Carnation: harm and benefit, description with photo, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for use. Clove: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms

Clove refers to spices that give attractiveness and appetizing to many dishes. In addition, these dried unopened buds cope with some ailments and are used in cosmetology. However, they are not harvested from ordinary ornamental flowers, but from evergreen trees that grow in Portugal, Indonesia and some African countries.

Cloves (spice) are dried unopened buds of a tropical clove tree from the genus Syzygium of the myrtle family.

They have a bitter, pungent taste, a deep aroma, and a brownish-brown color. Cloves - medicinal properties and contraindications are discussed in detail below.

What substances do cloves contain?

spice cloves
  • almost all B vitamins;
  • vitamins E, A, K;
  • water;
  • folic acid;
  • minerals (iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc);
  • ash, dietary fiber;
  • tannins, glycosides.

A huge proportion (20%) are essential oils with aromatic compounds, such as caryophyllene, ylangen, eugenol. The proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively, are 6%, 20%, 27%. The glycemic index of cloves is 5 units, and the calorie content is 323 kcal per 100 g. Although at first glance the product seems to be quite high in calories, however, due to its meager use, calories are absolutely insignificant for the body.

What is the glycemic index of daikon radish and how is it useful for diabetics? right now!

What is useful cloves

Useful and medicinal properties of cloves contribute to the widespread use of this spice in various fields. It is useful for the body, as it has an antiseptic, antiviral, diuretic, antispasmodic, disinfectant, wound healing and tonic effect. Due to this spice treat a wide variety of diseases, including colds. So, the benefits of cloves for the body are as follows:

  • improves digestion due to the activation of the work of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food, fights flatulence;
  • helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, relieving pain in the joints;
  • prevents diarrhea by providing an antibacterial effect;
  • helps to cope with insomnia and stress;
  • strengthens bones;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • improves the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, eliminates acne;
  • protects against mutagenic changes;
  • treats diseases of the oral cavity, strengthens teeth, eliminates inflammation in the gums, whitens teeth and eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • prevents oncological diseases;
  • reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, therefore it is recommended for diabetes;
  • has expectorant properties, thereby helping with coughing;
  • promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss;
  • prevents heart attack, stroke by reducing the load on the heart;
  • prevents the appearance of arrhythmia, brain aging;
  • enhances mental abilities and improves memory.

Cloves for weight loss are also very useful. This is due to the removal of harmful substances and the improvement of metabolism. Since a person’s blood sugar decreases, there is no sudden desire to eat. Normalization of the nervous system helps during the diet not to break.
Clove flowers and buds

Benefits for men and women

Clove spice has medicinal properties that are indispensable for women's health. First of all, it is relaxation and toning of the uterus. Royal cloves are used in medicine for infertility. There are legal drugs that contain spice to solve this problem. In addition, a tincture of dried buds helps with spasms, and pastries with spices uplift the mood.

Cloves during pregnancy are used only as a spice, it is undesirable to use oil from it. It is a source of useful vitamins and minerals that a future mother needs. After childbirth, the wound-healing effect of spices in case of breaks is useful. To get the desired effect, you can drink a decoction or chew a few buds.

What helps cloves for men? The healing properties of the buds have a beneficial effect in reducing libido and potency. For men, this is an affordable and effective remedy, which, when used, increases the production of testosterone, and, consequently, improves erectile function. As a result, there is an increase in sperm motility, and sexual intercourse becomes longer.

What harm is possible

The benefits and harms of cloves depend on the presence of contraindications and the amount of use of the product. This spice increases acidity, so it can cause heartburn. This feature prohibits including it in the diet for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially with gastritis. It also increases blood pressure, which is why it is contraindicated in hypertension. Carnation from low blood pressure, on the contrary, is an effective remedy.

Under the ban, the use of spices for children under two years of age. Pregnant women should include it in the diet carefully and in minimal quantities, since there is a risk of premature birth due to increased uterine tone. During lactation, cloves are also not recommended, as they can harm the baby.

Cloves in cooking

Fragrant and rich spice is used in cooking. It is added in the manufacture of homemade ketchup and other sauces, in the preservation of vegetables, in particular, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as mushrooms. The spice perfectly enhances concentration. For example, for the winter you can prepare a salad of tomatoes. The steps required for this are simple even for beginners.

In a three-liter jar, lay onion half rings and tomato slices in layers.

Put 4 cloves and 4 bay leaves, peppercorns on top.

Pour in the marinade. To prepare it, boil a liter of water with 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 4 teaspoons of salt.

Sterilize the filled marinade for 10 minutes, add 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence and 6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Roll up the jars with lids.

Confectioners use the spice for sweet pastries. A good combination with cloves in sweet pastries is a mix with and. They also flavor mousses, compotes, puddings, punches. The spice is used for cooking meat, as well as sauces for meat. Three buds will make a healthy and fragrant tea drink. You only need to insist them in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. The main thing is not to boil the cloves, otherwise it will not only lose its usefulness, but also become bitter.

Is chewing cloves good for healing?

The beneficial properties of cloves contribute to the treatment of many diseases. It is interesting that this healing spice is used not only in the form of infusions and decoctions, often traditional medicine advises chewing the buds themselves directly. Is it useful to chew cloves, why is this remedy used, what are effective recipes and how often should they be used?

For the medicinal properties of cloves and the method for checking the quality of buds, see the following video:

The spice has an antiseptic effect. It is worth chewing if you want to quit smoking, to excite erogenous zones, to increase brain activity, eliminate pain after training, and much more. Read more about why chew cloves, see below.

Cloves for sore throats and colds

Clove with sore throat effectively fights bacteria and viruses due to antimicrobial action. There are several methods of use. Cloves from a sore throat are used in their natural dried form, in the form of a decoction, infusion. The easiest home remedy for a sore throat is to chew on a clove. First, it should be absorbed, then chewed and swallowed. You should chew a clove every day until the unpleasant symptom is eliminated.

Clove for the treatment of throat is used as an infusion. For preparation, you will need 250 ml of water and, depending on the size, from 10 to 20 buds. They need to be poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours. Cloves for gargling in this case are applied three times a day. To prepare a decoction, you will need 30 inflorescences, and the infusion period lasts at least 12 hours. This method of preparing a clove potion for a sore throat is even more effective.

Clove cough is used in the form of a decoction, which is obtained from 150 ml and 2 spice buds. They need to boil for 10 minutes. Next, the prepared broth should cool to a warm state, after which it should be drunk in small sips. Another option is to prepare the remedy from water, honey and spice buds. All you need to mix and refrigerate overnight. Warm up in the morning and drink every 7 hours for 1 tsp.

For toothache

The spice is an effective pain reliever, so it is used at times when a toothache is felt. I want to get rid of this unpleasant feeling, which does not allow me to sleep or work, as soon as possible. However, in some cases, painkillers are contraindicated, then cloves come to the rescue. The spice must be crushed with a hammer or mortar and applied to the location of the pain. There will be a feeling of numbness. In addition, you can place a whole bud near the problem area and hold until the pain disappears.

Carnation in cosmetology

The properties and use of cloves for hair can improve their condition, provide shine and accelerate growth. Basically, not buds are used, but essential oil from seeds. In this case, you should be careful, because the oil in its pure form can burn the skin, so it must be diluted.

There are masks for dry hair, dandruff, to add shine. In the fight against dandruff, you will need a glass of kefir, 5 tsp. sea ​​salt, 5 drops of oil. The mixture is applied exclusively to the roots and scalp. After application, you need to wrap the hair with a film and leave for 2-3 hours. Washing off such a mask is quite difficult, so you will need a large amount of shampoo.

Clove essential oil is also used for the face. Masks with this healing agent will help to cope with acne, acne, wrinkles, oily or dry skin. For example, to fight acne, you will need three drops of oil, 5 g of cosmetic gray clay, 10 ml of pomegranate juice. Apply the mixture on the steamed face. Wash off the mask with water and soap after complete drying.

You may be interested to know how almond oil is used in cosmetology? Read the details

For the health benefits of cloves, watch the video:

Summing up

Clove helps in the fight against many diseases. However, to preserve maximum utility, it is necessary to choose and store it correctly. It is recommended to buy the spice whole. In crushed form, it spoils faster. The spice should have a red-brown hue and be oily, not overdried, and flexible. Store it in an airtight container in a dark, cool place. Crushed cloves should be placed in the refrigerator.

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The buds of the evergreen shrub have long been used as a fragrant condiment. We are talking about cloves, which are native to the Moluccas. An exotic tree with leathery leaves not only endows cooks with an extraordinary spicy ingredient, but is also popular in medicine. From this article you will learn about the dangers and benefits of cloves, the various ways to use it.

The benefits of cloves

Most housewives keep tropical plant buds in the kitchen just as a condiment. And sometimes they don’t even know what are the benefits and harms of spices (cloves) for health. To use spices for various diseases, you only need to properly prepare a decoction, drink, or just chew it.

Spice Benefits:

  • an effective remedy for colds;
  • it is an excellent antiseptic;
  • destroys dangerous bacteria;
  • reduces pain and spasms;
  • promotes the healing of small wounds on the skin;
  • regulates the digestive tract and fights decreased appetite;
  • relieves toothache and bad breath;
  • strengthens bone tissue and blood vessels;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • well calms the nervous system;
  • good tonic;
  • helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • has a diaphoretic property;
  • can replace the action of aspirin (the latter, when used, irritates the stomach and may not be suitable for everyone);
  • fights the inflammatory process in the body;
  • helps to quit smoking;
  • reduces cravings for alcohol;
  • activates erogenous zones;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • treats infertility;
  • increases the efficiency of the brain;
  • relieves hiccups;
  • treats inflammation of the eyes;
  • helps reduce pain during contractions;
  • deal with pressure fluctuations.

Is there any other harm and benefit of cloves? For example, when cooking, it serves as an indispensable seasoning, and is also able to soften and improve the taste of coffee that is too strong. And when used in salads, the spice absorbs all excess moisture.


Let's take a closer look at the dangers and benefits of cloves for health. We have already talked about the culinary properties of these buds. But you should not rush to look for recipes using this spice or start chewing it. It is worth understanding how harmful it is, and why.

When should you carefully consume cloves and drinks from it:

  1. Buds are recommended to be used with caution in case of increased acidity of the stomach, and it is better to completely abandon them.
  2. They can harm a pregnant woman, as they tone the body and can provoke premature birth.
  3. It is also not recommended when breastfeeding a baby, cloves change the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  4. Do not give to children under three years of age.
  5. Use with caution at high blood pressure.
  6. Do not give to people with a mental disorder.
  7. With severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Clove oil can cause burns if used incorrectly.
  9. It is not recommended to use during menstruation, as cloves thin the blood and can increase bleeding.

Before using the plant for medicinal purposes (and even for culinary purposes), it is imperative to learn and compare the indicators of harm and health benefits of cloves. And making sure that there are no contraindications, you can safely begin treatment. For greater safety, you can consult a therapist. It is possible that he will tell in more detail about the benefits and harms of cloves for the body.

How spice affects the fair sex

Carnation is of particular value for the female body. Why is that? What are the benefits and harms of cloves for a woman's body? More on this later. To use it, you will only need to decide for what purpose it will be used.

The most indispensable action of cloves, of all available, is to reduce pain during contractions. During this period, a woman experiences sensations that simply cannot be compared with anything. Clove simultaneously activates uterine contractions and relieves pain. For a better effect, you can drink tea with spices or add oil from it to the drink. This remedy is good to take to calm the nerve cells.

Cloves help fight infertility in women. It strengthens the walls of the vagina. Due to the content of saponins, adhesions in the tubes that prevent fertilization are removed. Fights cancer cells in the organs of fertilization. It was recorded that after treatment with cloves, conception occurred in 2-3 months. Taking baths with infusion of cloves helps the body recover faster after childbirth.

Remedies with cloves for the treatment of reproductive organs

The main recipes for the treatment of the reproductive organs of a woman:

  • Basic classic recipe. To prepare one serving you will need: 4-5 dried buds of royal cloves. Pour them with a glass of boiling water, after 30-45 minutes strain the infusion. Use 10-20 ml at a time. Every day you need to use a fresh infusion, the old one loses its strength.
  • You can use an infusion of herbs (uterine carnation, boron uterus, red brush). Take in equal amounts. The method of preparation and use are similar to the classic recipe. For steaming, no more than 10-15 g of the mixture is used.
  • If you need to normalize the menstrual cycle, then lime blossom and elecampane with Chernobyl should be added to the basic recipe. The same proportions are taken. The method of preparation and use is similar.
  • In inflammatory processes, plantain seeds should be added to this spice. This will prevent the development of pregnancy outside the uterus, cure infection, if any. Used for douching. To prepare the infusion, you can take the basic recipe as a basis (the number of psyllium seeds and cloves in equal proportions).

Before treatment, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist and therapist in order to avoid complications. They will evaluate the benefits and harms of cloves for the woman who came to see them. After all, every body is different. It is possible that it is precisely for your indicators that you are prohibited from using this spice.

Pregnancy and cloves

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can drink tea using cloves. Of course, before that, you need to weigh all the pros and cons (the benefits and harms of spices, that is, cloves for health, are assessed).

With serious colds, antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant women, but cloves will not cause so much harm to the body. In addition, it contains many useful substances that are necessary for the fetus and mother. But we must remember that clove oil in this case is contraindicated, since it greatly tones the uterus. Only weak infusions, teas and the use of spices for cooking are allowed (but also in moderation).

Cloves for restoring the beauty of hair

Cloves are also used to restore the beauty of hair and improve their health. It gives them volume, nourishes the roots and scalp. The plant strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, protects curls during styling. For procedures, clove oil is usually used.

Four types of oils can be prepared at home:

  • To improve the condition of dry hair. To prepare the mask, you will need seed oils of the following plants: jojoba, sesame, grape seeds, pumpkin, cloves. For a single use (added to shampoo), one drop of the mixture is enough.
  • If the hair is prone to oiliness, clove oil and herbal infusion should be added to the shampoo. For a single use, three drops of each product are enough. Well nourishes the scalp, normalizes the secretion of fat.
  • For hair after chemical waving and bleaching. Clove remedy is mixed with one of the following oils: peach, almond, grape. A single dose is 5 drops of the mixture. Use no more than twice a week for up to six months.
  • For the purpose of prophylaxis, you can use the following recipe. Ingredients: clove oil, burdock and raw chicken yolk. Burdock oil should be 20 times more than from spices. The mask will help get rid of split ends, protect hair during styling.

In terms of effectiveness, this method is superior to branded products. If we talk about the benefits and harms of clove spice, then we can say with confidence that the positive effects of its impact prevail. Hair such means will not spoil.

Slimming and cloves

Girls always watch their figure. A carnation will come to their aid here too. Oils or scrubs made from it perfectly relieve the skin of irregularities and cellulite. Enough 10 procedures. When using it for food, metabolism is normalized, and extra pounds go away.

  • The recipe for a drink for weight loss. The topic of the benefits and harms of cloves in tea is still a matter of debate. Therefore, before drinking a drink, you need to know its negative aspects (for example, you can’t drink it during menstruation, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure). The action of tea is aimed only at problem areas. To do this, prepare the following mixture: ½ tsp. chopped cloves and ginger, 1 tsp green tea leaves. All this pour 270 ml of boiling water and leave for up to 45 minutes. Used as a brew for making tea. It is advisable to drink without sugar, you can add flower honey or lemon to soften the taste.
  • You can prepare an oil to improve the condition of the skin. For the base, use any product. You need to add 17 g of ground cloves to the oil and insist for at least a day. Apply the finished product to problem areas.

It does not make sense to talk a lot about the benefits and harms of cloves (spice) for health when it comes to its use for cosmetic purposes. There certainly will not be any negative consequences from it. Based on the basic (basic) recipes described above and using them correctly, you can only benefit from the buds. You can also add other ingredients, but taking into account their combination with other ingredients.

The harm and benefits of cloves for men

If a man's daily menu includes dishes containing cloves, then there will be no problems with potency even in old age. You can also just chew the buds of the plant. This further activates the immune system. Colds will pass by, and a smile will win the hearts of girls. Thus, you can save on expensive funds.

Most men are ardent fans of coffee. Therefore, if a young man wants, he can add buds to it.

clove coffee

Recipe (for two): 18-20 g ground coffee, clove seeds (2 pcs.), Sugar (7 g), water (120-150 g). How to cook: pour sugar into a cezve and let it melt slightly over the fire, pour in coffee and add water, let the foam rise up to three times. Remove from heat and add cloves, after one minute put an ice cube (so the sediment will be at the bottom). Pour only into warm cups. Cloves are added at the very end so that it retains its valuable properties and aroma. High temperatures are detrimental to her.

Before you start drinking a drink, you should understand what are the benefits and harms of coffee with cloves. It is able to normalize muscle tone, blood supply, improve sexual abilities, sperm motility. But if a man does not like coffee, then you can take a bath with cloves. For this, five drops of oil are enough for one procedure. You need to lie down for at least 15 minutes. And before going to bed, take the following drink: for one glass of milk (just boiled), use up to 7 g of cloves. Infuse in a thermos for no more than two hours. You can drink the drink in the morning. Before use, you must definitely find out what the harm and benefits of cloves with milk are. If there is intolerance to one of the components, the drink is canceled.

The benefits and harms of seasoning (cloves) for children. Recipe for worms

A child's body is very different from an adult, so the use of cloves is not very welcome here. Although it can be used to rid the child of worms (this is less dangerous than drugs sold in pharmacies). To prepare the drink, you need to grind in a coffee grinder 1 part of flax seeds and 10 parts of clove buds. You can insist in a glass of milk or water. The mixture is taken at the rate of 2 g per 5 kg of the baby's weight. Clove oil can only be used externally, diluted well to avoid burns. It helps to repel insects (for example, during an evening walk or in nature).

Dried cloves for various diseases

Consider the benefits and harms of dried cloves, as well as how it is used for various diseases.

Options for using aromatic spices for various ailments:

Other uses for cloves

How else can you use this spice? Let's look at the options:

  1. Protects from mosquitoes. If you need to protect yourself from these insects on the street, then you can use oil or a decoction of seeds. To eliminate mosquitoes at home, it is enough to insert clove seeds into the orange peel, spreading the "device" around the rooms. It is believed that mosquitoes "go blind" from the aroma and cannot find where the "victim" is.
  2. Clove infusion lotion for clean skin. Use when washing instead of a cosmetic product. Put 3-5 cloves in a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid for about one hour. It can also be used internally. It relieves stomach pain and flatulence. You can drink no more than ½ tsp at a time. (up to three times a day).
  3. Relieves an asthma attack. Take 5-6 pieces of cloves per 0.03 l of water, boil a little and add honey. Consume up to three times per day.
  4. To get rid of nausea, you need to mix 1 g of ground cloves with 12 g of honey. Wait until the slurry itself dissolves in the mouth.
  5. To relieve pain symptoms with the help of compresses, you can use an alcohol infusion: 20 pieces of cloves per 200 ml of vodka. Infuse for at least a week in a dark place. Keep no more than 50 minutes. After the compress, it is advisable to wrap the sore spot so that it stays warm.
  6. To get rid of a headache, insist 80 g of cloves in 1 liter of wine for up to 1.5 months. Periodically it is advisable to check and shake the bottle. Drink a shot (50 g) before bed. It also normalizes the process of falling asleep.

Knowing the benefits and harms of cloves (seasoning), contraindications and positive effects from its use, many diseases can be cured. Almost all basic recipes have been listed. If in doubt, it is best to consult a specialist.

How to store?

For seeds to be useful, they must be stored properly. To do this, there must be a container that can be tightly closed. Make sure that the sun's rays do not fall. If stored improperly, it will lose its aroma and useful properties. Such seeds will not be cured.

How to check the quality of cloves?

You can check the quality of the buds in a simple way: you need to throw a handful into the water. If they drown or float vertically (inflorescence up), then everything is fine. When they are arranged horizontally, then such buds are no longer suitable, they can be thrown away. They do not contain essential oils and benefits.

Now you know what are the benefits and harms of dry cloves. We also considered the options for using this spice. We hope that this information will be helpful.

Useful properties and contraindications of cloves are described in traditional medicine treatises in Asia and the Middle East. In many modern European countries, the plant is considered pharmacopoeial, i.e. officially recognized as medicinal. Clove is a source of valuable essential oil, which has analgesic, antimicrobial and many other medicinal properties.

Clove seasoning is the unopened buds of the clove tree, dried in the sun. They are harvested twice a year, dried to a certain condition. A quality spice should be oily, leave a mark on paper, and sink in water.

The main healing power of cloves lies in the essential oil.

It consists of 70-95% of the volatile substance eugenol. A smaller proportion falls on caryophyllene, furfural, methyl benzoate. The seasoning contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, nicotinic and ascorbic acids. The ash contains minerals: calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.

Essential oils protect plants from harmful bacteria, fungal rot. Fumigating the room helps to get rid of unwanted insects. Products from volatile compounds find applications in medicine.

Cloves are used as:

  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • stimulating the nervous system;
  • pressure booster;
  • stimulating appetite;
  • normalizing digestion;
  • reinforcing uterine contractions during contractions;
  • antitumor;
  • anthelmintic.

Cloves are taken orally. Teas insist on seasoning. Oil drops are added to drinks. For external use, infusions and extracts are dissolved in bath water. Compresses are made from decoctions. Clove essential oil is used for massages and rubbing.

When applied to the skin, seasoning agents irritate external receptors. As a result of local action, blood circulation and lymph movement increase. The severity of inflammation decreases, pain is suppressed. Clove rubbing is effective for arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism.

The antiseptic effect of products based on clove oil is used in the treatment of skin diseases and erosive lesions of the mucous membranes. Eugenol prevents the spread of infection to healthy areas, kills pathogenic bacteria, promotes the healing of small wounds. It treats rashes of a different nature: herpes, furunculosis, acne.

With bad breath, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, irrigation is carried out. During colds, cloves rinse the throat, wash the nose.

The spice is used in aromatherapy as a tonic. It improves brain function, increases blood pressure, increases efficiency. Acts as an aphrodisiac - stimulates sexual desire.

Drops and infusions heal wounds of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Normalize appetite and work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Means from cloves tone the uterine muscles, straighten the menstrual cycle. Strengthen attempts and promote delivery.

Recently, it turned out that the seasoning has antitumor properties and is able to restrain the development of cancer.

Application of cloves:

Clove spice for headaches

Clove is both tonic and relaxing. It strengthens the vessels of the brain, stimulates the heart, increases blood pressure. Clove oil is effective for headaches associated with impaired cerebral circulation or a drop in blood pressure.

It is necessary to grind 5 g of seasoning. Mix the powder with a few drops of camphor alcohol. Stir to a paste-like state and apply the gruel to the whiskey. Inhalation of essential oil vapors also helps with pain.

Use in dentistry

Clove oil is a strong antiseptic and analgesic. Due to these properties, it has found applications in therapeutic dentistry and prosthetics. The agent is added to hardening materials for the manufacture of temporary fillings, partitions, impressions and other orthodontic structures.

Clove oil promotes the rapid healing of damaged tissues, prevents the development of infections, has a local sedative effect and relieves toothache. At home, to suppress discomfort, you need to lubricate the gum with a cotton swab dipped in diluted clove oil. The seasoning essence is diluted with any cosmetic or edible vegetable fat in a ratio of 1: 3, where a smaller proportion is cloves.

Clove-spice in gynecology

Cloves are good for women's health. The spice improves uterine contractility. Helps regulate the menstrual cycle. Reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms during painful periods, premenstrual syndrome, menopause.

It is used in gynecological diseases as a hemostatic agent. Enhances labor activity.

To increase the tone of the uterus, an herbal infusion is prepared. A spoonful of seasoning is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. The prepared drink is consumed before meals three times a day for a tablespoon. The duration of treatment depends on the state of health of the woman.

In cosmetology

Diluted essential oil is used for face and neck skin care. 3-5 drops are dissolved in 10 ml of any cosmetic product. You can dilute cloves in other oils intended for external use: peach, sesame, jojoba, etc.

The prepared product is applied with massage movements to aging skin. After light strokes, it is washed off with warm water.

For the treatment of acne, redness and other skin defects, the problem area is smeared with undiluted clove oil. It has an antiseptic and drying effect. During the procedure, try not to hurt healthy skin.

In combination with burdock oil, the aromatic essence of clove enhances the nutrition of the hair roots. It can be used as a firming and healing agent.

The mask is prepared on the basis of burdock oil. A few drops of clove ether are added to it. The tool is rubbed into the roots. The scalp is warmed with a towel for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair is washed with regular shampoo. Actions must be repeated regularly 1-2 times a week for a month.

In cooking

Cloves are a popular spice with a spicy, sweet flavor that pairs well with most dishes. Mainly used in marinades. It is used in the preparation of meat, poultry, fish, minced meat, broths, soups and confectionery.

The bitterness of the clove is hidden in the stem, and the sweetness is in the cap. For the manufacture of confectionery, it is recommended to use the top part of the spice in combination with cinnamon.

The longer a clove is cooked at high temperatures, the more bitterness it imparts to the dish.

Therefore, to obtain a subtle aroma, it must be laid as close as possible to the time of preparation.

The infusion is prepared in boiling water. A small portion of cloves (half a teaspoon of buds) is poured into a glass. The mixture is infused for an hour.

The infusion is taken orally half a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Duration of admission is determined by the doctor. You can gargle with a strained solution, rinse your nose up to three times a day. With the same regularity, lotions are applied to the skin during the treatment of a rash.

Alcohol tincture clove buds are used to prepare compresses in the fight against rheumatism, neuralgia, joint pain. 25 buds with a glass of vodka are infused for a week in a dark place.

The resulting product is used as an anesthetic. They lubricate disturbing places. The skin is insulated with insulating material. Withstand the compress for 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Clove tea and its health benefits

Clove tea has general strengthening properties. It is good for hypotension patients. Helps maintain blood pressure in the normal range.

Stimulates mental abilities. Improves the perception of information by the brain.

Tea is used as an invigorating remedy for chronic emotional fatigue and decreased performance. 1-2 spice buds are added to a glass of hot drink. After 2-3 minutes, it is pulled out.

The bitterness of spices is removed with honey and lemon. Tea can be consumed a cup a day as a tonic for the prevention of SARS.

How to prepare and use clove essential oil?

Clove oil is obtained by chemical extraction or water distillation. It is pulled from different parts of the plant: shoots, leaves, buds and buds.

At home, you can prepare a medicine from ordinary seasoning and any cosmetic oil, such as sesame oil. 5 spice buds are placed on a tablespoon of the liquid base. The oil is heated in a water bath for an hour. Let it cool completely. The cloves are not removed.

Cold compresses are prepared with oil. Dissolve a few drops of the product in a glass of water. The tissue is moistened and applied to the projection of the diseased organ. Hold up to 20 minutes.

Mixed with cosmetic oil in the proportion of 3 drops per tablespoon of base. With the use of the product, a massage is done to relieve pain in arthritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. Rub the chest with bronchitis. Rub the skin with frostbite.

For bathing, add 6-7 drops of a concentrated product. Water procedures increase muscle tone, help to gain good spirits and consciousness.

Contraindications for oral use

The spice is a strong stimulant, so it is best not to give it to children under 2 years of age. Women in position until the very end of their pregnancy should refrain from any means prepared on the basis of cloves. Seasoning has abortive properties and can provoke undesirable consequences.

It is contraindicated for hypertensive patients to use infusions and drinks with the use of cloves, as it raises blood pressure. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication for people with high susceptibility.

The medicinal properties of cloves have been scientifically proven. The seasoning is included in the list of medicinal plants in many countries of Europe and Asia. The fragrant spice is actively used in folk medicine and helps to heal the body both from the outside and from the inside.

The first descriptions of the plant go back to ancient treatises two hundred years ago. In nature, there are about 300 different species of this plant. The birthplace of the carnation is North Africa, where its flowers adorn the slopes of the mountains, meadows and forests. The vegetative period is two years. Flowers appear on stems in the second year and form a panicle inflorescence of red, pink, or white palettes.

Formed but not yet opened buds are used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Clove oil is produced using the method of dry pomace and distillation of the plant's buds. At the same time, it has high levels of eugenol, which gives the liquid the anesthetic and stimulating effects for which it is so valued.

Composition of cloves

100 gr. cloves contain:

Cloves - 14 Health Benefits

  1. The ability of cloves to improve the digestion process

    The plant has the ability to activate the secretion of enzymes of the digestive process, which explains its use in manifestations of excessive accumulation of gases and bloating - flatulence, toxicosis and increased concentration of acid in the stomach. During pregnancy, the plant in the form of an infusion will help with the symptoms of morning toxicosis. To prepare the infusion, you should take 10-12 dry clove seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and take it before bedtime and in the morning. The use of infusion, improving the muscle contractions of the stomach, not only activates the digestion process, but also has a beneficial effect on its mucous membrane.

  2. Antibacterial properties of cloves

    The ability of cloves to have an antibacterial effect in the Middle Ages was used during cholera epidemics. Hands were washed with an infusion of flowers, and dry inflorescences were hung in living quarters. The chemical components of the plant extract make it a fairly powerful antibacterial agent. They give it the ability to resist many pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Increase the number of white blood cells that produce antibodies aimed at absorbing dead cells. Ancient treatises of Ayurveda noted among the appointments of cloves its properties to strengthen the protective functions of the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

  3. Help cloves in stressful conditions

    Carnation, having a pleasant unobtrusive smell, is able to reduce the excitation of the nervous system, thereby preventing stressful conditions. Tea with the addition of cloves and basil will improve the psychological state, and the essential oils of the plant, relaxing muscle tension, will bring "notes" of harmony and peace to your everyday well-being.

  4. Help with the pain of arthritis

    It is possible to anesthetize inflammatory processes caused by metabolic and degenerative changes in the area of ​​​​the joints using applications with the main ingredient, which is the essential oil of cloves. Napkins soaked in plant oil are applied to the area of ​​inflamed joints, insulated and left until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. Eugenol, which is part of the plant oil, will have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  5. The ability of cloves to strengthen bones

    A water-alcohol solution of cloves, as an additional remedy, is often prescribed to people with fractures and bone injuries, and this is justified. The presence of phenolic compounds and its derivatives give the plant qualities aimed at the protection and strength of bone tissue. The ability to fill it with useful mineral compounds, which gives positive dynamics in its therapeutic use.

  6. Antimutagenic properties of cloves

    Studies of the positive qualities of the plant have shown that the substance phenylpropanoids present in its composition is able to withstand mutagenic changes at the cellular level and does not allow changing the DNA genetic code in experimental rats.

  7. Treatment of oral diseases

    In somatology, the extract of the plant is used in the treatment of gingivitis, an inflammatory process of the gums, which manifests itself in a violation of the integral connection of the tooth and gums, which, when progressing, can turn into periodontitis. Essential infusions of cloves are used in the form of rinses and applications. They eliminate anti-inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, reduce mucosal edema, actively preventing the growth of bacteria, while providing an analgesic effect. In addition, clove neutralizes bad breath well, its aromatic qualities are used in the production of many pastes, powders and help maintain oral hygiene.

    Few people know, but cloves will help give your teeth a snow-white look. Powder prepared from the raw materials of the plant with the addition of 3 grams of gentian yellow can give a snow-white smile in three weeks.

  8. Antioxidant properties of the plant

    Essential extracts of cloves have proven their ability to exert anticarcinogenic effects. Laboratory close in this direction gave positive results and determined the ability of cloves to protect organs from the effects of free radicals and resist malignant neoplasms in the early stages of lung cancer.

  9. The ability of cloves to lower cholesterol levels

    Research published by the American Heart Association noted the natural ability of the plant to stimulate enzymatic activity in the body, which allows you to direct the properties of the plant to reduce triglycerides and lower blood cholesterol. Daily consumption of 10-12 grams of plant powder in the form of seasoning is able to control the formation of cholesterol plaques.

  10. Help of cloves in diabetes

    People suffering from diabetes should not only lead a healthy lifestyle, but also control their diet. Some of the spices used in the diet can help with this disease and cloves are one of them. The properties of cloves, due to the presence of eugenol in it, maintain a normal level of sugar readings, which is not unimportant for diabetics. Traditional medicine recommends using a brewed infusion of the plant three times a day, prepared from 20 buds per 250 ml of water. The course of treatment is six months.

  11. Cloves for respiratory diseases

    The plant occupies a leading position as an anti-inflammatory agent and is able to act as an expectorant for seasonal respiratory diseases. In Ayurveda, cloves are classified as a mild spice that can create a warming and relaxing effect.

  12. The tonic qualities of the plant

    Nature endowed almost all spices with aphrodisiac properties. Carnation is no exception to this list. The essential vapors of the plant used in aroma lamps help to restore the surge of vital energy, strengthen male strength, sexual desire and stabilize sexual dysfunction in both women and men.

  13. Cloves - insect repellent

    Along with medicinal properties, essential oils of cloves can serve us in order to repel insects and give freshness to indoor air. 6-7 drops of oil should be added to one liter of water and an environmentally friendly product is ready. Not only flies and mosquitoes are afraid of him, but also annoying kitchen ants.

  14. The use of cloves for cosmetic purposes

    Among cosmetologists, oil is considered an unsurpassed remedy for oily skin care, as it is able to relieve inflammation and irritation of the upper layer of the epidermis with its antiseptic properties. Possessing a tonic ability, it improves the blood circulation of the skin, restoring its elasticity. With its help, purulent rashes are treated and small wounds heal. Clove oil is also used as a hair conditioner by adding a few drops of ether to the rinse water. In the composition of many creams, lotions and balms, you can find a component of cloves.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

If you want to use cloves for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, you should be aware of its contraindications:

  • use with caution in case of individual intolerance;
  • it is forbidden to use infusions from the plant for pregnant and lactating women;
  • not recommended for preschool children;
  • with obvious exacerbations of peptic ulcer;
  • people suffering from hypertension and having high blood pressure;

Cooking clove oil at home

The base uses olive oil. We lower 5-7 cloves into it and boil for 5 minutes, without removing the buds, let the liquid cool. Pour into a suitable container and store in a dark place. When using, heat the oil in a water bath. It is good to add a drop of oil to the water during morning and evening washing.

Treatment and recipes with cloves

Before preparing clove infusions, you should know which flowers are suitable for this. A bud that is too dry and brittle does not contain any benefit, it does not contain essential oils. If a flower bud dipped in water floats vertically, with its base down, its properties will be of help, but if, on the contrary, it lies in a horizontal position, then it is of no use.

  1. Translated from the Latin carnation means the flower of Zeus.

    Plant cultivation was practiced in ancient Rome, and it came to Europe only in the 16th century. A solution of cloves in ancient Rome not only anointed the bodies, but also washed their wounds after battles.

    In France, the flower was considered noble and was awarded the attention of nobles and kings, and in Belgium it was attributed to the plants of the common people. During the French Revolution, representatives of the nobility carried a carnation in their hands, going to the scaffold.

    Spanish youths associate the flower with passionate passion and give it to their lovers.

    In Soviet times, the carnation flower was the most sought after, because of its inexpensive cost. It was given for almost all holidays.

    Famous French perfumes "Fiji" and "Opium" are based on clove oil.

    Gardeners all over the world love these plants for their unpretentious qualities and the ability to delight with colors. It also grows in our regions. There are hybrid varieties of plants with a large inflorescence and unpredictable color shades.

Just one bud, and what a variety of useful substances! The chemical composition of cloves is unusually large. Its beneficial properties are explained by the high content of vitamins, minerals and, of course, essential oil.

Clove bud vitamins: provitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 or PP, B4, B6, B9), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Cloves contain useful minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

If we consider the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then in cloves there are 6% proteins, 20% lipids, about 27% carbohydrates. Approximately 30% of the spice is fiber.

In addition to cooking, seasoning, or rather, useful decoctions and infusions from it, are used in gynecology, dentistry, cosmetology, they also help patients with oncology, cope with gastrointestinal pathologies, and normalize blood pressure.

The spice has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • Tonic;
  • soothing;
  • Antivirus;
  • Diuretic;
  • sweatshops;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antimicrobial.

8 health benefits of cloves

It's no surprise that cloves are a powerful drug, just look at their composition.

Actions of the clove:

  1. bactericidal;
  2. anthelmintic (anthelmintic);
  3. antifungal (fungicidal);
  4. painkiller;
  5. antispasmodic;
  6. wound healing;
  7. carminative (for flatulence)
  8. anticarcinogenic.

Many pathogens are afraid of cloves: for example, Staphylococcus aureus and white, diphtheria bacillus, and even the causative agent of anthrax, etc. Fragrant cloves inhibit the reproduction of tubercle bacilli. It is effective to use cloves to prevent influenza.

When eating cloves, the production of digestive juices is stimulated, which is useful for gastritis with low acidity, reduced appetite. But with increased acidity and stomach ulcers, the use of this remedy is contraindicated.

Cloves are used in the treatment of inflammation in the large intestine (colitis), intestinal colic, flatulence (carminative effect), diseases of the rectum, liver.

When industrial pharmacies were widespread, special dental painkillers and bactericidal agents were prepared with eugenol, which is part of fragrant cloves.

This spice is able to relieve toothache, has a beneficial effect on the gums, and is used for gingivitis and periodontitis. Dried clove buds are a great alternative to chewing gum. neutralizes harmful bacteria and eliminates bad breath.

The complex of B vitamins, which is so necessary for our nervous system, can be obtained from your favorite spice. It is no coincidence that clove extract is included in the German drug Doppelherz Melissa, which has a calming effect.

Clove due to the eugenol contained in it effectively fights the growth of cancer cells. This was shown by the latest research of scientists in the field of anti-carcinogenic agents.

Surprisingly, the clove has two opposite actions at once: it tones and relieves spasms. She is able to relax and tone at the same time.

On the one hand, cloves are able to relieve spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, on the other hand, to tone up the muscles of the uterus and raise blood pressure (therefore, cloves are contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension). The whole question, as always, is in the dosage.

Clove oil, which is used in aromatherapy, has excellent properties.

dry cloves

Due to its unique composition, cloves are very popular among adherents of traditional medicine, as well as among professional doctors. The spice can be easily used at home to prepare all kinds of useful potions.

The people often use recipes for the treatment of complex and not very diseases:

Ear ache

A special decoction will help get rid of this unpleasant pathology. You can prepare it according to this recipe: add 5 sticks of spice to a glass of cold-pressed sesame oil, then boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Cool the finished broth, drip into the sore ear three drops three times a day.


add about 7 drops of clove oil to pharmacy massage oil (any), stir. Wipe the diseased joint with this mixture several times a day.

eye inflammation

mix the crushed seasoning powder with water, apply the resulting mixture on the eyelid of the sore eye. Carry out such treatment for several days, until the inflammatory process is completely removed.

Digestive problems

1 teaspoon of fresh honey mixed with a small pinch of black pepper and freshly ground cloves, take this mixture twice a day. If there are chronic diseases of the stomach, this method of treatment should be abandoned.

Runny nose, cough, cold

mix the crushed seasoning with 1 teaspoon of honey, eat this mixture slowly so that it is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Cloves for weight loss

Gorgeous clove spice demonstrates beneficial properties for weight loss. To achieve guaranteed weight loss, the use of spices must be strictly according to the recipe.

Tea will help to cope with body fat in problem areas, which is very simple to prepare on your own:

you need to mix half a teaspoon of chopped spice, and the same amount of ground ginger. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for 40 minutes. It turns out a strong concentrated composition, which should be used as tea leaves. Drink this tea should be during the day without sugar, you can add lemon to taste.

Another recipe for weight loss:

oil for self-massage of problem areas. Preparing it is quite simple: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of ground spice with any massage oil, let the mixture brew well for a day. Use to massage the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and sides.

The benefits of cloves for women's health

Since ancient times, a spicy plant has been used to treat all kinds of gynecological diseases - seasoning-based products help increase the tone of the uterus and normalize the monthly cycle.

In addition, with the help of clove decoctions, you can stimulate childbirth, as well as treat inflammation of the genitourinary system in women.

To prepare a useful remedy, you can use the following recipe:

  • add chopped spice (1 tablespoon) to 1 liter of water, let the mixture brew for a day. You need to take the infusion for 10 days, before going to bed, 50 ml each. This tool helps to get rid of many gynecological problems in a short time.

Benefits of cloves for face and hair

Women have long known the cosmetic properties of spices with a strong aroma. Seasoning products are beneficial for the face, as they provide an antioxidant effect and help fight the first signs of aging. They are also used for hair - to enhance their growth and get rid of dandruff.

Mask recipes will help you to take advantage of the beneficial and healing properties of spices:

  1. To get rid of dandruff, as well as strengthen the hair follicles, you can simply add the essential oil of the plant to your usual shampoo.
  2. To get rid of acne, you should add a few drops of spice essential oil to one teaspoon of olive oil. Warm up the mixture a little, moisten a cotton pad in it, and treat the skin of the face with it.
  3. Rejuvenating face mask- mix gray clay (5 g) with pomegranate juice (10 ml) and three drops of spice essential oil. Apply to face, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Useful medicinal properties of cloves are widely used in dentistry. With the help of mixtures, decoctions and infusions of this spice, you can quickly get rid of toothache, relieve inflammation of the gums, and neutralize bad breath.

An excellent antiseptic is plant oil, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

To get rid of germs in the mouth, you just need to apply a little of this oil to the gums and teeth. An ordinary plant bud, which you just need to chew and spit out, will help freshen your breath. In this way, you can also get rid of a toothache.

What are the benefits of clove tea?

clove tea recipe

Tea prepared with the addition of spices will help protect the body from sore throats and ORS in the cold season. It is also recommended to take it simply for the prevention of respiratory diseases, such a drink improves immunity, calms the nervous system, warms with chills, and helps to cope with a headache.

A simple recipe for a healthy healing tea:

You can remove the worms with the help of fragrant spices. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to make a cleansing enema, and then take the prepared decoction.

Remedy recipe:

  • grind a few clove flowers in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water over them (200 ml), then leave for exactly an hour. Strain the finished infusion, divide into three equal parts. Drink three times a day, before meals.

Decoction of cloves for vessels

clove decoction recipe

To cleanse the vessels, you can take a decoction or infusion of spices, the medicinal composition of which is suitable for both men and women.

This recipe will help prepare the remedy:

  • Pour 20 pieces of seasoning buds with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the finished infusion, take it three times a day, half an hour before meals. In the evening, the already used flowers of the plant are once again poured with boiling water, which must be drunk the next day.

On the third day of treatment, an infusion of new spice flowers is prepared. The medicine must be taken within six months. It is also useful in diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Useful properties of cloves in diabetes

To support the body in diabetes, you can also use the following infusion:

  • insist during the night 20 spice buds, filling them with a glass of boiling water. Strain in the morning, drink twice a day. Treatment with such an infusion should be long, at least six months.

How to take cloves for potency?

Doctors are well aware of the health benefits of cloves for men.

  • To enhance potency, it is recommended to add a few drops of spice essential oil to a regular bath with warm water, which should be taken for about 20 minutes.

You can also prepare a tincture to enhance erection:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dry plant buds into a thermos and pour them with 1 glass of hot milk. Leave for two hours, then strain. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Fragrant essential oil, whose properties have long been known, helps relieve headaches, relieves cellulite (when added to massage oil), provides an antiseptic effect, and can also serve as an anesthetic.

You can use ready-made oil, which is sold in pharmacies, for medicinal purposes.

Coffee with cloves: useful properties

A drink with this seasoning normalizes cerebral circulation, it perfectly warms and tones. It is especially recommended to drink such coffee in the cold season.

Benefits of cloves with milk

To prepare the drink, you should use fresh milk (preferably homemade), and whole spice buds.

  • For 1 liter of milk, you can use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seasoning. The plant is poured with hot milk and infused in a thermos for about an hour. You can drink such a drink for both women and men - it stabilizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, and if you add a little honey, it copes well with colds.

Clove decoction for hypertension

Recipe for preparing a decoction for the treatment of hypertension:

  • Pour 40 buds of the plant with water (4 cups), boil the mixture over low heat until about 500 ml of liquid remains in the pan. Strain the finished broth, you need to drink it 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Clove infusion for colds

For the treatment of seasonal and not only colds, as well as for the throat, you can use teas brewed with the addition of aromatic spices - adding a little ground seasoning to black tea, you can also add honey and lemon. This tea should be drunk frequently.

How to choose a carnation

A brittle, too dry bud indicates the absence of essential oils. When you throw a quality kidney into water, it floats vertically, with the foot down, or sinks to the bottom of the glass.

If the “carnation” lies horizontally on the surface of the water, then there are no essential oils in it. Such a carnation is unsuitable for medicinal purposes.



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