Hachiko is a breed of Akita Inu dog (photo): an excellent companion and wayward friend. The breed of the dog from the movie "Hachiko" and everything about the Akita Inu breed What does a dog of the Hachiko breed look like

Wonderful, unique dog Akita Inu gave the world the Land of the Rising Sun. For almost 4 centuries, selection has been endemic, in the highlands of the same name in northeastern Japan. For a long time, only a superficial description of the Akita Inu was available; there was information about the breed that it was a hunting and watchdog.

Fame and recognition fell upon the "Japanese treasure" through the efforts of cinema, which glorified the devotion of the animal: the dog breed from the film "Hachiko" became recognizable and loved.

The Akita Inu dog is a large breed that can hunt wild boars, deer, and bears. It is surprising that at the same time she has a good-natured, restrained disposition, only in case of emergency. Perhaps such endurance was passed on to her from her tutors - the owners, who cultivated oriental friendliness and equanimity.

Looking at the Akita Inu, whose photo can rightfully decorate popular prints or pastoral paintings, you are amazed at her beauty. Harmoniously built, powerful dog is covered with magnificent hair - thick, fluffy, very soft in appearance. The colors are also impressive: the purest shades of red with a sesame effect, pure white, tiger print.

A large muzzle with rounded ears, a relatively short mouth and a slightly upturned tip of the nose slightly resembles a bear, as it is depicted in puppet cartoons, embodied in toys. This miracle with an attentive look of narrow narrowed eyes, gravitating towards a triangular shape, has an oriental flavor. He has "pants" on his front and hind legs. The longest fur is on the tail, which is always curled up and resting on its side.

Three more properties of the dog are worthy of special mention:

They grow up slowly: up to 2 years old, you can enjoy puppy-teenage spontaneity;
Animals are completely devoid of the characteristic smell inherent in dogs. They are compared to clean cats.
The structure of a dense paw with wide membranes also resembles a cat's and allows you to swim perfectly.

Raising an Akita Inu, each of which has a bright personality and character - such an experience is worth a lot and will certainly be worthy of appreciation in the communities of amateurs and professional cynologists.

Akita Inu is not just a dog, but a real Japanese heritage and the favorite breed of dog lovers around the world. Thanks to the famous dog Hachiko, who showed unique devotion, the Akita Inu gained worldwide popularity. The number of people wishing to buy a puppy of this breed has increased 15 times! And until now, interest in it does not fade away. What is the secret of dogs of this breed?

If you look into history, the Akita Inu are among the most ancient breeds of dogs. Scientists, having thoroughly studied the origin of numerous archaeological excavations, were able to find out that even in the second millennium BC, pets of this breed lived in Japan. In addition, images of dogs, very similar to the Akita Inu, are present in the drawings of antiquity.

It was not possible to study the origin of the Akita Inu for certain, its roots are so deeply gone. There is a theory that these animals are descended from spitz-shaped dogs from China and the ancients. It is also believed that the Akita is a descendant of the mastiff. But, despite the resemblance, northern dogs and Akitas have nothing in common.

Exotic to our ears, the name, in fact, is not. The Japanese didn’t fantasize much, in the translation “Akita” is the name of one of the provinces in Japan, “inu” is translated as a dog.

Studies have shown that the breed in the form in which it now exists was formed in the 17th century and has not changed until now. Akita Inu are also unique in that they are truly purebred, and breeding activities have not touched them.

In those days, Akitu Inu were not ordinary dogs, only the most noble nobles could afford a pet of this breed. In the imperial family, representatives were in a special position. But it didn't happen right away.

Initially, thoroughbred dogs performed hunting and guarding functions in the homes of ordinary people, but by the 18th century the situation had changed, and Akitu significantly increased their status. At that time, a new decree appeared, according to which a person who killed or offended a representative of this breed was subjected to severe punishment. And soon the Akita Inu turned out to be an elite breed, inaccessible to peasants.

Naturally, this could not but affect the development and distribution of the breed. According to the Japanese love for ceremonies, caring for a pet has become a real ritual. Akita Inu began to correspond to the rank of their owners. This was indicated by special attributes, the presence of his own servant. Looking at the Akita, one could determine the status of its owner.

In 1927, a special Society was formed, whose activities were aimed at preserving the breed. They also monitored the purity of the breed, not allowing crosses with other representatives.

Of course, the Second World War had a significant impact on the breed, since almost all of its representatives were at the front. Then the breeding process almost stopped. But nevertheless, several pets with pure blood were saved, they possessed all the qualities inherent in the Akita Inu.

In the 19th century, representatives of other breeds began to appear on the territory of the country. The Japanese have awakened a desire to get on the basis of Akita with the addition of the blood of Great Danes, St. Bernards, Bulldogs, dogs with a more aggressive character, in order to use them for security purposes. Then completely new breeds appeared - karafuto (Sakhalin husky) and tosa inu (a dog from the principality of Tosu).

This somewhat influenced the Akita breed. Their descendants acquired a more dense physique and a bit of aggression in character.

Descriptive characteristic

The Akita is a 100% Japanese dog native to the northern regions of the country. Initially, it performed two functions - security and hunting. Today, the range of her duties has expanded, but most often the Akita is used as a companion dog.

The growth of males varies from 64 cm at the withers to 75. The minimum weight is 40 kg. Like other breeds, Akitu females are much smaller in size.

Three possible colors are confirmed by the standard:

  • A combination of red and white. At the same time, light hair can only be on the inner sides of the chest and limbs, and also create a “mask” on the muzzle. The professional name for this coloring of the muzzle is "urajiro".
  • Brindle hair on the body with a white mask on the muzzle.
  • White Akita Inu - other colors are not allowed.

If the Akita is decorated with a black mask on the muzzle, then we are talking about a representative of the American species of the breed. In the Japanese version, this is considered a marriage.

Pedigree representatives have a strong, proportional physique, with heavy bones and powerful muscles. In dogs, the lumbar belt is clearly distinguished.

The characteristic features of the external structure help to distinguish pets from other canines:

  • Head Akita Inu has a triangular shape, slightly blunt, of medium size relative to the body. Small, slightly slanting eyes, not protruding, with a dark brown iris. Ears are open and upright. When compared with the size of the head, they are quite small, having the shape of a triangle with slightly rounded edges.
  • Forehead wide, with a hollow between the eyes, which extends slightly to the forehead.
  • nose tip large, black, slight staining is possible only in animals with white hair.
  • Lips black in color, tight to the jaw.
  • Skin fit loosely to the body, but do not hang down. Sometimes the skin forms small folds.
  • Tail with a high fit, large enough, has a twisted shape and is thrown over the back. The coat is dense, coarse, of medium length. There is a thick undercoat.
  • Paws in Akita Inu, they are strong, muscular, ending in a cat-like soft paws.

In general, looking at a dog of this breed, one gets the impression that this is a harmoniously developed animal, strong and strong, and in fact it is.

Extraordinary amazing character

The photo is a frame from the film "Hachiko".

Akita Inu is a whole set of positive characteristics that four-legged friends can have. No negative traits - only positive and joy from communicating with this dog.

The fun and mischief that puppies of this breed are endowed with does not disappear throughout the life of the dog. Akitas are balanced dogs, without signs of aggression.

They will not get involved in a fight without assessing the situation and their own strengths. The intellectual indicators of the Akita are at their best, they really have the prudence and wisdom that have been accumulated for centuries.

There is only one negative trait in the nature of these dogs - pathological curiosity. Akita simply must be aware of everything that is happening, and for this she will try to explore all corners of the house. Even a slight noise can tear her away from business and make her rush in search of a source. But this quality weakens over the years, making the Akita less curious and more phlegmatic.

The nature of the Akita allows you to keep the animal, both in a large family, and make her a companion for one person. For parents, such a pet is a real find that can entertain even the smallest toddlers for hours.

You should not think that a dog without human intervention will be able to show all its qualities given by nature. It must be practiced from the very appearance in the house until the last days. By the way, Akita Inu has the longest childhood among dogs - it is considered a puppy up to 2.5 years. Only constantly communicating with the animal, you can grow the smartest and most devoted family member.

Purebred pets are very friendly, and in relation to all family members. But only on condition of full reciprocity. It is worth knowing that the Akita can appreciate being treated well. With an independent appearance, this dog is submissive and has no tendency to disobedience and bad deeds.

Akita Inu are wary of strangers, this applies to strangers. They regard other dogs as invaders of personal territory, and may rush into battle. Experienced dog breeders attribute this quality to a sense of dominance inherent in nature.

How to properly care for an Akita Inu

In the photo, the Akita Inu (Hachiko) dog breed.

If the plans include the acquisition of a puppy of this ancient Japanese breed, then you can be sure that the new pet will not cause much trouble. The dog is universal, it feels good both in the apartment and on the street. For street living, the Akita has a warm coat, equipped with a thick undercoat. But, despite this, it is still worth providing the pet with a warm booth.

Akitas living in an apartment require a two-time walk, which should last at least two hours. Walking alone, the dog behaves with restraint and calmness until a relative suitable for games appears in the field of view, and then the pet will show all its playfulness.

If the Akita Inu is not allowed to throw out excess energy, then the dog can become lazy, gain excess weight and even lose obedience.

Special care for the coat is not required, it is enough to comb it a couple of times a week and remove the resulting tangles. During periods of molting, of course, additional combing of used wool will be required to speed up this process.

Akita should not be bathed often, this can lead to the fact that the pet gets sick. Two or three baths during the year will be enough. It is necessary to use only specialized detergents, after the coat requires thorough drying, in this case it is permissible to use a hair dryer.

Akitas have an excellent appetite, so it is necessary to carefully balance the diet, avoiding overeating and subsequent weight gain. It is highly recommended not to feed your pet from your own table. You can choose a quality one. Feeding the Akita also allows mixed meals. Several times a week, you can give the dog fresh cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir, a piece of lean meat, vegetable or meat broth. The pet must be provided with clean and fresh drinking water.

Video about Akita Inu

How much do puppies cost

The popularity of representatives of this breed is not weakening, so the cost of puppies of this breed cannot be called low. And of course, prices depend on the quality of the dog itself. In Moscow, on average, the following prices for Akita Inu can be noted:

  • A puppy without a pedigree or with an existing breeding marriage with a further ban on breeding will cost about 15,000-30,000 rubles.
  • The price of standard class puppies ranges from 32,000 to 70,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a show class puppy can reach 100,000 rubles.

Away from the capital, you can buy an Akita Inu pet at a price 30-40% lower than indicated. What kind of puppy, and for what needs to buy, the owner decides on his own.

Akita Inu Kennels:

The best akita inu kennel around the world: http://dog-akita.com

Nursery in Moscow and the Moscow region: http://www.akita-inu.ru

Nursery in Ukraine: http://www.akita-inu.com.ua

And other primitive types of dogs); section 5 (asian spitz)

Usage: companion dog

Color: red and white, brindle and white and white.

Dimensions: height at the withers: males from 66 to 71, females from 61 to 66; weight: males from 45 to 59, females from 32 to 45

Lifespan: about 11-15 years old

The Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the province of Akita.

This is a very intelligent animal, endowed with real wisdom and strong-willed qualities.

Extreme devotion is proved by the famous story of Hachiko, in honor of which even the film of the same name was shot.

For more touching dog loyalty stories, read this article.

Everyone who knows what breed of Hachiko especially fell in love with the Akita Inu, which has become incredibly popular among dog breeders precisely because of its amazing intelligence, devotion and gentle nature.

This animal, related to, is quite unpretentious, perfectly fulfills the role of a companion dog and simply perfectly combines playfulness and mobility with peace and an amazing mind.

History of the breed

The homeland of the Akita Inu is the island of Honshu. Due to the country of origin, this dog is sometimes also called the full phrase - the Japanese Akita Inu.

In its past, this breed was a hunting breed and specialized in the extraction of large animals such as deer or bears.

After conducting archaeological and genetic research, as well as studying ancient drawings depicting dogs, scientists found that the Akita Inu breed belongs to the 14 most ancient breeds in the world, which also include Russian.

In Japan, at the beginning of the 6th century, clubs of Akita inu lovers were created, the purpose of which was to create instructions for keeping and breeding these animals in order to preserve the country's hunting farms.

Character and psychology

The Akita Inu dog has a developed intellect and a lively strong mind.

Dogs of this breed are characterized by a high level of intelligence and a calm character, as well as dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed.

  • They have a phenomenal memory, they easily remember all the commands and can even independently adjust their behavior to the mood of their owner;
  • The independence and willfulness of this breed, the extreme masterful character gets along well with the high degree of attachment of the Akita Inu to the owners and complete devotion to them;
  • Akita Inu is one of those dogs that does not tolerate indulgence and unnatural attention, this animal should be treated on an equal footing with love and affection, and not represent a stupid puppy in the place of an adult dog.


These dogs do well in a home with children.

They easily take responsibility for the behavior of the kids and superbly monitor it, making sure that the child does not do anything bad and does not get into trouble.

At the same time, Akita Inu is easily given into children's hands, not objecting to constant games. A wonderful nanny and friend for the baby.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, you need to remember that the black mask, familiar to the related breed of the American Akita, is categorically unacceptable for the Akita Inu, just like a hanging tail.

You should not choose a dog from a litter that is too large, and you should not give preference to the largest and fattest puppy in the entire litter.

The ideal choice would be a playful and active puppy from a small litter where all babies are about the same size.

Healthy Akita Inu puppies are moderately well-fed, they are not at all afraid of loud and unexpected sounds and do not show aggression at all - only a lively curiosity.

In addition, puppies of this breed have an amazing temperament, only with age they become reasonable and unflappable.

Features of care


The coat of the Akita Inu does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is enough to comb it out once or twice a week.

Only during heavy shedding, which happens a couple of times a year, is it worth approaching hair care more carefully and doing it every day.

To do this, you must have at least two brushes - for wool and for thick undercoat.

It is worth bathing dogs of this breed once or twice a year, more frequent water procedures can harm the coat.

Once every two weeks, you should cut your dog's claws, once every few days - brush her teeth with a special paste.


Akita Inu is a very characteristic dog, so it should not be "walked", but "walked" with it.

In most cases, she herself decides where to go and often prefers to walk without.

At least once a week, she must be released without him and given the opportunity to run around freely without the participation of the owner.

The dog needs frequent and high-quality physical activity, so at least two hourly walks a day are necessary.

In case of lack of time, one walk can be shortened and make up for the lack of activity on the weekend by being outside for several hours in a row.

The uniformity of games and walks bothers the dog, it is better to alternate both places for walks and equipment for games, constantly choosing something new.

Such a pet is ideal and.


In their historical homeland, the Akita Inu was fed rice, fish and some other seafood, seaweed and plenty of vegetables.

It digests well boiled eggs and meat of wild animals (for example, venison).

Purebred dogs are adapted precisely to such products; for chicken, beef, other meat and excessively fatty dairy dishes, they can manifest themselves very serious allergy .

Also, this breed does not tolerate corn and oatmeal.

Akita Inu can be described with just a couple of words - "innate prowess"


Characteristic diseases

Akita Inu often manifest diseases associated with its nature, characteristics of the body and size:

  • hip dysplasia or even elbow joint;
  • hypothyroidism and the development of skin diseases;
  • birth defects and vision problems;
  • immune blood diseases;
  • a large number of allergic reactions to products;
  • torsion of the stomach.



Akita Inu is one of the most purebred dogs that does not require the influx of "new blood" into the breed and the improvement of some characteristics.

The purity of the breed is especially strictly controlled in Japan as part of breeding, in all other countries all healthy representatives of this breed are simply allowed to mate.

Hachiko - Akita Inu dog breed: an excellent companion and wayward friend

The Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the province of Akita. Extreme devotion is proved by the famous story of Hachiko, in honor of which even the film of the same name was shot.

The audience of the film "Hachiko: the most faithful friend" fell in love with the main character. Therefore, they want to know what breed is the dog that starred in this sad story. The cute dog, who played the main role in the famous movie, belongs to the Japanese Akita Inu breed. In Japan itself, these dogs are treated with care and reverence, believing that they bring good luck and happiness. They are taken in this country under the protection of the state.

This breed of dog appeared a long time ago, but it has gained popularity only recently. So, according to Russian statistics, after the release of the film "Hachiko" in 2009, the number of people wishing to buy dogs of the Akita Inu breed increased by about 20 percent.

The story behind the film "Hachiko"

Hachiko is a real dog that existed in life. She was born on November 10, 1923. As a puppy, she was given to a Japanese professor. Hidesaburo Ueno gave him the name Hashiko, which means eighth in Japanese. This nickname is easy to explain: the professor already had 7 dogs then, and Hashiko became the eighth. When the whole world found out about the existence of Hashiko, they began to pronounce his nickname in a European sound. This is how the name Hachiko came about.

Maybe the world would never have known about Hachiko if the professor had not been educating him and teaching him escort in the morning to the train itself and meet in the afternoon sitting at the train station. Hashiko came to the train station with him every day for 2 years, waited for him to leave for work, and only after that slowly went home. Exactly at 15.00 he again came to the platform to meet the owner.

But in May 1925, disaster struck: Hidesaburo Ueno became ill at work. The heart attack ended in death. On that day, his pet could not wait for the owner. But the professor's favorite for almost 10 years came to the platform at the same time, at 15.00, and waited for the owner. The dog slept on the porch of the house where he grew up and used to live with the professor.

Relatives and even close friends, seeing the suffering of the dog, tried to take Hashiko for themselves, but he still returned to the station and to the porch. Soon all the railway workers and merchants knew Hachiko and admired his devotion. They always recognized him and tried to feed him.

Spring 1935 Hachiko found dead near the train station. All the inhabitants of Japan already knew the history of this dog and everyone admired him. But then another circumstance became clear: after examining the body of the dead Hachiko, the doctors discovered that he had the last stage of cancer, and he died of a heart attack. Since that day, March 8, the day of Hachiko's death, has been declared a day of mourning, and Hachiko of the Akita Inu breed has become a symbol of devotion. Now all dogs of this breed are considered the most devoted.

Hachiko and culture

In 1932, while Hachiko was still alive, an article appeared in the most famous Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo, in which talked about the devotion of the dog. When people read the article “The faithful dog is waiting for the return of the owner who died seven years ago”, then they tried to see this dog later. To do this, they gathered at the station and watched Hachiko, touched to the core by his behavior.

Already in 1934, the dog was present at the opening of the monument, which was solemnly erected in honor of Hachiko for his devotion and love. But since it was built of metal, during the First World War it was dismantled in order to give the metal for victory. But already in the post-war period, in 1948, at the Shibuya station, where the dog died, a monument to the dog Hachiko from the movie was erected. Now this monument serves as an ideal place for meeting lovers, because it is a symbol of eternity and fidelity.

After Hachiko's death the entrails were buried next to the owner, and a stuffed animal was made of leather. Now it can be seen in the Japanese National Museum of Science.

This true story was the basis for the film The Story of Hachiko, which was filmed in Japan in 1987. But in 2009, directors from America created a remake called "Hachiko: the best friend." But the directors added their own vision of this situation to the plot.

Description of the dog breed Akita - Inu

It is known that the protagonist of the film "Hachiko: The Best Friend" is a dog of the Akita Inu breed. Let's try to talk about it.

Japanese Akita Inu appeared on the island of Honshu, and was named after the name of the Akita province. According to legend, the ancestors of these dogs were Spitz breeds, crossed with mastiffs. In ancient times, the Akita Inu was a good hunting dog, without which a person could not go hunting. It was the dogs of the Akita breed that easily defeated any beast: a bear, a deer, and a wild boar.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Akita breed fell under destruction, because only German Shepherds were needed for the army. To save the Akita, many owners tried during this period to cross their dogs with a German Shepherd. This is how the modern look of the Akita breed turned out.

To date, there is a slightly different type of dog breed Akita, which is officially approved. She was nicknamed the big Japanese dog or the American Akita - Inu. It was bred after the Japanese gave an Akita to Helen Adams Keller, who lives in America.

What does a Japanese Akita Inu dog look like? Appearance features are as follows:

  1. Coat color can be any, but only natural.
  2. The coat itself is long, beautiful and silky.
  3. The height of an adult dog reaches 57–71, but the bitch will be slightly smaller.

By nature, these dogs are brave, of course, loyal, intelligent and active. They are easy to train, they love children, they will never be able to offend the owner. If the family where they grow up still has pets, then they will be treated with respect. It is believed that dogs of the Akita breed are excellent helpers for Inu, good companions in any business, smart guards and loving and caring nannies.

Most of the dogs of this breed used in the following areas:

  1. Police.
  2. Rescue Service.
  3. Guide for the blind.

A few rules for caring for an Akita Inu dog

Knowing what breed the beloved movie hero Hachiko is, you also need to know how to properly care for such dogs. It is worth noting that the Akita Inu does not require any special care. You just need to do the following:

The Akita Inu breed has always been valued in Japan, but after the release of the film "Hachiko: The Best Friend" she famous all over the world. Puppies became in demand, and many dogs of this breed received the name of their favorite hero - Hachiko.

Akita inu dog

Akita Inu - the famous Hachiko! Akita Inu are very intelligent, friendly and never bark for no reason. You will not find a more calm, devoted and quiet dog. Almost all dog owners of this breed say that she helps fight stress by making the person who interacts with her relax. Probably, this is due to the fact that the breed was bred in Japan, a country of harmony, wisdom and peace.

Japanese Akita Inu breed

Breed characteristics

For the lack of a characteristic canine smell, cleanliness, many compare dogs of the Akita Inu breed with. Akita Inu are very patient and loyal, not vindictive, they love to tinker with children. No doubt, many have seen the film "Hachiko's most faithful friend." Hachiko was of this breed.

Shot from the film Hachiko


  • Height - up to 70 cm at the withers ("girls" a little lower);
  • Weight - up to 45 kg;
  • Wool - very thick, warm, medium length;
  • Color - mostly white and red, but rarely fawn, and closer to black;
  • The muscles are very developed, regular physical activity is required;
  • Life expectancy - up to 12 years.

Since these dogs have hunting instincts, they should be tamed to communicate with other animals and people from puppyhood. If representatives of this breed are not tamed to communicate with other animals, especially of the same breed and gender, they may show aggression towards them in the future. These dogs make good watchdogs.

If you do not expose the dog to physical activity, it begins to get sick, becomes more aggressive, destructive, as it needs physical activity.

Despite their devotion and loyalty, Akita Inu have a strong character and willpower, so training such dogs is quite problematic. This breed is best suited for experienced dog breeders, as a simple person can not cope with her temper and spoil the animal, causing harm to himself and the dog.

Akita inu puppies

You can buy a puppy of this beautiful breed only in a specialized nursery, or from breeders, since only in this case you are guaranteed to get not only a beautiful, but also a healthy friend. The price starts from 30,000 rubles, but in the case it can be up to 50,000 rubles.


From the moment the dog appears in the house, you should tell her who the owner is. This dog has willpower, the owner must comply with it, otherwise the dog will control the man, and not the man the dog.

Dog knows who's boss

It should be understood that teaching a dog to obey a person does not mean punishing or offending it. This should not interfere with your communication with her.

Do not forget that the description given above refers to the breed as a whole, but each dog is individual! For each representative of the Akita Inu breed, you need to look for your own approach!

Hair care

The coat of the Akita Inu is soft. You need to brush it about once a week.

Akita Inu is not afraid of frost

Dogs of this breed shed very heavily, though only for 1-2 weeks twice a year. Wool should not be sheared. During periods of molting, it is recommended to take care of the dog's coat daily. If the dog lives in a cool climate or at home, sheds less.

If there is not enough information about the breed, and about dogs in general, then you can visit a good site about dogs, which has a lot of useful information about each breed.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Video report about the Akita Inu breed



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