you take in and eliminates all the waste that is generated. Therefore, your stool reflects how good or bad your body is and how it absorbs nutrients.

  • Deep and restful sleep.

Healthy sleep should last 7-8 hours on average. A person's ability to have deep, restful sleep without numerous disturbances is a strong indicator of overall health. Sleep allows your entire body to regain its energy, heal and restore tone. Deep and restful sleep is the basis of health. Contrary to popular belief, it's not even how many hours you sleep that matters, but how deep your sleep level is. After all, it is the depth of sleep that ensures the regeneration of body tissues and healing from diseases.

Stress and hormonal changes can be one of the causes of sleep deprivation. Insomnia is more common in women than in men due to the secretion of hormones. In fact, insomnia is one of the most common side effects in women due to an increase or decrease in the secretion of hormones that are responsible for controlling PMS, the menstrual cycle, menopause, and more. The occurrence of various diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, various types of allergies, arthritis and thyroid disorders can lead to sleep disorders. Sleep can also be difficult due to the consumption of medications that are taken to treat these illnesses.


Not all of us lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. How to make sure that you are, in fact, a healthy person?

Here's what doctors of various specialties think about it, ranging from dentists, surgeons and dermatologists to psychologists and therapists.

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If you have all 50 signs of good physical and mental health, you can only be envied.

Signs of physical health

1. You have thick hair and strong nails.

A head of thick hair on the head and strong, fast-growing nails in most cases indicate good health.

Conversely, thinning hair and brittle and brittle nails are often signs of significant vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as iron, vitamin D, and other important vitamins.

2. You have a lot of energy

If in the morning you easily get out of bed, ready to go to work or to the gym and meet a new day, you can not worry - you are all right. With many diseases and a lack of vitamins, a person loses energy, and he constantly feels tired.

3. You rarely have headaches and they don't last long.

Almost everyone experiences headaches. Often they occur due to stress or muscle tension. Periodic headaches are normal.

However, if conventional medicines no longer help you, headaches are very severe, accompanied by nausea, fever, confusion, weakness, stiffness in the neck, sensitivity to light - all this is a reason to see a doctor.

4. You breathe normally even when you are sick

Free and easy breathing is something many of us take for granted until it ceases to be so.

When a cold occurs in a healthy person, nasal congestion, weakness, and other symptoms of the disease may appear. However, after a week, plus or minus a few days, the condition should improve. If this does not happen, there may be some violations that require contacting a specialist doctor.

5. You have good blood circulation

With good blood circulation, you may experience occasional numbness in your legs and arms or tingling in your limbs, but these sensations usually pass quickly.

However, if the tingling, numbness, and weakness last longer than usual, it may indicate a pinched nerve. Long-term symptoms should not be ignored as they may indicate a problem that requires surgery.

6. You have fresh breath

The smell of your breath is one of the main indicators of your health, since most of the immune functions are associated with the intestines.

Fresh breath is a good sign of healthy digestion. At the same time, bad breath can be a clue to a range of health conditions: a strong fruity odor can indicate diabetes, bad breath is associated with acid reflux, fishy odor is associated with kidney failure, and sour breath is associated with sleep apnea.

7. The desire to fall asleep in the middle of the day does not occur every day.

Ideally, when you wake up in the morning, you should feel a surge of energy that lasts throughout the day. The absence of the urge to fall asleep during the day indicates a healthy functioning of the adrenal glands and a stable level of sugar in the blood.

8. Your skin looks healthy

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. The condition of the skin on the face and neck not only reflects his genetic characteristics and his health, but also the impact of the external environment.

Healthy skin appears slightly rosy, circulated and even in tone.

9. Your face looks full

The fullness or roundness of the soft tissues of the face indicates youth and health.

And vice versa, illness, dehydration, malnutrition affects the face, because of which the skin loses its vitality, looks haggard and flabby.

10. You have clear eyes

The eyes can reveal many details about a person's health and psychological state. They can be rested or tired, bright and cheerful or sad and depressive.

The whites of the eyes may be white and clear, or veined or yellow, which may indicate that a person may have some disease.

11. You Have a Normal Body Fat Percentage

According to nutritionists, the most important indicator of health is the percentage of fat in the human body. When this figure increases, your body begins to accumulate more fatty tissue instead of muscle.

In turn, the percentage of body fat affects metabolism, blood sugar levels, mobility and emotional well-being.

12. You make time for physical activity.

Physical activity is very difficult to replace with something. It has a positive effect on all parts of your body: it burns excess fat, improves blood circulation to the muscles and limbs, lowers bad cholesterol, increases blood flow to all muscles and organs, helps you sleep better and promotes regular bowel movements.

In addition, systematic physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, which is also an important indicator of health.

13. You pay attention to what you eat.

Are you eating enough vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products? The answer to this question allows you to quickly find out the quality of your food.

If your diet contains all these components, you have a good diet. And all because most people most often miss these moments. According to nutritionists, only 3 percent of the population receives enough nutrients from the above sources.

14. You have healthy gums

One of the indicators that your body is in order is gum tissue. This means that your gums are not inflamed, do not bleed, and have a normal texture and color.

Healthy gum tissue is dense, pyramid-shaped between the teeth, and evenly wraps around the rounded edges of the teeth.

15. You eat regularly

It's about not being undernourished, choosing a balanced diet, and not mindlessly rushing to food when you're hungry.

Eating regularly also helps prevent many of the gastrointestinal problems that result from chaotic eating.

16. You feel full after eating.

Many people are overly concerned about their diet, cut portions of food and limit themselves in some way. This causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, and as a result, a person begins to snack or overeat a lot at night or on weekends.

Feeling full after eating indicates that you are enjoying your food, and a person who eats what they like has a healthy attitude towards food.

17. Your muscles have relief.

Can you see your muscles with the naked eye? Are they dense and embossed and not covered in fat? All of these are signs of health.

Atrophied or weakened muscles, on the contrary, indicate poor muscle health. You should also pay attention to the asymmetry of the arms and legs. If, for example, one leg is larger than the other, this may indicate that you are trying to compensate for one side of the body due to some undiagnosed disease. Perhaps you have some kind of nerve problem on your weaker side.

18. You perform everyday tasks with ease

Can you easily climb the hill? How about carrying shopping bags home? Try touching your toes or standing on one leg without holding onto a support. Can you sit on the floor and stand up without the help of your hands?

If you answered "yes" to all these questions, you can say that you are healthy.

19. You have regular bowel movements at least once a day.

It is very important what you eat and put into your body, but it is equally important what comes out of it. Irregular stools may mean that there is some kind of malfunction in the digestive system. It can be magnesium deficiency, poor digestion and absorption of nutrients, and even emotional stress.

20. You are not short of breath during normal activities

Your airways are essentially many tubes leading to the "balls" - the lungs. Each person has these "balloons" inflated, and inside the "balloon" there is air and blood. Cells use oxygen from the air to make energy. If you have lung problems, you may feel short of breath even when doing your normal activities.

21. Your joints don't hurt when you move.

To lead an active lifestyle, a person needs healthy joints, bones and muscles. If the joint is not capable of a full range of motion, this may signal a problem.

So, for example, an athlete after an injury can return to sports after his pain disappears and he is able to perform normal movements.

22. You have clear urine

A simple indicator of kidney health is a person's urine. The kidneys keep electrolytes in the body in balance by filtering out excess and waste products. Clear urine indicates that you are getting enough fluid.

At the same time, the appearance of foam or blood in the urine should alert you and become a reason to see a doctor.

23. Your tongue is pink

The norm is a pink shade of the tongue with a thin white coating without signs of discoloration or imprints from the teeth.

Any other color or coating may indicate a dysfunction or imbalance in the body. All this will be visible in the language.

24. You recover quickly after surgery

The ability to recover quickly after surgery often speaks volumes about overall health. A person is endowed with an amazing ability to independently recover from an experienced injury or wounds that arose during operations.

The body sends white blood cells and neutrophils to the surgical site to prevent infection, while monocytes regulate inflammation. If a person recovers quickly enough after surgery, he will cope with more complex treatment.

25. Your skin returns to its original state when you pinch it.

There is one simple and quick skin turgor test that will help you find out if you are healthy.

Pinch the skin on your arm, ankle or lower leg and see how quickly it returns to its previous state. A delay can signal dehydration, and if the dimple stays longer than usual, it could be a sign of excess fluid due to kidney problems, heart disease, or liver disease.

26. You can easily get up from a cross-legged sitting position without help.

This simple exercise was specifically designed to measure strength and flexibility, as well as predict the possibility of an early death.

To test this, you need to sit cross-legged and stand back up without leaning on anything. The experts who developed this test found that people who were unable to get up from a sitting position were 5 times more likely to die in the next decade than those who performed this test.

However, do not panic, as such a test is more indicative of determining the strength, flexibility and balance of a person. If these qualities are not developed in you, you are at increased risk of injury, falls and other possible problems.

27. You have restful sleep

This is one of the most important signs of good health and indicates normal blood pressure, the absence of breathing problems and gastro-intestinal reflux. It also signals normal breathing during sleep, which plays a key role in overall health.

28. If you have an allergy, it's easy to deal with it.

A healthy person may have seasonal allergies, but they can be easily subdued with antihistamines. These kinds of allergies occur in about 20 percent of people, and if they can manage them with simple medications, it's a sign of good health and a well-functioning immune system.

29. You get a cold about once a year

This frequency indicates a normal immune system. In a certain year, you can even survive a few colds, and this will also be the norm. But if you get sick more often, this may already indicate more serious problems, such as allergies or sinusitis.

30. You don't need to turn up the volume much when watching TV

If no one in your house is complaining about the TV being too loud, your hearing is fine.

31. You don't mind spices in your food

A healthy person loves to cook and add spices to food. This indicates a normal sense of smell and taste. People who have lost their sense of smell do not enjoy food or its preparation.

32. You have a lot of saliva

Saliva is responsible for the natural pH level in the mouth and keeps your teeth clean. A sufficient amount of saliva is normal and protects you from cavities.

33. Your jaw doesn't click when you open it.

The temporomandibular joint, which we use almost all day during chewing, talking and yawning, should not click when you open your mouth wide.

To find the joint, feel for the protrusion in front of the ear and try to open and close your mouth. If you hear a pop or click when your jaw opens, you are at present or future at increased risk for migraines and other types of headaches.

Improper jaw position can lead to joint and muscle compression, and by releasing this tension, you can get rid of headaches and significantly improve your quality of life.

34. The skin around the eyes and on the hands is not very thin.

The look and feel of the skin around your eyes and on the back of your hand is a good indicator of your health.

These areas tend to have the thinnest skin and are therefore the first to show signs of atrophy (thinning) or photodamage (freckles). Healthy skin looks even with no protruding blood vessels or blemishes.

35. You have strong teeth

Strong teeth mean good health. A stressed and anxious person often clenches and grinds their teeth and may suffer from other oral health problems.

36. Your blood pressure is 119/79 or below

Blood pressure is easy to measure and can tell a lot about the health of a person's heart and blood vessels. If the pressure is high, it can be corrected with a healthy lifestyle and special drugs.

Women's health

37. You have a regular menstrual cycle

A regular menstrual cycle with a frequency of 27-35 days indicates reproductive health. He talks about the presence of normal ovulation and a balanced level of hormones.

If a woman is not in good health due to being overweight or underweight, she may have more erratic or no periods at all. In this case, ovarian function is impaired, ovulation does not occur, or it occurs unpredictably.

38. You don't have acne

Acne in adult women can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. So, for example, polycystic ovaries is often accompanied by the appearance of acne, excessive hair growth, hair loss, irregular periods and infertility.

39. You have vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal. During the cycle, vaginal discharge may vary depending on the level of hormones, but they are almost always present.

It is important to pay attention to the color and smell of these secretions. A foul odor or a green discoloration may indicate an infection, while a clear discharge is normal.

40. You manage spasms

Menstruation is rarely completely painless, but it shouldn't cause pain that prevents you from working, walking, or talking. Pain medications also help manage many symptoms during your period. However, severe debilitating pain can indicate an inflammatory process such as endometriosis and affect your ability to conceive.

Signs of Mental Health

41. You know how to deal with your emotions and the emotions of others

Each of us has needs for affection, respect, independence and other things. The ability to recognize and express these needs is the path to a happy life. Healthy people also try to understand and meet the emotional needs of those around them. They are inquisitive and attentive to the feelings of others. If their actions offend the other person, they try to fix it and change it.

42. You take a break

In the crazy rhythm of life, it is very easy for a person to come to emotional burnout. Sometimes we are so careful about what needs to be done that we forget about ourselves and do not realize that the level of stress in our lives is off the charts.

One fine day, you have a nervous breakdown, an illness from scratch, or you find yourself in a hospital. People who regularly set aside time for themselves and for rest stay healthy longer.

43. You are able to set boundaries.

A person who can set healthy boundaries knows when to say no and how to take care of their needs. It may seem selfish, but this skill is an important part of a person's mental health and helps protect him from resentment and emotional burnout.

44. You say what you think

It is important for a person to learn to discuss the problems that bother him instead of keeping everything inside. Accumulating resentment and stress in yourself and carrying this burden with you is not good for your health. It is best to deal with all the difficulties and contradictions at once.

45. You don't have to be depressed to see a psychologist.

A healthy person understands that psychological help is needed not only for a person with mental disorders. Each of us sometimes needs an unbiased third party to talk through our problems and come up with reasonable and useful solutions for us.

A person can live without getting sick and without getting old, very long and happily

"Sarve suhrino bhavanti!" "May all living beings be happy!" The first commandment of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell of our universe, a cell associated not only with the "living" objects of our universe, but with absolutely all other cosmic bodies (stars, planets, ... etc. We did not accidentally take the word Alive, because according to Vedic philosophy, all objects around us are no less, and often more, alive than you and I). Therefore, everything that happens around is necessarily reflected in a person, and everything that happens inside a person is reflected in the world around him. Therefore, the Ayurvedic Vaidyas said, we must increase our sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil so as not to fall under bad influence. Each person has his own unique development program, each person has a certain dharma, a duty to his state, clan, planet on which he lives, to God, finally.

Each person in his life must constantly learn, pass all kinds of tests, and fulfill certain lessons. And when he finally comprehends his nature, he begins to constantly give all his energy, all his strength to the service of the common good. But true bestowal comes only through the heart. This is the law of energy exchange.

Doctors of Ayurveda did not just declare this - they showed by their own example, by the example of their whole life, that a person can live without getting sick and without aging, very long and happily. Studying the structure of the human body, they found the so-called energy-information centers, or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its own specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of various planets and other space objects. On Earth, this manifests itself in the correspondence of the rhythms of the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and took it into account in all spheres of life. Only according to the law of correspondence did they use herbs, compounds and other preparations for the treatment of diseases in their very initial stage. But, most importantly, they showed that the root of all diseases lies in the fact that a person's heart is closed.

Ayurvedic doctors said that a person should live with an open heart, because this is his natural state. If the heart is open, then he lives harmoniously, in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, the energy-information exchange of a person with the Universe stops and various vices are activated: pride, envy, greed, anger, hatred. They not only destroy his body, giving rise to numerous diseases, but they have a corrupting effect on the whole society as a whole. Anyone who came to the Ayurveda Doctors and asked: “What should I do, why am I sick?” He heard answers unusual for us: “You are sick because you are too greedy.” Or: “You are jealous. Get rid of it, and your illnesses will pass.

In Ayurveda, the word diagnosis has a completely different meaning. According to Ayurvedic doctors, diagnosis means knowing and understanding the patient, not the disease. When the true nature of the patient is known, then and only then can the disease be understood and treated at the most fundamental level.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, the highest form of health care is not just to cure a patient's disease, but to help a person live in such a way that the disease never comes out in the first place.

Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health begins with a simple question: who are you? It doesn't just mean, "What kind of heart do you have?" or “What is wrong with you?”. This means: what are your physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe get into your flesh and blood, into your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships with people, the nature of the food you eat, your response to stress, and even when you go to bed in the evening and get up in the morning? What makes you different from other people, and what do you have in common with them? What are your innate strengths and weaknesses? According to Ayurveda, the answers to all these questions can be expressed through your individual constitution, your unique connection between mind and body.

If there is love in a man's heart, he has nothing to fear. Love is able to burn everything negative in our body. That is why true knowledge has always come from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, but sought to teach people about Love.

Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our most important task is to return to the observance of the Law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is the main task of Ayurveda at the present stage, and everything else: diagnostics, medicinal preparations, methods of their application and nutrition are secondary. We encourage you, every person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love never involves attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you conquer fear. If you conquer fear, then the impossible becomes possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. An open heart is the foundation of fearlessness, and Love is your best protection. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends only on Love! Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.

Modern Western medicine has almost completely lost the vision of man as an integral spiritual and material system and has lost its connection with the source - Ayurveda. The main thing that is difficult for us to reconcile with in the modern approach is the transformation of a person into a "patient" - a passive observer who punctually fulfills the instructions of "certified" doctors and does not bear any responsibility for his own health. Meanwhile, the main idea of ​​Ayurveda, in our opinion, is: “Health is in your hands!”

From the point of view of Ayurveda, a sign of health is not just the absence of disease.

Signs of a healthy person are:
1. Good digestion - the presence of Agni (digestive fire) in the body. Agni is one of the basic concepts in the Ayurvedic concept of health. If in the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, then in the human body it is internal energy, biological fire, which is responsible for all metabolic processes. It can be considered a manifestation of Pita, since the thermal energy contained in this Dosha is the metabolic fire. The author of one of the oldest Ayurvedic treatises, Charaka, says this: “There is no Agni in the body without Pita, Pita is Agni.”
Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it supports the immune system by destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes toxins, initiates and carries out metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and intestines, and also ensures the transport of nutrients and their absorption. To a large extent, Agni is responsible for the work of the intellect. In addition, the biological fire is connected in a subtle way with Vata, with its movement, since the bodily air ignites the bodily fire.
2. The appearance of hunger in due time - a feeling of hunger with a good appetite. For good assimilation of food, at least 5 (five) hours should pass between meals.
3. You fall asleep immediately when you go to bed.
4. You immediately get out of bed when you wake up.5. You do not snore - no snoring. Snoring is the main symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes a brief pause in breathing when the tissues in the larynx contract and block the passage of air. In severe cases, this can happen 60-70 times an hour. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, memory problems, obesity, and depression. An 18-year study found that people without obstructive sleep apnea lived 3 times longer than people with severe sleep apnea.
6. Normal functioning of 5 (five) sense organs - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. What was normal for you from early childhood should be preserved and weakened minimally throughout life.
7. Normal urination.
8. Normal defecation.
9. Normal sweating. All secretions must be TIMELY removed from the body, regularly and in the right amount.
10. Peace of mind - peace, kindness, benevolence to ALL living beings.
11. Preservation of natural strength - efficiency.
12. Preservation of immunity.
13. Preservation of natural skin color.
14. Good memory.
15. The desire to live - the presence of a goal in life.

In general, Ayurveda defines health as biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, sense organs and mind.

All suffering and illnesses of a person have one single cause - GROWTH (Skt. “raga”, passion).

The life of one who lives happily has the following characteristics:

  • Absence of bodily and mental illnesses
  • youthfulness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Strength, patience, strength, perseverance
  • Energy, perseverance
  • Good name, dignity, honor
  • Excellence in Action, Humanity, Devotion to God
  • Courage, resourcefulness, enterprise, proactivity
  • Spiritual and material knowledge
  • Spiritual knowledge based on scriptures and personal experience, wisdom
  • Strong and healthy sense organs focused on strong and healthy objects
  • Presence in the present
  • Feeling of wealth, abundance, beauty and support
  • Achievement of all desired results and goals
  • Ability to go where you want

An unhappy life is characterized by opposite manifestations. A wholesome, useful life (hitayu) is a healthy life that benefits the person himself, those around him and the world as a whole.

Signs that life is useful are:

  • Concern for the good and benefit of all beings
  • Lack of desire to appropriate someone else's property
  • Honesty, Truthfulness, Sincerity
  • Humility, calmness and balance
  • Performing any act only after careful consideration of the consequences
  • Attention, sensitivity, vigilance
  • Harmonious striving to achieve the first three goals of human life - destiny (dharma), abundance (artha) and fulfillment of desires (kama), without conflicts between goals and without causing harm and disturbance to the environment and surrounding beings
  • The mood of serving and helping others “as oneself” and an expression of respect for the worthy
  • Constancy, peace and tranquility, virtue and piety, arising from spiritual knowledge and personal spiritual experience
  • Serving the Elders
  • Mind free from passion, anger, envy and pride
  • Constant varied gratitude to others and God, generosity, generosity
  • Humility gained through knowledge acquired through voluntary repentance, abstinence and austerity
  • The ability to see the spiritual principle in oneself and in everything
  • Distinguishing and recognition of the material and spiritual worlds
  • Excellent practical memory and wisdom to act correctly

Useless, and therefore unhealthy and harmful to the person himself and those around him, is characterized by opposite signs and manifestations. It leads to sickness and suffering.



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