Horoscope for August Virgo Dragon. Love and family in August

Virgo horoscope for August 2016. In August 2016, Virgo will have everything... TOMORROW! And not because today cannot happen, but because you yourself too often will put everything off until tomorrow! That is why the horoscope for August 2016 advises Virgos not to miss the favorable August and not to put off anything! Especially in the last month of Summer! If you postpone something in August, then in fact you are postponing it not for a month, but for a year - until next Summer! So Virgos, despite the apathy, lack of mood and energy, force yourself to “cheer up”, and then August 2016 will “cheer up” towards you.

But even in August 2016, which is favorable for you, many Virgos will face some disappointments or annoying situations. Not in the sense that you used to think that you were immortal until you hit your little finger on the corner of the table in August. No, everything will be more prosaic and more connected with disappointments in others than in oneself. You know that awkward feeling when you're blow-drying your hair and suddenly it smells burning? So in August 2016, sometimes you will have an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, most often associated with the fact that not everything went according to plan or not as you intended. So in August 2016, Virgos should not expect pleasant surprises from people; rather, on the contrary, you better expect disappointment from them, and then it is quite possible that they will not disappoint you. Well, since Virgos are born pessimists, you are no stranger to this role. As we already warned in - Virgo, are you familiar with this awkward moment, when you constantly have awkward moments, because your whole life is continuous awkward moments, and you yourself are this awkward moment in the lives of others? If yes, then August 2016 will be similar to this awkward moment for you.

But, as we have already said, in general, August 2016 will be a very favorable period for you, so your main task is to rely only on yourself, and then the last month of Summer will definitely not disappoint you.

For August Virgos, the horoscope advises them to celebrate their birthday in a warm place with warm company. Therefore, choose a place with a good mood, because this year your birthday should be fun and joyful.

In August 2016, many Virgos will have a situation where your loved ones, friends or acquaintances will expect either money or groundless spending from you. And even when you explain to them 10 times that there is no money or that you will not give money, they will still tug at you ten more times. Moreover, they will be surprised that they really don’t have any money!

Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo favorable days are 1, 5, 7, 9, 14, 19, 23 and 27.

Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo unfavorable days - what are unfavorable days? The best comparison is a mousetrap. Very often, unfavorable days are like an exam with a mousetrap, when we need to make the right decision in order not to fall into the traps set. If you evaluate them this way, then many unfavorable days will be even more interesting for you than favorable ones. But, even in the worst situation, when you still get caught, don’t forget - if the mousetrap slams shut, then you need to at least finish the cheese!

Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo career, work and business. As we already said at the very beginning, next month you yourself will put everything off until tomorrow too often! So Virgos, despite the apathy, lack of mood and energy, force yourself to “cheer up”, and then August 2016 will “cheer up” towards you. But, “cheer up” without wasting your time on doing easy tasks and things you’re not too lazy to do. And just “cheer up” from solving the most important and most difficult tasks. But this does not mean that at the same time you need to “hammer” telephone calls and communication. You yourself don’t like it when people don’t answer your phone calls, although most Virgos are sure that only they can do this. Therefore, do not be lazy and communicate and answer calls and requests, and at the same time do work. In other words, in August 2016, Virgos need to become little dogs at work. Do you know why small dogs are so angry? Because they are crazy focused on the goal... So Virgos in August 2016 need to be crazy focused on the goal...

If you have been thinking about changing jobs for a long time, then August 2016 is quite suitable for sending out resumes and interviews. When writing your resume, write in it not only about your background, but also about your expectations and prospects. Just don’t write that you are a former sperm and a future corpse. Try to embellish not only your past, but also your expectations, and it is quite possible that in August 2016 some of them will come true in the form of a new job.

Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo Finance. You know this situation when you tell a person that the door is locked, and he, stupidly, comes up and still pulls the handle ten times. And he’ll be surprised that I’m really locked up!!! You will have approximately the same situation with your finances. In August 2016, many Virgos will have a situation where your loved ones, friends or acquaintances will expect either money or groundless spending from you. And even when you explain to them 10 times that there is no money or that you will not give money, they will still tug at you ten more times. Moreover, they will be surprised that they really don’t have any money!

Many Virgos, even when meeting for the first time, simplify communication too much. Virgos, you know what it looks like from the outside: “Is something going on in your life right now? - Yes - What? - My pasta is boiling - But seriously? “Do you think it makes sense for me to lie about pasta?”

Love horoscope for August 2016 Virgo. Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo Love. In August 2016, the amorous life of Virgo women and Virgo men will be somewhat different. Virgo women, especially Virgo women in relationships, need to be prepared for the fact that the men around you will be too demanding of you, and some will even try to make themselves comfortable on your neck. You know, like in a situation when you ate the last ice cream right away: “Are you the only one in the family?”, but how to clean the whole apartment, then apparently you still live alone. In such situations, do not try to prove anything to anyone, just live in your own harmony, and then harmony itself will return to your relationship. After all, you can always answer any man’s claim: “Yes, I’m so mysterious, but that’s why you love me?” So Virgo women in August 2016 need to fascinate men even more, and speak in riddles, and then either they will be interested in you even more, well, or they will send you. But this happens extremely rarely with Virgo women - after all, everyone is interested in answers to riddles!

Virgo men in August 2016 need to try to play the role of romantics. And although this is not a role you are accustomed to, and you play it poorly, try experimenting in August 2016. You will like the result. Yes, and it’s even beneficial to be a romantic. Why are you acting illogically? I am romantic. Why do you look like an idiot? I am romantic. Why do you have a corpse in the basement? I am romantic.

Well, all of the above also applies to active and lonely Virgos. Be a mysterious romantic in August 2016 and it is likely that you will not only be noticed by other sexual organs. Otherwise, many Virgos, even at the first meeting, simplify communication too much. Virgos, you know what it looks like from the outside: “Is something going on in your life right now? - Yes - What? - My pasta is boiling - But seriously? “Do you think it makes sense for me to lie about pasta?” Virgos, this doesn’t mean you need to lie about the pasta, but it’s still worth adding a little mystery and romanticism to your first impression.

At the end, the horoscope for August 2016 Virgo once again reminds you to be careful and careful in August 2016. As we have already warned, in August 2016, sometimes you will experience an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, most often associated with the fact that not everything went according to plan or as you had planned. Therefore, double-check your actions and deeds so as not to end up in a situation like with the girl Sveta, who forgot to lock her phone, put it in her pocket, and he took it and accidentally dialed it and sent her boyfriend an SMS “You have a small penis, I’m I’m leaving you, you fucking womanizer.”

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  • Favorable days for Virgos: August 5, 10, 16, 17, 25, 30.
  • Difficult days: August 13, 14, 20.

Horoscope for August Virgo woman


From August 1 to 10. Under the influence of Venus, you will become more sociable. You will be more actively in contact with people and find a common language with them. Among the abundance of new contacts, there may well be one you have been dreaming about for a long time. Don’t miss your chances, answer invitations to new interesting places. From August 5 to 7, disappointments in your soulmate are possible due to the discrepancy between your expectations and reality. You should learn to voice your desires.

From 11 to 20 August. Good luck will accompany you, especially if you become a model of femininity and sophisticated style. In matters of the heart, everything will also be fine for you: dating, rendezvous, strengthening partnerships, the ability to be both good friends and lovers. However, you will have to face slander, misinformation, some sad circumstances. Buddies and friends will help you overcome them.

From 21 to 31 August. Your personal life is the source of your happiness. In addition, you will now be more inclined to be alone with your thoughts or creative ideas. Self-analysis will help you find peace with yourself and inspiration for work and creative activities. From August 26, material issues will begin to increasingly attract your attention.


Your home will be open to friends. Numerous acquaintances will be very helpful in solving household problems. The period is favorable for starting repairs or solving housing problems. Children will improve communication skills. They also need to be given guidance on how to safely handle money and awaken their instinct of self-preservation. The faithful will have more worries at work. Creative, sports and educational activities in the company of the younger generation will benefit everyone, and will provide the spouse with effective relaxation.

Health horoscope

Outwardly, you will be pleasantly transformed even without much effort on your part. You need to look at life more optimistically. Suspiciousness can lead to psychosomatic diseases, cause arrhythmia, and aggravate vegetative-vascular dystonia. Regular walks in nature will help you cope with despondency and think more joyfully.

Horoscope of work and money

Your efficiency, enterprise, useful contacts and information will be a powerful impetus to strengthening your material well-being. You may decide to change your job to a more promising one. From August 3 to August 10, there is a high probability of bonuses or receiving unexpected income. The provision of work benefits may please you in early August. Creative professions will succeed significantly. You should refrain from adventures.

Horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo men

Love. Matters of the heart will be very important for your spouse. However, if he does not feel happy in this union, he may begin to look for a source of inspiration on the side. If the relationship is harmonious, a rather rosy period will begin in it.

Tone. Your man will be determined to win in life. However, the feeling of some internal dependence on circumstances can seriously disturb him from time to time. A good friend will help dispel doubts and instill optimism.

Finance. The loved one will try to achieve material success. And fortune will accompany him if we are not talking about adventures and unreasonable risks. A good strategy, organizational skills and useful connections will create the necessary conditions for the implementation of all plans. It is better not to make new large investments for now.

Job. Leaving the service at your own request may well be the beginning of a new professional life. The main thing is that this step is sufficiently prepared. Working for yourself will live up to expectations. Participation in collective activities is especially promising from August 3 to August 9.

Friends. Friends will play important role in his life. Mutual understanding with them and joint affairs will become a strong foundation for further cooperation. The circle of communication will constantly expand.

Leisure. His methods of relaxation will be distinguished by variety and the desire to try as many entertainments as possible. For Virgos, the main thing is not to abuse extreme sports and surround yourself with close people who are capable of support exactly at the moment when it is needed.

The personal life of Virgos in August 2019 can cause strong feelings among representatives of this zodiac sign. Will new acquaintances bring happiness to Virgos or will they not evoke the desired emotions? The possibility of long-awaited events happening will determine all of Virgo’s actions in August.

Love horoscope for Virgos for August 2019

Many single representatives of the Virgo sign in August will be determined to exchange their freedom for a relationship full of feelings, tenderness and care. In order for the plans of those born under this zodiac sign to come true, they will have to make sufficient efforts. In the last hot days, Virgos should not refuse meetings in large companies, dating on social networks and even on the street. The love horoscope predicts a very high probability for Virgos in August to finally meet the right person and begin working together on personal happiness.

Hot August will bring married Virgos some worries because of their significant other. Many representatives of this sign during this period may suddenly feel jealous and follow their own suspicions. Such actions can cause conflicts and quarrels in the family. They can most of all hurt the feelings of the Virgos themselves, therefore, before reproaching the other half for infidelity or cooling of feelings, they should carefully evaluate the further consequences of their actions. In August, the stars advise Virgos not to become hostages of their own emotions, but to try to evaluate what is happening with a cool head.

Love horoscope for Virgo women for August 2019

Most single girls born under the sign of Virgo will actively show their interest in the opposite sex in August 2019. At this time, their desire to find their other half may outweigh the arguments of reason, so lonely Virgo girls may commit actions that they will regret in the future. Despite their complete readiness for new feelings, representatives of this zodiac sign will not become less picky and will be able to choose a reliable man.

The events that will take place in the last weeks of the hot summer can greatly disturb the calm and prudence of married Virgo women. Many of the girls will feel the close interest of their other half, which can cause an unexpected increase in love feelings in a couple. The pleasant emotions of Virgos in August will be enhanced by the manifestation of care, tenderness and attention from their spouse. The newly flared passion will evoke memories of the beginning of the relationship and the honeymoon, which Virgos will be happy to repeat in August.

Love horoscope for Virgo men for August 2019

Events developing in the last month of summer can be a little confusing for single Virgo men. Their plans for this time threaten to remain unfulfilled, but this will not bring obvious bad consequences. August prepares them unexpected acquaintances and meetings with interesting girls, a large number of flirting and dizzying development of relationships. An accurate love horoscope for August 2019 recommends that Virgo men do not cling to their plans, but allow themselves spontaneous decisions and actions.

The family life of men born under the sign of Virgo will turn out to be somewhat different from preconceived notions. August for married representatives of this zodiac sign can bring new experiences associated with changes in the behavior and appearance of the other halves of Virgo. These changes can awaken new love emotions and increase sexual attraction between spouses. An accurate love horoscope for August recommends that Virgo men show more imagination in their relationships with the woman they love, pamper her with small gifts and surround her with the maximum amount of attention and care.

Love horoscope for Virgos for other months of 2019

The horoscope for August 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign says - you always have a clear schedule and long-term plans. However, in August 2016, allow yourself to take a step aside - you have this opportunity.

Work, career, business

August 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign is ideal for relaxation and various family events. But if you cannot live without work, then be prepared for the fact that everything this month will go slower than usual. The exception is builders and anyone whose business is, in one way or another, related to land and real estate. They can count on clear progress. Relationships with individual partners are still difficult - they are always cunning, intriguing, and it seems there will be no end to this. Conflicts will arise over this issue from time to time, but this will soon come to an end. It looks like you are at the finish line and will soon beat your competitors.


Financially, August 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign is calm, but nothing more. Possible small profits from various real estate transactions, support from parents or a loved one. Those who have investments in banks will receive good profits.

Love, family

In many cases, August 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign is an absolutely family month. Relaxation, festive events that unite all family members - what could be better? However, the generally favorable picture of the month can be disrupted by difficult relationships with some family members. Perhaps your partner is hiding something from you and, having discovered this secret, you will cause a scandal. But other family members will reassure you - relationships with them can reconcile you with life. In a word, everything is as always - some make you happy, some make you sad... However, you are in complete control of the situation and can easily line everyone up.


In August, the energy potential of representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign is low, but still Jupiter is in your sign, which means that diseases are not expected. The only thing that really threatens you is significant weight gain, so eat less and run in the morning. Or at least walk.

Love is above all in our world, as it gives us happiness and good mood. A love horoscope will help you find your soulmate, as well as maintain existing relationships.

Previously, we wrote about three techniques for attracting love. They will help you come to an agreement with the outside world and the Universe in such a way that love luck will come into your life itself.


For Aries, the last month of summer promises good luck in love affairs, but it will not always lie on the surface waiting for you. Sometimes it will take some effort to find it.


Taurus who cannot cope with depression and negativity will have no luck. It’s not always so easy to just pick up and walk away from frustrations and bad thoughts, but this month it’s better to give it your all.


The love horoscope for August advises you to beware of people who seem not to be completely honest. Any relationship, not just love, must be built on the truth - then everything will work out.


Cancers will not have any luck in love unless they stop thinking only about themselves. Self-sacrifice will make a special impression on the opposite sex, which will help seduce them.

a lion

The stars tell lonely Leos that love will finally find them soon. We previously wrote about the signs of approaching love. So you can accurately predict its appearance.


For Virgos, August will be a time of unification with their soulmate. Challenges await you that will help you become closer to each other. Single Virgos will also have a chance to find love.


Libra will be helped in love affairs by their diplomacy. Good nature, wisdom and flexibility are the most important tools that you should use in August 2016.


The love horoscope advises Scorpios to be inspired by something beautiful throughout the month. Watch beautiful films about love, read books. Remember that love and beauty are almost synonymous.


Sagittarius will have the opportunity to both find happiness and lose it. The main thing is not to be afraid to move forward and not to deceive yourself. Do not under any circumstances resort to flattery, lies or betrayal.


Capricorns will be able to catch love luck in their nets with the help of wise advice from loved ones. Don't ignore what your friends or family tell you. In August, this will help you save or find love.


In August, intuition will bring good luck to Aquarius. This is especially true for those Aquarians who are looking for a relationship. Trust your heart and don't turn to others for advice - your happiness comes only from yourself.


In the last month of summer, the overall energy first freezes and then declines. Be careful - do not test the feelings of those you love. This attitude can lead you to loneliness.

In addition to useful advice from astrologers, each Zodiac Sign will be able to benefit from rituals to strengthen and return love. In this area of ​​life, any ways to attract happiness and maintain it are important. We wish you success, goodness and that you will never be alone. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and



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