Ideas for a personal diary space page. A selection of color and black and white pictures for your personal diary

Probably every little girl had her own personal diary. There, in childhood, we wrote down the most secret things that we didn’t want to share with anyone, even with our best friends or mom. In the notebook, we also wrote about the joys of first love, complained about the injustice of teachers or misunderstanding of parents.

Now we have grown up and began to write on LiveJournal or social networks. Only now we do not write for ourselves, and we do not hide what is written behind a beautiful cover. We write to boast about something or complain, and sometimes just like that, to express our thoughts. But we are definitely waiting for someone to evaluate these thoughts, comment, press “like” and “tell friends”. And the personal and intimate still remains with us, only hiding in the depths of consciousness. We no longer look for the causes and consequences of our actions, and we don’t feel the same experiences that we had when writing the diary, we don’t express our real feelings, because they may not get “likes”.

Writing for ourselves became a stupid and uninteresting activity, we felt sorry for this time. Why, and what to write in a personal diary?

Keeping a buried diary on paper can be useful for making important decisions, it can help to see the situation from the outside. And it will also help relieve stress, relax, take in important and intimate thoughts. The paper will also take over secret dreams and desires, which it was scary to admit even to yourself.

What to write in a personal diary?

innermost thoughts

The basis of paper diaries is most often personal, intimate thoughts. On paper, you can write down your experiences, joys and disappointments, anger and misunderstanding, or you can write about joyful anticipation. When you write it down on paper, you re-experience events more deeply and meaningfully and can more easily let them go. Later, after reading what was written in a few days, months or even years, you will be able to rethink your emotions, look at them differently, or just smile while plunging into the past.


Write down your short-term and long-term goals, and make notes about how you intend to achieve them. If, for example, you want a slim figure, then you can make a note - I do exercises every day for 15 minutes. So you will quickly understand what you really want and what steps to take to achieve it.

Results of the month, year

It is very interesting to sum up the results of the past month or year on paper. Describe what new things you learned over the past month, what event made this time, what goals you achieved or vice versa did not achieve and why. Here you can be honest with yourself and not be afraid that someone else will see your mistakes. So you will learn to analyze your actions, rethink your actions and be able to achieve your goals faster and better.

Small pleasures

Impressions from books, films and music

After reading a book or watching a movie, write down your emotions. Describe your favorite moments. Write how you would end this book or movie. When writing down such small reviews, you will be able to rethink the information received, to understand it. Write short reviews of art and educational books, films, music. Now, in order to remember what this book or film was about, you just need to open the notebook and read what was written. And you can easily recommend something new to your friends. Also in the diary you can create a list of movies and books for different moods.

Fill your diary with articles and sayings that amaze and inspire you.

You can stick clippings from articles in a notebook, as well as write down interesting statements and quotes. Describe what effect they had on you and why you liked them. Now, when you run out of inspiration, you will know where to get it - just open the diary and read a couple of quotes.

Or maybe you liked some advice on self-care, a small recipe for a skin scrub or a choice of cosmetics, so as not to lose it, write it down in your diary.


In a small notebook that has become your diary, you can just dream. You can dream not only about the future, but also about the past. On paper, you can dream about what would happen if, for example, you moved to another city, went to study at another university. And you can add even more unreality to dreams. What would happen if you could fly, read minds, foresee the future, conjure? or possessed another superpower. So it’s not far from writing your own novel.

Travel impressions travel diary description

As a rule, if we go somewhere, then the days are filled with a bunch of events, but as a rule, over time, they begin to merge into one whole and we forget a lot of details. While the memories are fresh, write down your impressions. You can attach train tickets, a couple of photos, draw a small travel map to these pages.

You can write whatever you want in your personal diary. Choose to record only information that is important to you, the one that you want to re-read in a year or two. And also stick or draw different pictures in it, decorate the pages beautifully. May you want to take it in your hands as often as possible. And to protect the diary from prying eyes, you can choose a notebook with a lock.

How to make a personal diary is a question that worries a lot of people. And not just to issue, but to make your personal diary one of the most beautiful and original. You can stick to one design style, or you can fill it with a variety of different ideas. What ideas for ld to choose?

How to make a personal diary

First, let's talk about the cover of your diary. It must be remembered that the cover is the face of your personal diary. She must be careful! Decorate the cover with wrapping paper, or make it denim-inspired. You can decorate the cover with beads or bright beautiful buttons.

It is also very important to make the first page of a personal diary beautiful and original. Here you can paste your photo (like an avatar in a social network). You can draw some big beautiful drawing - an invitation to visit the diary.

How to make a personal diary inside

How to make a personal diary inside? You can make a wide variety of interesting pages.

Pages ideas for ld:

  • page about your favorite movie;
  • favorite music page;
  • sweets page;
  • secrets page;
  • wish page;
  • dream page;
  • love is… page
  • friendship page or best friend page;
  • page of favorite poems;
  • fashion page;
  • page of your hobbies.

And many, many other interesting pages! It all depends on your imagination!

More personal diary ideas

Of the art materials for the design of a personal ld, absolutely everything is suitable! And don't forget about beautiful handwriting! If it is beautifully written, it is always a pleasure to read!

Want to see photos of beautiful personal diaries? Then follow this

Not always hidden secrets, emotional experiences and feelings that torment us from the inside can be revealed to your loved ones. And then we begin to trust our secrets to a personal diary. Paper will endure everything. After many years, you will flip through such a diary like a chronicle, so today we will discuss how to decorate the LD inside beautifully.

To be or not to be: why keep a diary?

A personal diary is a universal diary in which you can reflect all your thoughts, feelings, emotions experienced during the day, bright events or shocks. Or maybe you just can't trust a loved one or friend with your feelings. In this case, it is better to write them down. The paper does not blush, but you can get rid of the accumulated negativity. It will immediately become easier on the soul - psychologists say so.

A personal diary can play the role of an organizer. You will write down your goals, achievements, height and weight table, training schedule, diet there. And if you are engaged in creativity and write poetry, then your personal diary will become your manuscript. Depending on the content of the personal diary and carry out its design.

Design Ideas

To create a personal diary, you need to buy any notebook. If you are worried about the safety of information, you can purchase a notebook with a lock, and always carry the key with you.

Particular attention should be paid to the cover. She can be anyone. It all depends on the height of your imagination. Often, the following materials are used to design LD:

  • the cloth;
  • skin;
  • suede;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • clippings from glossy magazines;
  • photographic paper;
  • various accessories.

But inside you will already draw up a personal diary at your discretion. Each event in life can be accompanied by illustrations that match the mood. If you had a great evening in the company of girlfriends and drank a cup of coffee, the picture of the mug will be symbolic.

You can simply color the pages in different colors. Psychologists say that color therapy also helps to express your emotions and relieve tension. Flowers may bloom on the pages of your diary. Write down any information and even poems. Above the lines of your favorite work, you can stick a portrait of the author or symbolic drawings.

It is impossible to describe all the ideas for designing a personal diary. Each person has a very individual approach to this issue. But to throw a couple of ideas about the design of the cover and individual pages is simply necessary.

Cover - the face of the diary

In a few years, you will look in your personal diary and remember the bright events of your life. This will already be the story that the paper pages tremblingly store. When designing a LD, special attention should be paid to the cover. It must be strong and beautiful. And then every time you pick up a diary, you will be overwhelmed by warm, pleasant and tender emotions.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • the cloth;
  • sewing machine;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • chalk or bar of soap;
  • measuring tape;
  • scissors;
  • buttons;
  • lace.

Clouds - white-winged horses

Many girls trust their diary with the most intimate secrets and secrets. How to design a LD page in an original way? We offer you a small master class. The result will surprise you.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • blue watercolor or gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • patterns of flowers and bows;
  • cotton wool;
  • markers or colored pencils.

Step by step description of the creative process:

So, you have already made the most important decision - you decided to keep a personal diary. Excellent! Since decades will pass - and you will gladly re-read your young experiences and worries, a smile will freeze on your face for a long time when you remember your childhood. In addition, in adolescence, it is especially important to share your impressions, emotions and experiences accumulated during the day. A personal diary is always happy to "listen" to all your innermost secrets.

So how do you start keeping a personal diary?

First of all, you need to decide whether you will use a ready-made diary for entries or make it yourself. In the first case, everything is simple: choose the notebook you like in the store. To add color and originality to your diary, you can finish it a little. If you want to decorate your personal diary, the pink theme is perfect for a teenage girl. For example, you can decorate the cover of a notebook with pink rhinestone patterns.

When making a diary on your own, you will have to work hard. For example, you can take a piece of lace and cut it according to the size of the purchased notebook. After that, it is necessary to glue the cover of the notebook with glue and glue the prepared piece of fabric on it.

Having issued a diary, you need to start filling it out. Let's focus on choosing a topic for a personal diary.

What to write first?

The very first topic of your diary should be information about yourself: your name, age and contact phone number (in case you suddenly lose or forget the diary somewhere). In doing so, remember: never write your home address.

Also an interesting topic for a girl's personal diary can be a story about her hobbies and interests, for example, about her favorite food, music, TV shows, movies or cartoons.

In addition, you can paste your photo into the diary and arrange it beautifully, for example, draw a frame with multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

What else can you "tell" a personal diary?

Topics for a girl’s personal diary can be completely different: on one day you can write about the events of the past day, about relationships with classmates, about a quarrel with a friend or a conflict with your parents, and on another day you can write down poems, lyrics or quotes you like. Also a great topic for a girl's personal diary can be entries about animals.

In addition, you can paste photos and stickers of your favorite cartoon characters, TV series or movies. You can also make a “family tree” and paste photos of your relatives into a diary. The main thing, remember, this is your diary - write in it whatever your heart desires, everything that you are so afraid to say out loud, do not hesitate to express all your thoughts.

How to split a diary into sections on different topics?

can be divided into sections according to your interests and events in your life. For example, you could create a chapter titled "I'm Loved". Write down in this part of your notebook the compliments you received, the actions that are pleasant for you, also write down when you yourself do a good deed for someone. When you feel sad, re-read these pages - you will immediately feel pleasant, and your mood will improve.

Also a great section of the diary can be a story about your travels. Take a notebook on trips, paste tickets, photos into it, write about the trip itself: what impressed you the most, what was remembered. Write down literally all your thoughts and finds - and you will never forget the highlights of your adventures.

At a young age, it is especially interesting to interpret your dreams, so you can create a section in your personal diary about your dreams and their interpretation. It will be especially interesting to re-read them over time and make sure that the interpretation of dreams is true.

If you like to cook by yourself or together with your mother, the topic of cooking will be useful for you. Write down the recipes you like in a separate section of the diary.

Keeping a personal diary is an exciting and interesting activity. The ability to independently choose a topic for a personal diary helps to reveal your individuality, allows you to look into the depths of your own soul, and also forever keep in your memory pleasant moments and experiences that in the future may not be as scary as you initially thought.

Everyone wants to tell a little about themselves, their mood and goals. After all, it will show other people: friends and strangers, what we are, what our views on life are and what we strive for. But a personal diary can also be used for another task - to relax and have fun. This is especially important for girls, and especially if she is 12 years old. And for this there are pictures for a personal diary. Simple, beautiful and light drawings in the diary is a special style that is pleasant to follow.

What does our site offer? Drawings for ld for sketching. This is a great help for anyone who cares not only to fill the space, but to give their records a presentable look. What will help decorate the diary by decorating it in beautiful drawings and images? Our selection of amazing pictures!

  • Always fresh ideas;
  • Only light drawings, pictures: by cells for a personal diary;
  • For girls and boys options;
  • And what will please many: laconic pictures for ld in black and white.
For you, our dear visitors, the choice! You can download and print, as well as draw different drawings.

Ideas for illustrating your entries

What are the pictures for a personal diary? For example, consider size. What kind of illustrations do you want? Small or big? On a full page or as an addition to the text? Pencil drawings or something bright? An exclusive that displays your own world or a template that is understandable to many? or maybe they should be cute or, in keeping with the theme, are your drawings for a personal diary for sketching cool?

And we have quite a few versions, and they are all quite interesting and varied. The main thing is that all these are beautiful pictures for ld, with a plot presentation. Our team understands that all our guests are different, with a huge range of interests and with all sorts of desires, bright talents and opportunities. And for everyone we try to prepare our own ideas suitable for their personality for ld.

Only for you! Cell drawing option

Only relevant options for pictures for ld, what everyone is interested in this year, what everyone wants to put in their personal diary. Here's what we offer. To do this, we have simplified your task to a minimum, we have cell drawings for a personal diary. With this technique, copying is very easy. Just take and print out light and beautiful pictures for drawing for drawing.

Drawings by cells for a personal diary is a great help for those who want to do the work on their own, but are not proficient in the art of painting. Then it seems that all sketches are easy, if you move step by step to get pictures by cells for a personal diary. The repetition technique, which allows you to get high-quality cell drawings for a personal diary, is quite popular. The style is so light that the result is sure to please.

Illustrations on a different topic

Pictures for ld for sketching, which is in the collection of our site, are suitable for both girls and boys, both for very young little girls and boys, and for older young people. Different themes provide many opportunities for those who want to decorate their entries, giving them an interesting look. Drawn versions of a story about yourself and your interests are what is so important in order for the plot of any story to be more intriguing and visual, and, if necessary, more frank and sincere.

A written story is better perceived and remembered. Whatever the story is about, it will be presented not sparingly and dryly, exclusively only in the literal version, but also with the help of painting that conveys images.

Black and white images

How to draw by cells, we easily understood and learned. And now you can move on to more interesting versions. For example, here is a task for you, draw a picture without paints, only with a pencil. It's a pretty interesting business. But it is better if you do it with us, using those models that are presented in finished form on our resource. This way you can see the end goal and it is easy to understand how to work.


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