Acupuncture for headaches. Massage for headaches and migraines, acupressure points

Headache (HA) may be the leading, and sometimes the only, symptom in approximately 50 different diseases. Epidemiological studies show that up to 80% of the working-age population of European countries suffer from headaches. The most common is tension headache (70-75%), the second place (16%) is occupied by migraine.

HD can occur with arterial hypertension, hypoglycemia, glaucoma, infections and intoxications, with post-traumatic syndromes, medical procedures (lumbar puncture, epidural anesthesia), with syndromes of damage to the sympathetic ganglia of the cervical sympathetic trunk, etc. Acute increasing headache may indicate a life-threatening disease, therefore, when approaching treatment, one should first of all identify provoking factors and eliminate them, focusing on an accurate clinical diagnosis, the symptom of which is a headache.

The main sources of GB are nociceptors of the dura mater and tissues covering the skull, arteries of the base of the skull and extracranial arteries, cranial nerves, and the first and second cervical spinal nerve roots. GB, which has various clinical manifestations, often develops according to similar pathophysiological mechanisms.

A differentiated diagnosis requires the exclusion of arachnoiditis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysm, brain tumor, meningitis, hypoglycemia, otitis, craniocerebral trauma, in which emergency medical and other special therapy is used.

Migraine(M) and a number of other GBs are autonomic dystonia (VD) syndromes; according to A.M. Vein, M is interpreted as a psycho-vegetative syndrome of VD, since in the genesis of M there is a psycho-vegetative-endocrine-somatic link. Clinically, M is considered as paroxysmal conditions, manifested by attacks of GB of a pulsating nature, usually one-sided, mainly in the orbital-frontotemporal region; women get sick more often (60-75%).

The main pathogenetic mechanism of M is a spasm of the cerebral vessels with their subsequent pathological expansion, edema of the brain and its membranes. The pathogenesis of M is associated with a violation of the neurohumoral mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone. The exchange of serotonin, histamine and other vasoactive substances is disturbed. Congenital deficiency of opioid and adrenergic pain control mechanisms is suggested.

Attacks of M and other GB can be provoked by emotional stress, irritation of the visual analyzer (bright light), overheating, changes in atmospheric pressure, the action of some, including food, allergens, can occur in the premenstrual period, with an exacerbation of allergic pathology.

Classic shape At has a prodromal period: 10-20 minutes before the onset of a headache attack, a visual aura appears in the form of blurred vision, distorted

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objects, flashing flies before the eyes, chills, numbness of the extremities. Then there is a unilateral pulsating headache, growing within 1-6 hours;

pain is characterized by high intensity, accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, hyperesthesia to sound and visual stimuli, malaise, irritability.

Among other forms of M stand out:

simple M- GB of a pulsating nature, begins without prodromal visual disturbances, the attack lasts longer than in the classical form;

associated M, in which GB is combined with transient neurological disorders, aura (according to A.M. Vein, the classical form of M is a private form of associated M). In the associated form of M, a) ophthalmic M is distinguished, in which bright photopsies occur, a short-term decrease in vision, b) ophthalmoplegic M (Mobius' disease) - against the background of GB, gasomotion disorders (ptosis, diplopia) occur, c) hemiplegic M - with the development hemiparesis, hemianesthesia on the opposite side of the headache, d) aphatic M - with speech disorders, e) vestibular M - with dizziness, f) cerebellar - with coordination disorders, g) basilar M - with various symptoms caused by impaired blood circulation in the basin of the basilar artery and (or) its branches;

special forms of M. a) vegetative form of associated M, b) abdominal M, c) facial forms of M with GB localization in one, often in the lower half of the face, with nausea and vomiting, d) syncopal M, in which fainting develops against the background of GB, e ) cervical M (Barré-Lie syndrome, posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome, develops more often against the background of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine), in which GB is localized in the back of the head with irradiation throughout the head, with vestibular, auditory, visual, vegetative-vascular disorders;

complicated M- with it, neurological disorders persist for a long time, occurs more often with ischemic stroke and in the post-stroke period;

chronic daily GB with migraine - dull, diffuse, rarely with vomiting and nausea, occurs more often with the abuse of sleeping pills, narcotic drugs;

migraine status - M attacks follow each other for several days,

accompanied by vomiting, nausea, headache.

According to the etiological basis, GB is also distinguished: a) psychogenic - dull, compressive, almost always bilateral, diffuse, often constant, accompanied by depression, anxiety, occurs against the background of mental, muscle tension, b) atypical - dull, unilateral or bilateral, accompanied by depression, sometimes psychosis; in) with sinusitis, dull or acute, the duration of the attack varies, accompanied by rhinorrhea; G) with postcommation syndrome GB is accompanied by nystagmus, dizziness, photophobia, intolerance to loud sounds (postcommation cerebrovascular disease).

Among GB with vivid symptoms, there are bundle headache (synonyms: histami-new Horton's neuralgia, Harris's migraine neuralgia), which characterizes

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There are short-term (from 15 minutes to 2 hours) paroxysms of unilateral headache without prodromal phenomena with localization more often in the region of the orbit. Pain has a burning, penetrating, boring character, without nausea, vomiting; seizures occur in series, "bundles". On the side of pain - flushing of the face, Horner's syndrome, nasal congestion, lacrimation. Men get sick 5 times more often than women, exacerbations occur after drinking alcohol.

A migraine attack proceeds in three phases: 1 - prodromal (decreased mood, lethargy, drowsiness, then increasing headache and symptoms according to the form of migraine), 2 - intense headache phase, 3 - phase of pain reduction, general lethargy, weakness, drowsiness; sometimes migraine status develops.

The goal of treating M is to prevent an attack, stop it in the aura phase and in the phase of an extended attack. Treatment is carried out against the background of the exclusion of allergens, sanitation of provoking foci of infection, normalization of work and rest, psychotherapy, auto-training. The choice of treatment method is prescribed taking into account the form M and the phase of the disease (outside the attack, during the attack, against the background of the precursors of the attack) and its combination with other symptoms.

Treatment of M includes analgesics, drugs that normalize serotonin metabolism (dizeril, stugeron) and improve cerebral blood flow (instenon, sermion), as well as belloid, elenium, amitriptyline, seduxen, which have a sedative effect, antiemetics, homeopathic remedies (spigelon, etc.). ). The base drug is acetylsalicylic acid.

RT is a component of treatment during an attack; at the stage of precursors of an attack, it can be an independent method of therapy. In case of hypertension of another etiology, RT is carried out against the background of special drug therapy prescribed in accordance with the underlying disease, the symptom of which is hypertension. With psychogenic HA, symptoms of anxiety, depression, RT is carried out against the background of psychotherapy.

Reflexology in HA is used to achieve analgesic, muscle relaxant, antidepressant effects and to treat functional disorders that provoke HA. For migraine and other headaches, AP, craniopuncture, EP, EAP, MP, acupressure, PIA, tsubo-RT, microneedle-RT with a differentiated approach in the prodromal phase, during the attack and in the interictal period, and also taking into account the M form are used. , localization of GB and factors provoking the development of an attack of M.

When choosing TA prescriptions, auriculodiagnostics and EP-diagnostics according to R. Voll are used.

In the prodromal phase of M, the methods of choice are auriculo-corporal AP, tsubo- and microneedle-RT, when symptoms of HD-MP appear using magnet applicators in corporal TA with a magnetic induction of 80 mT, in AT - 40 mT and exposure of magnets from several hours to several days. During an attack of M, EAP is optimal with a pulse frequency of 3-15 Hz and a threshold current amplitude for 30-60-90 minutes. In the interictal period, AP, microneedle-RT, tsubo-RT, PIA (medium intensity), acupressure according to the inhibitory method are optimal.

Recipes include EAA Yang LV (TE5-GB(VB)41) and Yin LV (PC(MC)6-SP(RP)4); for any GB, corporal TAs are applied: N4.11; LU(P)7, BL(V)60, GB(VB)38.39; GB(VB)14, LR(F)2.3, auricular - AT26a,34,55,78,95. Zhu Lian recommends using only

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TA of the distal extremities on the headache side, the main ones being LI(GI)4, SP(RP)6, GB(VB)39, LR(F)2. Method of influence - II VTM.

According to G. Luvsan, during an attack of any headache, emergency response TAs are LU(P)7, LI(GI)4, SI(IG)3, BL(V)10, EX-HN3 (yin-tang).

Recommended auricular and corporal TA for headaches of various localization(the proposed TAs can be used in M ​​and other AH of vascular etiology, but with the inclusion in TA prescriptions for the treatment of the underlying disease that provokes AH):

In the frontal area: TA of general action - LI (GI) 4, ST (E) 40,41,44; BL(V)60.62; GB(VB)44; local - ST(E)8, GB(VB)1.14; BL(V)3-5, TE(TR)23, CV24, EX-HN3 (yin-tang); auricular-AT33 (2);

In the temporal region: TA of general action - LU (P) 7, SP (RP) 4, SI (IG) 2-4, TE (TR) 2-6, GB (VB) 38, local - TE (TR) 12,; GB(VB) 1.3-5.7; ST(E)2.8; CV22.23; EX-HN9 (tai-yang), auricular - AT35 on the pain side;

In the occipital region: TA of general action - SI (IG) 2.3; BL(V)64.65; GB(VB)36, local BL(V)11.GB(VB) 12.20; GV20; auricular - AT29.37 (2);

In the parietal region: TA of general action - BL(V)58.60; local - GV20, BL(V)6-9; GB(VB)7.13; auricular - AT36,55,78;

In the face area: TA of general action - LI (GI) 4, ST (E) 40.41; local - LI(GI)18, ST(E)2.6; GB(VB)1, TE(TR)22.23; EX-HN3 (yin-tang), auricular-AT26a,11,33 homo- or bilateral;

Hemicrania: TA of general action - LI (GI) 4.7; GB(VB)39, local - GB(VB)20, painful TA on palpation on the side of pain, auricular - AT34,35,55 on the side of pain;

Diffuse: 1 option: LI(GI)4, ST(E)41.44; GB(VB)20, GV20, auricular - AT29,55,78 (2); Option 2: PC(MC)5.6; SP(RP)6, CV5.20; painful on palpation of TA in the head area, auricular - AT29,55,78 (2);

Vestibular: TA of general action - SI (IG) 3, BL (V) 62, TE (TR) 5, local - SI (IG) 19, TE17,19,21; cerMeHT (C) apHbie-BL (V) 11, GB(VB)20, auricular - ATI 3,16,20,34,55,78;

Cerebellar: TA of general action - GB (VB) 39, local - TE (TR) 17, GB (VB) 20; auricular - AT29,37,112 (2);

Abdominal (due to dysfunction of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder): TA of general action - LI (GI) 10, ST (E) 36, SP (RP) 4, SI (IG) 4, PC (MC) 6, KI (R )6, GB(VB)38, segmental - ST(E)25, BL(V)17,19,43; LR(F)14, CV12J5; auricular - AT22,104 homo - or bilaterally and AT for somatotopia, taking into account complaints;

Menstrual type (develops more often against the background of premenstrual tension syndrome): TA of general action - LU (P) 7, LI (GI) 4, SP (RP) 6.9; PC(MC)4,6,9;

BL(V)60, KI(R)6, GB(VB)41, LR(F)2.3; CV3-5, GV4, LR(F)2; auricular-AT22,23,56,58 and AT, taking into account the localization of GB; according to other authors - TA BL(V)31,34,64;

CPS, 4.5; AT56.58; RT begins 4-5 days before the onset of menstruation and aims not only to activate the ANS, but also to normalize the reactions of the neuroendocrine system, activate the adrenergic division of the ANS in the second phase of the cycle;

Against the background of allergization: TA of general action - LU(P)7, LI(GI)4,11; TE(TR)5, segmental-BL(V)11,13,43; AT13,33,34,55,71;

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With mental overstrain: TA of general action - LU (P) 7, LI (GI) 4.11; TE5, local - GB(VB)1.14; TE21; auricular - AT33,34.35;

Ophthalmoplegic M, ophthalmic GB (for example, with acute trauma or inflammation of the eyes): TA of general action - GV3J4; SI(IG)3, BL(V)60, auricular - AT33,55; (French - LU(P)7 and BL(V)60 crossed), as well as the impact of II TTM in TA LU(P)5,7 on the side of pain and P VVM - in TA LU(P)9, ST(E )36, BL(V)60, GB(VB)39 healthy side;

Meteopathic character - TE(TR)З on the side of pain, SP(RP)4 on the opposite side; auricular - AT51,55,59 (2);

Hereditary form of migraine: TA of general action - PC(MC)6, local - BL(V)2,10,15; segmental - GB(VB)20, GV20; auricular - AT34,55,78,95;

Against the background of exacerbation of cervical dorsopathies ("cervical migraine"): TA of general action - SI (IG) 3, BL (V) 62; segmental - BL(V)11, GV14; auricular - AT26a,29,37,41;

Against the background of arterial hypotension: general action TA - LI(GI)11, ST(E)36, SP(RP)6, BL(V)67, GB(VB)43, GV4, auricular - AT13.51;

Syncopal M: with this form of M, emergency measures are applied:

intravenous or intramuscular administration of solutions of caffeine, ephedrine, cordiamine, AP GV26 I VVM, then the use of TA prescriptions, taking into account the form of migraine;

GB in the syndrome of the vertebral nerve and vertebral artery: TA of general action - LI (GI) 4,10,11; BL(V)62, SI(IG)3, TE5, segmental - SI(IG)15,16; LI(GI)15, BL(V)11, GB(VB)21, GV14, point of the vertebral artery (2/3 of the distance from the spinous process of C2 vertebra to the mastoid process);

GB in post-concussion syndrome: TA of general action - BL(V)62, SUZ,14,20; PC(MC)6, SP(RP)6; TA of the cervical-collar zone, auricular - AT -;

GB after epidural anesthesia, spinal puncture: main TA:

PC(MC)6, GB(VB)34.39; AT25.29.

In the course of the procedure, PIA of medium intensity of the cervical-collar zone, acupressure are used, to prolong the effect - microneedle-RT, MP, tsubo-RT in the auricular points with an exposure of 3-5 days.

In chronic HA, mainly auricular and corporal TA of general regulatory action are used to normalize the psycho-emotional state, relieve anxiety, as well as TA of extraordinary channels.

RT courses are individual - from 3-5 to 15-20 procedures. 2-3 courses of RT are carried out with intervals between courses of 10-20-30 days, then maintenance therapy is carried out in the form of separate procedures 1 time in 10-15-20-30 days.

Questions for self-control to chapter 14.

1. Choose a prescription for TA for headache in the occipital region:

a) SI(IG)8, BL(V)11.60; AT29; b) LI(GI)4, ST(E)41, ST(E)6, AT33;

c) SI(IG)2, BL(V)11.64; GV14, AT37; d) LI(GI)10, ST(E)40, GV14, AT35.

2. Select a prescription for ophthalmoplegic migraine:

a) LI(GI)3, BL(V)60, ST(E)8, AT33; b) LI(GI)4, ST(E)2.41; AT8.55; c) BL(V)58, GB(VB)7, BL(V)6, AT36;

d) ST(E)40, GB(VB)44, ST(E)8, GB(VB)14, EX-HN3 (yin-tang), AT3Z.

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3. Reflexology is contraindicated for headaches caused by:

a) migraine, b) post-traumatic encephalopathy, c) the presence of a brain tumor, d) premenstrual tension.

4. With GB in the parietal region, the method of choice is TA:

a) BL(V)60, BL(V)6; b) BL(V)58.9; c) GB(VB)39J; d) KI(R)6, CV21.

5. With GB in the temporal region due to meteopathic reactions, the main ones are TA of the channel (s);

a) TE(TR), b) SP(RP), c) SI(IG), d) ST(E), e) LI(GI).

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Acupuncture massage (reflexology) was invented by the ancient Chinese, and they successfully treated many diseases with it. Reflexology has now spread throughout the world and is officially recognized as traditional medicine. Acupuncture massage is widely used for migraine to relieve a painful attack.

Acupressure can relieve a migraine attack

The therapeutic effect of reflexology is based on the impact on active points - projections of internal organs on the surface of the human body. There are several types of point treatment of a migraine attack: classical acupuncture, superficial acupuncture massage, which is performed by pressing on the active points with the fingers (Shiatsu), Su-Jok therapy, the technology of which involves the impact on the active zones of the hands and feet, as well as acupuncture treatment with using applicators and massagers.

Performing acupuncture is a minor invasive procedure and requires special skill. Only a reflexologist in a medical institution can carry out such treatment. Other types of acupressure for migraine can be done at home on your own or with outside help. Such treatment will not bring harm and has no contraindications.


Technology of acupuncture exposure

  • It is necessary to perform acupressure for migraine with clean, warm hands.
  • Treatment must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the skin, not cause bruising and scratches.
  • The pressure on the active point increases smoothly, starting with light pressure.
  • Massage effect can be performed with circular, pulsating movements, tapping on a point, as well as direct continuous pressure with varying degrees of impact.
  • Massage from migraine at one point is carried out for one minute.
  • Paired points are massaged simultaneously with both hands.
  • The patient should take the most comfortable position: sitting or lying down, his muscles should be relaxed, eyes closed.

Active points for migraine treatment

Acupressure from migraine is performed at points - projections on the head:

  • Above the bridge. The point is easy to determine by dividing the distance between the eyebrows in half.
  • In the center of the temporal fossa on the right and left sides. To find the point, it is necessary to press in a circular motion into the center of the temporal cavity. The deepest place will be the active point.
  • Deepening at the outer edge of the superciliary arch.
  • An indentation at the outer corner of the eye.
  • Projection at the inner corner of the eye.
  • A depression located in front of the auricle, above the tragus. It is easy to determine by touch by the existing anatomical recess.
  • The area on the scalp is located above the auricle one and a half centimeters behind and above it.

Head treatment for migraine can supplement points on the limbs and torso:

  • The area on the anterior surface of the forearm, five centimeters above the wrist joint.
  • Deepening on the lateral edge of the elbow bend.
  • The hollow is a centimeter above the inner ankle of the leg.
  • In the middle of the abdomen, two centimeters below the navel.
  • In the center of the abdomen along the edge of the xiphoid process of the sternum.

The points around the eyes must be massaged gently, without shifting or stretching the skin. Circular movements are prohibited in this area.

Acupressure in paired areas on the limbs is carried out not simultaneously, but in turn from left to right.


Projections of organs on the hands and feet

The therapeutic effect of this type of reflexology lies in the ancient Chinese teaching, according to which all internal organs have their own projections on the feet and hands. In order to determine the active zones on the hands, it is necessary to fold the palms with a bucket and connect them to each other. You will get a model of the head, where the thumbs and the first metacarpal bones are a projection of the face, the remaining zones are responsible for the brain part of the head. With a migraine, as a rule, the pain is localized on one side of the head, respectively, it is necessary to massage the hand on the side of the lesion. If the pain is localized in the back of the head, acupressure from migraine is performed in the area of ​​​​the fifth finger and the inner surface of the palm.

Treatment for migraine is performed with smooth circular movements, changing the degree of pressure on the active zones. The duration of exposure can vary from one to twenty minutes, depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome.

Applicators and massagers

Currently, the medical industry has developed many comfortable massagers and applicators for acupuncture massage. With their help, you can self-medicate or perform acupressure from a migraine to a loved one.

The applicator impact technology is very simple and does not require precise definition of active points. With the help of spikes on the surface of the massager, there is an active effect on points throughout the surface of the body.

Roll applicator

Currently, Lyapko roller applicators are popular for migraines, the surface of which is covered with needles made of different metals. Massage for migraine with a roller massager is performed on the surface of the scalp. In addition to a direct effect on the active zones, during acupressure, a galvanic current affects the scalp, nerve endings are stimulated, endorphins are produced, which leads to a weakening and even disappearance of pain.

Also, head massage for migraine can be done with the Lyapko "Chamomile" applicator, which is put on the head like a hat. In addition to needle applicators, silicone and plastic applicators can be used, which are equipped with special devices for acupuncture exposure.

- a method of treating various diseases, which is often used for severe headaches. Acupuncture is a technique that helps to normalize the general state of health without any intervention, without the use of pills and undergoing physiotherapy.

The essence of this technique lies in the fact that special needles affect certain biological points of the human body. The method of acupuncture is used as an independent therapy or in combination with taking medications. It all depends on the causes of headaches and their intensity.

Causes of the appearance of a pathological condition

Headache can be caused by various reasons. Often, an unpleasant symptom occurs at the end of the day due to emotional and physical overwork. Pain in the head can occur due to a long stay in a stuffy room, with colds and infectious pathologies. But all these reasons are easy to remove by resting properly or by being in the fresh air.

However, there are reasons that a good sleep or airflow cannot cope with. For example, there is such a disease as neuritis. Its symptoms are not limited to headaches, although this symptom in neuritis has a strong intensity, duration, and is difficult and long-term stopped by medications.

Neuritis - a lesion of the facial nerve, can develop as a result of pinching, the development of cervical osteochondrosis, prolonged exposure to a draft. Common signs of the disease: a feeling of numbness on one side of the face, loss of skin sensitivity. Neuritis can occur not only on the face. If the nerve of the cervical region has been affected, unpleasant symptoms are felt in the upper limbs.

Nerve damage or pinching is a common pathology in people who, due to the specifics of their work, stay in one position for a long time. entails an increase in blood pressure, which significantly worsens the general condition.

In order not to aggravate the situation and not lead to the development of serious complications, you need to immediately engage in treatment. Along with drug therapy, doctors often prescribe acupuncture.

Even in ancient times in the East, Chinese healers knew that a person's well-being depends on the passage of energy flows through him. When a person becomes an adult, he manages to make many mistakes during his life, which causes an imbalance of good and bad energy, which negatively affects overall well-being.

It is possible to restore energy balance only by influencing certain biological points. In the course of many decades, trial and error has developed a map of such points on the human body.

By acting with needles on certain points in the human body, muscles and nerves relax, and pain disappears. In most cases, acupuncture is prescribed for pain, the etiology of which could not be clarified after passing the diagnosis.

In fact, acupuncture helps to start processes in the human body that promote healing. This procedure has the following effects on the body:

  • relieves pain of varying intensity;
  • relieves unpleasant signs of osteochondrosis, various types of neuritis;
  • activates the processes of cell regeneration;
  • normalizes the process of nutrition;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • helps to relax the body, muscles, joints and ligaments.

Acupuncture enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs, therefore, with severe pain, acupuncture is recommended to be supplemented with drug therapy.

How is it going?

Before the procedure, the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms that disturb him, and, depending on the nature of the clinical picture and the characteristics of the case, the doctor determines the points that need to be acted upon:

  1. If it is necessary to act on biological points in the frontal part of the head: long needles are inserted into the skin located in the area between the eyebrows and the nasal septum. The needle is in the skin for no more than 3 minutes, first the needle is inserted into the skin, then the degree of pressure decreases and is brought to a light touch on the skin.
  2. Impact on the temporal lobe: the main biological point is located on the same line with the end point of the eyebrow and the corner of the eye. If you put your fingers on this combination of lines and move them aside by 1.5 cm, a depression is felt under the finger, this is the biological point that needs to be acted upon. The needle is not inserted into the skin, but only lightly touches, the duration of exposure should not exceed 3 minutes.
  3. Point on the crown. The biological point is located in the notch of the crown. The duration of exposure should not exceed 2-4 minutes. The influence of the needle on the parietal part contributes not only to the relief of headaches, but also to the general toning of the whole organism.

General characteristics of the procedure - during the session, the person lies on a straight couch. If there is a need to act on the cervical region, the patient can sit. Before inserting the needle, a certain place on the skin is treated with antiseptic solutions.

The first time the needle is inserted for 10-15 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the severity of the symptomatic picture. With a pain symptom caused by the development of osteochondrosis, neuritis, 7 procedures are enough - daily for 1 week. To prevent the recurrence of the symptom, acupuncture is recommended for prevention several times a year.

It is important for people resorting to this method of treatment to understand that the speed of obtaining the desired effect depends on the severity of the manifestation of the symptomatic picture and the reasons for its appearance. Sometimes 10 procedures are enough, but it also happens that an improvement in general well-being occurs no earlier than after 2-4 months.

Severe pain will gradually decrease in intensity. How many sessions will be needed, no one can predict in advance. Whether there is a need for acupuncture to carry out drug therapy, this issue should also be considered only by the attending physician.

In most cases, medication is prescribed with a strong intensity of the pain symptom and the presence of concomitant diseases.

How to protect yourself?

Acupuncture is a procedure that helps to quickly and effectively stop pain of a different nature and localization, the method is especially helpful for headaches. That's just to get the desired result, you need to correctly approach the issue of passing the procedure.

First of all, it is important to carefully consider the process of choosing a specialist. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, you can not only not get the desired effect, but also a lot of side effects.

The person himself must go to the procedure with the proper attitude. No need to be afraid of the needle. The specialist performing the procedure knows how to correctly insert the needle so that the patient does not experience pain. In this case, there will be only a slight tingling sensation.

If during this manipulation a person experiences discomfort, you should not endure it, but immediately tell the specialist about it. Before resorting to the acupuncture procedure, it is recommended to visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and the causes of the pain symptom.

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The peculiarity of the analgesic effect of reflexology is that it increases the excitability threshold of pain receptors and inhibits the conduction of pain impulses along afferent pathways, and also increases the activity of the central antinociceptive system.

This is ensured by a neurohumoral shift, normalization of the balance of mediators and modulators of pain: serotonin, norepinephrine and oligopeptides, including endogenous opiates - endorphins and enkephalins [Durinyan R.A., 1980; Goydenko B.C., Koteneva V.M., 1982].

In addition, reflex therapy also affects the pathological mechanisms underlying headaches of various types, for example, dystonia of the cerebral and extracranial vessels, pathological tension in the muscles of the head, as well as other local and general disease processes that activate the algogenic mechanism [Kryzhanovsky G .N., 1980; Goydenko B.C. Koteneva V.M., 1982, 1983].

For reflexotherapy, classical acupuncture (zhen-therapy) is used in corporal points, auriculotherapy - impact on certain points of the auricle, microneedle therapy (introduction of microneedles into several points for a day or more), superficial acupuncture with a hammer, electropuncture (exposure to electric current on a sharp point), electroacupuncture ( exposure to current through an inserted acupuncture needle), microelectrophoresis (introduction of medicinal substances into corporal points with the help of special electrodes), heating and “cauterization” of skin points with wormwood cigarettes and, finally, point pressure with a finger or a rod with a ball at the end [Usova M.K. , Morokhov S.A., 1974; Goydenko V.S., Koteneva V.M., 1978; Tykochinskaya E.D., 1979; Koteneva V.M., 1981; Tabeeva D.M., 1982].

Headache caused predominantly by a vascular mechanism.


Treatment of an attack begins with an inhibitory effect on the tonic points of the meridians of the stomach (E36, E40), colon (GI4, GI18), pericardium (MC6), spleen (RP6, RP9), sedative points (C5, C7, V60, V62).

The effect increases when exposed to local points - depending on the location of the pain. For pain in the frontal region - VB3, VB14, TR5, TR23, E36, E41; in the temporo-parietal region - VB2, VB17, TR22, VB40, V2, V64, VG22, E8; in the occipital region -VG14, VG20, VB20, VI1, IG14.

With auriculotherapy, the projection points of the forehead, back of the head, sympathetic, etc. are chosen.

If the attack is aggravated by vomiting, then treatment can be started from points G14, RP6, VC12. With severe edema or pastosity, the R7, RP6, RP2 sharpenings act.

With individual clinical forms of migraine, a different formulation of additional points is chosen.

With classic (ophthalmic) migraine - VB20, VG16; associated - VG22, VB16, VB17, VG21, V6; vestibular - TR17, TR21, IG19, VII, VB20; cerebellar - VG17, VB20; menstrual - MC5, MC6, R6, VG4, V3, F3; cardiac - C5, C7, MC6, VI5, V62, with peculiar forms of migraine - "bundle" - GUI, E36, TR23, VB14, E2, E8, PCI; "cervical" - VB20; VB12, VG14, VI1, VG20; with the front - GI19, E6, E2, VB1, PCI, TR22.

With electropuncture or electroacupuncture, the current strength for head points ranges from 15 to 40 μA, and for torso points - from 15 to 60 μA. The duration of exposure to each point is no more than 5-7 minutes with a change in the polarity of the current [negative 45 s, positive 15 s]. With clearly localized pain, treatment can be started with auriculoelectropuncture [30 µA current with alternating polarity].

With an extended attack of migraine, reflexology should be carried out strictly individually: acupressure on craniofacial points and corporal superficial acupuncture.

In the interictal period, treatment is aimed at normalizing vascular regulation, reducing the excitability of vasomotor centers. If there are signs of sympathicotonia, then an effective inhibitory effect on common points with a parasympathicotonic orientation is MC6, Vro, P7, RP6, TR3. With the predominance of vagotonia, they act on points with a sympathicotonic orientation - VB41, VB34, VB20, V13, GI4, VG12, TR22, VB3.

Patients with frequent severe attacks after 2-3 months. conduct repeated courses of treatment until satisfactory results are obtained. At the same time, attention should be paid to the normalization of emotional and vegetative reactions and to combine reflexology with other methods of treatment (drugs, psychotherapy, normalization of work and rest).

Vascular headache

In patients with regional cerebral angiodystonia with arterial hypertension (hypertension stage I and II, NCD with arterial hypertension), points are used that affect the regulation of vascular tone, points of sedative action: E36, GI10, Gil 1, MC6, C3, C5, F8, F2 , F3, P7, points of the collar zone, and on the ear - a shengmen point, a point that lowers blood pressure, a point of the heart. The second variant of the inhibitory method is used, but at the first moment of exposure, it is possible to excite the acupuncture point.

With pronounced lability of vascular reactions, in particular in patients with vegetovascular dystonia, it is not recommended to simultaneously use potent points on the arms and legs.

Angiodystonia with a predominance of low arterial tone may have hyposympathicotonia or hyperparasympathicotonia as a background. In the first case, the treatment should be aimed at activating the sympathetic system: the R12, GI4, B37, F3, TR3, TR5 points act as an excitatory method and the TR20 point acts as an inhibitory method.

If regional cerebral hypotension is accompanied by severe general asthenia, then the excitatory effect is carried out on MC7, MC8, VG12, V18, E36, R20, and with the predominance of neurotic complaints, an inhibitory effect (II variant) of points E36, NW, C7, SW is shown. If arterial hypotension is caused by hyperparasympathicotonia, then they have an inhibitory effect on the points Vro, VI3, VG12, VB34.

In auriculotherapy, for the same purpose, points of the cortex and hypothalamus, adrenal glands and spleen and a hypotensive point are used. With electroacupuncture, the current strength for points on the head, arms and upper limbs is 50-75 μA, on the back and legs - 100-350 μA, and for points above a massive layer of muscles (for example, VB30) - up to 500 μA.

In hypotension of the veins, the points of the MC, TR, VB meridians are used, the impact on which selectively regulates the venous outflow: the main points are MC5, MC6, TR5, TR18, V10, VB12, V2, 7, and with auriculopuncture - the points of the kidneys, adrenal glands, occiput, TR and sympathetic point. If the obstruction of venous outflow is caused by some somatic disease (for example, bronchopulmonary processes with prolonged coughing spells or intestinal dysfunction with constipation), then the points that regulate the functions of these organs are affected.

In case of headache during vascular crises in stage I of hypertension, the inhibitory method is applied to points E36, F8, GI10, Gil 1, RP6; and with sympathoadrenal crises - the second variant of the inhibitory method of sharpening VB20, TR3, TR5, C3, C5, C7, P7. With a headache against the background of a vascular crisis with a decrease in vascular tone, the MC7, MC6, TR5, R12, GI4, V10, VB20 points act as an exciting method.

With prolonged progressive vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis), vascular reactions become inhibitory or perverted, adaptation to meteorological fluctuations, shifts in water-salt metabolism is disturbed, and biological rhythms are upset.

Reflexology in these cases is less effective and is prescribed periodically in addition to systematic drug treatment. With a tendency to edema, the points that regulate water-salt metabolism are chosen - R7, R6, RP3, and on the ear - the points of the kidney, adrenal glands and the sympathetic point.

In cases of headache with complications or exacerbation of a vascular disease (impaired cerebral circulation, exacerbation of the rheumatic process), drug treatment is preferable. Reflexology is resorted to after the acute stage has passed.

Tension headache and muscle tension

Reflexology is determined by the nature of the underlying disease, which in different ways leads to tension in the muscles of the head.

Neuroses with a predominance of emotional excitability and increased irritability require the inclusion in the treatment program of common points of sedation: E36, VB20, C7, C3, V43, GI10. Use I and II variants of the braking method. In the case of predominance of asthenia, rapid mental exhaustion, a tonic effect on VG14, VB4, VB41, GI4 is preferred - by the method of superficial acupuncture. With functional impotence on the background of neurosis, the EZO, Rl 1, F2-4, RP6, RP9, VG4 points are affected, using the second variant of the inhibitory method for the points of the back and the second variant of the excitatory method for the points of the abdomen.

Good results in the treatment of headache in cases of neurosis are observed from the use of electropuncture. Main points -V6; E8; VB4.6; PCI, PC2, current strength up to 50-60 μA with polarity change after 5-10 s, duration of the procedure with excitatory action 30-60 s, with inhibitory action - 2 min. With a headache of muscle origin as part of the premenstrual syndrome, points RP6, F8, Rll, V31, E36 are used. If during this period, due to hormonal and humoral fluctuations, vasomotor headache comes first, then the points MC5, MC6, R6, IG4 act.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the relief of muscle tension headache is due to the segmental-relaxing effect of reflexology. Common points - V60, V62, E36, GI4, GI10, segmental points of the collar zone and points in areas of predominant pain localization. Apply I and II options of the braking method.

For auriculotherapy, they act on the points of the cervical spine, occiput, neck, shen-men. In microneedle therapy, points of the collar zone and points in places of predominant pain are used, the needles are left for 5-7 days. Cupping massage along the spine and collar zone is also useful. If, in addition to pain of the muscular type, there are signs of vascular pain, then an effect on the points that regulate vascular tone is added: MC6, RP46, E36, F2-3, TR5.

Muscle-type headache in case of paranasal cavities disease disappears with effective treatment of inflammation by an otorhinolaryngologist. Reflexology is used as an auxiliary method. Affect distant points: P7, GI4, F3, E44, V60, V62. With auriculotherapy, the points of the inner nose, forehead, urticaria, shen-men are taken. Local points on the face are selected depending on the predominant localization of pain. To influence the points of the ear and face, microneedles are also used. A good effect can be obtained from warming up points of the face (jiu therapy).

Facial pain with psychalgia

Reflexotherapy should be aimed at repaying the pathological dominant. The preferred method is classical acupuncture at the points of the hands and feet and craniofacial points. The impact is weak (second variant of the exciting method) with the needles left in the tissues for 10-15 minutes.

Combinations of symmetrical points in the area of ​​pain projection, auricular points in the area of ​​the antihelix and tripartite fossa and points on the hands and feet - P7, F14, IG3, RP4, E44, VB41, V62, PI, P5, as well as new and extrameridian points - PN25, 20 , 140, MLRS, 32, 35, 37, 132, 134, 133, RS135.

Liquorodynamic headache with expansive intracranial processes is not subject to reflexology. When liquorodynamic disorders do not require neurosurgical or other special treatment, reflexology can be used as an auxiliary method, it should be aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance and improving venous outflow. In case of liquor hypertension, points E28, R7, RP6 are included in the formulation, in liquor hypotension - R1HR2, R7, VB12, TR18.



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